The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 20, 1899, Image 4

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    ilili, ioiNlNQ ASTORIAN,
Wednesday MUliMKUi ?KHkm1!kii sen, im
- to K.nitK.-Tti ''Watty ArttttM ; A car load of cattle came down from lglnnor and advanced pupil can
tli twins u murk rMin mattsr M Pomnnj yesterday fir Christiansen htv thorough Instructions on the vto-
aa tkr Se MU4 la tm it
In Iks m1; paper that prrt IL mlrt
with a daily telesjraahle rvport.
To AlVKRTI8liK.-Tha "Dally As-
ra as aa othr paper p.blLk.U la Asto
ria. 11 la tkrrfu mora thn la lea aa
alaablsssaa adterU.tng nmllum.
( tin and piano by applying to J. H. Am
lm, a graduate of Dresden and Lcrp
Coneonily Tribe. I. O. It M., will give 'tig; conservatory. Hotel Tlghe.
a grand bull on Tnanksgiving eve at '
Foard A Stokes hall. I
PORTLAND, Sept l&-Contlnued
fair weather.
The O. B. F.
Cut ratc-a East via O. R. A N.
Ths rteamor Klmore will leave out
for Tillamook and Nehaletii thl morn
' Ing, weather permitting.
; 0enln( days of fall and winter mil-
llnety at Mrs. M. MoKenxle'a on Thurs
' day and Friday. Septemebr !l SJid tt
I The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ab
j ram ltengtllla, of Cnlontown, died
yesterday. The funeral will take place
i today.
Street cream In any amount at thej
For rent Furnished rooma with
flnt-claaa table board. AddIt Mr. K.
v Burbank potatoes, $1 a sack, at Pat's c Holdena corner Ninth and Duan
Market streeto.
P. D. Wlnton returned laat evening
from Portland.
Dr. Alfred Kinney
from Portland.
The Misses Nan and Beesle Reed.
accompanied by their brother, Randall,
returned llfl yeaterday for on outing at Gear
, hart park.
Willie Curtis celebrated
birthday yeaterday.
his nt
Ulna Nellie Phillips, of Ilwaco, U
Ytaltlug In toe city.
P. Gllmore left up for a business trip
to Portland yeaterday.
Home made chocolates, SO cents a
pound, at t:-.e Parlor.
District Attorney T. J. Cleeton left
for Portland laat evening.
The ofHce of the Lannetar has been
removed to No. 57 Bond street.
P. H. McDonnell went to Portland
last evening on a business trip.
The lighthouse tender Columbine haa
been laid up for necessary repairs to
tHr machinery, which will occupy
about 10 days.
Boquet Da Cuba and Key West Gems
are the finest Ave cent cigars that ever
came to this market Henry Roa, op
posite brewery.
Judge Sharpsteln and wife of Walla
Walla, arrived In Astoria yesterday
ou a visit to his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Ella Sharpsteln.
Jack Carnither. of Nelson. D. C.
who haa beeen visiting friends In this
city for the last ten days, returned
home last evening.
Klver Pilots Pay the rilkn. Muy Clet up
the lilvr by Very High Tide,
j H. It. Horthwlck, of the Goble lumber
e.repany. is about to erect a large
We guarantee our lea cream to be
tnade of pure cream. The Parlor.
dork at the
Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oysters, foot of Klgtith street,
shecps to"gue. etc., at the National j
Cafe. ! The Occident striving parlors and
I baths will remain open during the time
Reduced rates have been plac.d in
effect to
B. & N.
all points E-ist via the O.
J. H. Johannsen and wife left yes
terday morning on a pleasure trip to
John . F. O'Shea, president of the
Union Meat Company, of Portland, Is
in the city.
C. M. Cellar returned last evening
front a business trip on' the line of
the railroad.
Do you know Snodgraas makes
Stamp Photos? Call and sea them they
are ail ths go,
Mr. and Mrs. Alsey Fox have stored
their furniture and gone to boarding
.at The Stevens.
The Northwest Herald says Gov.
Geer proposes soon to offer a reward
for populist scalps.
J. p. Eralier and W. C. Curtis left
yesterday for a week's hunting and
Ashing at Elk Creek.
Miss-McRae will have her millinery
opening of fall styles. Thursday and
Friday, Sept. 21 and if.
the Improvements are being made to
the hotel. Customers wilt be given, the
same service and attention.
Great Interest Is being taken In the
bicycle race which takes place next
Sunday between McCroeky and Tan
gen at the A. F. C. grounds.
Thi British ship Safola haa finished
loading In Portland and is anchored
in the stream. She la expected to leavt
down in tow of a tug today.
Mr. A. Leberman, secretary of As
toria Aerie, No. 17, has accepted the
sub-editorship of the Fraternal Eagle,
the official organ of that order.
The American ship Standard cleared
at the customs house yesterday, lum
ber laden for Adelaide, Australia. 8he
carries 1,122,075 feet, valued at S10,l5.
The steamer Aberdeen arrived In
yesterday from San Francisco In bal
last and proceeded up to Portland,
where she will load lumber for the
return tri?.
When the new cottages now being
erected by Win. Barker on 17th street
are linlshed, City Attorney Harrison
Allen and wife will go to housekeeping
In one of them.
The steamer Mayflower In change
of Captain Ptckernell, la now open tor
business, except on Saturday and Tues
days, when ahe will be engaged on her
regular run. Apply at Fisher's dock.
In consequence of a decline of 5
cents a roJJ In the market price of
White Clover Creamery butter. Mr.
Townsend has been forced to reduce
the price paid for butter fat to 10
A dispatch was received from Mrs
8. Pantlgcr yesterday, stating that she
had arrived all right at Lo Angelea
and found her sister Thalle. who Is
down with typhoid fever, much Im
Th German ship Hahneman la on
the way down the river, wheat laden
for Queenatown for orders. She Is In
tow of the steamer Thompson and I
expected to arrived at Astoria this
Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. All orders left at Zpf"s fur
niture store, (30 Commercial street,
will receive prompt attention. Tele
phone .141.
Nine new residence buildings are be
ing erected in Vnlontown. making
things quite lively In that section of
the city. These Improvements speak
well for the frugality of Astoria's Fin
nish .Itlxens.
UnJer thi new schedule of th A. &
C. F. R., effective Saturday, the ith the evening train for Portland
will leave Astoria at I 10 p. m. Insleal
of C OO p. m.. arriving In Portland at
the usual hour of 9:40 p. m.
Yesterday afternoon the roof In the
engine room of the dry house at the
Clatsop mill took fire from a spark
from the boiler. Through the prompt
measures taken by the mill crew the
file was extinguished without the aid i
of thj fire department.
lnir with his parents at 0b.'l, has ,
been missing since last Sunday. Word
was received here last night that the '
boy hail been found at Butteville, :
where he had been working at hop.
picking. Tbe lad Is well known In.
The transport Sikh la expected to
arrive from stan Finncln'o Sunday
nest and will proce.'d to iSattand U
take the Thirty-fifth rr,itneiit lo Ma
nila. The regiment la composed of
six companies, consisting all told of
ft oitlcera and it) men. The Sikh Is
one of the smallest of the government
transporia and I but little larger
than the steamship I'olumbla. She Is
a two-decker but for the transporta
tion of the troops a temporary deck has
been also added. In SHakliig of the
Sikh's trip to Portland one of the river
pilots yesterday said:
'Yes, the Sikh may be able lo reach
Portland without grounding on the
sand bars. She will em here fully
eUlpicd and will m4 have to take
on supplied at IVrtland. Her cargo
not being dead w.dght. she should not
draw more than 1 fet alx Inrhra of
water, and, with good luanagement, she
should be tak.'.i totPrilnd without
any serious Inconvenience. Of course
It Is a risky uttdcrtuHing considering
the present stage of water and the
numerous sand bars and crooked rhan
nets the steamer must paa at different
points on the upper river.
"There are one or two places near
the mouth of the Willamette which
the Sikh may bang up on. These are
the moat dangerous places between
Astoria and IVrtland, the channel
there Is narrow and, despite the rf
forte of the Portland city dredge lo
keep the channel open, the sand liars
are continually forming, especially
whor. there la so little current In the
river as at present.
"It Is my oplnlm If we should have
two more summers like the one Just
past that vessels drawing over IS fret
of water will not bt able to enter or
piis out of the Wlltamott". A h-avy
freshet In the river for one season
would do more lo wash out the mu.d
Imrs at that point than all the city
dr.Ues Portland can build. Tiike last
s'lnmicr. for Instance, when there was
tut u small freshet In the river. Vea
a -Is drawing the .-ame depth of wal-r
i got stuck as those which passed
through Inst spring without nc-ldent.
! The water In the river then, too. was
: m hlich summer stnve.
i "The sanl tiara at the mouth of the
lllamette will form rapidly, no mnt
ter how many dredges the Port of
Portland commission may employ to
keep the channel clear. With one or
two cold summers like the one Just
passed, it Is not to much to say that
I the sand bars will pile up to such pro-
! portions that the river at that point
Yesterday afternoon the three- year-1 w, f()n)lo,y hw,rk , navl.
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Dealey died of diphtheria. This la the
second death that has occurred In the tne ttrg(, halibut was brought to
family Inside of a week. Max. Pohl j Astoria from Chinook. It was caught
took the body to Greenwood cemetery , i one ,,f McOowan a fish traps and
last evening and It was placed In the , weighed 75 pounds. It a seldom hall
grave beside the sister that died lost but enter the river but they have been
Sunday a week. ; taken occasionally In the lower harbor.
" i This la the largest one. however, so
Captain Roberts, of the nrlstlsh ship; far as known, that haa been caught In
Garnet Hill, has requested the owners tne rver, -rn, halibut entering the
of the vessel to release him from duty Columbia are said to be much superior
owing to sickness. Captain Roberts j to thos taken off the Sound coast. The
was taken down about two weeks ago. j latter are of a rank flavor w hich ran
but his condition Is not considered ; noticed even In the smallest slse.
daneemus. The owners have ap-1
rminteJ his successor and he Is now en-! It was rumored yesterday that the
.i. from TJverDool. The Garnet Hill tark Harry Morse had been libelled at
Is unchartered and Is In port awaiting PK-t sound for towage or pilotage
Tlio fclury of Urrgtur I'uUiiv ttilhuoii rent willi litr vhu 1 i.vh d totlny; thi ir ollii;n(ioii
will lt Kmil I.t-t t tta-tti I o in nowise lnuiilifiiftl. IitjT plolliiiiK U just im rwi nlial
us .rtit r Ixx.ks. T nioit llio im'sont'ti ovory ilviiiuiul, wo Imvo iirmngtil n Hjwiiil
Mile of t liiMitn'si olotliini;. This slo oion Imlny nml inclinlcH t-vcry nrtiolo iu-rossiiry
lt tnako up n roni Ulo wnnlrolio, wht tlior for tlio w lionlboy or wlitkilnirl. ToJiiy -wo
iiiolo tspoviiilly I my s' tlolliing.
Boys' Suits
M mils ccinlly sttlialile fur
srliisO sear will bo ofTurnl as a
I -m! or. These sulu are mads ut
all wool, caaiimrrsa and faury
twrrds; llie roala are doodle
brvalrl sod cll lined Ihtongli
on ; stils are knre lengtlis,
all sin'. Tloe suits formrrly
sold for M &'i o.l H0 bill during
llils t -'v li t ' K for
It ys' ' tuion ' weaU'ri
Full line In ! Is ami x lid
Co!. its :H'll S Hue, tf.l'll't an.)
i,v; ill 50'-
Sailor Blouse Suits
We liars 1 full list of sailor bhiiiis
1 ids, middy suits ami vests suits
thai are both soluble and srrvier
sl'ls for ths jnunger bnjrs. Thrcs
S' of blue arrgs and blue cbevlot,
fanrv stul nnsed Iweeils with
iilatn and fM, with
I .lurk silk sailor knol sllsrlinl;
lies thnr lo Ukl year at
$2.45 to $7.00
ll.iyK"ss Ihiiits
In 1 iilur-', iwisds, ss-gra and
1 Let lota, nil II Simla an. I see.
a. ijc to
A fuM Ifnu of luli'ets, slates, dr
lni lHlt. tpoi gts, Mrns tn
A nf lipt xl''' n'cr ''IU: '"r stlml is iIm? K.intwrartuit brand, thrsr; biivc
AllUlllirl ( d roats, knt'i: pants wiili double knrrs and soatn ;im
e. ino in l.uuy wt'is fd Sct'tch tvTil, cassimcrt s, st rjjt s ;u:d tlu vii t1. sizes nine to
filucn years $2.25 to $7.50.
The Better the Grade
The Bigger the Trade
Is the most reliable and best qualified mer
chant in Astoria to take Correct Measures
Of ( Iiu hl'o Im ve fii.pointrrl Mr. Wise tlieir resident ngetit.
An Jt-li fniil loi k fonUdiiir p -x- ifd "nmplts of Full nnd Winter Novt'tirs is
lu re fo your inspection.
Absolute trfttlsfactlon Guarotitccd.
Ev( ry pnririHil trutdf by expert ftrti.sls. ( hinpt s veiy n r di 11K foi m i I. iMiilit
P. S. An hjji I cntlt r will ulrc I e ul fr. iw'r fcloic 011 i tui-iiiij, Ocu l rr :i, Ht l i. b iin c i.e
v.-ill lie pVi.s.-il tr. ir.'et nil (iifUlleinen ho bre.iii leu died ill iiitifttif ilo'bini;. Von hi I e I
CMne l:e!' or p'lrrhi.' e (.r but.
hills contracted while leaving the Co
j luinbU river, but nothing definite could
I oe ascertained In regard lo the matter
Mr. M.ien, president of the Alaska
Paik-rs Aastclatlon, which brought
; the Morse here under charter.waa seen
i ly an Astorlan representative, but said
i he knew nothing of the affair and that
I the charter of the Morse had expired
! several days previous lo her departure
i fiom the Columbia.
Barge No. 10, In tow of the Mendell,
came down the river yesterday In a
"Inkhifc condition. Fhe was leaded
vlthr'K-k from Mt. Coflln. On the
Inst trip up the river It Is ti-tleved the
hargo struck , a snag which went
throuifh her bottom. Phe passed by
the city yesterdny with the water up
lo her guards. The pumps wire kept
at work all the time but could not k".-p
the hold clear. As soon as the rock
Is discharged at Fort Stevens the barge
will be hauled on the beach and over
hauled. Th! Alaska Ift.'krs Association lit
making preparitlons to eslalillKh a
regular steamship line running b--.
tiv,n Ha.i Fran.:isco and Hrlstol bay
next Hummer. The company has s-.v-ral
eannTl 'S located on nrlstol bay
which ara opdratvd during the sum
mer, but there has been no mall or pas-
s-ng t H.T Ice from that place. Tiie
m n insured In fishing th'.r are shut
out from the wirld whll tlic season
InstH. Tlu! association has recently let
a con'.raet to th! Wolff 4 Zwlcker Iron
wi.rkM, (if Portland f..r tin.' bulldt.i
i t u st.-a:nor .whl'-h will est 1200,001).
Work h.m alr"ady been commenced
a 1 nr. will b-t "enily for S"rvlc next
'',rz. flit- wlil run between Sun
i I'elc 1 1 mil th(? aiinoeliillon's can-
. in Hilstol bay. Another steumer
I I 'r; Iniulii or built by the imsoHa
;l 1 lo run In conjunction with the one
no-.' ui.-l-r coiiiCrucllon.
of the most remarkable marine
e"i. willed ever witnessed was brought
1 1 Aii .rla yest'Tday and placed on! mm ut Parson's flnh stand. It
" 1 J-dly fl 'li. about six Inches In
' :.-t r: . 1 '-r, which completely surrounded
a ': r-li r-. fully four Inched lung. The
II .( w,.i Hll','h;ly nbaorbod about
i.f th-? belly and the
'.4 (I'.tc'.fit mass of the Jelly
11 was .'Iscilored at the points
Vi- 1 i-.-viloi! was thus begin
ning to take place. The sardine lay
daily eril.'s-d and the bright sheen of
Its bn.-k and toth sides could be clearly
s en through the top and bottom of
the Jelly Ah, and was as fresh and un
impaired as when It was first enclosed
ir. Us strange prison. It Is Impossible
to describe thtf peculiarity of the sight,
01 how, without any apparent organs
of deglutition or assimilation, the ar
dine could have been gradually con
verted Into the aubelance of the Jelly
fish. The river at thla season of the
year la full of Jelly fish and myriads of
them are washed ashore In the lower
harbor at every change of tide. The
specimen In question was taken out of
a salmon trap near Chinook beach and
was entirely Intact and uninjured In
any way.
Win. Martin, against whom a true
bill was returned by the prosecuting
ottorrcy n Monday, was not srrulgn
ed In court yesterday, as his attorney
Is absent from the city. During the
:!ay f-rmal orders were hindcd down
by the court aa follows: Win. Hell vs.
llohrrt U. Hell et at. Judgment and de
cree. II. L. Bahln vs. ('has. Sternberg,
Judgment and order rale of attached
property. Astoria llulldlng A Loan
Association vs. Fred Tronson, default.
N. D. Bain vs. 11. P. Olsen el al, set
tled and dismissed. Hwun Wilson et
al, vs. II. J. Johnson, default and de
cree of foreclosure. C. P. Peterson vs.
C. P. Nelson et al, decree. T. K. Staf
ford vs. D. F. Stafford et at, default
against D. F. and It. K. Stafford and
set for 'rial Monday, September 25. C.
J. Curtis vs. City of Astoria, Judgment
of dismissal upon failure of plaintiff
lo file n amended complaint. Free,
man Porker V. Ines K. Parker et
al, order for confirmation of sale. Jur
ors discharged fur the term excepting
John Knberg, 1'has. Ilohr. Thoinns
(lrang, II. F. Allen, John fhltwood,
R. C. Jeffrrs and It. C. Harrison, who
uie excused until Monday, September,
25. Mutual Trust Co. vs. Pacific t'nlon
Packing co., plaintiff allowed 30 days
bey. n.l the original 60 days to file bill
of exceptl ns.
Astoria's Lending Hotel
McrIcp tXr Wrljjlif, Props.
W. V. Whlpplv.lVuprlvt: p.
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisca
ATTKXTIVK ScrtVICK ... ruistxr.
538 Commercial St., Aatrria. Oregon
In all slsrt soil styles.
Wr hall 0011 1 1 tine fo sell
Iron and l!rss IliUlesds
at Mm sains Low Trlies
regnsillrss n( llie raise ill
lbs tries of Iron and brass
Inuring the month of September, 1S1,
I will dispose of my household furni
ture, consisting of carpets, chairs, wal
nut secretary, parlor organ, chamber
suits and bedding, loung-s, lamps, ball
ruck. In hies, pictures,
hooks, crockery, kitchen range, refrig
erator, etc.
Please call between the hours of I
3. m. and ! p. m.
Mrs. W. W. PAItXnp..
When woman gots her rights, she
will be man's eiual Instead of his
Good Coffee
Great AmcricasT Importinar Tea Ga.
Biu Picscnts Free.
171 Commercial St., Astera
Delivered at yopr
Office,. Store,
or Residence,
Only 60 Cents a
Ccm mission, Brokerjige,
Irrurance 2nd 5 lifppfngr.
Cuslottt IIomsbc Dcoksr.
Asent 7. k r".. n I Psrlflr I'jrr ' "i.
A physician makes the statement that
we see with our feelings. There Is
more truth In this than ths thoiiglit-I-ks
will peri'elve. For Instance, take
a man or woman with a weak stomach
which has not ths power of giving the
blood tha nourishment It requires. The
nysten. Is filled With poisonous bile.
I'oor blood coursing through the brain
poisons and weakens It, and the suf
ferer Is utterly Incapable of enjoying
henuty of any sort, or even a hearty
meal. The reason the bilious and tho
dyspeptic who takes Hosteller's Stom
ach Hitters finds llfo brighter and
rilus,intir. Is because It cleanses the
system and strengthens the stomach.
8.0 that a private revenua stnmp
covers the top of the bottle.
j ron sale.
I Furniture of upper floors of Centrnl
hotel. Good paying business. Owner j
wishes to go to Europe. Will be sold
I cheap If sold wlthlng 15 dnys.
...Steam' ilaundro...
i). ::.u, Ptop'r.
We tra dnlnrmiirh 'o euro ths ir"lilng
hslili We nilir ii hell, r wu, en. np-
rsnd 11 inn t roiiviiiilent wiy. I''mul
ly witnlilng tun Ironing rlieiiper then
you enn liev. llieni dona st home, Unit
1iiiiniii.v n ltli I lie iivh1 toil
l'r (I f elleg ell Mottflnv.
ItfSK' employed
t'urii rVli.ihsni .sior diieeti.
Dim lliuhcr, Prop.
No. R71)
Commerclnl Ht, Astoria
Open all NlgH
l(Wawiiw.v.v.iv;.vv- mi