The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Xb President Joins Wi i
In the Greeting.
Admiral Rides Oat of Nr i
Jie Special , of Pernio
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1-Th horot
ooming of AdmlrAi Georg Dewey, (or
henceforth tht naxloaal CApltAl la to
b M boat waa UAd tht ocaaIoo for
tht trevltM. tribut ver paid by Wh
Inxton to ny . UuUridUAl. After th
preliminary welcome In New Tor a. It
self unsurpassed tn it kind. It rtmAln
4 for the highest and greatest In the
official world to hold out the band of
greeting to tht famous Admiral and to
join with tb peopl who are to be bla
fellow cltisen In bidding htm welcome.
Th cititen bad made every prepar
AlUoo to make tht occasion worthy of
their hero. Tht decoration were eUb
. oral. Pennsylvania, avanu. waa one
anas of colored bunting Along the en
tire Une of march from the ataJon to
the White, Hous and 11000 membera
of civic organisations paraded before
Dewey, beside ten of thousands of
nun-crgsnlsed citisena, and tn the roar
of the cannon, rocket and blase of
red fire, and In the thuoderoua cheer-
lrg of the populace and warm greilng
of the head fo the nation, Dewey cam
to the national capital to a welcom
such a ha not been known here hith
erto. r Vtu Journey from New Tor It had
, been one contluoua ovation, limited In
it intensity only by the denaity of the
The decorated apeclal train, which
left (he Pennsylvania rail road ferry
Up in Jersy City at 1:50 o'clock In the
afternoon, waa fully In keeping with
1U distinguished passenger. It waa
male up of five car,, tb Pennsyl-
. vanla't prise Apeclal. .the.AtAlantadin.
ing, a combination smoker and three
parlor car for the accomodation of tht
- 'VI Afthington reception committee.
The speclAl waa given a clear track,
AM the run to Washington was made
without A atop, except At PhllAdelphlA.
Almost immediately . after gotpg
. aboard the train. Admiral Dewey re.
, tired to his private?, car for luncheon.
Thereafter the Admiral lay down And
- a - - thin aaraa '
ineo to get. mv. --
impossioie, owing w u svx,". v.-
tiun Along tht Une.
When the limits of the District of Co
lumbia were reached, the committee
presented the admiral with the freedom
. of the city. Admiral. Dewey's reply
was a tnei sow c-w- - -"
of bis other speecne nave oeeu.
rL.want U Jhwk jrou rery much,
my friends. he SAld 'Tor this testlmon-
. . ' m L' ' ' " A Is'la MI that ss si
",olf", .rfr. ,' .... ... ,
JPf lyy.'" I..t?.U.v !OB'j
j.tipie (cheers). I Infend to Uve In Wash-
. Ington. L thank you again tor wis ex
pression.' !
' Then dropping the tone of formality
in which .this , bad., been uttered,, he ex
etnded bis band anr said heartily:
"Now I want to see my friends.
Charlie, old boy, how are your And
he grasped C. C, Glove by . the hand
-.ajid. rent througn tnt pany, siiaams,
the hands of all who wert within reach.
Dewey was escorted to the White house,
and after meeting the president aiid( wlth hi na4S3Mp wlll present to aid
. cabinet, he and the president reviewed jthe con8Ui Jn eyery possible way In
the parade from the stand In Pennsyl
vania aveuue. It was 10 o'clock when
the fatigued recipient of the day's dem
onstrations reached the residence of
. Mrs,. Washington McLean, mother of
the democratic candidate for Governor
of Ohio.
Mm. McLean welcomed the admiral
And turned the house over to him for
une during his stay In Washington.
Mrs. McLean and members of her fam
ily then lift going to her country res
idence. Beauvlor, fIn .the suburbs of
The Admiral had arrived sooner than
was expected and before the crowd had
collected. Presently the people surged
In on all sides, and for some time would
not belle e the officer who said the ad-tr-lral
was Inside. The band came up
and serenaded the admiral, the crowd
cheered and cheered and finally Dewey
appeared At the window and bowed his
acknowledgements. Cries of "speech,
speech," were heard on every side
but met with no response. Luncheon
was served by 9:10 o'clock, and tkea
th Admiral erttred. Crowd lingered
bout the hous f some time.
WASHINGTON. Oct t-Oeneral Al-gi-r.
former secretary of war. Is In the
city, to al!t In receiving Admiral
rv and r-aled At the Wlilt Hon
this Afternoon. He ws with th. pre
Ident tome time.
Number of Large Ship Hav Reached
San Francisco and Relieved the
SAN FRiNCISCO, Oct 1-A large
number of deep-water ship hav Just
reached this port The British hark
Incould, bringing coal from 8wanea,
arrived with her crew one man short
Jeremiah I Elvey fell from tht main-
yard of tht deck on July list while
the vtsel was near Cape Horn and was
The British ship Pythomem mad a
very long vorvge, being 120 days from
Newcastle. England. Thirty days of
this tlmt was spent in Montevideo re
pairing dam are caused by hurricane
which the vessel encountered ou the
South Americas coast
The French hark Bamlnt Ann and
Cambrlanne. which left Swanse on the
same date, arrived her together.
though at tome time during the trip
they were hundreds of mile Apart
Should War Occur Admiral Schlfj
With Hii Flagship Will
B Present.
NET TORJv. Oct t-A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
. Immediately upon the outbreak of
hostilities between the Transvaal and
Great Britain Instructions will be sent
to Commander John P. MoroHl, com
manding the cruiser Monterey, direct
ing him to proceed with his vessel to
Delagoa bay and provide such protec
tion for American citizens and their
interests as possible.
It la appreciated by the author! tie
that It wll! not be possible for the
Montgjmary to land a force to pro
tect American Interests and that ah will
bt so far away from the Transvaal that
the moral effect of her presence on the
wlll vrtT lUght
, Mpectet howfTer,
that the
Transvaal government wlll appreciate
I the reason of her presence and wlll
i ....
! be doubtless willing to more promptly
wUh y K9Ttwml&UoTla that
the Amer1eAB conlul u rn,orlt mKy
deem It Advisable to make. Cp to this
ttM the t'nlted States has received no
( Aecordin, to , p,,,, reeeired at the
state department from the consul at
Pretoria. General Joubert has issued A
proclamation prohibiting the command
erlng of altens. The .Instructions sent
to the consul by Secretary Hay several
weeks ago require Llm to protest to the
Boer government in regard to the Im
press of any neutral Americans, and It
is possible that some diplomatic com'
plication In this connection may fo!
Snoul(1 war occur, not only will the
Montgomery be sUtlontd In South Af-
rlcan ,aterSi but Reftr Admiral Schley
protecting Americans and their Inter
Now In New Tork Jail but Will
Taken to Governors Island.
NEW TORK. Oct 1-E-Capta!n
Oberlln Carter, who Is confined In
cell In Castle William, will probably
be taken to prison at Fort Leaven
worth tomorrow or Wednesday.
General Merritt hat been notified
that the official papers will reach htm
from Washington by mail tomorrow.
A soon a possible thereafter, Captain
Carter wlll be removed from Gover
nors Island.
NEW TORK, Oct 2.-John O'Brien,
the oldest member of the New Tork
stock exchange and a member of the
oldest banking house In Wall street
William O'Brien Is dead In his sum
mer home In Newport.
President Wi.l Urte Consiructiun ol
.One lpiu .CuoKTesN
Lises to Connect Saa Francisco and
Manila and Uiani and Yokohuua
. "llooker iking Repaired.
NEW TORK. Oct t-A special to Jh
Herald from Washington aavs:
PreslJeflt McKlnley has determined
to urge agAln upon congress the au
thoriSAtton of a trans-rclflc cable
d able te aoiuunc that
naval survey show that the route se
lected is practicable. Surveys ax being
made by tht collier Nero under the
command of lieutenant Commader
Because of tht complete soundings
taken In former rear between San
(Tancisco ana Hawaii there Is no ne
cessity for further work there
Lieutenant Commander Hodgva I
conOned himself to tb waters west
of Hawaii
Reports received by Rear-Admiral R.
B. farad ford, chief of the bureau of
equipment, show that tb Nero Drat
proceeded directly to the Midway isl
ands, sounding on the way And then
aig-sagged Across the line to determine
tre best polnu to locate the proposed
cable. From Midway Island the Nero
went to Guam And later went to Toko-
hama, where she Is now preparing for
tht return voyage. Bhe will sig-aag
across the Imaginary line drawn dur
ing the voyage from Guam to Yokoha
ma, make further soundings from
Guam to the Midway islands and again
to Honolulu.
No adverse reports hav been re
ceived concerning the route from
Guam to Manila, and from Guam to
Yokohama and the authorities are con
fident that no obstacle exist that can
prevent the laying of a cable from
San Francisco to Manila, touching
everywhere on American toil.
The I' lea of running a branch Une
from Guam to Yokohama arises from
the wish of the administration to make
the cable a commercial success. Al
though It l desired primarily for gov
ernment use. Tb praidnt appreciates
that congress may decide It Impolite
to have the cable constructed and
maintained at the expense of the .Uni
ted 8tates, and .should a private com
pany be allowed to take up the en
terprise the Yokohama lint would bt
An Important consideratloa.
Tne work of laying a cable among the
Philippine Islands has been delayed by
the mishap to the cable, ship Hooker.
The vessel will be temporarily repaired
at Cavltt and then sent to Hongkong
where she will rapidly be put In com
mission, a the (military authorities
desire the prompt establishment of the
line. '
The Pasteur Treatment Successful
Arresstlng tho Disease.
PARIS, Oct. t La Fronde publishes.
the report of an Interview with Prof.
Calmette, the Pasteur Institute com
mtaloner, who ha returned from Op
orto, In which the professor says be
fore his arrival the mortality among
those stricken with the plague amount
ed to 13 per cent. Of fifteen treated
with the serum, he adds, not one died.
This restored public confidence and
within three days ho Inoculated 342
The Manila American Discusse Their
Condition and Legal Status.
Concerning the order of General Otis
to enforce the Chinese Immigration law
and Chinese exclusion act Against the
Chinese in the Philippines, the Manila
American says:
In the native Inhabitants of these
Islands the Chinos long ago discovered
a kindred race, the climate suited him
and he found the country naturally
richer and less .crowded than China.
Since then he has been here. And as
the country cannot very well do with
out hlrn. It Is safe to say he Is here to
stay, ill sojourn In the land and his
association with the native mounted
his Ideas a little.
Most of the Chinos born In the
Islands have forsworn their allegiance
to the emperor of China. They wear
no oupue. and after living their lire
here they have no desire that after.
death their bodies should rest In the soil
of the Flowery Kingdom.
Chinos have Intermarried largely with
the Tajtalos and Mestizos, and a a
class the Chinese Mestizo have seem
Ingly mor than held their own. Vn
iter the Spanish rent me many of them
hid acquired wealth and received a p.
puimmrnt to important positions. To
dity ther are lot or Chinese Uestlios
orilorra In th Insurgent army, and thev
are said to be th Mttorm lnurret
of all. v v i- r
Mcst Pt tht Meatlsoa art of tht Cath.
nllc faith and numerous Chlnu have
been converted. - Granting . that th
Chlno of th Philippine hav already
made some progress. It is possible that
education and changed condltlona will
do mnrh for thetr ehlldren.-1 But th
roblenv Is not oa of posterity ln.
he Chlno of 'he present must be first
considered.-. Is h entitled to All the
rights that wlll be given, to the Fill-
tunos. snd Is th status of his rltlsen-
ship t be th anr -
The laws of tht United State forbid
th naturalisation of Chinese, but th
Chi noA Who' www borfl'hsr. or who
er In the Philippines at th time th
Islands psssed under American control
might stand on a different footing.
A remarkable pebble, says "Tht
Philadelphia Record," which was pick
ed up somewhere in Egypt, that land,
of dark mysteries. Is In tb possession
of a well-known lapidlst on Twelfth St..
near Walnut Th stone is translucent
and at a casual glance looks like An or
dlnsjy sea shore pebble. It Is About
half the shAp of walnut And oval
1 shspe. . When th ston Is held to
the .light It rwnArkAbt peculiarity
Is beheld. .Inside I a .drop of water
(hat circle abot th Interior. How
it ever got there Is a mystery that na
tur Alon covld solv. . Th surface of
the stone I perfect, but there Is no
doubt of ' th hollow Interior. The
pebble Is only Interesting a a curlosl
ty. but many wealthy Institutions have
offered good round sums of money for
It Tht owner, however, wlll never let
It get out of his possession, as It was
given to hint by an old sailor friend.
who waa drowned several years Ago.
Enlisting Sympathies of Members of
Congress to Obtain Investiga
tion of Beef Scandal.
NF.W YORK, Oct. t-A spectal to the
Herald from Washington says: Rriga
Jier-General Charles P. Eagan. who
was suspended from rank and duty as
a result of th language employed by
him before th war Investigating com
mission, hopes to obtain vindication
i ... , i
from congress during the coming ses
General Cigan la at Wsshlngton to
settle matters conected with the fur
nlture of the house he occupied before
his departure, for Hawaii. It la under
stood, however, that be Is trying to en
list the sympathies of member of con
gress In order to obtain a congressional
Investigation of the beef scandal.
. There Is no Intention on th part of
the administration to restore General
Eagan to duty. In fact. It Is desired
that he should Apply for retirement In
order , that the president may Appoint
Colonel Weston, now Acting commis
sary-general, a brigadier And commit
sary-genersJ of subsistence. The pre
Idont Is anxious to do all he can for th
' s i ill. ....
entnnel riiir4n Hmm. 1 IT a m r. ' ,i.v
here a determined effort will be made to ,
Induce him to apply for retirement, but ;
many think he will not do so, In view
of the fact that he Is now drawing full':
pay and would only receive three-quar-'-ters
on the retired list
The valuo of the advertisement se
cured hy the EJarf of Tarmouth by
playlng In private theatricals at New-',
port jus't before the Announcement of
hi profeAlonai engagement to play In ,
"Wheels Within Wheels" under Charle '
Prohman, can hardly be estimated.
The - Earl's decision to bt billed tin
der an assumed name la clever too.
Since all of Mr. Frohman's employe
are good actors It will not perhaps be
easy to pick out the Earl, and curios
ity will be kept Alive. The new recruit -Gerrge
Francis Alexander, Is the eld
est son of the Marquis and Earl of
Hartford, 28 years old, and an exten
sive traveler. He goes on the stage, '
he says, for the money there 1 In It.
Roast Sets.
Great Lept Over Sale
Price Away JDowtt.
Vou'H gay So,
WIicu You See Price.
a Lnportlni Tea Go.
Stores Everywhere.
100 Store.
m Coesmereial Bt, Astarta.
M. Regular communications held on
th first sad third Tuesday evening of
Mch month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W.
M.; E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary.
Ship Chandlers
Special Departments
Largest Store of the Kind
Did not claim them. Summer
Iloarder I thought you wrot m
that ou had no mogultoeT
Joshua Hay-Wall. I hain't. Thalr b
nnr er less of 'em erround her, but I
dn'l claim 'em. Ohio Stat Journal.
Th pleasant tfftct And perfeet safe
ty with which ladtt may us Syrup
of Pig, under All conditions, mta It
thilr favorite remedy. To get th trot)
And genuine articl. look for th AAm
of tht CAllfornlA fig trrnp Co print
ed near tht bottom of tnt pAckAg. For
salt by all dragttt.
Fin work at FopoUr Price.
337 Washington Street.
Neit Imperial Hotel
arm rnvvrwniruwwvvi
Optical Go.
Astoria Public Library
ltpAAUru .HOP" fUM TO A!t
gfesscrlptlM rates H r ana as.
Wast Car. Uvatk a4 Daaa gtrwU.
Those who havt delayed buying.
Surtimer . Footweor
Art fortunate. They can savt at least
A third on tht usual cost of high grad
shoes. W art closing out All of our
summer tan shoes At A great reduction.
Wt hav. them for men, women and
children, which should bring tveryont
to tht ttort. They art new goods
which havt overstayed their time.
Consider these figure.
Petersen & Brown.
m n J VI jr
i v i . i
& Stokes Company
and General
Hardware, Groceries,
Fruits and Meats.
Stoves and
Paints and
fi m
Capital ....
Reserve for Unearned Premium
Reserve for all Other Lialilitie
Net Surplus over all Liabilities
Total Assets , ,
CHARXM CrTXraTlrrSEN, liana-.
B. OOODvTtX, AatUtAot ManAgsr.
.l7Clirrnl St., S. F.. Ct.
Twenty Years of Success
In th t real men t of chronlo disease, such as liver, kidney, and
stonisrh disorders, constipation, dlArrhoes, dropsical swellings, Urlght't
d I sets, tic.
Complaints, painful, difficult, loo frequent, milky or bloody urlnt,
unnatural discharge sptedlly eurtiL
Such a piles, fistula,' flaaurt, alcaratlon, mucous and bloody dls
chsrges cured without th knlf., pain or oonllntmtiit
Blood poison, gleet, strict ur, unnatural losses. Impot.ncy, thorough
ly cured. No full urea Cure guaranteed.
Tol'N') MEN troubled with Blgnt omission, dream, tihsustlng
drains, bashfulntws, aversion to society, which dsprlv you of your
MlDPLK-AtirD MKN, who from xesr and strains; hAvt1 lost
their MtNLT POWKn.
BLOOD AND SKIN DIflfl.ABKB, Byphllls. OonotrhoM. painfull
hlooJy urine. Oleet. Strlctur, nlargcd prostate, Beiuai Debility,
Varicocel. Hydrocele, Kidney and Liver trouWes. cured WITHOUT
'Jtheumatlsm CURID. . . 'i . s
Dr. Walker's methods Art regular And scientific. II used no pat
ent nostrum or rvady.mad preparations, but cure th dlssas by
thorough medical treatment. HI New Fhamphrt oa Prrrsi Diseas
es sent Free to All men who dttcrlbt their trouble. Patient curtd
At horn. Terms reasonaM. All letter answered In plain tnvslop.
Consultation fr and sAorvdly eonnilentlal. Call on or Addrs)
''Doctor Walker, iSj First St.. Cor. Aider. Portland, Or.
A tsll I'M f P1M, T .
ss '! Artjsfrs) .. .
4T4 Cmmrclsl at.
.11 r l.l . .If'
i , rf
BiiMess plio.loe tnl,Wpr dty.
American plsn, 11.00 to 11.00 per day.
P. iTlShrpte's
Bqilders' Heavy! and. Shelf Hardouare, Ship Chandlery, Etc.
ConducfvJ hy the Rcntdlctlno Fathers. ' "
....High-Grade Colege for Boys and Young Men....
Healthful sod aittraotlvs locwtlon (40 mile frvn Portland on th Southern
FaoMlo Bprlngfleld branch). Complet snd thorougH preparatory, literary,
solen'.lflc, olaMlcal, normal, - oofnoiarat si eour. BPDCIAL C0UH8K8 In
mafisnultls, Surveying, Drawing, CI vll ' Bervlc, Vrench, Oerman, Spanish
Italian, Shorthand, Typewriting, Ttl.gnaphy. Mualo. Academlo Degree and
Teavihen' Slat Certificate snd Diplo mat CcmtirrsA. Bend for catalogue.
The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg
Commission. Brokerage,
Insurance and Shipping.
Wholesalers and
in Oregon.
$ 600,000.00
Astorln, Oregon
MsnultgtHPte ot
th Always .Hll)bl
"U Belle AitqrU" Clear
. SCbJIK's'Operi SUf
Scbclbc'i Special
3f-t.-l A Ad other Brand
I ,rm J -V
J. C. rrJIilt(iAr)T, Chief Cl.rk " w
Ctcam Separators
and B)t.
House for
Family Groceries
Custom Houne Broker.
Agent W. K. 4 Co., tai Pacldo txpreu Co'l.