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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1899)
1HJC MORNING AiiTUUlAN FJUOAl MOKN1NU, SEPTEMBER 8, im fflOIILER RETAINS THE PRESIDENCY Re-Wtctfd at the Meeting of the 0. R. A N. Directors. POUCY WILL BE THE SAME Traffic AriiaicmtBt for lb Next Yur Will Not B CkMc4 roitTUNt), Hpt. T.-A. U Huhler rTl lrvl prxsldent of th Oregon Nallroad A Navigation Company al a masting of ih board of dlrttUor hld ki I o'clock ihli afternoon. Th only uthvr change mail In th prronnl of tb officer wrr (hat Fred V, A. trly rhiiarn to suceet-d Arnold Marru aa treasurer, and Alnsndcr Miller lo succwd . C. Trecy aa aa alatant secretary. Prvlua to th meeting of th board of directors, a nutting of th atork holder hrl I. at which a new board of rtlrflor waa chosen. Th personnel of th new board la tha aama aa that of llt old nno, with tha vicrptluna that Hamuvl t'srr, ('. H. Mollsn and Danlst Ijinii.nt wr dropped, and Mortlmar L. fchllT. Wlnslow 8. Pirn and W. I), t'ornlah elected. Mr. Bchlff la a an of Jacob fclilfr. of New Turk; XI r. Ilerc la general counsel fur tha I'nlon l'sclUr, and Mr. I'ornlsh la president of lha Oregon Hhort Una and vlc-prs-lv. ni of lha I'nlon I'aclllc, K. II. IUr. rtman was rl.-td chairman of tha board of director. Orflrer of the company r'lrtd r: A. U Moliler. prrsl.lcnt; V. W. I'otlon. secretary; K. 8. Ilenaon, gen eral auilltitr, (1. K. Wlthlngton. alat ant treaaurcr; t'harlee ('. Itcaman, rounecl, and W. W, I'ollon general at lorny. A new caccutlv board waa choccn, composed "f Mraara. Harrlman, Corn l.h. Pierce, Hi-hirr. Hull and Cannon. Aa stated, the only rhango In th new board Is the dripping of Mcllcn and Ijintont, wlui represented the Northarn I'minc Inter...!, and Bsmuel ("err. Thus It will be iwn that the Northern I'ai-Uk' has n representation on the liomd. Th Ureal Northern, on the other hand, la at III repreaented. W. I., hull and II. V. Cannon, who rep. rnonied Ih Great Northern on lha old board, are re-elected on III new on nlao. Mr llarrtinan la now chairman of the board of dlre"tora of the three road, iho I'nlon ravine, Oregon Short Mn and O, II. A N. The election glvea aaauraiu-a Uial therr will b no changes In th policy of th U n. N.. at least until th next election, y front now. There may tw elo-r trntfte arrangements be tween lha O. n. N Short Lin and I'nlon l'aellc, but no'hlng further. BAUMON CANNKHIK8 ARE AllUfT TO CONSOLIDATE. McOovrrn A Company rormlna; a Dig Combine of nrltlah Columbia C'annerlea. I VANCOl'VKU. . C, rVpt. T. Ne gotiation! are faal progreaalng by which New Yik capllallata will ijuiro every aalmoo ennry pnportf j In Iti ttlah Columbia, The rannerymen agree 10 taka half raah and half atock ol Mcdovern 1 Company, which Arm la now forming a I big combine In New York. Thr are M cannerl' all told, valued at about ' 110,000 rach. , . ' ' '' ANNKXATION A 8UCCE88. rromlncnt IlawaJin Royallat Tro. nounjc In lt Favor. BKATTI'''' 8,'lt' 7'Pr,nce r,vl1 Wawannkan, of Honolulu, who I on hla way to Washington to vlalt hla aunt, ex-Queen Lllluokalanl, aaya: "Annrxutlon I a doolded aucccaa. Of courae from a aentlmcntal vlw the native Hawaiian fcola like a man with out country Jut now, but that feel ' Ing will wear away. We want the president lo appoint our governor and hla rnblnet and let th people elect their Icglalalure. When thl I don tw will be no cauae for complaint. Annexation haa dono great thlnga for the HawiUUn lalanda. The country never wat ao pr Miperou before." . "JUNIOIl AND BKNIOn." Knatern Athl'-tlo Organisation Conald orlng I'lan to Mftke to Clnaaca. CHICAOO, Bcpt. 'A movement ha been atnrle rtln the Amivtcur Athlotlo Union to create two cliuwca of athlete Instead of one and In nil ansoclntlon It Is mooting wth favor. Becrotnry Sullivan, of tho Amateur Athletic ITn- lon, inndo tho ugiiestlon and at the next mating ho will olTer an amend mcnt to tho effect thnt there be two chnmploiwhlp one a Junior and one a Rt'iilor. Aa aoon na a man win a Junior clmmploiiHhlp he will bo tnina forred to the ac-nlnr rank. LEAVE OF AB3J!NCK FOn DEWEY. NEW YOItFC, Sept. I A peclal to the Herald from Washington, ay: When Dewey 1 formally de tached from eca duty Immediately af-' "' i ler tha return of th Olympla next mnmh. Im will h uranird an Indeflnlta leav nf nhaence and only aaalgnad to duly avuln upon hla own application. If Ox admiral hold to hla reported d"tel initiation lo retlr, ha will b plac d on lha r.lrd Hat on December U, when h will b SJ yenn of age, There will b no rhang In th tdmlral'i pay upon hla retirement. TKAf'IIINd RPANI8II. ( llirAHH, Hept. T.-Hptnlh la to b Inughl In thru of Chicago' high hoola. Thli waa decldi d upon by th member of ih lurd of education laat night. Th matter cam up In th form or a rtport from th high jioot com mute rorommundllig that Hpanlah b laughl In th north, auulh and wt illvlalon high hoola. Chicago la (ha fli at city lo niak provlnlona In th public ai hool ayatein for th teaching of Hpanlah. MII.ITAHY HIIOW AT MONTUKAU MoNTUKAU Hept. 7. -An Interna tional military tournament will b held In Montreal In Kcptvmher, to which all th military orgniliatlona from th l'nltd Hlalea and Great llrltaln and Ilrlllah poaaioria are lo b Invited. It la expected ther will b 10.M0 troop her. Th affair la lo b under th management of Colonel Ward, of the army aervlc corpa. The Canadian gov rnment la lo look after th tranior tatlon and a guarantee fund I now being raUed by the local military or ganiaatlona. urniNKHri iu:ronE the, col'ncil wa's lioht. Little thin at Laat Night Meeting of th City rathre-lt.x.f Hhlngl Ordinance to be Kiiforced. Hut Utile bulnea waa Iranaactvd at th regular meeting of th city council lal night. It wa on of th Ihorteat meeting held for aoin Urn and an adjournmeni wa taken ahort ly after I o'clock. The meeting wa called o order by Mayor Hergmun at 7. JO and all the coumilmrn reaponded to mil call. lVtltlona for retail liquor licence from K. A. Laraeli and I- Luron Were referred to tho commlite on hntth and pollc. A comniuiihatluti waa rvad from F. I. Keuttner relntlvo to the condition ' of the allenalk on Franklin avenue and Hlxtecnth atrct-la. It atated thai Ih al.lcw nlk In thai vicinity waa broken In many place nd wn ex tremely dnngerou to I ravel. The property n rjueation belong to Jacob' Kamm. nf Portland. Th matter wa referred to the attvet committee. Th committee on way and mean Mvmanl P lh f.,ll,iw I Ing claim and they were ordered paid: Clafk and .Montgomery. U; A. V. Al len, tllu; ' Aalorl E. venlng New, tlt:M. The treet committee and the com mittee on Mr and water reported fav-1 orably on claim aa follow and th nm were ordered paid: Wet Shore Mlli: Company, 1375 lea II. W for light out; at reel uprlntendent, IS0.7S. city urveyor, IBM; A. CI. Long. 119 40; C. Llenenweber, (0 cent and 8. H. Wlllet. 16 'So. A communication wa read from Councilman 1'ttlngec atatlng that plan and apecldcatlona had bon drawn up by tb city aurveyor for the Improve ment of Beventeenth itreet. In th absence of the city attorney the com aunlcktlon wa, on motion, placed on Me. A resolution waa Introduced declar ing th Intention of the council to Im prove two block on Commercial itreet, from tho weal lde of Tenth lreet to the wet ilde of Eighth itreet to a width ofS feet. Mr. Vtllnger who Introduced the reaolutlon, itated that a petition wa atarted and would r-ci-lv enough lgnature to conUnu the Improvement to Fourth itreet. Thl would embrace the Improvement of the county court houe block. Some of the councllmen thought a portion of thl ahould be borne by the county and that the reolutlon ahould bo laid on the table until the petition for the entire Improvement waa brought before, the council. Mr. Welch moved to table but the motion wa not put. After iome further debate the reaolutlon waa ordered referred to the itreet committee, Parker and Welch voting no. A reaoluilon waa Introduced Inntruct Ing the fire and water committee to enforce the ordinance prohibiting the roofing of houses with uhlngle. For some time the owners of houaes Inside the flro limits hava been putting on shingle roofs, contrary to the ordi nance. These shingle roof In many In- stance have been completed. Some of the councllmen thought no dlscrtm- Inatlon should be made and that roofs now undergoing such repairs should bo made and that repairs should be al lowed to stand. On motion the resolu lion was adopted. Parker and Welch voting no. After a few minor matters wero die posed of the council adjourned. CARD OF THANKS. ' The rolntlves and myself wish to ex press our heartfelt thanks to one and all. nartlcularly to the singer, who gave kindly help and sympathy at the burial of Mrs. Margaretl Gearhart. MRS. SARAH L. BTRD. ,i . PKHBONAL MENTION. Hon. C. W. Fulton arrived from Portland last night. Hherlff Llnvllle cam down from Portland last night. Internal Itevenue Collecler David M. Dunne waa In the city yesterday. Uus lllldebrand of the Arm of Foard A Blokes Is reported a too III fur rv Ice In the itor. L. Hamuel, th well-known Iniuranc man of Portland, la In th city on bu Inea for a few day. Jam llufllngton ha gun to Port land whvr he will remain -a few day preparatory to visiting th state fair at Balem. Mia Chapman, of Portland, who haa been summering at Heaalde, paased through thl city last evening on hr way hum. C'ha. Ityg.T, th popular druggist, accompanied by til on Lawrence, came In on the A. A C. train from Portland laat night. Mr. Captain Itlchardson and Mr. George Bhleld returned laat night from Portland, where they went yeaterday morning on a brief vlalt. Hoy Cook, who has been gaining om practical experience In mechanical en glnrlng at Wardner, I In th city, a guest of Mr, W. K. Cot and family. Mia Nellie L'txlnger, the talented young stenographer for th Foard A Btoke Company, I apendlng her a cation In Portland. Bhe will be absent the larger part of two week. WKBT BIDE ITEMS. Mr. Btephen Olrard la vlaltlng friends at BMpanon. J. H. Delllnger and wife epent Wd neaday at Warrenlon. The echool at tklpanon opened Tuee ily with Mr. K. A. Mason again a teacher. Th Warrenton school begins on the IMh. Ml Judson, principal: Miss Powell, of AntorU, asslatant. Mrs. B. A. Jones has returned to her home In Woxllawn after having spent th summer with her daughter, Mrs. O. II. West. New Astoria school opened Tuesday with the same teacher a last year. Mat. Btupoer. principal, Mlsa Lura present , al'nt. E. I, Bherman, machinist at Fort Htephen. ha resigned hi poaltlon to accept a belt r one In the light houi department. He will move hla family to Portland the last of the week. Tuesday evening, th many friends of Mrs. E. L. Bherman gave her a fare well party, In the nature of a surprise. Music and namea served to make the evening pleasant, after vhkh refresh ment were much enjoyed. Hervlcea hava ben held In 81. Thorn-ua-by the oea every Bunday through the goodn" of some clergyman who was spending his vacation at the coast. Itev. Mr. Simpson of Bt. Mark's,' Port Ian) will official next Bunday. Serv ice at 10:30 a. m. A letter received from August Brown of Dawson City, states he will not re turn this season but try his luck an other winter. On the Fourth of July he attended the celebration, and the dinner consisted of roast turkey, cran berry sauce and Ice cream. Perhaps fire crackers are served for Thanks giving. Last spring when th Bklpanon chool closed, the children gave an en tertainment and basket social, and a neat sum wag realised, which waa left In Mr. Mason's handa. When ahe re turned to begin the fall term, she brought with r a very line organ which waa placed In the echool house, ami now the little one enjoy th frulti of their labor. ' Through walte and tourlai ileepar. dining and library observation esra. No. I Unite. Iava Portland at 1:10 ..m''j ''..' . No. I Ltimuea arnvea ronmra a. m. For rata, etc., call or aaaras O.. W.- LOUNdHKRRT, , APt O. R. A N.. AstorU. A. B. C. DKNNISTON,"' ' C. r. T. -AMforisna, ur PISHBR'S OPERA HOUSE .. t i ! .-j .. . : i , .. . . ..,- L. E SKLIO, Ia-ee aud Manager. ... - ,i Monday, .September lt '99 FlUCES-IlcRcrvcd Scuts, 75c; Gallery, ot Griffin An Excellent C'omblnntlon. The pleshnnt mctliiid and betirflrlal effect of the well known remedy, irrnui- or rios, manniHcturea ny uie I CALiroimu Vio Hthiip Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the llijuld laia I tlv principles of plnnU known to be meiiicinaiiy laxative and preM-nting (hem In the form nvt refreshing tu the taat and acceptable to the ayatrm. It la the one perfect strcnln ning laxa tive, cleaoiiinir the avsU-m effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fever Rently yet pnmiptlj and enabling one j overcome habitual constipation per manently. It perfect freedom from very objectionable (iialitv and aub tlanoe, and IU acting on the kidney, liver and bowel, without weakening or Irritating; them, make it the Ideal laxative.. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tbe taste but the medicinal qualities of tha remedy ar obtained frtsa senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Kio Brnur Co. only. In order to get ita beneficial effect and to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aaxf raasrciaoo. cai bornavtuB. xy. siw tout, ar. t. For Ml by all Druggists. Prk UK. per bottls COAL, COKE AND TAIL Th Astoria Gaslight Company will, on and after the lat of September lell coke, coal and tar at the following prices: Coke, per ton MOO Tar per barrel 7.00 Tsr, 3 bsrtvt lots I.W Con I, Walls End to arrive Oct.... 00 ASTORIA GASLIGHT COMPANY. P. A. Trullinger, Becy. A WONDKKFL L CUKE OF DIARRHOEA. A 1'liOMINENT VIRGINIA EDITOR Had Almost Given Up, but Wa Drought Iluck to Perfect Health by Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. From the Tim?. Hlllstllle. Vs. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I waa past being cur ed. I had aient much time and money and Buffered so much misery that I had almoat decided to give up all hope of recovery and await the reeult, but noticing the advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cure had been wrought by this remedy, I decid ed to try It. After taking a few dose I wa entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to ay further to my reader and fellow sufferer that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did In my life. O. R. Moore. Bold by Charles Roger. A familiar nam for th Chicago, Uli wsukee Bt. Paul Railway, known all over tb Union aa the Orea Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" train every day and ' night tetween Bt. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, Tb only perfect train tn tb world." Understand: Connection are made with all Transcontinental Line, assuring to pasaegenrs the btst service known. Lus urloua ccachts. etectrto light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. Be that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point tn th United State or Canada. All ticket sgent sell rhem. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa tion, address,' J. W. CA8GT. ' C. J. KDDT. . Trav. Pus. Aft.. General Agent; . . Portlsnd. Or. Portlsnd. O.r A sciutiluting whirligis ol LAUGHTER, Wir and Huno ria ing lo orowilcd liouses every where. A olenn, wholesome Farce Comedy with a plot. Not a dull moment in the whole play. Charley's Aunt nude you laugh, "Thedlrl From Chill" will make you Scream Sparkling Humor, Original Husk, Refined Specialties 60c Sent stile opens Pmurdav morning & Reed's. TIE GIRL FROM HIL Luxurious Travel rpilB "North. Western Limited" tralas, ' lctrlc llghUd throughout, both In liU and out, and steam hsated, ar. lthuul xop(lon, th fl'itat train In tb world. They embody the latest, naweat and beat tda for eomrort, coovnloe end luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogtbr ar tb most com. plat and splendid production of the car builders' art. Tb BpUndld Train Conntct wltb Tbc Great Northern Tbe Northern I'aciflc and The Canadian Pacific AT IT, PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. Ne extra charge for these superior ac (ommodatlona and all classes of tickets ere available for passsge on the famous "Ncrth-wsstern Llmltsd." All trsins oa Uhl ln ar protected by lb Interlocking Block lyitta, W. H. MEAD, F. C BATAOC Oo1 Agent. T A. PorUaad Or, ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Enabllsbed during th riga of Queeo Aon. A. D. 1711. FIRE AND LIFE. uoeanoea Cawtai I l.m m kmM UMMOI Burpin to policy bolder IMA M Eicludv ot paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Bubtcrtbed or guiraitaed cap ital 41,100 000 00 Capita, paid np l DtM 0 ASM so Catton, BeH & Co. (ton al Agenta. Baa Fraaclsco. CaX Samuel Elmore & Co. Resident Agent. A (torts. Oregon. H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone S. DRAYINU AND EXPRESSING ll Coods Bbtrned to Our Car Mill Receive Special Attention. Nn. IM Duan St.. W. i. COOK. Ugr. Aat.rta. Or. Res. Tel. Ul If you go aat via BUllngs and tn Burltcrton rout. Tb Burn ng too rout - rung through tourist sleeper twice i week. BeV-U to Kansas Dty-Oei on at any point along the . main Una of the Northern Pacific' 1 Washington or Montana get off at Kaneaa City.- $ eMaadard sleeper, every day W til week. Buttle to St. . Louis ylj Lincoln, Omabta and Bt Joseph, t . A. G SHELDON, , , OenersJ PasseneTr Agtnt, . Portland, Oregon." Oregon Short Line Railroad. THB DIRECT ROUTB TO Montana; Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Points. Oive cbolce of two favorite rout, via the Union Paclflo Fast Mail Line, or th Rio Orand Bcenlo Line, LOOK AT THB TIME 1 Days to Salt Lake 2 J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tour bit sleeping cars, snd Pullman palace sleepers, operated on all tram. For further Information, apply to Q. W. LOUNSBERRT, ' Agent, O. R. N., Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRT, W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland. Or. TEMPLE LODGE NO. T. A. F. ft A. M. Regular communications held on the first snd third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. ATTORNEYS. 3. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlc Bond Street, Astoria, Or. Hssiaauaussssstsssssisssssusisiiaassssssssj I to ! m MikrMMsgaHsHHl I You Don't ; j I Change Cars j 3 o P. H. Sharpie's Latont FISHER BROS. Builders Heavy and Shelf C. J. Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. Agent, r. A Co-sod Padlle fcipress Ce. 4 Pacific Navigation Company STEAMERS R. P. Blttiore ; W. H. Harritsott GARIBALDI BAY Connecting at Astoria wltb tb Oregon Railroad SaTigstion Co. (or San Francisco, Portland and all poind east. For freight and psssen gar rate apply Samuel Elmore eft Co, era! Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. C0H5 400., Agent, TILLAMOOK Cre. 1 A5T0RI A M EAT COMPANY Telephone No. 33 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 41s Cssawrdal St.. at Pslac Rmsa'aiut. "Russell" Automatic Engine r i-fcs- tr ill m. L.- .aasm sw h-Lj 1 Write for Catalogues of A. II. AVERILL, Manager. Colombia Electric & flepaiF Go Successor to 3 COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engines Foundrymen Heavy. Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Uasrpasscd ... " Harrison Sectionar lopellof Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants, CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEADSTEAD la all sizes ... t PORTLAND, OR. nniv i?ipat-Closs Hotel In Portland 5 La nn " ",7 - STRONG COURSES-Well equipped training: department, Normal eourse, julckest and best way to State Certlflcate. Expenses or year from 1M to 1160; Board SIM to It per week; Tultlos, d eer term ot ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th; Bummer term June f to September t For catalogue address P. U CAMPBEIX. PrssiSiiS, or W. JL. WANN, Bes of Faculty. Cream Separators and Heat, General Supply House for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Custom Mouse Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA tb TILLAMOOK CITY HOBSONVILLB Orego , ilroa Navigation Co., FOBTLiASU, Uro. 5 s rT Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. . RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon, LoKers - 1 Supplies Kept fa Stock Built (and Repaired and Btyles. We shall continue to tell Iron and Brass Bedsteads at the same Low Price regardless ot the raise in the price of iron and bran ,1 r State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for TeectMr. New Bulldlnrs New Department. Ungraded Country School Work. , Graduates Secure Good Positions.