The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1899, Image 1

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Hecks, pv
ble to prost-cutior
NO. 109
-ill inrifwfifii fTTT
We are the wiling agent in AHtoria for the
New Born
Bteel Range
Prices from ftf.OO.'tu $50,00. Cery Kaiijjc Guarantied.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
Also wle iQent for the Celebrated
Air Tlyht
Here Is a List
Oi some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
good thing.
: Bend for Illustrated Catalogue of
To Out of-Town People : For fur. or cloth
We will tend goods on approval and pay
Will give you fall dctalli a to style and
want your trade, Highest price paid for
The SHverfield For ManufactDringiCo.
:.: Top Floor Washington
Largest and' Best Equipped Offices in
6 by electrical
process without
3 Dap UAf
Bj UCOt TTU1 n
s . . .
at our prices
because we have1
the largest
volume of
dental work in -Portland.
1 Take Elevator on Washington Street Near Fourth, and
s Hpntl Parlnrc Tnn Flnnr.
m as a Naavitf m v ft m v v
9 'Phone Oregon. Brown 493. Columtla. 569.
Superior Stove lad Hangcs and Cole'
Cole Hnrnent.
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
Mox IecoratMl i'ap.r
and Bny1op--ioo
fits from the mills.
AROMATIC SIMCCS jaaraateed the finest.
rivalled. Together with host of other
we ay write to us.
express one way. ' k ' '
price. Ia (tot we , , ,
raw fan.
Morrison HI., near 41 h
Best Crown and Bridge Work $440
B karat old psr tooth 4tV
Set teeth, fully guar'tdmbber.$5.00
Best Gold Filing: $1-00 uu
Best Alloy Filling...... - - 50c up
Teeth extracted without pain. 50c
v ui u .mi 1 1 mi m 1 1 hi 1 1 in iii-m
Race Between Columtla and
Shamrock Stnts at 11:30
More TUB Six Secoate Atkcd Over
TblrtyMIt Coorsc-MeMnre
! " nMtof tli'YtcbM.
NEW YOHIC, Oct. t-Tb flrat race
of the International trrle between the
American Ysiht Columbia and the
British challenger Hhamrock will b
mi led tnmorrw. weather permitting,
over a pouine uf IJ mile to windward
or lenward and return. The start Is to
be made at 11 o'clock, from Sandy
Hook llghtuhlp, a postponement
Is ordered. Uut no race uf the aeries Is
to be started later that 12.20 p. ni.
On of the greatest surpriaes of
yachtumen since the arrival of the
Htmmroik was the annuuncement of-
flt'liOly mudv tonight that the Columbia
would have to allow the Hhamrock 131
-fcoinl on a JO-mlle course.
Designer Fife while glvln tbc Stow
rock a Urgcr sal! plane than the Co
lunibli rss, at the same time so con
tructed her hull aa to give her great
freeboard, leaa displacement, and con-
enuently a shorter line by alinnsi
to feet.
Otflclal announcement of the dimen
sions of the two yachts follow:
Length of water line, Columbia, M.M
feet; boomrock, I7.W feet. From after
and mam boom to forward point meas
urmo'it, Columbia, 181. JJ feet; Sham
rock, IS) 1 ft
From foresail of foremaat to forward
point measurement. Columbia, TJ.w
feeir Shamrock Tt.U feet.
Extreme of spinnaker boom, Colum
bia, VM feet; Shamrock 71. 4 feet.
In gaft. Columbia f5 feet; Sham
rock, T.M feet.
ToptiMt. Columbia,. 5".0 feel; Bham
rxk. 4."t6 fee-t,', r
Helaht of upper side of main boom to
top-sail halyard block, Columbia, 134"!
t? t ; Sbajiirtck 1221 feet )
bouare ti of nail area, aa per rule,
Voif ntla, H4.l feet; 8hamrock 1H.1S
galling length, as per rule, Columbia,
liU.135 feet; Shamrock 101.6 feet.
NFW YORK, Oct. i-The cup de
fender Columbia was measured today
by John Hyalop, the official measurer
the Northwest..
devices and
take away all .
the old dread. '
Dental Work
- We employ
only the most
methods, and
in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in h ii 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 i isimki i n
?ek for the Portland I
of tl Now York Tsht flub, at tWcnn boat and are weU tried men every
Krmihlyn navy yard, and her water ..i,' or" of lhm- Captain Archie Hogarth
. . a . t j a ii and Wring will have the handling of
ws found to be M.I fH and a imall . rj ,,, "
the Britisher,
furibn. Her main b-n U 100 ft Cainpiring the merit of the boats aa
in length, the same aa trie Defenders, they have been estimated ilnce the
Ifi tho fart the hm that the latter It reasonably certain that
,., .i,, I. r,.! .(. Bhamrork can atand up better in a
SUV VOliK, Oct. J.-Hlnce the Co-
Irintili waa launched on June 10, and
the bhamrock on June it. a number pf had ,he Columbia haa ,h0wn much and that meana weather In which nlne
mishaps have befalHt tbewi ooas- 'greater speed In winde of II knots an! tenths of the excursionist will be glad
The mot serious of these fell to Co- boUr thn undef tDd tytn ,ne wrnM!atj t0 flnd ,,hetr Bndef. ginly Hoofc
lumbla'S lot When th-r New York Yacht of th. Hhamrock eonfeaa , Analysis at th. smsthee enndlMnna
.Clufs annual cwISs off Newport she
had her suel rnaat broken when far
ahrsd fo tb old Defeftdw. The Bha,n-.
rKk has been aground In these waters.'
has just escaped eolllslon twice and has :
been th vlotlm of numerous small ac-'
cldents, but she Is tow In the most
perfect condition, a Is ber rival Co
lumbia. Uuih are lying at their docks
In Ur'Kiktyn, ready fur the battle which
Is to begin within a tew hours. j
Itoth boats have been well tried out
and they have been' found wanting. I
Th Britisher had tn Insignificant I
brush or two with tb old time Briian-
nla on the other side, and beat her by n.lnntssi tH h si sIYn4
t llillJV w niiiiuvi - s Tumi
adusja test of b s,ed. On this
vide she has been out in the lower bay
a number of times during the past six
K.-rls and on orcaalons has shown
n irwlous (eed and wonderful capa
bilities. th. has shown herself to be essen-
tlally a rough weather boat. auu,dlng
....'.'lu In th. atnoiiirusit W I rwl ftf
.w..., ... -
oierxn ami culling varuugn ine wsitr
In a rn3SvelOuly moh manner. In
lighter wathr the Ehaoirvck baa not
hd milch testing, beyond th ordinary
trials which permitted Designer Fife
and ?allmakr Raiser to atudy her
wmknesseas and improve her rig. Since
her first trial the Bhamrotck haa been
tilted with a new sot of sails, much
iurprr In area than the first and suiting
her better.
The Columbia haa bad many more
trials than ber British rival and prob
ably th trial have been better. Tbey
certainly could not have been more
satisfactory. 8h haa been pitted half
a' score of time against . the old cup
difender. and haa won in every case.
11 or trials took place off Newport and
so decisive wsre her, victories during
ilie annual cruise of the New York
Yacht Club that it wa deemed un
necessary Immediately after to further
lest hT qualUlea. However, In order
to give her a more thorough trial, addi
tional races with Defender were ar
ranged, and with some Improvements
that hud been made the Columbia won
nvr marked triumph.
Snnie of her vlclorle over Defender
are as follows:
August 8, thirty mile course, light
weather, won by four minute,, on
second. .
AurusI 10. heavy e strong breese,
37 mile course, won by one minute 16
AuKiist IS, fulr breese, triangular
course, II miles, won by eight minutes.
off Wwnort. all klnda of weather. 10
mile course, won by six minutes forty
nine seconds.
Off Newport, triangular course, ten
miles to :he leg. In a whole sail breese,
won by ten minute.
The Shamrock has had -In all but
seven trials. The Columbia haa had
nn HVeraare of three or four weeks
since the latter irt of June. The
Columbia has had the Defender con
stantly with her, and the Defender has
been In charge of a crew that a rove
i,,. i iii. hmt Inch of steed.. The
I rials tlirouKh which these two yachts
p.i!ed were genuine races. The Colum
bia and her crew form a thoroughly
well tried racing outfit and Captain
Charley ltarr, who will be at the wheel,
Is an exDert. The Shamrock crew
number morn than that of the Amerl-
H says was always so light
and well baked.
Well ther I a knack In mak-
But don't forget th kind of
tov or range used make a
difference. His mother used a
Star Eatate Fciyje
W. J. SCULLY. Agent.
ill Bond BlreeL
strong blow than the Columbia. Many
believe that sim would prove the better
1 boat In a gale, but It la not co certain '
j thai a sale will prevail on any of the;
racing day.. According to the Judg-
ment ot those who have followed the
two yachta In auch trials aa thev have
that houl(J M w)n(U aJ, thelrof the tweftty iaring tne
, ... . fc. fc. ,. . , .,.. ,v-. . ,...
wnnnf xb.y thu bjr Mr.
,., ... .
In addition to ber fine qualities In;
llght air the Columbia has shown her -
elf moat satisfactory In her windward
work and It la worth noting that she.
was designed especially for thla kind rock were dry docked some day ago,
of work. ! thoroughly scrapped and cleaned, and
C, Oliver and yachting party, which put In the beat condition for the con
included Captain Barr, of the Colum-! test. They will be meaaured today by
bin, aalled down to the navy yard this ofiiclal measurer, Hyslop, of the New
afternoon In the St. Michael. The 8t J York Yacht Club. One of the conditions
Michael bove-to In Wlllaiwut basin and
y , ,)n u1 0,,, BeLrT went!yacht that challenge hall crow the
ashnr In Idiinrh Thpv VM mpt
fJ.uteluuJt Mulligan of the navj
... . . .,.., ...,, nv......
who w)ked up t0 b
dry dock In which the graceful cup
defender rested on the keel blocks,
bhe looked like a toy boat In a big
wooden basin, the last occupant of
whlch waj tfc ,
Mr. Iselln and the two naval officers
aent over the Columbia and she wa
carefully measured with tape. Several
' workmen were busy all afternoon mak
ing her ready for the official measure
ment. Mr. Iselln was wry much
pl-aied with the appearance of the
yacht. . He and Captain Barr apent an
hour In the navy yard and then sailed
down to the Erie basin to take a glance
at the Bhamrock.
Crowds gathered early at the Erie
basin to get a glimpse ot the Sham
rock. Tbey were not so early In getting
around, however, as wa the challeng
ing yacht' crew. The crew long be
fore T o'clock had completed painting
and polishing the underbody ot th
yacht and she Is now In perfect condi
tion for Tuesday" rao.
To obviate annoyance from curloua
sightseers, sufficient water to coyer the
lead portions of the keel was early let
Into the dry dock. Thla flooding did
net Interfere with the work being done,
but keep stranger on the dock sides
away from the boat. It wa said that
the boat waa ready now to leave the
dock and that all were satisfied with
her condition.
NKW YORK. Oct. 1-The Columbia
Shamrock race will be witnessed by
a throng vastly larger than that which
has attended previous for the famous
cup and yet race will have a clean
course, owing to the federal super
vision of the courses. Yachtsmen are
coming from all parts of the United
States. The fleet of private pleasure
yachta now In these waters to larger
than ever before known.
In fact, nearly every steam yacht In
th American list Is now anchored In
the vicinity of New York and pretty
much all of America's society that is
not afraid ot seasickness will be atloat
Hundreds of enthusiastic yachtmen
are already at the hotels and more are
expected today, Many of the knowing
ones have engaged rooms In advance
at the Waldorf-Astoria and the Holland
House. About 200 of Sir Thomaa Lip
ton's sympathizers are booked for the
Fifth avenue hotel.
There is not the slightest doubt that
throe times as many people will see
the contests between the Columbia and
the Shamrock as ever saw an Interna
tional yacht race before.
The English visitors who have come
are far greater In numbers and are
more distinguished than ever came for
tr-U purpose before. Nearly all of the
guests of Sir Thomas Upton on board
the Erin will be from England, the
best known of whom Is Lord Charles
Beresford, who Is accompanied by La
dy Beresford. Among the other guests
are Lord Mtnto, governor general of
Canada, and Lady Mtnto: Hon.- Charles
Russel, of England, and Sir Henry
Burdett, Trlnce. Banjitslnjhi and all the
English visitors In his team will be the
guests of Sir Thomas tomorrow.
Friends of Sir Thomas say that he
really expects to take the cup back to
England waters and that the prelimi
nary work of the two boats has added
to his confidence aa to the result.
Leaving aside what the Columbia can
do In reaching, it is considered that
she can run before the wind no matter
what Us weight, like a blue winged
teal that the gunner has missed.
Whatever Shamrock's relative speed
may be . In reaching, the Columbia is
better for beating and running, es
pecially for running, even though the
wind blow up to 18 knots. In fact, the
Columbia can run faster In any wind,
for she has less water surface, and
she Is so shapped that she rises for
ward rather than buries when she 1?
A to the course to be laid, there
are three race In which the yacht
must be at IS ml lea to windward and
run 15 miles before It. The other two
courses are around a triangle, where
In 11 mile of each leg are to be cov.
ered by reachnlg, ao the Columbia get
three race to her liking, where the
j Shamrock haa two race to her
The race may be sailed, aa they have
been, where the wind rose above 10
miles an hour. The race will be start-
ed In any
Ind under which the yachts
enn enrrv a mnfed mainaall and 1th
I cup ,nowi tnllt tbe welther .)molt
i ,.,. , ... mM.
the past few aeries nothing like half
, a gale haa ever been experienced em
, any of the day.
Both the Columbia and the Sham-
! of tlie race for the cup is thai the
ocean or come from whatever country
she Is built on her own bottom. '
If the Columbia Is the victor It Is
,hooght :, w,, yeari before
another try is made for It If the
Sl.amrock win there will be a challenge
for it immediately and the yachtmen
of the country will send over to Eng
land a yacht to bring back the cap
as soon as one can be built and a match,
Admiral Dewey' alleged declaration
that he agree) with President Schur
man concerning the proper policy for
the Philippines la sufficiently diplomat
ic and Indefinite, and tor all that Pres
ident Schurman ha said concerning
his policy In hi, rather, lengthy Inter
view he might have still been more
explanatory If he had said be agreed
with Admiral Dewey. Since everybody
wants to know what the sailor thinks
the professor should speak out.
The New York World, which ha
probably published more exclusive ru
mora about the Philippines Than any
other paper In the country,, now aaya
that General Otis has been confined to
his bedroom for three days as a result
of what the home newspapers are say
ing about him and has declared that If
Washington does not relieve hln he
will relieve himself. The ambiguity of
this statement evidently puzzles the
World and It prints the rumor under a
modest double column head.
In the Island of Mull, on the west
coast ot Scotland, there Is still living
a cousin of Dr. Livingstone, the fam
ous African explorer. Mrs. McQaeeny
or, as she is better known, Kate Llv-;
lng8tone, has now reached the age of
one hundred and two years, and, though
able to go about. Is In her dotage. ' Her
people belonged to I'lva and she was
well acquainted with Dr. Livingstone
who visited her whenever he came to
Mull. She still talks of her famous
cousin and sets much store by a- stiver
brooch which he presented her and on
which her name Is Inscribed. .
"The Brooklyn Times" give an In
teresting account ot a line ' oak tree
which stands on be grave of a Pres
byterian minister In the cemetery at
Huntington, Long Island. The clergy
man's son has just encircled the tree
with a bronze tablet with the following
Inscription: "This tree was grown from
an tcorn tak n from tne historic watch
oak tree of England and planted by
Rev. James McDougal, 1SS1 The
wtcl. oak tree referred to stands near
the town of Battle, England. The
place was formerly called Senac. It Is
near the spot where Harold II. the
King of England, gathered his army
for a battle with William the Conquer
or on October 14, 1066. Tradition has It
that the oak tree stood in a prominent
position, and that from Its branches
Harold's men observed the movements
of the Invading Normans. The name
watch oak was given it, and as such it
has been known during the centuries
since that memorable battle. -
Hoax I believe that constant asso
ciation has its effect upon the physiog
nomy. For Instance, the pork butcher
grows to look like a pig.
Joax-Sure. I know a golf fiend who
isn't very far from the lynx. Philadel
phia Record.
"All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy.' remarked the Jokesmlth, "and
all work and no plagiarism makes a
dull newspaper column."
Makes the food more
ot a!Wi
Unconfirmcj Keport Tbat Boers
HaveCaputrei Dundee.
Belief Few Wilt Co to Extreme of
Votlr Ar.lnst Wir Credlt
Sallstory' Sittecneat
' LONDON, Oct." I.-No eoDfirmatiom
is obtainable from any source of the re
port contained i dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph Co., tbat tb Boers
have captured Pundi. No exceptional
activity waa tbown at the government
office todav. .
CbambeTlaln sod the Earl of Bel
boa roe were absent from tbe colonial
office, .bat Lord Lsnsdowne, General
Lord Wolssley and General Sir Evsllyn
Wood, werboai!y engsgetl at the war
office tbi afternoon and a special board
meeting wa held. Naturally notbinf
of lb discussion was made public; bat it
is understood tbat Gsneral Bullsr will
not proceed for the cap as til next week,
except in cam ot noforseea develop
ments. Many member of parliament are re
turning to town in anticipation of aa
arly lamnoning of tb boose of parlia
ment. It is th general impression tbat
although speakers may express disproval
ot the government's policy, few will go
to tbe extreme of voting against tbe re
quired credit. It is considered more
probable tbat tbey will abstain from par
ticipaling in division.
Bir William Vernon Harcourt, liberal
leader, in s speech at Trexagar, said :
"Tbefirst and last words of those
gold hunters is war, in order to lead
to annexation."
A oorrespodtif ot wrote to Lord Salis
bury asking if it were not trne tbat tbe
goveinmentjwould make every effort to
void war and bad no desire to annex
the Transvaal if a settlement could b
obtained peacefully. ' Lord Salisbury
replied answering affirmatively.
A letter from an I'tlamler, received in
Birmingham, was published today. If
it reflects tbe general feeling of British
resident in Jobaunesbnrg, they most be
in an awful funk. Tbe writer sa "if it
comes to figbt, I believe '.be Boers wilt
mjke a massacre of it, " blow Johannes
burg to pieces and shoot us on sight. - la
fact I Lave been told so by one in office.'"
NEW YORX, Oct. t-A dispatch te
the Times from Paris says:
With war between the Transvaal and
Great Britain Imminent, French opin
ion as to its Justification and probable
issue - is beginning to express Itself.
France sympathizes with the Transvaal
republic on the same grounds, with the
same motives and in the same lan
guage as she did with Spain.
France is always against the : na
tion which has the highest civilisation,
for it is that which she fears..
She is against Great Biftai'tl today
because she fears trie-power of'that na
tion and Is irritated at having to-count
with the opinion policy and commer
cial rivalry f her neighbor across the
But that Is the sole reason, and much
as she pretends, or, rather, as her prin
cipal press organs pretend, to the con
trary, she does not seriously believe
that the Boers will beat the British or
even that the Boers have Justice on
their side.
I have excellent reason for stating
that the French government, though sU
lent on the subject for fear of Irritat
ing the Nationalist press, Is well pleased
to see a European power overriding;
native pretensions In Africa, which. If
at once acceded to, would render th)
opening up of Africa an Impossibility.
The French people would have as much
to lose as anybody In the near tutor
by a triumph of Kruger.
"Whatever Interferes with progress
in Africa," says an influential states
man to me today, "will have to be
3vept away, whether it cornea from
Boer or black American."
delicious and wholesome
powof CO.. re win