The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE MOUNINO ASTORlAN tl'EBDA.. MTflfliSR 8, 189
Extraordinary Sale
Special for Monday and Tuesday.
Muck and Colored Serges f 1.00 quality.,., .7" GOc
Golf 1'laid 40 In, Cfto qulity 45o
Knjjlitih Klnnnoletto lOo quality 8Jc
All other goods in projxn'tion
470 Oommercinl St.
In -urtl4 Ik w.ll uw its.
iiu.. kw r j. r. na4i.r (., awl
HuMhIu llml. Onlera lr 4tr
lUIni lert Villi I Hrm will reeelt
f mmhiI AM.KUos.
roiTi-Nn, Oct.
warmer today
i.Flr weathar,
Mr. John Dawaon, a rsaltWn of Olnr
waa In lawn yesterday,
A lumber shed I In ours of eon-
structlun at McGregor's nUU.
Th IlrllUh ship Hlytheswood left up
In low fur Portland Sunday,
Cspiali Downs, quartermaater at
Kon (iirvii(, u In th oltjr yetrdajr.
For rtnt rurnlihtd front room en
Coinititrcltl Kmli oqulr at thla of
Mn. Urayn and daughter, Mary, of
Younni river, art vlalllnc friends In
Ihe city.
UnJer th maio of th paint bruah.
th A'lalr school nous la assuming
a rutw pf whit.
Wild duck ar aald lo b vary plenti
ful on th tldtflata around Knappa and
the John Day,
atlas Annl Lewis, of th John Day,
ha gun to Jewell to tak chart of th
school at that plao.
Mr. I.uther Campbell, of Wamnton,
ami .Via Nannl Mamlln, of Claltop,
ar xin to b united In marriage.
Tnu ran find Avr 1A AAA titles nt hav.
I at Hyland Broa.' old bookator.Port
land. Drop In and got something to
Wanted A oomoejent woman for
general hous work. Th boat waga
will paid. AdJreaa "W" Aatortan of
(Ice. Itulh Emery Johnson, an attorney
of Lincoln, Nib., I In the city rpr
aoiitlng th Modern Woodmen of th
The funeral of th lat Mr. Hauk
Lutheran church,
at Oreenwood,
Th Interment waa
Herman Wl offer 11.(0 to vry
person who buyt a men' ault or or
ooat :m hint and It per oent 08 on
all th rut of nl On stock.
Mr. P. F. Woodford will glv two les
ions a week In ahorthand at her horn,
II Commercial Itreet $1 a month. All
Interested, call Tuesday vnlng, Octo
ber 1
Mr. Alfred Schroder, formerly of
Pearson's wholl bouse, ha accept
el th position of local representative
of th J. P. Hyne' cotnmlaalon houa
of Portland.
The steam achooner Ilrumwlck ar
rived down from Portland Sunday, lunv
ber laden for Ran Franclaco, and an
chored at Port Bleven. 8h put to a
yesterday afternoon.
Th Urwm depot on th A. C. road
was completed Saturday laat and I now
on of th finest and, mot commodious
station house on th line between A
turla and Portland.
Itev. Mr. Holllngshead and wife will
leave tonight on th Bailey Qalsert for
their hw hum In Eugene, when Mr.
Ilolllngahead will tak charg of th
new pasiorat assigned htm.
I. W. Harper' Nelson oounty, Ky.,
wnisaey. a genuemana whiskey; a
whlakey for th sideboard; a whiskey
for the alck room. Bold by Foard A
Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon.
Th tramp steamer Queen Adelaide la
expected off th rlvr today from th
Orient. She take th plao on th Or
iental rout of th steamer Columbia,
recently chartered by th government
County Commissioner Howell Lewis
was In th city yesterday and left on
tbe evening train for Orvalll. Mr.
Lwla will visit th agricultural college
at that place for a few days befor re
turning home.
MarriedOn Monday afternoon, Oc
tober X ISM, at th houa of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Megler, Miss Jle Jewett.
f this city, to Mr. Merrill Ftb. of
Uolee. Idaho, the Itev. Win. fe-ymour
Short officiating.
Tho child of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Rosa, who ar visiting at th res-
Idenc of Mr. and Mr. F. J. Schneld
nagel, died Sunday night Th remains
will be taken on the Haasalo to Ska-
was held yesterday from th Norwegian ' mokawa for bualal this morning.
Th dlapatch boat MoCulloch left Port
Townaed yesterday avenlng for Astoria,
Th McCulloch I now In th revenue
service and will go to Portland to
constitute on of th attraction for the
Portland i position. Bha Is expected to
arrlv off th river tomorrow morning
.Mr. Jackson th expert cutter for th
Itoyul Tailors, of Chicago, will be at
Herman Wis clothing atore, day after
tomorrow, (Tuesday) to take your
meaaure. No matter whether you need
stilt, overcoat, pants or vent now,
com any way and hav your measure
taken by an expert for future uae, no
charge made for measuring.
The Columbia arrived up from flan
Francisco yesterday forenoon, and af
ter unloading the usual amount of
freight at thla plmv, drew out for Port
land, The trip up was uneventful
nothing of especial Interest occuring.
(lood weather was enjoyed all the way
only a alight swtll being on. Among
the passenger was the much written
up Paddy Lynch.
Advertisements In a newapaper, when
they show evidence of careful pre para
lion, ar not th lest Valuable part of
th paper to muter. Ordinary new
matter may Interest you, but an ad
may save you money. It Is easily ob-
served that houses which do the most
and best advertising do tbe moat busi
ness, and Brms selling Ihe most good
can pell th cheapest.
Yesterday th collectors ha.l In
ning and bills rained In upon the juat
and th unluet. Few there were who
esraped. and happy was he who had
bills receivable as well as bills payable.
Stilt, aom men who smiled to see the
cash com In from their customer
groaned In spirit to see the pile melt
rapidly sway under the assault of bills
payable, leaving a paltry remnant to
represent their month profits,
Csptaln Jorgensen, of the Ilwaco life
saving station, was In the city yester
day and reports that on Friday laat
lightning struck the station and lor
out a portion of the) roof and wall. A
residence connected with the station
was also struck and one of th siiles
was completely demolished. No one
waa Injured. Captain Jorgensen pur
chased lumber yesterday to make the
necessary repairs to th buildings.
Mr. W. M. Jackson, the expert cutter
of the Royal Tailors, of Chicago, ar
rived on laat nlghfa train and will be
pleased to meet tho fentlerrwn of As
toria at Herman Wise's store today.
He will b pleased to how you the
very latest wrinkles In artistic tail
oring and take your meaaure free of
charge, ou order now or later; If you
desire to be posted as lo what Is up to
date, don't fall to see Mr. Jackson for
he's th; man."
Manager Ross, of the A. F. C, states
that the baseball season Is over so far
aa hi team Is concerned. The football
team I organising. It will play under
th Intercollegiate rulea, aa there are
no learns In the elate playing the asso
ciation gam. Th team can prooeoiy
arrange games with' the college elevens,
The expressed unwillingness of the lat
ter to me;t athletic club teams Is di
rected at th Portland club only, which
th college boys accuae of being pro
fessional jobber.
Three Oregon families were bitterly
dlauppojnted when they read th names
of the 14 prlaoners delivered up by
Agulnaldn Saturday. Three men of th
Hecond Oregon, Lawrence, Mills and
lUCty, missing alnce April 21, and aup
posed to be In th handa of the Insur
gent, wer not among those delivered
up. Ijiwrence and Mills ar from
Marion county, while McCoy came from
down th coast. Tt Is possible they are
with th Ollrnore party, still held by
the enemy.
Testimony In the long-drawn-out In-gnlls-Olsrn
suit was flnlahed yesterday
afternoon but the arguments will not be
nude until the list day, by Judge
McPrld from Oregon City. It was pro
posed that the court and attorneys
ride out to view the dam and alleged
damage but owing to the bad roads
and the f.ict that there la not enough
water behind the dam, the trip waa
postponed until th loth. The attorney
nrju-i that If they went now the
court would hav to take along a sup
ply of Injunction against the damns
caused by ths ruts and holes
A fine buck deer waa killed Runday
evening by th 13-year-old son of Joe
Thomas on the Watluakl bridge. Young
Thomas was out hunting with William
!i-aslry and they both became separ
ated. Mr. Jtessley's hound soon was on
the trark of tbe deer which waa met by
Thomas when crossing the bridge.
Young Tliotnts only bad a 27 calibre
rifle hut the first shot penetrat-d the
deer In tbe region of the heart and It I
went only a few yards when It fi ll. Mr.
Ilesaley waa soon upon the scene and
dressed th deer. "He brought several
fine steaks back to Astoria which he
distributed among his friends.
It Is stropgly rumored on the docks
that the rale war haa grown beyond the
local stsge and will affect the 'Frisco
steamer line. The steamer Aberdeen
came In yesterday and received orders
to go to the railroad dock If she had
freight but she had none and docked at
Fisher's. It Is said that In connection
with another steamer, alivady selected,
the Aberdeen will form sn opposition
line with the railroad people as agents.
Thla Is Important, If true, and does
not promise a speedy end of the rate
contest. Thl new phase, however. As
toria can bear comfortably, but It will
be a fly In th amber for Portland. The
Aberdeen went up to Portland to load.
Her first cargo will be princlpAllv
The Lightest Sto
e in Astoria
Wise's Customers se what they buy.
The Better the Grade,
The Bigger the Trade.
An Astoria Sore
For Astoria Poopfe
$1.50 Discount off every Man's Suit or Overcoat
10 per cent off every Hat, Shirt, Boys' Suit, etc,
No Portland merchant can beat my prices.
No Portland me rah ant can beat my Stock for Quality.
No Portland merchant helps in Astoria's welfare.
No Portland merchant can feel the same friendship
Or take the same care of Astoria customers as your
r" . -4 -4 a w
rortland and Astoria
.. FREE. .
To provide th citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the same advantages as
the pcoplo of Portland, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing
rates, furnish round trip ticltets from
Astoria to Portland and Return
Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission
to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur
chased of us, no matter what price the garment,
This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost .
and at the same time to take advantage- of our enormous selection of
For Mens, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures.
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and
an admission to the exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat.
Moyer Clothing Co.
The Popular Price Clothiers.
One la scarcely "aehaible of fatigue
while he ruttrvhe Ji.ruulot .Th very j,.
stars are said to ; hare harmony as ,
they re vol v In their sphere. Won- '
'drnua Is the strength of cheerful nens, I
altogether past calculation Its power of
endurance,, . ' . I a
I jS, N.---VMr T r-r"-
x . V A fT
t aa 1 nr
- 827
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St, corner Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkins
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Ladies entrance to bath
00 Fiitb street
Spiritual lata.
I 1st, clairvoyant and lire reader; con
Do you want a gorJ meal when you suit her on all business affairs, love
.. 1. n .1 r. . ... troubles, absent friends; she has no
vlHt Portland? If an; go to the Port-; fqual. itore l0Bt l0y9. First
land restaurant. 105 Washington street j street, parlors S and . Fee, 60c and
. I up.
A good nieal with meats rich In flavor 1 T,tr i)-n
ana one you win enjoy with a relish, is
just what you get at the Creamcrl
restaurant, t!l Washington street, near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
3rd and Oak Streets, Portland
It you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Creamerte Restau
rant HI Waahlngtop Bt, you may con
sider that your trip will not be a auo
cess, aa others will tell you, who do net
miss It '
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege at No. 411 Yamhill street. Portland,
I prepared to accommodate a lam
number of pupils thl year. Already
the classes ar well crowded, a fact
1 hat Indicates th excellent character of
the Institution.
Why la Watson's restaurant In Port
land patronised by thousands of people
dully r Simply because It Is the largest
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Pacirie coast Watson's restau
rant haa sixty-eight white employes on
Its pay roll. Remember the location,
109-11 Fourth street
Smokers, read All IS cent cigars, It
cents: El Palencla, 10 cents; El Be
lmont, 10 cents', General Arthur, 10
cents; Leland Stanford, 10 cents; San
chet V. Hyaa, 10 cents; All I oent for
25 cents. J. F. Handley & Co., cut
rate cigar and newsdealer. Perkins
hotel building, Portland, Ore.
Th Pernln method of shorthand Is
being taught by Mr, H. W. Behnke In
the Oregonlan building at Portland.
The Pernln system Is not only extreme
ly legible after being written, but li
exoeptlonably rapid. It Is aald that
students under Mr. Behnke's direction
attain success in one-half the tlma es
sential with either Graham, Munaon
or Pitman methods. This school Is
open day and night
A tailoring establishment of some
pretentions, located on Washington
street, Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for dressy Astorians during th
past six months. This statement Is de
nied by the firm of Povey ft Blrchall, at
317 Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronized by the
(treat majority of outside customers.
Povey & Blrchall make the swell suits
for most of the stylish Portlanders, and
feel that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out of town pat
ronage. . . .,
WATSON BROS., Propr'a.
Conducted os the check rta. there
fore patrona pay tot what Uiey order
and Be mora. -
Wi flila til Lirrwt, CkfiMtt, Beat
ill skint Smir is til Itrtiwnt.
' 101 and 111 Fourth St. :
Opanla.m tiSp.m. PORTLAND
3001 rot py
, Pioprlefcr.
fritiU Imii fcr Uiii.
lus St., near 6th
OPEN DAY Established
AN 5 NIQHT... 11
E. House's J
Cafe, 5
128 Tkiri tmt, rtrtliit', Iregu.
The Beat Cup of Oofle
orOecoalnthe city.
Cream and Milk
I rum nur own ranch
Homo made Plea and cakea.
ST. HI'S HAhb.
Reopened rieptt'in tier iJ. For circular
Principal, Portland Qregon
Telephone Red 391,
Breakfast Food Select Bran ...
Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Glnten Farina, Acme Wiseat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
Thn flMlv RlMt.Dooa B-B. a r 1
- - - m "J asvasva an i-urnanu s
rvrwiruvm iArunAiniuuunnnjinnrmuwuiru
L . SELIG Lessee and Manager.
Wednesday and Thursday, October 4-5, '99
The Society Bvent of the Season.
By Astoria City Ladiee, for the Benefit of the
Astoria Public Library.
Refined and Fanny A Routing, Roaring Rally of Song and Laughter.
New Jokes, New Music, New Dances, Fine Solos and Choruses.
Six End Ladles. Many Local Hits.
Regular Musical Olio of pleasing specialties.
Throwing side lights and shadows on the ebony 100.
Guaranteed up-to-date high class entertainment.
ADMISSION Reserved Seats 75 cents.
Gallery 60 oenta.
Sale of seats opens Tuesday morning at Griffin & Reed's-