THK MOU.NINU ASTORIA N. WEDNESUA1 MORMNG, SEPTEMBER 1819. rr Srtilu JLotorimu JOHN T. LIGHTER. EJIter. Telephone Ualn tL TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. tXAJLT. 8nt br snail, pr jrear Sent by Mil, per month Served by carrier, per snootti W SSMI.WEEXXT. 8nt by mill, per year, la advance.. Foetsce free to sutecrtber. AH communloatloBs Intended fr publi cation should bt directed to tbe editor. Business communication of all kinds ard remlttancee must ba address id to The Astoria n. The Astoria guarantees to Ua adrer Havre tha largest circulation at any aetrepaper published on tba Columbia river. Advertising ratea can M sad o apfill. cation to the buataeao manager. Nothing could be plainer than that ' the recent O. R. N. election means a continuance of the policy that has i bottled up Astoria and deprived Ore- gon of any participation In the great ' and growing commerce with the Or- 1 lent. The only road w hose Interests i by any possible construction can He j In the development of the seaport of Astoria Is shut out of trackage faclli-. lies down the Columbia. Under some ! form of stipulation the menace of As- I toria'a rivalry In the outgoing and In-! coming traffic of the Columbian basin Is eliminated and this business win j be concentrated on Seattle and Port- ' land as her-trfore. The O. R. 4 X.I and Ore it Northern are complete i masters of the situation and may die- j tate their own freight rates and divide j the main traffic of the Northwest upon ' 1 any terms agreeable to them without , let or hinderance except from one i Source alone. The Oregon legislature ! can provide the remedy for this situa- , lion and it is the duty of the people of Astoria and the producers of the In- lerior to begin preparations for ap pealing to this source of relief without delay. The Oregonian and Post-Intelligencer are probably in a puaiUon U) learn the facts as to the O. K. A N. meeting, and both these papers have published- etfciaJ comments substan tially agreeing as to'lts effect and meaning. There may be some doubting Thomases in Astoria who will continue to keep their real estate offices open on the theory that the Oregonian speaks as a prejudiced authority. To these the Aatorlan commends the following utter ances of the Post-lntelligencer, deliver ed after that paper had spent thns days succeeding the Portland meeting in calm and thoughtful consideration of the subject. In Monday's edition the Seattle paper says: After all, the Oregon Railroad & Nav igation Company is to preserve Its au tonomy. The alarm caused by the re cent reports that it was to be taken over by the Union Pacific apparently had no substantial foundation, and Portland will continue to be Its head quarters and the hub of its Independent organization. It Is known that the Union Pacific controls the Oregon Short Line, and the Short Line the Oregon Railroad St Navigation, but the identity of ownership Is to have no further re sult than the removal of all causes of difference among the three corpora tions, and the enforcement of harmony and effective co-operation. The Ogden gateway, It is said, is to remain open, 1 U.J Tfly "Colorado lines will be com petitors wltlitohe Union Pacific for the traffic of Its two" related corporations an anomaly In railroad management that may or may not be permanent. It depends entirely on whether the Union Pacific discovers that it Is winner or loser by voluntarily abandoning its monoply and opening up the great Pa cific Northwest field to competitors. Theso highly Important things trans splrtd at the annual Oregon Railroad & Navigation stockholders' meeting Just held In Portland. Other significant action was taken. The three directors representative of Northern Pacific in terests were dropped. The two Great Northern directors were retained. This means no departure from recent poli cies, but Is mere confirmation of the present hostile attitude of the Portland corporation toward President Mellen Snd his railroad. The Great Northern will continue Its close connection with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation at Spokane, and will have a terminus at Portland over Its line. The Northern Pacific will have no exclusive traffic arrangement; nor, If present appear ances count for anything, will Its de mand for trickage from Wallula to Portland be granted. And that means that the Union Pacific will not come to the Sound over the rails of a compet itor. The Oregon company's refusal of his offer of peace is a virtual sum mons to President Mellen to make good his bluff to build down the northern bank of the Columbia, and, If he ever starts In to execute that threat, the . dirt Is certain to fly on a Union Pacific extension from Portland to Puget sound. Word comee from tVrlln to the ef fect that the Baldwin Locomotive Works, of Philadelphia, la the winner In competition, with a Herman firm, to supply twenty compound locomo tlves for the Sason Stale Hallway, at 54.TW marks for each engine. The German, firm, at Brealau, made a "ten der" of them at 0 marks leas, for each, but they wanted month longer to do tha work. It seems tha Saxon railroad authorities must have fvt a real American hustle on them, and so took the Yankee "tender" and tha lo comotives, too. The fact that they were willing to pay CO marks mora for each marks an Important fact, as It were, and that la, that In work of this kind the manufacturers of the t'nllevl States stands without rlvals.not only for the rapidity with which they produce, but for the excellence of their products The Atbara bridge, or dered by the Sirdar of Kgypt, Gen. Kitchener, from an American Arm. Is another Instance. m i The thoroughly sportsmanlike man ner In which Sir Thomas Upton has acted ever since his challenge for the America's cup was accepted and the many defeats sustained by equally good fellows, have led to many expres sions of the hope that the Shamrock will be sucessful in her efforts to wrest supremacy from the Columbia. Several reasons may be assigned for this, but the ne most pronounced la that w May have a chance to go abroad and bring back the cup. So far as the cup Itself U concerned this is all well enough, but there la a commercial side to the coming races that has been overlooked by these well-wishers for the success of the challenger. Just at present there is a great boom In ship building, not alone In this country but in many others. Should the Sham rock prove herself '.he speedier boat of the two the fact will be heralded the world over, and be the greatest kind of an advertisement for the British ship builder. Th-y will make capital out of our defeat and her yards will feel Its effects for many years to come. While we are now recognised as the equal of any in shipbuilding, the loss of the cup will make us second to England, for it will be a decided victory for ther sliipcraft, and millions of money will be spent where the Shamrock was built. The Englishmen are fully alive to this jiie of the coming International strug gle, and so must we be. There la noth ing but praise for Sir Thomas Upton and his manly way of doing business, but we must keep the cup to maintain our position. The woman who truly loves her husband will keep a watchful eye on his health. She will remember inmi ii ura nrmiia I is n 1 r-tt r A mnw . -r i i . i. IjM - 7 i tpleohone call from the office may be a message thy he has been stricken by death. The average man does not feel that he hat time to fool ast-av about trifiinsr indispositions. He is too buy makiuj money. He says he leaves sickness to the women folks. That is the way men commit suicide tens of thousands of them. A woman can stand between this danger and her husband if she will. A little watchfulness a sug gestion now and then and a little of a good general remedy always at hand may save her husband's life. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a remarkable remedy for hard working men and women. In a certain sense, it is a care-all. for the reason that it roes down to bed-rock and cures the disorders that are responsible for the ma jority of serious illnesses It strengthens the stomach, and makes the appetite keen and hearty. It invigorates the liver. It aids the natural processes of secretion and excretion. It makes the assimilation of the food perfect It purifies the blood snd fills it with the life-giving elements that build new and healthy flesh tissue. It tones the nerves. It is the great blood maker and flesh-builder. It cures 98 per cent of all cases of larvtifrial, bronchial, throat and kindred affections, which, if neglected, lead up to consumption. It is ilo an unfailing remedy for all nervous disorders. An honest dealer will not urge a substitute. " Last winter I took sick with what the doctors called la grippe," writes Mrs. Sarah Parley, of Fairfax, Atchison Co.. Mo. " Was sick for about four months and nothing that I took seemed to Jo me soy good. Mv friends thought I had con sumption. I coughed up blood for a long while, md nearly ra up sll hope of ever gelling well. I UeH oflvr. Pierces Golrito Medical DiKoverv and thought I would try H. I had not fini'tted the 6mt bottle when I began to get better. I rune taken two bottles of the 'Golden Medical Diacorery ' and one of the ' Favorite Frescnp lion' and feel better than ever before in my life. Poets seem to drop lines to every thing but fish. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Tuition Free. Flrjt term begins Septenbtr 18, 18M. Excellent courses In ancient snd modern languages, sciences, mathematics, et Graduates from the tenth grade, and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. 6tudits not fully prepared to enter, can Uke ntudles In whloh they are de ficient. In the Eugene city high school. For catalogues and further information address the, or Hoi J. J. WaL. tcn, Seor.'ia.T, Eugene, Ore. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 2Sc. ID a. in T v Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! HhousrMstlani often eauaee the most ln l sue auffannav Many have fur rears vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are so-day worse off than rer. Kheusaatism it a blood disease, and Swtftf ftpeetfjo (a the only cure, be cause it is the only remedy which eaa reaoh such deep-aeaead diseases. AltvysanafoIwaslakM wlta Inaaajtaa tery ftasesaauam, whioh btoemt so Isssase that I was for wease ana bis so walk. I Med sveral sroalstat phyat elans aad look thalr trseV nnl faithfully, tat vae anabl to g ths alia. sal nil. In ra4, say snav dlUoa SMsaad to grow versa, the din an ay rod over my tnltrs body, and from November to March ! suSerMtagoa. I tried nany pawnl maduinas, but noaa rrlimd me. I'poa ths ad Its of e friend I darkled to Irf a. . 8. allowing take It. how sear, my guardlaa, wUo was a aawaiitl. ana. IjshI the rsnwdr, and nroooonced II frea ol Maah or aaareury. 1 Mt so much bsmr aftai (akug twe koulea. that I eonUaoad tba it sfe.aad la two months I waa eurdeomjiletly. The ran was etrmanani, for Lhave new sines aa4 a touch of HueumaUsoi though many Haass aasoead to daaap and eold weather KLitsca M. Tirrsu, ITU rsweltoa Avenus, Palladalphla. Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as tauty can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash M mercury will add to your disabil ity ana completely destroy your uigss tioo. ;.S.S.BIood I m MrfnetiT and DermanentlT. M la guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. - Books mailed tree by Swift Specific Oo Atlanta. .Ua. A WONDERFUL CURB OF DIARRHOEA. A PROMINENT VIRGINIA EDITOR Had Almost Given Up. but Was Brought Back to Perfect Health by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HI3 EDITORIAL. From the Times. Hlllstllle, Va I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cur ed. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give up all hope of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cures hsd been wrought by this remedy. I decid ed to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wiah to say further to my readers and fellow sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did In my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Charles Rogers. E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cur ed of piles by DeWltfs Witch Haxel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse It. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Chas. Rogers. Plans for the Grand Army monument on the field of Gettysburg provide for a square tower 350 feet high, flank ed by two large circular buildings, one to serve as an auditorium, the other as an art hall. The tower will be sur mounted by a statute of Liberty. "They are simply perfect," writes Rob't Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., of DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the "famous HC.le pills" for constipation and all liver ailments. Never gripe. Chas. Rogers. Slow and sure waa all right as a motto In days gone by, but how about quick and sure In this era of compe tition. DeWltfs Little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bil iousness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the en tire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pills." Chas. Rogers. We do not hear of many Juveniles longing for Cuba. There la no such thing as candy there, and cakes are very high Ih price and not nearly as good as plain American cookies. "Pst on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles; for croup It has no equal," writes Henry R. Whltford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate nor narcotic In any form and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. The great success that has attended Ua use In the treatment of colds and croup has won for It the ap proval and praise It has received throughout the United States and In many foreign lands. For sale by Chas. Rogers. $100 REWARD, 100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now know to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asslxtlng na ture In doing Its work. The proprie tors have so much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 7tc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. imtfr BUSINESS POINTERS. Jeff's Is Whits cooks. "the only" restaurant. 0et H-omt meal, Rlstng Sua rseuo. rant, tU Comrovmt street. Our Ice or in la warranted to b made of pure eream. The Parlor, next te Joha liana's. lUstraa and beat meal at Dnvr Krtrh n on Ninth street. U oents, WMie cook. Try h. Beet California wine M oents per gal. lea. Ales OUbsrt, sole agent tor As toria. Twephorte SI Cream. Pure Rye. America's flneet sr&lskay. The only pure goods, guaraa, teod rlah end smUow, John L. Okrlaoo, sole asreac Kalley'a Iranafar wagons deliver bos arood te any part of the city on abort boxloe. All orders left at tapfa furni ture store, 00 Commercial street, will re. civm prompt attention. Telephone HU. Oo to the Columbia Electrla 4 Re pair Company for all kind of new and repair work, from a Cambria needle to s bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop opposite Rosa, lllg gins a Co. Tired and retired seems to express the condition of must of the visitors In toun this week. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific compound having the endorsement of .,.-. I,.l .-,1 K. n.l..t , press. It "digests what you eat" and: ; positively cures dyspepsia. M. A.Ket- ron, riloomlngdale, Tenn., says It cured him of Indigestion of ten years' stand ing, t'has. Rogers. A woman must be sadly deficient In Imagination who honestly believes that no man ever wanted to marry her. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all Irritating erup tions, nothing so soothing and healing as IX-Wlit a Witch Haxet Salve. Mrs. Emma Holies, Matron Engtewood Nursery. Chicago, says of It: "When all else falls In healing our babies. It will cure." Chas. Rogers. The Influence stars have upon human lives Is never better exemplified than hen we read of some man bankrupt ing himself for a comic opera Idol. . It is prosaic, but true, that bread kneading Is a much more beneficial exercise thn golf, tennis, rowing or any other fashionable outdoor sport Chester II. Brown, Kalamasoo, Mich., says: ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of Indiges tion; ran strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics." Ingests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Chas. Rogers The r-ason some men Imagine the ' b-d Is too short for them Is because they stay In It too long. ! For many years science haa studied . liquors. Result the whole world uses ! whiskey. It has proven the best stlm ' ulant and does not Injure nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard as Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack I of pneumonia left my lungs In bad ' shape and I was near the first stages of consumption. One Minute Cough , Cure completely cured me." Writes j Helen McIIenry, Bismarck, N. D. I Gives Instant relief. Chas. Rogers. I The mos'iulto Is generally believed 1 to be the originator of the cradle song. WHITE COLLAR LINt CohimbAa River and ruget Sound Navi gation Company. Bailey Oetzert leaves Astoria dally, x. cept Saturday, at T p. m. Ieaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Inrtrcnange. onllatlfiy Gaiiert, O. R. A N. steamers T. J. Potter and Hasaalo for Astoria snd all may points. Flavel. Irwaco, Seavlew. Uing H-a and Narxolia. U. B. SCOTT. Aatorla Agt. President Telephone No. 111. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a mt whether on business or pleasure, tha naturally want the best service 00. talnable so far as speed, comfort snd safety Is concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEl ar uald to serve the rmbllo and our train, ar operated so as to make close cos neotlons with diverging lines at al juncvtlon points. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Car on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meel served a la carte. In order to obtsln this flst class nrlc ask ths ticket agent to sell you s tlek over TheWisconsin Central Lines. and you will maxe direct connections a St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee ar.i all points east. For any further Information call on ss' ticket sgent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Agent, or JAB A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent ZM Stark St.. rortlaud Ore. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. 339 Astor street, la the one and only popular resort of Us kind In that vicinity. Mr, Wise la doing some thing now among concert halls. He Is not only selling a class of pure liquors, but la giving his place a management which Insures gontlemanly attention and treatment to his patrons. The good mualu and the crowd will be found at Charlie Wise's place. Our new ally In the l'hlllpplnes, Deto Mundl, ought to form a com- blnatlon with lie". Krldsy of Santo iHjnilngo, " M'lin i A familiar name foe ths Chicago, MIU St. Taut Railway, known all over rne Union ae the Or 01 Railway running the "rtonawr Untiled" trelne every day and nlsht betevm 8t. 1'aul and Chtoago, and Omaha ami Chlrese. "The only prtw trains In the world." Vndsswand: Connwttona ara made with all Transcontinental Unas, assuring te pasaegenra ths beat eerwe unosrn. l.u. urtoue ooachaa. sieotrlo light, stsarn heat. or a verity equaled by no othar line 8e that your tlckt rvads via "Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In the Untied Btaiwt or Canada. All t'kt agents seal tnacn. for rte, pemphl;s, or oiher lnfrme. Uon, addrewe, J. CA8KY, C J. KODT. Trav. IVna. Agt.. 0nral Asent, Portland. Or. Poriland. O r ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. geave. I 9 a.' PORTLAND Arrive Portland Union IVpol. 111:11 a m. for Astoria and IntaN I W P m. mediate polnla. I " ASTORIA. I " For" Portland and In.'U JBs m. tsrmed at point a. ll:p.m. 1:00 p. m. !ff : a. m. I Ow p. m. RKAS1MC DIVISION. p m I la m.ip m l:0Dlll:Le ....Astoria.... Ar T: 4 01 S i U WiAr l.v! T S t W-tl tJ l.V """rT""u""'Ar! l it' l ie ISO) l:0Ar ,.,.8'aalH,... I.v f.Ui ID) SPECIAL SEASIDE 8UNPAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at I SO a. m ; arrives al SeealJe I a. m. Paseengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same dale ALL, TRAINS to and from Bread run to Flaval and New Aatorla via Warren ton. All trains mak close connections al Coble with all Northern Pacific trains to snd from in east or Bound point I At Tortland with a:i trains laavlng i Union ds pot. i At Aatorla with I R. A N Co 's boat and rail tin to and from I'waco and North Reach polnla I TROL.0 tickets on ..1. a: As ' torUk for 8acrsmnld. San Franoisoo. all Eastern snd European points t , City ticket office Astoria. 13 Commer. tlal street. J C. MAYI). Oen l Fr't arid Paa. Agwit. These tiny Ciptulei ire Kpenoi to tJalurn of (.opubs tuoeDs or injection? snorUTlV CURE IN 48 HOURSVWl the tame dneuet with out Inconvenience. C,',f H all vi-pVf t. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA fc Questions areconstantly comingup every day Inliterature.artand science which you wish you knew, but jd0mms you don't. Make up your 1 mind that you pre not going to fbe caught this way very often. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig in to it and learn all you can s about It. I ne J Encyclopedia Brita mica isthe reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty ( jo) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment is made. The Complete Set (Thirty Large Octavo VoIume)i No r. Ne Style Burkram CWh, MirMfd EdKes, Extra Qusllty High Matrons Fln ith Book Pipr, J4 s 00. First payment, Ons Dollar fli.oo) snd Thres Doiurs(Ji.oo) per month tlwraafiar. No. s. Half Morocco. Mr.rhled Flu's. Fitra Quality Hl(fh Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00. FlMt rsymenl, Two Dollar !?j.oo) and Four Dollsra (JI4.00) V" morth the rfir. No. s. Sheep. Tan Color, HiarhfeJ tJK", fxtrs Quality High Machlre Finish Book Paper, Sti-oo. Flrit payment. Three Dollara (Jic.) and Five DolUr (fjo) permonlhlli-reofler. A reduction of 10 per cent. Is granted by paying cash within jo days aftsr IU rcU! ol the work. Kpr Bale by ClrlfTIn & Rl. "7 I i THE PROOF of the pu<nf U In the eaUac ail the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an arrument that's eona dual re a dern.ananraiioa. Oure frill stand fee teas. HUGHES & CO. Light your house and place of business with Incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps 100-eamlle power at a coat of lo for three hours, Miller & Barnaber?, Agents 4U rtond Street. Astoria. Dyspepsia Curo. Diacsts what you eat. f r artl flrlal I e rl I treats t lie food anf. life in at raiiLilhanlna anrl twins. itrucilng the eihausted dltfaatlT or gati. lUsinlairiniscoereia!rraji aDttnti lonio. no otner preparauoc can approach It In efrlclenc. It la stantlr relit and permanently cor nrsprpaia, Inditfestloo, Heartburn, Klattiltmrtj, Sour btomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oast ragU,Craropa,aDd all other reuUs(flmrM'rfertdliestloa Preperee by I- C DeWHI a Co . Chicago. For Sals by CHAJOn ROOBRt. NERVITA PILLS Inter Vitality Lest Vlpr is Msibeoi, Cure Impotence. Night Kmlaslonsand wasting diseases, all effects of self atiusc, or excess and Indis cretion. A lion f tonic and IiIihmI builder. Urine the kaVw rrstorrs the fire of Youth. i T!'T mall 50 fwr boi, boxea fur $J.n; Willi n wrll'ii iftiarnn. ttn to runs or rcliiiul tlio inoucy. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Olnton A Jackson Bts., CHICACO, IU For Hale by Chsrlss Roeera. Drucflst. Astoria, Or-fon. M1 MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the HcnvdUtiiic I hIIicis. ....Hlgh-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attractive location (M mtlrs fron Pu.-tlend on lh Southern Palflo Sprlnirfleld branch). Complete and thofurn preparatory, lltarary, scien'lflc. claaaloal, normal, eornmerol al course. SPECIAL OOUnflES tn mal'wtuAl-s. Burvylr, Drasrlni, Civil 8erv-s. rrench, Oerman. Spanlati Italian, Shorthand, Typewntlnet, Tlfniphy, Musle. AmJernls Dsrrs and Ta'hrs' Btsls Cartl float e and Dlptomei Corferrd. Send tor cetalofue. ADDItSJA The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg KOPP'S BEST r The North Paclflo Brewory, of which Hr.John Kopp is proprietor, makes beer for domestio and export trade. Horth Pacific Brewery W. F. SCHEIBE,arx;:v t lull line el Pipes, Tsbacce, saa smiAers' Articles, IT (.onmierclsl mt. 1 rin, Seventh and SHASTA MIXEKAL WATEK, I'EITEK, XOBLB, HICKOKY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQU0KS, WISES, IJEER AND CIGAUS Served Day and NlgHt. AUGUST KRATZ, - . Manager WW hi imt 1 f 1 i .mm BrrnDB ... irrrS all lite imrrnrioi imimicnrr. I'l'll.tisjKrleuiiMiaunllver ,Uit ErORt AND A Flan Si,i,,,vaii(l tlienrlnaryorssnaulsJlluiuunu.a tTFIDiilif ! tren:thensKnil ieu,rsinM wenk tusutia, 1't,m ,nil.r, are tint nire'l hV llot'lors Is l)eH1IM nlnetV ftee Mnt bm MM,htn4 mtih Prcwtalllls. MIPIIll' n-mnlv l;iirellholili1iii,.ralloii. t.ll..ilin.ini. all A written siianuitve ilven and mtiney ri'Mirrtui 11 ai lHesiinea noisKuc'i a iieruiui.tuluuia JtoOslwi.ili iV'rtoo.liy mall. HitniiftirvaaaclrcnlnrsiKl leailmuinaia. ' Address DA VOL MEDICIH '! f. O. Utis 5W7, Han Franclwu.rsl. fir Hil hv CHAKUC1 ROORRS. 46, Cor-merclsl U Sill Those who have delaysd buying. Htiittitior I'oolwenr are fortunate. They can ear at lMt a third on the usual et tf hl(h trade shoes. V are closinf nut an or our summer tan shoes at a treat re lurUoo, We have tham for men, women and chlMren, which should bring everyone in the store. They ar nw good which have overstayed their time. CoPShWr thee fliure. Petersen & Brown. J. A. Fastabend Gcncrnl Contnictor mid lUiilder HoiiM'iiioviiif; TtKils fur Rout. Andrew Lake sjaCOMMKKCIAL MT, ...Alerchant Tailor... I'crfcct I'll Guaranteed. Low Trite. rtepelrlnc and CUeuUn Neatly Doe. U LEBE&K Cnrpctitejr and lliillclor CloMornl Conlrnclor M0USK HAI5iN(l AM) MOVINd A SI'I.CIALTV A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled uwr for family use, or krg beer topplied at any lm dellvsrjr Id lb city free. turse ol ya Mailable "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schelbe'a Opera Star Schelbe's Special And Other rtrnnd LOUVRE Astor Street. tlunol a lamniialriinra piiyalrlnn, will quk-klyeure ran nf all ner vous or limi 1. tin. ti cu r.iive ..ra.i,.. ., !! , Lai U.ll, liisuiiiula, I'a ;H,alnUilW,H..i!i.ial Klmiulnm H.MIIiv. I'n.ip Ha, LiiUlni.M ti Miirry, Kilimmtl,,,! Drains, ,. i Cdimtln-illnn. 1 1 slops a Ii.pwi-h l,v ,i ,,r i,,t ': nt ,HI, . W ol dnirlinnm, w lilrh II iiolrlirrkeil, K, Htieriiiiih.rrlKl'it anil