The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 24, 1899, Image 3

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Men And Women Play Poker it
Prominent Scotch Houses.
Irlikmti Will Try to Settle D&tt
OB Pimtll Fimlly-Tbeitrlcil
Seuon li Full Swlnr-
(I'upnlgtited Hut by Aasoclstsd rrest)
LONDON, Kept U-HorMy, If iuch ft
thin can bi said exist at this Mint
of the year, hu Invaded Rootlaitil In
full (iiro. The quoon, the l'lltio of
Wales and royalties of all 1 -grres and
their Intimates r ducking arounj In
variiPM. Amoiiit the gay crowds the
liradley-aUrtlna, th William Waldorf
Aatora aru) Mr. Andrew Carnegie anil
other well-known Americans or former
Americana, ant frequently noticed. At
house parties that cost a small fur
tun In til anil InuUental to attend,
am all the rage, th Americans art li
able to keep up their Imputation. The
Highland shooting, (antra and gaiety
do nut surfer from the rumors of war.
It la aald vetilngs In many well-known
tk'otch houaea are now devoted to bac
carat, roulette and poker, which men
and women, both smoking, Join until
the rarly hours anil which reach high
er llmlla than aver dreamed of. Other
('logroll reported In th society pa
er are enough to make the atern old
covenantor! turn In their grave.
An anonymou book of pms Juat
publuhed In l-oiidon i being much
prsiaeu by the reviewer for th pur
ity, beauty and strength of the vera
, while people wonder at the Identity
of the author, It I now learned that
Lord Alfred Douglas wrote them.
Thr were tint puhllehed In I'arl un
der hi own name, but they were
brought her annnymnuaty, fearing the
effect of a rauaed by Lord
Alfre' connection with the lcar
Wilde caw. lord Alfred iHiugla I
living quietly In Kngland with bla
mother, having separated from Wilde,
who la living a Jog' life In I'arl. ek
ing out hi exlalence on a amall an
nuity and the few dollar he can make
by writing. Wilde recently negotiated
with an American theatrical manager
for the sale of a new play, but noth
ing resulted from It. Wilde' boy are
at a school In Kngland, cared for by
an uncle. One of them la being ed
ucated for the Human Catholic pi-teal-hood.
Avondnle, the hlatorle home uf the
I'arnclla, I to be sold by order of a
court on November I. The I'arnell
inonuiuent romiullte ha taken up
the matter and the lord mayor of Dub
lin and Mr. John Itedmond, while In
America wilt appeal for fuuda to buy
the nmnalon and settle II on the I'ar
nell family. If the Parnells die out, I
they priMia to turn the ratal Into a
public park. That the Irish flag
ometlme create dlM'Uaalun In other
place than over In New Tork city
hall, wa amualngly Inatanced thl
week, when Lord Crrvllle, chairman
of the newly formed Wcstmealh
county council attempted to fly the
green emblem over the county court
houae at Mulllngar. Captain Orevllle,
who I high aherlff and a eon of Lord
Orevllle, aald he would II (hot before
hi father or hi council hoisted that
flag over hi court Th council re
affirmed It decltlon and Orevllle, the
younger, prepared to resist. Thurs
day thore occurred what 1 now called
"tho battle of Mulllngar." The council
led by Lord Orevllle, entered the
courtyard while a crowd of about a
thouaand people were held bark out
aide by a large force of polio. A
the councillor were endeavoring
guilefully to got Into the court, th
crowd broke through th police line,
tormod the court, forced entrance,
and a torn green flag waa waved
from a window. Thl waa the algnal
for tremendou cheering. Th triumph
wa ahortllved, fur the police drove
out the mob and raptured the flag,
leaving Orevllle th younger the vic
tor. Th autumn theatrical season I
now In full wlng. American actor,
manager and playrlght promlae to
be even more Important factors here
than heretofore. There I acarcely a
company at any Important theater
that doc not Include at leant one
American, while the muslo hall aro
Imply overrun with American perfor
mer. The three leading American
companies', Ooodwln' "The Belle of
New Tork," and De Wolf Hopper',
continue to be among the moat popu-
Extraordinary Sale
Commencing Monday
An cxnminnllon of ti e Roods nntl prices in kindly solii'ilod,
Htock oomp'etu in nil departments.
Special Prices on Silks and Dress Goods on Monday.
We will niHke special prieus on dillVront lines of (roods
enoh day. Wntoli this adv. for Special bnrnnins.
470 and i?l Commercial 8t. Astoria.
lar In Iuidim, In Iloppor's case the
early Indlcatlixii that "El Capltan"
would mt provs a surras hrs were
completely at fault. Now In addition
to filling th nnwt ripvnelv portion
uf the house, It haa a long line wait
ing nightly fur th gallery and pit,
which ll the beat algn of an English
Oeitrud Klllott, who haa mad euch
favorable linpreealim hero, leave
Cltxxlwln'a company and Join the
Court theater for the production of
C'aptelna Itnlwrt Murehall'i new play,
"A Kiiyal Family," which will be pro
duccd In th middle of October.
Fernall't "M xtnllght llloaaom," pro-
iluced Thursday at the 1'rlnc of
ale theater meet with only moder
ate inula from the Iondon critic. It
favor something of the "Mikado," but
tint leading parts, played by Fordcs
Itotierlaon and Mr. Patrick Campbell,
are little more than laborat
(eeclitt. The plctureiU Japanese
veiicry saved the performance from
ledlouimcM. Thl American playrlght
now ha two work on the) London
Th lllneaa of Nat Ooodwln, result-nil,-
froiii a aurglcal operation, will con
(In hlin for another week.
Mlllrr Kent, who ha taken Qoodwln'a
part. I doing ao well that lie may
rohtimio Uoudwln's play here with a
new company, Ihua enabling Ooodwln
to keep hi American engagement
and at th earn time aatlafy hi Lon
don agent.
Pellet Attorney (h-neral Hmlth to Ar
rrat the Circulation of III
l'OHTON. Hapt. SJ.-The Tot y:
Mr. tdnard Atkinson I out with
another number of hi Antl-Imperlal-Ut,
In w hlth he publlahe a long array
of facta, atalletlc and teatlmony of
soldiers returning from the Philip
pines He alao nmkva numerous com
ment on the (juration of Imperlallam
generally, and throw down tho guant
let to PoatmujMer Oencral rlrullh In a
more forcible mnner than ever.
one feature of Mr. Atkinson's maga
alne la the nianner In which lie takea
laaue alth Coiigrviuiman Hhattuc, of
Ohio, with whom he ha had contro
versy. Hhattuc defied Atklnaon to In
tel fere In hi rongretalona! dlatrlct
and th great antt-lmpcrtullat ha le
atied a eMH'lal edition In Oernian for
the benefit of Hhattuc'a rotiMllumt.
Tho I'oat iiiote vert! In Mr. Atkin
aon'a letter to live poatmoater-grnernl
under dale of September II, In which
the writer exprraite Intention of tepd
Ing rople of th magailne to the
I'hllli plnca and Informing him that If
he (the pontm4ter-general) Intend
to induce a poatmaater to violate the
Cnlted Hlate .nail regulatlona, "I
uat that th order b given to th
poatiiiNMer In toton to the end that
I may notify him of tho day and hour
on which th.-ne document Will be
mallei, to that If there I any Inter
ference with my persona! right I
ma; :ke suitable mi-osurv to en
force them."
.Mr. Atklnaon aak for a reply by the
16th that he may Include It In the
The Tol aayt: Mr. Atkinson leave
a blank apace of a half page which he
ay I th potvnnater-generar re
No Further Light Obtained on Zella
Bcovell' Death.
TILLAMWK. Or., fVpt. 23. Neha
lem I ttlll all excitement on account
of the mysterious drowning of thej
Scovell girl In the North fork of the
Nehalem river.
The child, who wa between 11 and IS
year of age, waa missed from her
horn on Tuesday evening, which It
about mile above Nehalem. Aa no
clew a to her whereabout could be
obtained, eearchlng partle were organ-
. . .wi mah.Im0 Iks twuttf v a
isea, anu inn in"""i i
found In the river at low tide, only,
1W yard from her home, with a stone
attached to a string tied around her
A there waa some difficulty In get-
llj si we J v. - .
peace of that district undertaking to
hold an Inmieat, the coroner, J. B. Tut
lle, thought there wa tome mystery
connected with It. He had previously
Itoon Informed of the drowning, but
had not been told of the atone being
tied around the girl' neck. On hearing
thl he Immediately tarted for Neha
lem, with Deputy District Attorney B.
L. Eddy, to Investigate the cause of
death. He has not yet returned,
B018K, Ida., Sept. 23,-The stage be
tween Westfall, Oregon, and Onoarlo
Oregon, wa held up last night and the
registered mall taken. There were
three robbers.
1G1 1G3 Third St. Portland
A new depot I to b built at Lar
aon station on the A. It C. H. It. line
by th neighboring farmer and work
will be commenced tomorrow. The
building I to be Ul and will be used
a a warehouse and waiting room. The
platform will be lengthened from 40
to (0 feet, and whun completed the
station will be one of th bust on th
Una of the A. C. road.
A. D. It' will leave thl morning
on the trslu for Balom. Mr. Itot will
rid on hi wheel from Portland to
th capital city. II will be Joined In
Bttloin by 01 Klde, Charles Htlllrlght.
Charts King and Theo. Ounderson.
The latter will go to Ilwuco thl morn
ing and from there will proceed to
tho Hound and thence to Hulm. The
party will spend several day vialllng
In the Wlllainott valley.
It It understood that a number of
Astoria' young people contemplate a
commercial course, Including shorthand
and typewriting, during the current
season. In thl connection, th Aato
rlan deal re to call attention to an
advertisement presented In another
column by th Portland Business Col
leg. Mr, A. P. Armstrong, under
whose supervision the Institution I
conducted, I well-known as an edu
cator on the Pacific coast, and such
young ladle and gentlemen as have
In view the course In question, cannot
do better than to take advantage of
the splendid opportunities this popular
school offer. The Portland Business
College makes a specialty of lis book
keeping department.
Judge MrBrlde yesterday adjourned
thi circuit court until tomorrow morn
ing. The court has not dlaposed of any
criminal or civil suit the paat two
day. The next case to be tried I that
of William Martin, who la charged
with asaautt with a deadly weaponJ
The defendant was given until tomor
row morning to plead to the charge
against him. Martin la the man who
fired three shirts at Taylor, a stud
poker dealer In the Bunnyslde saloon.
uum lu imnn .,o. j,,ur i.r-
rvi)r esca(ie(i ucing nil uui reiuaeu.
,0 jHusecmc ,..r..... i oe ..a.e .,u
.ne complaining wnnes in me coe ana ,
Martin I out on bonds.
Martin Is s '
young man and has been employed as
an express driver In the city for sev
eral ysr. If he plead not guilty hi
rake will be Irl-d before a Jury.
The British ship Safila. which ar
rived from Portland Friday evening,
wheat laden for Europe, was In charge
.f the first officer. The Rafoto ' Bn" j
chored In the stream and requires two
men to complete hor crew. The Port
land sailor boarding house shipped a
full rrew on the Safola befire the yes-
sel left that city, with the exception of ,
one man. Juat as the vessel weighed
alienor in tne i-oriiana stream one 01.
th sailor Jumped overboard. He woi
not missed before he was well to-!
wards shore and .ueceeded In making :
hls escape. The captain of the Safola
armra nere yeweniay anu now
awailing a lun crew irom tne 1 on-.
land boarding house. The mate of the
vessel say the crew ia the "greenest"
lot of hands he ever soiled with and !
that only three men out of the twenty,
odd on board know anything about
senmanahlp. Moat of them, he says,
were formerly ahepherders and do
not know the' stem from the stern of
the ship. They were all shipped, how
ever, by the Portland boarding house
as able and ordinary seamen and
signed articles before the British con
sul with those representation. The
captain, of course, will be compelled to
seen me crew as ne cannot anora 10.
lie In the harbor to await experienced
aallors. The two men to fill the crew
are expected from the Portland board
ing house tonight, and It they arrive
the Rafola will go to sea.
The principal topic of discussion
among river pilots It the arrival here
of the government transport Sikh and
Rio Jainero, which are ordered to
Portland to take the Thirty-fifth In
fantry to Manila. The Sikh la sched
uled to leave San Francisco today and
should aniv her early Tuesday morn
ing. Th date of the Rio Jalnero's
sailing haa not yet been fixed by the
war department. The Jainero Is larger
than the Sikh and wlli draw about a
foot more water. Bar pilots will keep
trlot lookout for the Sikh, and are all
anxious to have charge of the trans
port on entering the harbor. The river
pilots, however, are different, and are
perfectly willing to let the salaried
pilot of the 0. n. A N. Company take
both transports to Portland. The run
of 100 miles above the Astoria seaport
will occupy at least 4S hours. The sand
bars can only be 'irossed when the
title Is high, and, therefore, the trans
ports will be compelled to lie at
anchor during each lov tide. It will
take them fully two days to reach
Portland If they come here as ordered,
even portlally laden. It Is beloved by
some that the Sikh may roach Portland
without getting stuck, but Hit are of the
opinion that the Ttlo Janeiro will never
reach Portland without hniiRlng up on
the snntlbnrs. She will draw about 22
feet of water or about a foot more
than tho Sikh, All sorts of opinions
are expressed lis to tho dangers the
transports will run In K"tUK up the
river. It will be a miracle If they
can reach Portland without serious
damage. As soon as tho Blkh arrives
off the river a bar pilot Will be put on
board from the tug Wallulu.
Justice of the Peace J. M. Hughes
returned yesterday from a week's vlalt
at Seaside.
Orand Opening of the New Dry Goods
Htor on Commercial Btrect.
The chief attraction In th city last
evening wa the brilliant opening of
the A Dunbar st Company dry good
house at No. 6X Commercial street.
Promptly at 7 o'clock, the doors were
unlocked to th public and th throng
In waiting wa permitted to enter. The
Interior display proved a revelation to
Astorlan who hitherto have looked to
Portland a the art center fur the state
of Oregon. There was flash and das
tie reflected from luxuriant good of
every popular quality and design In
demand by th purchasing community.
A profusion of palms, tweet peas and
hop vines contributed tastefully In the
line of decorations. In conversation
with an Astorlan representative, Mr.
Dunbar said; . .
"I made every effort possible to ob
tain musln for our opening event, but
the cheap rate on the A. at C. virtual-
ly depopulated the city of musicians,
and much to our regret I was obliged
to foreKo what naturally would have
ben a very pleasing and desirable
feature for the occasion." Asked con
cerning the specific objects of the firm,
Mr. Dunbar added:
' Our purpose is to run a strictly up-to-date
business. In other words, we
shall supply the city with a long felt
want, which means a dry goods store
conducted on modern meth'ods. For
example, we shall hold special sales.
as conditions warrant. This Is .one of
several radical departures we purpose!
making. Our Initial special sale will'
be commenced tomorrow momlng, I
when we shall offer to our patrons a
line of ladles' two-clasp embroidered !
backed kid glove of the newest and '
latcrt colorings at tt cents. These
gloves at tholr normal rating, bring '
11.25. A particular point I would like
to mention Is that we are In Intimate'
touch with the New York market and
do no bualneu whatever through Job
bers. For thl reason, we shall be
enabled to make price that other mer
chant In the aine line, either in A(-
torla. or elsewhere on the coast, can
not In any manner equal. This as
sertion Is none the less plain English
, ,,h , . .-,, ... ,
Ill be to keep a full and high class
fUttly f ,hal
will render It
llnn,rv .. . iuvr , i,M)W
.. ,
Among tho specialties carried by the
new house are Dent' kid glove for
men and women. Of course, they are
known a the best the world over.
Then comes ItlrhardwtVa linens,
llrainard & Asmatrong't art silks, Roy
al worsted corsets. Golden fleece yarns
and a complete line of ladles suits.
coal, cape, and fur collarettes, the
. . . an ,... ln ,his cltv.
latter being an innovation in this city.
In this connection. It Is alao well to say
that the new store room was fitted up
I entirely by home lalxw and product.
The houw.f moUo ,s, home patronage
and nJuil,ry lu8t and and aM ,he
The more last night was Indeed a
nlcture in dress-roods architecture.
,,.. droning with silks, vel-
w bna and laces evoked many
fvorabu. COinmenta The general orna-
mnull()n lg CRrrll.a out ln white and
Uver The display counters are all
ivfigneil ,n full-squared French plate
whe the wooden counters are
f h . k
u. ril,K., r-nn.iiv ... . .t-
tache of the well-known local house of
C. H. Cooper for It years, and the
entire personnel of the firm I com
posed of young men of experience, en
ergy and sterling Integrity. The new
house will no doubt realise the success
Its enterprise merits.
Ills Courtesies to the Governor of Min
nesota and Party Last Week.
Governor Oeer was a passenger on
the A. & C. train to the beach yester
day. Talking with an Astorlan report
er, the Governor said:
' Friday was quite a day with me.
1 heard that Governor Llnd and staff
..f Minnesota, were aboard the Cotum-1- w have been spending the sum
Ma enroute to Portland, and, of course. I w lter, Mrs. C. M. Cel
In keeping with regulation executive j lar- lev " home on the Columbia
courtesy, I summoned my personal staff . tomorrow morning,
to join In meeting them. Mrs. J. W. Conn will leave Tuesday
"Governor JAni absolutely floored me ! morning for Chlco, Cal., where she will
when I discovered that he had 14 staff , meet her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Johns,
officers In his party. I don't know that Both will go up In the mountains and
1 showed up very strongly against htm
with six functionaries as my own body-1
guard. However we made up a jolly
company and I must confess to having
one of the pleasantest experiences of my
"We first went to the Portland hotel
for dinner. After a veritable banquet
enjoyed there, we all repaired to
Cordray's theater where we had the
pleasure of seeing an artist who, in
my estimation, Is one of the finest emo
tlonnl actresses on the American stage.
Fancy Plates,
10 cts. up.
Great Left Over Salb
Prices Away Down,
You'll May So,
Wht 11 You See Prices.
Great American Importina Tea Go. Everywhere.
100 Stores.
171 Commercial it, Asterta.
Miss O'Nell was very gracious to our
party, and between the acts. Invited u
behind th eoenee where we heard from
her own lip th story of ber triumphs
and misfortunes."
"Governor Oeer states that the gov
ernor of Minnesota Is a Kcandanlvan
by birth, but haa long been identi
fied with the leading business circle of
th Middle West. He Is five years
younger than the Oregon executive,
being now only 43.
Governor Lind and party left Port
land at J. 10 yesterday afternoon for
hi home in the East.
We are told that a druggist once up
on finding that a man had swallowed
a rattle snake Just In front of hi
store, gave him the contents of a large
bottle of hi celebrated blood purifier
at one dote, and saved the man's life,
3. A. Clementon, the nonsubatltutlon
druggist, at 227 Yamhill street, Port
land, Oregon, does not claim anything
so extravagant, but he does claim to
have the only ecsema cur in the
world. Cylrad cures, and to prove
that II does, we give free samples to
everybody. Try 1L
Clemenson also claims that the na
tural body brace makes life SO per cent
easier. To prove that It does he gives
a trial of 30 days. Call and see It
237 Yamhill St., bet. lt-2nd.
Portland, Oregon.
As will be seen by Its advertisement
'n another column, the Oregon Dental
College begins Its Initial session on
October tnd. The final day of entrance
ha been fixed for October 11th. The
Oregon Dental College Is conspicuous
in that It Is one of the three colleges
of the Cnlted States which confers the
title of D. M. D. on its studens. The
college occupies a floor space of
1x125 feel on the third floor of the
Mulky block, corner of Second and
Morrison streets. The course of In
struction In this school is In advance
of the requirements of the National
Asvxlutlon of Dental College faculties.
That Is, It cover a more extended field
and hence, I of greater value to stu
dents In acquiring a fuller course In
dental knowledge.
Miss Kate Upshur went to Portland
yeaterday on a visit.
Israal Gragg, of Meygers, was in the
city yesterday visiting relatives.
P. H. McDonald returned yesterday
from a pleasure trip to Portland.
Coney Wyatt and wife of East Port-
,and are , lhe clt). vlsltlng frlendg
C. B. Allen and Mrs. Allen returned
last night on the train from Portland.
Jthn Lewis, the well-known John
Day farmer, spent yesterday In the
ftenernl Passenger Agent Mayo of
the A. & C. railway was a visitor at
The Dalles yesterday.
The condition of P. A. Trulllnger Is
very aerlous and grave doubts are
entertained for his recovery.
W. G. Gosslln, private secretary to
President Hammond of the A. & C.
railway. Is visiting ln Portland.
j Mrs. Wm. Strong of McMlnnville ar
rived yesterday on a visit to her par
ents Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Holden.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lldwcll will
! leave this morning for Ilwaco. where
' they will visit with friends for a few
; days.
Pilot Archie Pease came down on the
train last night to pilot the steamship
Lennox, due today from the Orient up
the river.
Colonel D. M. Dunne, Internal reve
nue collector of Oregon, was a passen
gen on the train from Portland yester
dal. Mrs. Jennie E. Thompson and fam
ily of Concordia, Kansas, arrived ln
; the city yesterday on a visit to her
brother T. 8. Simpson.
Mrs. H. Leaser and son of San Fran
. spend a few months at the mines of
which Mr. Johns Is manager and part
t owner.
We are closing out our entire depart
ment of tinware and granite ironware
at prices below wholesale. These are
first quality goods and are manufact
ured by the following Anns: St.
Louis Stamping Co., Haberman Mfg.
Co. and Klckhelfer. In fact any fac
tory brand you want. This is a rare
opportunity for merchants and parties
who wish to buy at wholesale. Follow
ing Is the list of prices:
Boys' heavy school suits, worth
2.50 sale price ttii
Youths' school suits, worth $5, sale
price S.95
Men's Kne wool pants, regular val
ue $5, laUi price 3.48
Webster's unabridged dictionary,
roRiilnr price $4.50. sale price 1.45
A few fine Cocoa rugs, size 86x72,
wnrth $3.60, sale price 1.24
S-quart granite tea pots, sale price .19
XXN silver plated knives and
forks, worth $3 a set, sale price .. .76
A large assortment of new goods
just arrived, call and examine them.
510 Commercial Street.
Breakfast Food Select Bran . . .
Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
n ivji I lArnu
The Only Flrst-Class Hotel In Portland
mwmnnn. .nrvninviRuvanYnnnnnruuxnns
...The Esmond Hotel.,.
Eompe,ap'.n,Soeto1.Mprdar. OSCAR ANDERSON, Maar-
American plan, ll.OQ to M.00 uer dr. 1 r- vviinuT
P. n. Sharpie's
Bailders' Heavy and Shelf
In all sizes
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney, and
stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings. Bright'!
disease, etc.
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine,
unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody dis
charges cured without the knife, pain or confinement
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lmpotency, thorough
ly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed.
YOUN'l MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting
drains, bashfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your
MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains, have lost
their MaNLY POWER.
BLOOD AND SKIN DISB.ASES, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, -painful,
bloody urine. Gleet, Stricture, enlarged prostate. Sexual Debility,
Varicocele, Hydrocele. Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT
Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He used no pat
ent nostrums or reedy-made preparations, but cures the disease by
thorough medical treatment. His New Phamptet on Private Diseas
es sent Free to all men who describe their trouble. Patients cured
at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in plain envelope.
Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
Doctor Walker, 132 First St., Cor. Alder, Portland, Or.
The pleasant affect and perfect safe
ty with which ladles may na Syrup
of Figs, under all conditions, makes It
their favorite remedy. To get the trua
and genuine article, look for the Bam
of the California Fig Byrnp Co print
ed near the bottom of the package. For
sale by all d ru gists.
A man likes to refer to himself at
an idiot at times, but tt makes him
mad If anybody else agrees with him.
A physician makes the statement that
we see with our feelings. There Is
more truth in this than the thought
less will perceive. For instance, take
a man or woman with a weak stomach
which has not the power of giving the
blood tha nourishment It requires. The
system Is filled with poisonous bile.
Poor blood coursing through the brain
poisons and weakens It, and the suf
ferer Is utterly Incapable of enjoying
beauty of any sort, or even a hearty
meal. The reason the bilious and the
dyspeptic, who takes Hostetter's Stom
ach Blttars finds life brighter and
pleasant. r, Is because It cleanses the
system and strengthens the stomach.
Ste that a private revenue stamp
covers the top of the bottle.
Furniture of upper floors of Central
hotel Good paying business. Owner
wishes to go to Europe. Will be sold
cheap if sold wlthing IS days.
Cream Separators
and Best.
General Supply
House for
Family Groceries.
Hardware, ship Chandlery, Etc.
tnd styles.
We shall cotitinne to tell
Iron and Brass Bedstead
at the same Low Prices
regardless of the raise in
the price of iron and brass
Conducted on the check syattm, there
tore pairoi.a par for what ibey order
and do more.
ft Cilia tkt Lirgtst, Cktipest, BmI
lid ii(knt Sett ti ii tie lortkwHt.
10 and HI Fourth St., PORTLAND.
Pioprlet, r.
Pr Tate Rooms fur ladies.
805 Waidilnir-
Ll iu M , ner .''th
a '
M. Regular communications held on
the first and third Tuesday evening of
each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W.
M. : E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary.