The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 26, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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MOHMKU. 8KrTMltkU H, iftJfi
Wheat and Stock Brokers
niRFf t wires m New York stocl1 Exchange
214-215 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
Ladies' Scala Kid Qlove, 89c;
Regular Price, Ii.jS
566 Commercial Street
Memorial to Congratslonal PelepaUon
Proposing Fort Stevon aa Land
ing for Philippine Soldiers.
g-ons fortification." attuatft) directly on
the ahotva of th Pcl(ta and at th
mouth of one of the grratoat rlvar of
tho earth.
The government is now erecting rut !
fortification and barracks at this point commute go before (he
In ditouaolng the auhjevt of the peti
tion, It was atatej that the rnolflf
Coaat Company la now makliiK prepar
ation to coal the government trana
porta which will aoon arrive to take the
Thirty-fifth Infantry to Manila.
A motion waa pawed that the park
boant of
which are being fitted up for the prln-1 eo.uallf atlon now In aeaalon for the
purpos of hiving the taxea against the
ciful military and naval atatlon of the1
Pacific coast: a Dcwition it la eminently
entitled to, owing to Its Immense freeh-i pirk rml,,J- Mr:
water harbor and Its proximity to the committee atated that the board may
oooan and wv few perfectly conn-1 possibly classify the park under the
dent that in addition to the Improve-of -charitable Institution" and
could be put in and Immenae flelda pro
vided, that the entire army In the Phil- am lne uor.e notnmg
ipplnea might be received and comfort- )'"? In regard to dlapoalng of the park
ably cared for on It return.
Eminent physicians and those In au
thority have aaid, that for the return
tng troops a more pleasant and health-!
ful climate can not be found than af-l
to the city but he would have a report
on the matter ready for next meeting.
Secretary Lyman atated that he had
several articles prvpawd on the dlf-
The Progressive Association held Us
regular meeting last night The week'
ly meeting was poorly attended but
several important matters came up for
discussion. In the absence of Preal
dent Hamblett, H. 0. VanDuaen oc
cupied the chair.
Secretary Lyman read a report from
J. A. Bellmer, of the Washington Hor
ticultural college, of Pullman, Wash.,
relative to the best methods of feeding
bens and breeding of poultry.
Quit a discussion was Indulged on
the subject of better county roads. It
was stated that several members of the
taxpayers league were opposed to any
excessive outlay on these improve
ments, but that it was possible theyj
could be brought over. A motion was
passed that the road committee draw
up an address advocating a 5-mlll tax
and present the same at the next meet
ing Th nnimltt Al.i Inafrii.-t. I r.a.l In ,ht r...r- f l.n whl,.h nnxr
ed to confer with the countr court and It rail connection. 'with all the, by Mr; LrmM tM ,n
present the address and also to aendi
copies to all the secret societies and
H. W. BKHNKB, Principal.
Room 111
Oregouian PuilJing, Portland, Ore.
Th Prrnln Syatem waa awarded the
World' Fair Medal and Diploma. No
I i..lln KT ...... W - .
t'arnahan of the i.T . ' iT.'.I
iv tasj i mi wa
Day and night
...Steam Laundry...
It. R. CAS I'BF.I.L, Pinp'r,
We tr dnln Ditch In cur th .hln(
h.bll W onr btir way, rh
r anil a w, niinl r Pmt
I'tutilni and inii.ti.f rhmper lhaa
you ru hav Ihrm iton tl home. Uiu
Hour with lit nrl rrtwa and
l'r.l ft-WIn op Muntlay.
g .Nol hlnea rmpli'trd.
lururr Mmh and A.lnr flreet.
forded at Fort Stevens, situated as It! fo!Vnt Indu.-trtea of the county. Those
Is right tt the door of Oregon's seaside present thought It would be a good plan
and great health giving resort ,0 nave th. .-I.,! published In th
The Military reservation at this point daily papers, and It was served that 0IBSTlStI23!!3'EJriUr23T3'
conststa of a thousand or more acres of v
. ., . this should be done. - - -
grouua, every acre pi wnicn couiu, at a
very amall expense, be put Into uae! wne "l ,ne "''
for camping, military maneuvers and plained, related to the raising of poul-(
drilling grounds. j try. This industry, he thought, was!
The Astoria A Columbia River Rail-! one of the nvwt profltabl? that Clat-!
ecp county engage In. It was stated !
road Company has recently extended its
transcontinental lines that enter this -,he neighborhood of Knuppa wore go-
Northwest country and places it wlth- Ing Into this bluings on a large scale.
In close proximity to both Astoria and1 The association then adjourned.
Portland, either of which are perfectly !
able to furnish any and all supplies de-!
sired by the government as cheaply and ; Jt'!CES ARE EXAMINED,
as conveniently as any other city on!
the Pacific coast.
. . Contributed Liberally Towards Cam-
The geographical position of Fort.
Stevens is such that via the great clr-j P'811 Expenses In New York,
cle. the mute generally used by trans-1
ports plying between this coast and NEW TORK. Sept. 25,-The Maset
the Philippines, tt is 400 miles nearer committee took up today the subject
Manila than any other Pacific coast jcf contributions by the Judicial candl-
date for campaign expenses and ex
Considering as we do, that this Is antlncd several of this county. The
strictly an Oregon proposition and one' wltnesse who had contributed from
of .the most important matters that I IS.OOC to 110.000 each for the purpose
Is confronting our people today and ! Indicated were unanimous In saytng
one In which an active Interest should 1 that that fact had no Influence upon
be taken by all parties concerned, we do ; them in their Judicial capacity. Aa
public bodies la the city.
The committee having In charge the
plana for building a new auditorium
reported, through Chairman Newell,
that further time waa required and
that the matter was progressing satis
factorily. A petition relative to the landing of
the returning Philippine soldiers at
Fort Stevens, prepared by a committee
of the association, was read. It is the
purpose of the association to send cop
lea of the same to the Oregon represen
tative and senators at Washington,
and also to Governor Geer. The pe-
10 respectfully call upon you as our repre-l to the propriety of the practice, there
In view of the fact that large bodies sentatlve to do all that lies In your waa a division of opinion, though the
oi i roups win oe returning irom tn , power to rurtner these ends and espec-' majority expressed a willingness to
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill St, Portlnm!, Oregon.
Wanted For Robbing the Stage He
tween Ontario and Burn.
PES'DLETON. S. pt. 25.-J. Barclay
aged 24, and Forest Ferrona, aged 21.
were arrested today on the overland
passenger train at, this point, and held
pending the arrival of Sheriff Hunting
ton, of Bak?r City, who telegraphed
Sheriff Rlakely here. They ara wanted
for holding up the stage between On
Philippines when the war is over andliallv the ms-tter of bavin hi. ' . nrnn.r nr-in . I tart0 naa Bunu" la1 . Barclay
considering as we do that "Oregon" camping grounds Immediately provided' of election. I ha1 ' bu"do P110' n1 150 0,1 h, Pr-
aim r erruns fLuoui 910. menu
Huntington, when told the men's
1 names, telephoned In reply that they
were th men be wanted for the hold
up. These men are supposed to be the
I ones who planned to mb the Oregon
I Short Lino train at Ontario.
Fujjlislt, tUxtlkccriiiK.
MiortlmnJ, Typewriting,
I'ciimansliip, Art
Send for circular.
The glory of On pm'g futuro ill MHni nt with her school hoyn ot totlny; thrir ohligiitionn
will he greut. Let tht in ho in nowiw hmulienpjietl. Troper clothing is jusl its oHwntiiil
us proper htmks. To meet tho prownt'ii overy tloiinin.l, wo have arranged A Hpcciul
side of ehildivn' clothing. This wtlo opens today and includes every nrticlo nwewiiry
to nmko up a complete wnrdrohe, whether for the whotdhoy or M-hudglrl. Today wo
quote espet'inlly hoyst' clothing.
9 7
Boys Suits
30 itilta especially suitable for
acliool var will tx timretl a a
IrailiT. Ttieao snlta are made ot
all wool, caiwiiuere and fancy
twetla; Hi eoala ara doull
breMtod and wall llninl through
out; tli pant are kne length,
II alie. Tbrso anila formerly
l, for M.W and 14 00 but during
Dili aalv they go (r
Boy' Cotton Sweater
Full lino In atrlpea and solid
oilura uch aa. blue, gurtiot and
navy al 5-
Sailor Blouse Suits
V liavo full lino o( sailor blouao
suit, middy aulta and veateeaulta
lhal are Uith tuilabla and enrvloa
til (or Ilia younger boy, The
are o( bins m ro aud blue cheviot,
fancy and miiad twixwla with
plain and fancy iblsM. with
l.lai'k allk aaitur km4 tlaolil;
Uea three lu rljilil year at
$2.45 to $7.00
Uo)' Knee Pant
In corduroy, twrwls, aeigrl ami
Cheviot, all well Dltdit and aowed
at Jjc to f 1.6O
A full Ifn ol Int. lot, alalea, draw
ing look, tpotigra, eii n.
JK-noll., etc.
A nntllPr vcr niCC "nC 'r sc'10' wcar 's l',c Kantwcarmit brand, these have
rllULllCl douLlc-broaitcil coats, knee pants with double knees and sent and
come in fancy worsted Scotch tweeds, cassiincrcs, serges and cheviots, sizes nine to
fifteen years $J25 to $7.50,
. . . Shatinahan's . . .
noma ai once oe piaoea on an equality- for troops, and docks and coal bunk-! Eleven Judge testified that they paid
with other Pacific coast state in this ers for transports, and we will ever Tammany hall for campaign purpose
respect, and we having a natural situ- pray. the following amounts:
tion that could be utaliied and put) There are about 100 acres of reserva-! Jusice Edward Patterson, several
Into immediate shape for the receiving: . . .. . . thousand- Jujitlrw Ollht.nilrwvi 14.
r ,a rT,. .71 . Itlon at Fort Stevens, well she tered. , lnou"ana- Jumle uiiDersieeie. m.-
of and caring for any number of troops. 000: Justice Ouegerlch. $3,000: Justice
a . 1 .1 . 'anri linnl wi flh (Via tMira4 wotae
na u"e wne:,e 'ne 'argesi transports - - - " - Bcott, 0,fc5: Justice Blschoff. 110.000
tnai noat may sareiy come and nnd
safe anchinge and dockage for de-
oarKsuon at ail times ana at an sea- - . M , T,,nr RAAyh isw- Jn.tie- nir
n ijnua bi uiixi lun anu repori u-L ' '
man. 14,. as; justice true, il.tiw. justice
motion was passea to appoint a jugtce McAdam, 110.000; Justice De
commlttee to confer with Quartermast- gro, $10,000; Justice Fltgrald, $5,000;
sons of the year, and one where ice
and winter snows, are practically un-,np n"1 meeting, me naming or the
known; kindly allow us to suggest as committee was left to President Ham
thia ideal point; Fort Stevens, "Ore-' blett
McOan said no suggestion had ever
been made to him to pay a campaign
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25. The
bollermakers In the Fulton A Rlsdon
Iron Works struck today out of sym
pathy for the bollermakers employed
on the United Statea transporta who
Not how cheap
But how good.
The Lightest Store in Astoria;
Wise's Customers See What They Buy.
The better the grade
The bigger the trade.
T7 1 1 L I. you be caught by the fi. 00 Fare that has been inaugurated for the benefit of tlx! Portland
V merchants, who pay the difference between the regular and special rates; no, after all they don't
;.ay the difference; its the country suckers who pay the difference; aye, they pay for the $20,000 store
rent; besides, to knock the argument, that one has to go to Portland to find an assortment, I have
bought such a jrreat assortment of Men's and Boys' Coods this season that no true Astorian can possibly
r.iuke the old pica , ,
Men's Suits
We have all the new wrinkles, all the
new patterns, stripes, plaids, herring
bones, cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds,
made in superb fashion, well-fitting, de
pendable suits, from
$8.50 to $25.00
Men's Overcoats
Coverts, cheviots, worsteds and kerseys,
dark medium or light shades; all the good'
things of the season made in the celebra
ted Vi;e wjy, at . . .
$10, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $20
Children's Suits
A km 3 to year
Even Portland cannot excel our nobby fall line
of Boys' and Children's Suits; little suits with or
without velvet collar, plain or satin lapels; double
and single-breasted vests; some vests like the coat,
others have fancy silk vests, plain black, blue or
brown, checks, stripes or neat figures,
$2.75 to 66.50
Boys' Suits--
Age to 15 yearn.
In the various patterns that better goods come
in, properly made and smartly trimmed,
-$3 to 66.50
Youths' Suits
Age 12 to 1!) yeorn.
Of course you want your little fellow to
look nice, but its your boy from it to 19
who is most particular ; bring him here
and please the boy; you might as well let
him pick from the largest and finest
The "Waldorf Special" the "Lion" and
other reputable brands.
From the best manufacturers in the
have demanded 13 15 for an eight hour
day and double pay for overtime. It
Is possible the strike will extend to the
Union Iron Work, unless th strike la
aettled very aoon. Th contractor aald
that the transporta now under repair
will aall without delay, but that no
new contrarta will be taken until th
matter is settled.
Idaho and North Dakota volunteer
were muatered out of the aervlca of
their country at the Frealdlo Onlay.
The ceremonlee were very lmprelve.
PORTLAND. Sept. 25.-MaJor J. F.
Case, formerly captain In the Second
Otvgon, haa betn assigned to the For
tieth Infantry and ordered to San Fran
The average man never fully realise
at nildnlRht how very cleepy he I
going to be at 7 a. m. th next morn
During the month of September, IDs,
I will dlapos of my houaebold furni
ture, conalatlng of carpef. chalra, wal
nut secretary, parlor organ, chamber
suits and bedding, lounge, lamp, hall
rack, table, pictures, mlacellaneou
book, crockery, kitchen range, refrig
erator, etc
! Please call between th hour of
I a. m. and Ian
rf .T Jfcap-VZlw" .jaj. Jjt TT3aaa.a
What Id It, do you ask? ,
It b a new way to tench book kecpi iir. Students learn to keep
booki exactly as tliey arc kept In business. No text-book is
used. A text-book teaches, in a theoretical way, how books may
be kept Armstrong'! teaches, in a practical way, how books
are kept. It is a bookkeepers method. Investigate. Call, or write.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Arni.tronf, Prln.
Open all the year. Student mny enter at any lime. Uusincu, Shorthand
and English departments. Private or class instruction. Catalogue frea.
roaa 1HT0.
i, W. 11111, M. D, Principal.
Cariatata Tarn Oaeaa lp. IB, IBM.
A !VMlii n rr School. Usoar prwmt
inasnint vino UT.
Pur uIium or lnortntloo lh
rlnrliMl. J. W. lilLU W. D., P. O. draw
IT, J'urilnd, Or.
Primary. Frair.lnry and APdm!o rtp.rt
Hinli, Toll. Vrlrillo. Unitary Ulaolpllna,
Manual Training. Uuim U aU raoalnd.
We cordially invite you to visit us in our new quarters,
Corner Morrison and First Sts.,
Formerly occutried by A. II. STEINHACII, where we have on
display the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Coast.
Up-to-Date Millinery
at Poi'ULAit rmcics.
Over 700 TRIMMED. HATS from $3.00 and Up.
Golf Hats with long Quills all colors,
97c Eocli
Street Hats all new styles from ...
7r3c tii-id up.
New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turbans.
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
Corner Morrison nnd First Sts.,