The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 07, 1899, Image 4

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TO HEADERS, The "Hatty Aatarlaa"
aatalM twice as nt raaaiag matter aa
HV ethar paper pab!lfcd la Aatarle. It
I the ealy paaar thai prwato It imnn
With a 411; talrfrapkl report.
TO AIrgRTJKRS.-The Dally A.
Mua hat ara lhaa Iwlcaa. many rwul
ve a eay ethar papar abllthaa' ' Aata
via. It Is hrrora mora than wlc ai
valaable a aa adrrrll.lng aartllaa.
?Vr, Warmer. ' "T V
Fresh Salmon at the Fat Market
Oentlemen-Keep your eye on "B. W
Sweet cream In any amount at ths!
sheeps tongue, l
do you know 8nodTaa make!
Stamp PhotoeT Call and pet them they
re all the go.
A large Invoice oT Lowney'a famous
chocolates lust received at The Spa
Candy Factory.
In the county court yesterday John
Peterson, a native of Sweeden, was ad
mltted to cltltenshtp.
John Peterson, a native of Sweden,
vas mad a cltlaen In the probate court
before Judge Gray yesterday.
Wanted-A competent girl for gen
eral taouM work. To rood cook. first
class wages. Apply Astorlan office.
For rent furnished, a Urge front
room with bay window, centrally lo
cated. 414 Exchange street, next Ninth.
. .. ,.(. nun nub will hold a
1 0 JViw
called meeting tonight, at I o'clock, at
Spexarths store. A full attendance is
For rent Furnished rooms with
first-class Uble board. Apply Mrs. E.
C Holdens corner Ninth and Duane
A small boat from the launch Daisy
to missing. The owner Is uncertain as
to whether It has been stolen or drift
ad away.
wnen tou set our Ice cream and
confectionery, you know you hare the
best There U none better. The bpa
Candy Factory.
Wanted 10 men to break rock at Mt
Coffin. Wash., wages Board JIM.
No dudes or boys wanted. Columbia
8tone A C. Company.
R. B. Wilson, traveling freight and
passenger agent for the Burlington
line, "smiled" and shook hands with
Astorians all day yesterday.
gherlff Llnvllle left for the Insane
aaplura at Salem yesterday evening,
having in charge Kalsi Sarvla, who
was admitted to that Institution.
The river boats. Edith, Alarm and
Triton are all beached at the Astoria
Iron Works for repairs. The Triton ex
pects to make out on the next tide.
Superintendent McGulre and General
Passenger Agent Mayo were visitors
at new Astoria yesterday la the Inter
est of the A ft C. railway extension.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Annie
F. Partridge will be held fnm Grace
church this morning at 10 o'clock, un
der the auspices of the Masonic frater
nity. After the first day of September, the
Astoria Wojdyard Company, will sell
Knappton mills slabwood, two-cut, di
rect from scow, at $2.25 a cord; fir cord
wood, 13.75.
The steamer Mayflower In change
of Captain Plckernell, is now open for
business, except on Saturday and Tues
days, when she will be engaged on her
regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock.
Alex Gilbert and son, equipped with
guns, ammunition and fishing tackle,
went to Seaside yesterday. Mr. Gilbert
says that he will combine business with
September 15th Our Large, New Store Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to
Moving Time Our Entire Stock of
Dry Goods and Fancy Goods
Remaining on Hand at the Old Store will be Sold at Or Near Actual Cost.
Sale commencis Monday, Aug. 28, continuing until our removal Sept. 15.
plrasur and endeaver to dispose of
some real estate.
A sailor belonging to the bark Har
ry Morse, tumbled Into the river early
yesterday morning. The accident hap
pened above Clatsop mill. Officer Set
lea, Rhos beat brought him Into the
pelghborti, rescued him.
Some of the ii!10' ln Artori"
have Informed their nsherT
rent will be charged for boat dur?
the fall season. This will be quite an
item for the fishermen and la an In
dication of the lively competition
which may be expected between the
salmon packers. . .
The funeral of Mrs. Margarettt
Gearheart will be held from the Clatsop
church today. Rev. Henry Mar
cotte will conduct the funeral services.
The funeral car will leave Astoria at
11:30, and the
train will sto-
irein win so ....
. v. in kii.lL ..... .
pv. iL i
wi.ial Will be In
Claiso eeiielery.
rue qui or ne ram-
lly ire Invited.
At the tea to be girea at the home
of Mrs, H. W. Chriatenaea. by the
Ladles Guild on Thursday afternoon.
Sept T. some fancy articles will be
tor sale. Also an amusing program la
planned. The funds are to go towards
the necessary Improvements of the
church. A cordial Invitation la extend
ed to all
Lusty calls for the police emanated
from the vicinity of the Star saloon
about midnight. An Investigation dis
closed a wordy combat between father
and son. While the names are known,
they are suppressed, considering that
the parent Is both aged and respect
able and has good reason to demand
support at the hands of his offspring.
The taxpayer's league met last even
ing In regular session, with a full at
tendance. Among other topics of dis
cussion were the repairs being made
to the t'pper Town driln and the mat
ter of the construction of a school
house house on 'the county property.
Both matters were referred to the ex
ecutive committee, with Instructions to
investigate and take proper action.
Th R-nihta T-ki,.. . . , . I
hall on Commercial street last night
and Jollified until the clock hands
pointed warnlngly to a late hour,
For i
the amurement of the company, there
were recitations with singing and
dancing, and Anally a cake walk which
provoked laughter, and Incited each
cne present to beg that the comical
performance be given aga'n.
Two young sportsmen engaged In
an altercation In the Anchor saloon on
Astor street late last night over the
alleged filching of a dollar. The ac
cused man, while denying the theft
borrowed the amount from a friend,
and handing It to the complainant,
followed the action by a generous slug
ging which sent him reeling and hat
less onto the side walk. No arrests
were reported.
The second mate and several of the
crew of the Harry Morse made up a
Jolly party at the depot last nlsbt.
prior to the departure of the Portland
train. Thre was much ado regarding
the bagsage. before the cars were
boarded. One ruddy-faced tar shouted
that thy were all bound for Seattle.
As the train rolled out, the familiar
Scotch ballad. "Auld Lang Syne" was
sung In a spirited style.
The steamer Hwaco, which for a
short time has been lying at the As
toria Iron Works dock, moved down to
a lower landing yesterday, and took In
tow the Clatsop scow owned by Cap
tain Copeland, for Portland. The II
waco Is an old-time craft on the river,
having been engaged In the I. R. A
N. service between Astoria and Hwaco
for a number of years. Recently she
was relieved by the Nahcotta, and will
henceforth be stationed at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, Miss Ger
trude McConnell and Dr. Finch compose
a party who will leave this morning
for Seattle, Tacoma and Victoria, B.
C, on a pleasure Jaunt After two
Our Great . . .
Removal Sale
weeks devoted to sightseeing In the
Fuget sound district. Dr. Finch will re
turn home and Mr. McConnell and
family continue their Journey to San
Francises where they reside. Mr. and
Mrs. McConnell have been guests of
the Cole House, and leave a large circle
of friends In Astoria.
Two men with Jags and a large crowd
following, wandered up Fourteenth
street last evening, laughing, shouting
nd making merry In general. When
well up t? WU nJ ' t,m whtr
the revelry was a n1Dt. " ot
the tipplers, who tarried C"1 bot
tie of whiskey buried In his pocket, st.'r
ped and sat forcibly upon ' It. His
weight crushed the glassware and be
was seriously wounded. The twain
then retraced their steps, the Injured
man In search of a physician.
A hor- ,,r
. . w J Ia a M11V eiin
" -
. ....... ohl-ct
------- --- - - .
-on Kxcnange street yesteruay, anu
leaving nis unver in conrerence wun a i
patron, tore down the tbrouoghfare at
a furious speed, scattering cans and
milk In all directions. The attaches
of No. S engine house saw the terrified
animal approaching, and aa his course
wss directed straight for the fire de
partment, they lost no time in sprinting
for safety. The horse came to a stand
still several blocks from the point ot
departure, and with little damage re
sulting from the runaway.
Harvey, the bright. little son of A.
V. Allen, the grocer, met with a pain
ful accident yesterday, when, child
like, he was prying Into some ot the
mysterious mechanism of the Columbia
Electrical ft Repair Company's shops.
"T put my riRht hand middle finger
between the 'ols,,, ald Harvey.
I "thinking they were going to turn In
the opposite direction. The result was
that part of the nail and the tip of my
finger disappeared. Dr. Fulton dressed
' the wound for me and promised that
i the finger would fill out and look as
' good as ever after awhile, but I'm
j bfrald he Is mU:nkn on that point."
The naval reserves mustered at the
' armory last night for
their regular
I weekly drill. At the conclusion of the
exercises, the commanding officer!
stepped forward, and after a few pleas
ant remarks. Informed the men that
the allowance earnd during the late
eigm-aay s cruise wouui at once oe
allotted. Thereupon, each member
prrsrn, .a. na..u-a .-ve aonam aa
an equivalent for the services render-
ed. In addition to the currency, the
boys were each made the recipient of
a "ditty" bag. containing soap, a look-
Ing glass, towel, needles and thread.
tooth and hair brushes, comb, and
pipe and tobacco. The latter were gifts
from the Ladles Auxiliary corps, and
.... ur wrjr aa souvenirs oy me
brave laddies who constitute this con
tingent of the unconquered navy of
the United States. There were thirty-one
marines and petty officers and
five commissioned officers In attend
ance. rile drivers to the number of about
a dozen are busily engaged between
Astoria and Kalama driving trnn oil
ing for fall fishing. Many of the own- I
era of the drivers have orders ahead j
for work for the next 15 days. The!
piling for a trap Is completed by a !
driver In two days. Portions of the
middle river are already nests of pil
ing. Many of the traps are completed
while others are being put In aa fnst
as the work can be done. Glllnet fish
ermen are furious at the encroach
ment of the traps, as In many Instances
some of the best drifting grounds on
the river are occupied by these con
trivances. The channel In some In
stances Is only a few feet from the
tmns. Trapmen are compelled to keep
a llKht on the outer end of their struc
tures to avoid rwlng run Into by pass
In? steamers. There Is hardly a doubt
hut some of the trapmen will find their
traps gone some foggy morning, as
It will be almost Impossible for them
to escape thej passing steamers. The
price of fall fish as yet Is little dis
cussed by fishermen, while the can
nerymen and cold storage people have
given out no late Intimation of what
they expect to pay.
a cnosa uor s lament.
He wanted a WheJ to Ride and Did
n't Knw How to Get It
Ted Allen rolled from his couoh yes.
terday morning feeling fretful ami
snappish, Ted had retired a trifle earl
ier than usual the night before, not be- j
cause he had merited any pvt pun-1
Ishment. but for the reason that the '
curfew bad rung at ,lht ln.tJ ot ;
nine o clock, and appearing at home. !
It had been the natural Injunction to i
wnd him to bed. Therefore. It was 1
qua evident that he had either slept I
:od long or mayhap eaten too much.
Tra sick of this old town." he auKJ i
peevishly, as hts mamma, peeked '
at the doorway, hr face rd ,n
wlruint smile. "Do- - w'h
tint no tun tor a- "'
m. rV iA M MJaa
iu mnj nun. a mu
-v iuu ftjT-u niiu xtarrry iua-
er'a birthday candy. You know It was
Very rich!" "No, It taint that at all.
I only eat Just halt he had. I'm mad,
that's what." "But Ted, you were hap
py aa happy could be when Erble Cole
let you ride his wheel last night. I
heard you say that the boys In this
town were the beat lot of ducks you
ever knew'" "Oh, that's alt right, too.
They're good enough but Cole won't
let' me ride bis wheel two minutes at
a time. I want one of my own. It
I can't have one of my own, I'm going
to do something terrible. 8o there!"
Ted burled his face In his hands and
sobbed bitterly. "Ted. Ted. why do
you worry your mamma with such
dreadful remarks when you know that
you are all this world to me. I would
gladly get you a wheel, yes, a dosen
wheels had I the means, but you know,
dearest we must live and It takes our
little Income to get the bread and the
butter, and then, you must have clothes
to wear, as well, you know." "nut
mamma, ain't there no way on earth
a fellow can get a wheel? Clee whli,
what's the use of living if you can't
have a bicycle or a watch or nice
clothes to look swell In?" "Well. Ted.
any one of your thrve wishes can be
ra lt-u.1 If v.n will almnlv H. HfrlA
W)rk Httvon-t you .j tmj Astorlan.
and of the pretty prises that are bring
nf..M.a . 1 . . V. aw-, -- ltt.u II...
uiivugu mat . .1 11. list
en. The Columbia Electrical ft Repair
Company proposes to give a spick and
j gp)4n new
110 Rambler wheel to the
small boy or girl who gets the most
subscribers for the Astorlan during
8fptember ,nd October. Then. Mr.
Danslger of the San Francisco store
(n,endi glvlng one of nl, nobbl,t 10
,, , the the ,rc,nj
Iargrtt number of .ubscrlbers. or, If a
,10 , C)Ulhi And Mr. Seymour,
the jewei.r, . g0nr l0 adorn the boy
or .... ..,. thlrd Hnr-t number
!f auWrlbrs. with one of his prettiest
...rim .liver watches. Think of that.
Ted!" "Mamma, may I fix up and go
j right out now?" "Jump up and get
' your breakfast and you may start In at
i once. Remember to have your shoes
shlned and your face clean and to greet
I every one pleasantly whether they re
: buff you or not. I know that my lit-
tie boy will surely have some success,"
I "Say, mamma, one of the prises be
longs to me and you can count on It.
Didn't a man say yesterday that I was
the smoothest little dickens he ever
saw? Now, he wouldn't have said It,
If I wasn't a hustler, would he?"
"Ted, dearst, don't learn such
nnughty slang."
Chief Engineer Leeble of the North
ern Pacific Brewery signaled an ap
proaching street car yesterday. Intend
ing to board It for a run Into the down
town section of the city. The motorman
falling to observe his gesturing, Mr.
Leable attempted to clambei' aboard as
It whirled swiftly past him. The result
was that Mr. Leable waa struck by the
car and thrown with vlolenco to the
ground. That he escaped Injuries other
than bruises Is providential, us the
accident happened at a point where but
little space Intervened between the
track and a deep-reaching drop from
the sidewalk.
"I spent an hour or two In the Chi- (
nese quarter yesterday," said Chief
of Police Hallock, "and It aurprlsed me
to learn how anxious the celestials
are to purchase a great dragon for
Astoria. I talked with one of the
merchants, a fellow who speaks Eng- ;
llsh duontly, and he Informed me that
the residents down there would contrib- i
ute liberally to this end, and that an
uptown business man had guaranteed ;
to subscribe one hundred dollars In ,
case the balance of the money was j
raised to secure It. "I might say, too,
that Harry Hamblett, lust previous to i
sailing for San Francisco, told me that
he knew of a person who would donate
fifty dollars In the same direction. My
Informant also enlightened me regard
ing the subject In a way that hereto
fore has been little understood. He
says that' the Marysvllle, California,
serpent which he displayed in the re
gatta parade last year, was the only
one In the United States until a short
time ago,' when the Chinese of Los An
geles bought a monster dragon for that
city. There is something peculiar con
cerning this reptile, which Is sacred to
the Mongolians, and of which the
Americans have no knowledge. One
thing, however, la certain. This creep
ing rarity must come direct from the
home country. They want none of your
country. They want none of your
loful productions."
Extensive logging operations are go
ing on along the river and scores of
camps located tributary to the Colum
bia are being run to their fullest capac
ity. The Union Logging tk Lumbering
Company, of Portland, recently pur-
At Prices that Ought to Put You in the Notion of Buying Here
Aluminum thimble to
Ira hair plus, per pkg lo
Safety pins per dl , lo
Tape per roll ...lo
CunM laces each .....lo
Knitting needles eVh lo
llone hair pins each , lo
Kllk baby ribbon per yd la
I.rad pencils each .......lo
Mohair shoe laces each lo
o Inch tape measure each Id
Praprry phis I for ....lo
HiMiks ana eyes I doa la
Uarnlng cotton per card lo
1 I'kg wire tacks la
1 yard lace ......lo
1 doa buttons ..........lo
I collar buttons
1 china dulls , la
t memorandum book ..lo
t spool embroidery silk lo
4 os bottle machine oil ..lo
1 large bottle vasallne So
1 lamp chimney to
I large curling Iron
1 box beet shoe blacking ,....ta
1 doa beat bone collar buttons ...... lo
I doa bone hair pins lc
5 rakes soap c
I pkgs envelopes lo
Large ran Laleum powder
!re ran tooth powder tc
Large bottle Ink lc
The Finest Pianos
Ever Brought
to Astoria -
chased a large tract of timber land
near Waterford, Wash., and I working
a large force of men. The timber Is. all
tributary to tide water. The Peterson
logging outfit at Oak point waa pur
chased a few day ago by the Star
Logging & Lumbering Company, of
Rainier, Or. The new owners have
made Improvements and are using
three donkey engines In the woods.
Loggers complain of a scarcity ot ex
perienced hands and are hampered
thereby. The demand Is so Unequal to
the lupply that much higher wages Is
being paid. The outlook for an aver-
age output this winter Is considered
promlslng, notwithstanding the scarc
ity of labor and 'the backwardness of
the season, '
The Junior league of the M. B.
church will give a social at the home
of Mrs. Pendleton, on Duane street,
Friday evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock,
Good Coffee
Great AmBrican ImporHnu Tea Co.
Big Presents Free.
171 Commercial gt,, Astoria,
Large bottle mucilage
I cake bt tar s.p Jo
1 Vest pocket oom b eo
t book of i wrs sowing needlra ,
I pair corse I Steels 0
I rake Ironing Ml Jo
1 good leather purse so
t pkg best hairpins o
I pair boys uptiders i
I silk hair net
1 paper good pins ... lo
1 yard shflf oil cloth o
I yard of good apron gingham t
1 yard beet quality calico lc
t pair ladles fast black ColloO
1 pair children's foul black cotton
hose 1 I
t bo beet lollnl soap (I Cakes).. ..10
1 horn comb with siel back 10o
1 yard silk fancy garter elastic ....too
I pair WUard culT holder best made loo
1 Urge sl.-d looking glass nlckle
frame .....loo
1 good elis trlc wire hair tmuh lOe
I large bottle of best quantity snoe
Cold wire beauty pins. I do!
llood strong leather ihoplng bags ..
For (he Wt kid glove wear
"Mascot" the brat on earth.
From the Well-known
Wiley B. Allen
546 Commercial St.,
Opposite KcMcrn I'nlon Telegraph Office
Breakfast Food
Barley Food
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
Astoria's Lending Hotel
a . A n. nr . - .
I metier uc nrngnr, Hropa.
W. W. Whlpple.Proprlete r.
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
I538 Commercial St.,
House of...
Select Bran .
Yeast, Cocoa
Open Day
and Night.