TUB MOHNUG AST01UJU, KB I DAY SEPTEMBER iO. 1899. THE RAILROAD THROUGH SIBERIA Prosppi'tiw Just Issued Which Shows the Resources of the Country. PAl'inC COAST INTERESTED Immense Ciroes of American Sleel Ralls for Ihe Line will Re Shipped out nf Northwestern Ports. Tlx TraniwIWUn railroad Issued a m-al proapcctus, which U In. foresting to thf Paclno coast, Inasmuch ' In the development of trada with tha Orient fiMtn tha port of tha Pacino Illtlfh .tfnnftfin I. In lu. lu.n l Dl ' .. ,m ... HW . .11 ,W C bviia. Already tht Kaatern Iron man ufacturer haw on hand large order for steel rail, which, It la nt)l1, will be bruuiiht wrat and shipped from thla coast to tha far Ituaalan north vU Japan. Th phamplot aliowa that from tht complied portion of th road tha bual n already enjoyed far iitwli anything ever anticipated, In lis thra were carrlrd Mi.040 paaengar and llf.Wd ton nf freight. During th f rat' two month of Ui proaont year th amount of freight tranportad , amounted to S35.131 tona. In th month I of May, on th Central Siberian road, I branch Una running southward Into art fortunate. Tby can aava at leaat th Interior, l.soo ear of freight were a third on th usual eoat of high grade) waiting two month fur their turn to'eboe. W arc eloalng out All of our V uvi'i uir I'Wi r . iiiiiv-al at a, aria dlitrlct of Trtuisbalkal. During the flrat two month of th pretent year 150,000 aotllera and work man, other than thoa employed on the road, wer carried along the line, On the wrati'rn portion of th line, alno Ita org anltatlon, new awltchee have been built, which will penult of th operating of ten train a day. On thla portion of the mad th fifty wooden lrlil(f- have tvn replaced by Iron atruclure of the modern American pat tern. Th longe! Iron brldgo. over th Yenltel, J. 10 feet long, I now ready for ue and will be th mean of reducing the time to the Pacific roat ten hour. On the TmnalMilkaJ Hit Dearly all th trading haa been don, and ttt mlli of rail hav been laid from Strotennk and fony-l mile from Mulaorf, The total lenffth of thla c lion of Ihe railroad when compWed will be t mile. With th American manufacturer delivering their rail con tract on lime the completion of thlk branch, It la eKpeoted, will b cele brated about June neat year, when a vaat area of rich country, thickly popu Ifttcd. will lie opened up to the Com mere of the world. Th Clilneee branch of the line I be. Ing ptiilied eotilh with all the vigor poaalble, A yet no rail have been laid, but nearly 400 mllea of roadbed have been completed. Ten thouaauid workmen, Including a large number of convict. ar kept contant!y at work, and with everything favorable, the line will be complied and ready for oper ation within three yeara. . Till) branch open up (o th aouth one of the moat thickly populated dli trlct In all Iluaala, where the better' Clnanea of Ituaalan poaaantry rveldca, and whora a great opportunity I of fered for American produota. In Ita Inception the Tranaalberlan mad wa trtod by th government aa ; a war mraaure, but haa become ao popular that iu ua by the governmont a a war acquliltlon baa practically ben abandoned, and riereaXter It will be a aource of revenue. I.IOIIT ON TUB BEAT OF TROUBLE. Philadelphia Time. A new eject rlc Idea for dm-tora lllu- IH-Tempered Babies, Inaufflelmt aonrUhawmt Bt rally prodnoaa IH-temper Onaril agalntt fraihiliiM la ehudrta by teedkmg nuut Uou and dlgMtiU food. GAIL EAGLE BRAND J CONDKNRKD MILK 1 a perfeot Infant food. ' KAULB DRANI). Sr.ND roa Hook on ''lUaiM. aORDCN'g CON0KNUKO MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted hy the llcncdlctino Fatliura. " ' ....Hlgh-Grade Colesre for Boys and Young Men.... Iloalthful and aittraotlv looalion (40 mile fron Portland on th Southern Flanlflo Springfield branch), Oomptet and ithorough preparatory, literary, aolen'Jflo, otaaaloal, normal, oommerd al oourae. BPEIOIAL COURSB8 In nuLfiemaitlx, Surveying, Drawing, 'Cl vll Borvlc. Fronoh, Oerman, Spanlan Italian, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telgrpliy, Muilo, Aoademlo Degree and Toft'h"n' Slate Certificate and Diplo nwe Coirforrid. Bond for catalogue. ADUHHklfc The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg c. R Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. urinates ths stomach, It li exptoted to throw light upon tli otUH and our of many of II troubles, HUNKS. Atlanta Constitution. l'x-Oiivurinir Hogg, having converted f .. ... i ... i 1. 1 . . ihiimiihiij iu jhjbii, i. nun luunmn itijund lu what there In in Ttiu fir himself. BXCKIT T1IINUB lit) 1UN'T WANT. Hitttiervllle Journal. About everything man ft a In this J world lis liaa to work for, eirept thing , UK I rie scarlet rever ana vmaiipox. HIS rapid ruin OUN. Washington roat. Th linn, Hen Tillman la prepared to shoulder Ma vocabulary and plunge Into tha South Carolina senatorial fight Inf. Tli undertaker may lie alow, but ha M M HH UN. 1 1 . Illf.ri il L IA t Itf II I Thn who hav dlayd buying. Buimtier Footwcnr aummer tan ahoea at a great reduction. We have thera for men, women and children, whlcb ahould bring everyone, to ;h etore. They are nw good whlcb bav ovrtayd their time. Conldr thee figure. Petersen & Brown. ST. HELEN'S jlAhl. A B0ARDJNG AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1Uvk(DcJ September 13. aildreaa. For circular MISS KI.KNORK T1IIHHKT18. Ph. 0. rrinrifial, 1'orUainl Ureifou Telcphot Ked JQI. SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE That's it Beware of Imitations jolta Duncan' Sona, Aftnti, Ntw York BORDEN Tat no lubatltut for th MILK CO., Nil; VONK CuBtotrt House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Alut W. F. A Co., and Faclflo Kipreni Co'. $S PELVIC CATARRH V'i .v- A New Ulm Joaapblna Hall, on of tbo moat popular and taUnted Mtraaao of tha oar, wrIUa to Dr. Hertman aa follow t I hat found Fa-ra-na ao excellent prevaoUve, aa wU a remedy. I not beartU reoommend Pe-n-ni lthoold t ooDddared a dmmmUt by vtj act- is in tot country." Mr. Mary P. Bartbolomw of St PraaoiaTUlo, IlllnoU, ayt "I wat kt- lolad with fmal troobl. I dootorod 1U rral akUlful doctor, bat kpt ttln worto unUI X bMam oodfuU I bad fonr phyalolan toodtog me, but got m Wltar. I ow my lu to Dr. Hart- KOPP'S r Tb North Pacific Rrewery, of which Mr John Kopp ia proprietor, make beer for domea'ic and export trade. Ml r 1 I ' Mia Josl Hall. florth Pacific Brewerg OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION .... OPENS IN Portland, September 28, CLOSES October 28, 1899. Horticultural and Agricultural Product of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and profu sion than ever before, Bennett' Renowned Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amerlca'a Greateat Lady Cornet Sololat. Th unequaied PL0REXZB TKOVI'B Of Acrobata, direct from the Empire Theatre, Londoa; their flrat appear- anc In Amrlca. . A Great numo war nvsevn 3 GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Vnaurpaaaed Aerlallsta, In their thrill ing aot. AND OTHER OUEAT ATTRAC TIONS. A Season of Great Surprises and As tounding Feat. Reduced rates on all lines. transportation ADMISSION, 25 CENTS; Children un der 12 years, Id cents. DoiVt Miss It! MOTT'S PEMML PILLS Thy rtvorrO' it W'il u m, Iit.m 11 Jai lit Huiloit' JK u.f.ltu u-uw (n'r mill 1'itnl-h i .iin of itn iicti us U. n " liny r,.'. ' IIV v.-" toirlrUrtt 'oii' tiill-iu-l. aluliiK 'I Vi h'l'i.n nt 01 f.tfi nun nil I"" N'" Itnowu renin. for wtitmt't iil li. .-in. t'.ir:- '- d i, litiit- il; .1 (imh M )lrM. rr, 1 I . 1- l.o & aV H try ... Ms IIHll. 1 ,.-,f - Name For An Old Ailment, Known As Female Complaint. man and Pcru-na. I thank bod tod Dr. DarUnan for my reoorary." PbItIo catarrh U a nw nam for a Try common dlaeu known aa femal wakn. Moit womn bar mor or I what I called fmal complaint Thla la In reality palrio catarrh. Tbr ar o many women, capeolally married women, who drag tbemaelve wearily around from year to year, mU- erable beyond deaeriptlon. Tby ache and tremble and throb, growing more oerrou, tired and dbUltatd rrj day. For Uii clu of uflrr P-ru-na if the moat perfeot remedy la esiateno. It relieve, It aootbea, It quleta, it trngthena, and ao Ttctlm of pelrlo ca- wrrn in th land abould be without P- ru-aa. Mr. A. 3, Hull. Laoi). Eaa.wrltaai "I feel a If I am entirely wll and ean do aa much work a wbea I waa young. i aon i nare ar y pa n about m. and I thank you a tbonaand time for curing m. My trouble waa female complaint. I bad falling of the womb and treat pain. I tell erery woman I talk with that Fe-ru na la tha beat for them and that It eared my life." Bndometrltl I th medical term foi catarrh of the womb. Catarrh of the womb la Tory oommon. producing what U generally called femal dlaeaa. Dr. Hartman aniwtra all latter free of charge. Be treat orer 20,000 women annually for soma form of female dlaeaae. Write blm at once. Addreaa Dr. Bartman. Colombo. O. for t free book. BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled mm for family nee, or keg beer cupplied at any time, delivery to the city free. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BR1TANNICA ajj; Questions areconstantly comingup every day inliterature.artandscience which you wish you knew, but you don't Make up your 1 mind that you lare not going to be caught this wayveryoften. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig In to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopedia Brita mica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of 'securing the- Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and tha balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. Th Complete Set (Thirty Large Oetavo Volumes): No. 1. N.w Style Buckram Cloth. Marbled E4r, Extra Quality HlghMachlo tn Ish Book Ppr, $4 5 00. Flrat payment, One Dollar (fi .00) n4 Three DollafslSj.oo) per month thereafter. No. a. Half Morocco, Marbled Edgei, Extra (Duality High Machine Finish Beok Paper, $60.00. First payment, Two Dollars ($s.oo) and Four Dollars t$4.oo) per month thereafter. No. t. Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edees, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Papei, $7voo. First payment, Three Dollars ($1.00) and Five Dollars ($v) per month thereafter A reduction of 10 per cent. Is granted by paying cash within )o days after (h receipt of the work. Dr. Willlums' Indian t-ir OintnieiitwtM nw lllti,fi. li Ot'lillia I. lid lltlh.llu llt'H. UubsorkiHtttetunion: itiluvs the ltoU.tiif tttoiu'c. nets litr. lr. wil.itims'luuiiUirileOlnt. imint tHnn'miri'il for Pi leu and Itch. Inff of iho prtvrtU) purts. Kvory box Mnrriinit'iL II v drui-iiKt. bv mrtil on r Klnt or prlt-t. Ml cnra and Htl.oti. WILLIAMS UlUFACTURI.'.o CO.. i'rou. UevouU. Ohio 2 (3 ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. L. ISti PORTLAND. " "Arrlr. Portland Union Dpot;li:U a.m.' for Alorla and IntorH 1:40 p.m. medial point. I '""".ASTORIA: ( For Portland ft "in-Ill :oim. trmdlate point (10:30 p.m. 75 a.m. . 10 p.m. BKA8IDE DIVISION. p m la. m l t;!ll:'rT , r, ivii M'Ar :W, 12:13 l.r ' l:So( l:W Ar ja.m.ip m. ..Aitorta.,., ,Warpn(on Ar 4:00 II 1:1 t:M L 7:) "AH !,! S-ad., hr i:t SPECIAL SEABIDB SITNDAT TRAI7I Ieare Aaiorla at l:M a. m. arrlrt at Seaald l:4t a. m. PaaMnger may return on any train hown on acbedul oa aame data. ALL TRAINS to and from Sea!d roa tA Vlavel lnA TTAmmonil via W.m.. ton. All train max oloa eofitnotlotn at Oobl wtth all Northers Pacino train to and from the eaet or Bound point. At Portland with all train leaving Union depot. At Aatorta with I. R. A N. Co.' boat and rail Una to and from Ilwaco and North Ileach point. THROUGH TICKETS on aale at A, tori for Sacramento, Ban Fraacleoo, all Eaatern and European point. City ticket offlo Aitorta. (24 Commcr. rial tret. J. C. II A TO. Oen'l m and Paa. Agent. THE NET "North-Western Limited" (JOTg ClKTW TlAIN.) between Minneipolis, St. Paul and Chicago, it entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agl, M Waablnitoa Street, POTU!D. OHE. F. W. PARKER. , Com. Aa 006 Flrat ATvoaa, SEATTLE, WA58 i 11m OF LONDON. EetabUs&ed during the reign of Queen Anne. A. D. 1T11 FIRE AND LIFE. huoeonoerl Capital iv.uuv us Aaoeta f,n.M 00 Surpln to policy holder 1061 S 00 ExcluadT of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subecribed or g-niraitaod cap ital ....$ TiOODOO 00 Capita, paid up tBMOtOO Aa av.ua,! to Catton, Bell & Co. Oen ai Agents, Saa Fraaeboo, CaJ. Samuel Elmore & Co, Reaidetx Agenta, Astoria. Orecon. tlUVg OOHTiB A&WVK. frftt Mall (or AbrdfnJ 0. t lt p. a lETuiaiias arvtiu a n ivuH fHpoJtane, Helena, Hutie, Ho. L OcSO a. n. No. S. t'OBp. ra, Auiwonoa. ;n j-ui,i ni- cko. New Ton, Heai and all nolnta eael ka t Southeast. IPortland, Beatile and) Tweama Kxvrea: lorl No, 4. tSeatrie. Tkeoma, Olym nv a.m Wia and Intermediatei Uiotuts. Also potnu east Three daya to BX. raui. rjrmaha, Kaa aaa City and other Utoeourt rtwr potiHe, Three aaa) on ItaR day to fit, Xotds, Mllwrnuhee. 0 , and ooavhaif Ws to WJhlDasMi, rtrAisa auirl otfrar nar eaatarn not n as. mow PaeMotcera aalttng aha A C R. B. i t. o'clock mornitar train wul make oloee naneonotia at OoUa with tfai aaart DOUDd taat mail. Vnloa depot ooonectlon at all prtactaal l4K-g checked through to desttna tton of ticket. ror aleeplnar ear 1 eaeu ration, ttokats, asane of route eod other iBtormattoii, alt 00 or addrea : J. C. M.fTO. Agent, Bt Cwmerctal St., AMotla, or A. D. ciARliTOS aasaetaat OonereJ PaaeMwer Agent, W UorrtsoD Btrewt. Portlatid. Or. I t $2.75 eg'n cgT k irau si.iw xiTiKrauor sutauiiiMa roa 2.7. Send Wo Honey. SiJt'ndt,9.? tut your fcelgM W4 Utt) number o( lucbt roaod bodj al too Uken ort vit undr ol cloewup undr avrtua, nd w will autnrt vmi Uitaookt lt OIDIVM.C. 0 U,,llltllMlllalM" "" and try It on ytur cearl ev prewoftlc and If found exavctly hinMiantml ariii th mOgt WOIW dtrful value you aver mw orbMrd nf .ntavniial tnatnvooatvoucan tlUV a . (Vi ibstatvaireaa aa-eat Mr ef laJ atVrvrlt, .ta, and eiprvM chanret. THIS MACKINTOSH U Meal lfSWlvle,luaiiefrMUa ar faUrrsr, laa )or, fwala itattal'ottrtl'UUiieitra lona, doutil brranted, 8arr TttlTel collar, fancy plaid llnlnpr. waterproof iittftitl f"r bothrlrat?jl, and ... ns anv nt hrF hollr.0. for ! U tUalM of Mtn'i Mtvcklntoati up to .1W. Hale-vtaaure tuiia and 0rto4t from to.w w whw av. tank It. erOC AtUlrTfM, ..-..- ... V.aerS 0NLT VB im ( I J , JHoste totb1 XLaoJ"'' STOhe V'nLV t0,h, w-r East mint 1 1 n V. V . O oimowuio Vin Jf TIH8 SCHEDULES "E,T Prom Portland Faat '. Denyer, Ft . Mall Wofth, Omaha, Kan- p. m. -'itr, HL L.ul-.. ;nlm.,and ItaM. m- Hw.k.ine Walla Walla, Hpfrt an. M,t. thm Mli.ne.u.,li,,kHul, tlOD SB ,,"l,"n' Milwaukee, m p. m. JWrawiodKa OJOarn. " turn Aatorla OCEAN STEAiHSHlPS All Railing Dalra sub Iw-l 1.1 clianjr. For tao rraiKtsco-Hall itt. n 1.), to, a. fO I f ColrmbU RlnaT 7imiiN Hteamer SamexMo ndar To Portland aad adar Way Laudlnga. WlllaataiU aa Van- I p n. T.ra. kiUttlyer. Moo.'ed. aid'aai. OW-n City. Dayton, od Frl. """" Hay Uamllima. laSsr'd'.J k..r. I .Hi , m. KlpairUio Uwiiton. ailf i r Fri& Porllaiitl 1 t,m. IUAMnTE WVKH, t.m Mod, Wed-Orecti Cite, Newberg, Toes, Thai r-riday j aeln Way-Und a. gjuurday Agent Morta. H. HmiLBTJRT. Oea. Paa. Agt. rertiaad. or. Tim m A familiar aero (or the Chicago, 1IU waukee a St, Paul Hallway, known all orer the Union aa the Oreavt Railny running the "Pioneer Limited" tnUna every day and nigtit Ixtweea 8L Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and ChJoaaTO. "The only perfeot train In tile rrorld." Underatand: Coooecttoo ar tsade with all Tranaoontlnental Lme, aaeonng to paaaegenr th beat aeroo Known. Ins urtou ooaohe, eleotrto lkrht, atesun beat, of a rerlty equaled by so other hoe. See that your ticket reads via. "Th Milwaukee" when golnar to any potrrt In the United State, or Canada. Ail ticket agents eU them. For rate, pamphlet, or other rnforma. Uon. addrena, J. W. CABBY. C. J. EDDT. Trar. Paa. Agt. General A (rent, Portland. Or. Portland. 0.r TICKETS to all x BAlliVAtpoiSTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleeper, dining and library observation ears. BL05C1AJT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 United learea Portland at I JO p. tn. No. I Limited arrwea Portland at 1:10 a. m. For rate, etc., caU or addreea Q. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent. O. R. A N., Aatorla. A. B. C. DKNNI3TON. C. P. A T. A-.Portland Or Through Tickets TO THX- . EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA PULLMAN PA LACK SLKKPKRa. TOURISTS SLEEPERS Bad FREE RECUNINO CHAIR CARS . -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City aid other Eastern el tie. Bgagw checked thro am to aUnaUoa; Union Depots, fast tim. loweet rates. Pintsoh ila-ht tn all ear. For rata and other information call oa or aaarea O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent. O. R. N. Co. Astoria. Orea-oa. or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Agent, US Third Bt.. cor. Alder, Portland. Or. LEAVE PORTLAND ARRITI OVERLAND EX PRESS, for Balem, Roaeburar. Aahland. 7:00 P.M.Baorarnento. Ogden, 8:00 Aa. nan UTanoiaoo, mo- tar. Lot Angelea, SI Paao, New Or leana and the East t-M A. at Roaeburg paaaenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Angel, 811 rerton, Wait Sclo, 4:M P. M DaHy eicept Sunday Dally except Bonday orownviue, cpni field and Nation. tt: A. M Corrallla paaaenger f:B0 A M H M P. Id laueiMuueun poo. tb:jb a.aa Dally, tDally except Bunaay. Connecting at San Francisco with Occi dental A Oriental, Pacific Mall and 0e anlc Bteamahlp lines' for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on aale dally between Portland, Bacramento, and Ban Francis co. Net rate 117 rlrst-clas. and 111 aec- ond-cl&M, Including sleeper. ' Rate and tickets to Eastern point and Europe. Aleo Japan, China, Honolulu, and Auatralla. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKIAND. Tlckot Agent, 134 Third at., R. KOF.Hl.ER, C. H. UARKHAM, Manaa-eA Q. F. P. A ThrouKh tickets East for lowest rates. Call on C. J Trenchard. looa! aareat, yw Faxgo comcaara ofioe. Astoria. iBlllSTtu O NSrtASTJ.J jjff SOUTD . Iiuxuijious Travel THE "Nofth.Western Limited" train, eleotrlo lighted throughout, both la ld and out, and steam heated, are, without exception, the finest train la th world. They embody the latest, neweat and best Idas for comrort, eonrenleno and luxury ntr offered th traveling public, and altogether ar the most com plete and splendid production of th car builder' art These Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northern The Northers Pacific and , The Canadian Pacific AT IT. PAUt FOR . CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for the superior ac commodatlons and all claasea of ticket are available for passage on the famoua 'North-western Limited." All trains ea this lln are protected by the Iirtertocklag Block system. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAOB. Oeal Agent, T. A. Portland Ore. You Don't Change Cars If yon go east via BUlIsc and tha Bttrtlnarton route. Ths Burangtoo root ruoa throogb tourist alaepera twice a week, Seattle to Kanaaa Ctty Oet on at any point along tb mala Una of the Northern Pacific an VaaUngton or Mdotana-get off at Kanaaa City. Standard sleepers, every day la the week, Butte to St, Louis Yla, Lincoln, Omaha and Bt. Joeepa. A. C. MHEXJXXN. Oeneral Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Points. Glrea ehotc of two favorite roots, via th Union Pacta 0 Faat Mall Line, or th Rio Orande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Daya to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chain, upholstered tour 1st sleeping oars, and Pullman peJaen sleepers, operated oa ait train. For further Information, apply to Q. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent, O. R N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. a TERRT. W. E. COMAN. Trar. Pas Agt " " . Gen. Agent. Di Third St. Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINL Oorumbta River and ruget Sound Navt gavtloo Compangr. Bailey Gatsert leava Aatorla dally, except Punday. at 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. tn. White Collar line tickets and O. B. tc N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatsert and Hasealo. Fare between. Astoria and Portland, 60 cents. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt, TJ. B. SCOTT. Telephone 111. President A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip. whether on business or pleasure, the naturally want th heat aervie ob tainable to far aa speed, comfort and safety I concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINE! ar uald to serve the pubtlo and our trains are operated so aa to make oloee eon neotlona wtth diverging lines at all juncvtlon pednta. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Can on through train. Dining Oar service unexcelled. Meed aerved a la carts. In order to obtain thla tint Class service. ask th ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TheWIsconsin Central Lines. and you will make dlreot connection at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east For any further Information call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Qcn. Pasa, Agent, or JAS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wla. Oeneral Agent M Stark Bt.. Portland Or.