The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 28, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Th IIAIt.V AaTOHIAN will f'l
tt nil In l urllmiil m Hi all-linuwa
llMr Khm f J. r. IL.SI.y SIM
Muliiitfion sirn.i. iimIiii lr mlr
Using 111 (Ilk Ihli Him will rtlu
riiuil AII..U...
Captain Down, ol Fort Htuv.ns, If
In th city.
)(. B. Ilorlhwli k, of (lolil. 1 In town.
J. II. f.lllut, of Calhlamot, U In town.
I'UUTl.AND, Hept. M.-Falr weather
Hon Wis relurnxl ywrturday from a
trip to Boatll.
C. M. Cellar la on a uuslnsa trip to
Hhoalwat.r bay, .
Mr. and Mr. Ilouaton rturi4 last
night from Cortland.
1. A. Mul'hron, of Portland, li pay
liif Astoria a brtot visit.
Vt, W. A. Torp, u( Marsh 1ld, I r
ltrd at lb I'arktr.
W. II. flassard, a 1'ortU.nd allor
ity, U In town on legal business. .
J. J. Kern, of tb Iludwt, has un
pndin a fw day at Clatsop beach.
A. a. brvwMr, a prominent Oregon
City cltUen, la regltrd at tb l'ar
Th Idaho volunteer roglm.nt passed
through l'ortlaiid ytordy on tu way
Colonel & C. Hughoa to xpuld
back from Uols City, Idabo. Wlday
or (Saturday.
Tb transport Cliy of lUo da Janeiro
la dun lo arrlv froiu Baa rranolsoo
litis morning.
Mrs. O. W. Dunbar will l.v for
8kugway Friday to Join her husband
and daughter.
Cad Wllaon, aoompanled by Mrs.
Fred Morrill, of Portland, cam dawn
on tho noon train yterdr.
William Tarrant, forowrly of this
oily, but now a rwrtdont of East Port
land, la In th city on busiuVss.
What dw tho "U. II. P." mean? Tha
Astorlan only know that It li an ad
Vsrtlsrmrnt Inserted In tha papor.
Tha Porthwlrk lumber aoow Pewey
arrive from.Ovbl yvalarday with a
cargo of lumber for the local yard.
Mr. Hammond'! office In tb Orrfo
nlan building hav bran connected
with the general office In Astoria by
Mrs. Captain Richardson, her two
.l-n th. C.I. n,1 MUltr
sisters, the Ml sue Cole, and Master
Willie Cole returned last night from
Th steamer Brunswick arrived In
yesterday from Ban Francisco with a
cargo of redwood lumber and proceeded
up tu Portland.
Nate Jnnea baa rteurned from a trip
up the line of the railroad, where be
has been In the Interest of Seaside
lodge, A. 0. U. W.
R.U Knupp has relinquished the man
agement of th , Warrenton Tribune.
Charles Newman, of Tillamook, Is now
th managing editor.
Tho gTnl Jury for the October term
of th United Btatea circuit court wag
drawn Tueeday. No Clatsop county
men are on Its panel.
Herman Wise offors $150 to every
person who buys a mens' suit or over
coat from him and 10 pr cnt off on
all the rest of his fine stock. "
The local lodge of Red Men is mat
Ing great preparations for their annual
ball which will be glvn In Foard ft
Stokes hall Thanksgiving eve.
.1. C. Mayo, of the A. ft C. R., re
turned last night from a business trip
In Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Mayo and;
ion'.re visiting In the Wll.amott. v.l-
Mr. P. F. Woodford will giv two les
sons a week In shorthand at her home,
lM Commercial atreet. $6 a month. All
Interested call Tuesday evening, Octo
ber I.
I Samuel, of th Equitable Life In
surance company, is in in euy. inv
Astorlan offlc Is Indebted to Mr. Sam-
uel for a handsome pnoto or Aamirai
Quite a large number of recruits
were aboard the Stat last night, on
their way to Vanoouver to Join the
Extraordinary Sale
Special for
Silksand Dress Goods
85o Taflota Silk for
1.49 Black Crepon
470 Commercial St.
Tlilrly-nflh regiment soon to start for
Th Fulton cottage at Hoaldn ha
Iteun diwod for Ilia season, and th
families of 0. W. and O. C, Fulton re
turned to tha city on tli afternoon
train yratprtlay.
The driiinin.r la abroad In tha land,
From thr number of commercial trav
elers now In tha fluid, It I judged that
wholesaler aspect a good fall trade
and large order.
The Portland school board has adopt
ed a rule making vaccination of pub
llu school chlldrvit compulsory, and
nearly all lbs physicians vf tins city
approv tha action.
lohn Kay, a l'ortlaiid capitalist, and
Uls wU aud 11. U. luy, a Portland
druggist, acompaiiled by Ills wife, were
In town last night. They will spvnd a
few days at Hvaalde.
Pwuieii'a band of thlrty-sli music
tans wui pasiigtrs up from Bali
FiJin-'Isto last evening ou the Blat.
Ihey will play fur lb Portland
poelllon which opena loiUgbl,
I. YV. Harper's Nelson county, Ky,
whlekey. A gviitleman whiskey; a
whiskey fur th aldvboard; a whiskey
r..r the skk rwiiL Bold by Foard
Ulnar Company, Astoria, Oregon.
Th Infant sua of Mr. and Mrs. C' A.
Nordrstrum died yeslerduy. Tb fun-
eial will lake plau at 1 o'clmk today
from h rcsilenoe, H Third street
Interment at Oreenwood oeraetery.
The old fram building on th corner
of Fourteenth and Uond was torn down
yesterday and a new building wilt be
reeled on th all. Contractor Palm
berg wilt commenc work on tb build
lug Monday next.
Complaint ha been mad to th po
lice authorities that a number of boys
ar lu th habit of gulug In swimming
In lbs reservoir on the hill. If any of
lh culprll ar caught, they will b se
verely dealt with.
The lumber business shows Its usual
activity. Th Clatsop U 111 Company
has a large fore of men at work keep
Ing up the customary larg output.' Or
der and shipment show a healthy
condition of th market
Th alight amoklnoaa of the atmos
phere tmlokens forest fires. Th sum-"
mer rain prevented the usual Qrr of
July and Apgut and It wa hoped that
th timber would eacap this year, but
th forest flro Bend eem Irrepressible.
Jamrs Petty yesterday received a tel
egram from Nw York, stating that
lloT.Oirt, his share of an stat left him
recently, was at his disposal. Two
hundred and fifty dollar was sent him
to defray hi uponse, and he leaves
for New York this morning.
.,.- . . I . . n nt I h. lnenl 1 1ll II-
j ite i.uneiva..., -
tlst church has extended a call to Hv.
1 T -Trllmhllll fnr his alXtb COntlnUOUS
vear In this charge. The confidence
Implied In th compliment I very high
ly appreciated by Mr. Trumbull, and
he has decided to accept the call.
James Nevlns, manager of the rin
kerton detective agency In Portland, Is
being tried on an Indictment charging
him with maintaining an armed and
uniformed police patrol without per
mission from the city authorities. The
action is based on the recent state law
Intended to cover such case.
Th "Vanity Fair" company, which
appears at Fisher's opera house next
Monday evening, opens at the Mar
CI rand In Portland next Tuesday.
The company Is said lo be one of the
best traveling and Fisher' should be
crowded Monday evening. Boat sale
opens Saturday morning at Griffin ft
There wai a restful air about the
docks yesterday. It was an off day and
but few crafts wer moving. Men with
tlm to spend wandered Idly along th
piers, enjoying th radiant weather
and th pleasing prospect presented by
th bay. Bmall boys fished suooessfully
and two hungry-looking reporters look
Ing for new that didn't exist wished
thoy were lltle boys.
. .
. John returned ye.rday
r.m a month's visit in the Willamette
mILv. lie says the farmers hav fin-
l.hert threshing. The summer rains
damaged the crpps to some extent, but,
t.bin into consideration th overplus
of aoreag seeded, the yield will be
fcnut the same a that or last year.
ir..n. h aavs. are In good condition,
and some sales are being made at 12
MnU Pouno'
John MeCormack and Chaa. Wortley
returned last night from Tamhin coun
ty, where they hav been engaged in
th useful and pleasing occupation of
ploKing nop. y..... -
Two Days
All other goods in proportion.
Ulilo recreation, There Is more real
fun In two weeks spent In a hop yard
than there Is In a whole year of ordi
nary town life. Hop lime Is the holi
day time for a great many and during
th season Valley village are stml-
dupopulsted by th exodus of beer
blossom gatherers..
Warrant for th arrest of th boys
accused of Injuring th Cedar street
school building and fixtures wer Is
sued yesterday, th school clerk, Mr.
IC. Z. Ferguson, being th complainant.
Bom of th defendant are out of
town and on cannot be served with
th warrant on account of contagious
disease lh the family. Th trial of these
arrested will probably take place this
morning. Chief of Poltc Hallock states
that the depredations wer not reported
lo him unUI Tuesdsy and that upon re
quest of the school board th police de
partment undertook to find the offend
er. Th same afternoon be was able
to give th board a list of tb culprit.
Horn of th boys acknowledge their
waywardness and Implicated the oth
(Continued from Pag One.)
off TompklnavflU. The progress there
wss triumphant, all sorts of craft,
li ct'iding the dispatch-boat Dolphin,
with Asslstsnt Secretary of the Navy
Allen on board, accompanying the
Olympla up the bay. Th thousands
that greeted Dewey and th Olympla
had the satisfaction of seeing the hero
of Manila as he stood on th super
structure with Assistant Secretary Al
len and Captain Lamberton. Th ad
miral repeatedly doffed his cap to the
cheering crowds In returning their a
lut. It was explained today that, while
both Dewey and Hear Admiral Howlson
outrank Rear Admiral Sampson, there
will be no change In the arrangements
glvlrg Sampson full control of the na
val portion of the demonstration In
Dewey's honor. Howlson will be a guest
at th ceremony, but his presence will
not Interfere with Fampsnn.
NEW YORK, Bept. J7.-Ung before
dawn, steam and sailing craft of all
Imaginable stars gathered In the vicin
ity of the southwest channel, and
swarmed around the Olympla like night
tiles around a light, as she lay swing
ing gracefully with the tide. Her string
of signal lights was kept constantly
changing, and there was a veritable
pyrotechnics! display as the answers
were flushed across the bay to the sal
utation of passing ships. A searchlight
from Sir Thomas Upton's yacht, the
Erin, was kept flashing around the
Olympla until almost daybreak, making
the cruiser stand out In bold relief, to
the delight of landsmen and the grati
fication of many of watchers on many
of the vesels In the bay.
Just at dawn the signal lights on
the Olympla went down, and over the
bay came the faint bugle notes of the
reveille. Half an hour later the shrill
sound of th boa'swaln's whistle was
heard piping the men to clean ship, and
soon the sailor lads were seen swarm
ing the decks with swabs and buckets,
working with a will, and g'ettlnng tho
pride oft h navy shlpshap for her trip
to anchorage off Tompklnaville.
At :45 the cruiser Chicago, flying the
pennant ofRear Admiral Howlson pass
ed In at th Narrows and received a
salute of guns from Fort Hancock. As
she neared the Olympla, her rapid-fire
guns belched forth an admiral's salute,
which the Olympla returned with IS
guns, the salute for rear admiral. As
th Chicago passed close to the Olympla
Dewey, who was on the quarter deck,
returned Howtmm's-salute, and shouted
out a greeting. The sailors on :he
Olympic mnnned the rail, and returned
the hearty cheers of the Chicago's
crew. Th Chicago proceeded to Tomp
klnsvlll. At o'clock sharp colors were sound
ed, and the flag and the Jack were hoist
ed fore and aft, to the strains of the
Star-Spangled Banner. The admiral
stood well aft t attention, while be
hind him were grouped Captain Lam
berton, George Dewey, Jr., iind the
ofnocra and men, all at salute as the
flag was slowly run up,
At M o'clock, the Dolphin, flying
tha seoretary of the navy's fliig, hove
In sight, having on board Assistant
Secretary of the Navay Allen, who was
received with a salute. He went on
board the Olympla at 8;45, and remain
ed, chatting with the admiral on quor
tor deck until tho Olympla weighed
anchor. When the Olympla got under
way, Dewey felt the cold, strong north
west breeie that was blowing, and sent
an orderly for his capo, which he wrap
pod around him. He wore the undress
uniform, In which he hits been so
often pictured, Dewey and Allen had
an animated talk on the superstructure
of the Olympla, th Admiral occas
ionally leaving Allen's side to doff his
cap to boat loaded with excursionists,
who would yell themselves hoars to st
tract th hero's attention.
When at last the Olympla started to
Tompkliiavll, she was flanked on the
right by the Associated Press tug
Kuper, snd on th left by th tug
Dllgefl, and was followed by the dls
pnich boat Dolphin. All the way up th
lower bay signals boys wer kept busy
dipping their colors, 'while the steam
siren was kept tooting out thanks of
the admiral to hi admirers.
As th crulsr neared Forts Wsds
worth and Hamilton, th sailors passed
forward, white the marines paraded
on the quarter deck In full-dress uni
form, standing at attention while the
ensign was lowered from th mlxxen- j
gaft to the monkey-g-aft, and ships
number was displayed. As the Olympla
entered the channel the signal corps on '
the forts wig-wagged a welcome, which
was answered by the ship's signaler.
The slope of the forts were crowded
with soldier, and as the first gun
belched firt Its welcome they cheered
lustily. The face of the hero of Ma
nila was wreathed In smile as bis ship
answered gun for gun. A little later
the cruller Joined Admiral Sampson's
fleet off Tompklnsvllle, which thundered
out Its -lc jme to the commander In !
Do you want a good mal when you
vIMt Portland? If so, go to the Port
land restaurant, 106 Washington street
A good meal with meats rich in flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, is
Just what you get at the Creamerie
restaurant, 271 Washington street nesr
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
mUs going to the Creamerie Restau
rant, Z7I Washington St., you may con
sider that your trip will not be a sun-
cess, as others will tell you, who do net
mis It
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege at No. 414 Yamhill street Portland,
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already
the classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicates the excellent character of
the Institution.
Why is Watson's restaurant In Port
land patronized by .thousands of peopl
daily T Simply because It It the largest
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Paclfle coast Watson's restau
rant has sixty-eight white employes on
it pay roll. Remember the location,
109-U Fourth street.
Smokers, read All It cent cigars, 10
cents: El Palencla. 1 "cents; EI Be
lmont, 1ft cents; General Arthur, 10
cents: Leland Stanford, 10 cents; San
ches Y. Hyas. 10 cents; All 5 cent, for
25 cents. J. F. Handley ft Co., cut
cigars and news dealer, Perkins note!
building, Portland, Oregon.
The Pernln method of shorthand Is
being taught by Mr. R. W. Behnk In
the Oregonlan building at Portland.
The Pernln system It not only extreme
ly legible after being written, but It
xceptlonably rapid. It is said that
students under Mr. Behnke's direction
attain success in one-half the time es
sential with either Graham, Munson
or Pitman methods. This school is
open day and nlght.-
A tailoring establishment of some
pretentions, located on Washington
street.. Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for dressy Astoriont during th
past tlx months. This statement Is de
nied by the firm of Povey ft Blrchall, at
3?7 Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who arej patronised by the
great majority of outside customers.
Povey ft Blrchall moke the swell suits
for most of the stylish Portlanders, and
fjel that they are not xcelled by any
Portland firm for out of town pat
ronage. Posing a Sp?oialty.
The Photographer
N. W. Corner
Seventh ami Washington
Cor. Second and Morrison 5ts., .
The Vesular annual session begins
October t, 1399. Last day for entrano
Is October 11. The course of Instruc
tion In this college Is In advance, or
rather more extended, than are the
re-iulrenients of the National Associa
tion of Dental College facilities. For
catalogues and further particulars, ap
ply at the college building, or to
609 Oregonlan Building.
DR. B. B. WRIGHT, Secretary,
SOS Dekum Building.
A Present of
On every man's
1 Suit,....
1 round trip ticket,
Other erpnse- '.
A Saving in favor of Astoria of $4.50
Besides allowing $1.50 Discount on every man's Suit
and Overcoat, Herman Wise will allow 10 per cent
reduction on the rest oi hi3 stock for cash.
Tb pleasant effect and perfect safe
ty with which ladles may us Bymp
of Fir, under all condition, makes It
their favorlt remedy. To tt th true
and cenuln article, look for th nam
of th California Flf Byrup Co, print
ed near th bottom of th packai. For
sal by all druflst.
1st! ,
E. House's
5 12S Ikiri Strwt, NrtUt. rtfi.
The Bt Cop of Cods
or loco id id cur.
. Cream snd Mtlk
from our own ranca
Bom msdf Pies snd oskei.
' WATSON BROS., Propr's,
Conducted on th check syitsa. there
fore psiront py fer what Wey order
and no mora.
Wt Cllll til UlTMt, CkMHtt. IJl
lis tidcst femrt ii th JirtkwMt,
IWaadllt Fourth 8t.
Open ei.m.t 1p.m.' PORTLAND
CtliiMiTsw'M. '
. . -
Ms. i. rrnEUiu,
Proprieu r.
Frifiti twitfcr Win.
W Wishing-
ton St., near 5th
Smokers, Read
All 15e Cigars -.
tl Palncla....M. - -10
El BelmonW - luo
Oen'l Arthur.
Ulsnd Stanford - N
Banohei Y. Hyas - .1
All 5c Cigars siorc
J, F, Handley & Co,,
Cut Cigar snd News Dealer. Perkins hotel bid
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St, corner Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkins
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Ladies entrance to bath
on Fifth street
Suit or Overcoat If
Breakfast Food
Barley Food .
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats
...m A. V.
M m ' artk si
i ....
ainmnruwvui uuuvuvnruvuuwinannn ruvwuuvinArinivirirwxnjivxrb
...The Esmond Hotel...
European plan, Soo to $1.50 per dsy.
American plsn, 11.00 to IS.00 pr asy.
P. n. Sharpie's
Builders' Heavy and Shelf
In all sizes
it is bought from
1 Suit. .$16.00
Discount off . 1.60
3li liJnii
Select Bran . . .
Yeast, Cocoa
v r v bct
J, C. PES DBG AST, Chief Clsrk.
Cream Separators
and Best.
General Supply
House for
Family Grocerlea
Hardcaare, Ship Chandlery, Ete.
and styles.
We shall continue to Bell
Iron and Brass Bedsteads
at the same Low Prices
rexHrilletiS of the raise in
the price of iron and brass