The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 21, 1899, Image 2

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gaily otonan.
Tlphon Main
Bent by mall, Pr yw ..
Iferu by mail, fw moot
starved by oarrkr. ptr month
Sat by mall, jxr pu, lo advanos..
Pottag tr to tubaorlbtra.
All conumioloatlooa Intended for publi
cation should bt directed to th dttor.
Business tomnmnteattons of all kinds
ard ramittanoa mutt b addrfta to
"Th Astorlao,
Tha Assortaa ruartntaa 10 ! jTr"
tiaar th iansast circulation of any
nawvpaiwr pisbllahed oa th Columbia
Advertising- rata eu M M D applt
oattoa to tat tusUne maBacr.
All who are familiar with the moth
oda of the democratic party are aware
that the assaults on General Otis are
Intended to discredit the admlnislr
Uon in the conduct of the war. On
era! Otis has a Ion; and honorable
military reord. He la not an expert
ment in the care and management of
troops, for his life has been devoted
to the work. It is a question If the mili
tary and civil duties of his present po
sition are not too numerous for one
man. but as far as matters have gone
the c immon sense and sober judgment
of the country approve the commander
In the Philippines. Much of the criti
cism heard about Otis is to the effect
that he is too conservative. That de
pends on the point of view. A Hotspur
might have done something more
showy, and then again he might have
run into serious disaster. Under the
order to Otis our troops in the Philip
pines have met no reverse or check.
He has been an active leader. Some of
the volunteers think they were pushed
to hard. Otis himself has sold that
they were worked to the limit of en
durance. It is proper at this time, the
quiet Interval between two cam
paigns, to estimate what has been
done, and the efficiency of those upon
whose plans and efforts success de
pends. The first troops sailed for Manila
25 days after Dewey's victory and the
second expedition three days later. The
third, of 4,000 men, under General Mac
Arthur, did not reach Manila until the
close of July of last year. These troops
have now all returned home and will be'
mustered out. Their place has been
taken by regulars. Here is a notable
achievement the substitution of one
army for another at a point In the Pa
cific 7.000 miles distant, and with the
enemy active. Does Otis deserve no
praise for the performance of this dif
ficult tak? He put down a rising in
Manila and drove an army larger than
big own from the vicinity of the city,
breaking up what" was virtually a
siege. He holds all the line of railway
siezed and commands the large lake
southwest of Manila whose shores are
lined with populous towns. He re
tains all stra'eglc points captured, and
they are invaluable In resuming ac
tive movements. He has tested the
traits and tactics of the Tagal soldiers
throughout their entire range. What
they will do under given circumstances
has been ascertained by practical trial.
The preparations now going forward for
the next campaign are based on the
knowledge acquired by actual fighting, j
and which could have been gained in!
no other way. j
In spite of this excellent showing, or
possibly because of it, the democratic!
chorus breaks into a yelp that the I
war Is a failure and that Otis Fhoultlj
be removed. His successor would flndj
conditions Infinitely better than they
were six months ago, a splendid rea
son, by the way, why Otis should re
main where he Is. Manila Is free from
danger of revolt or attack. We have
bases a long distance north, south and
east of the city. An army of 63,000 se
lected and well trained men, will be on
hand by November 1. To relieve Otis
now would be much like removing
Grant three months before Appomattox,
and that was a proceeding certain cop
perhead papers did not fall to recom
mend. An Impartial survey of the sit
uation in the Philippines Is convincing
as to the Importance of what has been
accomplished. If the Tagal armies
had fought with more tenacity some of
them at least would have been cap
tured. Their tendency to run away
prolongs the war, but reduces to anj
absurdity their hope to resist the net'
work closing around them.
"wait snail
rtaa Ulvt i
The tolrtnq
question cornel
borne to aliuon)
evrrt man at
omc period in
hi career,
"What will
you t i in .
Chun for
yout lifer" Ii
st like thu-.
other solemn
question about
the soul. Jut
as an hottest
man feels that
not king of
earthly value
can be weighed
against hit oul
o a man who
has one ftiend
to love him
knows that life
is too precious
to be bartered
awa for am
bition, oc money, or pride.
Bat men are slow to believe that 'over
work sometime kill; a man hates to ad
mit that his health ever need any particu
lar care. He feels miserable ana ont of
torts" bat trie to " bluff it off" nntil he
gets fiat on hi back, nnable to do a stroke
of work. He become obliged to spend no
end of money for doctors aud even at that
can hardly saw hi life.
How much more aenuble, and in the end
how much cheaper at the first sign of phy
sical weakne to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce,
chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y., and obtain; free of charge, the ad
vice of a (killed and educated physician
who has a wider reputation for the success
ful treatment of chronic disease than any
other physician to this country.
' In a letter to Dr fierce. Mr. 1. W Briltln. of
Ctintoa. Dewtn Co . 111.. (P. O. Boa ajyt. wrtna;
" For over year I ras troubled with brer com
ntartrt. Had no appetite, cob Id keep nothing
on Moanacn, ami had sever pain ia my
stomach and boarela I doctored with home
doctor but did not obtain relief antd a frirnd
advised af to take Dr. Pierce' Ooldca Medical
DmcoTere. I hcx-in takint; it at once and alter
takitrc fear bottle I think myself cured, as I
eaa eat anything 1 want asd my food new
harts me
Dr. Perce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti
Itation. At all medicine stores.
The society woman has two faces;
one) for home use and the other for
Heat Rath, Inflammation, Itching, Irritations
and ehaflngt, undue, or offentiv perspiration,
and many other sanatira nses, nothing so
cooling, purifying, and mfnahing as a bath
with Cracraa, Soar, followed In the severer
forms by gentls anointings with CrnccaU,
th great skin cure and potest of emollients.
Cmcru Snir a tr4 ill .M 0t BMt iaii
km ptfriBg sad touti Mag ma. as U m tha pan
aad ittMM tot trsfet, bath, bb4 Binary. Sow taiaash
aat is vrl4. poms Dart Ci. Cosr.. Sol
rna,Suusv -U Una BnsnftU tola. traa.
Crowing hens and whistling women
want people to think they are very
tough females.
Eczema !,
The Only Cure.
Eczema U more than a akin disease,
and no skin remedies can care it. The
doctors are nnable to effect a cure, and
their mineral mixtnm are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble m In the blood, and
Swift's Specific is the only remedj
which can reach luch deep-seated blood
diseases. .. .. . .
Xetema broke out on my aanghtar, ana ton
us urd to ipread until
ker head was taUrtly ,
tore red. She was treated
by several good doctors,
bat grew worst, and tht
dreadful dlirwie ipread
to her face, fibs was
lakes to two ealabratad
atalth springs, sat s4f
teivtd no btstaSt. ksi;
patent madltiaea wars taken, bwt ssithoa re
sult, until wt decided lo try g. 8 0.,nd by tb
Hut the flrtt bottle was finished, her head be
gan to oral. A daawn souls cartel bar etv
Gietely and left bar skin perfectly smooth. She
i now tlitaea year old, and has a magnificent
erowth ot hair. Hot a sign at tba dreadful
ilsaase has trot- rammed..
H. I. Snoia.
M Leoa At, gt. Louis, ato. '
Don't expect local applications ol
soaps and sal vet to cure Eosema. Tber
reach only the surface, while the di
sease comes from within. ,8wiffi
ii the only core and trill reach the most
obstinate case. It Is far ahead of all
similar remedies, beoause it cures eases
which are beyond their reach. 8.8. 8. Is
purely vegatebae, and te the only blood
remedy guaranteed to eontajp no pot
atl, njarssjij or other mtoeral.
Books mafM fm by Swift Bpifl
Ckxnpaoy, aVUtAttv, Qorgh. .
M. Regular communications held on
lbs first and third Tuesday evening of
each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W.
M. : R. r. HOTDEl. Becretsry.
Office Bond Street, Astoria. Ore.
Astoria Public Library
Subscription rate) H per annum.
Wast Cor. Eleventh sed Ouans Itrecta
i ivs r i i
t? VW ssV -"Ota
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
at:AN5ES the System
wax,. e-:v.r
1 ' rotsausrtutaMtaraatlOiWaWta
Joft-s to
White cooks.
"the only" rettaurant.
Beat U-cent meal. Rising Sun reatau.
rant, (U Commercial street.
Our Ice cream Is warranted to be mad
of pure cream. The Parlor, neat to Joha
Biggestnd beat meal at Denver K ton
en on Nirxh street. Ii cents. Wtil e cook. :
Try It.
Best CallAirnia wine JO cents per gal.
Icn. Alex Ollbert, sols agent for As
toria. Telephone R.
Cretin Pur Rye, Amerloa's flnest
whiskey. The only pure goods, guaran.
lvd rich and mellow. Joou L. Caxiaou.
sol ajraot
The woman with a pretty ankle la
always afraid of soiling her skirts at
a muddy crossing.
Go to the Columbia Electrta & Re
pair Company for all kind ot new
and repair work, from a cambric
needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine.
Quick work and satisfaction guaran
teed. Logging machinery of all kinds
specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Big
gin at Co.
The average female will find heaven
a rather tiresome place If there are
no bargain counters there.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press. It "digests what you eat" and
positively cure dyspepsia. M. A.Ket
ron, Rloomlngdale, Tenn., says it cured
him of Indigestion ot ten years' stand
ing. Chaa. Rogers.
There may be things In this world
that no man can find out, but It's
different with a woman.
For wounds, burns, scalds, sores,
Skin diseases and all Irritating erup
tions, nothing so soothing and healing
a DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.
Emma Bolles, ' Matron Engltwood
Nursery, Chicago, says of It: 'When
all else falls In healing our babies, It
will cure." Chaa. Rogers.
Some women are so timid that they
always are several years shy when It
comes to giving their age.
Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo,
Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cured me of a severe case of indiges
tion: can strongly recommend It to all
dyspeptics." Digests what you eat
without aid from the stomach, and
cures dyspepsia. Chaa. Rogers
The woman who can look at a hole
In a newspaper without wondering
what was cut out. Is a freak.
For many years science has studledj
liquors. Result the whole world uses
whiskey. It has proven the best stim
ulant and does not Injure nerves and
tissues like coca wines and other drug
ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey
Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard &
Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon.
The life work of a woman with a
mission lasts until she succeeds In
getting a proposal of marriage.
Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. All orders left at Zapfs furni
ture store, 630 Commercial street, will re.
celVd prompt attention. Telephone SIM.
The woman who Is ugly enough
to stop a clock Is not a success when
it comes to stopping a street car.
There's always hope while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my lungs in bad
shape and I was near the first stages
of consumption. One Minute Cough
Cure completely cured me." Writes
Helen McHenry, Bismarck, N. D.
Gives Instant relief. Chas. Rogers.
The concert hall opened by Charlie
Wise at No. S3 Astor street. Is the one
and only popular resort ot Its kind In
that vicinity. Mr, Wise la doing some
thing new among concert halls. He Is
not only soiling a class ot pure liquors,
but la giving hit place a management
which Insures gentlemanly attention
and treatment to his patrons. The
tHd music and the crowd will be
found at Charlie Wise's place.
Ther Is one redeeming tmlt about
the new woman. She never refers to
herself as the new lady.
"They are simply perfect." write
Itob't. Moore, of LaFmyette, Ind., ot
IV Witt's Little Karly Risers, the
"famous little pills" tor constipation
it ud all liver ailments. Never (rip.
Chaa. Rogers.
To plena a man, got him to talk
about himself: to pleas a woman, gel
her to talk about her neighbor.
IVWltt'a Little Early Riser perma
nently cure chronic constipation, bil
iousness, nervousness and worn-out
feeling: cleanse and regulate the en
tire system. Small, pleasant, never
gripe or sicken ' famous little pills."
Chaa, Roger.
About the first thing the new wo
man will do when she gts In power
will le to make every year a leap
year. "Rest on the market for cough and
colds and all bronchial troubles; for
croup It has no equal," write Henry
R. Whliford. South Canaan, Conn., of
One Minute Cough Cure. Chaa.
It Is to be hoped that the new wo
man will be manly enough to remove
her hat when she goe to the theater.
E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cur
ed of piles by DeWItt' Witch Hasel
Salve after suffering seventeen year
and trying over twenty remedies.
1'hyslcians and surgeons endorse It
Beware of dangerous counterfeit.
Chiu. Rogers.
It takes the average woman about
twice as long to make up her com
plexion as It does to make, up her
Had Almost Given Up. but Was
Brought Rack to Perfect Health by
Cliainlierlaln's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
From the Tlm-s, Hlllstille. Va.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cur-
. ed. I hnd spent much time and money
; and suffered so much misery that I
i had almost decided to give up all hope
i of recovery and await the result, but
noticing the advertisement of Cham
' berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
I Remedy and also some testimonials
stating how some wonderful cure had
I been wrought by this remedy, I decld
I ed to try It After taking a few doses
I was entirely well of that trouble, and
I wish to say further to my reader
and fellow sufferers that I am a hale
and hearty man today and feel as well
as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore.
Sold by Charles Roger.
It Is said that woman do not possess
th creative faculty; and yet some of
them succeed In raising large families.
1100 REWARD. 1100.
The reader of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science ha
been able to cur In all It stage and
that is Catarrh. Hair Catarrh Cur
Is the only positive cure now knov
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
Ing a constitutional disease, require
a constitutional treatment. Hall s Ca
larrh Cure I taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the system, thereby destroy'
Ing the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building
up tne constitution ana assisting na
ture in doing Its work. The proprie
tors nave so muon raitn in its curative
power, that they offer On .Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fall' t
cure. Send for list of testimonials, .
Address, F. J. CHENEY aV CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pill are tha best.
A woman who talks about her neigh
bors will never become popular, but
she manages to get good and even
Just the same.
Take Laxative Bromo ' Quinine Tab.
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cun!. E. W. Grove's sig
nature Is on each box. 25c.
The woman with a large mouth has
one advantage over her less favored
nlHtcru, she run talk and be kissed at
the same time.
Mothers of children affected with
croup or a severe cold need not hesi
tate to administer Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It contain no opiate
nor narcotic In any form and may
be given as confidently to a babe a to
an adult. The great success that has
attended Its use In the treatment of
colds and croup has won ror It the ap
proval and praise It has received
throughout the United States and In
many foreign lands. For sale by Chas.
The firnt thing a 'man does In the
morning Is to fel for his pocket-book;
and the first thing a woman does Is
to look In the mirror.
The pleasant jffect and perfect afe.
ty with which ladles may use Syrup
FIb, under all conditions, makes It
l heir favorite remedy. To get the true
and genuine article, look for the name
of the California Fig Syrup Co., print
ed near the bottom of the package. For
sale by all drugist.
H.F.Prael Transfer Co.
TlHvhon B.
All Goods thlppee to Uur Car
Will Recelv Special At'eaUe.
He. m Duaa It.,
AsWrla. Or.
W. i. COOK, UgT
Rta. Tal. Ul
A familiar natn for tht Clil.-ago, Uh
wauket St. Paul lUllway. known all
over m Union a tht Ort Railway
running tha "I'lonear Limited" train
every day and night between 81. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago.
L'Ttvt only perNvt trains In the world."
Understand: Connections art made with
all Tranacorrtlnenlel LUi. aaaunng to
paaaegvnrs Ui bat serMc Known. Im
urkw eoache. tltotrto light, staam heat.
i of a varlly iialed by no other II "
1 a- i ( .L vt. "ha
MUwaukiM" whan going to any point In
tba United Htataa or Canada. All ticket
tgeeU sail mam.
Vor rales, pamphlets, or other Informa
tion, addmst,
J. W. CA8KY. C. J. KDDT.
Trar. l'eaa. Agt.. Oenaral Agont.
Portland. Or. foriland. O.r
B oo a. nT
H.nt p. m
PORTLAND. "Arrive.
Portland Union OepotlliiU a m."
for Astoria and IntaH l.topm.
medial point.
a. m
:0o p. m.
For Portland and In. ill a m.
termed: t points. ll;p.m.
p m l
i KllliWiAr
5 Wll lS'l.v '
t SW l:IAf
..Astoria.... Ar
...... Lv
7:W i
I It
...Seaside.... Lv
Leaves Astoria at l: a. m.; arrive at
Seaside t:S a. m.
Passengers may return oa any tram
shown on t.-hnlu't on asm dta
ALL TRAINS to and from Bretul ron
to Flaval and New Astoria via Warran
All trains make close connection at
Gobi wtth all Northern Paolfla tralnt
to and from tht east or Bound points.
At Portland with all trains leaving
Union depot.
At Attorla with IRAN. Co.'s boat
and rail line to and from Iltraco and
North Iteach points.
THROl'flH TICKETS on tsl at A-
:orla for Sacramento. 8m franclsco, all
Eastern and European points.
City tli-ket office Atorls. U4 Commer.
Hal atreet. J C, MAYO.
Oea'l Ft"! and Pass. Agent.
These liny Ctpiulei ar supenoi
to tMit&m of topaiot
luoeDt or injections tnniutnu
th tarns dueutt with
out Inconvenience.
Encyclopedia Britannica
, is Tsisrr icms OCTaro vot-caia
The Torch
of Knowledge
burns brighter to-Jay thanever
before, and yet there are many
people lower down in the scale
ot lite than
they ouht to
be or want to
be. The proN
lems of prr
gression can
only be solv
ed by think
ling, educated
Ijnen and wo-,
j men. A need
therefore ex-
' ists foragreat
power which
is far reaching in its influence.
Such a need is supplied, by the
world-renowned Encyclopedia
Britannica. It represents con
centrated thought from the be
ginning of the world to the
present hour. No subject in the
realm of reason is left out. The
information is easily found,
and is clear, concise, authentic.
The New Werner Edition, the
latest, the most complete, and
the best.
Britannica 1
for $1 Cash
and the balance In small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty (30)
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oak Book Case will be deliv
ered when the first payment is made.
Ths Complete Set fThlrty Largo
Octavo Volumes);
No r. New Style Buckrim Cloth, Msrblril
Eden, Extra Vuallir HI(lMachlnt Fin
ish Book Pappr, $ o "
. First payment. On lllnr($i.oo)antThret
iMIarstli (a! per monili thereafter.
No. . Half Morocco, MarMrJ F. Jfrs, Fatrt
Quality High Midline I Inltli Uuuk
Vtptt. Vf, ;i
Flrtt payment, Twft Dollars t$i.m) and Four
Lfallars i$t no) prr monili thereafter.
N. 1. Sheep, Tan r.ol'.r, MarHcd F.deei,
Extra tiallty High Machine Flnlth liook
Paper, $75.00.
Flnt payment, Three Dollars (f ).) and
Flvt loll.irs l$t 00) per month thereafter.
A reduction of 10 per cent. Is granted by
paying rash within y ilays afur tha receipt
of the work.
For flul? hy Griffin & iWd,
of its pudding I hi th sating
and th proof of Mquora
That' an argomaikt that' ron
olualv- tlatmonai ration.
Our will stand th ,
Light your bout and
pluc of butlnta with
Vapor Gas Lamps
100-cahtll Vor at a eot
ot to for thrt hsur
Miller & Barnaberg, Agents
408 tlond Btratt. Astoria.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It grtlBclally dj tfeU t he food t of. Udl
Hatura In strena'thenlng tnd reooo
itructlno th ihitutHl dluestlv or-
gi). nitthelatosldlscovareddliresV
tntina Uinic no tuner iircirawor
ean nntirflaeh It In tfflclvncr. It lo-
stantlr relievo and permanr-titlr cure
ivtsncM a. ina gestioD. iiaariDurn,
Flalulence, 8nur Stomach, Nausea,
all other result of Imrn-tf art dig estlua
Prapar by I- C OtWltl Co.. Chicago,
mmth pills
Rttter Vitality. Lost Vigor ig Mstsool
Cure Imnotency, Night Knilalonan4
wasting Ulitcascs, all c fleets of self-
CVjtaiiuse, or excess and imii
IVJeretlon. A nerve tonic unci
7 rilHWl milltirr. uriiiE u
la . J1BW..I..I. 1 . .a .t elteitW Iml
1 -j tsrriiia K",w w'tvov
rjV restore the lire of youth.
?! rNritytnaii nw per iox, u ooxc
or J0 with written gunnm
t to urn or rttiint tlio money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton V Jackson Gt.. CMICACO, IO
rr Sal br Charls Jloatrs. Drusfttl.
Astoria. Orrgon.
CtmJuctcJ by the llcrtcJIctluc l atltcrs.
....Hlgh-Crade College for Boys and Young Men....
Healthful and attractive location (M nittn rro-n ro.tatnd on th.
IVilfla Sprlngflld braaoti), Compltt. ,nd thorongH praiwratory, lliarary,
aoltnlflc, ohvaaloul, nortnaJ, comrol al coura. SPECIAL COUTWB8
malSotvatlx BurvayUig. Drawing. Cl m Bnrvtca, rrtc. Otrroan. Spanish
ixaltan, Bhorthand. Typrwrtttng, Tlg raphy, Mu.lo. Aradnnlo Dagr and
T'har' Bia: Crtlftrts and Diplomat Confrrxl Sand for eatalogu.
The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg
Th North Paoiflo Brewery, of which
Mr. John Kopp it proprietor, make beer
for domeie and eiport trad.
A lull lint si Plpat, Ttbasxa,
af 5mvktrt' Artlcltt.
47- Comtnarslal l.
' r ' " Seventh and
Jwth Pacific Brew.Qrq
ServedjDoy find .INIght.
C3JDI as linn 01 a (amoua JTri'tioli iiliVMb'lun a,lii a,i,.biw.,.u Ar .11
rtTPinKMK atrsnKthensiinilisiiii.rrflanisll wenk nrL'nnn. ...
Tha reason siiltcn'ra are not owrcH hv lirtiirs la iHrimaa nlnrirfptr rent are trnnblM with
Proalalllla. ('UI'II)KN hi Is U10 nl K noivii rrninlr t euro wlfltoul an iipi-riuUni. WnuiiHinnnl
alt, A wrltt"nuiirnnii'nitlvi"ran(l tiuini'y rpnirni il 1, r'. I'". il.n'H nut tulVvi a iiui. u.ut cure.
i0OatKJ,alil'ir,U),ljyinall. ttund for HREMclrenl'ir ami irailmoiilala,
Iddmst IA VI MKUICIME JO V. O. Iit OT, I'm Fran-hro, (Ml, r-r W tin
ClIAr-U;', OOE,t3. 4M Oormorrlal Bt.
"1 'I. 1
Thott who hav dslayad buying.
Huitimtr I'oolwwnr
ar fortunat. Thty can v at lt
a third on th usual euat of high grad
shoos. W ar oloslng out alt ot our
tiinwtmr tan shots at a groat r)1uctln.
W hav thstn for mtn. wonts and
chlMrtn. which should bring svtryon
tn th slur. They ar ntw good
which hav ovrtayd their tltn.
Comlilor th figure.
Petersen & Brown
J. A. Fastabend
and Builder
Hinidoiiioving Tools for Rout.
Andrew Lake
...Merchant Tailor...
I'crfcct Pit GunraBlccfl. Low Price.
Raosirtng and CVranlng Naally Ponax
Cnrpent.r nnd IlialUltjr
(lorsornl Conlrstclor
A Delicious tind
Palatable Drink
Absolutely Pure
Bottled txwr for family dm, or keg
beer anpplied st any time, delivery is
tlx city free.
"La Belle Astoria" Clftr
Schelbc't Special
And Othar Ttrnndti
Astor Street
- - Manocer
Jims or dioi of iut i-iii,rauv ursuus, sikIi m LuslMnnhooil,'
Inwimiila. rain In tin llnrk.Hainlnal Km laahma .Nnrvims Ivwilly,
riu.lilas, UiiClnsM t Aljrry, lihauatlns iiralna, VsrlrwMa
Coimllpiitlon. Itstnpaol Umn livilnr or iilnlit frr-'cnia mil. k.
iKMuf (liw hiiritn, wlilchl(iiotrhii'kiil Iniula to and
al I tha hnrrnra n( I mimtancr. I' PI l t: K t: clsunaus the llvsr, Hit
kl'lnttvn anil thaitrlnurvorirniisiil all