The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 01, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Four of the Transcontinental Lines
Under One Management.
The Great Combination Would Form
Network of Rails to Every
Corner of the Country.
The announcement which was made
last week of the proposed amalgama
tion of the Interests of the four great
railroad magnates In America to form
one gl?antlc combination which shall
under one management operate the
great systems they control and wave
a web of lines over the United .States
" shall reach every remote corner
of the country f Winner on thj.u"'
RVIlb ta CJaiis"ton on the south, from
Boston on the east to San Francisco on
the west, seems, while it yet lacss cou-
firmation. to have a truer ring Ui'
any previous rumor of cons','
which has tn circulated - '
road people. Events n ,0 Un& vwy
strongly toward tKat con,ummation
and that, too, "Rhin a very short pel-tod
of tlTna. The purchase of the
Crocker interests In the Southern Pa
cific Tallroad by C. P. Huntington la
not the least Important Indication of
this trend, while the succession of W.
K. Vanderbllt to the directorship of
the New York Central Instead of Cor
nelius Vanderbllt, Jr., the heir to his
father's Interest, Is also regarded, as
significant. In fact the financial world
Is rr-a'lj to accept the news as tru
and U prepared to hear of the com
pletion of the deal at any minute.
If II is consummated it mean the
c !hhtir f mor capital In one
enterprise than has ever been contem
plated before. It moans the amalgama
tion of ov-.-r one billion dollars' worth
of railway lnU-res;? In one great road.
It means the conjunction of lines ag
gregating a total mileage of over 22,000
miles, or more titan enough to encircle
the islobe once and a third a?aln. It
means the organization of a company
which will employ more men to oper
ate Its elaborate service than the
United States musters In Its entire
army and navy. It means that a small
body of men shall direct the course of
nearly eight thousand locomotives
drawing over seven thousand passen-
liiN. !
lyyyyys. .
fltlcittiott, Business
The AiTORi.w has atUlexl a
number of the latest faces of
type to its job printing de
partment, anil is prepared
to turn out a quality of . . .
superior to any that can be
procured elsewhere.
It will pay you to call and
get estimates on any and all
kinds of printing.
Rnest Work Lowest
I ger coaches, over twenty-nine thousand
! flat car and nearly two hundred thoua-
I and freight cars. It means the emptor
train of cars that would stretch four-
fifths of the circumference of the earth.
Xn short, it means a gigantic coalition
too stupendous In Its colossal cuaUilon
to be grasped by the mind.
Nor is Its commercial importance less
astonishing. If It should succeed in
controlling the trade of the United
.States as it would svtk to control it
within the borders of the union, it
would Increase the vast wealth of the
promoters immeasurably and mean the
centralization of traffic that would In
evitably affect the growth of the coun
try and divert it markedly from the
paths American growth and develop
ment have been following and hew
pew lines diametrically opposite, per
haps, to the present trend. In fact,
its effects are too far reaching to ad
mit of reasmable speculation at this
Consider for a moment the men In
terested In the scheme. W, K, Van
derbilt is one His" election to the va
cancy in the directorate of the New
York Central road caused by the d-ath
of his brother, Cornelius VanderbUf
m-aris unquestionably that he is f
the h-.-a-l of the Viindrhi:t ir' -o be
l'.i'i the intention of the- .t. rests,
ijiunag-.-inei.t lveri Vj ' Central's
present, your- -".M.nue in its
probably have r" 4 Cornelius would
Lilacs. H -e,;n cho.--.-n to h!g fath-
,ut In view of the new de
contemplated the experience
..n elder head was necessary. W. K.
was just the nian.
John D. Rockefeller is the second
mentioned. Uis extensive interests in
New York. New Haven and Hartford
properties would make him a valuable
acquisition to any combination the
New York Central contemplated, for
the Central could not afford to antag
onize the New Haven road. Its Inter
ests are kindred. Rockefeller's holdings
ir the Missouri, Kansas and Texas
and in the Chicago and Alton were val
uable, too, as connecting links with the
West, should New York seek to expand
In that direction. He, too, could op
pose any pooling of Issues with Union
Pacific and Chicago Northwestern, In
which his holdings are large.
Kut to win Union Pacific C. P. Hun
tington was a necessity. He, however,
wis a ready ally. He has sought to
xii-nd l.'nion's interest eastward as
e.'tniL-stly as Vanderbllt has sought to
'.l.rl New York Central's Influence
" - Mv. .n-d. The mi'l lle ground on which
th two n.'-t was on Chl'ago and
Noi-thwentern. To form a combination
of all th'lr Interests was advanta
geous to both.
I'utitii.Kt.on then was enlist.-! In the
plan, and carried the Joint lines to the
'.oat, I, at t.ot In the way that was
d -slrr-1. The Southern Pacific railroad
was In the way. It connected the two
threads and completed the whole fa
bric. Continued on page 7.
Scrubbing Floors
can never be made
a pleasing pastime,
but one -half the
labor will be saved
and the results im
proved by using
Gold Dust Wash
ing Powder.
ftetwl fur fr bookl
for Hguawork."
Ckkap St Leal KnrTwX
"Russell" Automatic Engine
Write for Catalogues of
BTBfiVd rntlRSEfl Well equipped t
quickest and best way to 8tat Certlflcttea
Expenses for year from tl to 1160; Board $2.60 to 13 per week; Tultlos, t
term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 14th; Summer term June f
to September t For catalogue address P. U CAMPBELL. President
or W. a. WANN. See of Faculty.
In nil tW"
Bessts jj itm-gi U il wjJ
L r- sr-'x
Engine BoiiYrs, fn M'IIh. ;
Portland, Oregon.
Normal 5chool
Training Bohool for Teacsers.
New Buildings
New Departments.
Ungraded Country School Work.
Graduates Secure Good Positions.
mining department, Normal eourw
nnl styles.
We shall continue to cell
Iron and Brnss BednlnudK
at the same Ixiw Prices
regardless of the rnise in
the price of iron and brass
Land onto at Or.'gon City. Oregon.
Saptomlwr Uinl. 158.
Notl- Is hctvby given that the fol
lowing mimed settlor has (lied notice of
Ms Intention to make nnal proof In
support of his clwlm. and that said
proof will be made before County Cb rk
of Clatsop County, at Amorla, Oivgon.
on Nuvvmher tth. ISiW, vli: ANTt)N
IIANll, It. K. lO.". 'or the of
3.-C. i, Tp. 4, N. It. I W.
lit names the following wltttf' to
prove his continuous rvnldetwe upon
siul rultlvntbm of .ill I'i'ul. vis:
Oeolgo Landivs, Adolf Slvortson.
John II. KiK-h. James Flnl.y, all of
AHorlrt. lirvgon.
CHAS. II. MOUKKS. lti'gitT.
NOT1CB Fv.Il i'l'lll.lCATU'N.
VnltM Slates 1ikI lm. Orison City.
OrvsJi. Ju.jr a Isw.-Noiwe is aoty
t Viii Hist in couiiiian' nh th pr-
liuns ul th at'l ot Cunsnra ot Jun t.
!.. wit 1 1 lul "An e-"l l lh !
liintvr lail In ttta Hllr ( CalKomU.
Ornxon, Neri1. ami Vhlnin Tei
rHorr.'' as xivt-d u itw putUo .!
Matr by SvX of Amrtwl 4 HM. Jbn S.
8imnvns, ot rortlaihl. ouunitr of Mull
iXMiwh, iitats 'f or mi. has this tlay
(lird In this office hi w rn statf ntmt
No. t!. tor ih purvlMM ( ik m m
tx. II, sV nrt and nwtt of ol t' a
Nx 0, la townaMp N. I a. rns V
nd will oRr proof U th.w that f iwl
oiurtti is nwre vaiub fur lis iimer
or stone than tor aaDeuliural urpoe,
nd to mUNO hi e aim to said land b.
for lh ltvwr snd llntovrr of ihia
oltK at Drrcon City, Oic m. on Tu
dr. the day ot tV:'b.T lue.
II gi.m wttnt-oara: William K.
Ilurk, Millard F. fulvr. Anlrrw I)
Rorkfillo, Jpr N Kowlrr, all of
Cortland, MulinHiiah County. Orron
Any and all pvtw rlaimln; a.lvrratly
tho bviv-. :' '.' lan t art r'ttutl
to ftl their clal n In '.hit ortl.'o on or
bpfor th 10'h day of CVL.twr. vj. .
L'llAUI.Kd M. Mihiuks
fVpnrtn.etit tif the Interior. United
States Ijitid tiltle.
trt-Kiin t'lty, trenn.
J..., ...... t...r
1 1 uinM. -!.. ......t...f ..,ttl....i. t. -
.a " , . H'iliri,, Ulll'lt imtlllH
iH'en illetl In Ihls office hy V. 0. II.-v.cll
t'ont.'iitnnt, aKiilnut hutiu t, n, entiy
No. ll'i.'l, tiia.le Hctober 30, fur the
NK. V, section g. tontmhlp 5. N. ramte 10
V l.y tile l'etor S. Al'litl, cohtelff. In
which It Is aliened -salil ole I'-ler
8. Av.lal hits wholly almiul.-tn-.l said
tract; thai he has chatiKi'd hl n l lenou
Iherefrotn f"r tnoru thun one yar flme
innkltiK salil entry, said tract Is
nt settled uptin :md rultUat-d ly said
party as required by law and that said
lillecvd ab.tence from the raid land wna
not due to hi tmplnyitifiit In the army,
navy, or niurln corps tf the United
Stiites as a private sol. Her, officer, ara
man or marine, tlurlnf the war with
S'jMiln. or during any other ar in
which the United States may tie en
a'"d." Snltl parties are hereby no
tlhed to appear, reind and offer evl
drnce tomhltif said atlrvatlon at II
o'clock a. m., on October IJ. In-fore
the Register nnd Itecelver at th Unit
ed States Land Office In Oregon Olty,
The said contMtant having. In a
prtier affldavlt. filed S.ptemb r 1. II'.,
set forth facts which nhow that after
-lue dlllftnnce personal s- rvlce of thin
notice ran not be made, it i h'-rehy
ordered und dlrvcted that such notice
be given by due and proper publica
Department of the Interior, United
Slates Land Office.
'.,.. Oregon City, Oreifon.
- Hept..i,bfr, I, l!i!9.
A ..rtl, t.,n . .-I .A t...ll , '
been lll. il In this olllre by W, (J. HoWi-ll,
cont-mant, against homestead entry
No. 9131, ina-l AusUHt 8. lvJl, for tb
w-iith-ant ttiartpr section 17.
i N, ivnge W W, by O" -wnshlp
contest. In . W. nipo.
"the - ' ""' It l llei(l that
..aid Oncar W. f'otnpo hits wholly
abandoned said trut; that he hus
changed his resld-nre therofrom for
more than four yeitrs since making
said entry; that said tract Is not set
tled upon and cultivated by mild party
as required by law und that Maid alleg
ed nbcnre from the said land whs pot
due to his employment In the army,
navy, or marine corps of the United
States, ni a private soldier, officer, sea
man or marine during the war with
Spain, or during any other war in
which the United States may be en
gaged." Said partl-s are hereby noti
fied to appear, respond and offer evi
dence touching nald allegation at 10
o clock a. in., on October 23, 109, be
fore tho Register und Receiver at tho
United States Land Otllce In Oregon
City, Oregon.
The said ronteiitant having, In a
proper nlli'iavlt, lll. cl September 1, 1S99,
Hit forth fai-ts which tihow that after
due diligence personal s-rvlce of this
notice can not bo made, It Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due und prop- r publica
tion. WM. OALLOWA Y.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congreas of June I, 1871, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the State
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the public land slate by act of Au
guxt 4. 1892, John II. Koch, of Astoria,
county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his iworn
statement No, 1007, for the purchase of
tlon No. 7 In township No, I n, range No.
I w, and will offer proof to show that rhe
land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or iione than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish hi claim to
said land before the Regls'er snd Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Saturday, the 9th day of Septem.
bar, 18U9. lis name ss witnesses: Wal
lace Donkel of Vine Maple, Oregon,
Isaac Inkel of Vine Maple, Oregon,
the H of n w and lot 1 and 1 of seo
Patrick J. Handwrlght of Astoria, Ore.
gon, William C. Thomosson of Vine Ma.
pie, Oregon. Any and all person claim
ing adversely the above-duerlbed lands
are requested to (lie their claims In
thl ofllce on or before sold 8th day of
Si p' ember, 1S09.
United States Land Office, Oregon City.
Oregon, June 27, 1899, Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with th pro
visions of the act of Congress of June I,
1171. entitled MA tot for if tale of
timber lands In the !.() of California,
Oregon. Ntvada. gad Washington Trrl.
lory,- as attended to all the Public Und
State by aol of August Utt, NarolMa
M. Hall, of Astoria, county of Clatsop,
tale of Oregon, has Ihls day (lied In this
onto her sworn statmni No, 4014. for
the purchase of th N H Of R U of
Bro 11 and W H of t W M of Bo No, M
In Township No, ( N, Rang No. t W.
and will offer proof to show thai th
Und sought la mora valuabt for It Urn.
br or stone than for agricultural pur.
poaea, snd to iabllh ttr claim u mut
land before (he Register and Receiver of
this onto at Oregon City, Or., on Friday
th lit day of Ootober, IBM. Six
names a witnesses) A. C Andron, of
A. lo-i. Ore.; Miss D. lllrd, of Bald.
Ot.: Charlrs Thomptoi, of Seaside, Or I
John WaurhouM, of Clalpop. Any snd
ail persons claiming advr'.y th above
dxerlbrd land are requrded to fl
their claim In this office on or before
t4 Id Uth day of September, ICS).
CilARLKs II. MOORES, ltegllr,
Untied Btatea Land OITIo, Oregon City,
Oregon, J:y n, urax-Notice is arty
gtven that In compliance with the pro
Mnt of the act of Congree of June i,
tut etittiled "An at fur tn sals ot
ttmtwr lands In th Stale of California,
Oreiron, Neeada, and Washington Tf
rteocy," aa .tended to all the pab'le land
itau by act of August 4, 1191. Millard F.
Culver, of Portland, county of Mutt
nomarv State of Oroexn, ha this day
tiled In Ibis offlj Ma sworn sratMnenl
No. M, for the puronasa of tti nwSi
cf e-!tlon No. n in township No, I a.
part No. 19 weal, and will offer
proof lo shoe that the land sought Is
aior valuable for its limber or stone
I hus lor agrtculiurai purpose, and lo
eelabllah bts claim to said land before
th Rajtster and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City. Oregur, on Tuesday, lb
l'.xh Uy of Ootober, MM.
II ntmee as wltneewx: Jaaper N.
Fowlee, James F. Rathbun, Andrew D.
Rorkafellow, and J"hn K. Simmons, all
i4 Portland. Multnomah County. Oregon.
Any aiJ sll persi t clatmlng advenely
th ab.ive.d-j Tlb-d tan Is sr requeated
to Di th Mr e.a n In thl ufflce ua or
before ald M'.h day of October, US.
UnP-d oValns Land Olflo. Oregon City,
Orgoa, Ju y IX ls-Noilo 1 hereby
given tbU tn oompluvw with the pro
visions of th act ot Congress of June I,
Uit entitled "An act tot th sal of
Umber lands to the States of California,
Oregjit, Nevada, and Washington Tel
rkory." aa ealwded to all lbs pufcUc land
atatee by aot of August I, MX, Jaepeg
N. Fowler, of PonlUnd, ooaoly of MuH.
nomatk ftal of Oregon, has this day
filed In this offlae) bin sworn MateuM!
No. 40M, for lb purchase of lb nwtl
of se-tton No. M tn townditp No. I n,
rang No It wast, and will offer
proof to show that th land sought I
more valuable for It timber or stone
than (or agrtTUl'.oral purpose, and t
catabtlsa bts claim to said land before
tee Register and Receiver of tni offlo
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
loth day ot October, IM.
I! name as wltnese; Millard F. Cul
ver, William B. Burks, Andrew D. Rock
a.Vllof, and John K. Simmons, all of
PortlsnJ, HullBab County, Oregon.
Any and sll pr.',.n claiming adversely
lh abovAleevlbed iadls !n rumt,i
to II' th .Ir clalo In thl effloJ Qn '
Mon said 10:h day of October, IsN. " j
. - Register.
United States Land Offlo. Oregon City,
Oregon. July II. lSM.-Notlce U hereby
given that In compliance with th pro.
visions of the act ot Congress of Jun I,
1171. entitled "An rt for tti ' sal of
limber lands In th States of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
riiory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of Auguat 4. 1191, William E.
Ilurk. of Pof Uod, county of Mull
nomah. Slat of Oregon, has thl oaf
filed in this offlo hi sworn tmn
No. 4034, for the ourctias of lot I, U, It,
and 14 of sec-tan No. 11. In township No.
4 north rsnge No. 10 west, and will sfler
prf to show that th land sought U
more valuivM for Its timber or stone
than tit agricultural purposes, snd te.
establish his claim to said land befor
the Register and Receiver of thl oftlc
St Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, th
loth dy of October, 1899.
II nsdes as witnesses: Jasper N
Fowler, Andrew D. RockaTellow, Jsme
8. Rathbun, and J. 8. Simmons, all of
Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
Any and ail person claiming adversely
th store-dxib4d lands are requested
to file their claim 1n 'Jhls office on or
before said 10th day of Ootober, 1891.
United Stat? Land Office, Oregon City.
Oregjn, July 21. 1899 Nolle Is hereby
given that In oompllarw with Uis pro
vision of th act of Congress of Jun I.
H78, entitled "An act for the sals of
timber lands In the SUUe of California,
Oreroi. Nevada, and Washington Ter.
rHory," aa extended to all the public tend
late by act of August 4, WW, Andrew v.
Rookifelle, of Portland, county of Mult,
nomah, State of Oregon, has this day
died In this office his sworn statement
No, 4925, for the purchase of the sMi neH
and H nwli of soo'.lon No, 17 In town
thlp No. I n, rang No. 10 w and will offer
proof to show that th land sought I
more valuable for It timber or ton
than for agrt-JJltu.-al purpose, snd to
establish hi claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, th
101 h Jay of October, 1899.
II name as Witnesses: Wl.lard F.
Culver, WillUm E. Burke, John E. Sim.
mon, and Jasper N. Fowler, all of Port
land, Multnonah Counly, Oregon,
Any and all persons rJalmlng adversely
the abo .described lands are requested
to III thoir claim In this office on or
before said 10th day of Ootober, 1891.
Ind Oftloe at Oregon City, Oregon.
ftept. II, KM.
Notice Is hereby given that th fol
lowing named settler has filed nolle
ot III Intention to make final proof l
support ot hit claim, and that said)
proof will be mad before county
clerk of Clatsop county, ft! Astoria,
Oregon, on October II, 111. vis; Wal
ler i. Falconer, II. H. 11.114 for th N.
B. 4 of section M tp. 4 N It, I W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove hi continuous resident' upon
and cultivation of said land, vis:
Thomas l'etlllohn, of Keeeey, Oregon!
IP. ft. Throoji, nf Keneey, Oregon; B.
R. Webster, of Keasey, Oregon: W. D.
Derebery, of Keasey, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given, thai on Mon
day, October I, 1M, at II o'clock In lh
forenoon, as administrator of lb Es
tate of W. It. Ryan, deceased, I will
ell at public auction, to the high!
bidder, for raah. at th Court lloua
door, at Astoria, In Clatsop County,
Oregon, lot no eleven (11), of block No,
two i5), In Itradhury's Addition to
Ocean drove, in Clatsop County, Ore
gon, belonging to said eetate,
F. 3. CAR NET.
Atlmltitstrator of th above entitled eg
tale. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, Ihls tttb
day of August, in.
Tty virtu of sn execution Issued out
nf th t'ltviilt Court of t!.e lete of
Oregon for the I'uvnty of Clateop on
the .a day nf September, 18M, upon
Judgment rend-ivd I herein on the IKth
dsy of Septenitier, lW. Iii favor of J.
T. Roe. J. p. MlRgltis, II. C. Thompson
and K. Z. Ferguson, partner doing
business under the firm nam of Rosa,
Mlggtn A Ci. plaintiffs and against
C. II. Ilrlnkoff and Nina rtHnkoff. de
fondant, for the sum of I'M II, th
coat and disbursement of thl suit
taxed t 110 JO and lb poet of and
upon Ihls writ rotnmandlng and re
quiring me In make sale nf the follow
lug tleserllietl real property, to. wit:
Iteglnnlng nt the southwest corner of
the M. A, lliiniald Initiation Land
Claim In sections t. !t and JJ. In Tp. I.
N. of It. 1. Weel of th Wlllamelt
Meridian, theiien east along the south
line of snltl Donation lAiid Clnlm
i:.l.7J feet. I hence north 710 fleet,
thence weal IM' I feet. Ihenre south
lit) feet to the place nf beginning el
reptlng th west 4.14 fe of the Irsel
a hove tlrcrllM-.l. escepttng also two
acre sold by Nina Ilrlnkoff andhus
baud, C. II. ItrtnkofT, a er deed dated
August Jnl. ItK, and reconled August
14th, IS9I, In Vol. 0. Pag Ul. Record of
Deeda, all altuatetl and being In Ul
County of Clatsop. State of Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Monday, the SOth day of October 1IM,
at the hour of ten o'clock in th fore
noon of said day, In front nf and at th
Court house dmtr In the City nf Astor
ia. Clatsop County, Oregon, will at pub
lic auction tn the highest bidder for
ch, the above dewrlbed real property
In anllafy the Judgment. Interest and
coat and all accruing posts
T1IOB. LINVILR. Sheriff.
Clats tp County. Oregon.
Astoria. Oregon. Sept. JSth, 191.
Hy virtue of an execution and order
of sale Isued out of the ClrrttU Court
of tho State of Oregon for Clatsop.
Cottiuy on the 17th day of September,
t "-U9. upon a Judgment and decree ren
dered therein on the 25lh day of flop-temlx-r,
v, In fnvor of 15. Tap pan.
Stafford, plaintiff, and against D. F.
Stafford, Henrietta E. Stafford, A. C.
Flstur suJ Cliarlns Wright. oVfomUnta,
"t l77,oo with Interest
for the sum ,
thereon st tl.e rate of eidht per .......
per annum, from the l.'-ih day of Sep
tember, P-.'9 the roets and disburse
ments of this suit taxed at 110 20 and
the posts of and upon this writ com
manding nnd requiring me to mk
snle of the following described real
prop-fty, tow II:
All of the Clnrn Houghton homestead
claim In section 27, lying north of a Mno
drawn across said homestead from
east to west, 91 rods south of, and par
allel with the north line of said section
17 Also all that part of P. Callander'
Donation I.nnd Claim which lies east
of the line of the Astoria and South)
Coast Railroad, so called, all being sit
uated In seotlon 27, township 7 north
of range 10 west. Together with th
tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging, alt In
Clatsop county, Oregon, exoept there
from all that portion which lies wet of
("ulllby creek.
Notice Is hereby given that t will, on
Monday, the .Wth tiny of October, 1S99,
nt the hour of 10 o'clock In tho fore
noon of said tiny, In front of and at
the poiirl house door In the city of As
toria. Clslsop counly, Oregon, sell at
pttlillo miction In the. highest Milder for
pnsh the above described real property,
to satisfy tho Judiiuient, Interest, cost
and all accruing octs.
Sheriff of Clatsop Counly, Of.
Astoria, Or., August 27, 1899.
Th board of equalization of Clatsop
county, Orpgon, will attend at th oftlc
of the county clerk of Clatsop county,
Oregon. September tilth, and dally
thereafter until and Including Septem
ber 30th, to publicly examine th as
sessment roll for th year 1899, and
correct all error In valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of land, lot or other
property, and It shall be the duty of all
parties Interested to appear at that
tlmo and place for th purpose of cor
recting any error that may appear In
said assessment roll.
Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon,
Astoria, Oregon, August IL 1899,
ft jfniltii, Jellies, pickles nrrniaup sr if
4i mar eifiiy, more quickly, innr
. W h-tililiniliy si-iil-tl with Helium!
vf l-srsllln was tlmn by any mlwr
Vtsl nil-Hunt. Downs of uttuiriui'sw 111 !aj
w ,... -Beflned
I Psraffina Wax
In wry hoiiitehnld. It In vU an,
lin(iiin anil rotor It-M-filr, witter
Bint H''!t pPH.f, 0t n Mun. ri.,.i-if
It Willi ft I INI VT 111 in 1.-'
from roiir druirKUtor grouT.
bykf eVwrywlitT, JMicH' I
i r. ANliAI.DOII.