The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 01, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Extraordinary Sale
Special for Monday and Tuesday.
Mack mid Colorod Herges f 1.00 quality..., 60c
tlolf Maid 40 to. 00c ulitj 4fc
Knglmli Flannelette 10c quality KJc
All other goods in jTOjiortion
470 Commercial St.
Tae DAILY AITOHMNwill ha tnumt
aa Mia In I'urllaaa at In wall- hauwa eia
lluaari kuIH of J. r. Hllf Co., awl
Waahlaeiua Kiraat. lirdera fur
laii lias thU Aim wilt
prawn AUaaiiaa.
I'OltTUND, OoC l.-Oocaalonal rain
today. , .
Cranberry picking U now on.
O. (1, )iu(haon U down from I'ortland.
Q. t', Ilowor, of Chadwall,
lowii yesterday.
wm In
T. It. Allen, of Denver, I lu Astoria
fur a short Urn.
Dr. Kay Ixftn, of Portland, it visit-
lix III th city.
A. Mi riiarlaa and mitt ar apauJins; a
day or two up tbs rlvtr.
Collector Tut Mi tor I'urtland yv
terilay on official bual
Mr Cavialn U. W. Woods started fur
Call ux hi a yaManiay, overland.
Mia Haiti Tallwit returned yaa).
ferday from vlalt to th metropolis.
Dnt full to se "Vanity Fair" at
Klhr's opor bouae tomorrow sven
lf. For rent Purnlabml front room on
Commercial street; enquire at thla of
flce. Mla Kale Bhlvoly returned yesterday
from a thro months' vacation In Vnrt
land. . , jj
. Captain II. F. Aatrup wai a paaernfar
on Ilia Blate of California on her down
trip, . .. ,
W art headquarters for school sup
plica aud prlcoa away down. Bharxa
nan's. '
Th county board ot equalisation
llnUhml Hi labor yrstrrday and ad
Jmirrrd. Jil
Here Is an Item for laf people. The
thiin.liT (cmI beat hla bit base drum
W. K. Mullen. roprarntln a Port
land manufacturing firm, la In Aator!
on bualnraa.
Mr. A. Miller, proprietor of tha Htar
brewery, Vancouver, Waah., la In tha
city on business.
U llorrlne;. of tha National, has
bean appolutvd ant of tha celebrated
War Hop (lold beer.
Wt havt juat received tha larfeat Una
of f olf capes, collarettes, mackintoshes.
it loweat prices. Bhanahsn's.
Contractor Palmberr waa awarded
tha contrail yesterday for building th
row realdunca for Mr. Trulllnfer.
Tou can find over 10,000 titles of nor
all at Ilyland Ilros.' old bookstore.Port
land. Drop In and fat something to
Yi anlnl A cutnuetent woman for
fimial buuae work. Tha beat wates
will be paid. Addreea W" Astorian of.
In the circuit court yeelerday Judge-
men I by default waa entered In tha caae
of J. W. Hlaughler vi. J. R. Wherry
and N. Anderaon.
A number of farmers and logger
from Ihe Lewis and Clark river were
In town yeatorday aa witnesses In the
Ingnlla-Olaen lawsuit.
The elders of tha church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Balm's will bold
vrvlcei In Fisher's hall Bunday at I p.
m. All are Invited to attend.
Herman Wlea offers fl.M to every
person who buys a mens' suit or over
coat from him and 10 per cant off on
all the rest of nil Ona stock.
WxbfiKH" la too feeble a word to rep
rwrl preaent-day Oregonlans. Flna,
gllli and scales are mora appropriate In
Ihll cloudburatlng year of Wt,
Mr. C. Itlgler, connected with tha clr
ruUtl'in deiartmnt of tha Portland
Kvenlng Telegram, waa In Astoria yea
nlay on bualnosa for hla paper.
The Ilrltlah ship lAWtoa la expected
tn arrlvu off the river any day. She la
out 10 daya-from Hamburg and la load
ed with genwral merchandlae fr Port
Mra. P. F. Woodford will give two les
sons a week In shorthand at her horns.
IU Commercial itreeL ft a month. All
Interested call Tuesday evening, Octo
ber L
All our 60 cent and Tt cent shirt waists
to be closed out at IS cents. All our
. 11.01, 11.15, 11.00 and 11.75 shirt waists
to ba closed out at M eenta. Bhana
hsn's. C. O. Palmberg waa awarded th con
tract yeaftrday for the oonatriKHIon of
a new cottage for Will Trulllnger.
The telegraph Una to tha cape was
down yesterday morning and no report
was received during the afternoon.
.. . ' n!f
Hulda Anderson, a Itusalan-Ftnn, wss
adjudged Insane yisterdsy In the coun
ty court, fhe will be Uken to tha asy
lum tortiftrrow night by Hherlff Llnvliie,
R. O. Lanfar and family, of Hh!'
water bay, who have bean vlaltlng wit
the family of Councilman Hhernak&u,
for tla last woi-k, rirturn to thtlr horns
Man put asunder another Ill-mated
pair yesterday. A decree of dlvorcs was
arantwt th plaintiff In tha suit of
Joe. D. Craig vs. Ida A.
circuit court.
Craig, In the
Tha two children of Mr. It. Dealey,
who havt bn low with diphtheria for
loin time are now out of danger and
th uuuraritlne of the residence has
been removed.
UistrUctwean th new Olney school
houa and tht AstorUn urno. th
r-tary'i book of th Dsptlat Bunday-
school. Finder will plesa return to
the Astorian offlca.
Hecur your seats at flrtrfln ft Rami's
for th perform an c of "Vanity Fair'
at Kliher's opera houa tomorruw even
lug Don't Will until the doors open
as there Is sura to ba a crowd.
I. V. Harper's Nelson county, Ky
whiskey. A gentleman's whiskey; a
whiskey for the sideboard; a whiskey
for the sick room. Sold by Foard A
Bloke Company, Aatorta, Oregon.
IMvlne cervices at Onto church to
day at 11 a. m.; evening prayer with
address to the Junior auxiliary at I
o'clock. Kvenlng prayer at Holy In
nocent's chapel, Uppertown, at 7:J0.
Olaf Peterson would lik to Inherit
some distant relative estate and, ob
serving Jamea Petty'a apparent suc
cess, hss accepted the position of dog
catcher which Petty lately vacated.
The tramp steamer Queen Adelald Is
expected off the river today from the
Orient Hhe takes th place on the Or
iental rout of th steamer Columbia,
recently chartered by tha government.
The Prltlsh ship Blyiheswood. Cap
tain Dixon, arrived In yesterday.
days from Liverpool, wltn a cargo or.
genera! merchandise. She will be towed
up to Portland aa soon aa a towooai
ermtn along the docks and on the
nnd abraat'f the city.- Their scare
Ity Is supposed to be caused by the
change In the weather.
V J. Johnson, A. Dalson, B. B. Gor
don, John Olvls, U Kenney, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Bmltb, Mrs. O. H. F.iUs
and daughter, It. M. Law, Mr. and Mrs,
l. Mi'Tinun, I'itiJ. Young, Clara Young
and Carl Young were among the As
toiiuns In Portland yvau-rduy.
Mnibftrs of the Becond division naval
pattullvn, Will assemble at tht armory
at 1 o'clock Monday evening, October
2. JW, f'r the annual Insoectlon bv
Colonel Jackaon, Inspector g-rtcrat, O.
N. 0, Hy order of Charles H. Abi-r
cum LI", lieutenant Junior grade, com
mander, bines th reduued fures have been In
(orce travel on the trains have doubled
There is an animated seen at the depot
when th trains arrive and especially
when ths svi-nlng passenger comes In.
The boats, too, enjoy a brisk business,
notwithstanding that this Is not a
rush season.
The Whit Collar line was awarded ,'
the contract for transporting the Thir
ty fifth regiment from Vancouver to
Portland, where It will board the trans
ports. There will be almost 1400 men
and fon,aoo pounds of equipment to
mov. The steamer Telephone will do
the work Monday or Tuesday.
The Washington volunteer regiment
will reach Ban Francisco next week.
Governor Rogers and a number of
Waahli.gton cltlena will met the reg-
inianl when It enters the Golden Gate.
Plana for taking the regliiu-nt up to Its :
home stat will not be made until tbei
n imie. of the boys are ascertained. .
fhrrlrT Linvlll sold, yesterday morn-'
Ing, under foreclosure of mortage, the'
stock of groceries of the defunct Cash j
Grocery store on Duane street. The!
bidders were A. V. Allen, Ross, Hlgglns '
4c Company and Johnson lirot. After
some spirited bidding the entire stock
waa knocked down to Johnson Bros.!
for $'10. j
The transport Blkh left up for Port-'
land early yesterday morning. Phe en
countered stormy weather up the coast.
hut fortunately met with a pilot on ar-;
riving off the river. The bar was un-'
usually rough on crowing in, but no ac
cident recurred. The Thirty-fifth regi
ment will embark on the Sikh and City
of Rio de Janeiro at Portland Tuesday.
Tlie Lightest Store in Astoria
Wise's Customers sea what they buy.
The Better the Grade'
The Bigger the Trade.
The funeral of Mrs. A. R. Cyrus yea-
terdsy nojn as largely ancnuea uj
the frlenda of the deceased, and the
floral tributes were many and beauti
ful. The sorvlMp were neld at me
Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Holllngs-
h-ad officiating. -
The run of tomcod In the river tha
oast few days slacltea up yemenmjr.
and only a few i-ere caught by the fish-
Pnrtlpmfl and
1 VI LlWtl 1V
Ail Astoria Store
for Astoria People
51.60 Discount off every Man's Suit or Overcoat
10 per cent off every Hat, Shirt, Boys' Suitetc,
No Portland merchant can beat my prices.
No Portland merchant can beat my 8tock for duality.
No Portland merchant helps in Astoria's welfare.
No Portland merchant can feel the same friendship
Or take the same care of Astoria customers as your ;
. . . HOME MERCHANT ....
To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the samd advantage as
the poople of Portland, we will, during th continuance of the prevailing
rates, furnish round trip ticlcot from
Astoria to Portland and Return
Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission
to tho Exposition wity each Suit or Overcoat, pur
chased of us, no matter what price the garment,
This will cnnblo those desiring to visit tho Exposition to do so without cost
and at tho same timo to tako advantage of our enormous selection of
For Mens, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figure
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will bo honored for a round trip ticket and
an admission to the exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat.
Moyer Clothing Co.
Tho Popular Price Clothiers,
flTCTT TWrt M.n..
3rd and Onk S, ts, ' ' 'tin tvi
Mr. Jackson the expert cutter for the
Royal Tailors, of .Chicago, will be at
Herman Wise clothing store, day after i
tomorrow, (Tuesilay) to take your!
measure. No malU't-whether you need a '
suit, overcoat, pants or vest now. j
come any way an Jiave your measure '
tuken hy an expert lor future use. no I
charge made for turing,'" j
..v;- !
The dispatch boat McOillough, which '
was with Dewey's !frt a4 Manila, la
xpecled off the river this morning from
fcattlei The McCullough Is no longer
uider control of the. war deptment,
having Ven tptrtfsrre1 to th revenue!
Servlo.. It Is said ths McCullough haa
been ordered to Portland to constitute
one' of the attractions' of the Portland
exposition. "r ,' '
Doou want a good meal when you
vlfll Portland? H' ft0 10 the Port
land restaurant SOS Washington street.
' A good meal with meats rich In Savor
and one you will enjoy with, a relish, is
Just what you get at Ut Creamerie
restaurant, 171 Washington street, near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
- - , . ...
If you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Creamerie Restau
rant, 271 Washington 8t, you may con
sider that your trip will not be a suc
cess, as others will tell you, who do not
miss It
Holmes' EngHsh and Business Col
lege at No. 414 Tamhlll street, Portland.
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already
tho classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicates the excellent character of
tha Institution.
Why Is Watson's restaurant in Port
land patronised by thousands ot people
daily T Simply because it Is the largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Facifle coast. Watson's restau
rant haa sixty-eight white employes on
its pay roll. Remember the location,
109-11 Fourth street
Smokers, read All 15 cent cigars, 10
cents: El Palencia, 10 cents; El Be
lmont, 10 cents; General Arthur, 10
cents; Iceland Stanford, 10 cents; Ban
ches Y. Jlyas, 10 cents; All ( cent, f for
25 cents. J. P. Handley & Co., cut
rate cigar and newsdealer. Perkins
hotel building, Portland, Ore.
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St, corner Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkins
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Ladies entrance to bath
on Fifth street
1st. clairvoyant and life reader; con
suit her on all business affairs, love
troubles, absent friends; she has no
equal: restores lost love. 167W First
street, parlors 5 and 6. Fee, 50c and
up. .
WATSON BROS., Propr's,
Conducted on ihe check' ntem, there
fore pairum pay for what Uiey order
aud qs more., .'
It Claii tat. lr?Mt; f kMMtt. BmI
ii4 wits Strt ift ii U JrtmL
; jos sod 1 II JFxmrth St. .5
Op)a.m ti8p.m. .PORTLAND
The Pernln method of shorthand Is
being taught by Mr. H. W. Behnke In
the Oregonlan building at Portland.
The Pernln system Is not only extreme
ly legible after being written, but Is
exceptionally rapid. It is said' that
students under Mr. Behnke's direction
attain success In one-half the time es
sentia with either Graham, Munson
or Pitman methods. This school ts
open day and night,
A tailoring establishment of some
pretentions, located on Washington
street, Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for iressy Astorlans during the
past six months. This statement is de
nied by the firm of Povey & Blrchall, at
S'i? Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronised by the
great majority of outside customers,
i'ovcy & Blrchall make the swell suits
ftr mofct of the stylish Portlanders, and
f....l that thev are not excelled by any
"l I rwtlnnil firm for out of town rjat-
- 11. riTTElKlU,
Pioprieh r.
frinte Krotl tW Liiin.
KM Waahlnr
too St , near 5th
Homo made Plea and cakes. .
E. House's
128 Thir trect, htlhti, Ingtt.
Tbe Bait Cop of Coflae
or Cocoa in ths city,
- Cream aad Milk
from eur own ranch
Breakfast Food
Barley Food
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme
Select Bran ...
Yeast, Cocoa
Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats
The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland
'ruvmswiA uvuuvnnnruxrinnnnnririnnnnnnruinnjuvu
L E. SELIG Lessee and Manager.
IWpened September 13. For ciroulare
Principal, Portland Oregon
Telephone Red 391-
Wednesday and Thursday, October 4-5, 99
The Society vent of the Season.
By Astoria City Ladie for the Benefit of the
Astoria Public Library.
Refined and Fanny A Rousing, Roaring Rally of Bongs and Laughter.
New Jokos, New Music, New Dances, Fine Solos and Choruses.
Six End Ladles. Many Local Hits.
Regular Musical Olio of pleaning specialties.
Throwing Bide lights and shadows on the ebony 400.
Guaranteed up-to-date high class entertainment.
ADMISSION Reserved Seats 75 cents.
Uallery 50 cents.
Sale of Beats opens Tuesday morning at Griffin & daU'a-