The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 28, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily SUtoHmt
Telephone Main 661.
Sent by mail, per year W-W
Sent hT mail. nr month W
RmrA hv curler. Dr month W
Sent by mall. per rear. In advano M-M
Postage fre to ubscrlber.
All communication Intended for pub
lication ihJUld be directed to the edl
nr. KunliMwa communications of ail
klndi and remittance moat be address
ed to 'The Aatorian."
The Aatorlan guarantee to IU ad
vertlser the largest circulation of any
newapaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rales can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
TO EK.tDEUS.-Th "Dellr A.torlaa
CHlaln twin uavk iradlag Mlier a
may etaer paper rablUaea la Aetarla. Ii
la Ike Ml paper that praoau II mden
' wlta a dalle telegraphic rerort.
teriaa" haa mora laaa lilnu aaeay read
an a aar etacr paper pabllakeel la
rla. It la therefore more Ikaa tvtre
ealaable aa aa aaWertlala awllM.
Some days ago the Astorian pub
lished an Associated Press dispatch
from New Turk In which It waa as
serted that the Vanderbllt railway com
bination now In progress would seek
a PacLflc coast terminal on Puget
sound. The game dispatch waa pub'
lished in the Oregonlao, with the differ
ence- that in the office of the Portland
paper it waa doctored by the Insertion
of Portland Instead of Puget aound aa
the proposed western terminal. The
New Tork report as to the purpose of
the Vanderullt people is now corrobo
rated by the following- dispatch from
Omaha, published in the San Francis
co pipers of Sunday:
At Salt Lake City, October , a meet
ing of the Cnlon Pacific stockholders
will be held which promises to mark
a new epoch In the history of that
great property. The preferred capi
tal stock and common capital stock
will be increased sufficiently to permit
the acquisition of the outstanding pre
ferred and common stock of the Ore
gon Railway ft Navigation Company
and the collateral trust income B4 per
cent bonds of the Oregon Short Line
Company. Through the acquisition of
the Oregon Short Line bonds, the Un
ion Pacific will strengthen Its proprie
tary interest in the Short Line Com
pany and effect an advantageous
change In the character of the securi
ties. With the securing of the preferred
stock of the Oregon Railway ft Navi-,
gallon Company and of the common
stocx or mat company, exclusive of
that already acquired and held by the
Short Line Company, the Union Pa-
clfie will confirm and complete its con
trol of the Navigation properties,
which was partially secured through
the conversion of the Oregon Short
Line stock, accomplished in the early
part of the present year, and will ob
tain ownership, practically absolute, of
the through line to the Pacific coast
from Omaha.
The stockholders of the Union Pa
cific express themselves almost unani
mously in favor of this plan and Its
completion is a certainty. Such an ab
sorption as proposed will make of the
Union Pacific and Its allied branches
one of the greatest, most powerful and
Influential railway systems in the
It is said In railway circles that the
next step will be the acquisition of a
line Into Seattle, either by purchase or
by an extension of the Navigation line,
and that solid trains between Omaha
and Seattle will be running within a
comparatively short time. A promi
nent ofclal of the Northern Pacific
Company Is reported to have recently
sild It will be the policy of the new
system to route business to the Puget
sound ports where the steamships from
Asiatic points touch regularly and
this, of course, means a diversion of
traffic from the old channels.
There Is little comfort for Astoria in
this outlook, but It Is perhaps a con
dition that must be borne. It is folly
for Astoria to build any longer on th
theory that the Union Pacific has any
purpose to make this port Its Pacific
coast terminal. There are few reasons
why It should do so, against many and
weighty ones why it ihould not. The
press of Oregon will wak up to a real
ization when it 1b too late that the only
way to stop these railway deals In U.e
Northwest which operate to hold Or
egon and the Columbia river down Is
through action In the legislature. The
proper regulation of O. R. ft N. rates
so a to reserve for Oregon the right
ful advantage of that road's down1
grad.a would make Portland the chief
city on the Pacific coast and Astoria
the main ejxrt for Incoming and out
going oriental commerce. In no other
way can these rights be secured, and
the people of Oregon are losing yean
of future prosperity which might be
gained if the matter had prompt and
vigorous attention on all side. We
are sleeping, while Puget sound Is ac
tive and vigilant and Is aiming to
bind ua hand and foot In a commercial
sense. It is small wonder while such
a spirit of lethargy and indifference
prevails, that Washington make giant
strides as a state while Oregon falls
further and further behind all the
By his prompt action in coming to
the rescue of the Grand Army veterans.
who were assigned by General Roe of
the National Guard to a rear position
In the great Dewey parade, Governor
Roosevelt ha again demonstrated bow
closely he is in touch with the senti
ment of the American people.
Never perhapa has the 'Irony of
fate" been more strikingly illustrated
than in the story of the Boers. They
sought and found In the heart of Afri
ca their ideal of a country which would
give them a bare living by agricul
ture, and it has turned out to be Of all
places In the world the richest in min
ing wealth, and it is this very richness
which nienacea the destruction of their
free and democratic republic.
The statistics of our foreign trade
which the bureau has Just Issued are
even more encouraging than those
that had preceded them. The total ex
ports (or the month of August are J5
per cent higher than for the same
month last year, when they were the
highest known, and they are S3 per cent
higher than the average In the same
month for the three years l8tM-5-&
For the first eight months of the cal
endar year they are the highest in the
history of the country. At the same
tlma the Imports have Increased in
nearly the same ratio, showing that we
are no longer taking pay for what we
sell lu our own securities, that we
have long ago ceased paying our debts
with our exports.
bi other conspirators In an attack on
the conduct of the government, rather
than tu go to the front where the
sharpuhooilng is done by the men who
carry gun to back up their opinions.
The American people have more re
spect for Agulnaldo than they have
for the Atkinsons. Agulnaldo is the
kind of a rebel who la willing to go
t) the front to be shot at. He does
not know any better. He never breath
ed the air of culture and Intellectual
refinement upon which the learned
Bostonlan ha been fed.
Atkinson Is a different sort of a rebel.
His plan la to keep away from the fir
ing; line aa far aa possible and shoot
bullets into the backs of our soldiers
a they carry the flag to victory In
the fever-laden swamps of the Philip
pine. It will be easy to dispose of Aguln
aldo, but what are we to do with the
Atkinsons T
vices of the regiment In order to give
hint a chance to dlaplny his patriotism
on the touted field. AH the world
knows the rest. Kver since his resig
nation Pry .in has been fighting against
the army in the Philippines and doing
all he can to hamper and obstruct tils
administration In Its efforts to put
down the Insurrection. He ha now
gone bodily over to
noi'ld lower the flog and
llanco with Atkinson and Agulnaldo,
Astoria National Bank
join those who ,iU' M "'"j JLt clm
and form an ai- T MT'n"'.
and he Is welcome to all the glory he jMnt llul Aim,m, in,n 17
gets out 01 ms company. Overdraft, secured and un
POTORS GAVE HIM UP. bond lo secure circula
Blng-Yes. that's old Sprtgglns. .if I rrtm,util ou I'. Mhh1.. . .
a Joien Wtr. h.v. eiv.n him ".
l'J,.VW IX)
1.NM (W
30,11.1) 84
have given 0im up .., ,,' u ". i
....... . .. ... I w-h.ihm m.iiw iuiiiiiuiv aula
at various times uunng nis lire. I flxUrva 9 8.13 01
mng-wnai was in trouDie wun miber real vstat and worl
him? gag. owned 8.T00 00
1 en. Tl . t . '
doctor vo irom national banks (uol
lllng He wouldn't pay his
The rapid growth in export of man
utactures of iron and steel and the
simultaneous decrease in the importa
tion of manufacturers of iron and steel
seem to have been coincidental with
similar growth in the production
of pig Iron In the United States. A
statement just prepared by the treas
ury bureau of statistics shows that the
production of pig Iron In the United
States has grown from J.S55.191 tons
In 140 to 11,773,934 tons in ISM, and
J. Stephens Jeans, secretary of the
British Iron Trade Association, esti
mates the pig iron produce In 1S99 at
14 000,000 tons. Meantime the export of
manufactures of iron and steel has
grown from 314,718,521 In the fiscal
year 1880 to 3U.71S.S51 in the fiscal year
1SS9, while the importation of manu
factures of iron and steel ' has fallen
frorv VUW.t'tt In 18H0 to I12.0S3.199 In
In handling Edward Atkinson with
out gloves Congressman Bhattuc of
Ohio does his country a distinguished
service, fer every time he trounces the
Boston pamphleteer he shakes the
whole tribe of fire-in-the-rear traitors
out of their boots.
Some time ago Congress-man Bhattuc
referred to Mr. Atkinson and his fol
lowers as "traitors, copperheads and
cowards." The characterization did
not please Mr. Atkinson. There was a
rough, western, pile-driver bluntness
about it that grated harshly upon the
delicate nervous temperament of the
Boston pessimist. As the pungency of
the characterization pressed In upon
him and he began to take In the full
vitriolic force of Mr. Bhattuc' delivery,
he grew hysterical and pugnacious.
He framed a rejoinder which was In
tended to convey to Congressman Bhat
tuc some Idea of the extent to which
his feelings had been outraged.
Instead of a recantation or apology
the rejoinder evoked from Mr. Bhattuc
a reiteration of the charges of treason
and cowardice, coupled with a rebuke
that Is hot enough to keep the Boscon
Filipino away from the firing line for
many moons to come. The congress
man shows that the terms he applied
to Mr. Atkinson have a well-defined
meaning precisely the meaning he In
tended to convey. He then proceeds
to analyze the particular kind of trea
son of which the Bostonlan Is guilty
and holds him up to the scorn of all
patriotic Americans.
To get Into the swing of the Bhattuc
yiyle of pummellng the Atkinsons It Is
well to read the following excerpt:
Your sharpshootlng since the begin
ning has been from the rear. From
lifil to the present time your skill and
experience have never been developed
In a place where you were in any dan
ger nf getting your hide punctured.
You hRve always kept It a safe dis
tance from the firing line. I assume
that is the reason your hide has be
come o callous and case-hardened, as
it were. You choose to Join with your!
Chicago Times-Herald.
The present scarcity of servant girls,
which Is the subject of frequent and
somewhat exaggerated comment In the
newspapers, must impress the thought-1
ful student of household economies
with two facts: First, Housekeeping
as a science la far behind Industrial
progression; Second,Ther Is something
radically wrong in the relations ex
isting between housekeepers and dJ
mestlc servants.
It i true that the "famine In servant
girls," of which the papers speak, may
be partly attributed to the present
revival of Industrial activity which
creates a larger demand for girls In
factories and stores. But this does
not fully explain the difficulties that
are encountered by housekeepers in se
curing and retaining competent domes
tic help. For It Is well known that
the wage in factories and stores are
not equal, after board and room are
paid for, to the wages given to domes
tic help in the homes of any large city
or suburban towns. It is also a fact
that domestic service in most homes Is
much less onerous and exacting than
In mercantile and manufacturing es
tablishments. Some other impelling motive must be
looked for outside of Increased compen
sation of lighter work. As a matter
of fact, housekeeping Is the one busi
ness that is not fully abreast of
modern economical progress. It Is In
many of Its departments crude and un
sclcntiuc. Invention has furnished a
few labor-saving appliances, it is true,
but housekeeping has not yet been di
vested of its drudgery. It clings to
traditions and old-fashioned notions.
After a thousand years of housekeeping
the average home is stilt conducted up
on the theory that "man must work
from sun to sun, but a woman's work
is never done." The science of cook
ery has advanced, but of what value
are the new culinary Ideas and dis
coveries If no one can be employed to
put them Into practical use in a home?
Why does a girl leave the domestic
service of a comfortable borne at good
wage to work in a store or a factory
for wages that are scarcely sufficient
to pay her board T For two reasons:
Because in the store or factory she Is
not called a "servant," and because she
work only ten hours a day and six
days out of the week, which means to
her 'Industrial Independence."
It Is very clear to anyone who views
housekeeping from the standpoint of a
cold business proposition that the solu
tion of the domestic service problem
lies in a readjustment of the relations
between the head of the domestic es
tablishment and the housemaid. A
few more years of deprivation and
hardship may be necessary to convince
housekeepers of this fact It Is be
lieved by many that the time Is coming
when the housemaid will be employed
on the same basis that girls and men
are employed In the stores: that they
will report for work at a certain hour
In the morning and quit at a certain
hour in the evening, sustaining to the
household only the relations of an em
ploye and forming no part of the do
mestic circle. The employe will no
longer be called "servant" a name
that should be obsolete in free America
but will be on social equality with
alt other classes of wage-earners, rest'
ing under no stigma of servitude.
WT ether It Is coming to this or not it
cannot be denied that no progress to
ward a solution of the problem can be
made that does not start with a correct
ascertainment of the reasons that im
pel a girl to leave domestic service to
accept employment In other lines of in
The o, a r.
rrva ageuts) l.tU'J 00
lUne Irom slat hauls au.l
bankers 2.4HO 90
Do from approved reserve
agent IM
Cheek and other rath items. KTt) SO
Note of other nal loual banks. TM) 00
Fresh cracked crab, at the National Fl""
bank, via:
Sweet cream la any amount at the specie 39,900 2i
Burbank potatoes, 31 a sack, at Pat's
Legal-tender not. 7M 00 40,743 ii
Kedeniptlou fund with V. &.
treasurer (5 per cent ot cir
culation) MJ 50
Jars Is
Whits cook.
'tfc 000"
via a n.
to Portland
ft N.
only W cent
Home made chocolates, 30 cent a
pound, at t:-.e Parlor.
Best U-ceot meal, RWog Bus restau
rant, tU Commercial street.
we guarantee our to cream lo be
made of pur cream. The Parlor.
Total itr, m tW
Capital stock paid in t firi.niX) 00
8orplus fund H.400 00
Undivided profits, lea ex
pense sod taxes Dai J '.VIW ?J
Aational bauk notos) out
standing iLMO 00
Individual deposits
subiect to rbecktl34.3l3 73
Demand certifi
cates of deposit. 1(1378 41
Time certificates of
deposit 22 9)9,791 38
Cold lunch, pickled Dig feet orstera. Rt.t. i,r Omn 1
sheeps tongue, etc., at the National Coonty of Clataop.1 M
Cafe. I I, J. E. Hlggina, oaslaer of the above
named bank, do solemnly awrar thai ths
Our Ice cream is warranted to bt mad above statement Is Iroa to the heat of
or pur cream. The Parlor, next to Jobs my knowledge and belief.
J. K. III'iiilNS,
Subscribed and sworn to befor me
this r.'th day of September, 1M)
E. .. rr.KlH SOX.
Notary Pnblio for Oregon
torreot auoet.
J.C.DKMKNT V Directors.
Bltrgeat and beat meal at Denver Kitch
en on Ninth street. 14 cents. wh:t cook.
Try tt
Beat Calttomla wise a) cents per gU
lea Alex OUbert, sol agent for As
toria Telephon S3.
uo you know Snodgrass make
Stamp Photos? Call and see them they
are all the go.
cream Pur Rye. Amertoa's flaaet
whiskey. The only purs goods, guaran.
teui rich and mellow. John L. Carlson,
oie aceot
ror rent Furnished rooms with
first-class tabl board. Apply lira, B.
C. Holden's corner Ninth and Duan
B. House's Caf at 123 Third street.
Portland, is regarded by many people
as the leading restaurant In the Pa
cific Northwest
Botjuet De Cuba and Key West Oems
art the finest flv cent cigars that sver
cam to this market Henry Roe, op
posite brewery.
The Occident shaving parlor and
baths will remain open during the tlma
the Improvement are being made to
the hotel. Customers will be given th
same service and attention.
Beginner and advanced pupils can
hare thorough Instruction on the vio
lin and piano by applying to J. H. Am-
me, a graduate of Dresden and Lerp-
sig conservatory. Hotel Tigha
your house
of business
Vapor Gas Lamps
iw-canai power at a
of lo for thre heura.
Miller & Barnaber?, Agents
403 Bond Street Astoria
Normal School,
Training ohoai for TeacWr.
New IlulMIng
New Department.
tTngraded Country tohool Work.
(iraduitrs Srrurv (lornl Positions.
TnONO COURBBg-Well equipped training depaiWMe, Normal tuvrse,
quickest and beat way ta that Certificate.
Eipetwea for year from UK to fl: n.ard UN le N per week) TwIUoa, kesj
per term of tea weeks, rj term begin September ttHai aunuoer term J as
veyiewuer j. wx Mtalogu address p. U CAlfPHBLU
or W. a, WaNN. Be af FaasHy.
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
Su Francisco, CiI.
AstorU, Ore.
Writ Un for Prl
Filrnavtn, Wisb.
Astoria's Leading Hotel
McRlcr & WrlBltt. Prons.
Telephone No. a J
Handles Only the Choicest Meats
l ' . tiBi rH4VJ NVIlelWeMale
R. P. Blrtior)
W. H. llnrrlnoH
Carpenter end Builder
General Contractor
Andrew Lake
...Merchant Tailor...
Bryan's Evasion of a Pointed Question
Asked by One of His Audience.
In his speech opening the Nebras
ka campaign, Col. Bryan, in response to
the Inquiry, "Why didn't you go to Cu
ba?" from some one In the audience,
said: "I offered my services to a re
publican president the day that war
was declared. That offer waa never ac
cepted. I then raised a regiment of my
own. When the treaty or peace was
signed I resigned because I believed
this country was In more danger than
Cuba, and I came home to fight repub
licans. I had five months of peace in
the army, and have had constant fight
ing since I came out" Bryan Intimates
that President McKlnley Ignored him.
He Is ever assuming that his hearers
have short memories. Like thousands
of other public men, he offered his ser
vices to the president upon the break
ing out of war. Not having any
military experience there was no place
to utilize him, and when the Third
Nebraska was organized Governor Hol
comb offered Bryan the command, and
although Nebraska's quota was full,
the war department accepted the ser-
ine steamer Mayflower la Chang
of Captain Plckemell, Is now open for
easiness, except on Saturday and Tues
days, when she will be engaged on her
regular runa Apply at ruher! dock.
The Astoria Froebel Klnderaarten
will open September 25. Miss Annie General
K. mnderson, klndergartner. Parents
Interested are Invited to call at th
kindergarten, No. 407 Exchange street
Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices.
Repairing and ClasiUns; Neatly Doc.
J. A. Fas ta bend
and Builder
Rpflllrjarl rataafl Sin IVkU. ii.ii-
Line steamer Bailey Oatsert between HoUM-mOVing Tools for Rent.
Astoria and Portland: Far SO cents,
state room 11.25, lower berth 11 cent,
upper berth 50 oents, section berth
Kell.-y's transfer wsgon deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. All orders left at Zapfs fur-
nuure store, 030 Commercial street,
will receive prompt attention. Tele
phone im.
uo to the Columbia Electrla k Re
pair Company for all kinds of new
and repair work, from a cambric
needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine.
Quick work and satisfaction guaran
teed. Logging machinery of all kinds
a specialty. Shop opposite Ross. Hlg-
gins Co.
of th pudding to Id Hu eating
and tn proof of liquor
That's an argument that'
elusive-a demonstration.
Our will stand the teat
commencing aept. Zlnt the following
reduced rates will be nlacerl In fri
via the O. R. A N. Co.: Between As- Qpwitifr MnrfliriAC
torla and Portland and Intermedin. w TT '"""'"'VJ
plonts the fare will be 50 cents In
eacn airectlon. Reduction has also
been made In berth rates as follows:
Lower berths 75 cents, upper berths
50 cents and section berth 25 cents,
The concert hall opened by Charlie
Wise at No. 339 Astor street, Is the on
and only popular resort of its kind In
that vicinity. Mr. Wise Is doing some
thing new among concert hall. He Is
not only selling a class of pure liquors.
but I giving hi place a management
which Insures gentlemanly attention
and treatment to his patrons. The
good music and the crowd will be
found at Charlie Wise's place.
Sold on
Easy Payments
Old machine taken in exchange.
C. P. Looney, Agent.
433 Comujeroin! 8tret, Astoria.
Office Bond Street, Astoria. Or.
Connecting at Astoria with th Ort.o Railroad 4 Navigation Co, for
fan Francisco, Portland and all point essl. For freight and passen
ger rate apply t SsitiM.I Elmore 4 Co.
f ersl Aitents, A8TOIUA, ORE.
COHN AGO, Agsnta, Orvgo ,roa.l . Navigation Co.,
Seventh and Astor Streets
Served Day nnd Night.
AUGUST KRATZ, - . Manager
Open Day
and Nljht.
W. W. Whlppla.PropriatOr.
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
riRMLAM cmanra..
private room rox usm
538 Commercial St., Aetoria, Oregon
Fin work at Popular Price.
327 Waeshliagtor Street.
Next Imperial Hotel
Astoria Public Library
Odsm every oar from I eioek ta I:
ana t .m ta I Jt n so.
nbserlptlon rats H par annnra.
West Cor. Kl areata a4 Dusa ireata
Telepben B.
AO Good VhlppM to Onr Car
Will Reoelr Spealal Atteatloa.
No. in Duan Bt,,
Aak.rU, Or.
V. 3. COOK. Mgr.
Kaa Tel. lit,
M. Regular communication held on
th first and third Tueaflar evening of
each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W.
If.; E. O. HOLD EN. ftsoretary.