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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1899)
1'HR ASTORIAN. TUKSDAV kOUMNH, ttKPTEMUKR 5, 18 ; TO READKH.-Th "llly AHorlaa" (NUlU lIO M tMMllllg I' ay thar paper pabtUkml la A !. II l tk J PPr tkM riMM " r,r wltk a.tlj telegraphic rport. TO AnVKKTISKKS.-Th Halls A tot tea" ha iare lhaa Iwleea. mtj read er a aa; r paper pblba la A.te tia. It u thrfor wore haa tte a ealaablc a advarUalac ami I ass. TODATS WEATHER. Occasional rin. AROUND TOWN. Ontlemen Keep your y on "a I" Sweat cream Is any amount at th Parlor, i Fresh torn cod anJ herring at th pt Market, Born Monday. September 10 th wife of Th. Joeephsen. a eon. Fine Ashlana peachea at wry lw price at Rosa, Htgstas Comapny. Wife of Marun r. Cola lunch, plcklea pin ret, ojflters, abeepa tongue, etc at the National Cafe. Do you know Snodgrass makes Stamp Photos? Call and see them they art all tha go. A large Inroloe ot Lowney"s tamoua ehocilatee Just received at Tha Spa Candy Factory. Tha Elmore, loaded to the gun wiles with general merchandise, will tall for Tillamook today. The British ship DurbrMge, wheat Uden for Queenstown for orders, was towed to ea yesterday. The most dainty and delicious con fectionery and the beat Ice cream in the elty at The Spa Sandy Factory. T. W. -Carlson and Miss Julia A. Fenttlla were married Sunday after noon. Rev. J. McCormac officiating . Wanted A competent girt for gen eral house work. To good cook, flrst class wages. Apply Aatorian offlce. Married. In Astoria, September 1S99. by Rer. J. McCormac Mr. T. W. McCormac and Miss Julia A Penttlla. For rent furnished, a large front room wun oay wmuuw. cted, 414 Exchange street, next Ninth. By agreement among the merchants, the stores In Astoria will hereafter and until further notice close at p. m. For Kent A partly furnished house, centrally located. Reasonable rates to responsible party. Apply at Aatorian office. The Ladies Guild of Grace Church will give a tea at the residence of Mrs. H. W. Christens, Thursday afternoon, September T. When you get our Ice cream and confectionery, you know you have the best. There is none better. The Spa Candy Factory. The waffle vendor, whose torch and savary menu have been attractive fea tures to hungry crowds In the evening, returned to Portland Sunday. After the first day of September, the Astoria Woadyard Company, will sell Knappton mills slabwood, two-cut, di rect from scow, at 12.25 a cord; fir cord wood, .71 Charles Banafee, aged SI, died early Sunday morning of dropsy. Deceased was a native of France and a cook by occupation. The body was shipped to Portland yesterday for interment The steamer Mayflower in change of Captain Plckernell, is now open for business, except on Saturday and Tues days, when she will be engaged on her regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. The society known as the Friday Night Whlrt Club indulged m outing at Seaside Sunday, regardless of the MARVELOUS VALUES i 1 ; 1 n Ctilsi-K Is v Store Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to Moving Time Our Entife Stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods Remaining on Hand at the Old Store will be Sold at Or Near Actual Cost. . Sale comments Monday, Aug. 28, continuing until our remo al Sept. 15. -ALBERT DUNBAR'S- pviurlng rain which rendered the day a disagreeable one. The members were the guos'.s ot Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noland at their cosy cottage at that resort Music, dancing and refreshments, under th auspices of th Degree of Honor, the ladles auxiliary of Pacific lodge, A. O. V. V attracted a fair attendance to Hanthorn hall last night Howard Whiting, th contractor, who has the contract for building the Standard Oil Company's buildings, ar rived down from Portland last night H Will hasten the construction ot the buildings as rapidly as possible. The A. C section force rolled In yesterdiy, mi finding th rain adapt ed to th purpoee, dismissed other du ties and thoroughly cleansed the depot platform. In consequence, th affable ticket agent wore a broad and spread ing smile all day. The irrepressible rain, wbv I copious shower, all B.ppevl,d the Woodburns from cro!uit bats with tha A. F. C. nine TMterday. Th Woodburns returned horn last night fully as dispirited as though th gam had been played. Mrs. David Kindred received a let ter on Sunday from a Skagway friend wherein mention waa mad of th death of Johnny Heycocka. whos fun eral took place on August 2s. Th Hey cock family were old residents In As toria previous to removing: to Alaska. There was some excitement In th lower end of the city yesterday after noon, when smoke and flames were discovered issuing from a point oppo site Kinney's cannery. An Investiga tion disclosed that workmen had adopt ed this means of destroying the Chi nese mess house In order to clear the site preparatory to the erection of the pro pose 1 new plant for the Standard Oil Company. The crew of the Jessie was completed Sunday for deep sea fishing cruise. The Jessie will leave In a few days In command of Captain Henderson. There Is a good deal of Interest manifested by the promoters of the enterprise and there is little doubt what the Jessie's first trip will be successful. The boat has been altered to meet the new re quirements and about 15 tons of Ice will be taken on the trip. The Blue Label endorsed ai a meet ing of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, held last evening, the following resolution waa unani mously adopted: Restlved. That we, the members of Fishermen's Tnlon of Astoria hereby endorse the "Blue Label" of the Cigar Makers Inter national Union and will pledge our selves to do all In our powern to en courage and advance the sale of un ion made cigars. Martin Foard attempted to drive to Seaside on Sunday with his family, but on reaching a point about midway be tween Astoria and the beach, his team stuck in the mud, which necessitated a return trip. It would seem that th thoroughfare is passable with the ex ception of one connecting strip or road which, according to Mr. Foard, has r.o discoverable bottom. The road com missioners should give the matter their immediate attention. The rumors of the death of Mrs. Jos. Maecki, that was published In the Budget last Saturday, was stoutly denied by that gentleman when seen by an AstorUn representative In Portland Sunday. Although Joe privately ad mits having one foot In the grave and the board of health making frantis en deavors to push the other one In, he still feels Justlf!l in announcing for the benefit of bis many Astoria friends that he Is very much alive, and wishes to be kindly remembered by them all. ' Second Officer Haehme, of the Harry Morse, has on board three fine speci mens of the Alaska dog. Mr. Huehme worked for the mounted police on the Yukon between Selkill and Skagway for over a year and used the dogs on a pack team. One of them was used as Our Great... Removal Sale a leader and Is a very Intelligent ani mal. They are full blooded Alaska pack dog and are valued at IS each. One of them la the mother of slitter of nine pupa, born on board the More ftv day ago, Th young ones will be taken In char' by Net Stmonson, the cook of th Morse, who will take them to his ranch on th Lewis river. Mrs. Huehme will leave In a few days for Seattle and will ship the dogs to his brother at Dawson City. Ivor Roes, whose father Is Mr. J. T. Ross of Roes. Hlgglns Co.. cam near losing his life yesterday. The lit tle fellow, while pitying about Fisher's dock, lost his tooting and fell headlong Into th river. Fortunately, ratrlck Lynch, to whom Ivor now owes his existence, saw th we body strug gling near the pier and hastened his rescue. As the quick- ' ) th emergency. fc and gal- .--"rick grasped an oar, ,. -ung th water's surface thrust it nnder Ivor's body, and was thus en abled to float him to safety. All honor Is du Patrick for his noble deed. There Is a growing desire that Mr. Whipple may see his way clear to en- targe the capacity ot the Palace res taurant While the service Is perfect and th patron are given every Im aginable attention. It seems to be com ing more generally recognised as a place where a really fine meal can be obtained, and In consequence, ampler quarters would mean a targer patron -In fact the exclusive first-class patronage of the city. The Palace res taurant take precedence over all Port. land chop houses In so far as general excellence Is concern!, and Is fully as good a the best In San Francisco, The American bark Harry Morrse arrived yesterday from Nushagak rtv er, Bristol bay. Alaska, with the sa son's salmon pack of the Alaska Fish ermen's Packing Company. The Morse waa 24 days on the passage and has on board S1.1M cases ot salmon. She docked' at the A. ft C. warehouse, where a portion of th cargo will be discharged. Captain Fullerton says he had a fine passage having met with favorable winds during the trip. The fishermen engaged by the company for the season and the Chinese hands em ployed In the cannery are on board Then consist of 48 white men and 7 Chlnemen. The mee are all In perfect health and will be paid off by the com pany today or tomorrow. Captain Ful lerton says he sighted a four-masV't British ship off the river on August JO. She waa In ballast and from an Oriental port bound in. She hauled off to sea the following day and disappear ed. The Morse only secured a tug yesterday morning after being four days off the river. It Is a pity that a fair and respect able city like Astoria should be blight ed with a scrofulous Journalistic sore, such as the Weekly Herald. Its col umns oose with fetid and imbecile prating. Its utterances are botched and ungrammatical and its general character loathsomely maladorous. The Herald's recent low-minded and ven omous allusion to the editor of the Oregonlan would shame It In community peopled by the demi-monde. Had the papr a semblance of circula tion, an indignant society would no doubt arise and prudently sprinkle It with chloride of lime. As It Is. its flip- flop Jargon la reasonably restricted and an Intelligent public Is shielded from filth. It is not to Its liking that the Astorian thus defiles Its colu.nns by reference to a polluted and pipe-dream Ing dodger of the Herald stamp, but as It has seen fit to distort Itself In sev eral scurrilous screeds directed at this Journal, It merits and must take the castlgatlon which Its bumptiousness entails. It is fortunate that the newspaper field Is fairly clear ot such rancid excrescences. For such as ex 1st, there Is an appropriate place, but it Is not In this world nor the King dom of Heaven. A regular meeting of the Push fclub was held last night. In the absence of President Hamblett, Mr. Schernec- kau was chosen chairman. The com mittee having In charge the building of the ampltheater reported that archl teet Ferguson waa drawing up plana for the building which would be ready to pre.nt at the next meeting. Th building will be lSOxliH. Secretary Ly man was Instructed to write to the secretary of agriculture with reference to th planting ot grasses In the sand hills on the coast and also suggest th establishment of an experiment station In Clatsop county. A motion waa pa sed instructing th park commute to mwt t an early date and prepare a statement to present to th association. It was the sens of the meeting that th park should be turned over to the city, together with th obligations as sumed by the Push Club. This. 'u9w. will be. etcd on at ' , n IXoembr. . ., ,. tie proposed convention of .rn Oregon wheat growers which will meet In Th Dalles shortly, waa discussed. Th object of the conven tion la to obtain lower rates on wheat shipments from eastern Oregon towns. H waa decided to correspond with the promoters of th convention and ren der all possible aid. IX II. Welch waa appointed a committee ot on to ob tain th necessary Information. After the discussion of some minor matters, the meeting adjourned. The steamer Columbia will arrive this morning en route to San Fran Cisco. She will be In vcharge of Cap tain Doren, vlce-t'aptaln Oreen, who has been despatched to Puget Sound to navigate the Orlsoba Scuth from Se attle. It Is stated that Captain Poran will retain commanl of the Cotumbla. tUns Sandwich of Clifton. Oregon, who death by drowning was an nounced In these columns a few days ago. had drawn one of ihe lucky J numbers calling for a rrti bicycle of fered by the clothing house of Her man Wise. The winning ticket was presented by the d-ad man's brother. Peter Sandwich, to whom the wheel was awarded. Th drawing for th bicycle as held at Fisher's hall yea tenlay, and a large crowd was In at tendance. The Judges who omclated and managed the details nf the pre mium allotment, were P. J. Oiwxlman, Wm. Chance, It. Voeth, Fred Urown and Chas. W. Clark. Mttle Miss Harrlman was blind M-.le.l and plucked from a sack the lucky n'imers which enriched the happy ,artl'liants. e favored number, wer? (t'f. and 4".' A young man having TtIS lma?lie 1 that he held the winning card, ar-d with much eclat gave notice of tho euce.-sa which had so g-nertHly bcfn'len him. He seemed painfully disconcerted when assured of his mistake. Chas. A. Nel son of Svensen waa the second lucky winner, and after a cordial handshak with th donor disappeared on th si lent steed with the swiftness of the wind. At the conclusion of the draw Ing. the gentlemen present were each presented with a line GETTING EXCITING. The Subscription Contest Arousing Much Enthusiasm Among Astoria's Juvenile Population. Visitors In the vicinity of Tenth and Commercial streets yesterday, would have takn the Astorian r"' Ing for! a school house, to Judge t...u the lit tle folk who came and departed during the busy hours of the day. The pretty and expensive prixes which the mer-. chants propose donating to the bust ling lads and lassele who win In the , Astorlan's subscription contest, have ' certainly set the Juvenile element on j the qui vlve, and the struggle will be both interesting and commei. labie Let every tot In town take a hand. I While It will be Impossible, of course, for all to win. there la no telling but that success may befall where it la least expected. The Columbia Electrical & Repair Company, the San Francisco store and Mr. J. H. Seymour will all be pleased to see and entertain the children who are interesU'd, and explain to them any points concerning the handsome presents which they may desire to know. Following are the rules: CONDITIONS. Prixe 1. The boy or girl under II yenrs of age sen ling In the largest number of monthly or yearly subscrib ers to the Dally Astorian during the months of September and October will be entitled to a choice of the best grade of $40 Rambler bicycles. This 1 contributed by the Columbia Electrical 4 Repair Company. Prize !. The boy or girl under II years nf age sending In the second larg est number of monthly or yearly sub scribers to the Dally Astorian during September and October will be enti tled to a $10 suit, If a boy, or Its equlv. alent In cash, If a girl. This prize Is given by Mr. Danzlger of the popular San Francisco Store. Prize 1 The boy or girl under 11 years of age sending In the third largest number of monthly or yearly subscribers to the Dally Astorian dur ing September and October, will b entitled to a beautiful sterling silver watch, American movement, guaran teed for one year, value $7.60. This prize Is tendered by Mr, J. H. Seymour, the well-known Jeweler at 466 Com mercial street. . THE RULES. Eacn boy or girl participating In the contost must bring the name and ad dress of each subscriber, legibly writ ten on a separate piece of paper, to the business offlce of the Astorian, be- tween 1 and I p. m. of any day during the contest, together with the amount of the. subscription, at the rate of M cents a month, for the term of the sub scription. In return, each boy or girl will receive a printed card bearing the b mis in iilliiien! awa).WlyVNi ..SHANAHAN'S.. TWO STORES HAND SPECIAL SALE tvvwywwr PINE iiililiiiMiiil!ilililll!)illl!i!llliHii fisbcr Didwig ijarrington The Finest Pianos Eyer Brought to Astoria. name and address of the subscriber, with the date and amount of the sub ecriptlon. These cards will be retained by the recipient until the second day of October, 1199. On that day the cards received by the children must be returned to a committee of clergy men, whose names .will hereafter b announced, and these gentlemen will compare th cards so returned with th records of th offlce and mak the award of prizes thus shown to b earned. An order will be given to the lucky boys or girls and the dealers will immediately deliver to them th prises named, THE LADIES. The pleasant liffect and perfect safe ty with which ladles may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get th true and genuine article, look for tha nam of the California Fig Syrup Co., print ed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druglsts. Everybody Wants Good Coffee Try Great AmericanlmportlnttTea Co. Biz Present Free. 71 Comatrclal ft, Astoria. We have cow on sale the most decant line of Millinery ever shown In Astoria. Everything- In the latest creation of Styles and Colors. We give i cordial Invitation to the ladies of Astoria and sorrounjlfi. country to call and examine onr line. vjfylyyyyyvyyyyyvyyyy 04. mm From the Well-known Wiley B. Allen PORTLAND 646 Commercial St., Opposite Western Union Telegraph Office RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Breakfat Food & Select Bran . . . Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats T a. V. ALLEN'S T IE Astoria's Leading Hotel Megler & Wright, Props. ThA DAT W. W. Whlpple.Proprltstb r. Finest Restaurant North of San: Francisco ATTENTIVE BERVICB..., riR8TiAfl cuisixa.. v .. PRIVATE ROOMS FOB LAPIM. 538 Commercial St., ABtorla.Oregon OF,,. House of... APC OpenDay and Night. OCCIDENT '-! fa.