The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 21, 1899, Image 1

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    Me Not to be Taken rrpni The
Library without permission. Any
one found gu,.ly of such offense,
will be liable to prosecution.
HI Krtt
NO. 1)9
We urc the if llinj; agonti in Astoria for the
New Born
Steel Range
i'rkcs from 125.00 to $30.00. Cmy Kimjc Guariotctd.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
Also note igtots for the Celebrated Superior Stovt and Kinges lad Cole's
Air Tight
Pacific Sheet
2&Amy SMI
AJJI'VS r u Ml
Fnlt T . yrDP
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven, Wasb.
Wrlto Urn for PrU
Here Is
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
good things.
(teat Zealand Fire Insurance Go
Of New Zealand.
W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco.
Subscribed Capital . $5,000,000
raid-Up Capital 1,000,000
Assets . . . . 2,545,114
Assets in United States . 300,000
Surplus to Tolicy Holders 1,718,792
Has boon Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years
Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon
Breakfast Food Select Bran . . .
Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
A. V. A L, LBN'S
uunu niKtHi
Cole timers.
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
1 tox Decorated Paper
and Invelopen-iuo. Q
Metal Works
a List
HEALTH POODS la great varlctT
fresh from the mills.
. AROMATIC SriCCS guaranteed" the finest.
rivalled. Together with a host of other
dearly AllSoutkero Island Rebels
Recof olze Our Authority.
Tiantsstt Reflmeit Dettlac! by
Stonn-Cirdlnil Gltboaa Visits
MtKlnley-Traaspom Available
MANILA. fc-pt. 20-'atil report
from Ila Ito concerning th result of
Orneral Pates' second trip among the
outhern Inland Indicate that only
bout V0 riin-1 at Zanibottng refuse
to recognise American authority.
Pending Ihe outcome In the laland ofj
Lun, the city of Zum!xK4 li practic
ally dcrrted. Th reMs are In camp
four nilk In the country.
The Moros and Filipino. ar un
friendly and disturbance between
them are Haul, to occur. Join la quiet
and the native. o.mliiUK friendly.
WASHINGTON. Kept. 20,-The war
department hoa rwHved the following
Manila, Kept. 20. Adjutant General
Washington. A typhoon la prevailing.
The rulnfull for 48 hour. LSI Inches:
the lum 24 hour. 13. Delay th hlp
ment of the volunteers. Th Iowa will
probably null tomorrow. The Tenne-
rrglmrnt la detained by th. atorm."
gibbons at the white house.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20 Cardinal
Olbboni had a half hour' conference
with th. president today. Further than
ti admit that the oonveraatlon related
to Thlllpplne condition., Cardinal Olb
boni declined to make a statement re
garding th conference. The Cathollo
clergy have bee rery mnoh olfl
by report, erf the dewcratlon ot church
property In the Philippine by out
Senator Mon Pay We are Treating
' Filipino Worn Than Pi.
WASHINGTON. Sept. tO.-In an In
terview with a Poet reporter today,
Senator Mason, of llltnoU, said:
"On the floor of the senate I hall
continue my oppoaltlon to th war up-
on the Filipino. I would sooner re
sign my seat than treat a dog th way
A splendid lot ot th oelebrated
Southern Oregon peacbea ut
OHer Fruit...
In abundano and of all rari
ties. Vegetables..
Th moat complete .election In
th city and all fresh and crlap.
Prompt delivery to
all parts ot the city
and outside points.
Foard & Stokes Co.
He ay wa always o light
and well baked.
Well there Is a knack In mak
ing It.
But don't forget th kind of
stove or rang used makes a
difference. HI mother ued ,a
Star Estate Fenge
IM7-:.1j (
W. J. BCULLT. Agent.
Ill Bond Street
we are treating those people. 1 am
ashamed of itty country, People make
a great mlitake," he continued, "when
they say that I am against exponalon.
I am not. Hut expatnlon by purchaae
or other honorable mean I one thing;
expan.lon by fore 1 another."
wabhington, spt M.-secretary
lUxii received lnfrmaU(jn today which
give aaaurunc that enough ahlp can
be nured to land all troop In Manila
by Chrlatmaj. Telegram from dan
Franclaco announo that Uie quarter-
maaier ha optlona there on vescel
which will take th place of thoa be
ing repaired on the Atlantic coaat
WAHHINOTON. Sept. 20. Th war
department ha directed th tranaport
Sikh n1 City of Kl to go to Portland.
Oregon, and tak th Thirty-fifth vol
unteer to Manila. '
He Hay the Prospect of Increased
Traffic Over His Washington
and Columbia River Line
Warrants IL
Nf.W YORK. Sept, 20. Preldent
Mellen, of the Northern Pacific say:
Our annual report to be submitted thla
week will be very atlnfactory, much
more o than I anticipated. Thl I
beat expressed by the atatement that
we have earned fully five per cent on
all stock.
We w4ll haul a much grain thl
year as last It Is quit remarkable
the extent to which farmers are dis
posed to hold their grain. This Is es
pecially true of the pacific coast far
mers, though It Is alo noticeable to
a lea degree In the North we.t Tar
mers are well off. They feel they
can afford to bold their grain.
Evidence of this 1 een on our
Washington and Columbia River line.
lCfl miles long, when he have to prac
tically build a new line of warehouses.
I have ut authorised extensive Im
provements of this character at Day
ton, Washington, and other principal
points. If fanners would send their
grain out steadily w wvuld b saved
this expense, but as It Is there Is no
help for It.
Hall destroyed many million bushels,
but the damage on our line by hall Is
comparatively Insignificant, amounting
to not over 250,000 bushels.
The Union Pacific has not finally de
cided to use our facilities between Ta-
roma and Portland, but If they do we
will nmke all Improvements necessary
to accommodate the Increased traffic
BOSTON, Sept. 20.-The declination
of two men who headed lost year's
democratic ticket. Alexander B. Bruce
ot Lawrence, and Edward Slattery of
South Farmlngham, to run again this
yesr, was the sensation of a political
gathering of damocrats for th state
convention which will be held her
tomorrow. Tonight It waa announced
that Robt T. Payne, Jr., of this city,
hal consented to head th ticket, but
there was quit a contest for second
place with no agreed candidate at a
lata hour. Enough of the platform is
known to show that It will endorse W.
J. Bryan and the Chicago platform. It
wilt denounce trusts, Imperialism and
The Electric Doctor
Styner Theraputic Co.,
IUt a new lyMem of treatment for
Styner, The Electric Doctor,
Main Street Hotine, 150 0th Street.
Advice mid Electrical Disens-e
Rending Freo.
Hours from 10 to 4 and 7 to 8 dally.
British Transports Being Eqolp-
ted With All Spetd.
Wir Is luevltibl If Gmt BrIUli
Dees Mot Recede-Drey fni
ReltiMl Ffoo rrteofl.
LONDON. Sent .n ..!
ward .how of calm, Oreat Britain is barracks. One narrow lane
In practically th. aam condition todayl V C0'"PletleI' detachment
as was th United State a few weeks' mUnklpal hone uard- 0,9 ho"'
before the opening of th. wax with' C'T I M ' tMm M
Spain. Beneath th. crust of dlpIomUc'en10,,tbeIaneloU,eother- Carbltte
reserve, th. official, are working- night' "UD' fnm th """" whlIa
and day preparing for the signal to' V? ot iht
begin hostilities whether that comes or ? h'?lne Mile- The mM
noL England la not glng . be caught M f
napping any more that th. Transvaal! the WOrld- beln U flne men
While Lord Salisbury Is auletlv at I
home in Hatfield. Chamberlain Is bur-i
led in work at the colonial office, and'
doubi. force. .h. v.! .ri .1
dockyard, are straining every mtw I
to eiuip and transport the troops to
the cape I
It may be said for certain that Great'
Britain will do nothing to precipitate'
matters and that tb colonial office Is
far from admitting that the case is
hopeless. I
The preparations of the transport
Jelunge for the Mediterranean today'
with 1100 troops was witnessed by a'
large and enthusiastic crowd.
At Wolwich the activity increases
dally and especially in the ordnance
department where Haxium guns, Lyo
dlte sheila ballon equipments, gas re
servoirs and tothw paraphernlUa of
modern warfare are being hurried for
ward. This evening the Marquis of Lam-!
downe issued strict orders to th staff
ot the war department warning; all sub
ordinates to refrain from giving the
press any Inform itlon w'thout the au
thority of their superiors.
Advices from Cape Town are to the
effect that th Afrikanders declare
that the Transvaal will not yield fur
ther and that if the Imperial govern
ment doe not recede from Its present
position war Is Inevitable. According
to other advice the Bughers are rap-
Idly going Into La Agrs while the ex
odus from Joshnnesburg yesterday.
reached 1,000 persons.
Merchants are erecting barricades In
front ot their shop windows.
His Departure From the Jail Was
Completely Unnoticed.
RF.NNE3, Sept. 20. Capt Alfred
Dreyfus at S o'clock this morning let
the prison In which he had been con
fined since his return from Devil's isl
and, and proceeded to Verna, where he
took a train bound for Nantes. His
departure was completely unnoticed.
M. Vlrgule, chief of the secret ser
vice, and M. Dureault arrived at the
prison after midnight, bringing the
order of the minister ot war for the
release of Dreyfus.
Dreyfus walked from the prison to
th boulevard La Enne, where he en
tered a waiting carriage and was driv
en to the Verna station outside ot the
town. Matthleu Dreyfus met him t
the train, and accompanied him to
While this dramatic turn in the
Dreyfus drama was taking place all
Renne-s slept, and the departure of the
famous prisoner of Devil's island was
no more noticed than that of an or
dinary traveler.
Is Accompanied by His Brother
. Chlet ot Secret Police.
NANTES, Sept. 20. Dreyfus arrived
here this morning from Rennes, ac
companied by his brother Mathlew
Dreyfus, Chief of Secret Service M.
Vlguer, and one policeman. The party
traveled as ordinary passengers.
The train reached the station at 8:17
a. m. Here they took the Bordeaux
train to continue their Journey alone,
and where they arrived a few hours
later. They expressed the Intention of
proceeding to Nice.
Great Britain- Believed to be Going
Slow to Gain Time. '
NKW YORK, gept 20. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says:
The local papers 'are vibrating be
tween peace and war, some of them
reporting Kruger as giving way to
the British demands, and others an
nouncing an expected Boer invasion of
Natal and hostilities in sight of
Lolng's Nek.
The truth seems to be that the situ
ation Is unchanged and that Lord
Salisbury and Mr. Chamberlain after
comparing views today have decided
that a cabinet meeting must be held
to consider an alternative program.
The Transvaal government was
warned that the ministers would tak
the whole matter under reconsidera
tion If their proposals war not ac
cepted. This will require another
cabinet meeting when there has been
sufficient time for drafting a new dis
patch. This interval will also enable the
British forces already afloat or about
embarking to reach South Africa. The
ministers are not In hast to present
an ultimatum when they are not ready
for military operations.
Anti-Semite Agitator Is Token to the
Outskirts of Paris.
PARIS. Sept 20. The street ad
joining th Rue de Chabroi early this
morning, when th demonstration waa
made that resulted in the surrender
"l uuenu ren01e1 or
. m w . .....
"'"""'"" -" up me
""lo was preaented.
! . ' ,f ' """
" to the walU of the bouses
"'" "tr0n "OUsh to ,how ui
"7 T "l uu u
helmeU 'nd the outlined forms of
MT " tlred wlth the
io"' f6' "ed f roa, side to
was Intended to cope with ny more-
ment of the mob, should they Interfere
with the police arrangements or at
tempt to rescue M. Guerin.
At I a. m., M. Guerin appeared at a
window and asked an hour's respite to
make up his mind, declaring that he
would surrender then It his friends
were not arrested. At 4 o'clock a cap
tain of the guard rapped at the door,
as already stated. M. Guerin waa
the last to leave the house. Th po
lice had a doxen open cab all ready
for the reception ot the garrison.
M. Guerin was driven rapidly aay
by the leant crowded approach to the
P.ue de ChabroL Not a cry. was
raised and there waa no demonstra
tion. M. Guerin was taken to the
central depot In the Palais de Justice,
situated on -the lie de la Cite, In the
center of the Seine. Then the weary
troopers marched off. The officers
gave orders to the cavalrymen who
mounted their horses and trotted
away. Then followed the firemen In
wagons with their engine and fire es
capes and soon only a small detach-
ment of municipal foot guards and a
cordon jf police enveloped In hooded
cloaks remained In the Immediate
vicinity of the fort.
The majority of the crowd were at
the opposite end at the street from
which M. Guerin and his companions
were driven away and the first Inti
mation these slght-seers had that
Fort Chabroi had surrendered was the
withdrawal of the troops and guards.
The exclamation was heard on all
sides: "Why. they have surrendered
like sheep! What a fiasco!" and the
crowd, cheated out of the anticipated
storming of the fort by fire and water,
dispersed laughing at the expense of
the government, which had taken six
weeks to accomplish what, with a
little determination, might have been
done the first day and exchanging sar
castic comment on the chicken-hearted
conduct of M. Guerin and his garrison,
who they had fondly hoped would
make a spirited resistance.
Turchased by the English Develop
ment Company of London.
POKTIAND. Sept. 20. The Llnnton
smelter, 10 miles from this city, will
pass Into the hands of the English
Development Company, of London. O.
jr. Rosedole, manager of the Slocan
Ore Purchasing Company, of Nelson,
B. C, has been here completing ar
rangements and it is said the deal
Involves the expenditure of half a
million dollars. The smelter will be
started soon and ore from Eastern
Oregon. Coeur d'Alene and Southern
Oregon will be brought here.
PORTLAND, Sept. 20. The O. R. &
N. Company lias agreed to give the
United States government a right of
way over Its property for a boat rail
way around the falls between The
Dalles and Celilo. It will be necessary
to move the O. R, & N. tracks, as a
survey for the boat railway crosses
the railroad six times. This completes
the right of way for the boat railway.
Makes tfto food mere
nvl vttm
rrTV?VA n
Remarkatle Pbcncaeccn Caused
by Earthquake In Alatka.
Tile Row tad Fell Twtaty Fttt in
Two MIOBteiafld Bare Flssurts
0pcac4 Us tte Eirth.
SEATTLE. Sept . Th steamship
City of Topeka arrived from Lynn
canal this evening with the new of a
terrible earthquake which began Sep
tember I and continued until Septem
ber 10. Th teamer Dora carried tb
new to Juneau. '
The earthquake extended from Llu-
eya bay, ISO mile below Yakuts t, 509
miles northwest Into tb Cook Inlet
country. It waa the greatest phenom
enon ever witnessed in Alaaaka sine
a similar occurrence in Russian days.
Three distinct shocks were felt at Jun
eau. Building were badly shaken. Th
earthquake was th most sever at
Kanan island, at the entrance to Ya
kutat bay, sank 20 feet Into th sea.
At high tide only th tops ot tree ar
vissible. Huge fissures have opened
in the earth. The Dora' passengers
say that In two minutes tb ocean
rose 20 feet above high tide and almost
as quickly subsided.
The Indian at Yakutat have desert
ed their home and are living in tent
on the beach. Many have gone to
Judge Piper Dies at Seattle After a
Lingering Illness His Career in
- the Northwest.
SEATTLE, Sept 20. Judge W. G.
Piper, late of Moscow, Idaho, died this
Judge Piper had been in falling
health since his retirement from th
bench last January. He bad been for
about two weeks in the hospital, but
his condition was hopeful until yes
terday morning, when he suddenly
took a turn for the worse.
Judge Piper was "veil known through
out the Northwest. He was born in
Washington county, Penn., August d,
183L In 1S76 he came from Indiana
with his family to Oregon, locating at
Albany. In 1S0 he was elected dis
trict attorney for the thrid Judicial
district of that state. In 1887 he moved
to Idaho and was in 1S90 elected super
tor Judite for the Moscow-Lewtoton
district. He was re-elected in 1894.
He loaves four sons and two daugh
ters. . .
T -
Only a Few of His Relative Know ot
His Destination. ,J
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. A special to
the World from Paris says:
Captain Dreyfus in his present con
dition of health, will not go to Folk
estone. The report that Mme Dreyfus
and Mme. Labor! visited that resort
in search for quarters for Dreyfus Is
false. The destination of Dreyfus is
carefully withheld and Is known only
to a few relatives. Even the friends
wno fought for him keep quiet
through a fear of a leakage. Dreyfus'
weak health needs warm climates.
Both Labor! and Demange were seen
by the World correspondent. Each
disclaimed any Intention of going to
Rennes to see Dreyfus before his de
parture. M. Labor! said: "The pardon
can be only accepted as a preliminary
to a future vindication. Our appeal
is not yet withdrawn and If possible
it won't be. At any rate, the fight
will not be withdrawn."
Entile Zola said to the World corres
pondent: "The Rennes trial was the
dark fourth act of a dark tragedy.
How will the act end? Dreyfus will re
gain his place in the army and the
drama will end with a procession of
handcuffed generals led to prison or
else the dark days are Just beginning
for France, days when Justice will
come with the sword and torch and a
martyr's acquittal will be soiled with
the blood of humanity; by vindicating
Dreyfus, France will vindicate her
self. The curtain has risen on the
fifth act. The world watches."
delicious end wholesome
pwPf CO., Hmvrx.