The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUK MOILNINQ JlsVoBlAX. imiUl, UK l ilt R, 8W.
Gospel Truths on Distant Shorts by
Rer. Edward Cnrran.
As Expounded by Rev. Edw.
.Ecclleston at the Presbyterian
Evening Service.
A letter from the prudential commit
tee of the board of foreign mission
prompted the sermon of Rev. Edw. Cur
ran at the First Congregational church
Sunday morning. Some of the eugjes.
tlom of the sermon follow: - '
Only great jower ran delegate great
authority. We look at nature. Large!
mountains arise; vast seas sprvad out I
beneath the sun; great plains stretch
away beyond vision. These Impress us. i
Eut with God the great fact is manj
and man's redemption is paramount
A group of followers were discussing j
Christ's death and resurrection when)
He suddenly appeared and said to!
them; "Go thou forth and spread the)
Word." It was for that Christ lived on 1
earth and suffered death. The work!
is not of man. . Missionary work Is
God-sent. . Creation la behind it. Be- i
bind the command "Go!" is the warm, I
pulsating love of the great Nazarene. j
Life Is action and Chrlat's followers I
were to act. But first they must know
and feel. Preach, teach and baptise.
"Oo ye," not to Antioch, not to Jerusa
lem, but all the world. Evangelize the
earth. Consider the necessity of the
commission; it was born of circum-1
stances. Christ knew the condition of
the world. He knew the sins of Jeru-'
salen;, the city of a people called to be '
he custodians of the living truth. If
Christ could weep over Jerusalem, what
of the rest of the world? Eypt, with
its civilization, was festering with sin. 1
Greece, with her philosophy, was hon-
eycombed with sin. Rome was sin-'
stained through and through. To obllt- '
erale these conditions the command
was given. God Baw the great need and
gave the great authority. Sin is per-'
haps less rampant In this present day,
but sin abounds. The need still exists, 1
the authority still is given and the com- 1
mand Is still In force. It Is our duty
to plant the gospel truths on the dls- 1 shores. As a denomination, we are 1
endeavoring to respond to the call. The!
conditions In India are simply apali-!
Ing. China, Africa, Turkey, need the j
Hneniion, Business
The Astoria has added a
number of the latest faces of
type to its job printing de
partment, and is prepared
to turn out a quality of . . .
superior to any that can be
procured elsewhere.
It will pay you to call and
get estimates on any and all
kinds of printing.
Finest Work Lowest
light These places are not antagonia
tic to gospel truths. Men are there
clamoring for the truth. Ten thousand
young men In our land today are rea9y
to devote tlwlr lives to the cause, but
the church Is backward in saylng' go.
The work of missionaries In the past
has been magnificent. Romance has no
more thrilling tales of self-sacrifice
than has the history of foreign mis
sions. The work must be kept up.
Speed the gospel In its work of elevat
ing and polishing the rough germs of
humanity found beyond the sea. The
Master calls us to "go."
"Be swift my soul to answer him.
Be Jubilant my feet."
Rev. Edw. Eccleston, financial agent
of Albany college, occupied the pulpit
at the First Presbyterian church Sun
day evening. His discourse had for Its
text "Fur the kingdom of God Is not
meat and drink, but righteousness and
peace and Joy In the Holy Ghost."
When Paul went out into the world
to preach the gospel he found the pre
vailing philosophy .everywhere taught,
that every man had It in his own power
to win his way into heaven. He tells
the people that perfection is not at
tained by action alone. Salvation does
not mean doing something, but being
Something. Look at the fruits In our
own hearts and lives, then preach It to
In the world. The kingdom of God In
heart will beget the kingdom of God
In the world. The klngdo mof God In
the heart is a condition, a Btate, in our
inner self. The philosophy Paul con
fronted can paint beautiful pictures,
but they are lifeless. Christ represents
more than a spotless appearance.
telanaing in tne presence of God, we
must stand in the beauty of Jesus
Christ. That which God looks upon
with benlgnancy and love Is that which
has been purified by the spirit. Christ
comes to stand between us and God,
making that which is Imperfect per
fect. Moody once said to a congrega
tion of children, "There is nothing that
God cannot do." A boy answered, "Yes
there is," and, being asked what he
meant, raid: "God cannot soe my sins
when they are covered by the blood
of Jesus." it makes us very careful In
our estimates of ourselves when we re
alize that is God who is the Judge,
Let us ask ourselves "In the vineyard
of God are we tilling and cultivating, or
are we hiding, slothful servants, from
the Master? Some one may say "I
am not fit to do the work of the church,
my hands are not clean." It Is true,
the heart of the worker must be pure,
but there Is the altar. There are angels
from heaven to touch the hearts
at,d make fit for the kingdom
As wo think of our boundless
opportunities we may feel that there Is
no mountain height of christian perfec
tlon we car not scale. But there are
heights rising above heights and we
s"ia!l not be perfect even as Christ Is
perfect until we pass through the gates
and stand In the presence of the Holy
one. Our righteousness Is our relation
Continued on page 7.
Housework io
with even the beat
soap which needs
hard muscular rub
bing to make
things clean. Gold
Dust does all that
soap does and saves
time and much
la for free kooUM " Oofcha Bala
tor E"Mrk."
Cafcap ftXass IfavTwt
"Russell" Automatic Engine
- Iris.
Write for Catalogues of
STRONG COURSES Well equipped training departments, Normal course,
quickest and best way to State Certificates.
Expenses for year from fUO to tlH; Board UW to It per week; Tuition, ttfl
per term of tea weeks. Fill term begins September ltth; Bummer term June T
to September L For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, President
or VT. A. WANN. See of Faculty.
In all sizes
Hard Enough
Engine Boilers, Saw Wills.
Portland, Oregon.
Normal School
Training School for Teachers.
New Building
New Departments.
Ungraded Country School Work.
Graduates Secure Good Positions.
sml styles.
We shall continue to sell
Iron and Brass Bedsteads
at ilie same Low Prices
regardless of tbe raise in
the price of iron and brass
Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon.
September IJnd. UBS.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before County Clerk
of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon,
on Novemlwr 4th. ISM. vis; ANTON
UA.NO. H. E. 10.997, for the BK of
Sec. . Tp. i N. N. I W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
slid cultivation of said land, vis:
George 1-niutrcs, Adolf 8lverteen,
John II. Koch, James Flnley. all of
Astoria, Oregon.
CMAS. II. MOOHKS. Register,
United States Lend Onto. Oregon City,
Or i, Jay n. -Not ice is aereoy
g.ven that in oomixtsnc with the pro
visions of th a.' I if Congress of June I.
!;, entitled "An foe in sale of
umber la.ids to the Mtatee of California.
Oregon, Nev-wl. mad Washington Ter
rHory, ' as exieiwea to n in ,a"
states by sot of AutruM 4. ISst, Jobn b
Slmnvws, of Portland, county ef Ult
nomeh, nia'.e Orgn. has this oar
filed In this office h ewJrn etaiemrni
No. tt. (or the purobae US w i
tea, U, W Mlt end nw of nevj, eeeib a
No. a la township No. I a, range V
and will off r proof to show that the !sns
tourtit ts more values for Us tlmerr
or stone thsn f.r asrteullural uurpom
and to UNtah fcis .m t said land b.
Mr tn Hwr and Hf'r of this
office at Orecoa Cliy, Oretn. on Tx
4y. the lo.h oay o( Oeiobr, is
i He es wltaeam: Wlllltn K.
Iturk. Mlllanl r. Cul.r, Aadrv IX
Rorkf4lln. Jpr N Fowltr. all of
Portlsnd. Multnmeh Counly, Onton.
Any and ill mtmv olunln aJvrnely
the abov-. k -ilx-il linli ar reqo(ld
to fll thlr elal ne tn this oftlx on or
before the W-h of Oeihr,
CMAItLtUl U. Mi'ltl-rt.
I ivnartnienl of the Interior. United
Mates l-aml time.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Senteutlxr. 1. 1st)
A sullti'lent ronteet alll.luvlt having
oen iiieu in mis omoe ty w. tl. Howell.
contestant, sgulnst liom.eirix.l entry
No. lltfJI. mad October 31), lS, for the
NK. section I, township S. N. range 10
W. by tile Peter 8. Axdal. ronteitre. In
nhk'h It Is alltgi-d that "said rile Peier
K. Aicdsl hss wholly aluindoned said
tract: that he has changrd his resilience
llierefroni for more than one year eltiee
making snld entry, thai said tract Is
nut settled upon and cultivated by said
party as required by law and that said
allegnl absenre from the said land was
not due to his employment in the army,
navy, or marine corps of the United
States as a private soldier, tiftlcer, sea
man or marine, during the war with
Ppaln. or during any other war In
which the United States may be en-
gaged." Said parties are hereby no
tified to appear, and offer evi
dence touching said allegation at 14
o'clock a. m , on October tl, 11. before
tn Register and llecelver at the Unit
ed States Land OftVe In Oregon City,
Tne sain oontestant navtng. In a
proper affidavit, filed September 1.
set forth facts which hoe tht after
due diligence personal si-rvlce of this
notice rsn not be made, it Is hereby
oroereu ana mrecten jnat sucn notice
be given by due and proper publica
Department of th Interior, United
States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon,
September, t, UU.
A sufrlrlrnt contest nfTldavIt having
been filed In this office by VV. O. Howell,
contestant, against homestead entry
No. 9M, made August 8, lbsl, for the
southeast iiuarter section 17. township
& N. range 10 V, by Oscar V. I'ompo,
contested, la whirl) It Is alleged that
"the said Oscar W, Compo has wholly
abandoned said tnct; that he has
changed his residence therefrom for
moro than four years since maklnc
snld entry; that said tract Is not set
tled upon and cultivated by snld party
as requirea oy law ana tnnt said alleg
ed absence from the suld land was not
due to bis employment In the arms;
navy, or marine corps of the United
States, as a private soldier, ottloer, sea
man or marine during the war with
Spain, or during any other war In
which the United Ktates may be en
gaged." 8ald parties are hereby noti
fied to appear, respond and offer evi
dence touching said allegation at 10
oclork a. in., on October 23, liM, be
fore the Register and Receiver at the
United States Land Office In Oregon
City, Oregon, it . , ,
The suld contestant hitvlng. In a
proper alliilavlt, filed September 1. ISM.
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
notice cun not bo made, It Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
bo given by due and proper publica
Notice Is hereby given that In compIU
anoe with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June S, U7S, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the 8tae
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the public land state by act of An.
gust 4 IKS, John H. Koch, of Asterla,
county of Clatsop, state of Orsgon. has
this day fllod In this ofTVe his sworn
stwtement No. 4007, for the purchase of
tion no. i in township Mo. 5 n. rang No
I w, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is mors valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before th Reglsicr and Re
celver of this office at Oregon City, Orm
gon, on Saturday, the 9th day of Beptrm.
bar, 1899. He names ss wltnesws: Wal
lace Donkel of Vine Manle. oreiran
Isaac Donkel of Vine Maple. Oreiran.
tne e H or n w and lots 1 and I of seo
Patrick J. Handwright of Astoria. Ore
gon, William C. Thomosson of Vine Ma.
pie, Oregon. Any and all persons claim
ing adversely the abovwcscrlbed lands
are requested to file their claims In
this offloe on or before said 9th day of
September, W).
United Btates Land Office, Oregon Cltv
Oregon, Jtine XI, 1890. Notice Is hsrebv
given that In compliance with the pro
visions or tne act of Congress of June I,
in. eniltltd "An act tor th gala of
limber lands la In tales of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrl.
lory," as ealand4 u all lb PuWIo Land
tates by act or August 4, list. Narotssa
B. Mall, of Astoria, eoumy of CUtsop,
slat of Oregon, has lals day Died la thU
erne hr sworn aiaismsnt No. etut, for
the purohass of the N H of K U of
BVo II and W H of W i of See No. H
la Township No, N, ftasgs No, I W.
and will offer proof lo show thai the
lend sought la snore valuable for Its lis.
ber or stona than for agneuiiumi pur
pose, aad to establish Iter olslm to m'H
land before the Register aad Receiver of
this offloe ai Oregon City, Or., on rriday
the Utt day of October, IBS. Blie
name as wtiassei A. C. Andron, of
Asio-la, Or.) alls D. Bird, ef eoald,
Or.t Charles Thompso.t, of ids. Or
John Waurbouse, .of Claleea. Aoy and
all persons olslmlnc idvr:y lb above
described lands ars requesltd lo :
their claims In this offlc on or before
old Uth day of Beptembsr, IM.
CHARLKS U. alOOUEt. Ilglslr.
Nonr ron publication.
United tates Land Offloe. Orego City,
Oregon, July D. usx-Noilce Is hereby
give (bat In osmnllance with th pro.
Mws of th act of Congress of June t
It sntUlsd "An act for the sale of
lime lands Id th Bistea of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tn
rttory." as extended to all ike public land
i taw by act of August 1 int. Millard T.
Culver, of Portland, county of afult
nomab. Stale of Orgon, nss (his day
riled tn this offls his sworn sialement
No. sH, for th purcbas of ih nwSi
of suua No. SI la township No. I s,
rsrge No. 10 west, and will offer
pr4 to shoe thai the land sought Is
more valuable for tts timber or stone
ihnn f agricultural purposes, and I
eetablteh bis claim to ssM land before
the R Mister and Receiver of tftis offlc
at Oregog City. Oregon, oa Tuesday, ike
lh Uy of Oo tuber, 1SSS,
'II ni'iK as wftnesses: Jssper N.
fowler, Jsmea T. Raihbun, Andrew D.
Roekafallow, and Jotin B. BUnnioas, all
of Portland, MiUutomaa County, Oregon.
Any and all persotts olalmlng adveraeiy
the abv.dJ rlb4d Isnls are requested
u file tli Mr oa-ns In tht office oa or
before said 10: h day of October, IBs.
NOTira ron puuucation.
Unkeed States Land Offloe. Oregon aty
Oregon. July H. USS-Notlce U hereby
gtve 4bt la oompllaios with, th pre
vision of tbe aol o Congress of June I.
irt entitled "An act for the sal of
limber lands 0 .the skates of California,
Or eg v Nereda. aad Washington T
rMory," as eitonded lo all lb pobkie land
states by got of Augost 1 111, Jasper
N. fowler, of PorUUiU, eotmty of Mult.
tornah, tale of Oregon, tea Ibis day
filed la this offlse his ewers atatesaem
No. MM, for tbe purebaee of tn nw
of ! No. fee losraetilp No. I a
rang No west . and i will otr
proof e show that tte avid sought Is
mt TJjejtJs for Its timber or stone
l has l agrlsultural purposss, and to
esiabdeh has slm to saM land -Wore
tts Register and Reeetver of tnts offloe
at Oregon City, Oregon, oa Tassday, the
1Mb day of Oo:oor, IK.
He nsjnea as w)la : Kilisrd f . Cv
ver. Wallam B. Burks, Andrew O. Rock.
s felloe; , and John B. tlmaMee, all of
Portlael, Multoeiah Coanty. Oregon.
Any and all perooss asalmlng adversely
the abovdexnd leal art requested
lo Bie tbnr elalns la this office on r
before said Uth day of Ootober, ism
Noria roa PUBUCATIO' .
United Btates Land Offlos, Oregon City
Oregon. July U. UM.-Notlce Is hereby
given that In compliance with the pro.
visions of th act of Oongress of June g,
U7I. eattUed "An act for the sal of
timber lands In the a'ss of CaUfornla
Oregon, Nevada, aad Wsahingtan Ter
rttory," ad tndd to an I he poWto land
states by act of August 4, UM, WlOlaca B.
Burks, of Porleod, county of Mult
nomah, gnat of Oregon, ass this dar
filed tn this offlos Ms sworn statement
No. MM, for the purohass of lot I, 11. It,
and 14 of section No. U, la township No,
4 north rang No. 10 west, and will trier
proof to sb that tht kvnd sought Is
more vsluwble for Us timber or stone
than sgiicullunti purposes, snd !
establish his claim Id said land before
the Register and Receiver of thit offloe
at Oregon City,, Oregon, on, Tuesday, the
10th ! of Qotobey, Wfij . , u
Ke nodes as witnesses: Jasper N
row lee, Andrew D. Rockafellow, Jsmea
ft Rathbun, and J, . Simmon, so of
Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the aooeerf.3rlbed lands are requested
to Bis their claims In 'ills offloe oa or
before said Uth day of Ootober, la
United StAtM) Land Offlos, Oregon City,
Oregon, July 8, lffle.-Notlc la hereby
given that tn compllasMt with the pro
visions of the act of Congress of Jans I
I67S, entitled -"An act for the ' sal of
timber lejvi la the States of California,
Oregoi, Nevada, and Washington Ter.
rKory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1891, Andrew D,
Rockafell, of PonteJid, county of Mult.
no men. Stats of Oregon, has this day
Hied In tills offlos bis sworn statement
No. 4026, for the purchase of th stt nel.
snd sH nwK of section No. tl In town
hip No. I n, rang No. 10 w and will offer
proof to show that the land sought ts
more valuable for Its timber or atone
than for agrl-'Jltural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of Mil office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, ths
10th day of Ootober, 1899.
lie names as witnesses: Wlllard I.
Culver, WlllUm E. Burke, John E. Sink
mons, and Janper N. Fowler, all of Port
land, Multno-nah County, Oregon.
Any and all persons dalmlng adversely
the abo raulescrlbed lands are requested
to file their claim In this offloe on or
before, said 10th day of Ootober, UM.
;' NOTK'st' FOR VuBLtcAfioN,
Ijtnj Ortlo at Oregon City, Oregon.
j , ept. It, lit.
Nolle b hereby given lhat tha fol
lowing named settler hss filed nntlov
of his Intention lo makt final proof la
support of his claim, and that aaldi
proof will be mode before county
clerk of Clatsop eounly, at Astoria,
Oregon, on October It, IM, via: Wei
ter J, B. 11.1M for th N.
ID. 4 of section, 14 tp. 4 H R, I W.
He names the following witnesses l
prove his continuous residence upoo
and cultivation of said land, vli:
Thomss IVttllohn, of Keasey, Oregon)
F. II. Throop. Of Ksaaey, Oregon! n.
It. Webster, of Keaeey, Oregon; VY. U.
Uereuery, of Keasey, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given, that oa Ifoa.
day, October t, ISM, at It o'clock In tha
forenoon, a administrator of th Bo
1st of W. II. Ryan, deceased, I will
e4l at public auction.' to th highest
bidder, for rash, at the Court House)
door, at Astoria, In Clatsop County,
Oregon, lot no eleven (11), of block No.
two iJ), In llradbury'a Addition to
Ocean drove. In Clatsop County, Ors
gon, belonging to said estate.
r. J. CAR NET,
Administrator of the above entitled es
tate. ' -
Dated al Astoria, OregNl, this ttta
day of August, in.
siirmrr sale.
Ry virtue of n execution seu4 out
of the Circuit Court of lb tlt of
Oregon for the ttmnty of CUisop on
the jlet day of September, lrt. Upon a
Juilgmant nndrtl therein on lbs I'lh
day of September. Ult. In favor of J.
T. Roe. J. y lllgglns. It. C. Thompson
and K 7. Ferguson, partners dotng
biislness under Ih firm name of Rosa,
HlKKlne A Ci. plaintiffs and against
C. If. Rrlnknff and Nina Urtiikoir, de
fendants, for the sum of I) II. th
rosls snd disbursements of this suit
taird st 11010 and the costs of and
upon this writ commanding and re
Utilrtng me In make sale of Ih follow
Ing described real property, to-wlt;
lleelmilng nl the southwest corner nf
the M. A. IIUrneMe Oonatlon Ijind
Malm In sections 1. fl and V. In Tp. I.
N. of It. I. Weal of th Wlllsmett
Meridian, thence east along th south
line nf said Donation I .Slid Claim
I :.7J feet, thence north 7M feet,
thence writ tiffft feet, thence south
Tin feet lo th place nf beginning eg.
repllng the wret CI I fee4 of the traet
alMivi dc'rlled. vicrptlng also (wo
acres sold by Nina Ilrlnkoff andhus
band, f. II Hrlfiknff. as per deed dated
Ailgusl led, KM, and rrowded August
Uth, W In Vol. , Peg 4J1. Reoord of
IVetts. all situated and being In tha
Couniy of Clatsop, Stats ol Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
MondsA the loth day of October Utt,
at th hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon nf said dsy. In front nf and at the)
Court house door In the City of Astor
ia. Clstsosj iNmntr, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction In the highest bidder tor
rash, th ab.iv described real property
to satisfy Ihe judgment. Interest and
coals and all accruing costs.
i Clatsop County. Oregon.
Astoria, Oregon, BopL iith, Wl.
By virtu of an execution and order
of sals Isurd out of the Circuit Court
pf ths State of Oregon for Clatsop
Cnunty on Ihe 37th day of September.
IH9I. upon a Judgment and decree ren
dered therein on the Hlh day nf Sep
tember. UM, In favor of E. Tappsn
Stafford, plaintiff, and against D. F.
Stafford, Henrlotte 8. Stafford, A. C
Fisher and Charles Wright, defendants,
for ths sum of 177.00 with Interest
thereon at the rate nf eight per cent
per annum, from ths nth day of Sep
tember, tm the costs and disburse
ments of this suit taxed at 110.10 and
the costs nf and upon this writ com.
mandlng and requiring me tn make
sale nf the following described real
properly, towtts t
All Of th Clara Houghton homestead
olslm In section XI. lying north nf a Una
drawn across said homestead from
east to west, 11 rods snath of, and par.
ellel with the north line nf said section
17. Also all that part of P. Callander's
Donation Land Claim which lies east
nf the line nf the Astoria and South
Coast Railroad, so called, all being sit
uated In section 17, township 7 north
of range 10 west. Together with th
tenements, hereditaments and appur
tonanivs thereunto belonging, all -In
Clatsop oounly, Oregon, except there,
from all that portion which lies west of
Culllky creek. i
Notice Is hereby given that I will, on
Monday, the 10th day of October, lit.
at ths hour of 10 o'clock In th fore
noon of said day, In front of and at
the court house door In the city nf As
toria, Clalsop oounly, Oregon, sell at
public anotlon to ths highest bidder for
cash the above described real property,
to satisfy tho Judgment, Interest, costs
and all accruing nests, ,
Sheriff of Clatsop County, Of.
Astoria, Or., August 17, UM.
Rcttort . Vitality UitVlroriat Msahood,
Cure Imtiotcncy, Night Rmlssiontand
wasting diseases, all e fleets of Kit
-fc-e . ,1,,,.. In.lla.
eretlon. A nerve tonic and
Iilnotl builder. Bring the
pink glow to pale check nd
restore j tha fire - of youth.
Hv mal TiOe ntrton O toojei
'or sha.ftO: with a tr(ttrn rtiarsiv-
tee to cure nr rsAind f lie inoufir.
fiend for clroular. Address,
Clinton A Jackson fits., CHICAGO. IU
For Bals by Charles Roaers. Drusglst.
Astesia. Oregon.
1 . J.J.J ! . 3
Dyspepsia Curo.
Digests vvhat you eat.
Nature In stremzthenlncf and reooo-
structlns the exhausted digestive of
Sans. t is the latest discovered dlnste
ant and tonic. No of her preparation
can approach It In enicloncjr. It !
rtantly relieves and permanently cure
ynpi'iisia, jnaigcHtion, iisariDurn,
FlatulencA. R,,oi Kt.inarh Nanses.
all other remil ts t I mperfeet digestion.
rrepareu oy t. c. Uewut a Co., Chlcogo.
For Sals by CliAJUiDi XoasTJUs.