The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 01, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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tlia MOUSING AST OU i AN, .vlINUAY. OCTiWM 1, .ft!)!).
Occupies Large Shire of Public At
(fDiion Ib London.
ftnida and England Consulting Over
lie Matter- Dally Mall'i Opin
ion of Dewey's Reception.
(Copyrighted, Uit, by Associated Presa)
LONDON, Sept M.-CotnmBt re
garding th personnel and material of
the British fore which la expected to
be fighting within a abort Um In Souta
Africa continue to occupy Urn
bar of public Attention.
Uany criticisms appear, blaming th
government for not persoluing the war
e.lic som mania ago to put an ad
tuiK defend fure. on th. Brohahl. ry to realise tht atrong. simple,
consultations between Great Britain
and Canada, the United State mba
(.v taking little or no Interest In them
until Sir Pavii reaohea an understand
ing with the Imperial government. Re
port of, th arrival a aottlement
continue to appear, but the ar aa
unreliable aa they are contradictory.
Sir Davia aaid to a repraeantatlv of
th Associated Pre: "It Is Impoeal
ble to glv any statement at present'
AsKed It he was going over th lower
bay proposition, be aald: "No, not x
actl; I am here solely to rprent
the Canadian government'
The paper print long peclal dee
patche from New York describing th
welcome accorded there to Admiral
Dewey. Most of them, whit not p rod-King
to quite understand th trvmen-
doui enthusiasm, treat th outburst aa
an excellent feature of th national
Th Dally Mall special say:
"Being on th spot It I Impossible not
to enter the spirit of the thing and
to participate in th enthusiasm. It
Is not hard to understand the magnetic
patriotism of this vast lovable national
people whose emotion ar as keen In
expression and as frank and unrestrain
ed as those of children. It la also nee-
Steamer Monmouth Carried Party ui
Distinguished Guests.
The Famous Rough Rider S)
Dewey is the Most Central
Figure in the Country.
Is almost certain General 8tr Kdvrs
Duller, th former adjutant general
will nave supreme command In South
Africa, In the meantime th military
responsibilities oi divided between
Major General George Stewart Whit
and Lieutanaut General Frederick Wil
liam Foster Walker, th latUr at th
Cape and th former In Natal, each
being supreme over his own stat
General White, who la described as a
lighting man, "keen as mustard," has
not yet arrived In Natal. Upon him
will devolve U duty'of checkup any
desolutory Ior raids or In case of
actual hostilities of holding Natal until
General Bu ler'a army corps arrive, j
when th tKgreaslve British 'campaign
will probably occur. Some dlssatisfac-.
Hon is expressed because General
White has nevor served In South Afri
ca. U Is generally thought that th
fighting abilities will more than make
ur' his lack of topographical know
ledge. Under Generals Whit and Wal
ker will be a hout of officers specially
selected for ;hir knowledge of Boer!
methods and "?u.h African cami-aign-tng.
General Sir William Symond, Gen-
modest, unattractive personality of
Admiral Dewey. He la th on figure
without a flaw. One man outside a
In Addition Mnst Pay Fine of Five
Thousand Dollars Sentence
will Begin Immediately.
Carter Is sentenced to five years' lm
pnsonment and to pay a On of 500.
This sentence was approved by the
eral White's sec aj In command. Is uu, president today. Carter la now at Oov-
ot the few survivors of the massacre
f iitandlwhana. The artillery in Na
tal will oe commanded by Colonel
Downing, late chief Instructor In th
school of gunnery, Shoeburyness, who
has the highest scientific and practical
reputation, comparing somewhat wl'h
Bear-Admiral Sampson's reputation In
Uis tlnlied States navy as an ordnance
expert Mayor General French, com-
D'andlng the cavalry, la a dashing of
ficer, somewhat on the lines of ai
American officer. General Toung. serv
ernor's island under arrest, and the sen
tence will begin Immediately.
'and daughters. Among those on the
Monmouth were Governor Roosevelt
Carried Distinguished Party and, Rep
resented New York State.
NKW YORK. Sept .-Few boats In
I the parade played a more prominent
' part and none gave a heartier welcome
J to Admiral Djwey than the steamer
ad'throuat. tht early ftyp-im cam-'0""'11 " of New
J.i hn. ivn .H -...d.1 York state and carried several hundred
JfB" .-.. -
lng the uufitnes. of a large liilshed official and their wives
percentage of the British rank and file
rolna to South Africa or alrtaiiy th- ie.
i'.rWi difference of oolnlon on the nd hl ,,4fl. u- Proctor, of
subject exists. But it can be said that' Ve". "' United States Senator
th. regiments selected are beUveved to Tnom" s- of Virginia,
have the hlgnest standard of physique ' Wh,,n ne !r-nouth came abiva.i
and are all comparatively long service ' of the Olympla. Admiral Dewey was
- on the bridge and returned the salute
men. i
Many of the British officers bellev ,of over,ior Roosevelt and his staff by
th. Mauser, with which th Boers ar ,oucn ot hl The crowd on the
armed. 1. superior to th. Lee-Melford. Monmouth was simply mad with en
of the British forces, against civilised ' thu""m anJ hout ""- of com-
I pllmentary things at the admiral, who
troops. I
The Indian and Australian horse, will ; wa bu" maWn hi. acknowledg
he much used by the cavalry and menX- Governor Roosevelt .aid of th.
mounts infantry will probably luffer : demonstration:
more from the change of country than' "ThU m"lncent demonatration un-
... tin, nhllied to live on oata ""P891. believe, in the history
being obliged to live on oata
and mealies, a form of fodder they
are utterly unaccustomed to.
of our country, shows proof, If any
be needed, that Admiral D-wey oc-
The apparent Inclination of the sec-, CUP' verr warm Pla ' e h-art.
retary of state for war. the Marquis," -"" "- eea. i naraly
1 .kink I, I- t - M..W . - ... . .
the campaign " w w ne
Is today the most central figure. This
of Lansdowne, to run
nreDaratlons on his own Ideas and his
tendency to consult subordinate offl. ( occasion al.o prove, that ours I. a great
1 ana onatTrui country and that we
I admire a fighting man."
Senwtion Caused by Remarkable Rlch
nes of Ore Now Being Tik-n Out
minder that he has a capable comman
der In charge at his elbow. Some com
parisons are made as to the status of
Field Martial Lord Wolseley, compared
with that of Major General Miles, when
the latter was reported to have been
dleresarded by Secretary Alg-r.
SPOKANE. SepL JO.-Mlnlr.g and
Alaskan boundary matters are stfrl j broker clrclrs were excited tay over
taking up considerable attention at the, sensational developments In Republic
foreign office. The Canada minister of
marine and fisheries. Sir L. H. Davis,
Is dully visiting the officials who are
busy drawing up map. In Illustration
of the Canadian contention. He ex
prcts to finish his share of the mat
ter In two weeks. He will probably re
turn home October L The negotiations
at present apparently are confined to
camp. Samples taken from the rlchit
portion of the Republic ledge at the! Kmplre" produced by ;
bottom of the M fojt Wlnse being sunk' blnatlon shell, which,
40 foot level gave a total assay value
of $4,711.
The surprise Is drifting on fiv feet
NEW TORK. Sept S0.-Th fireworks
show last night wu a filling climax
to th day celebration. It began op
posite the Olympla's anchorage, just
below Grant's tomb, wher a srriea of
scows were anchored. .
These humble mud scows were load
ed to th gnnwhals. with serried rows
of rockets, whole picket fence formed
of reman candles, an endless array of
mortars, bombs and all thos sorts of
fiendish Inventions. When seven bells
rang out from the OlympIVs deck, the
aerlel artillery was let It oe F orn that
Urn on it was on continuous glare
of many colored Urea, and a continuous
roll of rattling explosions, till th fiery
trail of the serpent wound Its way
around down th battery, engulfing
Governors Island and Bedlo' island
In Ita colls.
All the beautiful effects with which
the visitor to Manhattan Beach la fa
miliar were produced, but on a mush
grander scale. Many new features
were added. Among thee the electric
bombs, which certainly electrified
every one within five mile by their
ear splitting detonation. Another new
device was a specie of bomb that
burst Into an enormous star fish of
fire. Sporadic arm of fire radiated
from the explosive centre, producing
a vivid effect
While the fireworks popped, th
Jicklea on the Olympla cheered and
the stesmboat whistles screeched. Then
the Olympla's crew, not to be outdone.
put their excellent brass band Into
commission and th (trains ot "There'll
Be a Hot Time In the Old Town To
night." Joined with th bursting of
bombs and the screaming of Are
After half an hour of this sort of
thing, the cargoes of these scows were
exhausted. Then three tugs hitched
on to one another, a string of similarly
laden scows anchored out In the stream
and started with them down the river.
A pushing crowd of excursion had gath
ered In a black circle about the fire.
works sows, almost hiding them from
the Olympla even. The sailors got a
good view of the picture of Dewey,
however, and cheered it loud and long.
The fireworks scows coming down
tho river circled about with their bat
teries still belching up every Imaginable
variety of combustible. The Olympla
rtmalned the object of all absorbing
Interest and her graceful lines were
the subject of universal comment but
the New York seemed even more bril
liant with her shield of fire above her
bows and. her glowing fighting top.
The strong search light were kept In
almost constant motion, so that their
effect was not unlike lightning. Tugs
bobbing up and down the river seemed
mere glow worms from the shore.
From the deck of the Olympla spurt
ed a myriad of stars, showers of red,
white snd blue, sheaves of gold and
fountains of emerald hue. Chorousei
f "Ahs" and "Ohs" from the spectators
accentrated the explosion of the most
effective pieces.
Satisfactory as were the targe de
vice representing Admiral Dewey and
the Olympla, no fea'.ure of the night's
display seemed to attract more atten
tion than the great letters "Welcome
Dewey ' which were brought out In
hundreds of electric Vghta on the mid
dle span of tha Brooklyn bridge. These
l.'ttem could be distinguished In Bay-
enne, N. J., a distance of eleven miles.
Almost equally brilliant Illuminations
were msde from a dosen of the high
eat buildings down town, colored lights
sdding to the effect .
A motto device "Welcome Home,
Victorious Admiral." 1.900 square feet
in extent was a feature of the night's
iliplay. as was a novelty called "Our
mammoth com
at a height of
Huntington to Extend International
hallways and Establish New
Steamer Une,
CITY OF MEXICO. Sept 30. It Is
tvrflstvntly rum.tred that O. P. Hunt
Initton will push th construction of th
Mexican International Railroad to Ma
t.uland and put on a lln of stoamshlp
ffom that port to Honolulu which would
greatly shorten the distance between
Atlantic coast cities and Hawaii,
ORANGE, Texas, Sept. Sfc-The Alex
ander Ollnier Saw Mill and Lumber
rl was burned last night by Incen
dUrle. Lorn on mill Is tlM OOO; Insur
ance, I'O.Onu. The rangers have mad
on? arrest.
OPORTO, Sept Jft-Flv new case
ot the bubnlo plsgue and one death
was reported yesterday to the authorities.
It la said that a number of soldier j
forming th sanitary cordon ar atnoi
111 with th plagua
LONDDN. Sept M. Reginald Bar
ker, a stock Jobber of this city, has
failed. He had a large account In Kaf
firs, which he had been holding for a
rise. It is reported her that his lia
bilities are S,000.
Foard & Stokes Gompany
Ship Chandlers and General Wholesalers
Special Departments
Hardware, Groceries,
Fruits and Meats,
Stoves and Tinware,
Paints and Oils.
Largest Store of the Kind in Oregon.
Th pleasant .ffect and perfect safe
ty with which ladles may um Syrup
of Klgs. under all conditions, mak It 1
their favorlt remedy. To get ths troa
and genuln article, look for th nam '
of ih- California rig Syrup Co print-
ed near th bottom of th packag. For
sale by all druglsta.
Resolutions IWil I) un
Be Taken In Smiir
Of Pli.M'!ir-
MADKID. Sept JO. A meeting of re
publicans waa held here last evening,
which waa attended by 1,000 persons,
among whom were a number of I adlnir
French, Italians and Portugues re
Several violent speeches were made
In the course of which the monarchy
was attacked. I s
At the Burgos Catholic congress a '
committee was appointed to establish C
a republican union. ' 3
A resolution was paraed demanding
that steps be taken to secure ths liber- 5
atlon of the Spanish prisoners held by
the Insurgent In the Philippine.
r'lie work l I'op'ilnr Price. j
.17 VVnnhlnu'Oti Mtrcctt'
Neil Imperial Hotel
inn nrw i nnAruiiOAAAAnrurvrtnAr
L, B. SUO, La aad najr.
flonday, October 2, 1899
The Great Hurlescjuc
Vaudeville Farce Comedy
The brightest condensation of all the best features of
MuhIc, Sons
and Farce
Optical Go.
One Great Novelty of the Srasoiv-ALL NEW ACTS
Two ondn Unit Hours of Dolltflit
No effort has been Spared to make this comjany one of
the belt travelling
RICES Reserved Hosts. 75o;
morning at tiritflo A Iteed'.
Gsllerr, 00e; Best sale open Halarjuy
A rumor got about In a villas in I
Kusrlo, not far from the German fron-!
tier, that the corpse of a woman who
haj recently been burled had turned
lr the coffin, Aays the New York World
Ever) body In the village not only be
lieved In the rumor, but ascribed the
trevalllng Irought as the cause. A
village council was held, and it waa 5
decided that the husband of the woman ! 5
should have the ooffln opened and th 5
bedy replaced In Its original position. ! 3
The husband, however, promptly re-'
fused and nothing could pursuade him a
to yield to th unanimous wish of his 2
fe'low-vlllagers. whereupon the latter 5
took the matter In their own hands and
went to the church yard to dig up and
open the coffin. To their great surprise
the body lay In Its original position.
Their astonishment was not lessened Posing a Specialty
w.iru uic irgu auinonues appearea on
the scene and opened an inquiry, with
a view of Imposing punishment for the
desecration of the grave.
The whole neighborhood was possess
ed with the Idea that newly-buried
persons were to blame for the preval
ence of the dry weather, for in another
village, not far rff. a grave was opened
and the coffin unscrewed to pour water
on the 'orpse. The benighted peasants
of this village were of the opinion
that this was the best way to Indue
the cWk of the weather to supply them
with much-needed rain.
20, 21, 22, 23
The Photographer !
Capital . ...
Keservo for Unearned Premium
Rcorvo for all Other Liuhilitiw
Net Surplus over all Llabilitiea
Total AfiBeU . .
B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. '
imCnllfornla St.. 8. F.. Cal.
imt, 1899,
$ 600,000.00
Astoriu, Oregon,
N. W. Corner
Seventh and Wanbintiton
Ignorance of the law should excuse a
lawyer from practicing It
A man Is out of spirits when there
Isn't a drop of it left In the house.
1. 0X1 feet, released large bombs with
red, green, blue and white stars, rep
resenting the United 8tatea. Instantly
of solid ore which ran m per ton to-j followed by a llver shell for Porto
day. Recent assays across the face of. Rico and finishing with a number of
this drift uav run as high as Ji smaller shells for th Philippines.
Berry Sets.
Great Left Over Salb
Price) Away Down.
You'll Hay So,
When You See Price,
Great American Importinfl Tea Co.
Stores Everywhere. .
100 Store.
171 Commercial BX. AsMrla.
II. Regulsr rommunleailoDf ht-id on
the flrst snd third Tjimr even:nc of
each month. J. N. (iKIPKIN. W
M. ; E. C HOLDEN. Bcre!anr.
Those who hav delayed buying.
I Summer Pootwonr
are fortunate. They can save at loaat
a third on the usual cost of high grad
shoes. We ar clo!ng out all of our
summer Un shoes at a great reduction.
We have them for men, women and
children, which ahould bring evrryon
to the store. They nre new goods
whlrh havs overstayed their time.
Consider these figures.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treat mont of chronlo dim-uses, such as liver, kidney, and
stomach dlsordors, oonstlpatlon, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, lirlght's
disease, etc.
Complaints, painful, dtmcult, too frequent, milky or bloody tirtn,
unnatural discharges speedily cured,
Huch as piles, fistula, rissur. ulceration, muoou and bloody dis
charges cured without ths knife, pain or aonflnemottt.
rilood p.ilKcn, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, Impotsnoy, thorough
ly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed.
YOUN'l MKN troubled with nlgiit emissions, dreams, sxhaustlng
drnlns, bashfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your
MIDDLR-AOICD MKN, who from excesses and strains, hav lost
their MaNLY POWKR.
BLOOD AND BKIN DISB.ABKH, Byiihllli, Gonorrhoea, painful,
bloody urine, Gleet, Stricture, cnlnrgud prostato, 8exual Debility,
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT
Rlieunmllsm CURED.
Dr. Walker'e methods ar regular and scientific. He used no pat
ont noMruma or ready-mads preparntlons. but cures ths dlsesi by
thorough medical treatment. HI New Thamplet on Prtvat Dlaoaa
es sent Tree to all mun who drscrllis tluilr trouble, 1'atlents cured
at hom. Term r onnl,le. II Inters answered In r.l.i .nv.i
Consultation fro and sacredly confidential, Call on or address
Doctor Wit I Iter, l:li l'lrnt SI
, Col
on or addresa
Alder, Toi l land, Or.
Petersen & Brown.
snd Anoli.ri' ArtlcUt.
47 A Csmmsralsl at
HIlUotHPtp Ot
Aiwaya Nllflhl
' Li Belle Astoria" Cigar
Schclbe'a Opera Star
Scheldt's Special
Ami on,., iirnnda