The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 20, 1899, Image 2

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gaily 2Utvtmu
Telephone Mala 0.
Behl Ty mail, per yer
Bent be man. per moo ilk
tkrv4 wmer, pr month
...X n
BrU br"mail, per idvano..
' Posta- free tl aubacrtbers.
AU communications Intended tor puli
ation should b directed t the editor.
Business .WMraunkmttona of all kind
rd remittance must b addressed to
The, Astorlaa." I
Th As:ortaa r rwntee to It advr
tUera tl unteat circulation . of any
wispapar published os Um tSlumtx
Advertbinj rata) can tu a aiv"
alio, w tb busia snacr. :
Pleasing evidence of the homog.-nlty
of the American people, although rep
resenting ewrv nationality and creed
.. i . . . ,.
Vnitu n tmttntf men. lit r.mnd in the ae
couius published by the San r"raiici.-o
papers of the banquet tendered the1
Jewish soldier, of the Tweotv-seventb
irifaiury at the cloe of the Tor. Kip-
pur fast laat Thursday evening. The
TAty-seventh regiment sailed ' for
Ue Philippine, on Monday, and the
baiuuet was designed both aa a cele-
bration of the great Jewish fast day
anj a farewell entertainment to the
young men who were so soon to take
ihrjf departure for a far away land to
aid In upholding ibe honor and dignity
of their country and flag. ' '
Tha -Twenty-seventh was largely
recruited in the Eat and (here are
. many Jewish boys in the regiment,. all
fr.rf New York and ' that vicinity.
Twenry-two of these Jewish youths
&-rtJ .all through the Cuban cam
't uaig-i, and bore testimony to the loy
alty and patriotism of their race by
thfir prompt re-enlistment at the call
of the country for the war in the
Philippines. The banquet was given
by the Aluninl Asiociation of Congre
gation Beth Israel, one of the most
aristocratic circles of the city of San
Francisco. Permission was obtained
fft m Colonel .Bell, in command bf the
re.giment, , for the' attendance of the
young .Tien at the Day of Attonement
servlees, held In Dr, Levy's synagogue,
and the. banqun took place at 8:34
(t'clock In the evening.
Among many notable Incident, of
the occasion were brief addresses de
livered by Colonel Kowalsky and Dr.
Ltvy. Colonel Kowalsky warmly
praised Rabbi Levy, by whom the ban
quet plan was first suggested, and
cRwetl his 'address with a glowing trib
ute 'o the fidelity of the Jew to the
American Union. Among other things !
the colonel said:
tk 1., i ,d ... ' . . , . . j
The Jw In all times of history has,
been loyal to his "religion. Wherever
bo iiaa adopted a 'country he has beerf
one of tht most' loytfl. supporters of
tlmt country,. and It l with pride that
e see so large ia precerrtage of' our'!
Jewish boy fighting beneath the Stars j
and .Stripes
Vr. Levy speech was Intensely patrl-j
. " 1
otfc, and his earnest commendation of '
the young mcrj whom be adilressed for
their course In obeying their country's
call will be touching and most thrilling
to every American heart The follow
ing extracts from the doctor's address,
as It was reported In last Friday's Ex
aminer, are worthy of republica
tion In every newspaper In the lan 3.
Dr.-Levy said:
J am particularly touched by the
privilege of meeting the soldier boys
here at this time. When their regl-1
merit arrived a week ago, one of the J
Diemt-ers called at my house with ai
message from New York, and asked, j
on. behalf of the regiment, the priv-,
ll'-gc of celc-brating Yyn Kippur in ihe '
Jewish way.
ThS'O be described his efforts to ob
tain military permlHgion for attendance
at the religious services, sla-ting that
he had tolj the colonel that when men
ere found In faithful allegiance to the
religion of their fathers they will be
found true to their flag. He spofte m
Intense loyalty of the United States
flap, which ha declared was to the Jews
the best fag in all the world.
"Do ynur duty to the flag," he added.
"One Jew cannot fall In that without
dnltig Injury to all other Jews. You
are-vrpected to do more than your
duty. This may be the laM Kippur on
earth for some of you, and I trust that
lfjoroasinn demands It you will die
bravely, eouragsotisly,, heroically, be
neath trie folds of the flag that offers
freedom to all."
Pr. Levy spoke so touchlfigly abjut
the duties of the soldier, and the going
fiom Imme, that many of the soldiers
Louis Michaels, president and Loula
Goldherg, past president, of the Alumni
S-K-lclv of th, fonrrr:UUtn Israol
4leH.vJ Hi-imi( 4divft.' Thtn
tit. Von'sinky railed! tn the '.uMI.t
tW a ppxtlij lnd oreewtit Frank Km
lib rvij.onJ.'dX . ! Ji U
Y'ThAsergfH Naufthat tlib "'Jewish
member of the Twenty-seventh rf
merit would b first on the Bring line
uh.Mwvr lb tv;lmnl should to rail
ed Into action.
rrlvate Jacob SoU...Xwi.tL-
liijt that the Jewish member of the
regiment wouU do. their duty In what
over shape the duty might present It
self. He thankeJ Dr. Levy, Colonel
Kowalsky and the other for the fvn
erolis reception.' 1
- 3. Myerson Jii Major Kill abso
made siwche. Then cheer wer giv
en by the oldler for President Mc
Klnley. for Colonel James Bell and
other regimental otnoera, fw Dr. Levy,
Colonel Kowalsky and the member of
the Beth Israel Alumni Association, for
Mr. Levy, for San Francisco, for "old
New York.- Dr. Levy led In the slnr
tnc of "America," and then the ban
quet ended. Vc. Levy provided trans
portation to the Presidio for the
"The flag of the United States, " as
Dr. Levy truly says, 1 to the Jew as
I to every nationality and creed "the
best flag on earth." And to the lasting
credit of the Jew, no class of American
! cltliens has been more forward In time
. of national peril or calamity than the
' Jew, both with the tender of hi purse
and with his lifeblood. If necessary
..x . j.
ro other country have mar honor, or
. a larer har of Influence In pub!
! "d Priv" Mf n
j ,,nrtlv nt " class nn 1
,n lhe Un,twl SlWe Numbering
onl bout on mJlllo in PPtlon
01 MTl vtiHy.w million, no ele-
raent of our people I. represented In
so great a proportion In 'every publl
movement wnicn tenia to the coua
try's advancement and the betterment
of the condition of mankind both
home and throughout the world.
When a nun ia
struct: down by
potKned arrow tip-
fji. pea who iix venom
of the deadliest of
serpents, he know
tnai mi rme Has come, ueatn is on it s
rnestifln r-f momeBts; but not ore man in s
taooand mines that. hen a little extra
bile gen into his blocd hw who'e fyistem i
beiny poisons just an trulv as if a venom-
tipped nrrow was .'ticking in Bis vitals.
RaTtlrtnate poison h s rood deal qcick
cr than bile-poison but the latter will do
just as deadly work if it keeps on area
mslatinr in the system. Probably two-
thirds of the case that end in consumption
begin with liver complaint " and indiges
tion. These troubles would never ret as
for as consumption if Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery was nscd" before the
bile poisonicir pet fairly under way. , This
remarkable "Discovery" invigontts the
torpid liver and gives it power to filter the
poisons out of . the system rapidly and
It strengthens the digestive fluids and
enables them to make rich red nourishing
blood; it builds op healthy mnacle, steady
nerve force and enduring strength. , i
The experience of Mr. Val Barksrd. living si
Ave., huff to, N. Y.. t gren n his own
eks aco I followed your advice
I and took two tnttles of Dr. Pierce'
a Golden Med
ical DiKOeryiiw1 slao two bottles of the'Heas-
ant Pelieu.' I eooaxMr mrseu entirely oireo.
as there hare been no emptfons aince I nnished
the last bottle. I think it ia the treatert remedy
on the rlnbe (of blood and dir-tire disordera.
Mv appetite itereaaed wooderTally and 1 have
alio sained Utah. I would like exerrbody to
know the true vatoe of Dr. Pteree1
a meainnes
as I am confident by peniatent aae they cure all
ailment (or which they are racoanistiidcd."
No household should be without a relia
ble doctor's book. Send I one-cent stamps
for Dr. Pierce's lorjo-psqre "Common Sens
Medical Adviser" to the World's Wpa.
sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
A heavier cloth-booad volume H stampsl
A woman never tell, ber age after
she get. old enough to know better.
A skis without blemish snd a body noar.
Ished with pur Mood. Such is th happy
condition pradaced by CUTICURA SOAP
and CCTICUKA Ointaaent, xtsnuUy, sad
severest case of torturing, dlsllguriag,
Itching, burning, and scaly humor a. -
Solil eFtnjtiT. Tries. Tss sr. SI Hi or, Crticraa
So.F. at; oisra'asT. uic i HuoLrsaTJl l MM). .
Pmti Osl'U AKlt l.HrK. C'Sr , Bots rrot
WT " Ho 10 Cius Uon.-S4-fM boot, n
The only way to successfully argue
with a woman Is to keep silent.
No other soap in
the world is used so
much ; or so little of
it goes so far.
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the 5ystem;
au tms asMuiNt - MaH'r o by
..awn.. rti.0 v.
XZ' .e:?N
tea aui si au aavaw u iusswl
Jeff's I
Whit cooks.
"th only restaurant.
Beat U-cect mead. Rising Sun restau.
rant, pi CoavnercVal ;reL
Our Ice cream Is warranted to be made
of pure cream. Th Parlor, next to John
Digest and best meal at Denver K-U li
en on Nimh street. U cents. WM cook.
Try It.
Best Caiornla arloa S) cents per gaU
kn. Alex Gilbert, ao'a agent fjr As
toria. Taiephon n
Cream i'ure Ry. America's finest
whiskey. Th only pur gjods, gusran.
teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson,
sol acoC
Women aeldom stutter; probably be
cause they have so much to say and
haven't time.
.. l.L. X- 1
Go to the Columbia Electrto A Re
pair Company for all kind of new
and repair work, from a cambric
needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine.
Quick work and satisfaction guaran
teed. Logging machinery of all kind
a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hlg
glns at Co. !
' Prove that a woman Is not contrary,
and you have proof that she Is not a
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press. It "digests what you eat" and
positively cure dyspepsia. M. AKet-
ron, Ploomlngdale, Tenn., say. It cured
him of Indigestion pf ten years' stand
ing. Chas. jRog'irs. . ( 1
Ji woman can make a fool of almost
any man if Nature doesn't get the
trt of hef. 1
For wounds, burn, scalds, sores,
skin' diseases and all Irritating erup
tions, nothing .0 Soothing and healing
as DeWltt s Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. I
, , . ,
Emma Bolles, Matron Lnglewood ;
Nursery, Chicago, says of It: "When .
all else fall. In healing our babies. It
will cure."
f-hn p ,
The woman who doesn't use a little
powder on her face has nothing left
to' live for. I
Chester H. Brown, Kalamaaoo.
Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cured me of a severe case of Indiges
tion: can strongly recommend lt to all
rfuananlln, " T'l Wr what urn. Bit
ithout aid from the stomach, and i
cure, dyspepsia. Chas. Rogers
Man is a slave to the almighty
dollar, and woman to the 98 cent bar- '
gain counter. I
For many years science has studied j
llnuors. Result the whole world uses '
whiskey. It has proven the best stlm- !
ulant und does not Injure nerves and j
tissues like coca wines and other drug-
ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey
Is the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard &
Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon,
Age may not be talkative, but It Is
sure to tell on a woman in the course
of time.
Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. All orders left at Zapfs furni
ture store. 630 Commercial street, will re.
celva prompt attention. Telephone 11(4.
A woman can strike a harder blow
with her tongue than she can with
her fist.
There' always hope while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my lungs In bad
shape and I was near the first stages
of consumption. One Minute Cough
Cure completely cured me." Writes
Hflen McTIenry, Bismarck, N. D.
Olve. Instant relief. Chas. Rogers.
Th tHincert hall opened by Charlt
Wl at No. W Aator street, la th on
and only popular resort of It kind In
that vicinity. , Mr. Wise I doing some
thing new among concert halls. II Is
not only selling a class of pur liquor,
but la giving hla place a management
which Insures gentlemanly attention
and treatment to hi patron. Th
CvmhI muslo and th crowd will b
found at Charll Wise' plac.
A woman ran come as near tilling
her big sleeves as a man can his silk
'They are simply perfect." write
lU'b't. Moore, of Lafayette, Iml., of
lVWItfs Little Early Riser, th
"famous little pills" for constipation
and all liver ailments. Never grip.
Chaa. Roger.
A wlae man never tries to give a
I woman a satisfactory answer to a
tvwitt's Little Early Riser perma
nently cur chronic constipation, bl.
louanesa, nervousness and worn-out
feeling; cleanse and regulate th en-
system. Small, pleasant, never
muy come and men may go,
but a woman's tongue well, you know
I ,h r,t"
on th market for coughs and
d all bronchial troubles; for
croup It ha no equal." writes Henry
hltford. South Canaan, Conn., of
Mlnu'e Cough Cure. Chaa.
Any woman who Is a match for a
man, will always fire up when he
strikes her.
Men sometime think they und
stand nonien, but men are sometime
' E. E. Turner. Compton, Mo., was cur
ed of piles by DeWltt Witch Hasel
j Salve after suffering seventeen year
and trying over twenty remedies,
; I'hyslclans and surgeon endorse It.
', rteware of dangerous counterfeits.
Chas. Roger.
A woman will Jump at a conclusion
altmwt us quick lis she will at a
a in.'.i i .s c;s i ihui.iia ci'iii'u
Hal Almost Given Vp, but Was
Brought Back to Perfect Health by ,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
llarrhoea Remedy.
tit-AO ilia tuiioiiiAU
f rom tne Time, tiiiiatuie, va.
I 8 u (Tf rod with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cur
ed. I had spent much time and money
and suffered so much misery that I
had almost decided to give up all hope
of recovery and await the result, but
noticing the advertisement of Cham
berlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and also some testimonials
stating how some wonderful cures had
beea wrought by this remedy, I decid
ed to try It After taking a few dose
I was entirely well of that trouble, and
I wish to say further to my reader
and fellow sufferers that I am a hale
and hearty man today and feel a well
as I ever did In my life. O. K. Moor.
Sold by Charles Roger.
Women ar rarely good listeners
unless there hi a convenient key-hole.
1100 REWARD. $100.
The readers of this paper will b
pleased to team that there I at least
one dreaded disease that aolenc baa
been able to cure In all Its stage and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now know
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
tng a constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surface, of the system, thereby destroy
Ing the foundation of th disease, and
giving the patient atrength by building
"P tne. constuwion. ano assisting na
ture In doing its work. The proprle
h-V(! .0u , lt, Xntntivl
powers, that they offer On Hundred
Dollars for any case that It falls to
cure. Bend for list or testimonial.
Address, F. J. CHENEY ft CO..
I Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druggist. 75c.
Hall' Family Pill ar the belt.
i a gossip is a woman wno ran mane
nve " put'mg lo nu two togeiner.
owe. t.i
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove' slg-
nature Is on each box. 26c.
Money talks. That's why they put
a woman s head on the silver dollar.
Mothers of children affected wltb
croup or a evere co(j nee(, not
late t0 a,,mlnlflter chamberlain's
Cou-h Rcla. It ,.,., no omat.
nor narcotic In any form and may
be given as confidently to a babe as to
an adult. The great. Jiuccess that has
attended It. use In the treatment of
colds and croup has won for it the ap
proval and praise It has received
throughout the United States and in
many foreign lands. For sale by Chas.
Sewing Machines
Sold on
Hasy Payments
OM machines tnkenineiclianc.
C. P. Locney, Agent.
433 Coinmerciu) H trrtt, Astoria.
Tslephon a,
All Coodi thtppaa to Our Car
will Kav-elve Hptcial At'tnUaa.
No. M Duaa It.,
Aaurta, UN.
Y. J. COOK. Un
Ha. Tt. lis.
A familiar nam f Un Chl.-ago, illW
wauka A th. Paul Railway, known all
over rh Union th Ore Kailway
running th "Plonr Limited" train
very day and nlrht twlwaan at. Paul
and Chlcamo, and Omaha and Chlao.
"Tit only prto trains In th world
Vndsrwand: Co inactions art maJ with
all Transeoittlnenial Line, assuring to
DaaaaavnTs th beat aeriva Known. Lu
, urk)U, aievtrl.. IkIii. .team hwL
a.. th4. mr fj. v.. .Tha
alUwaukm" when goln to any point in
th Vmted Btatoa or Canada. All Ik'kal
taent sail tbam.
'or raiea, painphl a, or othar intirma
twn aiiir'va
Tray. I'a As!.. Unral Asent.
Tortland. Or. I'onlsnd, 0.
Laav. PORTLAND " ArrW.
lata, m 'Portland trhlon' Danot .111:11 a mi
t.-W n. m.Jfor Aaiorta and Inters I.) p.m.
nieUiat points.
m jFor Portland anj in. II am.
es " P-
p. m.!lertnad sta pHnia
p m la m i
I WIII B !,v
I J.'-ll S3 Ar
S ' 1J 11 l.v
t X I Ar
j m p
..Aaiorta.... Ar T
.lV.rrnw....A;i J
...S-aalde.... Lvj ( It
I 10
Leaves Astoria at I M a m ; arrlva at
Seaald a. m
Taase-nc'ra mar return on ny train
hown on sehedu! on same data.
ALL TRAINS to and from Seaald run
to Flaval and New AeMrla via Warrens
All trains mak los connections
Oobl with all Northern Paclflo trains
to snd from ih east or Sound points
At IVrt'.jn.l with all trsms laavlnt
! t'nlun depot.
At Astoria with IRAN. Co.'s boat
and rail tin to and from I waoo an
.North liea.h P'llnrs.
TMUOl till TICKETS on sals at As
torla for S.ieramanto. Sin Francisco,
Eastern and European points
j city tl.kt offlca Astorls. 124 Comnwr.
! atreet.
O'n'l Fr't and Pass Agent.
I new bny Cspiulei ar superior
to Biium of Copaiba
vuoeos or injections ancirrirM7
th sam disetisl with
out inconvenience.
.C'A Ay a'l flrnpfi'tft.
The Latest, The Best,
The Most Complete,
areconstantly comingup every
day inliterature.artand science
which you wish you knew, but
you don't.
Make up your
i mind that you
tare not coins? to
!be caught this
Whenever a
new subject is
brought to your
attentiondig in
to it and learn
all you can
about it. The
Brita inicaisthe reliable source
from which clergymen, profes
sional men and women, schol
ars and educators everywhere
draw information quic'ly. It
has been the standard for over
a hundred years. You should
not miss the opportunity of
securing the
for One Dollar
and the balance In small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty ( 30)
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oak Book Case will be deliv
ered when the first payment Is made.
Tb Complet Set (Thirty Larg
Octavo Volumi)i
No. f. New Style Buckram Cloth. Marhlei)
Edges, Extra Quality High Machine fin
ish Bonk Paper, $4) 00.
First payment, On Dollar (Si 00 snd Three
Dollarl$)-x) par month thereafter.
No. a. Half Morocco, Marbled V.iy,t, Extra
Quality High Machine Finish book
Paper, $00.00.
First payment, Two Dollars ISj.oq) and Four
Dollars ($4.00) per month thereafter.
No. j. Sheep, Tan Color, Muhlfd Edtres,
Extra Quality High Machine Finish liook
Paper, $?j.oo.
First payment. Three Dollars f$i.oo) and
Flv Dollars i$;.o) Per month thereafter.
A reduction of 10 per cent Is grsnted by
paying cash within y days slur Unracalfit
of lha work.
For Bole by Grlllln & Reed.
V J I i
7 J
of th puddlnc Wi In th oaitna
and th proof Of liquor
That' an artomoiit thai' ron
clualva cUanuriatratsuo.
Our will Mam rh twt.
Light your hotis anil
plac of business with
Vapor Gas Lamps
100-canJI powr at a coat
of lo for tiim bur..
Miller & Birnaber?, Agents
40S Duncl Btrt. Astoria.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It arUflflally dlireiU t he food ant aldi
Katuro In ireimthenlnir and recoo
lUucling th ihausteHl dliresllv of
Sana, It lthlairstdlooTrTxldi(rV
atit and tonlo. No dlher preparaUof
can onproacb It In efficiency. It In
stantly rellv4 and permanently cunt
Prsprpalt, IndHftwtloo, Heartburn,
Flatulence, 6our KUmiarh, Nausea.
all other reaulU(iflinpTfirtfJlKrtloa
Praparad by I. C 0iiu Co, Cbicago.
filnlSfn pills
tutor VlUllty. LmI Vigor a Msakoss).
Cure ImtiotetKy.Nli'ht KuiliialonsanJ
wasting diseases, all c fleets of sell-
rTjQ abuse, or excess and Indls
IJjf retlon. A nrno tonic and
blood builder. Urine the
t w i pina Kiuw iu Mic.s.n.vaia auu
restore the Are of youth.
wfry mail no prrboi, O U)xea
for t..AU; with written Riiiirtuv
too to cur or ruAintl tlio moiicy.
Srntl for clroular. A del rem.
Clinton A Jackson Kttu, CHICACO, ILk
Par 81 by Cbarla Roaara. Druflal.
Astoria. Orrfon.
(U.nductcd hy the IWiicdlclliw lallicr.
....Hlgh-Grade College for Boys and Young Men....
Healthful an! attraottv location m0n (n-a P.-lan4 oa lb kVulhra
Iw irlo Bjwlnsrflelcl branrti). Complrt thoroiich praparatory. ltrry.
solWlflc, claaaloaU normal, eommarci .1 ooura. BI'BCIAL COL'IlMrj In
mafiatuitlw. gurvtylnc. Drawing Civil B.rvl,.. rrvnvb. Oarmn. Bi-nU
nHan. Shorthana. Typawrnin;, T.fnanhy. Muslo. Axdemlo Dtrre and
T-hat' 81 a I Crtlllat snj Diploma CW-rrtd. Send for rstslofu.
The President Mount Anjfel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg
The N.irtb PsclMo Hrnwry. .if wiurbl
dr.John Kopp to proprietor, aakmberr
for dotnes'io and export tride.
florth Pacific Brewery
W. F. SCH EI BE, ssrtsss
lull line i Pip.
and Amokers' ArUdas.
ty l.a.tMnsrlal Sal.
Seventh and
Served Dy nnd Nlaht.
srmai ... irrrs an in
- kl'
iduovnanil Ihe
7'ha reason aurrrren are. not onrr't he liortnra la bernus ninety per rent ar ttn;iblM with
rroasalllla. )U hi iikis k ia we onl wari'iwn
ain. A written aiiHranirw pivf naixi niom'y iriurnru
r' W DU.,H( I'll W UIMH. m ,H,.UIUII I, will nHIUMIH.
idd.tu i vob t mis 1 n i , e. a
t '. , .' .
ThM who hav delayed buytnf.
Huittmcr Puulwnnr
ai rnrtunat. Thsy van aav at least
a third un tli usual coat of hlajh trad
sIkws. V ar eloaltif out all of eur
summer tan shew at a grat rductlna.
V hav ihm for man, worn, aad
jchlldrvit, which should bring vryoo
lo th lor. Thay ar haw goods
which hav ovrstay4 (hair Urn.
Consider the flUr.
Pet(r$eaA Brown.
J. A. Fastabend
and Hullder
IIoiiM-iiit)vinj Tool lor llcnt.
Andrew Lake
...Merchant Tailor...
I'crrcct I'll Guaranteed. Luw I'rlic-
Itr rtnf and CUaalng Neatly Doss.
Corpoeilcr atltU lltilldcr
(Ictiernl Contractor
A Delicious and
Palatable Drink
Absolutely Pure
Bottlrd ut for family use, or keg
beer supplied at any time, delltsry Is
I Ibe city tree.
par of
"La Belle Astoria" Cljar
Schelte'i Opera Star
Sckelbe'8 Special
And Othe Hranda
Astor Street
- - Manacer
Ills iml Veaelahla
Unn ot a larauoa rrenoh .hy-l,n n, will qiiictiy aUra you nl all ner
you. or dls.'a.ea o I the (euwaliv uridti... rU a fxt Manhmrl,
Inaiimiila. ! iialn Uta, u.mi.l Kmlaloii. Nervm,. lirblllt)!;
IMnip les, tuainaaa Wi Harry, Kih.i j)r,, vrlei. anri
CnnsllimtlMn. ltais a I Iman, hyilne ir nlirlit. 1'i r venu mil. k.
of (livimnre, wiuen II nolrhn-Vcl tiHirriialiirrhnm ami
iiahfirrfirsijt Imnntenrr. a iriiiis:NKpiimni). ti,Mliwap. ti.
nrliiarvaru.ii.til nil ImiuiMLl.
remrvir in eiirn nlllinul an nprrntkin, DUkli..ilni'iis-
11 bra im..iii ik,. , no UUWII ft ierbi.ul.Ul
ir.i rM Fr..,;i-. c,,, r-r m .,
ClLtCUfl norJEnS. Conmrrll L