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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1899)
Hit, MOKNINd ASTORIAN KrUlrA. MOKMM SKP'IEMBKU , im. DailU SlljtOtUtUe Crv3 rj "- JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone ataln tL TERMS OF 8UB8CRIPT1U.V DJLILT. Sent by mall, per yaar Bent ty mall, par tnoaih ... Berred by carrier, rr month ... at H-W i - SEMI-TTEEKLT. Bent by mall, per Tear, la adraac.. I-oata- free to aubacrttteta. AH eonunualoattoat tntesded f Jf publl xatloo should be directed to the editor. Business eoorminloatlons of all kinds srd remittance must be addrtaatd to Toe Aisorian." The Aswiad guarantee to It adrar. -titer ' in 'latest circulation of any ewttwper pisbihvbed an too Columbia river. . Advertising rate oan m aaa appll. aatlon to tb baatn caaaager. - . It U a satisfaction to know that th bark Harry Mono will discharge her unnecessary complication. The Union cargo at the A. 4 C warehouse, tn- J Jack Is not precisely th flag of Eng- tead of the O. R. N. dock as was ' lnd- tor th prt cnn 1UJ .i 1! ,,.. . whole; yet It is th Union Jack which originally Intended. The few obaer -' , . . . . . flies over our lawmakers at Westmtn--rations made by the Astorian on this ,er t0 ,how ,ht th, HoUM j, NUnf subject before th arrival of the Morse Our national flag should be more prom seem to have been both timely and effective. " ' . - Astoria and the A. A C. railroad do not appear' to be represented on the ' new board of directors of the O. R. & N. Perhaps when Mr. Hammond con structs his road on the other side of the Columbia to Wallula Junction, and " then induces his associates to purchase the Northern Pacific from that junction to St Paul, Astoria will be made a common point on export traffic and the entrance port for some of the Oriental business. AH the same, if the people of Astoria were alive to the oppor tunities snd possibilities of their po- aition. the A. A C. railroad might be utilized as Its subsidy grantors were j led to anticipate, without waiting for ; f r Uonmnnjl tn rurfOTt Vila trafflr- o r I rangements. The following Interesting item is clip ped from last Saturday's edition of the Albany Herald. It is republished here for the encouragement of those who be lieve it good policy to depend upon Mr. Hammond for founding the industries from which the town of Astoria must grow: W. W. Curtlss, of Portland, and VT. H. Hammond, of Montana, a brother of A. B. Hammond, arrived in Albany yes terday. This Is Mr. Hammond's first visit to Albany. He Is well pleased with Oregon and much Interested In the timber resources of the stare. With "Mr. Curtlss is United States Surveyor R. P. Habbersham. of Astoria, who was engaged yesterday with his assist ants, in surveying the site for the big ' saw mill. The arrangements for the location of the great lumbering mdus 'try are progressing favorably, and it Is likely soon to be under way. AMERICAN AN ENGLISH LESSONS 1 ON THE FLAG. It is a slgnlScant sign of the times that foriign newspapers and period! cals are devoting so much more space to the notice and discussion of Amert can topics than . they formerly did. Leading Journals throughout England and' Europe are giving columns to the study of our commercial methods and resources, nor ore our national customs and characteristics sneered at as they osed to be. We have suddenly risen to an Importance and appreciation in for elgn estimation such as we have never enjoyed befors. Of course every In telligent observer knows the reason for this remarkable change In the world's opinion. Dewey's victory and the re- markaDie achievements of our army and navy In the Spanish war nearer home have opened the eyes of other nations to our power and Influence as a century of normal progress would not have done. The benefits and advan tages resulting and yet to result from these changed conditions are Incalcu able and should more than reconcile every American citizen to the sacri fice of blood and treasure they re quired. Some days ago the Astorian repro duced Hid commented on portions of an article taken from the Liverpool Journal of Commerce relating to the growlnir Importance of the United states as a maritime power. The ar ticle In question was Inspired by a visit to English waters of the United States training ship Saratoga, and the In fluential Journal In which It was pub lished complimented this country In a why that was surprising as well as gratifying to every American heart It Is trange that the papers cf the Pacific coast have not noticed the ar ticle and given It the prominence Jn this wrctlon which It deserve. Som. portion, of theu-tlcle, con.ld-rlnf th.l .... . ""Ul,uu"u "' m. mieranc and the world-wide Importance of Ihe English paper In which It appeared, ar truly remarkabl. Among oth.r statements contained In the article, which could hot be noticed In the At torlan'a former reference for want of apace, la the following contrast between the American and Knll,h .,. ... ... . . . ! inculcating the Icon of patrtotUmj and love of the country's flag: The American schoolboy remember Lincoln and Garfield, and has always la the only poeltlvt curs now know befors his eye the flag of hia country, to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be not only outside, but also Inald the lug a constitutional disease, require school. He see It well In evidence over a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca every public building, and th annual lairh Cure Is taken Internally, acting Fourth of July celebrations alone are directly upon tb blood and mucous more than sufficient to entur that his surface of th system, thereby deatroy attentlon Is firmly fixed on what he lug th foundation of th disease, and soon comes to regard with patriotic ' giving the patient strength by building fervour as "Old Glory." Eugland It lamentably lax In this respect' She seldom troubles to bring the fag prom inently before the rising generation; and the decided difference between th three ensigns of warship, merchant man, and Royal Naval Reserve th white, th red and th blue, tend to Inently brought to the notice of the youngsters In all sorts and conditions of British schools, and one day a year! set apart to explaining that It has glorious traditions would be far more useful than mu:h of th dry-as-dust history which a boy's brains refuse to assimilate. Th man is consid ered the rao-t rcckleti of men who risk" hi lift br putting his head into tbe mouth of a savage lion. The men who perform this foolhirdy act are few and far between. There are tens of thousand of men who daily do a much more rh and dangerous deed. They are the men ho overwork and neglect their health. No mm can do this with immunity. The inevitable result is serious illness and premature death. One of the most common results of care lessness in regard to health is consumption. There is one. and only one. nnfailing rem edy for this dread disease. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It has a record of thirty y trs. during which time it has cured qg per cent of ail cases of bronchial, throat and lung affections. It acts directly on the digestive and nutritive organism. It creates a healthy appetite for food, facili tates the flow of digestive juices and pro motes the assimilation of the life-giving ele ments of the food. It is tbe great blood-maker, flesh builder and nerve-tonic. In cases of nervous prostration it builds op the nerve fibre and gives sound, refreshing sleep. I took a sever raid with sore throat." writes Mrs. A. S. Everturt. of Oard Spring. Scott Co., lad. " Saoa I beaa to cough. Mr right side became sore o that when I couthed it teemed as tbourh my side woatd hurst The physician said I had pleurisy. I took his medicine for some timeaod got so better. Ail thnxflrh the spring and summer I used mustaid plasters and fly blis ters oo my side snd over lungs. Finally I began to ache to badly btlpxu my shoulders that I could hardly endure it and at times almost smothered, sty breath was so short that I could scarcely talk. Several of my near relatives had died of consumption. 1 thought I would try Or. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovery, 1 took two bottles of it. and two of his ' Pleasant Pel lets.' aod am a new person. I would aot lake any money for th benefit received." The reason there are so many squab bles over whit the baby should be named Is due to the fact the the father calls him a different name every night when his rest Is disturbed. Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning-, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and ' Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED , BTflUTICURA. The treatment hi simple, direct, agreeable, . and economical, and it adapted loth young est Infant as well at adult of every at:e. Bathe tb affected pant with Hot wate aod CtmouBA Boar to cleanse the tklu of crust and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without bard rulibing, and apply CtmcuaA Ointment freely, to allay ltriifng, Irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and lastly take tbe Cutkhira RowjLvrvr to cool and cleanse th blood. This treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep, and points to a speedy, perma nent, and economical cure when all other rem edies and even the best physician! fail. SoMsiiif hers. Pries, Tas Sav.flJSt sr. Cmnei-sa fcur.lfc.! OiaTtft-T. amm aaoLs-T(lAlf rliat.Sllo, rorrsa Dtro asd L'hsh. Cab-., Bolt frost., Bottoa. at " tin k Can Hisists," II sa Seek, ova. Just when something Is discovered that will keep the hair permanently in curl, fashion will probably favor straight locks. 5nSA5 help the team. Saves wear and IV. expense, bold everywhere. sues v t STANDARD OIL CO. th, u load, vl . a.7 'TPliT rt rtmply prfccl." wrtw Rob'L Mwr, of UHnjrUK, Irul., of l)eWtf. Little Early Itlwr. tht , "famous little pills" for constipation ' and all liver ailments. Never rlp. Ohaa. Rotters. Cultivating a voice by no meant meant dousing your throat In Mould. 1100 REWARD, 110. Tn reaaer ot inn paper win pleated to learn that there U at leaat '..-j,- th.t wctme, nM been able to cur In all Its Itagri and thai la Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure 1 up the constitution and assisting na- ture In doing Its work. Tb proprie tors have so much faith in Its curatlv powers, that they offer On Hundred Dollars for any cat that It falls to cure. Send for Utt of testimonials. Address, T. J. CHENKT CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, TSc Hall't Family Pill art th boat School supplies In the shops are vle ing with th early autumn millinery. "Meat on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial trouble! ; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry WU'rd. South Canaan. Conn., of ne Mlnu Couh Cttr- CnM- Rogers. There are three ways of transmit ting new s teWgraph, telephone, tell-a-woman. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Mothers of children affected with croup or a sever cold need not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate nor narcotic In any form and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult The great success that has attended Its us In the treatment of colds and croup has won for It th ap proval and praise It has received throughout th United States and In many foreign lands. For sale by Chas. "og. P.rajii n.adl nun M'nswt - lit,!.. .v... 0.i.. tene and if the were living In New Tork we might reiterate "Greenwood." E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., waa cur- ed of piles by DeWltt s Witch Hasel Snlv, nflwp 1 1 rl n im-anlMii Viarl and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse It. Beware of dangerous counterfeit. Chas. Rogers. The girl who thinks it is smart to contradict her mother never gains any thing In the estimation of those who hear her. For many years science has studied liquors. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven th best stim ulant and does not Injur nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co.. Astoria Oregon. Some men tell no story when they say that they were well off before they were married, though they hadn't a cent in the bank. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and Positively cures dytpeptla. M. A.Ket ron, RlooraJngdal, Tenn., says It cured Dim of Indigestion of ten years' stand' Jng. Chas. Rogrs. , . ' Many of the new gowns are not only "tailor made," but "need a maid," Judging by the complicated arrange, ment of their fastenings. , UNIVERSITT OF OREGON. Tuition Free. rtrjt term begins September 18, 1899. Excellent courses In ancient and modern languages, sciences, mathematics, etc. Graduates from tht tenth grade and from all aocredlted schoola admitted without examination. Btud-itt not fully prepared to enter, can take tudla In which they ar de ficient. In the Eugen city high tchool. For cataloajjet and further Information address the Prssldent, or Hon. J. J. Wal. ton, 8e:r.'ta-y, Eugene, Ore. women write fifty notes to a man's one, but the whole aggregation does not mean as much as the masculine "thirty days after date," etc. DeWltt's Little Early Riders perma nently cure chronic constipation, bil iousness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the en- tire system, Bmall, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pills.' Chas. Rogers. Though babl?s from time Immmemo- rlal have been called "bouncing," they never show any Just reason for being so termed If you chance to let them fall. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs In bad shape and I was near the first stages of consumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured me." Writes Helen McHenry, Bismarck, N. D. Gives instant relief. Chas. Rogers, Dogs and children will never show off when you want them to. BUSINESS POINTERS. Jeff Is Whit cooks, 'th only" restaurant Dt U-ont assal. Blatng Sua rastau. rant, til Ooirunsrct&l strswt s k Our re ream la warranted to b mad of pur cream. Tb Parlor, ttxt to Joha Has', Blavsat aod beat meal at Denver IfJtck. ttasA atrawt- at tta. Ifhftt wot. Try It Baa (alttMa was M awat par gwl lea. Alax- QUbart. a! tagactt for As toria. Twapbao a Cfetsua Pur Ky. AmarWe flaat whlakay, To Only pur good, guaraa. two rloa and arraUow. Jotta L. Cavrtsoa, at atyvat - K alley's traJastar wagoaa wallvwr bog wood, l any .par of tut csly a abort aotloa. All oniars ktft at Capfs fursi tur store, Cwnatroku trt, will r. oir proeipt atttntioa. Tsiephoo UR It Is much wiser to mak a man won der than to bort him. Cheater H. Brown, Kalamasoo, Mich., says: "Kodul Dyspepsia Cur cured m of a sever ess of Indiges tion; can strongly recomrrrehd It to all dys peptic. " Digests what you cat without aid from th stomach, and cure dyspepsia. Chaa. Rogers O to th Columbia EUeotrta Re pair Company for all' Hads of aw and repair work, from - a -cambric r.dl to a Weycl, boiler or aagiaa Quick work and faUsfaotloa guaran t4. Locflrtaf iMchlQfrjr of U kindt spolUy, Shop opposiu Roml Hlat (rssa A r-a-a Tb concert ball opened by Charll'. n is at iso. Astor street la th on and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wis la doing some thing new among concert halls. H Is nut only selling a class of pur liquors, but Is giving his plac a management which Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to his patrons. Th good music and th crowd will b found at Charll TVlte'i place. Poeta aeem to drop lines to every , thing but fish. Fr wounds, burnt, tcalds, aores. --,in usea-e. anu an irniaung erup- ' lions, nothing so toothing and healing I' lt'1 Wlt. h HiI Rnlva. fr r.lirn. Bollea Matron Knglewood ' Xur,ery Chicago, saya of It: "When a" ftt" h,,a"n our ,,abl". wl" l"r " Chas. Rogers. I """"" TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggists refund th money ir It falls to cure. EL W. Orovt's sig nature is on each box. 2Sc To make us particularly fond of somebody all that Is necessary is for us to discover that the world at large shares our sentiment. STEAMER POTTER, The following Is th schedule of the steamer T. J. Potter from September 1st until th do of the seaside season. Leave Portland Saturday September at 1 p. m., returning leav Ilwaco Sun day, September Ird at I p. m. and As torla at I p. m. Tuesday September Sth leav Portland at I a. m., returning leave Ilwaco Wednesday morning Sep tember 6th at 10:30 a. tn. and Astoria at 11:30. Tuesday September 7th leav Portland at I a. m., returning leav V waco Friday, September 1th at 10:10 a. m. and Astoria at 11:30. Saturday, September ttb leav Portland at 1 p. m., returning leav Ilwaco, Sunday, September ltth at f:30 p. m. and A. torla at T p. m WHITE .COLLAR LlfNi Oorum River and ruget Sauna) Navi gation company. Bailey Oattert leaves Astoria dally, e cDt Saturday, at T p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line ticket Intirdiange onllallay Oattert, O. R. A N. tteamert T. J. Potter and HaaaaJo for Astoria and all way point, Flavel, rrwaco, BeavIeW. Lang Be( and Natvotta, V. B. SCOTT, Attorla Agt. president.. Telephone No, 111 A FEW INTERESTING FACTS - Wheal peopl ar contemplating a trit whertner on business or pleasure, the) naturally want th best service oh talnabl so far as speed, comfort anr safety It concerned. Employes of th. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIN EL an uald to servs th public and our train, ar operated so as to mak close out neotlon with diverging lines at al Juncvtloa polnta. Pullman Palac Sleeping and Chair Csr on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meab served a la carts. In order to obtain this flst class servtot sak tht ticket agent to sell you s tlcke over . , TheWisconsin Central Lines. and you will mak direct connections a Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east For any further Information call on as ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Agtnt, or JAS A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wit. uenenu Agent 3ss Stark St.. ron tana Or. THB LADIKS. Th pleaaant offset and perfect taft ty with which Jiullea may ut 8-rup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorlt remedy. To get tht tru and ganuln artlcl. look for th nam of th California Fig Syrup Co., print d near th bottom of th package. For sal by all druglst. . ... J GRAY' j JACKET STORE- Is closing out the tlnwar department and evirything will bo old right away. Attention I called to tht fact that the prices below are for good granltewar and tinware, na good as can be pur chased elsowhrr at any price, Those good are made by such manufacturer as th 8t. Louts Htaniplng Co., Naber man and the Klckhelper. In fact you ran have any factory brand you wattt. This Is a rare opportunity for hard ware and melalwani of all kinds. The goods am really worth many time what It atkeil for them: So tin dippers, sale price lc fa coal hanger lo Hon grater .,,,....,10 t inuflin ring, sale price lo (c can openeri lo Pint cup in ic ttove lifters , lo 1 1 pt. graduated measure to U qt. granite dish pan, sal prlc ,.iio J-Ht granite coffe pott Sic No. n sauce pant, worth 40c sal ..lo II qt dairy pulla, sal plica ,10c qt. granite milk pans, sal price. .10o Milk strainers, sale prlc fa No. I granite tea kottlra, sale prlc..4c Granite colanders, sale price Ifa Granite ric cooker, sal prlc ....lie 510 Commercial Street. ASTORIA , AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. y?;. PORTLAND. ArrW J m Portlivj Union Dpot.U:U m p."? p. avifor Aatorta and lniarj I ) m inatilat points. I AflTOrUA." avm irar Portland and In.'U SJe m I M p. m. Harmed late po'.nta U:Jp.nt URASIDK DIVISION. p m a m 1-eiWn JS'I.v a. ra.ip m. Astoria.... Ar ia-.IIIUiAr ,...,-,. t.v I tO U ll Lr ...warrnton...Ar, T' i t hi a ta 11 l:00!Ar ....Sraslda.... Lvj I U! SmCIAL SEABIDB Bt'NDAT TRAIN Leaves Asiorla at I JO a m.; arrlva at Seaald 1:45 a. m. Pasangr may return on any train shown on aehedu's on sam datt. ALL TRAINS to and from 8-ad run to Flavel and New Astoria via Warren ton. i All Irams make c os eonneetlona a t abl with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the east or Sound po:nt i Al Pari an.! alih a! r.m. ! I'nlon depot. I At Astoria with I RAN. Co.'s boat 'and rail, line to and from I'waoo and , North Beach points. THROUOII TICKETS on sal at As. I or -a for Sacramento, Sin Francisco, all Eastern and Kurop-an points. City ticket ufTlce Astoria. U Commer. Hal strteL J. C. MAYO. Oen'l Kr't and I'aaa. Ag-nt, hse tiny Ciptulet ar uprioi to UAltam ot Copaiba, CURE IN 48 HOURSlff-UT th tame d teaMl with. Out lnconnienc. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ; ENCYCLOPAEDIA BR1TA1ICA Questions areconstantly comingup every day inliterature.artand science which you wish you knew, but you; don't., Make up your -mind that you tare not going to 'be caught this way very often. Whenever a , .new subject is ' brought to your attentiondig in . to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopedia Brlta mica Is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol , ars and educators everywhere draw Information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. Th Complst Set (Thirty Larg Octavo Volumes): No. t. New Slyls Buckram Cloth, MarMed Edges, E'trs Quality HlghMschins Fin ish Book Paper, i 00. First payment, One Dollar ($1.00) snd Thres Dollars(Si-oo) per month thereafter. No. s. Half Morocco. Murbled EJpes, Extrs Quality High Maclilns Finish book Paper, $00.00. . First payment. Two Dollars f$?.oo) and Four Dollars (S4.00) per month thereafter. ' Na 1, Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edces, Extra Quality High Machine Finish book Paper, l7'.oo. First payment, Thres Dollars f$voo) snd Five Dollare (S'.oo) per month thereafter, A reduction of 10 per cent. Is grsnted by paying cash within jo days after the recslpl of the fork. 1 II I J cr Andrew Dike . M'COMMKHCIAI. HT. ...Merchant Jailor... Perfect I'lt Guaranteed.' Low Trices. Repairing aod Cleaning Ntatly Don. J. A. Fastabcnd General Contractor and HoustHiioving Tools for Kt'iit, L LEUECK a " Crpnlr tami Hnlldr anrttl Contrnclor NOUSe RAL5INU AND , MOVINQ A SIHCtALTY Light your hout and plao ot buslnts with Incandescent 1 . ' . . Vapor Gas Lamps 100-canJl power at a cost of lo for three hur. Miller & Birnafcere. Agents 40i Bond Street, Astoria. fJERVITA PILLS Ktsteri Vitality UU Vlter (a Massoe. Cure ImiMitency, Night KuiUalonsand wastlni; diseases. All c (Tec It of arlf abuse, or exert and Imlls- frL JcrctUm. A nrvo tonic mta Moot! btitldcr. Ilrlngt the iVasa reatnrea thai ftri. nf vnilth. l(rNHy mall fiOo prr , boxes fur $2.50; with (4 written ffiiiinuv tec- to run or rertintl tlie itioiiry. bend for clroular. AUJrcsa, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Olrtton AJsokton Bts., CHICAGO, IU rr Bal by Charls Rotara. DroaiitL Ailorl. Orron. Dyspepsia Cure. Difjests what you cat. It artlflelaUly dlifwts tht food ini aid Naturo in iretiiftbenlng and reooo itructlBff the rihaunted dliftMtlrt or irana, It Uthelatetdltcorred digest aot ana tonic. No other preparstlor eao opproacb It la eUlclency. It to tantly rellcTsind permaoootlyeurei Drspopait, Indigestion, llaartbum, Flatulence, 'Sour Stomach, Muaea, SlckIIeadahe,Uastralirla,Crainp,aDd all other resu I u of I m perfect d l;etlna Prepared by t. C DeWitt a Co . Chicago. For Sal by aUiU.II ItOQXHa KOPRS BEST Tb. KrjrlhJJeelfle Br,-8ry, , which for domeetie and expori trada. North Pacif W.'F;SCI1EIE,w 4 lull Una l Plpaa, Taac, tat Amoktrt' Arttctot. T- tommsrcltl Ml. THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. t'CITEK; NOBLE, HILKOKY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER, LIQUORS, WINES, 1JEER AND CIGARS Served Dny ntttl Nlffht. AUGUST KRATZ, MANHOOD RESTORED 1 , m 1 ir s BCFORC ass AFTER rrPIDFJiy! .twnsthsnsanil laatonm small I'll rraaon mtr- rr are not ouri by li.iriors it hrniinln... . Proatxilla. (MJt-ll)KNKI.tliHoiny.lin,wn rrm,.d 25, ""1V.. f.'T IXfrsnl art tmnhlM with als. A wrlllnnrurnlilyniiU nionry r.'lurne.l .... "'.'." " T ratloli. tall..llm..i.l. fi w m dos, sis Nr i,wj, uy niaii. ii-na n.r rHiKi 0 M. l C I Thoae who have dtlaytd buytnf. Htiitiiticr lJoolwnr ar fnrtunat. Thsy van sav at leaat a third on th usual eoal of high trade shiwa. W ar elol out all of ear winner Ian the al a exeat rluotloa. We hav them fur rntn. women and rhlMren, which should bring evtryone t,t th star. Thsy are foods wblob hav ovrtay4 lb!r time, ConsMer the flura. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of tt pudding I la tit ! tti proof ot Ueisora IS IN SAMPLING That' a ar uroer rhatl'e - nluatr oansn(iiats. Our wQI stand Dk t-att, HUGHES & CO. AT' ,ilo Tm KrirtlUtKi yroia roeliand nrrAHr A taut rut Mail i, im, r m . Wuith, Onalia. Kan L"J sm t lljr. at. Ia,ts. , t litraLSb ai4 raal 1 1 P p B I - k - I . . M. I P to Hi..k.i,e iWslta Wtlla, Hi..aas.! l ie I tllnnapi.lls, l.'.ulj Kpoaan ritor I M a. ta. sinn m i I'ui'xa. anstuiw, ,,0p "" I hkaoanil Ha. I Frets Aaturta ikiun rraatiMtii's- all Sailins latrs tub! jrrt to whangs. j ft Nut FraiiaittN.. Mjitf , -H-i-i s in, av ro Ta lust I'll mta. 7 111 1 ilrt ll.ur. rtt .1.111 . asaiM nlay 1pm Tnt Vuiif yn; I p m sal t'oli'mNa Hltraf Rtaamar To I'.iruaad tad War laiaUlBaa, WlllsM.lta aa Va T a m. P as. tiid rn. kill Ulss. r.... 1 ...... anil MaL U"a '"r. l"")'tuo, tj lAtttllll. Kliarta I -. '.,.' " I t. a S3 I IlliSUIstu LsartaUa. Lt Uwtsta lo a m a.lly l',.rtla. - m. Mo.t, Wml Or-a.Hi flu, Nasrh-rg, ru fhur KlWay , aafa, A Wsj-lan SUmMa; " "d. W.'aJbrjKlllCRRT, W. H. BUIOBtntT. At0r'' Ota. raa. Aat, lNrtiasat or. iA : Dl i ciou b -a nd latabIe.Drink Absolutely Pure f BoNM f,BU, Bie, or Ief tb city froa, icBrewercj lactMSft of ways. Hailabla U Belle Astoria" Cigar Scheibe'g Open Stir Schelbe'i Special Al"1 Othr riranda Astor Street. - . .- swaaa.acawa vCUPI0ENC" ThlsfraatV-aaUlil w.nk ,," lrciilar and iniinu!fi "UWJl psrusaiamt our. .. - ciuuUia ROfifcRg. t69 ConrnVrdal at. LUUV-KC 'iiaiisnriannwrlp. Pimp In, Vuflinw, t la,r', i'i ,., "" "' '"" H.'l.lllty Consllnntlon, 1 1 ,.p, , '' ""'" I'raliis, V.rlror.1. n,'.'?l.0'.'J",''l",r"' '"ti if .nr.i,,?Li,.,',l;, l'""-msnnl.'a. ansol all lunuia,...