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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1899)
ME MORNING ASl'OKUh. HtlDAY MOKMM1, NkWlCJlBK.. 8, lHrfi TO RBADKK.-Tt "Wally Aatorlaa tMtalu a. math reading aaaUar as lay atk.r paper f tlllKl la A.torla. II It Ih ealy papr thai raL lu raadara with dally tale f r.hl report. TO ADKRTISSK!.-Tli "Pally Aa lorlan" has mora thaa tm lot aa aiaay r4 ra aa any altiar paper pabll.h.d la Aala rla. I Iharrfnr mora tkaa tel aa ralaahle aa an a.tverll.lns medium. TODAT'8 ntATHER. Stationary temperature, AROUND TOWN. Fresh Salmon At the Tat Market Gentlemen-Keep your eye on "B. U" Sirect crtm In any amount at the Parlor. Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oysters. sheens tongue, etc- at the rational Cafe. Do you know Snodgrass maket Stamp Photos? Call and ee them they are all the go. A large Invoice of Lowney'i famous chocolates Just received at The Spa Candy Factory. The county court adjourned yester day imlBf tJ Attend the funeral of Jlr. Gearhart, Captain Nick Webber U building a handsome addition to hi thlrty-flnt street residence, The work of raising the Occident hotel building to a kTel with the side walk was commenced jreaterday by Contractor Lebect ""r:aj- One hundred boxes of fancy Ashland peaches, direct from the orchard, at Johnson Bros, today. John Peterson, a native of Sweden, was made a clUsen In the probate court before Judge Gray yesterday. 'anted-A competent .tfrtfor gen work. To good cook, first- era! house class ges. Apply Astoria offlf For rent Furnished rooms with first-class table board. Apply Mrs. E. C. Holden s corner Ninth and Duane Streets. When you get our Ice cream and confectionery, you know you have the best. There is none better. The Spa Candy Factory. Boquet De Cuba and Key West Gems are the finest five cent cigars that ever came to this market. Henry Roe, op posite brewery. Wanted 10 men to break rock at ML Coffin, Wash., wages tiOO. Board ,l!0. No dudes or boys wanted. Columbia Stone & c. Company. The Clatsop mill switch which for many months past has suffered for want of repairs, has been rebuilt and Is now ln first class condition. The Junior league of the M. E. church will give a social at the home of Mrs. Pendleton, on Duane street. . . ia -,i.v " i Erick Johnson will leave for Skamok- away with the launch Hattie today where be will engage ln fish traffic ' for the Booth Packing Company this fall. The steamer Mayflower In change of Captain Plckernell, is now open for business, except on Saturday and Tues days, when she will be engaged on her regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. Water consumers should remember the charge of 25 cents ln addition to the regular rates which must be made on all water rentals delinquent after the 10th instant The funeral of Mrs. Gearhart was held from Clatsop church and was largely attended. Rev. Henry Mar cotte conducted the services. The In terment was at Clatsop cemetery. Messrs. W. J. McCann and C. TV. Rich were engaged In painting the hull and deck of the launch Ethel yesterday. When finished, It promises to rival ln MARVELOUS VALUES September l5th Our Larcre, New Store Will be Ready Moving Time Our Entire Stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Remaining on Hand at Sale commenc.s Monday. Aurr. 28, continuing until ALBERT DUNBAR'S appearance any of, the handsome small craft on the rivr. The Oriental liner Lennox Is due to arrive In Astoria from Hongkong via Yokohama and Honolulu on September tors. The couples participating In the :S. IVsldes the usual Oriental freight ! cake walk were C. 11. Stockton and she has on board J5 Japanese and ! daughter, Mls Gertie Stockton. J, A. Chinese passengers. Kastabend and Mrs. William Kelly, " Victor Uuardina and Miss Elsie Parker, Richanl Welcome, a resident of . Tha judges awarded the cake to Mr. Skamokawa, was In the city yeeter- Stockton and Miss Stockton. Hefresh day. Mr. V elcome reports the potato ; mvMt were irrveJ ln p,,.nty jurtng the output as scare In his vicinity, al- ewUnf. After the cake walk, danctng though such as have been raised are '.,,..., .,, .H,niinU-a until of an excellent quality. The t.lrl from Chile" company which was advertised to appear at Fisher's opera house on Tuesday even- Ing have changed the date of their ap- pearance to Monday night next. The reserved seat sale will open Saturday morning at Griffin Reed's. Thomas Russell, engineer attached to the ocean tug Escort, returned yester day from San Francisco, where he went some days ago ln charge of the engine room of the government transport El der. Mr. Russell wilt go to Portland today and bring the Escort down. Chief of Police Hallock la in receipt of a letter from the regatta committee which, quite rightfully, attributes to p('m th principal credit for the success of the great carnival. The communlca- tioo terminates In words to this effect: ! "Wt found you the right man for the ' right place," .. . . j - I Contractor Palmberg will commence work on the new engine house which ' la being erected by the directors of school district No. L Mr. Palmberg has several other contracts on hand, one of them being the building a residence for Captain Weber. He will commence work on it today. At the county convention of the W. C. T. t held In the rnrr- church yesterday, the -w-.. of the Clatao- "" o!Pcrs - county union were elect- w! to lefV for one year: President, Mrs. L. J. Trumball: corresponding secretary. Mrs. Mary Llenenweber; re- cording secretary. Mrs. Kate Halferty; treasurer, Mrs. P.hoda Haynes. At Bethanla Lutheran church ln Up per Town, special "Foreign Mission" meetings will be conducted by Rev. E. H. Tou. for four days, beginning Satur day evening at S o'clock, August th. Rev. Mr. Ton has been a missionary at Madagascar for about 10 years. All are welcome to come and hear him speak of his experiences among wild tribes of Madagascar. the The State of California arrived in yesterday morning from San Fran cisco. After entering the river the strong ebb tide set her aground on Clatsop spit where she remained a short time. She got off without being Injured and after discharging local freight proceeded up to Portland. A mom the State's passengers were a number of returning Idaho volunteers. "I didn't sleep much with my sore a a. -1 W a s -.14 111. ITarvov lnn - r ,a81 u,ul- ' ' i Allen, i on wnen ne rreeiea me rriwuci . yesterday. "I don't suppose, though. that's Important enough to go in the Astorian. But If I was an editor, Td go for the other papers for the way they reported that accident As it looked to me, they must have thought I put my hand between the cogs on purpose. If I ever get big enough, I am going to write them up for that." The steamer 6tate of California came in yesterday with all on board In a; happy frame of mind. While tha big craft po1"1 ner n0Be ln the mUl1' ani1 was delayed two or three hours in the fog down the river, this mishap was overlooked in the fact that the vessel t-.m - .kMn. ! mil a mlll-DOnd sea on all her Journey to the mouth 1 !!a ' 111 n. honored and . nf th Columbia, one nunarea anu forty-five first and second class pas sengers were listed on the purser's rolls. About sixty tons of freight were discharged for the local merchants. Charity Lodge, Degree of Honor, A. o U W.. gave an entertainment ln Pythian ball last night. A number of Our Great . . . Removal Sale the Old Store will be Sold i friends and members of the order were present and the evening was passed very pleasantly. A cake walk was a featur tt th iMitertitlmilimt and rri. ' ated much sinusvment to the specta- midnight. a Unr. d,.iea-atlon of small boys. ; captained by a big boy known as I Hawsey, went swimming In Toung's rivcr yesterday. Frolic ran riot with the little fellows, who splashed and tumbled In the water with great glee. knowtug that Hawsey had pledged to stand vigil over the sacred garments left ashore. It was a late hour when the youngsters concluded to dress. The discovery was then made that Hawsey had fled, leaving stockings, shoe strings, waists and underwear tied In to such inextricable knots that crying and pulling and ripping with teeth brought little avail. Mothers were looking for lost ones when a reporter heard the story last night On nimble little urchin walked home In a keg. A large number of residences are being constructed In Astoria at pres. ent and contractors as a result are kert very busy. The Astoria Box Company has orders on hand for lumber for the erection of seven buildings In West Astoria and work will be commenced as soon as the lumber Is on the ground, Ten buildings In all are about to be built In that vicinity. These bulldl-n , . being put up by fl.hor- The I mill Is crowded with or bu!Ulllg , mat-rial a w ,nJ lf rutming ...i s viV at nlsht. The rush ha M II Y I W v. . . - . ,k. Th. been going on nU!rN.r mills of Astoria have a large numtxr of oniers 0n hand and can scarcely th. demand. The Astoria uox r.imnanv Is also buy on box material ,r(1 ls nnmg a number of orders from. California towns for this material. John McCann. of the firm of Foard Stokes, whose bicycle was stolen from the sidewalk In front of the store sev- eral nights ago. has as yet been unable to run down the thief. Nat Tallent, ho checked his wheel from Seaside to Astoria less than a month ago, still mourns Its loss, although every effort possible has been made to Identify the pilferer. Jack Allen, son of A. V Al len, the grocer, left his "tired steed" at the mercy of fllchers Tuesday evening, and wore an ominous look In his face when the bike was reported gone yes terday morning. In Jack's case, how-' ever, he was not so unfortunate. A happy thought struck him about noon time that a policeman had cribbed It. His surmise was correct, aa the two wheeled conveyance was found await ing him at the city lock-up. It Is difficult to understand why As- hayf ft curfew oMnanc . dearly at variance with the currew regulations of almost every other city ln the United States. The customary enactment for both winter and sum mer, and In all parts of the country Is. that any child tip to and Including the age of 13 shall be within doors by nine o'clock p. m., unless accompanied by parents or guardians. The Astoria edict provides that any minor which contemplates every young man up to .1. - - 1 .Vail k. am.nihli tA the me hc ui " i restriction. The limitation Is too se-! vere, If the opinions expressed by sev-1 eral gentlemen are to be entertained. "I think the promoter of that ordinance j must have had personal Interests to j consider," said an uptown man last night. "My boys seldom get their ! evening home chores finished until j nearly eight o'clock, and then, If I have , an errand down town for them, they are too frightened to attend to It, for they live ln mortal dread of a police man. Nine o'clock should be the reg ulation curfew hour here as It Is In all other quarters of the Union." Cht'-f Hallock was asked concerning the question. "I know the good boyg and for Occupancy. Goods Prior to at Or Near Actual Cost. our removal bept. 1. girls of this city," he said. "I think too, they all know me. I can tell If there are any that need police atten tion. The Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company tlnlstu-d paying off Its tlah ennen yesterday. Secretary Nord strum says the men averaged $J50 each. The boys were well satisfied with tholr season's work In Alaska and manjr of them made application to the com pany to go north again next year, They were paid Inside of 4S hours after they landed from the Morse and everything necessary for their support was sup plied by the company during the In terim, The men wandered around the city yesterday and spent a large part of their season's earnings. The saloons they patronised especlslly did a large business, but a number who reside In the vicinity of Astoria left for their homes yesterday evening. The Chinese contractor will be paid by the company tomorrow. There were 71 Chinese en gaged at work In the cannery during the season. More than half of these were Inexperienced hands engaged at San Francisco, while the remainder were formerly employed In the canner ies In this city. The Morse will dis charge all her salmon cargo at the i A. t C, warehouse where she Is now ! docked. Arrangements have been made I With the O. R. N. to take all con- j llgnmtMs shipped over thai line to eastern without extra charge ' by the A. A C. .Uroad for st.-rsa tw its warehouse. " MTSTEUlOfS DISSAPPHARANVR. Charlie Rurns. a Cook at the Palace restaurant. Is Behaved t Have i Mt Fml Play. . rlv restaurant, and who has myteriou!y disappeared. The last sen of him n Monday even ing, when. In Cfirr.pAf.y wtth Harry Mil ler, baJ cook of the Palace, he slrolt ed 'to the Telephone dk Sh-rtly after the PyftUnd stea-'.rr departed. the Darated. Miller g"tng to his nxim tnJ Burn, ,, 4!S from sight as uturly as though the earth or -ater had opened to swtl'.ow him. A reporter called on Proprietor Whip ple at the Pa!v:e last night to glean iU.;n further partlouurj as might have a bearing on the case. Mr. Whipple said: "I paid Charlie fcMO late ln the after noon last Monday. This as but a tart of the salary then due him. Since that time. In so far as I can learn. he has not been seen. Inasmuch aa he has been working for me a number of weeks, and has always been punct ual to the minute, I fear that he has either been drowned or made the vic tim of some underhand plot. This be lief Is strengthened from the fact that friends of the man have ascertained that he left on none of the out-going trains or steam. -rs, and second, that there was no reason he should not have quit regularly, had he so desired. anJ drawn the balance of the salary due him." When asked concerning the man's general character. Mr. Whipple added: Charlie was not. particularly, a drinking man, and I am quite certain that he was not addicted to a sporting life, because he Invariably occupied the room I supplied him at night. How ever, a strange woman called yeater day, and while she made no demand for the pay which Is still his, she asked for his clothes and stated that Burns held Jewelry and other valuables ....... .. ..... ... ' Belonging to ner, anu insistea tnat me kejr , nU room aenTred Into her kping she was informed that the proportion could nt be entertained." to Mr. Whipple, Mr. Burns wai of gjight build, and about 30 years 0f jje waa M unmarried man and worked last at the Hotel Flavel before comlng t0 Atorlll, THE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST. An Army of Boys and Girls Have Their Eyes on the Astorlan's Prizes. Yesterday dawned with an azure sky and a beaming sun which (lung Its beauty In a shower of golden beams the livelong day. It was just such a day as suited the children, particularly the agile little army which Is Just now busying Itself In a furious campaign for Astorian subscribers. How they did work like beavers and with what success! There was hardly a moment when some little boy or girl, lf not at the counter, was at the telephone ask ing for Information conoemlng th contest. -And so the big battle waxes merrily. Here are the rules and regulations to be considered by the judges: CONDITIONS, Prize 1. The boy or girl under It years of ago sending ln the largest number of monthly or yearly subscrib ers to the Dally Astorian during the months of September and October will be entitled to a choice of the best grade of 40 Rambler bicycles. This jirlie ls contributed by the Columbia Electrical & Repair Company. Prize 2. The boy or girl under II years of ago sending In the second larg est number of monthly or yearly sub scribers to the Dally ABtorlan during September and October will be enti tled to a tio suit, If a boy, or its equiv alent In cash, if a girl. This prize ls given by Mr. Danzlger of the popular San Francisco Store. Prize S. The boy or girl under H years of age sending In the third largest number of monthly or yearly subscribers to the Dally Astorian dur ing September and October, will be entitled to a beautiful sterling silver wntoh, American movement, guaran At Prices that Ought to Put You in the Notion of Buying Here Aluminum thliuMo lo Wire hair plus. pr pkg lo Safely plus per dos .,,.,.,,.,10 Taiw per roll ..f lo Corset laces each lo Knitting needles each ...lo lions hair pins each lo Hllk baby ribbon per yd lo pencils each , t Mohair shoe laces each ., lo to In. h taps measure each lo I'rapery pins I for ..lo Hooks and eyes 1 doa lo imrnlng cotton per card lo 1 Pkg wire lacks to I yard lace Id I dos buttons lo I collar buttons let a china dolts lo I memorandum book , lo 1 spool embroidery silk lo 4 os bot lis machine oil t large bottle vasallns to 1 lamp chimney lo 1 large curling Iron to 1 box best shoe blacking to 1 doa best bone collar buttons I dos bone hair pins 5 rakes soap to i rkgs envelopes Iirge ran I,alrum powder to I .arse, ean tooth powder to Urg bonis Ink to ..SHANAHAN'S.. TWO STORES fiRAl SPECIAL SALE FINE iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tisbcr Cudwid fiarrington II JOIll III 1,11, I, ill & The Finest Pianos Ever Brought to Astoria teed for one year, value 7.M. This prise Is tendered by Mr. J. H. Seymour, the well-known Jeweler at Ut Com merclal street THH RULES. Racn boy or girl participating In the contest must bring ths name and ad dress of each subscriber, legibly writ ten on a separate piece of paper, to the business office of the Astorian, be tween 1 and t p. m. of any day during the contest, together with ths amount of the subscription, at ths rate of W cents a month, for the term of tha sub scription. In return, each boy or girt will receive a printed card bearing th name and address of the subscriber, with th date and amount of th sub. scrlptlon. These cards will be retained by th recipient until the second day of October, 1899. On that day th cards received by the children must be returned to a committee of clergy men, whose names will hereafter be announced, and these gentlemen will compare the cards so returned with the records of the office and make th award of prizes thus shown to b earned. An order will b given to the lucky hoys or girls and the dealers will Immediately deliver to them the prlies named. Good Tea EVERYBODY 8A.Y8 SO. Try reat American Importlnn Tea Big Presents Free. 171 Commercial St., Astoria. NOTIONS I.ara bottle mucilage o 1 caka teat tar soap to I vest pocket comb to 1 book of t POINTS sttlng nsrdlrs ... to I pair corset steels to I raks Ironing was to 1 good leather purs to 1 pkg twsl hairpins to I pair I"') a auapoiidrrs to 1 silk hair nr .. to 1 paper good pins I yard shelf oil cloth i 1 yard of good apron gingham to I yard beat iuallty calico to 1 pair la.ll-s fast black col Ion ho. 0 1 pair children's fast black cotton hose i I hot best toilet soap li rakes).... t 1 horn comb with slaol back 10 1 yard silk fancy tartar elastic ... la 1 pair Wiiard t un holder best mads lOo 1 large sited looking glass nlckle frame ..10 I good tlectrlo wire hair brush lc t large bottle nf bast suantlly shoe dreaalng 1V Hold wire beauty pins. I ds 10a Uol strong leather shoplng bags . IV Kur tha beat kid glova wear th "Mascot'' tha bret on earth. mm From the Well-known Wiley B. Allen PORTLAND B45 Commercial St., Opposite Kofctcrn loloa Telegraph Office RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Barley Food Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats m A. V. ALLEN'S THE OCCIDENT I Astoria's -Leading Hotel Meslcr S WriRlit, Props. TJLe PALACE W. W. Whlpple.ProprlttO r. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE BKRV1CB..., Fin8TCLABB CUISINE., rnivATE Rooua for lasim. 538 Commercial St., OF.,, House of... Select Bran . Yeast, Cocoa Open Day and Night. Astoria, .Oregon