THE MORNING ASTOR1AN. TIKSUAV MOKN1NU, iSEPTK.MItER 19, 18M TO RfcADSHSTke Datty Astorlaa" CoaUIss ! reading r M Uj lbr paper pahlUkrd la Atorl. II ii the only ppr that prBU Ha rUrs Wlta a dally telrgrsphle rport- IO ADVERTISERS.-Tlie "Uslly A, torlaa" mar than la l a aay rl an m aajr other paper pablUhed la Asto ria. It I therefore mora thaa tar Ira aa valuable aa aa adurtlilnf mullum. TODAY"8 WEATHER. PORTLAND, Sept lS.-Continued talr weather. AROUNDJOWN. The 0. B. F. Cut rates East Via 0. R. A N. Street cream In any amount at the Parlor. Burbank potato, U a sack, at Pat's Market Foard ft Stoke hall la being painted on the Inside, Home made chocolates, SO cent, a pound, at t:.e Parlor. The office of the Lannetar haa been removed to No. 57 Bond atreet We guarantee oar Ice cream to be made of pur cream. The Parlor. The State of California arrived In Sunday morning from San Francisco. Wanted Painters, none but first class need apply. B. F. Allen ft Son. Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oysters, seeps tongue, etc., at the National Cafe. Re-t JceJ rates have been placed In effect to all points East via the 0. R. ft N. Do you know Snodffrass makes Stamp Phcjtoe? Call and see them they are all the go. The ladles of Grace church contem plate holding a sale of fancy articles on December 7. An experienced ladles' nurse wants situation. References. Address Ml Exchange street Miss McRae will have her millinery opening of fall Btyles, Thursday and Friday, Sept a and 21 The steamer Elmore, with passengers and general merchandise from Till amook, arrivjd in yesterday. For rent Furnished rooms with Brat-class table board. Apply Mrs. E. C Holden's corner Ninth and Duane Streets. The British ship Powys Castle am" the German ship Neck left up for Portland Sunday in tow of the steam? Thompson. A young boy named Kinkela fell yesterday morning and broke his arm. Dr. Estes was called and set the In jured member. Kev. W. Rohmer and Rev. W. Bren ner, of the Lutheran church, were passengers for Nehalem yesterday on the steamer Harrison. The condition of P. H. Trullinger, who Is down with typhoid fever. Is very much Improved and his recovery Is looked for at an early date. Boquet De Cuba and Key West Gems are the finest flvt cent clgara that ever cam to this market Henry Roe, op posite brewery. The steamer Signal arrived In Sun day, coal laden from Seattle. She dock ed at the Pacific Const Company's coal bunkers and commenced unloading yesterday. The young ladles of the St. Agnes Guild will give a tea and hold a sale of hamipalnteJ china at the residence of Mrs. Worsely during the first week ir. October. The condition of Dr. A. L. Fulton yesterday was slightly Improved. Al though not yet out of danger, the prospects for his ultimate recovery are growing brighter. Factory outslJe trust beating trust prices seeks representation on ground its regulars don't cover. Com. on sea son's traie. Free samples. Corp. P, 0. ISn, New York. Mr. R. Barth and children left for Seattle last evening to attend Mr. Barth who is very sick In that city, and has Just returned from a two year's trip to the Klondike. The Occident shaving parlors and baths will remain open during the time the Improvements are being made to the hotel Customers will be given the same service and attention. Beginners and advanced puptla can have thorough Instructions on the vio lin and piano by applying to J. H. Am ine, a graduate of Dresden and Lerp lg conservatory. Hotel Tighe. Testenlay afternoon while Homer Fletcher was playing baseball on the A. F. C. grounds some sneak thief stole his shirt. He will pay $2.50 to anybody returning It and ask no questions. Contractor Lebeck's pile driver left up for the middle river yesterday. Mr. Lebeck has the contract of driving a number of traps which are being put in at a rapid rate along the river. The steamer Mayflower In change of Captain PIckernell, Is now open for business, except on Saturday and Tues days, when she will be engaged on her regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. Three cases of dlptherla developed at the house of Richard Dealey yester day, making four cases In the family. A strict quarrantlne Is being kept on the house by Chief of Police Hallock. Tn consequence of a decline of 5 cents a roll In the market price of White Clover Creamery butter, Mr. Townsend has been forced to reduce the price paid for butter fat to 20 cents. Under tho new schedule of the A. ft ! C. R. R., effective Saturday, the lth Inst, the evening train for Portland will leave Astoria at 1:10 p. m. instead of 6:00 p. m., arriving In Portland at the usual hour of 9:40 p. m. . A party of young folks, chaperoned by Mrs. C. P. Upshur and Mrs. B. Van Dusen, took the train last evening for the Powell ranch above Tongue point and after spending a delightful time, walked home under the bright rays of the full .noon. not seriously hurt, MoCnrron, how ever, captured the six sailors and brought them ashore. The school board held a special meet ing yesterday afternoon In the oltiYe of County Treasurer 11. O. Thompson. The object of the meeting wus the elec tion of successors to Mr. Kus and Miss Dunham, both of whom recently resigned. All the members of the bord were present. The teachers who were elected to the two vacated pos itions were Miss Llsste McOnim and Miss Laura Gray. Substitute teachers were not appointed. Mr. Cosmo was appointed janitor of the new brick schoolhoune and N. P. Johnnnscn Jim Itor of the Adair's. The assignment of teachers for the coming term will be made at the next meeting. Messrs, Whiting and McBrtde ar rived In the city from Portland Sunday morning. They have the contract for building the oil tanks and warehouse for the Standard Oil Company, near the Kinney Cannery, and will com mence work on the building today. The funeral of Mltchel Ravowlch, who died at St. Mary's hospital on Sunday of general debility, was held yesterday afternoon from Pohl's un dertaking parlors. The deceased was an Austrian fisherman and 80 years of age. The Interment was at Green wood. Rumors are afloat, that Charlie Burns, the second cook of the Palace restaurant wlu suddenly disappeared about tore weeks ago, was shang haied on a lumber vessel that sailed from Knnppa for South America about that time. Many of Mr. Burns' friends give credence to the story. Yesterday afternoon while Robert, the six year old son of W W. Cohoon, who resides on Exchange street, was playing with a dog belonging to Chief Stockton. In the back yard, the dog jumped up and bit the child through the lower Up. Although the wound was not serious. Chief Stockton ordered the dog shot at once, which was done by Police Ofhcer Kimball. The British ship Drumburton, Cap tain Spurring, arrived In Sunday, 43 days from Hongkong, tn ballast. It Is not known by the .aptaln whether the Drumhurton Is chartered or not and she will remain here awaiting order . The weather was generally fair from Hongkong and nothing of special In terest occurred on the trip. hft arrlveil tlrm-n hriiu 1'.. .)...... Sunday evening John Maute ana , The Mugkkl came down Miss Amelia, daughter of Prof. Amme. j c1Iy w(thout , ww having were united In marriage at the TlKhe j apprentices on board nnd two seamen. nuie. uy a.r. n,su, ' I She has been anchored In the harbor tne ceremony tne iam,.y am, inviiea ax,u, , Wet,k h(.r n guests sat down to an elaborate sup-! nvn ,, 8lmv , wl(h .,,. THE Ml'SKOKA'S CREW. Supplied by the Resident Boarding House Master In Spite of - the Portland Gang. The steamer State of California on her arrival here Sunday morning brought 1 men to fill out the crew for the British ship Muskoka, and they were transferred to the ship In the lower harbor where she waa anchored. The sailors made no efforts at escape and had no complaints to make as far as couli be learned. Twenty-two men In all were required by the ship, but six of them had al ready shipped from Seattle. The Muskoka has been In the harbor several days waiting a crew, and, aa the I'ortlund sailor boarding houses were unable to supply the crew. Cup tain Crow looked to the boarding house in Astoria to furnish the sailors when J. Kenney to get his crew. Three men had been brtught from Puget sound Saturday iiluht and put on board the vessel. Shortly after they were put aboard, one of them, Daniel Sullivan, jumped overboard and tried to escape. The steamer Mayflower was coming around Smith's point at the time and heard the man's cries for help. She steered for the direction of per prepared by Wm. Whipple of the Palace restaurant. The happy couple will make their home in this city. Alex Corno, of Youngs river, died Sunday of cancer of the face, from which he had been a sufferer for the last three years. He was 71 years of ae and has resided a number of years near OIney. The deceased was well- known an over tne county, ine tun-1 the crll,8 but tt Ashing boat, which was eral took place yesterday, tne duh :i i cKlfte by. rescued the mini before her b?lng In Granger's cemetery on Youngs arr4a. Sullivan was almost exhaused river. when taken out of the water and was clinging to a spile. He was taken a- Herman ise nas oeen pim.k ; ghore anJ 80on ,,ntly t0 local agent ior tne itoyai ... i make ,he follown, gta,erm.nt t nicago. . Tne royai miiora are Fv. u, ., hv PpnnU ceeded to be one of the most fashion- j T(Jrk at bu, twQ of mcn able and artistic mercnant tailoring ,0 ,eave n , moment . . ..... i a DtfAfft t esiaonsnmentr ... ...:. e... itatnc tnat thiy woul(1 nt g0 on the garments made oy mem is cut to ..t Mugkok. , ,he haa - narJ nam. Three of us came along, however. In charge of Turk, and, after going short distance on the railroad we were given $5 each and told we could go on whatever we chose, "When we arrived at Kelso, Wash we were transferred to the steamer and Is made In the very latest styles. They guarrantee absolute satisfaction on every order taken for them by Mr. Wise. Shortly after the British ship Drum burton anchored In the harbor Sunday evening ene was Dooraea oy tne am.- EcllD an(1 brought to Astoria. On or boarding house runners of this city reachng here we were taken starlghf and those or fortiana. bix uii. were secured by Jack Moody, the As trrla man. This aroused the ire of the Portland people and soon a fight ensued. Dick McCarron waa the lead er of the Portland gang and In the melee Moody waa knocked down, but, aside from two blackened eyes, he was The Better the Grade The Bigger the Trade HAVING LEARNED THAT HERMAN WISE Is the most reliable and best qualified mer chant in Astoria to take Correct Measures The Royal Tailors Of Chicago have appointed Mr. Wise their resident agent. An elegant lock containing over 500 samples of P'all and Winter Novelties is hero for your inspection. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed. Every garment made by expert artists. Charges very moderate for a'ch artistic workmanship. P. 8. An expert cutter will also be at Mr. Wile's store on Tnecday, October 3, at which time he will be jilemed to meet all gentlemen ho are interested in artistic clothing. You will be wel come whether you purchase or not. to the Muskoka and placed on board of her. We were requested to sign articles, and did so. We were promised by Turk, however, that we would be taken ashore Immediately afterwards. We were promised this beforehand. or otherwise we would not have signed the articles. Turk, the mate and the captain had a private conversation In ' the meantime, and as soon as the ar ; tides were signed we were sent for I ward by the mate and shown the fore' castle. Then we noticed that the launch, having on board Turk and the I others, waa pulling off from the ship. asked what the meaning of this ! was as we were promised to be taken I ashore on condition that we return at ; 6 o'clock In the morning. Turk replied from the launch that he would take us ; ahore as soon as he had settled some j business In Astoria. We knew after ward thut we were being deceived, as ; the launch did not return. A watch man from the boarding house came on board soon after the launch left. He displayed two revolvers and said he would shoot any one who tried to es cape from the vessel. I "The only outfit we got from Turk was two blankets and a few tin uten sils to be used for our meal rations. I The blankets were to be returned as soon as were were ready to sail. None of uh had any clothes on board and we were soon aware that Turk had broken , his promise." Sullivan then concluded to swim ashore, but after reaching Elmore's cannery waa picked up by fishermen. Sullivan Is a young man and rather intelligent. He claims to be a son of Attorney Daniel T. Sullivan and ja nephew of ex-Judge of the Superior Court JVremlah Sullivan, of San Fran cisco. Sullivan on reaching the city caused habeas corpus proceedings to be Instituted before County Judge Gray for two of his companions who claimed to be detained on board a galnst their will. The case was heard yesterday morning before Judge Oray and the two sailors after they had proven they were American citizens were discharged. The men gave their ! names as McKenzle and Degnan. John J. Kenney was seen by an As torlan representative yesterday re garding the treatment of the Musko ka's crew. Mr. Kenney said the men were supplied with everything usually furnished sailors on a European voy age and had no Just cause for com plaint. He said the Portland boarding house masters always stir up trouble when sailors are shipped from Astoria. Mr. Kenney Is the head of the firm of Kenney, Turk & Lynch, and produced the following letter from Captain Crowe, of the Muskoka which was glv- FOR THE The glory of Oregon's future will tsouii nt with her echoed hoys ot today; their obligations will he grout. Let them bo in nowiso hnndieapped. Tropor clothing is jiiHt an iwcntiul as proper hooks. To meet tho present's every duniiind, wo have arranged a special sale of children's clothing. This sale opens today and includes every nrticlo iiecesmry to make tip a complete wardrobe, whether for the schoolboy or nohoolgirl. Today wo quoto especially boys' clothing. Boys' Suits 50 mid eeclally iiillablv (or school wesr will be oflerwl at a leader, Tboio lulls ara niade of ill wool. csMimores and fancy twcdj the coats are tlonbls breasted aud well lined through, out; the imnls are knee lengths, all sliea. These suits formerly old tor S:).5D and 14.00 but during this ssle they go (or $2.50 Boys' Cotton Sweaters Knll line In stripe and solid colors such as blue, garnet and navy nl 50C- . Sailor Blouse Suits Wi liars full Hue ot sailor blouto suits, middy sulU and vests suits that are both suitable and serWee this fur the younger boyi. These are ot bins serge and blue cheviot, fancy sod mixed tweeds with ilals and fancy shields, with blaok silk sailor knot stlsohsd j Wee three to rlgbl years al $2.45 to $7.00 Boys' K" Psnts In corduroy, I weeds, seigrt and cheviots, all well niftdn slid sewed al Jjc to $1.00 A full line of Ublt'ls, si sloe, draw ing books, tponge, iiens and K'iicll, etc. A tirv'ftlPt4 vcr n'ce '"c kr sc'100' Wl'ar ,s l'lc Kantwearout brand, these have AHULIId double-breasted coats, knee pants with double knees and seats and come in fancy worsted Scotch tweeds, cassimeres, series and cheviots, sizes nine to fifteen vears $2.25 to57.5. SharmahatVs en hlin before the ship was towed t. ; seu yesterday afternoon: ) Ship Muxkokn. Astorlu. Sent. 17. 1S'.i9. I Uenllemen-Thla Is to certify thut on leaving this rt I tuke pleasure In -....I.. .1.... I ft....... -.... It... I u-lth IHIlllUg HMftft I1T in-rii n.,,.,...,, -11.1 a crew of ?1 men by Kenney and Turk, of Astoria. In preference to the l'irt lnnd combination, and I have no hesi tation In recommending them to my ; friends as they give belter terms and will carry out to the letter any agree ment entered Into and they have my best wishes for succees In putting an other side on this grabbing business done In Portland. ALllh-KT CKOVY G Master. WAS LYNCH SHANGHAIED? His Partners Do Not Believe Bo. Hut ' Say He Was Merely "Staked Out' by the Opposition. The mysterious disappearance of I'addy Lynch, one of the sailor board Ing house keepers of Astoria, Is still a matter of discussion among his ac qualntances In this city. Lynch left Astoria for Heat tie about two weeks ago for the purpose of engaging sail ors for the British ship Muskoka. He sent a telegraph message to John J Kenney Saturday last a week ago, since which time nothing haa been heard from him. Lynch Is a man who has the reputation of being able to take care of himself In any emergency and the assertion that he haa been shanghaied or murdered by Seattle sailor runners Is icouted by his as sociates In this city. In speaking of the affair yesterday John J. Kenney said: "Lynch has been doped by the sailor runners of Seattle and will turn up alt right. We have always met hard opposition from the sailor boarding houses on the Sound. Lynch was sent to the Sound for the purpose of sup plying men for the Muskoka. The ship has had a hard name and Lynch un derstood that before he left here. It Is reported here that he was Shang haied on the Rufus E. Wood, which sailed from Seattle a week ago for Australia. I do not believe this, as a recent arrival from Seattle says he was seen after the Wood sailed. My opinion is that he was 'staked out' until after the Muskoka sailed. The Sound people th-jught we eould not supply the Muskoka and as soon as they hear of her departure Lynch will be released." Mr. Kenney said Lynch had no rea son to leave Astoria, When he left here he had $100 belonging to the firm to defray his expenses, which amount It was thought he would require to bring the sailors to this city. He had also unlimited credit among his em ployers. "If he Is shanghaied on the Rufus E. Wood," said Mr. Kenney, I will telegraph the necessary money for him to return on from Australia, but I do not believe he Is on the ship." . . . . i .-- MnrWiVArtVrWiYVWrt THE OCCIDENT Astoria's -Lending Hotel Mcjslcr t& Wright, Props. Ihe PALACE Open Day and Night W. W. Whlpplo.FroprivtOr. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE gCRTICa.... FIRST-CLASS CUUINI.. PRIVATE ROOMS TO LADTN. 538 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all sites sod styles. We hall continue to ell t Iron snd Brass lledsteads al the same Ixw Prices regard less of the raise in tho price ol iron and brass Commission, Brokerage, diatom House Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON Insurance and Shipping:. . Agent W. t. Co snd Paclflo KipreuCo's. Delivered at your THE AST0RIAN... Good Tea BMIXLS GOOD TASTII8 GOOD BY JOVU TIS GOOD. Great American IinDortina Tea Go. Big Presents Free. 171 OoouieraUl St, Asterta. Office, Store, or Residence, Only 60 Cents a Month. - BBEINO WITH OUR FEELINGS. turoonunurturarana jj Astoria 2 kH Qrnr TtwrtnrJrri 9 i D. B. CA , 1 DIDI.Ii, 1'iop'r. W sre dolnt miU'li In euro th, wmhlnR hsbli Ws odor toiler wy, s ohimp nr ami s mors noiiYi'iilnnl wuy. Fsiol. v wAMhlnir .nri Ironing ohpKncr than )t'nii cm Iiiti them don, st home, tints H iluliir away with tho tir.'iil crou and H t r"1 fi n nil nn Mcmiuy. M 4Ni :litne Ktnployort. A physician makes the statement that we see with our feelings, There la more truth In this than the thought less will perceive, For Instance, take a man or woman with a weak stomach which has not the power of giving the blood the nourishment It requires. Ths system Is Oiled with poisonous bile. Poor blood courslna through the brain poison, and weaken. It, and the .uf- 9 nd aX,'BK.I.. meal. The reason tho bilious and the a) dyspeptic who takes Hostetter'S Btom- TUC fflHTlCTk ach DltUr. nnd. life brighter and; JflC lliUiJEli pieasanijr, is oncauiw u u"". system and strengthen, ths .tomach. Sis that a orlvate revenue .tamp ,i cover, the top of the bottle. I .Hestaiirant. FOn BALE. Furniture of upper floor, of Central 3 hotel. Good paying bu.lness. Owner t wishes to go to Europe. Will be sold Q Dun Burner, Prop. No. 67!) Commercial Ht. Astoriai Open all Night. cheap If sold wtthlng 16 days.