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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1899)
MK MORXlN'Q ASlOlX SA1UHDAV MOUN1MU. iSKl'TEMNKU X3, ISA GRAND OPENING THIS EVENING 7 P. Al. THE A. DUNBAR CO. Will 0n In thlr now tornlton Hi V Commercial tliwl with .lock rqnal l ny rsrril In 111 Ml. W Invli ill public toaitrmt iurpciilnt so Hist personal Impcrllon rosy he niaite of this In meat nmlern dry tnwta tor in Aiona . NO goods Mill te soli the evenlnjcf the Openinf In: TO READER. Th "tally Astorlaa" eoatala lwtc aa Mark readlag Basilar M amy ether paper pabUiara l Astoria. II U the anlj paper tkal praerate Ita ralira with gaily tlrpkl report. TO ADYKRTIEKs.-Tka "Dally Aa- ara aa aay ather pa par pabllahad la Aata ria. It la therefore mora Ikaa talc al walaabla as aa aa rentals awilaai. TODAT'8 WEATHER. PORTLAND, Sept tt-FaJr weather and Increasing temperature today. Sunday promise to be fair and pleas ant AR0UNDTOVN. Tbaar. Fresh cracked crab at the National Cafe. Sweet cream In any amount at ths Parlor. Burbank potatoe. H a tack, at Pat's Market Astoria to Portland la O. R. II only SO cenU Horn made chocolates, SO cents a pound, at tie Parlor. Three cases of small-pox are report ed at Palouse City, 'Wish. . The steamship Lennox Is due to ar rive from the Orient today. We guarantee oar Ice cream to 1 made of pure cream. The Parlor. Theo. Olsen. the druggist, left yes terday on a business trip to Seattle. P. J. Taylor and family hare re turned from a short visit In Portland. A. H. Kllnt, a well-known fanner of Gray's river, is in the city on business. Cold lunch, pickled piss feet, oysters. heepa tongue, etc, at the National Cafe. Just arrived; the newest creations In ladies fall and winter hats, at 8haca ban's. , llm Mrs. J. K. Wirt returned from a visit with friends In Portland yester day. W. L. Robb left last evening; for Hood River to visit his wife and chil dren. Mrs. C. E. Tyler left last evening for a visit to relatives and friends In Cathlamet The grateet display of ladles sailor, golf and walking hats in the city at Shanahan's. Do yon know 8nodgraaa make Stamp Photos? Call and see them they are all the ga The steamer Harrison arrived In yesterday with freight and passengers from Tillamook. ConlraotMT Conn, of Vancouver, who has the contract for erecting the bar racks at Fort Stevens, was In the city yesterday. The ciders of the Church of Jesus Christ of letter Day Paints will hold services In Flsh-r's hall tomorrow at J p. m. All are cordially Invited to attend. Peglnnlng Saturday, Sept. !. the steam r Bailey Gatsert will leave As toria for Portland and way landing Saturdays at 7 p. ni. Instead of Sun- da vs. Yesterday Contractor Lebeek finish ed raising the Occident hotel. The al terations Inside the house will be made b Joe Supreimiit and when completed Messrs. Mcgler A Wright will have one of the finest hotels In Oregon, In the circuit court yesterday Mary E. Kngctv. filed suit against Clmrlea M. t:ucn for divorce. The complaint alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment and fall'itv to support. The planltlff asks for the custody of two minor children. J I". O. Oenrhort. artificer of Company I A First Idaho regiment, who has Just Capt. Dan Graham of Oakland, Cal j returned from Manila, arrive.! In As- waa a passenger up on the Columbia this morning. Capt. Graham remained Thomas Porrts, a prominent farmer In Astoria to visit old friends for a torla yesterday and proceeded to Sea- side to visit relutlw. It has been seme years since Mr. Uearhart was In Astoria. of Wahkiakum county, Wash., Is In few days. the city on business. j ' I " v ...... v. 7" , . 1 The Occident shaving parlor and! "Wahthous" Nelson was arraigned church tomorrow, the repair, to the w rmIn durin " lv 17. TTr X v' -.iia-v n , ,i., , I the Improvements are being made to ; "' of nahlng boat from knapp- I the hotel. Customers will be given the i ,l'n- l,l"l'd ullty and was sen- J. R. Donahue, the roular Durserim n-lc and attention? I ,tfl,0,fJ ,0 " yM,r the penitentiary. . neriIT I.IIIVI u fl.wilr fll n..,H... a v ...V jtt lF.I,- U of the steamer Gatiert. Is seriously 111 with an attack of fever. j Beginners and advanced pupils can have thorough Instructions on th vlo- 3. C. Mayo, passenger agent of the,11" and plno bjr fB J- H- Xm A. C. a R.. is In Portland on bust- me" of Dresden and Lerp- Salem last night nesj connected with the road. I The British ship Safola arrived In tow from Portland yesterday wheat la den for Queenstown for orders. Mrs. fleorge Shields, Mrs. Myra Zelg ler and Frank Spittle were passenger down on the train last night j Mrs. Fred Barker and her sister. Mis tig conservatory. Hotel Tlghe. It. H. Sale, employed at Clark's log. miK ramp ai wasme, fell from a spring board yesterday and severely " ; cut his arm by coming In contact with Presbyterian church service as us- ,hs M, He Wlul bri)Ufn, lo Atlorlft ual Uvnorrow. Theme of the morning ,0 nav. ,h(. wound drswsed. after w r,,cr- evening theme hlch he was taken to St. Mary's hos "Why Join the Church?" A very cor-: ptal. dial Invitation Is extended to all. j The steamer Mayflower In change of Captain Plckernelt. is now open for business, except on Saturday and Tuea- Mary Garner, are In Salem, where they . days, when she will be engaged on her have been taking In the State Fair regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. Frank Patton and wife returned yesterday from Salem, where they have been attending the state fair. A 13-year-oll lndus'.rljus girl wants a place to work for her board and go to school. Addrvss A.. Astorlan office. The Astoria Froebel KlndVreartcn will open September S5. Miss Annie R. Illnderson, klndergartner. Parents j Interested are Invited to call at the klndergnrt-?n. No. W7 Exchange street. ' j Reduced rates on the White Collar j uitiv steamer niuiey liaison oetween Mrs. Phillip Wasserman of Portland, ; Astoria and Portland: Fare 50 cents. accompanied by her daughter Gertie,! state room U.J5, lower berth 75 cents. are guests of Mayor and man. Mrs. Berg-! upper berth 50 cents, section berth !3 cents. For rent-Furnished rooms with ! AU m1 of Soaslde l.xlge A. O. first-class table board. Apply Mrs. & j v- w- an(' Irigv of D.'gne of Honor C Holden's corner Ninth and Duane i ho to go on the excursion Streets. ' w-nco are requested to be at the steamer Nahcotta this evening at 5:50 Boquet De Cuba and Key West Gem , sharp. are the finest five cent cigar that ever j came to this market Henry Roe, op- j posit e brewery. Miss Mary Campbell, of this city, yesterday graduated as a trained nurse from St Vincent's training ( school In Portland. I Last Tuesday a man named Olsen. while working at Staples logging camp on the Wllluskl, had the misfortune to get his legs Jammed betwreen two logs He was brought to town for medical attention. Manager Johnson of the Western Union Telegraph Company and George Connor left last evening for the Neha- lem on a fishing trip. In the circuit court yesterday Wil liam Martin, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was arraigned, and given until Monday to plead. There I were no civil cases disposed of during i The annual an.i.m .,r tK. conference of the Methodist Episcopal cnurch Is now being held at Salem and la presided over by Bishop C. C. McCabe. Rev. W, R. Holllngshoad and Mrs. Ilolllngh."td are in attendance, but there will be services In the As toria church tomorrow as usuul. Instructions were wired from Port land yesterday by General Freight and Passenger Agent Mayo of the A. A C. R. R. to meet the cut made by :lie O. R. & N. between Astoria und Tot Hand. rU'Klimlng with t'Hl.iy. thervVie, the fare on the; railroad to Portland will be 50 cents and the round trip Jl. At the Norwegian Evangelical Lu theran church tomorrow there will be English Sunday school at S:30; Eng lish service at 10:45 a. m. and Nor wegian services at 3 o'clock In the af ternoon. At the latter service the theme will be "What Work the Chil dren of Cod Have to Perform In His Vineyard." No evening services. Commencing Sept. list the following reduced rates will be placed In effect via the O. R. A N. Co.: Between As toria and Portland and Intermediate plonts the fare will be 50 cents In each direction. Reduction ho also bet-n made In berth rates as follows: Lower berths 75 cents, upper berths 50 onts and sectton berth !6 cents. I the day. At the Baptist church tomorrow I the pastor will discuss the following 1 Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box , themes: 'The Preacher In Evangell ' wood to any part of the city on short t cal Work." at 11 a. m. and "The Time j notice. All orders left at Zapfs fur- of Refreshing From the Lnrd," at T:S0 - nlture store, CO Commercial street, p. m. The Sunday school will com- At the Norwegian M. E. church to- will receive prompt attention. Tele- mence at 10 a, m. and the B. T. P. Henry C. Grady, ex-United States marshal for Oregon, Is breaking on a freight train running between La Grande and Pendleton. FOR THE SCHOQUjOYT The glory of Onion's future will MHn nvl with kcIhh.I lop ot todny; thrir tibligiitioim will lie git'iit. Let them he in uowiw luuulicnjietl. I'roper clotliiiij; in jiiNt M t'tweiitiul us rtter htHili.t. To meet the jinwnt's every tUiiiniul, wo Imvo nrnuigetl n Hjieeitil sule of ehil.l reii's i'lothiiij. This sale opens toilny iiml im-hiiles erery iirtiele nwiwary to nuiko up a comjleto wnnlrohe, whether for the NeluHilliny or M-lukilgirl. Tiulny wo fiiote especially boys' clothing. Boys' Suits AO suits rsKislly suitable (or school wear will be offered as a leader. These mlts ire made ot all wool, rsssinierea snJ fancy tweeils; tlie ooata are 'iloulile breasted am) well lined Ihrotigli out; lbs auls ant knae leii(tlis, all siies. These sails formerly soll (or M.50 snJ fiOObul during tlits sale tliry go (or $2.50 Bot' Cotton Sweaters Full line In stripe ami solid colors such as blue, garnet and tiavy al $o. Sailor Blouse Suits V have hill lin o( tailor blouse suits, niUilr suit snJ veatee suits thai ars tmlb iiiilalil snJ serrioe hi (or Ilis younger hoys. These are ot tlu serge and blue cheviot, fancy and mined tweeds with iilsiu slid fancy shisM. with black silk sailor knol sllscliedj sites three lo right years al . $2.45 to $7.00 Hoys' Knee Pant III cortlumr, (weeds, serges SnJ clievlots, all well ni ami sawed at ijc to f 1.00 A (ull tftiai o tablets, slates, draw Ing IshiW. onge, iis and em'ila, elf. A rf4-lfpkf very nice line for school wear is the Kant wean IIvll Hvl double-breasted coats, knee pants with double arout bratnl, these have knees and scati and come in fancy worsted Scotch tweeds, cassiincn s, serges and cheviots, sizes nine to fifteen years $2,2$ to $7.50, . ShatinahaiVs t morrow Rev. Joseph Olsen, of Francisco will preach at both morning and evening services. San 1 phone 2144. ; the' j I The funeral of William Lorentson, I 1 , who was drowned near the Clatsop The Misses Elmore and their guests, mill Thursday will be held from the' Miss Lucas and Miss Halstead, ar- family residence In Uppertown at 10 rived home yesterday from a ten-day' o'clock this morning. The Interment outing trip spent on Tillamook bay, j will be at Greenwood. The Better the Grade The Bigger the Trade HAVING LEARNED THAT HERMAN WISE Is the most reliable and best qualified mer chant in Astoria to take Correct Measures The Royal Tailors Of Chicago have appointed Mr. Wise their resident agent. An "elegant book containing ovtr 600 samples of Fall and Winter Novelties is here for your inspection. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed. Every garment made by expert artists. Charges very moderate for fcuth artistic workmanship. P. 8. An expert cutter will aleo le at Mr, Wine's (store on Tuesday, October 3, at wbich lime he will be plcuied to meet all gentlemen who are interested in artistic clothing. You will be wel come whether you purchase or not. L at t 30 p. m. A party of lumber men from Mos cow, Idaho, arrived In the city yester day. They took the afternoon train for Flavel, where they spent the after noon. The party consisted of five and i they were very reticent about the pur p;s of their visit. From what could 1 ce iearnea 11 is inferred they were looking for ft site fur the erection of ! a sawmill. The party left up on the 1 Gatzert last night The A. F. C. baseball team will leave tMs morning for Portland to meet . the Multnomah this afternoon on the j Multnomah field. Capt. Bert Ross . states that he has one of the strongest teams ever organised In Astoria, and will be assisted by Mr. Blunkhall of "The Olrl From Chilli" Co., who led the club to victory In their last game In this city. It is confidently expected that the Astoria boys will come home victorious. The Congregational church of this city Is being overhauled and repaired and will be made as attractive and aa comfortable as possible. The ex terlor has Just received two good coat of paint which adds greatly to the appearance of the building, and In the Interior the floors have been pointed around the rostrum and in the aisles, New hymnals have also been recently added. In all the church Is now cheerful, comfortable and Inviting. On arrival of the steamship Colum bla from Ban Francisco yesterday there stepped ashore Governor Llnd and staff and Mayor Gray of Minn eapolis, Minn., also Mayor John Lud wig and Colonel Bobletter of the same place. The distinguished gentlemen were on their way to Portland to meet and welcome the Mlnneamta volunteers who are returning from Manila. Dur Ing their short stsy of two hour In this city they were entertained by Mayor Bergman, Chief Stockton and Councilman C. C. I'tilngvr. Mr. I singer Is an old friend of all the gen tlemen, having known them while In business In Minnesota. They were shown the principal point of Interest In the city and would have been pleas ed to stay much longer hail thel time permitted. They were all favor ably Impressed with Astoria's location and expressed a desire to visit the city again. FOR BALK. Furniture of upper floor of Central hotel. Good paying business. Owner wishes to go to Europe. Will be sold sheap If sold wlthlng 15 days. Everything that's Beautiful In Chinawarb. Great Left Over Salb Price Away Down. You'll Hay So, When You Bee Prices. Great American Importinn Tea Ga. Store Everywhere 100 8'torca. . . 171 Commercial St, Asteria. ' REI'OUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Astoria National Bank AT ASTOIUA, In the state of Oregon, al the close of business, Heptemlwr 7, IWi9: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1132,731.17 iveruraus, secured ana un secured 1,!40.M U. 8. Bonds to secure circu lation 12,500. 00 I'remlums on u. 8. bonds.... 1.600.00 MtocKs, securities, etc 30,026.84 KunKing-nouse, furniture and nxtures 1.833.01 Other real estate and mort gages owned 8,700.00 Due from National Banks (not Keserve Agents) 1.842.00 Due from state itanks and Bankers 5.4S5. Uue from approved reserve agents 38.Sr.B.r,8 Checks and other cosh Items 870.20 Notes of other National Banks 290.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 296.16 Lawful Money Reserve In Hank, vis: Specie 39,9!M).25 Legal-tender note 753.00 40,743.25 Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer (6 per cent of circulation) 662. SO Total 1277,277.69 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 50.000.00 Surplus fund 8,400.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 2,236.22 National Bank notes out standing 6,850.00 Individual deposits subject to check $1.14,313.73 Demand certifi cates of deposit. 16,878.43 Time certificates of deposit C8,li99.22 209,791.38 tot I 887 wmisr Oft r1ST. fNf "Armstrong's Combined Theory and Prttk p QookktcolDgi Students lesrn to keep books tfctff as tney are kepi la budaes. No text book, no wasts of lime in profitless copying. Made Interesting sad prsctlgU by tie use ot college currency, business forms, btll ties, etc Investigate this new totbod of tsschlng. It mskss bookkeeping easy. Call at the college, or writ, Our Shorthand Course 1 laduu. i Spelling, Orsmmar, Writing, Correspondence, Shorthasd, Typewriting, Letter Copying, Manifolding, Business Forms, Legal Documents, Coort rspers, actus work la tht tollegt ettct. Our graduates u capable stenographers, Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Open all the year. Students may enter it any time. I3usine, Shorthand and English department. Private or clou instruction. Cstaloj;ue free. THH LADIES. The pleaaant effect and perfect safe ty with which ladle may uss Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the tru and genuine article, look for ths nam of ths California rig Bjrrup Co., print ed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all drugist. BEEINQ WITH OUR FEELINGS. Total $277,277.60 State of Oregon, County of Cllasop, ss: f, J. E. ITlRitlnB, cashier of the above named bank, do solemly swear that the above statement Is true tn the best of my knowledge and belief. J. VS. HIOOINH, Cnsliler. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September, 18!9. E. Z. FKnOUHON, Notary Public for Oregon. H. C. THOMPSON I J. 0. DEMENT Directors. GEO. H. GEORGE A physician make the itatement that we see with our feelings. There Is more truth In this than th thought less will perceive. For Instance, take a man or woman with a weak stomach which has not th power of giving the blood the nourishment It requires. Ths system Is filled with poisonous bile, Poor blood coursing through ths brain poisons and weakens It, and ths suf ferer Is utterly Incapable ot enjoying beauty of any sort, or even a hearty meal. The reason the bilious and th dyspeptio who take Hostetter" Stom ach Bitters finds II fs brighter and pleasantir, Is because It cleanses ths system and strengthens ths stomach. Sie that a private revenue stamp covers the top of th bottle. FIIRNITURB AT PRIVATE! SALB. During the month of September, 1899, I will dispose of my household furni ture, consisting of carpets, chairs, wal nut secretary, parlor organ, chamber suits and bedding, lounges, lamps, hall rack, tables, pictures, miscellaneous books, crockery, kitchen range, rcfrlg- , TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. ft A. M. Keguiar communications neia on 'erator etc th first and third Tuesday evening of pea'it th hour of uiu r in, w. i a. m. and 1 p. m. serrxailAIWtTOllsBsTOro Astoria 9 ...Steam liaundrq. D, R. CAM t'HKI.L, Piop'r, We are iliilm much la eitir lb washing hu!i Wt nflar a liellrr way, a ohasp- Brnini a mors eonreniaiii war rami Ir whIiIii and Irohlui ciieapsr than Ju can Iidt thrni dons at home, thus nlng an ay with Ilia ai"al truss and faV'No I hlnaae employ!. isomer rill llnfim Monilay. Mlilh and AnUir Street. Holmes' English AND Business College 414 Yamlilll fit., l'ortluixl, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS KdkIInIi, HookkcfipliiK. Sliortlmnd, TypcwrltliiK, PviiiiiuiiNlilp, Art. Heiid for clrniilnrs. each month. J. N. M.J E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. Mr. W. W. PARKER. Pcrnlii Hhorthnnd School II. W, flKUNKJ", Principal, lloniii illl OregoiiliKi JliilMliig, I'ld tliiiiJ, Ore. The Pnrnln Hynunu wus awarded th World's l'i I r Modal and Dluloma. No shading; No position few word-sign No failure, Day and night