THE MOUSING ASTOR1AN. WKhXESD.U MOKMNU. SKITKMMR S7, 18rft CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niRFf t wiRFS to New Yorli stoclt Exchange DIRECT WIRES TO ChicagQ Board of 2U-JI5 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Special FOR THE Ladies' Scala Kid Glove, 89c; Kcgular IVke, $i.5 THE A. DUNBAR CO. 5f6 Commeicial Street. NEW METHODIST PASTOR. Mr. Peart Said :o Be a Man of Strtk tng Appearance and a Strong Spakr. In the ministerial assignments of the Or Ton conference of the Methodiat Episcopal church for the coming year Rev. Isaac FVart Is accredited to the Astoria pulpit Mr. Peart has been two years In Corvallls. where he built .up a strong church. He la said to be a man of striking appearance and strong speaker. The conference, which adjourned Monday night, settled the university question by wiping out Portland uni versity, consolidating It with Willam ette at Salem. Methodists throughout the state are pleased with this arrange ment of an old difficulty. Rev. C. 8. Kline, of Portland, was expelled from the ministry on account of falsehood and unmlnlsterlal conduct PORTLAND A WAT STATION. How the Inland City Might Change Her Present Status and Compete With Seattle. Hillsboro Independent A Tacoma paper publishes a para graph In which It Is stated that the Northern Pacific railroad Is to lay an other track between Portland and Ta coma make the road a doubl track way. The Portland Telegram copies the rumor and approves the proposition. For what purpose does the X. P. want another track between Portland and Tacoma T How Is businers to be In creased so as to justify a second track? It can be done only by pulling Spokane and Palouse wheat down the Columbia over the C R. & N. tracks, past Port land to Tacoma. The N. P. fixes the tariff and requires the O. R. A N. to charge as much per too to Portland as It charges to Tacoma and over the same line till Portland is passed. Thus Portland Is to become a way station. But If she wilt, Portland can beat Seat tle and Tacoma at their game though they build four tracks. Let Portland's warehouses be moved to Astoria and let the O. R. A N., If tt has that power. make Astoria a common point and the thing Is done. A SERIOUS CASE. Eye Trouble More Serious Than Many Are Bold Enough to Declare. A gentleman who manufactures gas machines In Portland, In speaking of his experiences In obtaining glasses to suit his case, made some pointed obser vations this morning that are worthy of note. He said: "Optical concerns are plentiful, but good optical concerns are few. In the first place, the adjustment of glasses Is a very serious thing, be cause the eye Is a moat delicate and In dispensable organ. I went and went again to two different optical establish ments, giving each a fair test, but fail ed to get the relief that I knew a broth er of mine had received In Philadel phia from a good pair of eyeglasses. Not entirely discouraged because of his access, I tried the Northwest Optical Company, In the Labbe building, at the corner of Second and Washing ton streets. I was at once Impressed with the Intelligent and careful way In which they went to work to teat my eye needs. In a nut shell I am satisfied oernuse me proper service was ren dered with little display or show to make their service look valuable. mane the statement without fear of contradiction that the Northwest Op. tlcal Company has the most satisfied cllentelle In this city." P. A STOKES. Astoria's Up-to-Date and Fashionable Oent's Furnisher and Clothier. "It Is strange that Astorlans win be duped Into patronising these carpet bagger clothiers, who take measure ments and foist their victim the cheap est class of fabrics, when they hare a reliable home house that will Bt them more perfectly, give them better goods and guarantee them better prices man iney can poestoiy realise from a source jo questionable." The speaker waa Mr. P. A. Stokes. who carries In his Commercial streel store one of the most fashionable and highest class assortments of clothing to be found In the state. Mr. Stokes also carries gents' furnishing goods In eluding hats and caps, and children's Raiments in a profusion of styles and designs. Quite recently this well- known house waa enlarged to treble Its former slue and Is how regarded as one of the best lighted and most commodi ous buildings In the city. Gentlemen who have In view any orders for tailor made suits should not forget that Mr. Stokes has made a study of suit" meas urements for 13 or 15 years, and has for Inspection lines of samples from all the large and popular eastern hous es. Moreover, every garment Is guar anteed. The city has reason to feel proud of this new and beautiful store. which would be an ornament in any city either east or west BOY DROWNED AT SCNNTMEAD. Sad Death of the Son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mlnler. Sunnymead, the Adair farm, about eight miles southwest of Astoria, was the scene of a sad accident Saturday afternoon. Willie, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mlnler, who live on the place, waa playing on some logs lying In the Adair slough when one of the logs rolled. His foot slipped and he fell Into the water. The body had been In the water half an hour when found and all efforts to restore life were unavailing. Funeral services were held In the Presbyterian church yesterday after noon and the remains were Interred In the old Clatsop cemetery. The public school children, led by their teacher, Mrs. Mason, and all carrying flowers, escorted the body of their little school mate to Its last resting place. After the services at the grave the children sang songs and deposited their flowers on the mound. The sorrowing parents have the sym pathy of all who knew their bright lit tle boy. goods store to an Afttxrliin reivrter last night "It seems that the home people appreciate a modern business conducted under modern methl, for. frvm early In the morning till Ute at nlsht, the counters were fulrly throng ed with customers." The A. Dunbar Company store Is going to realise a great suc-ess In As- Lt price, below wholesale. These torts. It purposes catering to all classes of trade, and will constantly have In stock the most delicate as well as the plainer class of fubrU-s. In short, whatever you want In dress roods or notions you will find there. Call, and Inspect the establishment whether you want anything or not. The Astorlan will vouch that you will be trtated well. Gray's RACKET STORE We are closing out our entire depart ment of tinware and granite Ironware THE A DUNBAR COMPANY. Astoria's Modern and Metropolitan Dry Goods Emporium. "We were quite fagged out and glad when the doors closed," said Mr. Dun bar of the A. Dunbar Company dry THE WENATCHEE HATCHERY. Fish Commlslot..r Little Anxious That Astoria Cannerymen Should See Results There Accomplished. Mr. Samuel Elmore, of the Columbia River Packers Association, yesterday received the following self-explanatory letter from Fish Commissioner Little of Washington. It Is understood that ef forts will be made by the members of the Packers Association to comply with Commissioner Little's kind Invitation to visit the Washington hatcheries. I have Just returned from our Wen- atchee hatehvry and the prospects there are so bright that I am very anxious that yourself and several other lend ing cannerymen and fishermen of the Columbia river should visit the same sometime about the middle of next month. 1 believe that the Wenatchee hatchery Is the best located hatchery or the Pacific CiMst. and we have a showing there of fish below the rack at the present time that will more than satisfy yourself and every one concerned that my statements In this respect are more than true. We have the finest lot of summer s'.eelheads be low the rack that I ever expect to see In my experience In the fishing busi ness. Jf you can prevail upon some friends engaged In the business to make this trip, you will confer a great favor on me, and I am satisfied do the Industry great good In letting the people know that we have our hatcheries properly located and are running them strictly In a first class manner. If lt will be possible for you to make this visit luring the coming month, please let me know as soon as convenient, as I wish to make up quite a party of can nerymen and fishermen from the Co- lrmbia river to make the trip. I should also very much like to have the same parties visit our Kalama and Wind river hatcheries at the same time If convenient. We have done great, work this season with these two hatcheries, also. Please let me hear irom you In this regard as soon as convenient Respectfully yours, A C. LITTLE, State Fish Commissioner. first quality good and are manufact ured by the following firms: 8t Louis Stamping Co., Habsrman Mfg. Co. and Klckhelfsr. In fact any fac tory hrand yea rant Ttal Is a rare opportunity for merchants and parties who wish to buy at wholesale. Follow. Ing Is the list of prices: SPECIAL SALE OF 8CHOOL 8UIT8. Hoys' heavy school suits, worth K.0 sale price t Touths" school suits, worth IS. sal Pr'c IM Men's fine wool pants, regular val ue 15. sale price Webster's unabridged dictionary, regular price 14. W. sale price .... 1.45 A few fine Cocoa rugs, sli Sx71, worth $3.50. sale price 1 H J-nnart granite tea pots, sale price ,1 XXX silver plated knives and forks, worth U a set, sale price .. .75 A large assortment of new goods Just arrived, call and examine them. 510 Commercial Street. grade; Miss Winn. Hldn, 1th grad. !nd grade; Miss The large majority of Astorlans have their dental wiwk done In Portland. Such fact being the case. It Is well thst the visiting public to that city should ! advised A t the proper xsle to pntr.inlie. The IVrtlaiid IVntiil Par lors, on the top fl.or of the Washing ton building, on Waslilnct n street near Fourth, are the largest and best e'Ul ped offices In the entire North west There need be no hesitation In patronising this exceptionally reliable company. They cuarantee satisfaction. See their ad on pajre one. , Moved by th Ramapo water scandal and the failure of Tammany to enforce laws for the benefit of laboring men, the Central Federated Union of New York has paasvd resolutions asking Governor P.ooaevelt to call a special session of the legislature to shorten the ; The glory of Oregon' future will noon rtt with neliool loy ol totlny; tlit ir obligiitiong will be greiit. tliein lo in nowise hundioiiird. Proper elotlilng is hh twouthil jroer books. To meet the present's every di'iimnd, wo Imvc nrningetl n iHH'inl wile of children's elutliing. This sale ojteiiH todiiv nnd include erery lutit le licctwnry to makeup n complete wardrobe, whether for the eluolboy or schoolgirl. Today wo quote especially boys' clothing, f Boys' Suits So mils i'Heiitlly soluble (or school wear will t offered leader. Those mils sr made ot II wool, rssiimrres) and fancy tweeds ; the coat are double breasted siul well .lined through out; 111 ul are knee lengths, II sties. These suits formerly sold tor Sct.SO and M IX) but during this sale tliry go tor $2.50 Boys' Cotton Sweater Full line in trl es am solid colors mcli as blue, garnet slid navy al Joe. Sailor Blouse Suits We Imve Full Hue ot sailor blouse suits, middy suit ami VNteesiill thst are bulb suitable and service bis tor tlit yoiinger boys. Thus are ot blue serge and blue rbevint, lutii-y and 111 ued tweed with plain and fniicy rlilsld. with black silk sailor knot allactied; lira three lo right years al $2.45 to $7.00 ItoyY Knc Paul In corduroy, twrt!s, aeigr ml cheviot., all aril Iliads and sviwl at Jjc lo $1.00 A dill Iftin ot tabids, alalra, draw ing UkiVs. ipotige. ns ami X'li'il, etc, Another ver)'nice,me for school wcaris the. K.nuwcarout brand, those have nilWlllVl double-breasted coats, knee pants with knees and seats and come in fancy worsted Scotch tweed, cassimcrcs, screes ami cheviots, sires nine to fifteen years $3.25 to $7.50, . , . ShannahaiVs . . , term of Major Van Wyck. "so that the voters of New Tork may be enabled to express their oplnlm of the present city administration." The governor Is said to have announced his willingness to call an extra session If the people desire It. THE EFFECTS OF THE EARTHQUAKE FELT AT SEA FOR MILES jA Grand B Exhibition of Woolen Cloths In the Piece..... Alaskan usspIs at San Francisco Report Having Noted I'nustia Weather Conditions. FRIDAY AXD SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th and Fj A Skilled Cutter of long and successful experi W ence will carefully take the measure 0?" any of our aoth. This will include all the Latest Novelties in Suit ings.Ovsrcoatings. Fancy Vestings and Trouserin WITHOUT CHARGE y The Leading Clothing House of Astoria, (Won. C. H. Cooper, fA.N FRANCISCO, Sept. 26.-The earthquakes which shook up the Alas kan coast In September made them selves relt miles at sea. Three ves sels which have arrived from the northern salmon fisheries report ex ijciientiiig mmi peculiar weatner on Sunday, Sept. 3, the day of the first earthquake. Captain Charles Johnson, of the bark B. P. Cheney, which was at sea al. most opposite Kodlak at the time of the disturbance, states that on Soptcm ber 3 a heavy gale sprang up, the air being very sultry. The barometer fell rapidly, but In 15 minutes the wind Mi and the sea quieted down. Captain Thompson, of the bark Nicholas Thay er, from Alaska, also note the pecu liar cllmato conditions on fleptem ber 3. The L. J. Morse was likewise caught in the gale which followed the upheav al along the north coast. At a meeting of the school board last evening the following nsslRnments of teachers for th5 engulnir term wem ir,ale: McClure school MIhs Stock ton, 6th gra'l; Ruth Garner, 1st grade; MIsb fJray, 3rd grado; Mlra Mcfann', 2nd prade; Miss Foiwtt, 7th gratfe. The assignment to the Olney school, the new school In West Astoria, follow: Miss Sayrs, 5th grade; Miss Olson, 1st Now that the family of Miss Mar garet Potter has succeeded In buying up all the cople of her book. "A Social Lion." and securing and destroying the plates. It would be Interesting to know what Is being done In the way of sup pressing the bud llng authoress herself. Miss Potter Is only about 18 years old her youth being considered apparent y the worst offense In her performance -and to Judge from the vigor of her Irst effort It will pussle the brains of a v ry lurgc family to devise means to squelch her and prevent a repetition of the catastrophe. Pcrtilit Shorthand School H. W. PEHNKB. Principal. Room 111 Oregon in Utiildiiig, I'uttlunJ, Ore. Th Pernln System waa awarded the World's Fair Medal and Diploma. No hading: No position; Few word-signs. No failure. Day and night Astoria aiU9Cd- ...Steam Laundry., FOR SALE. Furniture of upper floors of Central hotel Good paying business. Owner wishes to go to Europe. Will be told cheap If sold wlthlng 15 day. FTlRrm.'RH AT PRTVATE BALK. During the month of September, ISM, I will dispose of my household furni ture, consisting of carpets, chair, wal nut secretary, parlor organ, chamber suit and bedding, lounges, lamps, halt rack, tables, picture, miscellaneous books, crockery, kitchen range, refrig erator, eto. Please call between th hour of I a. m. and I p. m. Mr. W. W. PARSER, P, R. CAXI'IIKI.L, I'loo'r. w rt ileitis mnrh lo cure fht wa.hlng habit W nd.r s brtlrr way, a rlieap er snl s moia (-oiivrnlriit way Kami- m v WMhtnir sou lm lt f-hraper than M vnu ran hats tham nuna si iHimr, thus M dmnrsway with Uie rrnaa wiJ h t rel rVnllng on Monday. B fW$n ( hint's rmployed. a turner Minn aud A Hot Mrttts. &OTXUiarcZ33J11JT31123SUlUI Holmes' English AND- Business College 414 Yamhill Ft., Portland, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS English, HookkccplitK, Shorthand, Typewriting. Pcniunn.sliip, Art. Bend for circulars. What Is It, do you ask? It Is a new way to teach bookkcepiiifj. Student. Icarn to ketp book exactly as they are kept in business. No text-book is A text-book teaches, in a theoretical way, how books mar bt kept Armstrong's teaches, in a practical way, how books are kept. It ,1s a bookkeepers method. Investigate. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill Sts. A. P. Armstrong-, Prln. Open all the year. Students mny enter at ny trme. Busincw, Shorthand and English department. Private or claw instruction. Catalogue free. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY ra4 into. J. W. Illll. M. D Prlaelpal. Ckrtstaiu Terai Opeaa (. It, 1NOO. A Boarding and Par School Uaaor ptaaaai siaaacamant atneo 1ST. For caialosuM or Infnrmatloa 4i!ra I ha srtncipal. i, W. HIU IS. i p. o. diaxr It, Forllanl ' Primary. Praparatnrr and Aradamta rpart- E ratal Court Fraparatlra. Military Dlaelpnaa, anual Traluln. buys of all a raoaltrad. Every Hand 'JIM- I " 'It lllll. Reaches for the dulkious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM ' BONBONS made at The Spa Candy Factory "ho lorccslt line of LownovV, itfiious Chocolates ever Iroiiuht to Astoria. , A. B. COONLET, Prop'r. Tlione 2001 9 Six TOTHE LADIES OF ASTORIA AND VICINITY. ' We cordially invite you to visit us in our new quarters, M-' Comer Morrison and First Sts., Formerly occupied by A. B. STKINHACH, where we have on display the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Coast. Up-to-Date Millinery AT POPULAR PRICES. Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up. Golf Hats with long Quills all colors, 97c Rnch Street Hat3 all new styles from . . . 7Bc nnd up. New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turban The Wonder Millinery Co., . THE BIG STORE Cornor Morrison and First Sts,,; PORTLAND, OKEGON.