The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 04, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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ftZ4r for an All Wool Man jfl
LpiVJ Tailored Suit A
for a Kereey Jacket
Is what we are asking thU week
Headquarter tor the V. C. C. Cornet.
506 Commc.cial Streot,
many klnrintssca shown them. While
' thy anticipate pleasant and atrreo
Eervthlne Is In readiness for th ahle chars at Euavne, they cannot
Astoria Library benefit at Fisher's leave Astoria without reyret.
opera house tonight and tomorrow
eight. Last evening there was a fullj CMBAKKKl) YESTEKDAl
dress reheisaJ, and everything; was put
on just as It will be tonight. It Tfcc of Thim.Pjfth Are
irarveious 10 see now spmiuiur "
the work was done. JThe entertainment
will (be a revelation to ho who
think ladle can do nothing in black
face. The tremendous hit the preform- has made elsewhere Is certain to A of the Tnlrly.nfth refflment
be duplicated here. Go and smile and WM pu, M botLrJ the traMport 81kh
remain to lauph and war. Amonj the xvsterJay PortanJ. The men were
(0 or (0 partlcipanu you will see Me- tnnrferrfd Vanoouv- by the
dames H. G. Smith. C. U Houston, m.
G. Van Pusen, W. Trulllnirer, H. T.
Now on Hoard the Transport
Sikh Headed fur Manila."
Prael. O. K Georg. C. P. t'pehur. D.
Stuart. C. J. Trenchard. The Misses
A. McLean. C. Uonberger. G. Fox. O.
Stockton. Z. Smith, W. Lowtt M.
Gilbert. N. Xlckerson. M. Fredrickson,
N. Borker. N. KnudaotM M. Hlggins.
I R. Hobson. C Welch. J. Sands. R.
j Wood. T. Barth, E. Andrews. T. Ood-
dard. A. Trenchard. M. Rosa, and
Messrs. K. Q. Smith, D. Allen, r. -V
i Trullinser.
Jr., I OriffUh and R.
steamer Telephone. The Sikh Is ex-pei-ted
to start down the river from
Portland today. Her draught is said
to be a little over 10 feet and as there
is a llifht freshet In the river it Is ex
pected that she will be able to float
over nearly all of the sand bars on the
wy down. Both the Sikh and City
of Rio de Janeiro got up to Portland
without getting stuck or meeting with
any mishap The Janeiro is the deep
est of the two transports and went up
the river drawing JO. feet. It was gen
erally supposed by waterfront men that
the draught of both transports would,
be more, and. of course, fears wre
Wheat and Stock Brokers
niRrn u irfq ta New York Stock Exchange
DIRECT WIRES TO akm hmi Qf m
2 1 4-21 5 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
(CoaUnusd from ant pagej
The regular monthly meeting of the expressed for their safety on their trtp
water commission was held last night, up the river. Tnis raci was menuonea
The tlerk's report was read, showing at the time by the Astorlaa. The Ore-
the water receipts for the current gonlan, however, seems to blieve an
month to be 12.S05.I5. unusual feat was performed by the two
The quarterly report of the treasurer transports In arriving safely In Port
bowed a balance of $12,754 Ki on hand. land. Sunday's edition of that paper
On motion, the report was referred to devoted more than a column In giving
the chairman and clerk of the comrnls- th time made by both the steamers
ion for verification. between different points along the rtv
The pay roll for the month, amount- er. The truth Is both transports lt-ft
tnu to I'rfS Sn and' hills amounting to Astoria on the flood tide and carried
JI7.T9. were ordered paid. the flood with with them until they ar-
A report was read from Architect ri-ed at the mouth of the Willamette,
Miller relative to the repairs to the where one of them anchored nearly li
poe-er house, stating that the work was hours. But suppose the transports had
oroirresslng satisfactorily. The report been loaded to 22 feet of water as the
was tilled. Oreronian had previously reported,
The committee on rates presented a their progress up the river would have
report fixing flat rates at $80 a month unquestionably been seriously retarded
for the use of water as oower In the If not rendered Impossible. The Ore-
Astorian building. (This Is more than gonlan writer, however, probably Is
Is oaid at the Union Stock Tards, not avare of the fact that steamers
Chicago.) The report was adopted. can go up th river drawing fully a foot
A communication was read from J. more water than sailing vessels, and
W. Welch, ealling 'attention to the that all kinds of vessels can reach
condition of the drain from the north Portland drawing more .water than
end of the old rater works. Mr. ' they can con.e down on. The Sikh and
Welch gave the right of way through Rio de Janeiro may be able to come
6i!roprtT mlnenn, t down tM fiver WltH'.'" hanging up
'this d-a't! tO carry TP ih overflow on the sandbars. But If such acrWeTw
from the' old water reservoir to the- rtpuld happen, the Oregonlan will, as
Fifteenth street sewer. The ommunl- It always does In such cases, maintain
-, , a -. a diM-reet silence. It Is safe to say.
Cation was ordered filed. - r - -
A report was read from Secretary h'owef. that If either of lh rnl-
Gibson. of the Astoria f.iotball club, re- ports Is drawing over Si fet it will be
questing that the gymnasium be sup- compelled to wait for the lds to cross
piled with water free. The rqu-st was over the bars, although the river at
denied, the commission filing that It present Is above its normal height
had no such authority. Both transports have fuel on board
A motion was passed that the clerk for the voyage to Manila and will b-
of the commission write to Captain ready to sail upon their arrival here.
Downs of Fort Stevens and submit a .
copy of the proposals as submitted by v,f,,fT virv r.rpi icrn flPP
the commission to Captain Holbrook to IAUII KAIL PUiaKtU VI I
furnish s supply of watr to the gov- .Continued tron Bnrt page.)
ernment at the fort, and that he also ""
pr .p. sal has be.?n made or received by l" her lead to over a mile at
the commission.
Kev. Mr. Holllngshtad's D parture to
Eugene P.iirrettel by His Congrega
tion and the Public 0nrally.
Members of the First Meth.xllHt
churth and people of Astoria generally
sircereiy regret the departure of Rev.
Mr. Helirpshfrad. nho has ben up
pointed to take charge uf the f hun h
at E'igene.
Mr. Holllngshead's earnest endeav
ors in this field have been unu-uilly
successful. More rnvmbers have been
received Into the church since his min
istry than during any like p-rlol in
l'f history. Harmony has prvaiied,
and the general work of the church -
ancad when the time allowance
K feature of the race which pleased
?verbo!y most, was the perfectly clear
field which was maintained. For the
first time, this year, the governnvn
took a hanl to prevent a repetition of
the unfortunate occurrence which
n arred the race when the excursion
boa's crowded down up"n the racers
un'il their back wash lmieded their
progress through the water and caused
Lord Dunraven to fil his pr..te"t. The
fleet of revenue cutters and swift itor
ped'i boats, flying iv-d barren white
fipgs, guarded the course, k-cpln the
excursion steamers, yachts and tugs at
a perfectly safe distance from the can
has be-n greatly advanced.
The io vears of Mr. Hollngxh ad's a clouded racers. Taken altogether
pastorate have made a marked change ther" rould not have been a more sat
for the better In the church's financial (l turlnry race and yet, as result of It,
condition. Not only are the current ......... . .
1 ' friends of the defender seemed proud
expenses -au prompiiy, wmuu iw-
merly Impossible, but all the indebted- lowing she made and f.-n con
ntss has been wiped out except that Pdent that the cup Is safe.
ortiiiB the tnurcn exi.ision soci-i7.
ai.d even this has been materially re
duced. It is a matter worthy of sp-cial com
ment that In the matter of contribution
to general church work, per member,
the Astoria church stands at the head
of the churches of the Methodist de-no-niiiatlon
In Oregon a fact of which
Mr. Hollinjrshead Is Justly proud. Tiie
services have always attracted large
Three times na me Lugw cnurcn ri,e nceille always lias an eye for
endeavored to s-cure the servlcs of ,UHnHi ana seldom falls to carry Its
Mr. Holllngsneau. xms time ine r,u- p0nt,
gene committee had an audinne with
the bishop and the change wns made The book-keeper may not have been
before Mr. Holllngshead was consult- born to rule, but he does It Just the
efl The Fngene church is an Important sime,
one, having a membership of over three
-Mr. Holllngshead and wife started
tor their new scene of labor last nlglit.
In an Interview Just before his depar
ture ne mia ne ano nis wue wouia ever. When a young man graduates in the
have the most pleaaant recollection of practlce of medicine he Is willing to
the two years spent in Astoria, and gUrt , ftn0 practIce on the first vie
that they feel deeply grateful for so t)m that ofrerg.
The bounding billows are to be found
at the three-mile limit.
Newspapers and bootblacks polish the
understanding of their patrons.
Seven quarts to the peck is the way
some grocers measure their success.
Self-praise Is all right when Inserted
In son.e good advertising medium.
r.ussell Is a man of few words, but
rlcli In deeds. In fact he has deeds to
some of the best property In New
York city.
was reinforced by company of the
Fourteenth Infantry and three com
panies of the Fourth, which were hur
riedly sent out from Imus and fought
their way through along the road to
the relief. .
The rebels were fighting this after
noon, at 4 o'clock, from across a deep
river BO yards wide. Klght men In all
of the American troops had been
wounded up to that time and two had
ben killed. An advance will be made
tomorrow on the Insurgents.
General Alejandrino, the head of the
Filipino military commission now con
ferring with General Otis said In an
Interview with the Herald correspondent:
"Oit government Is willing to accept
a protectorate under the fnlted States.
e fufght Spain because we did not
wish longer to be a colony. A colonial
government under American rule
would be worse than the Spanish be
cause you know nothing about the way
to govern colonies. We do not want
to be experimented with for a een-
ti.ry while you learn how.
"You are another race and not In
sympathy with us. We know how to
rule our own people.
"Vie want an honorable pence, but
we will fight until death for our In
stltutlons. We know every mlllltary
move that you make, and get every
day the local American newspapers.
v e know what the united States
papers say. We believe that a few
nen whom you call politicians are
waging this war and that the people
of the United Btafes will change soon
In our favor.
"Admiral Dewey promised me In
Honfc- Kong that at the termination Of
the war with ftpaln th Filipinos
would be given their Independence.
was our best friend, but we
Understand now that he will not be
permitted to keep his word with us
"We do not understand why General
Otlb refuses to recognise our govern
ment unless be is afraid that the
otfer foreign powers will then recog-
nue us."
WASHINGTON, Oct. S.-The follow
ing is the dispatch of Oeneral Otis re
celved yesterday relative to the visit
of the Insurgent officers:
Manila, Oct. 2, adjutant general
Washington, D. C Three Insur
gent officers were permitted to enter
our lines at Angeles with 12 of our
soldiers and two citlsens whom they
wish to present as released prisoners,
Yesterday, In a conference they en
deavored to present a communication
from the Insurgent government, which
os declined. Then they presented a
paner signed by 10 of the soldiers, In
which the soldiers gave paroles. This
was received and held In ab'yance.
The insurgents then said that Agulnal
do desired to end the war and rnil a
civil commission for a conference, and
they were Informed that It would not
be received. They will be sent be
yond the lines tomorrow.
The whole affair Is believed to be
ruse to obtain some acknowledgement
bv the t'nited States authorities. The
soldiers returned were stragglers from
our lines captured by robbers. They
were obliged to sign the paroles to
secure their release, though two refus
ed to sign. The whole affair Is of no
significance; It Is viewed as an attempt
at masquerading. OTI3
Every Hand
At 30 a man ought to know better
than to marry a woman he would have
married at 20; at 40 he ought to know
b"tter than to marry at all.
A very desirable dairy farm, finest
beaver dam land with abundant living
water, and cows, buildings, orchards
and separa'-ors. Address Robert Craw-
ford, Nehalem, Tillamook county, Ore.
Woman's Welft re
within her own control; (Neatest French
medical triumph of this century, for all
female irregularities, weakness, etc.;
a positive ulcRHiog to married ladies.
Call or write for sealed information.
Inclose stamp. Office ooOJi, Washington
street, over Cordray'g, rooms 9-10, Port
land, Oregon.
ReHches for the iloliciotis
mmle at
The Spa Candy Factory
The largestt line of I-owmVs
Famous Chocolates ever brought
to Astoria.
A. B. COON LEV, Prop'r. Thone 20M
A TAtiti, Proprietor.
Special attention gien lo family orders.
School Started Monday
Ami the thoughts of the children tiro ouoo moro tliverlotl lo their tulie. The beginning of
ot the ytar funis them with harder ntmliex to muster niul more eoiiijiliiiiteil jirobloiim lo
solve. Have you solved the problem of fitting the children out properly? Wo have
and are willing to let you derive the benefit of our ell'oils. We are prepared to linndlo
all the school children in Astoria and vicinity; and lit them out with the projer kind of
clothing at prices you will be glad to pay.
Hoys' Well Made Suit
01 lli txit fslniis, fine cas
sltiiprr ami worlU, nicely
lined, tullv f'i.Oll; iiwisl
Hoys' Jj bo Suits Evsry
suit uIIodhI In a first-lass
manner, fltiely flnllhetl aul
frlrt flllliig yarnisnt,
The $4 m Stilus-
Thai were er shown are
placed oo sal tomorrow (or
Hoys' Ij.oo Suits I o l
mol all stiea BaJo ol the
floret csasitnerva and fancy
plnlds, slrlpes aoj mixture
all woo! garuieuia, special
Young Hen's. 5alt Made of good heavy casi
meres, in nral murd attrins, sttar or round,
rot, sll seoed and lined, gi 14 to 111 vears,
worth fo.SO, spivhd $4.00
Roys' Knee Pants-In corduroy, twrtnl, serve
and (iieviots, all well made and sewed, age 3 to
H years at 3JC to ll.oo
lltsck Cat Slock Ings -With
triple knees liiwl and
lues, wear fifty per if III long
er limn ordinary storking.
No. IA i the heavlral and
strongest tmvs' stuckinn In
the oi Id. So. 10 U slimi
er eiiht. No. AO Is Hie Hu
rst iu the niarM tor UdliV
iniuies attd ehlldreu, price
per mlr ,, lgC
t'liililnoK fail hltrk dolllils
KW "il km, hea rlhl.l stmk-
V y - J OIK., ll.e J lo I J, eiil
a xv.kii-' a.' per iir rot
L., .."" .IP CklldrM tindaiwaar--pr.';
n jAl'ur? Itey' bsavy rlbliwl
lined shlrls and drawers, eau'l l beat for ths print asked,
lie It to 84, special r gsruirol 5
Boy' Sweater Hoys' heavy rulum aler, color navy
blue and maroon, price 8H
Boy' lr line all pur wool iwraler, navy blu and tnariHin
site U to 84 each M
Boy' Capa-IUiy
ilt ei in plaiils
and elierk and
plain color... JSC
lhiys' flue lnvv
cap with vtuhlem
in ovsrvhol llk.
Limit quality, all
wool ,cloth O0c
f nj
X. H. Wtbave the hirgt rt line of school supplies in the city; large tablet 'e; coinbinatiou
school lioxrs, ,"c; Ixmnd slates, 8c; soapstone pencils, 1'lc per dnni, lnk strap, fie:
rubber inserted lead pencil, lc ettch; etc.
. . . Shanahan's . . .
In Lane or s(uU
Axenl for
Special attention given to family onlers.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
483 Commercial St., Attoria, Oregon.
Bought, Sold and
at the
Old Book Store
History, Biography, Mochsnlcal,
neieronce. iiwiry, nwnuni,
Law. Religion, Uoieutiflo
All standard works.
Second-band school books, large stock
cheap. Second-band magaxioe. Li
braries bought. Large stock ot novels,
10.000 title.
22SI-231 Tamhlll 81., below Second
Telephone Red 283.
H. W. PKHNKB. Principal,
Room til
Oregonian Building, Portlund, Ore.
Th Pemln System waa awarded th
World Fair Mfdal and Diploma, No
hading; Ho ppaltlonj few word-1T
No aiiUrea, " ! m
Day and night
Posing a Specialty.
The Photographer
The "Delsarte"
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
AH J llL, Equal
Styles f to
One any
Price r " jij $5.oo
$3.50 Sh0C
Also "Queen Quality"
Show for Women
E. C. Goddard & Co.,
Orcgon'-a Building, Portland. i
N, W. Oiruer
Seventh and Washington
MAnnatrong't Combined Theory and Practice Dookkwplaf.
book, no wait or ttm to prontttw copying. Maa ltrtio and practical by
th; of colleg currjocy, bwiUis farau, bill ilea, etc Iamtlt thk Mtr
Mtiiod of teactlog. It tnak bookkeplB easy. Call at the cotlef, r vritav
Our Shorthand Course
yditil.') Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Correnpoadmrr, Shorthaad, Typewriting.
Letter Copying, Manifolding, Duiian Koran, Ixgl Documents, Court PprV
actual work a tit tollegt Gc4. Our gradbatt art capabl taogrpbr.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong, Prln. ,"tjM
Open all the year. Student may enter it any limr. Ruinr, Shorthand
and English department, Private or chuj initruction. CaU'rie free.
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill St., Portland, Oregon.
KiiKllsli, llonkkccpitlK,
Shorthand, Typ rltliiK,
Pttniiinnslilp, Aft.
Hi'iid for circulars.
raa4 iaro,
4. W. Hill, M. D rrtalal.
Canstssaa Tsrss Of . .
A SowdlB D
rr hiihtm or iHoratun HOfW im
Tlnolp.1. J. w. hi:
VlMtiwI Trmlolli.
M. l., r. O. tnm
ralorr in Ardmlo Dtrt.
xralHm, Mlllllrr Ululplls
Uotm al aU notlvxi.
Portlu. Or.
1m,r, PnHn
,ui call PniwrslkMi, Hllllrr Iilulplls,
We cordially invite you to visit us in our new quarter,
Corner Morrison and First Sts.,
Formerly occupied by A. It. STKINIIACM, where we have on
display the lnrge.t exclusive line of Millinery on the Connt.
Up-to-Date Millinery
Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up.
Golf Hats with long Quills all colors,
97c Eacli
Street Hats all new styles from ...
78c aitd up.
New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turbans
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
orncr Morrison find First Sts.,