The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Boys and Girls School Hose.
Special Price IBc Polr.
The kiml yon always py 25c (or.
Rouieuiuer our Glove Sale lasts all this week.
506 Oonnue;cial St root.
Mrs. Ada Jowett. of Lewlstou, IJaho.
nho visited Astoria, to attend the wed
ding of her daughter, Mist Jessie, re
turned home last evening.
Mr Fish, mother of Mr. Merrill Fish,
art) who vi aj here to wit new the mar
rlire of her ion, wa a passenger on
test night's train, going homeward.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladles' Guild of Grace church will be
postponed till Tuesday, October S, ow
ing to the absence or sickness of the
oflioers. Remember the date.
Rev, Edw. Ecclestoo Is In Astoria In
the Interests of Albany college, of
which Institution be Is the financial
a$ent. Mr. Eecleston is making a
determined effort to gvt the college
out of debt md he has b?en greatly
ercouniged. The college to under the
control of the Presbyterian church and
it is the members of that denomination
chleUy who are putting the institution
on a sound financial basis. There are
good prosi-ects for an endowment from
th! East when the debt la cleared.
Natives Make General Attack on
American Lines.
As American Citkalo tad Copoi
KllleJ- Eremy's. Loss Lirf e
ElvoysCall oj Otis
city, requesting that he grant a charter
to the Jewish people entitling them to
colonise and improve the donolittt ter
ritory of their chosen land without In
terruption or Interference by the
Turkish official. The new nation Is to
b- under the sovorvlmtey of the sultan
but Independent In the management of
Its omctal affair.
Snow comes down In the winter and
Ice goes up In the summer.
There Is some talk of substituting the
electrical chair for the g Allows In Geor
gia, but the telegraph pole and the
"limb of the nearest tree" retain nil
their old-time favor down there.
Some of the census enumerators will
have the Job of penetrating the Alas
kan wilds to get the necessary Informa
tion about American gold seekers there,
while still others will have to go to
leWoir Hopper says the American
people don't suit him. The American
people have made It unnecessary for
Mr. Hopper to go elsewhere for the
purpose of earning a living as an -
ponent of horse play.
Maurice Grau has been decorated
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor
of Prance. Inasmuch as Merrier. Bil
lot. Cavalgnac, Bolnleffre, BertllTon
and the rest of them have been slml-
larly decorated It would seem that
something better might have been done I
for Grau,
Mr. Jackson,
the Expt'rt Cutter
of the Famous
MANILA. Oct. l- a. m.-The
Fourth infantry regiment. Major Price
commaxling. has had a series of en-
counter with the Insurgents about
Imus since Saturday. The natives
mide general attack upon the Amerl
can !in"s from Imus to Pacoor.
A captain and a corporal of the A
merlcan forces were killed and eight
A Fillplne colonel is
Mr. Prddy Lynch, whose so-called
mysterious disappearance, has of late
occupied the attention of many paragraph--re.
arrived in Astoria on the Co
ulmnU yesterday, and with a little tack
nf rferliu nunctured mint' a wind-PUtt-
ed tale. He affirms that he started fori n'en funded.
Sin FraiiCisco, reached San Francisco. known to have been killed. Major
trans-icted his business in San Fran- Price requested Rear Admiral Wat
Isco and departed from San Francisco. 8on ,0 senJ ,wo gUnboats to hs ,up.
Every day there are hundreds of people
who do that thing but few by so simple, por "
a process achieve such distinction as J Th" Fighting began Saturday, when
did Mr. Lynch. He is not Inclined to be i Captain Brown took a battalion and
profuse In his communications, think- a Ur?e forc of ,ngurffents on the Ttna
ire. and doubtless correctly that when ......
v . r h iu o.-ininr' 0 JJarm.ia road and general en-
gageTWrnts followed. The Americans
being in the mud In the rice fields,
he withes newspaper space he Is willing
to pay for it.
Jerome Dillon, the well known res
ident of Seaside, arrived here Sunday
evening from the Atltn district by
way of Alaska. Mr. Dillon left here until seven companies were engaged.
abotit a year ago and went In by way The insurgents retreated.
kept -up the fire for an hour and a half
when reinforcements were sent to them
During the engagement three Amer
icans wer? wounded. The fighting
of the Stlckeen route. The Atlln dis
trict is in Canadian territory and is one
nf the richMt nnrtfons of th Klondike
country. Mr. Dillon says the Canadian J""" with an attack by the
laws prohibit Americans from filing on j Insurgents on a party repairing a tele
claims without first becoming natural-j graph line, one member of which was
ixed Britishers. He tried to file on two , wounded,
or ihrte claims there, but being an
Aivrkan, the recorder would not ac
cept bts entry. Mr. Dillon says the
An Italian newspaper publishes a ta
ble giving a list of the various persons
and their nationality who have been
canonised or beatified by the Church of
Rome during the last 400 years. It la
as follows: 7 Italian. IS canonised,
45 beatified: M Spaniards, 17 canonized.
It beatified: S7 Portuguese, I eanor
lied. 3 bratlfled; IS Dutch. 12 cauoi....-
ed. 1 beautified: 14 French, i canonised.
1 beatified; 5 Belgians, 4 canonised. 1
beatified: 4 Germans, 3 canonised, S
beatified; 1 Poles. 1 canonized, 1 beati
fied. It will be notloed that neither
Great Irttaln nor the Tutted State
has furnished any saints.
Royal Tailors
will be at
The recent yellow fever fright raised
widefelt interest In Its treatment It Is
treated In the simplest way possible al
though It Is a terrible disease. Perfect
sanitary arrangements are Insisted up
on, the supply of water must be pure.
simple medicines are administered and
the bowels kept regular. If this last
measure was observed by everyone we I
would be a magnificent race. There is
nothing better than Hoetetter" Stom
ach Bitters for cleansing the system. A
dose three times a day will bring new
life and happiness. It will positively
cure constipation and dyspepsia and for
weak liver or kidneys there Is nothing I
to equal IL Every druggist keeps It I
and a private Revenue Stamp covers
the neck of the bottle.
to toll you all about
the latest stylos,
all tbe new wrinkle!",
and he will
take vour measure
School Started Monday
Ami tlio thoughts of tlio children are one moro diverted to their ntudio. The beginning of
ot the year finds thorn with lumlor uliulics to iniihteraud more etnilicnted robIoini to
solve. Have- you solved the problem of fitting the children out properly? Wo have,
and nro willing to let you tlorivo tho benefit of our ellorts. Wo are prepared to handlo
all tho m IiooI children in Astoria and vicinity; and Jit them out with the pro)ier kinds of
clothing at prices you will be glad to pay.
Hoys' Wsll M1 Sulti
01 His best (nlirli , flmt cm
iineres ami worsted, iolr
lined, fully K'.OO; tiiecial
Boys' $j,oo Suits-Kvry
suit tailored in a (lrit-t'la
manner, finely finished tod
perfect dtttug rmsut,
The Bt $4.00 Suit
That were ever shown are
placed on sale tomorrow lor
Boys' 13,00 5ults-Io al
muni all sites made uf Die
finest caMUtneres and fancy
plniiU, slripM and mixtures
all ool garmeuts, pertal
Young nen's Jultj- Mdr of good brary easl
meroe, in nral mixed alter ure or round
cnt, wsll eed and linr.l, p 14 lo 10 years,
worth to.SO, KH'UI $4.00
Rovs' Knee Pant In coriltiroy, (weed, serges
and vLi'viols, all well made and ewetl, gw 3 lo
14 year at ajc to $1.00
Hlack Cat Stockings-
Willi Irlpl knee brel and
too, wear lllly r rent long,
er limn onlitmry tockllivt.
No. 13 i Hie lieavleal and
alnmgest Ui)' shM'klug In
Die world. No. 10 Is liiilil
er weiitit. No. 110 Is lit fin
est lu ih market for ladles'
uiImo and children, price
per pair.... SC
Cliildrva fast Mark double
knee, liestrv rlldxHl sloik
liili, sue d to V 1 li, eutl
Kr pair 10c
Children's tndwar-
JJitjsw- ".v' bsvy rlblxxl fleece.
lined slilrls and drawer, can't be tieat for tl rliw asked,
size It4 Iu8l, rlal per garment ..JSC
Boys' Sweaters-llova' bear; cotton awealors, oolori navy
blue and maroon, prim 904
Hoy' xtra fine all pur wool aweaUra, tiary blu and ma
alzea 24 lu M each $1 go
Boys' Caps-Hoy
golf est In plsid
and oliock and
plain colors.,, SC
lkiy' Rue naVT
ps Willi emlilems
ovsrsliol silk.
lieal quality, all
hi .elnlus OOo
...' kC
r t-t.
N. IV Wejiavc the lnrgt M line of school tmpplictt in the city; largo Inbh ts fie; combination
sehiHil loxes, "ie; bound clatett, Kc; uap.toia jx noils, .'c jut dot ii; book utrapfi, fie:
rubber in.sorled load penciln, lc ieh; etc.
. . . Shanahan's . . .
country Is rich In placer mining bat-.., ,
Canadians have the best of It All the! Mi"n However Was Fruitless-Gun-rkh
claims there are owned by Can- ,boat". t0 Bombwl 0rn-
alluns. Hn consiiers the laws as un-1 MAXILA, Oct. 2.-The Filipino en
Just and discriminating an! passed , voys cal,ed on MaJor General OUs to
for the purpose of shutlng out aliens. ! day a'd dlsouRsed matters with no re
Mr. Dillon says he Is undecided wheth-isult- Genral Alejanderino said to a
er he will return to Atlln or not. i "'Pfcsentatlve of the Associated Prss
; tnal he had no instructions except to
I ai-ii' er a letter, which was rejected,
. r,n,, ,,nt v wr mm vr.m.nn . nm
A.-3MIibl Pt'J. 4, U.llCU Alt 11-
Yon are requested to attend the fun
eral of 8Ister Mary M. Cyrus at the
house at 11:S0 a. m. today.
Master Artisan.
The British bark Royal Forth ar-
. He will return to'Tarlac tomorrow.
rived in Sunday, 32 days from Acapulco, ' rh. ,,.,. , ,
v., . l . . 1 ln- etpeaitlon. composed of an ar
In ballest. The Royal Forth Is in com-1 -,,, a,,,, . '
mand of Captain Cooper and Is the ZZtT wh T L J
largest salllBg vessel that ever entered 7' ' ? 'he rUnboa,,, H'm
... . . , . licicn nno minare eecortlng it, pro-
thls port, being of MIS tons register. ', ,,, A . . . ' 8 ' 1
. , . t . cerdtd yterday to Oren. for the our-
(.AMKtv Tonnw KtatMi ho hurt on iin. . . '
.... P1-'w "l t'ombardlng that nlac and
eventful trip up the coast. The weath- aTlmn, m J, . ,
r. ...'Ian'li"gr 200 marln" an1 bluejackets
v V 8 . "" and raising th wrecked gunboat fr
iratum, wuen a neavy soutnwest , . .
. . . .apnoia. ine gu)xats wl I approach to
wind sprang up which conUnued until about rM yarls frofn
aiii.iiiK 111 me yfairiiaj. cap
tain Cooper mates that on Sunday,
September 24, he spoke the British
tlaiboats will entr the river. The
expedition will return tomorrow.
K..b T am. . ... , II , .v ' .......r,, uil .1,1 Hit
British ship Camlilnk. fnm Santa froIr ,h , M10
t., w.,.. n a .u . rro,r thr that the Americans
,miii, Will WUIHI 1,.I llir V- 1,1 UIII Ulcl h'i(J ,jf
A . 1 1 I. t 1 '
waa also righted but not spoken. Sh
was hadt-d for tho Columbia river. The
Royal Forth is chartered to load wheat, '.
and, although a largo carrier, draws but
mati to be lanre.
23.9 foot tt'hfn lrtf,loH At r,r(,a,nt uht t . M
" ion zoiolkoff Hays Th4r view
only draws 13 feet. The Royal Forth P,. . !
g ntration Rooolve Much
will be compellel to lighter from 600 Support
to ltoO tons of her cargo at Astoria as
she cannot possibly float down the river TImf-s-Herald.
fully laden, even with the present
stage of water. She will probably leave
in tow for Portland today.
Ion Zolotkoff, rlr-igate of Knlghta
of Zlon ot Chicago to the third an
nual confess which convened at Bale,
Switzerland, from August 15 to August
IS, haa returned to Chicago, His official
A verv pretty house wedding tv,k P" ,h" f'roc,"'"nW "t the con-plao-
yesterday afternoon at the reel- ,8ubmltt' to the Zionists
dence of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. M-gier. J, ' C"y at the Tn''!,fth
It was the marriage nf Mr. Merrill Flsh Z ? Ha" ,aj,t venlng. Three
of lise. faaho, and Miss Jew,tt, of "" 'T"Wlfih 'M'u- attended the
this cty. nirce of Mrs. Megler. :'""ventlon at Bale, representing 1,200
Rev. W. Seymour Short officiate. !"v,",0r 7fan'zatlon'' fr'"" a partg of
The pallors were beautifully decorated T?; Th'! Unl,f States was rep
with cu; (lowers and potted plants and , . u'"6 '1"ksat'-8- Mr z"u-
M the arrangements were perfect. pai'1 "If rport:
Th hHH o h,im. 1Pe Iiavo 'he undivided svm.
...... ....,c ..Q,..,.s t,;UJly r lh( en( chrlH,a ,, .
suit. Only relatives and a few of the their endeavor to igenr-rat" the racS
Ti(j!t intimate friends were present. Hn'' "a historic oiI. The kindliness
Delicious refreshments were served by ''f ,h? ,lflblf! rhri.mlanH has e,ted the
the little M, Ha Hare and Fay X.rVrl
Delli"irf-1'- ;bv the convention to solicit thrBym-
Many elegant and costly gifts tetl-! r"'"'y 'rf the c7r of FtiiHsl.q, under
fled In a small measure to the place 1 " about 5 mm Jpft.
th. held in the hearts of those he.raerrort7i.lT,n strTS
who knew her. Mr. and Mrs. Fish left The plans for the future activity of the
In the evening for Boise, Idaho, where """'"ty are at present embodied In the
they will reside, Mr. Fish having a po- ZilrVtrT'X I
oiiiuii on nie uoiiw nin.ienman. im-y o'iize rnlaitlne and Syria en mapse
win scop a lew aays in roruana.
A very desirable dairy farm, finest
beaver dam land with abundant living
water, find cows, buildings, orchards
and separators. Address Robert Craw
ford, Nehalem, Tillamook county, Ore.
for the future or present use.
If you order
n Suit, Pant or Vest,
Overcoat or Ulster,
The Royal Finish
will make you
look swell,
and the other fellows
who didn't get
Royal Tailored Clothing
Woman's Welfire
within her own eontroli greatest French
medical trinmph of this rentnrr. for all
ferosle irregularities. weMknem. etc.;!
a positive blessing to married ladies.
Call or write for sealed information.
Inclose stamp. Office 350' Washington
street, over Uordray's, rooms 9-10, fort-
land, Uregon.
will wish
they had waited;
and the next time
they too will order
The "Delsarte"
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
Royal Hand Made
Artistic Clothing
H. W. BEHNKB. Principal.
Rooms 111
Oregon I an Umlding, I'lirtlunJ, Or.
Ths Pernln System was awarded the
World's Fair Medal and Diploma. No
shading: No position; Few word -signs
no (allures.
Day and night.
Posing a tlpeeiattr.
The Photographer
N. W. Corner
Seraoth and Washington
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill St, Pnrtliiinl, Oregon.
pursuits art much more profitable to the average person than an of ttit profs,
slons. A studious young nun or woman can prepare lor business career In about
oneourth the thus required lo educate for s profession, and at about oas fourth
ths cost The success of hundreds of our graduates is proof of the
value of practical education. Itiarulue into the merits of our school. Lesrs
Boar snd wftac we teach. aWStwIents of "Armstrong's Combined Theory and
Practice of Bookkeeping" learn to keep books tinctlj as tbe are keep In bust,
nets. New way to two; makes bookkeeping easy. Investigate. Call, or writs.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill St. A. P. Armstrong. Prin.
Open ill the year. Siuilemn may rntrr al any time. Husinrsi, Shorthand
and English (Iqi.irtmcnK Private or rlais insimrtinn. Caialogne frre.
KiikHhIi, Itoiikkccplnu, ,
ShorthanJ, T rewriting,
IVninuiihliip, . All.
Send for circulars.
r44 into.
i. W. Hill, M. D, rrlaelsl.
Ckriatataa Ttraa Oe.u !. la, IS.
A BoaHIni ft Par gakMi UaSw
atMfaiMat mttm ists,
tit aulM er Infonnatl adlnte
srlnolp.1. J. W, HILL, M. U.. P. O. 4nn
II. PiKtluiS, Or.
Prlmarr, prtpralarr snS A(dmle rxwri
5MI Oolle PnparalloB, MlllWrr UlMlpllaa,
uul Talslns. Ut ni all HTM rolr4.
All MlfjLy Equal
Styles 4 p to
One any
Price $5.oo
$3.50 I -jjM shoe
We cordially invite you to visit tn in our new quarters,
Corner Morrison and First Sta.,
Formerly occupied by A. II. STEINHACH, where we have on
dinplay the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Const.
Up-to-Date Millinery
Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up. .
Golf Hats with long Quills all colors,
97c Bach
Street Hats all new styles from , . .
d nc tin a up, ri
New walking Hats, w New Tarns and Turbans
Said (,'olonel Joyce to Miss Wilcox
At the base ball game, "What
"Riire. but the umpire's got th
On us up here In tiers."
; Inasmuch as there Is no polltlcal society
! of Jews Ir the worM, It became neos-
V.. y 10 orani-ie a negotiating booy of
from .his Ihn em.-w,! the
('')V'nM Trust Company,
LV h'-Tl'iuartfrs In London, and
which has a capital stock of
It V.-U1 devolve upon thlg organization
durine the year to submit a petition to
tho TnrUbh ruler In an official eapa-
Also "Queen Quality" .
Shoe6for Women
E. C. Goddard & Co.,
Oregonisn Building, Portland.
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
omcr Morrison and First Sts.,