The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 27, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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roilTLANI). 8iK. I7.-Coiitlnud
fair wwthar today.
John Kujip Is In rortlanil on busl-
lorry IMI tvtunisd laat nlM (rum
II. M. I'ak. tf rorllamt u In (lit
clly ytrday.
M. 8. Urlwoll or I'urtland U n.
Iilnrmt In town.
J. C. alayo tu a psnir down on
the train last night.
Mlkt Onrinan, uf Oathlamot, wa
In ll oily ysstortlsy on business.
Thro. Olson rvlunivd yesterday from
a busluoss trip to Uattttlv.
liuvl LamWsun, of fortUitd, cam
down ou last ni(ht't tralu.
W. U lluub and un Jaml returned
ytvrday (runt lluud Itlvnr,
guinlan lodf. li. P. 0. K., resumed
thK vrevkly mviliii last evening.
L. W. Welch and wife wero ias
angrs down on th train last night
A. W. Oaltibrll and wife arid J. W.
Tattur and lf, of I'oriland, ar In the
It. U. Lauras and fiunlly of BhoaU
wator bay are In tha city visiting rela
tives. Mr. Win. Maddlson returned laat
night from a two wwkn' visit In Tort
land. Juhn Htvphtmaon rvturned yesterday
fnun a business irtp to Aberdeen,
Vaah, . . .
Thumas Irving, prominent farmer
aiid luinurrman of Calhlamet, Wash.,
la In III oily.
alia Klla Lucy returned on tha train
lut nlghl frum 1'urtlaiul, lwre ah
iiai bren visiting bur slstec
Mr. V. W. 1'arkvr leaves for Lower
Callfjrnl the prly pari of iii
niuiitti to spend th wlntr.
It la reported the aelnert ar catch
lug mora IUh at Mlllrr's sands than all
the Irapa and nrli combined.
Tom IUH liaa resumed til studies at
the lllshup Hoolt Academy, 1'urtland.
II la bugler In th cadet battalion.
lo you want a gotl mal when you
vltli Portland? If so, go to tha I'orl
land restaurant, 304 Wellington street.
In the circuit court yesterday Ma
hal a K. YlllaJa was granted a doeree of
divorce from her cusband, Jacob Til
lala. Th steamer Vulcan itarted yester
day to tow a raft of half a million log
from lrls' camp at Deep river to Port
land. The steamer K. U Dyer tuok a act
of logging boom fnun Knnppa to Bal-j
tor' new logging ramp on Uray river
yesterday, j
Mr. Jennie Thompaon and family
of Kansas, who have been visiting
their brother, T. S. 8linpn, returned
home yealerday. !
Thus. Collin, a natlv of Sweden, I
wh expanded yeatvrday. "The power 1
that be" at the court houie mad him
an American cltlien, j
Itev. W. B. Holllngshead and wife
returned laat night on the train from
Portland, They had been In attendance'
at the Methodlat conference. j
On can hardly observe th beauty
of the flower that ant grown In Ac
torla without a regret that their cul-j
tlvatlon la not more general. j
W. J. Gallagher, night cook at th
ralai'e coffe house, , returned from
Portland laat night, where he had, been'
apendlng a three week vacation. j
A mooting of th teacher of Mo
Clur and Olney achool will be held
at th McClure building Saturday at
t a. m. to dlRcuaa th coming year
work. " 1
Mr. Ilolllngihead who ha occupied
th pulpit of th Methodlit Ohuroh dUN
Ing recent year, goes to Eugene under
th appuolntment of th recent 8nlem
conference. I
After th Occident hotel ha been
repaired the firm of Meglcr tt Wright
will be dissolved. It I not isttled
which gentleman will rotlr from th
Extraordinary Sale
Special for
Silks nnd Press Goods
MoTofloto Silk for
$1.49 Black Crepo"
McAl.LEN &
470 Commercial St.
Th Foard A Hi ok in Company of thl
city fun ao larg a hr.uei that trade
I attracted not only from ll point ad
joining Aatorla, but from el lie In
almost every section of th atat.
A good meal with meat rich In flavor
and on you will enjoy with a relish, I
Just what you get at tha Creamrt
restaurant, 171 Washington atreat, near
Third, Try It when you go to Portland.
Iteliearselea am going on day and
night by the ladle of th Astoria Pub
lic Library, for their minstrel entertain
ment to be given at fl bar's opera
house Tuesday and Thursday, October
4th and 5th.
If you ar going up to Portland and
mla going to th Creamer! Iteitau
rant, 171 Washington Bt., you may con
alder that your trip will not be a suc
cess, as other will tell you, who do net
miss It.
All town have their leisure day.
Like Individuals they must have their
rest. Thle I Astoria' branching (pell.
Uut though tbe present cannot coin
par with the Hush seasons Astoria la
far from dull and continues to grow.
lplte tha- mld-iuiiimcr rain near
ly th entire grain crop of Oregon thl
year will be saved, most of IV apparent
ly, la of good quality. There la an
average yield of hops. Ths fruit crop
In the Willamette valley U practically
a failure. ,.(
Holmes' English and SuslnsM Col
leg at No. il Yamhill tnV Portland,
la prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupil thl yeaiu Already
th classes are Well crowded, a fact
ih,; Indicate th excellent character of
the lnlltutlon.
Messrs. Mrllrld and Kendal of Tort
land arrived In the city yesterday with
eight skilled brlckmasons to Commence
th erection of the building for the
Htandsrd till Company. They will hire
a number of men here and complete the
work aa aojn as possible. ' "
The MllverlMd Kur Manufacturing
Company, of ln3-iJ Morrtslon street.
PorlUnd. presents Its ad In another
column. It Is a well-known fact that
this company has long controlled the
bulk of Astoria's patronage In this
The baseball boy are not elated
over their defeat at Tort laud Baturday,
but they are still satisfied that they
can play ball. They have vegetable bo
luets for the umpire Ilonkln. They
say he was Indeed a rank'un. Ar
rangement are being made for a re
turn game.
I5ev. O. K. Morrla, D. V i professor In
ll.wlon university, will lecture In the
M. K. church tonight at 7. fc.. 'BubJectJ A tailoring establishment of some
"The Melailon of Kduentlon to Buccesa' pretentions, located on,. Washington
In Uiislness." Dr. Morris Is one of the'stree. Portland, claims to have made
ablest and most scholarly men In the' 47 suits for dressy Astorlan during the
church. No admission will be charged. 1 past six months. This statement Is de-
j nled by the firm of Povey A Blrchall, at
Why Is Watson'e restaurant in Port- 37 Washing-ton street, near the . Im
land patronised by thousand of people, perlat hotel, who aro patronised by the
dally? Simply because It Is the largest,
finest and best equipped rating resort
on the raclfie coast. Watson's restau
rant has sixty-eight while employes on
Its pay roll, llemember the location,
101-11 Fourth street.
- ,
A thick, fog hung over the rleer yes
terday evening and continued' during
the night. The Oriental llnrr-Lennos
was delayed here and did not leave
up for Portland until this morning. A
Chinese boy. the eon of a local mer
r!ant. waa permitted to land after his
Identity had been catnbllshejl.
Smokers. read-All II cent cigars, 10 , 'Jn hit
. . , .,. km I ng made by any of th fishermen, but
cents'. El. Talencl .! the ;re,ent flne weathcr change
Imont. 19 cents; Oeneral Arthur, 10 """
cnt. Leland Stafford. 10 nia; San- f th. usual heavy run of full sal
che, Y. Ilys.. 10 cents; All cent. I for j n " the river'
centa J. F. Handley jCo., cut rf mrt of gu
cigars and newa dealec, I'erkln hotel t fcy r,plno, mUch
building. Portland. Oregon Lommf.nt yeBterday. Two resident..;
A member of the First Calif -mla vol- aoup on the .treet. declared that
unteT regiment arrived Inlown yea- th Incident revealed -,
1. rii H- . Wm H reflected on Otl' management. A third
SSL. wh'otme uMoUlt MMathl "-that OU. had no control of th.
er. Timothy Corbett. of Olney. Thl. which waa 4 th.
regiment waa recently discharged at 0ron n1 1M to the navy de
San Fricco. Mr. Corbett, that ar,d th , discredit. If any
the reception which that dry gav. Its
regiment waa stupendous.
The county board of equalisation
transacted verjr little business yester
day. The board had a number of visit
ors but most o them expressed them
selees as satisfied with the assessor's
valuations. Today and tomorrow thoa.
who think they have a grievance will
probably make their volo hssunL
Kngln house No. 1 I being fitted up
by the school board and wilfjjiereafter
be known as the Olney achoAC It will
be ready for occupancy as soon as the
term open. Work on the new engine
house on Commercial and; Seventh
streets Is progressing rapidly and will
be ready for the roof In a few days.
Two Days
.-. '2c ;
All other goods iu proportion.
S i ll
Thr wer no now development
yeslnrdsy In the rata contest, The
traveling public I iijnylng the low
fare without Intereat aa to the profits
or loe of the carrier ootioern. Th
itay-al-hom public calmly argue that
the whole matter la chiefly th bum
nua of th traniportatlon line. The
latter hav th am opinion and thnr
I no mittilfeat excitement.
Th Pornln method of horthand I
being taught by Mr. II. W, Uebnk In
th Oregotilan building at Portland.
Th Pernln ayatem I not only xtrm
ly leglbl aftar being written, but I
exceptionally rapid. It I aald that
tudenl under Mr. liehnks'g direction
attain iiceaa In one-half th time -entlal
with either Orahain, Munaon
or rilman method. Thl achofil I
open day and night.
A few had taken by the elner
operating on th mlddl river wer
hipped to th local market yeaterflay.
The flh wer of larg (Im but ar
not aa good quality aa tboae taken In
th aprlng. They wer readily pur-
chiid by th market, however. Tom
cod ar alao much in demand but are
very acarc. Many peopl' " " h
dock yterday to buy the IWb and
but few war able to get a aupply.
That Aatorla advantage aa a dis
tributing poUit are recognUed U evi
denced by th Standard Oil Company'
erection In thle city of a larg ware
houav. It la understood that the Man
dard Oil Company will endeavor to di
vert to thle city the trade of Tilla
mook county merchant for It pro
duct, and that negotiation are now In
progress looking to th securing
freight rates which will enable them to
do this.
A (lory waa circulated on the streets j
yesterday, that a certain landlord of
this city, who drawe from two or three (
hundred dollara per month rental from
a large and enterprising houe, went to j
Portland and purchase a small tZi
order of hardware and while lead raih-1
er than patronise the firm that gives'
him his living. Were It not thul the
fncta come dlivct from one of the pro-1
1, 1 1. tors, the assertion would not be(
Tbe principal of Shlvely school will'
tie at the achool building Saturday,
September 30, from I a. m. to 13 m., '
and from I p. n. to 4 p. m., at which
time he may be consulted by parents
and pupils In reference to school work.
Children living between Twelfth street (
and Clatsop Mill, who have never be
for attended the Astoria Schools and
who expect to do so the ensuing year,
and those who have been reviewing
during vacation and wish to be ex
amined for advanced standing, may ,
call at the above stated time. j
great majority of outside customers.
1'ovey lllrchall make the swell suits
ftr most of the stylish Tortlanders, and
f.iel that they ar not excelled by any
' Portland firm for out of town pat
The run of fall .h continues Jlght,
v Ith but little prospect of an Increase,
until the weather changes. The seiners ,
are nearly all In operation and gll-,
net tor on the middle river are all
h'isy. The larg number of traps on(
the river are kept Ashing day and night ,
and the work of driving piling for others
Is going on as rapllly aa possible. But .
tn at- is ..! AiiaK awrutnajkfj 11 ha.
""''.; "
tbe a-overnment. not Root's. ..The fact
that an Oregon man commanded the '
little vessel gives the mishap a state
Interest. j
If Clatsop county can raise one thing
better- than another that one thing Is
hay, and the news that the government
has been making some large purchases
of Oregon hay will Interest our farmers.
Seven hundred tons of timothy wci
bought In the vicinity of Forest Grove
recently for use. In the Philippines. Aa
the trade between the Orient and tho(
t'nlted States develops there will be a
large demand from there for Oregon J
hay, OreRon oats, Oregon nour ana omer
products. Astoria will get Its share of
the shipping In this growing trade and
Its share Is destined to be the lion's
According to some of the Astoria re
ports from" the state fidr tho raclnn
at Fnlem last week wm "mighty un
certain. ' One of the brcthern said
he waa only sure of one event the
lust running race. He had been uni
formly unsuccessful with his guesses
bot mnde a lucky strike nt faro. He
had a "dead cinch" on that last race.
His horse couldn't be pulled to lose
and he put up all his capital. He went
up Into the grandstand with the jaunty
confident air of one who holds four
aces when stralRhts are barred. His
guess proved proved good with one
little exception. His horse fnlled to
Next Monday owning theater goers
will Im pleasM to Imrn that Manager
bellg will open the season with Ous
Hill's great burb'srjue and vaudeville
compuny entitled "Vanity Pair."
Nothing, It Is sold, can compare with
tbe manner of Its production, nor the
cliHr in of Its acting. While there's nut
mil' h wearying plot there Is Intereat
and upon this Is board the pleasure,
derived from a rapid review of all tlie
good things In the song and musical
world. The actors are not only funny
but they say and do funny things. ;
The luillrs of the company all have en-'
naming personalities. Heat sale opn (
Saturday morning at Griffin k Keed's.
. Those who "go down to the sea In '
ship" do not lose an aptitude for !
succeeding on land, A local historian
could die example' by the score of,
sailors who quit their ships at As-,
torla and afterward made their marks :
as "land lubbers." One is a prominent
Polk county farmer. One Is accounted
one of Lentoa county's richest business ;
men Another Is a Portland contractor ;
who handles only work that costs thou- ,
sands. A professor of 'chemistry In .
the leading educational Institution of
Orernn bade farewell to Neptune at
As" oris. And so all over the state are '
ex-sullor boys In high place. In Ore
gon's volunteer regiment that served In
the Philippine were several who were
no novlrea at ea and some won non
commission stripe. 'A life on th ocean
wive doesn't spoil a .nan for a life on
terra flrma.
The Astoria Hog Factory Company la
alive to the prosperous conditions which
are umiui'silonably dawning for Astoria
and have In view tbe Immediate con
struction of a large box factory to re
place the buildings at present occupied
and which have become utterly Inade
quate for It large and rapidly Increas
ing business. The new structure will
be equipped w ith the very latest of new
and Improved machinery, Including.
Including planer and cut-off and band
saws. It Is the purpose of the com
pany, as well, to erect a commodious
dry lious", and purchase an additional
engine of commensurate horse power
for a vaa'.ly Increased output of the
product handled. The buildings' are to
b. constructed close to the property of
the street railway company and ar
rangements are making for a awitch to
connect the factory with the A. A C.
railroad, which will provide special
facilities for the eastern lumber bus
iness. Captain Morrison arrived In Astoria
yesterday from Glasgow, Scotland, to
take command of the British ship Gar
net Hill. The pres-tit captain of the
Gurnet Hill has been III for some time
and will be relieved,: His sickness,
though lingering, Is not considered dan
gerous. The GarnetHIII has been a
reguUr trader between the Columbia
river and the Orient for the post three
years. On her last outward bound
voyage with railroad lies the Garnet
Hill encountered a . typhoon which
nearly sent her to the bottom. Luck
seemed to have been against her, as on
her prevlotia voyage from the Orient
to the Columbia rlverjlshe waa several
day overdue. She had" no better luck
on the Columbia river than on the
ocean. On her last trip down from
Portland she grounded at the mouth of
the Willamette and stayed there stuck
fast for two weeks.- She was floated by
the itatng tides but It Is now said she
was badly strained and leaked after
b-lng towed to sea. She continued
leaking during her voyage to the Orient
The Garnet Hill la awaiting orders here
and will probably be chartered to load
wheat for Europe.
t Vi
The Cedar street school ha lately
been the scene of repeated acts of
andalism Inflicted pn'.both the build
ing and property contained therein.
Some of these depredations have been
of a most serious character, window
lights having been broken, maps, blinds
A d doors nmeased with Ink, besides
oiher mls:hlef of most annoying char
acter. The school board'. has been
quietly at work foraome time, through
tl.e pollee department, endeavoring to
f :rret out the guilty parties. It Is be
ll ved that they hav. been detected,
and at a meeting of the board held last
evening1 It waa decided to Institute pros
ecution against the suspected culprits.
They are boys of mostly good families
and It Is a source of much regret to the
school board that It seems necessary
to make examplea of them. Warrants
will be Issued today for the arrest of
Wallace McCrosky, Cruse Larsen.
Frank Hansen, Dlck,.Pealy, Jamie
Robb, Lawrence Cosmo, Felix Cosmo,
Wallace Stangland and James Kear-
ney. Several younger boys are said to:
hive aided In th wanton damage to j
property. They will b charged with
malicious destruction of public prop
erty and Chief of Police Hollock evi
dently feels assured that he has evi
dence enough to convict them.
or Beer Mugs.
Great Left Over, 5 ale
Prlci-H A-wny Down.
You'll Say So,
When You See Prices,
Great American Importini Tea Co.
Stores Everywhere,
ioo Store.
171 Commercial Bt. Astoria.
A Present of
On every man's
. 1 Suit, .'
1 roundtrip ticket,..,.
Other expanses
A Saving in favor "of Astoria of $4.50
Besides allowing $1.60 Discount on every man's Suit
and Overcoat, Herman Wise will allow 10 per cent
reduction on the rest of his stock for cash.
Th pleasant effect and perfect safe
ty with which ladle, may use Syrup
' of Figs, under all conditions, make. It
, their farorlta remedy. To get th. true
' and genuln. article, look for th. nam.
of th California Fig Syrup Co, print
ed near the bottom of the package. For
, sale by all drugtsta.
t E. House's
t Cafe,
5 1!8 Tkirl Strwt, rrtIX wa.
$f Tlie Bit Cup ol Cone
rmAm mnA M.Ik
frvm . ur own rancl
Ham ma Plea and csxei.
Coudueted oq the check sjrttsn, there
fore pstrsnt pay for wht Uiey order
and do mors. ,
ft Clila tk( Urrwl, tsMint. Ini
ui ii(kstsn:M ii tk Urtkwett.
loasadlll Fourth St.
Open a.m. to 8p.m. PORTLAND.
ftiHtTIw !l.
LI. riTTELlll',
Hioprlet r.
rr titi Kotif).'UiUs.
80S Washing
toa at . near 6tb
Smokers, Read
AU 150 Cigars..
Bl l'alncts...
El Belmont
0n'l Arthur. - - 1
vro i 4 ..... - -
Uland Stsntord toe
Banrbei Y. Hya 1
AllSeClg"- lor35o
I r Unrllnw Pi Pn
Cut Cigar aud Kew Pmler. Perkins hotol bid
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St., -corniT Fifth
Op(Kaite Hotel Perkins
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Laities entrance to bath
ou Fiftb street
Suit or "dvercoat it
-.Ifif 1
Breakfast Food Select Bran ...
Barley Food T . Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
s The on v H iraii;iaa notei in noniana
...The Esmond Hotel...
; lnmn.n n!n !Wk tn 11 .SO Mr daT.
V AlUVnOU piasil, irpKVu yvt
American plu, i.tliMi00 per day
P. n. Sharpie's
! Bqilders Heavy and Shelf
In all sizes
Commission, Brokerage. m
Insurance and Shipping, xsem w. F.r..,ni kaprsco-s.
is bought from
lSuit L...$15.00
Discount off 1.50
s. ' ' XvT-
r ANU MUKKISUrt si a.
- j , jt rcUAUAl, IjIMCI vrgka
n nEiiiirn a ikt.,1 r a
Cream Separators
and Beat
General Supply
House for
Family Groceries
Bardmare, Ship Chandlery, Etc.
and styles.
We shall continue to sell
Iron and Brass Bedsteads
at tlie same Low Prices
regardless of the raise in
the price of iron and brass