i THK MOHNlJKO ASTORlAf. 'IUESDAY" OCTOBEU BOOKS AND SLATES FOR HOYS AND GIRLS The KropenlnR Dty of School tbr Siddost of All the Year. WORK AS WELL AS PLAY Is the Lot of All Ibe World whether Young or Old. V !( upon a tlms n adult poet wroi about Hi reopening of hioi, IU fold 0 ths glad fact erf th children, of their delight l one more a1ng iMr uciu teacher Mil of their wild dealr to return in (Mr book and iIUm Ii was all vary' pretty ami reallaile. IU tiad th children saying thai thry would ' Buii again wlih Joy returning, nliuw him iiivy uv in path of learn ing. When autumn'i rich and mellow VolC slake tvery heart and lungu rvj.ito." Other aludeiiui of tha child hnd have written verse depicting in grief of the lint boy hn b ha to (wtr aw ay from hla teacher and rout for a thre mmtli'a vnrallon. and hla watat. Ic Joy hn ha cumat bark and begins one mur th tadloua ollmbing toward lh prcaldaiiry of tha UnlUd Htataa It P'UI Up dUH'ouraaliMI lo tha tltll HID lo think that ai can navcr ba prraldrnt of tha United tltatva No wondar aha doa nut dlaplay that amhualaain In tha awrch for truth, that frvrtah appllmdon to work and that ovrwhlmlii( affaiHloa fur tha In structor which characterlia tha amall by In a city Ilka Aatorta. Lawranra llladna, huwwvar, waa a aad arrptlun to tha (vnaral rula of th boy i who flfura In th aonf book and Chriatmaa atorlr. ritlful to rrlaiK, ba had no dlatlnnt amUtlaa to b praaldent of tha Tnltad 'Slalra. lla wanted to ba a niotonuan on a!n alectrlo car, tlur kvir of a candy at ire or a performer In a circus, und,- a to prepare a he didn't murh car whh-h, a eavh of 'new puplla wa a these stalliMia was surrounded by so many advantages that on could nut fall to be happy. Instead of thoroughly 1 loving hi ' trA'her. and nailing her "fnd and true" as tha boy in th Oft book did. he waa In the bat.lt of calling her by her butt name when sha wasn't around, What waa more, he had been raught picturing her with frit eurls and enormous eye-gluaar and showing (ha libelous drawing to other boys. Contrary to all tiMdlllona, be had gone Into panuysm of Joy on that June day when th school year ended In a glory of recitations and home-made boquets. During the week of vacation, ha had romped In th country, getting blister on his bark and stone bruise on hla hwls. Home- ' times h cam borne with crabs In hi pocki'ta and nand In his ears, and had a his dump hair streaming down la his re. and hla waist atreakeil with black mud. Hut never once during his long vacation did Lawrence Biggins era. cl.isp hi mamma's hand and say, "Oh, ! dearest, when shall I gt bark to my loving teacher and learn how long It will tak'i six men to dig a dIUh If "three men tan dig It m eighteen days." A a climax to this extraordinary and 1 perverse conduct,' her waa Lawreno Hlggins on th ;nornlng of th first day ' of school complaining of general laal tud and ekhibltlng a strong daslr to extend his vacation. H said h waa ' klok. 'You were all tight yatrday," aald hi mother. "You and Krby Allen In playtd Mrcui all afternoon and kept th neighborhood In An uproar. If yoa feel ahle-td play clrcua J think you can manage to go to school. The sooner you recover from lhat tired feel-1 Ing, the better." It hurt Lawrence's' feelings to'thlnk A his mother Was succeed. : o IndlffcMnt to hi sickness. 'Til go lo school,", be aald. bitterly, aa he' ,,,,. .trappeg up hl.'neW .iooka. II fo. $JQV A PUI.PITS evrn h i tan over ngnt in in scnool house and they have to bring me home. Dor gone It." And hie did go, hit mother smiling after him and telling him to be good. Hit oritlcal symp toms disappeared as soon aa he had turned the flrat corner, i For the moat laggard boy there la a Let certain novelty In the incidents of . the o flrat day, and th1 nP to take Ihe oil paln from the return to Imprisonment, lent life of Paul. Scoffed at, spit upon, Lawrvnce had a new set of books In dungeon cells, apparently never at I and was to tak hi place In a new r1' yet see how he write to hi peo grade. Thl not only meant that he pled, what wonderful peace. God looks would b, In , new room, where the down' upon our 1 1 yea, 'whatever they desks wore largvr, but that he was to may have a hex teacher also. Aa he Think of the possibilities ot the love stumped along towards the school house with which God loved his own eon. and occasionally looked down In dl- That love we may share. We are prom- gust at his ne.v and squeaky shoes h Ised began to wondor If the new teexher pleasure but fullness of Joy. You ae would be an Improvement on Holden, the Bt. Lawrence river nnd may won- or, to be respectful, Mis Holden. Mis dcr i rz (1 o-au 9 ii . .i m i PILLS For mil DUtoua and Nervous Dlsordors Sick Headaoho, Constipation; Woak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered LIvjr, and Impure Dlood, Baham'i PlHt hi th Nrf ! of rf PfrrlUrt Vatllcln In lh world. Thti hu b0 sMbUfVaxl WltbOfit Ut pMlrCaltM 91 1MIIMWIV aj0sias)4JJCSS)lJ8 I HoMiii had been hla teacher tha year before, and although alio waa a jiale llitla woman, nulla alendor and mlld-mannorrd, aha had kcrt Uwrmri and una or two othora undif such Ann dli'lllnt thBit aviit they could never uiiuVraUml how aha did It. Lawrone Ml In with tha Allan boy and uma mors boon companions, They, too, had nrw html lull and wra In a conttl- ll'iti of doubt, Ilia first day of fthmil. No olhar day In tha calendar la juitt Ilka It. Th ai'liiiolhouaa diwan't seem Ilka tho aaina oW plare, with lla frwshly whitened walla and giirl suggestion of bouaa cleaning. There ara atrange children who hava moved In and somo of tha old one hava movad out. Tb rw no tion room of tha nfth-gradrr hua be- vulllt tb twine of th fourth graders, who foal I hair promotion keenly and wonder how they avar could have been satisfied In tha other pine which baa now bevotntf (ha aboda vf (h "kltls," Th f.aW And marvaluualy clean book aeam litu hard over In tho laal half and ara aver ao much larg.-r than tha old sura Th bogliuilng of th naw yrar dot not upset everything, rkanc who aat In ba k rows ara now In front cits. lAwrnnc Who had been kept up In fnatt by Mis llolden, lecled a plar In th bark, aa far from thu teacher's duak aa ha could plant him alf. 8he waa llier whvti h arrived a ratbur buxora woman of 10, wearing a gray cluth twn. They called hor Mia Dun I am. Hlie iinllrd upon Lawrence and Inquired hi nam In th sweetest manner possible, On hr dk waa a buqual of (lowers, Mlaa Dunham ap peared lUtli a gentle suul that Law rence waa Immensely rfllrvrd and told tho Ltaberniatl boy tliat ha wouldn't ba afraid of her. Memory ta abort. Ha forgot that Mlaa Holden hail linpreeard him In tha aarne way Juat on year be fore. On th Drat day of athoot tha teacher I alway good natured, there la alway a boquet of flowera, and the children ara always certain that they will never get Into trouble with auch an amiable creature. In her opening aiieerh, ktlaa Dunham cracked aeveral joke which cauaed bolaterou laughter, Lawrence laughed very loud because ha wanted to get Into her good grarea th fret thing. Ha somehow Imagined that all during the year etie would do nothing but entertain them 'With funny remarks. After her little peer)) h began taking their name roll. Among the big boy named Mjrphy. Lawrvnr and a few other studied him with much Interest, feeling lhat they .would know mir ' about him later on. The flrat morning moved smoothly and pleasantly. About the only work to be don was to arrange the rlasara and give out the first les una. When this had been arcoin 'pllshed the new teacher said she would pecl to hava them com back pre- paml to begin In earnest and with that she let out school for the day, much to the surprise and gratification of Lawrence, who saw a ten-mile horse. back ride In sight. He was delighted with th new teacher. It wasn't very teacher that told funny stories and let out school early. Not murh. "We've got a good teacher bow," waa the re- port to hi mother. "Tou'd better wait week or two," she suggested. "Aw she's all light. She let us out early. I'm glad T got Into the fifth. Tomor- row I'm going to tak her some flow "You must be Infatuated with her," she mid. "I'm afraid It Won't last Mr. Hlitglns expressed th aarne opinion that evening. "Tou wait until she oalcti you throwing wads." "She won't catoh me. I'm too quirk for her." "Now, that's a contrite spirit, Isn't It." asked Mr. Hlggtna of his wife. "Then h leaned back In his chnlf jid roared, "Don't do that," pleaded Mra Hlgglns. "You ara almply encoursg- tks boy to get Into mischief. "Oh, he's reformed now.' You're go- log to b good and get along with yourl new teacher;-Isn't that so?" ' .'.'Tou bot I am. "Tntr now." Tim alone will tell how Lawrence LAST SUNDAY Continued from page 1 with Qod. If we ar right with Ood we will be right with our fellow men. us seek peace and pursue It and to God for that peace that paaaeth understanding. Look at the turbu- be, and proffers comfort and peace. pleasure for evermore, not holiday at the mighty volume of water flow. Uivskyy No. I i X iu wnti ua u OMU, ft All anif ivartti 8Y8TEMICCATARRH. Thonundf Suffer From It and Do r Not Know It Boa. aV. T. Wlmbarly, Collaotor of th Port of If aw Orlsans, La, and rasmtwr f th National Republican Commllts, la writing of P-ru-n,a7i WW .1 i Hon, A. t, Wlmbarly, " Pa-fl-aa Dnf MTg Co, Oolombas, O.i "Oflnttemaa-I bar oad Pa-n-n and eaa lladlj raoommand It aa balcg ail jroa repreaent. 2 wish that rrtrj man Who to la Bead of a good toalo eoald know of IU 1 would advia all snen lo tak II mow, aad aa aor 11 woold oarer b rrsts4.a A. T. Wlmbarly. Pa-ra-aa to an ts tarsal rmdr a solaottflo ratsady for catarrh. It oars aUna wherarar located. lla cores last. Pa-ra-aa glraa strength by atop plog wast. By earing lb moon ltn rlohaa ta blood. . By elaaasiag th maoooa aMmbraaa It praaarr Ia vital foraaa. , KOPP'S BEST ;A f Th North Psniflo Itrewery, of which Mr.Joba Kopp is proprietor, mskna beer for dome' and export trade. Horth Pacific Brewerg Ing on century after century, but you go to the Great Lakes which supply it and you woadrr that the liver Is not gealcr. We observe a Christian life a id may wood r at the Joy and peace In the midst of trials and tribulations. but go to the fountain head, view the boundless ocean of God's love and our wonder erases. For the Kingdom of Uod Is not meat and drink but right' ousnrss and peac and Joy In the Holy Ghost. "MAJESTIC SILENCE." Carlyle. ! 1 Bllonis la th elemont In which great thing fashion themselves to gether, tha at length they may emerge, full formed and majestic, Into the daylight of life, which they ar henceforth to nil. VffAVf,i ISiTiall Annoyances? 2 niimi1yt 4 . T I ffirnnww?i "i? V0TTy 1 1" tT "11 Mrerfcfrtk ,m-4JI milkman In tha ? morning ; no S cream fcr tho. a ex((ce; no milk J) for the baby. lordeni Eagle Brand CONDENSED MILK f ta always available." Has stood T J first for forty years. J 1 Bead tor Book eaBalM." X 2 soanors eomcirsn mm. co, k. y. S H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephon n. Gal DRAYING AND EXPRESSING AU Ooods Shipped io our Care Will Rolv Spaolal Attantioa. HI Duan Bt, W. J. COOK. Ugr Has. Tat. IU. Asurla. Or. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILL Thf tivnrrnmet WnMki,u t-,w. Irtrltv mul omisfimtt.ihr rtiiinn Kiul Imiilhti " )alns of nttiiftt nn ) U.-n." Titty mrm "Ii( Hmrrm' ti trtrln itt wiiinritiKil, nnjinn dev Vf loiinifiil nr it. vn ii a anil boflv. Nl- titviu. i;iium iiu tlu hutin L coiiifi n (lli-jf-'irf-r Ml pr bos itv mini. Nqiii tv 4rtmirl' , KOTV CliKMlCtU 0O..VIiUvt' ; A oomtant drain of mucus from tho ytBj 1 known aa tytumio catarrh. TliU majroecor from any organ of tb hod. fivaUmlM mI.V. I. J " "M iuvi win moa in spring and aummtr than In tb wlnUr, Dr. Raohsl A. Magaw.WWastJaffsr- on B treat, flprtagOald, Ohlot "Tour Pa-rn-na to worth Its wtlght la told I feal Ilk anew woman. I can't praise II nongh. J spent a great deal of money on doctors, bat nothing vr did m any good until I sent to you and triad your P-ra-na. 1 now feel wall of th catarrh." Ralph W. Ohnllp. of La Porta. Ind say the following as regards Pa-rn-na' for catarrh i 44 1 had ba tumbled with catarrh for lh pastslghtyaars. I became so bad yar and a half p that tooj tratmnl from two dlffsrsnt (peolalista on aatarrh. The discharge from my head wa dreadful. Pin ally toy itotn- ach boam sff acted, and eight month ago I bad to quit work. I lost in weight from 1 pounds to 140. I was oompUtely discouraged. J procured s botu of P-ra-na and had not token half th bottle, waan. lo my Joy and surprise, I began feeling batter. My t4 bagtnlog! natter tb discharge began to dry up, I kspt on, and have now taken two bottl. I bare resumed my work, have a good appetite, and bavt not fslt better In tea years. I am nw 10, aad I thank Pe-m-na for th way I real to-4ay.n Jor fra book address Dr. Barman, Oolomboa, Ohio, Delicious and 1 I Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled tee; for family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery in Ibe city fre The Latest, The Best, ,The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMCA Questions areconstantly comingup every day inliterature.artand science which you wish you knew, but you don't. Make up' your .mind that you pre not going to fbe caught this way very often. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopedia Britaanlca is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. ; You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britanmca for One Dollar Cash and tha balanca In smalt monthly payments. The entire Thirty (jo) Volumes with a Guide and an ele-ft-ant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the firstpayment is made. Tha CompUt Set (Thirty Large Oatavo Volumti): No. f. Now Stylo Buckram Cloth. Mirblod Edroi, Extra Quality HlghMicblno Eln Uh Book Popor, &15 on. Flnt rymni, Una DolUr ($i.ao) and Thro I)nllsrl$i.aai Bvr tnnnth thraftsp. DO. t. Half Oualitv rail i'iuiwwvi pwiw turn, tsua uallly High Machlno Finish Book UnHu.y U..kl.i C 4 . c.. Paptr, $60.00. First pvmnt, two Dollar ($.oo) and Four Dollara ($4.00) per month thtrulior. No. 1. Srtnp, Tun Color, Marbled EJfret, Extra Quality HlghMachlnef Inlsh Book Popor, $15.00. First paymvnt, Three Dollars ($1.00) and Five bollars per month thereafter. A reduction of 10 per cent. It granted by paying cash within Jo days after th receipt of the work. tir. Wuilnms- inmuu -n-Ointniuiit will ci're tiiiHc tlliiiiiiiir and Iiclnnv lies, ll ubNorbxiliotuuibi-i silay the Itcbiugatoiu'r.arin una toullti'0. krlv.'it Insinnt v Uef. Dr. WlllliimH'liiiHanl'lloOlnt. 1 ment 1h rtrctwnMl for Pii.nn,t iieh. Ire of (tio prlvuiii parts. Evcrv boi i wiirrantml Hy drUk-frlkts, by mull on re o?ipt of prtrn. Ml cent anufVLtW. WILLIAMS MANIIFUCIURINS CO.. f ru'va., liiBvelais, tSuio 7 U tfMIFS l? 'J B S-l ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA F1YER RAILROAD, kra." ' PORTLAND. Arrive; - I Mg, m Portland Union fpoi,li:lf s.nC pot,ll:lI a.m. tenj f: p.m. ,: p. m lor Anions ana inte mediate points. " f " ASTORIA. r.a.m. I 10 p.m. For Portland at ln- ll:f)a.m. termelate points 10:M p.m. BRAIIDR DIVISION, p m.ja. m I:M1:iIjV , r,r.!ll:6SiAr I M'II.H'IV ' :W l:00lAr , m p. m. ..Aitorls. Ar 7:40 Lv I K -M 1:1 ..Bf-ssida., Lvi t:li i-.m SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:80 a. m.; arrive at 8eald IM a. m. Passengers may return on any train hown on sotieilule on same data ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside ma ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren' too. i . All trains make close oonnacttooe at Ouble wkb all Northarn Paelno trains to and from the sast or Sound points. At Portland with all train leaving Union depot At Astoria with I R. A N. Co.'s boat and rail Una to and from Ilwaco and Norm Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sals at i torta for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket offloa Astoria. 614 Comman. rial street. J, C. IIAYO. Geo' I IVt and Pass. Agent. THE NET "North-Western Limited" (20TI ClKTUir T4II1.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished rite on application ta W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 3 Waiblaftoa street, PORTLAND, ORE, F. W. PARKER, Com. A not, nnrintATeaaa, SEATTLE, WASg UNI OF LONDON. Established during th reign of Qua Anne. A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. uoaonoea capital ijuv.uuu ua A81 ' W,n.lM 8urplne to poller holders 4 OQ A 0 Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaraatsed eap- "J ITJOOOMIO Capltak paid dp ljxmow at.ua.Hi an Catton, Bell & Co. Oee al Agents, Baa Francisco. rA Samuel Elmore & Co ReaVJeot Ageota, Astoria. Oregon. kAVI OUOLI ; rPMMall forAberieeaJ 1 ; IBOtthh Bend. TarumaJ Ho. t, , Ppokaaa, Helen. BalteJ So. I Moavra 50. s. 1:06 p. m, IkS p. B nBsm J nii.cni- Um Vi.Tnft.lh.ln. gi all points et,l jincil t SouUmssU , I r IPortland, BeaUle and) kaaonia Kxvreaa: fori N. 4. U.Si . m. HSousie. Tkeoma. CHtib rVia and Intermedin t4 Iroialo. Alto point eusi! Three daars to BL rafn. tmata. Kim- saa Ctt suad Orfcer MUtamuat rtiser ntma. Ttuwe ana LOvta, irtlarnukna aad I Tar v 9u4 I to Wettnja, Ffallarllaia ail 1 Paaawoirara Skit au A. A C H. &. R. ' eaiOTi pna. T?S o'.VwJt aaonlii train will inaka clnae teaneotitM at OOM wt& tft M oal fast mail. tiMoa deoot eecuMetiorui a, all nrtaolaal eWea .... BacgafT checked through to ttrm tkta ivr aleuiritac ear rasarmttona sap of rouia and other luf neataaa. .ttona, ttekata. routes aod Other lutonrMMlao, aadrsss m CoaisiescW r AwIVla. or. A? IX CHARLTOH. ail a Aaatstaat Oenaral PKWiKar AtTanl. aV kartaoa Street. PorOaod. Or. , S2.7B o cot A BKffl U. ,( WATIMrlaUOf IxUIMtMaMMI S2.7B. S""' Money. Sat'M ute your blcu ll, stale number of tnrbe around body l Weri taken ott vest under eoel close up under arms, and we will end you this coat b eipreea, C 0 MUHtHnisuiiiwI ffiuunf prw office and If found exactly ntnnMnlMl and the moat won derful value you ever eaw or heard ofanaequaltoenycoai you can ou y fur as.u0, p.7 tk..sprM. ! earrlal rprle, s. IS, and eiprvia charfrva. UIB MACKINTOSH la Ut.'.l tHBtTe,nwiofrom aea.j nlirwel; Im ester, av.alaeD.UCenrtCleUeitra lona, double breasted, barer velvul collar, fancy plaid llnlna, waterproof tewed, strapped and cemented seams. ..K. f.,r htttlt rale .r.tvreMl. and ' r- r guaranteed tie.lale ever ottered I f la--"!, us or any other hou.e. rerrrve . - - ,.'.Ly.lH.iriU.,n'MA.kltiioMltei,Un t uk ,ki .iul UBe.to.Meuure 6ults snd Overeoata trout ts.ni W .w, write tor Ira Hok St. oc A I in--a, ... asana. ROEBUCK A CO., CHICAOO, ILU STORE CSSI iotU Q l V. j J A m TIMS SCHEDULES From Portland UEPABTI Assitb Fast Hall p. in. oalt Uka. Ilenrrr Vl Worth, Omaha, Kma rut u i;ny, hi. I miI, Mall i.ninasu ana Kant. 4a m. Spokane flyer 1 10 p. a Wxlla Walla, Hrrtk.neJ Minneapulli,si.rul, I'uluth, Milwaukee, hit o and Kant, Hpokane Klror JO a. fiem Astoria OCEAN STEAMSHIPSi Ail Balling Dttee sob let Ut cbAnira. For Baa FrsoeiKo-Rall OsMlO, J,Ju, R.V) Colcmbla River Steamere To Fortlaad aad Way Laadloge. 7amei8oi Sam ex Mo ndajr adav WUIsaittts aad YaaH lis, I SO p. m. hill Itlears. Hon.,Ved, Tnea.Tbar sod Umi. Oregon City, Dayton, At soarn. wa7-Ljiaiuci. KlPsris Leare dl) Ssaks River. Rl parts lo LewUtoo. LvLswlit 10 s ra l: a m. dsUy Vmm Portland i aril I . U b TTB UIV,D a a. m. - j.tn . M moa, wed w. t-l". aawDerg, Tum. Thui Friday Balem A Way-Land a 8aturday O. VT. LOUirtBIRRT. . Agent Astoria. I is. xxuaubBuarr, Oaa. Pa. Aat Fwrtteaa. Or. A familiar name for th Chicago, Mil waukee A At. Paul RaHsray, known all over th Union a tha Oraat Railway running the ''Plooeer Limited" trains (vary day and night between 8L Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Ilia only perfect train la th world." Understand: Cottoactlorai ar mad with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to paseegenr ths best servK trrewn. Los urious ooaxhea, eleotrlo light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other lin. Be that your ticket reads vh "The UUwaukee" when go tea; to any point in tli United States or Canada. Ail ticket tgenta sell then. For rate, pamphlets, or other lnforma. aon..iaaareja, J. W CASEY. C. J. EDDT, Trav. Paaa. Agt. General Asrent. Portland, Or. Portland, Ox roirAT . TICKETS ' RAILY POINTS EAST s Tnrongh palace and tourist sleapers. uiuiiig auu uontry oceervation ears. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAIN8. No. 4 LlTtlted leaves Portland at 1:1s p. m. No. t Limited arrives Portland at t:N a. m. For rates, etc., call or addreaa O. W. LOUN8BERKT. Agent O. R. A N.. Astoria. A. B. C. DENNTSTOK. C P. A T. A..Portland Or Through Tickets TO THAV- EAST AND SOUTHEAST TIA TtCTnvttrV PULLMAN PALACB BLEEPERA, . TOURISTS SLEEPERS aad FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS . Dally te aty and other Eastara dttas. ff?M checked tnroum to aastmaUaa, For rate and otner Information call oa G. W. LOUN8BBRRT, Agent a R. At N. Co. Aaiorla - V XT TvnrnAn . ' . . v. m. -i. uuionur. ueo. AioS l. 1 Third 8t cor. Aider, Portland, or. EAST m SOUTD LEAVE PORTLAND AJUUVl OVERLAND EX PRESS, for Balem. I Roaeburg, Ashland. 7:00 P.M.Bacrmano. OgKn, IA.lt. nan STmnciSoo, lo lave, Lo Angele. El Paso, Nsw Orw leans and th East r.s A. Ml Roaebunr passenaer t :m P. M Via Woodburai, for Mount Angel, Bll yerton, Weat Sclo, Brownvllle. Bprlng fleld and NationTT., Daily except Dally except Sunday Bunday 17:10 A. Ml Corvallls pasaangerf Independence pa0' Mi 11 : A.M 4:W P. Mi Dally, tDallr except Bunaay. Connecting atl I4a.n I.V. rtAlann with Aausl - a v av was viaw WW 1 Ul W4V dental A Oriental, Pacific Mail and Oee- u,w nvnuiwuif illive lor JAfAIM, CHINA, AUSTRALIA. HAWAII AND THE PHIMPPiKua Rebate ticket on Ia hmiiw ruriiaiiu, oacrnmenio. ana oan Francis co. Net ntesi 117 flrsttiajia nt sil ond-claaa, lncliallng aleeDer. Kate and tickets to Eaatern points ano Trnimrw,. Alan ln.n , n. i . i , and Australia. Can be obtained from j. B. f.VX'Vii. "caei agent i.h Th nl at. R. KOEHLER. C, H. MARKHAM Managed. O. IT. A p. a. Through tickets East for lowest rates Call on C. J Trenchard, local aaent, TrVef.S Fargo Comsaors efflo. Astoria, 0 (OooiNtsHASw-: looy . 70 ItuxuRious Travel TUB "Nortn.WsUrn Limited" tratas, alactrtd lighted throughout, both ID Id and out, and steam Heated, are, without eiotptlon, the finest trains In tb world. Tbay embody the latest, aswest and beat Mass for comfort, convenlene and luxury rvsr offtrad the traveling public, and altogether ara th most ootn. plate and splendid production of the ear builders' art. Thaee Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northers Pacific and The Canadian I'aciric AT ST. PAUL FOB . CHICAGO sod the EAST, No extra charge for these superior aa. m. I I eommodattOBS and all elassea of tickets are a Tillable for passage on th famous "Nortb-wsstsrn Limited." All trains oa this line ars protected by th Interlocking Block system. VT. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE. 01 Agent, Portland Or. T A. You Don't Change Cars If yon go east via Bluings aad th Burllrartoa route. The Burlington root run through tourM aieepera twlo a week, Sea'.tla to Kansas City Oat 00 at any point along ths main line of ths Northern Pad fie in Washington or Montana gat oft at Kanea City. 8tandard sleepers, every day In the week. Btxte to St. Louts via, Ltnooln, Omaha and 0t Joaeph. A. C. SHELDON, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. " THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. 1 I Give choic of two fiavorlto routes, via ths Union Psctflo Fast stall Line, or th Rio Grand Scenio Line, , LOOK AT THE TIMS 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 41 Days to Npw York. Free reclining ohalrs, trpholsterad toon. 1st aleeptec cars, and Pullman palao steepers, operated on art tratoa. For further Information, apply to G. W. . LOUN8BERRT, Agent. O. R. A N, I Or Aston, Onaron. C. a TERRY. W. B. COMAN. Trav. Pass Agt Gen. Agent Ut Third Bt. Portland. Or. . , OohimMa RWer and ruget Bound Nart gallon cctnrauy, Bailey Oatsert leave Astoria dally. except P-unday, at 7 p. m. . Leaves Portland dally excent Bun. day at 7 a. m. white Collar line ticket and O. 11. It N. tickets lTHerc!'angeable on Bailey Gatsert and Hasualo. Far between Astoria and Portland, 50 cents. A. J. Taylor. Astoria Aat. V. B. SCOTT, Telephone 11L A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating trip. whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet eerrVca ob tainable so far aa speed, comfort aad safety Is concerned. Employes of ta WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. , ax uald to serve the public and our train are operated so as to maka close ooa neotloo with diverging lines at aB Juncvtlon paint. ' Pullman Palacs Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service unexoelled. Meal served a la carta In order to obtain 'M !vt etnas servioe. axir. tai tiC" "r"' sell you a ticket ovsr TheWiscoasf.; Central Lines. and you wilt maxe direct oonnectlone at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east For any further Information call on aay ucxet agent, or correspond with JA8. C. POND, Gen. Paaa. Asrent, or JAS A ClOC'K, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent Hi Stark 8t Portland Ore. ildifiHoii'