The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 26, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
ovtRcoMts jjrfv ' .r:.
Bvy tmc ttNviNt MH'f o ty
ru m s in tw a M u ia
A man little credit for hal bo
docs In this world, but he gel loll of
tlniiio (or what lit doesn't.
A inn ii will promlM woman and
babies anything Just to k"p them
Cool the Blood
In all Cases of Itching
Burning Humors
with the
While Clenlnjr the Skin and
Scalp with hot bath of CUTI
CURA SOAP and healing the
Raw, Inflamed Surface with
Complete Treatment, $1.25
O. .tr. aw-i Oimwt, ilt. K S.I
, miM HttaaU,aC.Osr.,l'tr',a'.
When a man know hi own Imper
fections, h I t nearly perfect a 11
I possible (or man to be.
A man usually gut turned down
while waiting fur aotnelhlng to turn
Karl's Clover Root Tea i
IVmilltU It a Coinplrnton, Purili
iVhi, a ri H I' rr i.l WJtf II. i. uroat-mi
illptfllnn, IiiitiKvitiit Hiitl All Krupttoit (if
III Mill). All NKreralilt) l.rtHlllve) r
Tontf. KoM n j)-iIiia Rmtnitto by all
(Ji-uwnWU at D.V., IWv. and $1.00.
C, WCL.Lt 4 CO., LCNOV. N. v.
on paopRif Tona
The' man who itlo hU whUkori and
tho woman who bloacehos her hair,
never fool iiny on but thMwftlvpn.
j Those tiny Cipiullrupenoil
to Balsam of Coptiba,.
Cubebs or Injections nriijmv
the tame disease with.
Out inconvenience.
,S','y M' all nrrtft.
lllessod will be tho Invontor who
perfects a dovlco to compel a man to
shut up when he has sold enough.
Soap not only for toil
et and bath but for
shaving. Pears was
the inventor of shav
ing stick soap.
American Now fining There lo
Larue Numbers by Every
Splendid Inducements Offered Thrift)
Settlers In Virions Lines
of Employment.
Though t'ub hiu a climate far su
parlor, a aoll vastly more fertile and
nil area wen greater than the New
b'ngland (talcs, yet It population 1
only about l,JW,wo, while that of the
latter I over 11,000,000. Ikaldre, the ac
cumulative we.ilih of New Kngland la
perhnp fifty tlm that of Cuba.
Why. thru, I New Knland. with It
atony and aterlle oil and It rigorous
climate, ao tur ahmid of Culm, the Idyl
llo (ale of the uiicner ti-oii, wh un
ny iu n J aniile with pli-nwu and var
Ird tiitrvr(a even under the century
old Ikkllnn method of the Unorant
The anawer I found In the almple
fact that while tho una baa grown up
under rlvllli.-d and ciillghtent'd gov
rtiiiiii'iit, ii'.e oilier ha for centurli'
groaned under tin exi-crnbly bal one.
The hlatorloa of all Ill-governed coun
I It') ilvinoixtraie that ihey advance.
If at all, but alowly, even though na
ture hit done tw-r bvat (or them,
The tivngt evidence of the extent
to which the Hpxnlah government car
ried nilaiule wna Wio itenpulrlng du-
teruilnatlou of the Cuban pvople to be
exterminated raiher than to aiibmlt tu
It loiigr. And yet. Ill-governed a )
wa. (rodlen und.-r heel a Ua people
were, and roblvd aa via It treuaury
for thrv ccnturi' or more, o Inrx
hauatlble were It rlchei thai the tiein
of the Antlilea w.i the brlghteit In
HiMtin' diadem, and her wealth al
moat the anle nay of It treaiury.
What may be expected of Cuba un
der llu proent control, or that of an
honed government Intelligent' d-
mlnUtered by It patriotic people? She
I already miking gtn4it trll' In ed
ui at Ion, agloulture and cominerre, and
her progree will be more rnpld a she
reivlve nn Influx of capltnl and (kill
ed Immltftiulon. Thene the will julek
ly gel when her extraordinary ailvunt-
ae bivo ne more generally known to
the iwoplo of thl country.
A yvt the average American ha not
the allgh'.-m conception of the mag
nificent opportunltlf she offer. She
I almoet a unknown a though the
had Jum rljn from (he ea; Indeed,
to moat American people aha U known
only i n battlefield.
t'lloiato nnd aoll combine to make her
one of tho mml favored couritrle on
tarlh. ICven Houihern Callfornlu can
nt '.miuM It a a fruit growing region.
Her .Vi-tlU land prolure In abundance
I lie orange, the lemon, the pineapple,
the lime, the bitminn, the pomegranate,
tho inniigo, the pluutaln, the tamarind,
the flg, tho cocoamit, the cuxtnrd ap
ple, tho mtuiu-e, the breadfruit, the
roae appK, or guava; lndee.1, almoet
every fruit o( tho world can be grown
there, In the quality of It itigar cane
It I un-viunled; It growth of tobacco
I world fiimoiia. Corn lienr the year
around, while new potiitoc. either white
or nweot, ran be had every day of the
3li'.. ller oll Will grow vegetable of
every conceivable kind, nnd of mom
product three crom enn bo railed.
Cultivation Ii eny Ind.vd, It la lit Id
that all that Is neceitiiury ll to
"reratch" the earth and drop tho leed
to mnko It produco ahumlrtntly. Three
week' Inbor per annum to earn a llv.
leg foi a fimilly and that Im ubout
much n ome of tho native work
mutslmvo, as a fouinlatlon, a rather
prolific soil.
There are, In Cuba million of acre
of virgin nret. Roiewood, ebony,
ceil 11 r ant) mahogany (mime of tho lut
ter worth JSM per thouinnJ feet In
New Virk) abound. It onn b Imagined
how much mahogany there Is when In
ninny place tho native uso It (or
firewood! Her lofty mountain ranges
are rich lu minerals, especially Iron,
mangnneae and coal.
Land can bo had thoro now for a
fraction of Its actual value, while land
In California not so productive
would cost many times as much.
Theso low prices (a legacy of the late
war) will not, however, prevail for any
length of time, for as tho wealth pro
ducing cnpacl'y of th? land becomes
more gonerally known, and, therefore,
better appreciated by Americans, tho
demand will rapidly Incrcaso and send
the figure skyward. It would not bo
surprltilng; If they Increased flftyfold In
the next four or five yean. Flrst-clnas
agricultural land can now be had In
Cuba at about M dollars an acre, Its
actual valuo . being, Judged by Its
wealth producing capacity, about Jl.OOO.
That a family can make a good living
on a five acre farm (a "plantation," as
It I called In Cuba) Is shown by the
following: Sujrar raising net $300 per
acre, tobacco from $300 to $1,000, cocoa
unt groves from $300 to $C0O; pineap
ples, of which eight million are now
ahlppnd lo the United BUteej, from
iC to $l,'J00; orange from $500 to
II, 0Hl, while the banana, tint fig, thi-raator-oJI
bean, the citron, the pea
nut, Die t.4va (from which both
larch and augur are made) and all
vig.rtu.blea ran be grown with a great
profit u the oruige.
It goT without laying that when the
farmer, the backbone of the country,
reap a rich from hi labor,
all the InliHtrle and profeanlon pros
per, while labr And auiplv and r
nuinerntlve employment, The ltv, Lr.
McArthur of New York, who has re
cently made a protruded tour of In
viillgatlon In Cuba, uld (In recogni
tion of the foregoing rule) In an, ad
drea In I'erkeley Temple, Iliwton, a
few day ago, that he knew of no place
which contained more pnmle for a
young man.
Not only dor Cuba, offer eaevllent
moiiey-muklng opportunities, but I
one of the nnxit delightful plax'e In
which lo live, It climate being the
fineat III tho will J. The average tem
perature (or the year I 73 degree.
Even In the hot muion tho tea trect
which blow acroa the Island temper
the heat of the day and render the
nlgr.t alwsy comfortably cool; there
fore the high temperature I more eas
ily withstood than the hot weather of
Northern latitude, where the heat of
the night rival that Of the day.
Cuba' winter climate I Ideal, and
make the Inland of the Mecca of thou
sand of American "wlnler-renrter'
ant toUrmiK. Indeed, ome wealthy
Americana are "ntubllahlng winter
homei In Cuba. Contrary to the gen
eral ltn'relona here. Cuba la natural
ly a healthy country; Hhere disease ex
tat ( imi Inly In the lowna and cltlea)
Ita preanc la due to the utter lack of
annllory precaution. Thiww dlni'S
will never find a lodgement whrre Yon
kee rleanlln-aa prevail. Sliwt of the
dreed r'in,pl,tint. such aa conaumptlon,
cainrrh, aathma, rheumatism, etc.,
which aiecp off thouaitnda of our peo
ple annually, are almoet unknown
While game of nearly all klnda, In
cluding deer, I abuiiilunt, and the
river ar.J bay are well stocked with
fiah, turtlca and every variety of shell
flnh. (he Nlnnd la alnguliirly frre from
it-ptiloa. fif snake there are only
four varletle, all hurnilem. Nor are
th- re any bats of pr-y, to lw found
Kinillnh Fhlptiullder Iteaponalblo For
th'i Strike In the Crump Yard.
Philadelphia Time.
All I fair In love and war, I one of
those antlii adage which come glib
ly to the tongue but are entirely wide
o( the truth, as our later-day moral
philosophy aw It. No pretext can pos
albly Justify a dlahonorublo act, and
neither love nor war, polities nor rv-
IlKlon can give, to mwunnees the veneer
of respectability or make cowardice li
odlu In the eyes of humanity.
The statement made on Friday by
Edwin H. I'r.tmp and published In yes
tcrdny's Times will doubtless surprise
those acquainted with English buel
r.ess medioils and Ignorant of the ex
pcdlents only (oo frequenty n-sorted to
by her Industrial kings and merchant
piiuccs to all Me legitimate competition,
Mr. c'ramp la a hard-headed, practh-al
bualtiecs man, and (hose who know him
know that louaclouncss. is not one of
hi fulling and that he never create
a bugbear to get ararvd by tho crea'
tlon. When, therefore, a member of
the Kreat shipbuilding linn states, pos
Itlvely and unequivocally, that the la
bor troubles at his work hnve been
caustd, or fostered, by the machlna
tlon of rival English concerns, one
must believe that he apeak with full
knowledge of the facts. He Is not the
loan to try and create sympathy for
tils company by a spivad-eaglo appeal
lo American patriotism, and hi well
known reserve In matters pertaining
to his business strengthens the assur-
Thrre U ton little
Y preaching of the
goepcl of health. It
Without lualtli, a man
will be a business, ami a
a-oman a social failure.
I Warn tile bodv of either
a man or a woman is prop.
erlv iioiui-licd, the re.-ult
is the enioyment of goixl
health. Almost ull ill-health
lis due to Improper or in-
l.ulliciciit nourishment. If
LVtU ,he stomach la nglit ana the
liver is iieIU. the blood will
receive ita normal supply of the life-giving
element of the food and the body will be
properly nourished. Dr. Pierce' Golden
Medical Discovery acta directly upon the
atoniach and liver. It purifies and enriches
the blood. It ia the great blood-maker,
lleah builder, nerve tonic and restorative.
It promotes the natural activity of the en
tire nutritive organism. It puts an end
to the slow starvation that is at the Iwse of
many diseases. It does not make flabby
fat like cod liver oil, but firm, muscular
tissues. It does not make corpulent peo
ple more corpulent but builds tip the ays
teui to the normal standard.
" I was run down with nervous prostration and
female weiikin-ss and klilnev tmiiMe." writes
Mrs. Maranda Rnuney, of Smam. Warren Co.,
Tenn. "Mv bowels were constipated. My
whole system was wrecked. My friends thought
I would die. I hml resil of Dr. Pierce's medi
cines and sent for the 'Golden Medical lllcov
try,' ' Pavorite Prescription ' and ' Pleasant Pel
lets.' In one week's time I hrau lo all up. In
two weeks I could sit up all day, after being so
had that I had to lie helped In and out of bed. I
have taken four hollies of 'Golden Medical Dis
covery' nnd two of 1 Favorite Prescription' and
am Iu better heulili tliau I havt been for years,"
Constipation is the father of all manner
of malaUica. If it did not exist, or was in
all cases promptly relieved, the majority of
medical books could be safely destroyed.
It is the easie-t sickness to neglect and the
simplest to cure. Pr. Pierce's rieasant
Pellets curt constipation every time. They
cure it promptly, completely and perma
nently. They never gripe. They don't get
you out 'o nights. One "Pellet" la a
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic.
Druggists keep nothing else "just as good."
I tf JJ afr"J ! the wt tlniig that
I i Rjlfv snvonr thinks of
I a! ?A,y AY"3 teaching, either to
TlV iiJl nun -child or woman
i 1 1 yjSiVr child. It is one of the
y5j VcAMI' mi't tnnortnnt branch-
C ii VI les ol an emu .mull.
Ul I
anco that he U entirely oorreot In bis
statement, extrsvwdlnary though it be.
When In the closing day of the last
emtury, the Irish linen, lace, woolen
and leather Industrie had the world
for a market the merchants of Eng
land plotted hard to encompass their
ruin, Embargo after embargo was
placed upon them by the English par
liament until the Irish manufacturers
could no longwr bear the strain, and the
Industilv of the .wuntry were sacri
ficed tu the Insatiable greed of Dlrinlng
hum and Levis and Manchester. Blnce
thul lime English methods have been
of uliout the sume mean and under
hand character and foreign competi
tion ha been a nlgntmure and a terror
to John null.
A fair livid and no favor la the
watchword of the American manufact
urer, lie place hi gxxl ou the mar
ket depending n thHr merit alone for
their sale. If an English-mad or a
Orrnan-inado article be cheaper or bet
ter he doe not abandon the contest,
but pliK.'klly gove ahead and In the
end has cheapness and superiority on
hi ld. It has ,iever been said that
the Cramps urged or fostered labor
troubles on the Clyde; that the Uald
wins sunt emissaries to foment dis
cord In the workshops of English rail
roads, or that the Herreahoffs dispatch
ed sple to ferret out the secret of the
Fife and know all that la to be known
of the line and itructure of the
Bhamrock. Our methods are different,
lloneaty w look upon a the best pol
icy after all, and when we can point
to the At bara bridge contract, to the
eiiwrt of teel rail and monster lo
comotive to Hlberia and Japan, to the
supply of electric cars for tho street
railroads of Olaxgow, to the Puritan,
tie Vigilant, the Defender, with other
defenders of the American cup and
other triumphs of handicraft and me-thaiili-al
skill, we must realize that
Ibis policy Is about right and that hon
est and honorable competition pays
much Tetter In the end than any petty
trade meanness or any contemptible
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema it more than a skin dUeae,
and no skin remedies can cure It. The
doctors are unable to effect etire, and
heir mineral mixture are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble is in the blood, and
Swift's Specific is the only reuiedv
which can reach such deep-evated blood
Kcsema fcroks out on my daughter, sad eon-
Uuued to spread tiatll
sr head was entirely
sneered. 8hs was treated
by several good gnetnrt,
but grew wore, sad the
drasdful dlsaas spseed
la ken to two esletirated
aaalUi iptiiigs, tat re-sT .
talTtd no benefit. Maoy jj.ah.w-
patent medietas wan taken, but without re
sult, onill we aWbfed to er i I 8., and by the
Una Ihe Brat bottle was aauihad. her head be
gan In heal. A dosas botua eurud Bar com
blalely and lefl her a1n perteelly iranolh Ahe
la now atxlMn
irowlh nt hkir. .Sot s alga ot tu unaailiu
an oto. aaa aa sisgnineeni
ol lu Ureal.
H. T. ajioss.
aiaaaaa oaa nw ivraraaa.
H. T. ajioss.
ITOi Las Ave. 81. Louis, Mo.
Don't expeot local application I ol
loapi and tal i to cure Ecsarpa, The;
reach only the turfaoe. while the di
sease come fron within. SwIrVi
la the only onto act will reaoh tie moat
obstinate case. It in far abeaa ol all
similar rerraedtea, beieauM ft eurei easea
Walsh as tsrrapd sfcatr soaah. Sj8. 8. h
purely regwaatxle, and lit the onfy blbod
Wtxatdj nunauMasd to wnt&ln no pot
at, manaw or owe infJwmL
Booki manod free tty SwtH Spaoifla
Ooapanx, iriltjata, CtooTBla.
Restore Vitality. Lest Vigor and Mtnhood.
Cure Itnnotency, Nieht Kmisslonsand
wasting diseases, all elTects of self-
abuse, or excess and lndls
iJcrctlon. A nervo toulc and
keSW restores the Are of youth.
i r"(Ry mall BOe per box, O boxes
for $; with a written guaran
tee to euro or rciuna tno utouey.
bond for circular. Address,
Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU
For Sale by Charles Rosera. Druggist
Astoria, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dlgesU the food anC aids
Nature in gtrenutheuiue and reoon
structinct the exhausted digestive or
Rang. Itisthelatestdlscovereddlgesfr
ant and tonic, jno oiner preparatior
can approach It in efflclency. It In
stantly relieved and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps,ano
all other resultsof Imperfect dlcresttoa
Prepared by E. C. OsWItt A Co., Chicago.
7 a FPfKM
PILLS worth living
i core Billons and Nervous Disorders, c
10 cents and tSeeata, store.
When a man ha reputation for wis
dom, ha can say foollah things and his
friend applaud them aa sarcasm.
There' alway hop while there's
On Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my lung In bad
hap and I was near the first stage
of consumption. On Mlnul Cough
Cur completely cured me." Writes
,i(elen Mcflenry, Illirnarck, N, D.
Give Inatant relief. Chas. Roger.
Man flourishes like a rag-weed to
dayand tomorrow the undertaker
has him salted away In his Ice box.
For many year science bat studied
liquors. Result the whole world uses
whiskey. It baa proven the beat Um
ulant and doe not Injur nerve and
tissue like coca wine and other drug
ged compound. And Harper Whiskey
I the ideal whiakey. Bold by Foard A
Stoke Co., Astoria Oregon.
It Isn't working (or a living that
hurt the average man, but the kind
ot living that he get for bis work.
A wise mm profit by hi own ex
perience; but be 1 a good deal wiser
If he profit by the experience of
others. '
Mother ot children affected with
croup or a severe cold need not best
tate to administer Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It contain no opiate
nor narcotic In any form and may
be given a confidently to a babe as to
an adult. The great auccesa that baa
attended It use In the treatment of
colds and croup has won for It the ap
proval and praise It haa received
throughout the United Bute and in
many foreign lands. For sale by Cna.
Some men learn enough in ilx
month' travel, to bore other for a
life time.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure if a icientlflc
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physician and the medical
press. It "digest what you eat" and
positively cure dyspepsia. U. A-Ket
ron, Rloomlngdale, Tenn., say it cured
him of Indigestion of ten year' tand
lug. Chaa. Roger.
A man eldom get discouraged In
tryln to live without working.
For wound, burns, scalds, sores.
skin diseases and all Irritating erup
tions, nothing so soothing and healing
as DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.
Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood
Nursery, Chicago, say of it: "When
all else falls in healing our babies, it
will cure." Chaa. Roger.
An old bachelor resemble a pair of
scissors with only one blade.
DeWltt's Little Early Riser perma
nently cure chronic constipation, bil
iousness, nervousness and worn-out
feeling; cleanse and regulate the en
tire system. Small, pleasant, never
gripe or sicken "famous little pills."
Chaa. Rogers.
Men are like pins no good when
they lose their heads.
"Host on the market for coughs and
cold and all bronchial troubles; (or
croup It haa no equal," writes Henry
R. Whltford, South Canaan, Conn., of
One Minute Cough Cure. Chaa.
It doesn't always take the ruffles
out of a man's temper to Iron him.
Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo,
Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cured me of a severe case of Indlges
tlon: can strongly recommend it to all
dyspeptics." Digests what you eat
without aid from the stomach, and
cures dyspepsia. Chaa. Rogers
The difference between a man and a
boy Is that each think the other Is
having all the fun In life.
"They are simply perfect," write
Rob't Moore, of Lafayette, Ind of
DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the
"famous little pills" for constipation
and all Uver ailments. Never gripe.
Chaa. Rogers.
Constantly wearing a hat may not
mnko a man bald, but baldness makes
some men constantly wear a hat
The man who Is punctual In keeping
his appointments loses lots of valua
ble time waiting for the other fellow,
E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cur
ed of piles by DeWltt's Witch Haiel
Solve after Buffering seventeen years
and trying over twenty remedies.
Physicians and surgeons endorse It
Beware of dangerous counterfeits.
Chas. Rogers.
Csually there is nothing In a name,
but there are times when a man puts
everything he has In his wife's name,
When a man Is dead broke, he
usually haa very little life In blm.
Had Almost Given Up, but Was
urougnr. imck to rertect iieaun oy
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
From the Times. Hlllstllle. Va.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cur
ed. I had spent much time and money
and suffered so much misery that I
had almost decided to give up all hope
of recovery and await the result, but
noticing the advertisement of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and also some testimonials
stating how some wonderful cures had
been wrought by this remedy, I decid
ed to try It. After taking a few doses
I was entirely well of that trouble, and
I wish to say further to my readers
and fellow sufferers that I am a hale
and hearty man today and (eel as well
as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore.
Sold by Charles Rogers.
1100 REWARD, 100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that ther l at least
on treaded disease that science ba
been able to cure In all It itage and
that I Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cur
I the only positive our now knowr
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, require
a constitutional treatment Hall' Ca
tarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucou
surface of the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting na
ture In doing Its work. The proprie
tor have io much faith In It curative
power, that they offer On Hundred
Dollar for any case that it fall to
cure. Bend for list of testimonial.
Address, F. J. CHENEY ft CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by Druggists, 7Bo.
If all Family Pill art the beL
A man alway believe the disagree
able thing be read in the new
papers, when they refer to people be
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggist refund the money if It
fall to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
1 on each box. Sc.
Encyclopedia Britannica
The Torch
of Knowledge
burns brighterto-day than ever
before, and yet there are many
people lower down in the scale
or me man
they ought to
be or want to
be. The prob
lems of pro
gression can
only be solv
ed by think-
ing, educated
men and wo
men. A need
therefore ex
ists for a great
power which
is far reaching in its influence.
Such a need is supplied by the
world-renowned Encyclopaedia
Britannica. It represents con
centrated thought from the be
ginning of the world to the
present hour. No subject in the
realm of reason is left out. The
information is easily found,
and is clear, concise, authentic.
The New Werner Edition, the
latest, the most complete, and
the best.
for $i Cash
and the balance In small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty (30
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oak Book Case will be deli'
ered when the first payment Is made.
The Complete Set fThlrty Large
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No. r. New Style Buckram Cloth. MtrMed
Edges, Extra Quality High Machin Fin
ish Book Paper. $.5 oo.
Flrrt pay rneoL One Dollar ($1 .00) and Tbra
DollarsJi.oo) per month thereafter. .
No. t. Half Morocco. Marbled EJees. Ertra
Quality High Machine Fioub Book
Paper. $60.00.
FlrM payment. Two Dollars (St-ao) and Four
Dollars 1S4-00) per month thereafter.
No. 1 Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled EJjtes,
Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book
Paper. St $.09.
Prst pavment. Three Dollars (J).oo) and
Five Dollars (St 00) par Booth thereafter.
A reduction of 10 per cent is granted by
paying cash within jo days after the receipt
of the work.
lemZealaDd fife iDsannee Go
Of New Zealand.
W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco.
Subscribed Capital
Paid-Up Capital
Assets -
Assets in United States
Surplus to Policy Holders
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years,
Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon
aain. -v n 1' . t, -ir-' V ' ' s
jt. n .-. r .,-1, "1?' n . '
Church uj mju ' fowu'ti
ol vcl'-iUiiC. Ji.i;ruik.ti, e-efi,
ftimvltta tha brain UttS dot center, 50c Nm,
BwMrrnAukUsxU with Luxes. Cuudut boo. Addr,
awawwsn 1 MSISMM 1 V, T
in Back. k-. it u oat It us. . mil tmitwions. Lam aac. nenoui u
or tunrisa sasai.ln.t. rintM tvjiJlCttnt,a Of lit- iTl I Churne BtOPS Nr
tveiv futiv wou. inji"!" rei uaAioiiivK at, cure Is at h-inti, fwTj'fft'l1 Ktor, small, urn
tee mm of mm
Stow etrrllng epoa oattrretched srtng
The Serce. r.padran Mrd of pey
Cllitee km thai mail, aweet, Uterthiaf
tboa cruel claw would Batch away.
O, how that mother's heart saaat leap
To driee Ula peril of the al
Away from lhal aoft aeet of steep
wna ail ner am ana tovgin met.
Bnt see the ftiaocb defender rise
With Detailing nan and bead erect.
Wo power can natch that prectoos prise,
While he euoda ready to protect.
Sleep 00 sweet babe, your mother's brearf j
Onee aaore ehati prea yon close and warm,
Ko evil bud .half e'er molest
While Ihla brave guardian scent the tuna.
To nrntrct her little one is among the
Strongest Instincts of a mother's heart, and
through all the thousands care and worries
of s buay woman's life ther ariaes ever and
tnoo the thought "O, if I could do more
lurmy Daoyi" ....
slut mouiera ar 100 often weignea aowsi
and weakened with their own daily burden
to do any more than atraggle almost hope
lessly sgainat the physical and dental evils
that beset tbemaelvea, with no strength left
to care for others. - Women with large fam
ilies find that the very ordeal of bringinc
children into the world, and nursing and
rearing them to boyhood and girlhood, is
so great a draft npon the mother' strength
that she herself become the natural object
of care and protection.
It is a glorious boon to the women of this
generation that the wonderful supportive
tonic, originated by Dr. Pierce, of Buflalo,
N. Y., is capable of sustaining tiiem through
the ordeal of frequent motherhood sod
bringing them oat of it with unimpaired
Wornauly strength and energy.
Motherhood is not only the grandest ot
woman's possibilities, but is the natural
fulfillment of her physical being and when
prepared for with proper observance of
nature's laws and attended by reasonable
care should be free from the mental de
pression, excessive pain and subsequent
prostration so commonly ' experienced.
Thousands of women have found that the
use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
during the expectant time and over the
nursing period imparts precisely the local
strength sad constitutional reinforcement
needed to carry them over this critical j unct
Ore cheerfully, safely, almost painlessly.
It affords direct organio endurance and
institutional nerve-force. It gives recu
perative power; it promotes the secretion
of abundant healthy nourishment for the
Child during the nursing period. It ia in
the best sense the guardian of childhood
for it not only enables the mother to take
op the work of life again with vigor and
enjoyment bat through her it imbues the
little one with the rugged natural strength
which is a constant protection against the
physical evils with which childhood is
constantly assailed.
What Dr. Pierce' Pavorite Prescription
does for mothers and their children is well
exemplified in the experience of Mrs.
H. M. Hansrote, of Mapnolia, Morgan Co.,
W. Va In a recent letter to Dr. Pierce
she writes: ,
" I commenced to take Pr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription aomethina; over two vewrs aa;o. and
am clad to testify that it isa Cod-send towoi.iau
kind. The three children who were born beSjre
I began to take your medicine did not live long;
they were very delicate, bul those born since
(three in all) are very hearty, and that convince
me that your medicine la just what it is said to
be and a great deal more. I could tell enough to
fll a book about the way I suffered and the way
your medicine acted, indeed, every woman on
the globe ouzht to know aliout your medicine."
Another lady. Mrs. Elisabeth Hull of 17 Mer
rick St., Pawtucket, R. L, writes ; " I Lav aid
fifteen babies, and always had a bad time. Some
times I have had to nave two doctors. I besraa
taking your 'Favorite prescription' last July
and in September I gave birth to two Utile girls
and r never had such an easy time. I bad no
doctor and did not suffer half as long as be lure.
Vy twins when bom weighed ten pounds each.
They are fine girts, now four months old."
. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Ucdica) Ad
viser tells yon how to treat almost t???y"
known form of disease at home and just
what to do in case of emergency. There
is no trouble in understanding it. It con
tains 1008 pages and more than 700 illustra
tions. A paper-covered copy will be sent
free for at one-cent stamps, by the World 'a
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y. If a French cloth binding is want- -edsend
ten cent more, thirty-one stamp
II I I" - -"- g
h ba.-efi is Us9 urcf sio treats bv tha Irasir-r ol the Uramesi
have been ia tuo orcr o yean or tea leavueri ol the U err Truss,
cur trtt w rit utiei it; uUl nd txvria atliirjo; fioa ctltxta
el itvttetni.kini. Cu1 Mnh?Otfa lm
ma, rarnti
f fi-r x- . r m.,1 A tmtteB afrnte to curt,
Bishon fiemedy Oo., 8aa Francisco, Oak
For sale ny t h akIjK?? R(h,mk.
Delivered at your
Office. Store, I
only 60 tents a
Montb v