The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 06, 1899, Image 4

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' -' '"af
ft ftArHft.-TIe "Kally AitarlM
MlilM lalM M Mark r4lag ssattor a.
aikat papar pakllsls4 la A Mat I. II
ta mI par' ptwaaate I rasslata
vita a Sally salet-raphto raswrt.
aartaa" aaa nan taaa I w lea a. m say ra4
ara M u; .tMi papar pahlLksa la Asla
rta, It la therefor war laaa IwtM a
lajaaWa a. aa adtartUlaa Milam.
Cleartaf weather; warmer,
rresh Salmon at tha rat Market.
Gentlemen Keep your yt oa "B. I"
I vast cream In any amount at th
Cold lunch, pickled pit? feet. oysters.
tht( tonfue, ete, t t NAtlonal
la tha police court yesterday Chark-s
Johnson forfeited IS on A charge of
Do yon know Snodfrasa makes
Btajnp Photos? Call And aea lhm they
AT All the I
A larre Inroka of Lowney's famous
chocolates Just reoelred At The 8 pa
Candy Factory.
It to reported tht M.OM brick Are en
route to the site of the Standard Oil
plant la this city.
The steamer Elmore crossed out yes
Unlay for Tillamook with a cargo of
funeral merchandise.
County Clerk Whertty yesterday Is
sued a marrlace license to John Carl
aon and Annie Haareo.
The Mayflower, loaded with general
merchandise and a good paaaengvr Ut,
left for Deep river yesterday.
The most dainty and delicious con
fectionery and the beat ice cream In
the city at The Spa Sandy Factory.
Wanted A competent girl for gen
eral bouse work. To good cook, first
class wag?. Apply Astorlan office.
For rent furnished, a Urge front
room with bay window, centrally lo
cated. 414 Exchange street, next Ninth.
producing A light, sweet, nutrltloul
loaf of bread. It will retain Its moisture
and nutty flavor longer than bread
raise! with any other yeast ever put
upon the market Try It
frisky salmon trout and torn cod.
Lounger were plentiful Along the
docks, the majority of whom dangled
line In the river and displayed trtnga
or baskets of the savory brautira
Several tilrasura bitala wr out Jur-
Th members of Professor Stoddard's Ing the forenoon, and in the afternoon
claM In Rals'oo rhyelcal culturtt are . ,rim l.un. h rarrvm. a t-v. of
preparing themselvts for a cold medal1 brlght-eyed young ladles, sped north.
ward from, on of th lower landings.
, And presently wheeled toward th
east, where It soon disappeared beyond
... .1 Tongue point.
The building In us by th Columbia!
niver and Puret Sound Navigation The crew of th Harry Mors felt
Company, at th foot of Eleventh thirsty yesterday morning. And Aj
street Is undergoing a general over- . Journlng to th resort known a th
hauling. Workmen wer engaged ys- IX-pol Fxchang. proceeded to Imbibe
terday In constructing a new roof. some of th vlntajr which th pro-
11 , rrietor pronounced as par excellent
i n ary nous, tnat ror A number for the locality. Its admlrabl savor
of years has been An Adjunct of th juw Asserted Itself, and with th re-
contest. Th contest will b an ethlht- j
lion new and unique In Its character.
Watch for later notice.
Clatsop mill, la being demolished, much
to th satisfaction of the fir depart
ment which has bad more than on
heated engagement with the ancient '
suit that the barkeeper was first ban
died with jokes and then assailed with
A fusillade of anathemas that fright
ened him Into summoning nolle protec
tion. A blue coat responded to th
The contract for bulldlaa- th. ... telephone call, and after displaying
enrlne nous was awards vt.w. ' leld. soon Induced a placidity as
to C. O. Palmberg by th school dl- M ,n Tmv-
rectors of district No. t. Work on the".
building will be commenced At once. 1
Th contract calls for It completion
When you get our Ice cream And
confectionery, yon know you have the
best There Is none better. Th Spa
Candy Factory.
After the first day of September, the
Astoria Wood yard Company, will sell
KnapptoB mills slabwood. two-cut di
rect from scow, at $125 A cord; Or cord
wood. tin.
The Columbia crossed out for San
Francisco yesterday morning. Her
freight from here consisted of shook,
oysters, cheese and miscellaneous pack
ages of merchandise.
At the Swedish Lutheran church,
this, Wednesday, evening Mr. J. A.
Levin, the traveling missionary of the
Portland district will .preach. The
service will commence at 7:43.
The steamer Mayflower in change
of Captain Pickernell. Is now open for
business, except on Saturday and Tues
days, when she will be engaged on "her
regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock.
The steamer Brunswick arrived yes
terday from San Francisco via Coos
bay. The Brunswick had several con
signments of freight for local mer
chants. Her passenger list was light
The public bowling alley, which Is
A very popular attraction, offers a
one dollar prize this week to the pa
tron scoring the highest total. C. F.
Gomage at present holds the lead with
O to his credit
Russian hatha newly fitted up and con.
ected with city water syetrm. Every
thing dean. Shower baths and private
apsrttnents for ladies, wrwr Llnooln
and Alameda avenues. Open Wednes.
days and Saturday from 1 to II p. m.
Wllllsm Broendi, nrcprl'-lo''.
Should you wish to improve the
quality of your bread, use the celebra
ted Magic Yeast. Nothing like It for
by October L
John Tanarsdale And family boarded
the Bailey Oatsert last night enrout
to North TamhlU wher they will la
future reside. Mr. Vanarsdale has been
a resident of Astoria for a number of
years, and an employe of the street
railway during the larger part of the
Th funeral of Mrs. Margarette
Oearhart will b held from th Clatsop
church tomorrow. Rev. Henry Mar
cotte will conduct the funeral service.
The funeral car will leave Astoria at
II; JO. Th burial win be In Clatsop
cmetery. Friends of tho family are
The several canneries are busily
engaged preparing for the fall fishing
season, which opens the 10th of the
present month. Many of the boatmen
are repainting their craft while all are
devoting more or less of their time
to repairing and Improving their
Mrs; Kaisa Sarvl, aged S3, a Finnish
woman residing In West Astoria, was
adjudged Insane yesterday in the
county court She was formerly a
resident of Columbia county. The na
ture of her Insanity Is melancholia.
She will be taken to the Insane asylum
at Salem today.
, Clatsop mill, one of the largest and
most Important Industries In Astoria
Is doing an exceptionally heavy bast-
It Is a matter of surprise that deaths
by drowning are not mor frequently
, reported from among the children tlv
; Ing In th vicinity of Scowbay. It la
an every-day occurrence to from
one to a half dosen boats filled with
tots of all ages, gliding her and
, there, and In many Instances wrest
ling and fencing with the paddle la a
way to make th light craft ship wa
, ter and thereby endanger th Uvea of
the occupants. Yesterday, a small
boy took passage In a salmon box. and
with small boards for a propelling
force, sailed gleefully over the tossing
waves, oblivions to danger, and salut
Ing every passer-by who happened Into
the neighborhood.
The seiners along the river are bust
ly engaged completing their crews for
fall fishing. Nearly all the seining
grounds will be operated on shares
Hands are difficult to secure on any
terms, although In past seasons this
arrangement proved satisfactory on
most seining grounds. The coming
season Is expected to be a good one.
1 both as regards the price and quan
' tlty of salmon to be procured; and
there pruirlses to be an unlimited de
' mand for the fish. Three cold storage
; will be operated on the river, Schmidt
' Bros, and the Trescott packing house,
of this city, and the tatter's packing
house at Ooble. The canneries are
also prepared to do a large business.
; It is believed between eight and ten
'will be in operation. The season opens
Sunday next
The deserted appearance of the
freshed and with th sua at about
th same height During th Summer
season there la scarcwiy any darkn
h Indian ar numarwa and are
About aa wild and unoiltlvaird, as they
can b without being savagea. They
seldom ntit troubl. however, except
hen th whit mn ta th agreaaor.
Th crew of th Mursw. Including those
employed aa fishermen, a umber 41 and
at. nearly all Astoria They sp..k
In th highest term of their treat
m.nt by th Alaska Fishermen's p. ,.
Ing Company. n0 UnJ eu,TkUJ
CO Itnstoi bay, th Indians subsisting
on salmon and nj f4m,. Thj,, .
tka la practically ualnhabKed by
whit peopi. xcpt for a few months
in summer. Water la found la abuad
ac and la as pur aa crystal and lc
coid, even In the warmest weather.
Th crew of th Mors wilt average
from their season's work about UO
to th man. Th company will cum
menc paying off th men today.
ness. Recently the mill's patronage erstwhile regatta headquarters, seems
has so materially Increased that It to have a disheartening effect on th
has been found necessary to run both Shakesperian scribe of the local
the box factory and the planing shift press, who always found therein a
day and night
Judge Gray received a telegram yes
terday from Superintendent Paine of
the state Insane asylum, at Salem, an
nouncing the death of Mrs. A. F. Part
ridge, an Inmate of that Institution.
Judge Gray was requested to notify the
relatives of the deceased lady so that
the disposition of her remains might be
story when other sources failed of re
sults. Richard Lee. city editor of the
Budget from sheer force of habit
tried the doors of the building two or
three times yesterday, while Mr.
'' Sovey, the bright writer and thinker of
' the News, looked longingly through
the window, and finding himself ob-
served, blushed visibly and hastened
away on bis spritely wheel The As
i torian reporter called late last night
Two Leading Member of th Hou of
Representative Inspect Astoria's
Hob. James T. MeOeary. of Mina
ota. and Chaa, E. Pwarc. of Missouri,
two of th brightest and most promi
nent members of th United States
coogreaa. wer visitors to Astoria yes
terday. Telegram announcing that
th distinguished gentle men would ar
rive early on th steamer Haaaalo,
wer received by th chamber of com
mere lata Monday evening, and n
consequence, a delegation consisting of
British Vie Consul Cherry. Judge F.
J. Tayl.r. Dr. Hill Hastings. Lieuten
ant Wilson. Robert Carruthers. Samuel
Elmore. James W. Welch. C. R. Thorn-
si n and O. R. N. Arent lien. v.
Luns berry wer on hand to recelv.
and ecort them to th Occident hotel.
After breakfast had been served and
th eminent rrpresentatlv.- Intmdu-ed
formally to the committee, the com
pany repaired to the O. It. N. dock.
where the staunch tug Walulla was
boarded and a run mad to the mouth
of the river. After aa Investigation of
th Jetty and a quick Jaunt to Fort
Columbia and vicinity, the little vessel
steamed directly to Fort Steven wher
the congressmen and cttliena com-
mlttee were entertained royally by th
officers of the post. Th lunch served
by Commander Betheny. now in charge
of the fortifications, is spoken of as s
veritable banquet by the visitors who
participated. As both Reprvsentatlv
McCteary and Representative Pearce
held letters official from th secretary
of war, they wer extended th privi
lege of personally Inspecting th mili
tary architecture of the fort The re
turn trip was made In due season for
th supper hour.
Hon. Jas. T. McCleary Is a resident
of Mankato. Minn., and Is now serving
his fourth term for the constituency of
hi congressional district He is ac
companied by his son. Leslie T. Mc
Cleary. Hon. Chaa, E. Pearce Is a res
ident of St Louis, Mo., and Is now
serving his second term as a represen
tative from the most important con
gressional district in th city of 6t
Louis. Both gentlemeu wer callers at
th Astorlan office last night In speak
ing of Astoria and the future which.
At the tea to be given at the home nd found the hall vacant but the j awaits her. Congressman McCleary
lights turned on and the side door
ajar. As this same thing has happened
several time during the past few
Also an amusing program is evenings. It would seem that the
ground work is laying for a story of
hobgoblin exploits and spectral visits
of Mrs. H. W. Christensen by the
Ladles Guild on Thursday afternoon.
Sept 7, some fancy articles will bc
for sale.
planned. The funds are to go towards
the necessary Improvements of the
church. A cordial invitation Is extend
ed to all.
- The crew of the bark Harry Morse
The Astoria Football Athletic Club tell some Interesting stories of life In
rooms were gay with flashing lights , Bristol bay last summer.- The boys
and Jolly members last night when
suddenly an Impenetrable " darkness
overshadowed the scene. Bowlers and
bllllardlsts rushed hither and yon to
learn the cause of the obscurity, but
the dearth of light precluded both a
discovery and a remedy. The company
lived at th mouth of the Nushagak
river, where the cannery of the com
pany is located, about 3 months. They
say there Is little to be admired about
the country although the climate was
all that could be desired during their
stay there. ' The most distinguishing
then dispersed to other and more In- feature of the country Is the long days.
vlting retreats.. 'bit thT say leas sleep Is necessary
i there than In a more temperate cll-
A dead calm settled over the river ' mate. Oh tan retire at 11 o'clock
yesterday, which, with the genial sun-' at night with the sun high In the
shine, brought out a fleet of fishing heavens, and awake at four or five
boats manned by anglers for the I o'clock: In the morning feeling re
Our Great...
Removal Sale
September 15th Our Lare, New Store Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to
Moving Time Our Entire Stock of
Dry Goods and Fancy Goods
Remaining on Um at the Old Store will he Sold at Or Near Actual Cost.
Sal: commr-wa Monday, Au, 2H, continuing until our removal Sept. 15.
'The natural advantages which at
this point are everywhere apparent
only need push to assure a populous
seaport Above everything else, how.
ever, a town needs a wide-awake paper
to represent Its resources and Import-;
ance. Indeed, there is nothing so bene-,
flelal to a city aa a progressive news- 1
paper, and ther Is nothing that will
redound to the city's advantage more 1
quickly than to give Its leading journal ;
a loyal and unswerving support Very
recently, I appointed an editor post
master In my district Some of the
politicians found fault with my selec
tion. In answer to them, what did I
say? Simply this: 'Oentlemen, this
man has done more to make this city
than all of you have done, were youj
combined Into one and then multiplied
by ten. " '
Continuing his discussion of the
newspaper topic, the congressman said:
"If a city desires to publish its advan
tages broadcast, the following Is a
good suggestion: . Let It principal pa
per join issue with tha commercial
club, and print a special edition, elab
orately Illustrated and replete with
statistics. Then obtain a list of peopi'
Interested In the Industries you wish to
attract and mall them nnstlntlngly.
The results will be favorable beyond
peradventure. I have tried It and I
'udge McCleary Is one of the leading
and most active member of the com
mlttee on banking and currency of the
house of representatives. He Is of
the opinion that a bill will be pasted
at th coming session of congress, put
ting the United States unqualifiedly on
a gold standard basis.
The gentlemen hold correlative opin
ions as to the political outlook, each
being staunch republicans of the Mc
Klnley genua Congressman Pearce
"The fight In the next presidential
contest will very likely be between the
present Incumbent and Win. 'ennlngs
Bryan. While It Is my Impression that
Bryan doesn't hanker for the free sil
ver plank In the party platform, the
experiences of the past two years hav
ing completely annihilated his argu
ments, still, he can hardly avert con
sidering It, and cater to the Teller ele
ment which would be hla prime sup
port." Major Pearce, as be Is familiarly
known at borne, not only baa the honor
At Prices that Ought to Put You in the Notion of Buying Here
Aluminum thlmbl .....lo
Ire hair pins, per pkg lo
Pafety pins per do , ,, lo
Tap per roll , lo
frt lace each lo
Knitting nmllr each In
Urn hlr pin each lo
((Ilk baby ntilxm per yd lo
Iad pem-lla each lo
Mohair shoe lace Mu-h lo
to-lm-h tape measure each lo
Irpry pins t fur In
K.xks an. I eyes I do lo
learning cotton per card , lo
t 1'kg wire tavk lo
I yard lac lo
1 dos buttons , lo
t ellar buttons ,...13
i china dolls
I memorandum boik .....lo
I spool embroidery silk lo
t os bottle machine oil , So
t larrs bottle vasalln,,..
1 lamp chimney .to
I largv curling Iron if
I Nx brat aho blacking to
1 dos brat bone collar buttons
1 do bone hair pins , to
1 rake snap to
t'kss envelope to
Large ran Lslrum powder U
l-ara ran tooth powder to
Large bottle Ink to
Largs tmltU mui'llags , le
I rak ( tar aup
1 Vest pot'krt comb
1 book of t papers sewing nardlr ,,,.to
1 pair rursrt steels to
I raks Ironing was to
I good Iralhvr purse to
I pkg hl hairpins
I pair boys susMndr.,, lo
I silk hair nn to
1 paper good plus
I yard shelf oil rMh to
1 yard of gmn apmn (Ingham ...... tr
I yard best ijualliy eallru t
1 pair ldl-s fast black Cotton
hoa le
1 pair children's fast blavk cotton
ho I0o
1 Nit best lollf t soap ll rakes). ,,.10
1 horn comb with s(l ba k ,.lo
I yard silk fancy garter elasrlo ... I
1 pair Wliard ruff holdrr best mad la
1 larg sited looking glass Bit kl
frani ....ion
I good fU'lrlo wlr hair brush 14
I larg bottl f best etMntlty hu
Cold wire tx-auly pins. I d.s ,..I0
Good strong leather shoeing bags . IV
for the !! kid glov r th
"Maarot" I h brat on rarth.
The Finest Pianos
Ever FroDght
From the Well-known House of...
Wiley B. Allen
S4( Commercial St.,
. Opposite Western I'nltm Telegraph Office
Contlmed on pa tbre.
P. J. Flnlayson arrived on last night's
train from a business trip to Knappa
Miss May Jeff ery leaves this morning
for an extended visit to friends In
Thomas Foss, a well-known farmer
of Gray's river Is in the city, rrgisterod
at the Occident.
Mrs. s. J. Cody, of Portland, who has
been visiting Mrs. Thos. Itusscll and
friends, returned home yesterday.
Fred Lidberg left last night for the
Butevllle hop yards, where he will busy
himself during the continuation of the
hop season.
H. L. Hamblett and J. N. OrlfTIn
availed themselves of the cheap busi
ness rale operative between Astoria
and Ban Francisco, and left yesterday
on the Columbia for the QolJen Gate.
It Is wonderful how absolutely dis
sipated a bicycle suit can miike some
Breakfast Food
Barley Food
Select Bran .
Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Gluten farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and' Standard Boiled Oats
Everybody Wants
Good Tea
Great Avericai Lnp&rUni Tea Co.
Big Present Free.
171 Comaisrcial x, Astoria.
Astoria's .Lending Hotel
Mcglcr S Wright, Prone.
Open Day
and Night.
W. W. Whlpple.ProprMCr.
Restaurant North of San Francisco
ATTENTtvm mormon..,,
firhtcIjAM etiiBiNa..
538 Commercial St., Atttorln, Oregon