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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1899)
-p f . ; r " "THE AHYOKIAN TUESDAY MOUNINU. SEl'i'KMIJEIl 6, lrt Till: B1SANCU KXP08KD. tVall-Known Aatorla llualn Man Of' frt u Explain Any Trick rtr' formed ty llplrltuall!, A. H, Ciwiilay. bropritr uf th 'hp" tr cream ami coiifwtlonnry ttre. al'on tlm pood at tv oeSchrated plrllunllsllo imxllum, taking rank with Hid prliulpul Ufo-reaillng and alata writing vxpvrt uf I ho country, lilt oti, i w to dlwt I lis framl praHlwd ty aoM'allnd medium and I". If poW tin, ilpftat thv iurHHna uf art I flu and ttondant apoi'lral fnwlMmtlng, Thrr for, hr tnaalvrml and duly exposed In acrlca of pulillo iitrtulumnli every fpal ailvitriUnd ur uumIuIo with the liioat famuli medium of tho day. Mr O.nlny ha appaared In III majority vt Iradlng opera houara, both eaat and wrat. hla lait iigtomnt bln lth h OrphKUin thatr at Han Fram-laro, whor ha acored triumphant auccwaa. An Aatorian reporter talked with th; iH'Diilar confiH'tlonor yratwrday and tpanod th following Informations "It la my purpoaa to tro to Portland about th mlddla of tb month," h aald, "wher I ahall appr at lha Arlon theater and glv a auroMslon of aplrltuallMlo ipoara. My work con data of clover and fliilshud dlavltwurrt of every mothrd known or amployad y thoai afonta of th dprtd aoula. and I atand ready to challenge and dofy any Independent lt-wrlir, ma terialising medium or ballot reader to give a aina-la manifestation which cannot rrproduca and poa aa fa a, ry pur and almplo. On th tg will reveal th aeanr room completely and explain th deceptlona o clearly that any child of ordinary Intelligent can understand and laugh them Into ludkrouanraa. If I recall with act-u-fa'', I pnt nln year of tlino, ana I know, hundred of dollar, to learn th truth or falsity of n-rallrd aplrltual phenomena. I developed under aeveral of th noat prominent 'mod I urn' of th Vnlted States, and for a while entered public work a an Independent elat writer and phenomenal medium to aa certain th Inner prreaae and ntent of fraud an frequently practiced, fit I matrly, I wa aucceaaful In obtaining th dralred retail." In conclualon, Mr, Cnonly aald: Ther la very little In the line of a mueement more diverting than an exhi bition of thla nature. It la an unveiling ao thorough of th trick and device of slate-writer, aplrlt photography, ta ble tipping, ballot reading, trumpet rapping, typewriting, thrrtallilng, plrlt photography and the work of plrlt artlata and teat and phenonilnal mediums, that on pue to eonalder how ever before he could have ao jocundly aarrlfleed hlmnelf an the al tar of credulity." It l not Improbable that Mr. Coon ly may be purauaded to favor Aetorla with on or more of hla Intemtlng entertainment. If to he will ubhuc tlonably be greeted by a large attend- anc. '.' t, PEU80NAL MENTION. Tt. O. II. Ktea cam In from ticatdo lat night Max Toung and wife were vlalton at th beach Hunday. John U Carlion tent Bund.iy with lil family at hla Beaildt cot tag. . Mr. K. M. Backett, who ha bcn I BEECIIAU'S PILLS mhmm mmlfmetnw from mtty af ccocifffp of fri i'torrtroft tw. J A OeeaUaaareNio.ettfea'a4Me. SAINT FIRE 0 MARINE fcT. PAUL, MINN.t' Cnjiitnl . ... Hcsorve fur Unonrned Prvmiuni Rcsorvo for nil Other Liabilities Not Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT.; CHARLES CHBI8TENSEN, Manner. B. GOODWIN, Aaslitant Manager, 817 California St.. S. F., Cnl. THE AST0RIAN... 1 MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE ' Conducted by the Ilcncdlctinu Fathers. ....Hlgh-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attractive location (49 mile fron Portland on th Southern Pardflo. Sprlngflcld brenoh). Complete and thorough preparatory, literary, eolenUflo, daMloal, normal, eommenol al ooure. BrOCTAL COURSES Hi mathotrialtl, Surveying, Drawing, Civil Service , French, German, Spanish naltan, Shorthand, Typeirrttlng, Telegmpliy, Muelo. Aoademto Degrei and Tflaithnea' tt Certlfliate and piplomr CtmforrJd. Bond for catalogue, ADDRB38 The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg ummorlng In thlt city, leave tlili morning for her Portland horn. Nb k Winner, th Lwlt and Clark logger, waa In th city yemerday on buaino. Mr, Alfred Cleveland. Jr., ha oh mined a poaltlon aa teacher In th Bt Helena achool. Mia I', M. Norton, who conduct th eorreapondence for '.he O. It. N. man agernent In thla city, waa a plcaaur (eeker at 8eldo on Sunday, Mcara. 13. II. Itngera. C. It. Hlitxl and It. F. W'lleon returned from I'ort land yoaterduy, where they have been recreating during the paat few day Frank Andoreun, a well-known I'ort land bualneman, I In the city on hit way home after (pending hi dimmer' vacation at Heaalde and Long Hcuch, W. D. Kenton and family, who have been aUmmnrlng at KrttIJ, pained through th city yraterdny enroute to tlmlr bom lit Portland. Mr. Fenton I a well -known and aucreaeful attor ney. 3. It. flexton will nav tb city thlt inonlng for Ilwaco, where he will pnd a few daya. lie will return Thurxlay. Mr. Pexton la a well-known Iniuranoe agent of Baattl and hat been In town In th Intoreit of hi bUalncM, W. C. T. U. CONVENTION, Th flrat annual meeting of th flat. op County Woman' Chriatlan Tom per nee Union will be held In th Pree- byterlan church of Aitorla, neil Thuraday, Beptmber 7th. Th firat raalon opening at :W , m. Th following program to far a arranged t. Devotion by Mr. L. I. Trum bell. 10,10 Temporary organlxatlon. Appointment of committee. 11:00 Iteport from local union. War- ronton, New Aatorla, Knappa and Aitoiia. 11)0 Paper by Mr. T. A. Sherman, of Warrenton, 'How to make a live Union." Dlacumlnn. II 45 Pier, Mert y to Dumb Ant mala." by Mr. Oratke. 11:00 Adjournment. AFTERNOON. 1 43 Ievirtton ronducted by Mr. It. Ilaynea of New Aatorla. Heading and approving minute. 1,0 Report uf Credential Committee. Iteport of Nonmlatlng commute Klevtlon of oMtcera, I'M Iteport HeaoiuUon committee. I ll Paper by Mra. Uearhart. 00 Queatlon box. Conducted by Mra. N. W. Kinney. Adjournment 4.00 No on need ever worry about th cook going hungry. 8h geta enough to make a full meal by merely taat lug th dlhe h It preparing. Make No Mistake i II ,( i ii (i In buying Con f j densed MUfc f Take no tub- f KtlititA fnr th T 1? J CONDENSED MILK t J There are cheaper and In- f farlor hranrft to thn FaoU f but none that equal K. It W It. mlnnA fMt Ia i - .A S year. ta tot sdp . X 2 Ktc&n cowxxui ktu ca, k. r. I PAUL JA.N. it,,i899. $ 600,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784.88S.78 $2,623,987.72 Gail Borden EagleBrand COMPANY SAMUEL EIM0RE& CO. ' Antorla, Orciton . Delivered at your Office, Store, Only 60 Cents a Month J FOREIGN POLICY IS OUTLINED President's Ideas of Government In New Territories. FILIPINO CIVIL GOVERNMENT Military Will Be WltbJnwa Wbeo Kttellloa Is Crushed - London Flnmclil Mukct. NEW YOItK, npt i-A tpeclal to th llvrald from Washington aayc Ther 1 good authority for th talement that th prraldviit hat re turned to Washington with the gen ral IU'-a uppermoat In hit mind a to hla future court In relation to th Dew dependencle: "Th I'hlllpplnrt civil government by three couimltlonera to tupplement mil Itary rule Immediately after th re twlllun la cruabed. Continued military control until It la determined by tneana of a general elec tlon wnctbir th Inhabltanta want In dependent- or annexation. If Inde, the new government elected will be rvcognlicd by the United Btate and will be given encouragemvnt and every opportunity to eatabllah Ita lability. If anneiallon, th preil dent will be governed by the aenllment of American cltltrn aa It may then exlet Cuba Continued military control and civil government of th tentorial form, elmllar to that which prevail In Arltonla. Porto Itlco Civil government of the terrltoritl form of government aa re. mended by the Hawaiian commission and aa provided for In a measure now pvndlng In congrv. Hawaii Territorial form of govern menL tiome week wilt Flap before the prmldent vettle down to the actual preparation of hit meaaage, but he ha returned from hi vacation with tome well denned vlewa aa to the difficult problem which confront him and will Immediately commence dlacuaaloni of th detalla with the member of the cabinet It ha been generally uppoed that with th war (till In progrea In the Philippines, th president would avoid committing hlinaelf to recommenda-t tlon of th future government of the Island, but auch will probably not be the cise. Hla Pittsburg ipeech leaves no room for doubt that he will Insist upon American control of the Philip. pines, to thla extent he hat com out squarely and thrown down the gauntlet to the anU-expamlonlRta. Mr. McKlnley not only favor the permanent control but It prepared with all of the force at hit command to fight for It, but avoid the charge of militarism and that I hi reason for making th recommendatlona he pro. pose outlining a plan of congress for submitting a civil form of government for th military th moment peace It obtained and the complete supremacy of the United Btate 1 established, Further discussions with hit cabinet may change omewhat the president' lew the form of civil government bet suited to meet th HtuaUon, but at present th omission Idea predomi nates Prof. Bchurman, president of the peto commission, la understood to favor thlt kind of control and a historical review recently prepared for the president, allowing that the United State hat freouentlv adonted thlt method of control of new terri tory In a transitory Late has deeply Impressed member of the admtnlstra Ion. It la appreciated that It w ill be tome ear before th Islands ar ripe for even a terrltoritl form of government, uch a la propoied for Porto Rico, that control by oommiaaloner, much th tame aa In .th District of Columbia, ! deemed a happy aubatl- tut tor a military government and sate and almpl mean of control preliminary to the establishment of a territorial form of government, when It may be possible to. give the native generally the right ot tufferage. The plan under consideration con template three commissioners, one an army oftlcer. to have charge of fiscal APnlrt, another a naval officer to have control of the customs, and the third lending Filipino officer of legal ex perience to look after the Judiciary, all three to b appointed hv the nresl- dent and confirmed by the senate Fur ther details contemplate giving the Filipino a vole In all municipal affair and the moot liberal aelf government possible. ONDON MONET MARKET HAS UPWARD TENDENCY. Much New Gold Coming In From A- proad Dread of War Prevent Spes- ulatlon and Entrlprlse. NEW YORK. Sept. 4.-The Time London financial correspondent cable: Our stagnant Benson is not yet over but the end Is approaching. All the past week the money market has tend ed to become ensler and by natural process. The bank of England has ceased to attract Its share of current buslnees In discounts and the market has been able to retire bills previous ly discounted there as they became duo, because the ourrency returned from circulation and new gold came In from abroad lufficlent to place It In fund. Bo th discount shrunk toward I per cent and almost touched that point. Hlnc then, to k exchange payment and th collection of 1.BO0.000 pound sterling on account of the Japanese loan hardened th rat to 8' per cent I think rate will oon begin once more to advance. Th bank ha Intention of letting go It hold alto. geiher and that money Is dearer on a contlnen'al market than In tmdon. Hut thlt dearnes doe not promise to be (over t long aa gold flow In from th mine. It will be a see-saw nnle a crl-il breaks out somewhere, such a the threatened Transvaal war. Dread of that I chilling everything, topping alike speculation and mrr cantlle enterprise, Mot hope against that war will be averted, but the tend ancy of event now I itralght toward It. MoneV continue rather atlff for atock advance. On American rail contango averaged I per cent, a proof that heavier speculation account I now open for a rise here. I have no doubt whatever w should not be teady buy er. but for th confounded South At rican muddle, because everything tempt us thai wy your receipt and Indian famine and our own poor crop. The lait ar worse a good deal than had been anticipated. Early frot and subsequent drought made w heat ear light and root croopt everywhere poor, and In South England almost a total failure. Therefore, larger demand must b mad on your upplie. not only wheat bnt mail and everything eatable you can end. This should (ustala the already marvelou rerrlpla of your railroads and provoke us to buy their Blocks. But, however, ;rcat temptation may be, courage falls us, while we live In dally apprehension of war, and we buy one week with fear and trembling and e1t the next (till, we buy on balance and the dispo sition to speculate grows, especially In the province. The condition of India Is far from good, quite apart from the fresh famine and the probability Is that further loan will have to be re stored to prevent credit trouble there. The lateat expedient movement I the central bank of India, through which the government hope to be able to book exchange and supply the credit market aa required. The thing I merely embryotlc at preent, but If proceeded with, the capital will be raised her, Involving probable thlp. menta of gold to India. I am sometime alarmed over your currency anomalies, which teemt to b a standing menace to your national credit but they are child play to those In India, where the government 1 try Ing to establish the gold standard with out any gold reserve, and maintain silver rupee, Intrinsically worth about 0 pence. In circulation at an exchange able value against gold of 1 pence. Our custom hose report appeared thla week and It may Interest you to know that nearly 2J.30O.00O pounds of 19,999, 000 gross collected by this department came from four classes of goods Ira ported vU: tobacco, tea, spirit and wine. The yield from other article, uch aa cocoi, chlchory. cofree. cur rants, raisins, dried fruits, was mostly not worth the troume or couecung, Tobacco alone producea 11,000,000 pounds, although the duty on the lat tr I only four pence per pound. Our tariff does not contain a single impost on any other article, raw or manu faetured. but sign abound that our extravagance and egltatlon against foreign tariff may toon alter thlt hap. py condition. GRAYS RACKET STORE. 0o Infant Shoet only I U Children 11.25 Bhoea only 69 Chtldren'i School Shoet only .SS lUullet 11.50 Shoet only .78 Ladlet $3 Kid Shoe only 149 Ladle W Calf Shoe 1.99 Ladle Oone Grain Shoet 1.16 Oonta Heavy Milwaukee Grain.... in Genta 11.(0 fine thoet only (6 Genu (2.50 Kangaroo ahoea only.. 1.75 Gontt English Calf .5 only .... 14S Gent Hand Sewed Patent Leath- . er thoet. Regular IS only IS Gentt Willow Calf Regular value S4.&0 only 14 Call an examine thee thoet and see what good thoet little money will buy. 510 Commercial Street. A recent heated discussion on the orrect tlae of a wine glass Is undoubt edly very Interesting to epicureans, but If Weary Wagglet were appointed to decide he would evidently consider the celery glass a correct model. ITCHING HUMORS BuhM, and Irritations Instantlv reliered and Swlily cured hy hot luulu with Cimcriu Eioap, to clean the skin, irentle apnlliwtiuiia of "i rii'UHA Ointment, to heul Uio tkiu, and mild lnwa of Ci'TMTttA KtaoLViNT, to oool and oleauie the blow!. Snld tflWOf hfttll th. Wltrtd. POTTII OUt'd ARB CVIW. Cow., fraii, Uwloa, MUowkCw. lilUn Umuoii," AMERICA ADVANCING. American locomotive ar hauling English trains and th English train and Englishmen ar rolling over Amer ican tel rails. Our machinery U sold all over th world. X great remedy. Hosteller's Bitter, ia gradually work. -Ing it way to all part of th glob wher dyspepsia and Indigestion thrlv. Llk all American product, it It honest, and doea just what It claim to do. The most stubborn esses of constipation, billlouane, nervousness, liver and kidney trouble mutt yield to it. It It th most perfect remedy ever devised for wtak stomachs. For fifty It ha bean famoua for it astonishing efficacy. It la a perfectly natural remedy, and there it nothing to equoJ it. Be that a private Revenue Stamp cover th neck of th bottle. When a woman absolutely refuse to have her photograph taken she ha either lost all vanity or la afraid that it won't be a good aa th one already In th possession of her friend. STEAMER POTTER The following ia the schedule of th steamer T. J. Potter from September lit until th cIom of th ealde season. Leav Portland Saturday September at 1 p. ox, returning leav Ilwaoo Bun day, September Ird at I p. m. and Aa torla, at I p. m. Tuesday September (th leav Portland at I a. returning leav Ilwaoo Wednesday morning Sep Umber 4th at 10:10 a. m. and Astoria at 11:30. Tuesday September 7th leave Portland at I a. m., returning leav IT waco Friday, September Ith at 10:30 ft, m, and Attort at U:W. Saturday, September 9th tear Portland at 1 p. m., returning leav Ilwaco, Sunday, September 19th at 1:30 p. m. and As toria at 7 p. ro. Wc alwaya consider those person must agreravie au never uisuarec with us. IIUKR !NTt I'.M.-lt SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder, it cures (rowing lulls, and inatanuy takes the painful, smarting, nervous feet and to iling out o corn and bunions. It' te o:est comfur: discovery of tht age. Allen' Foot-Ease make tiM or new rhoe feel asy. It J a certain cor for sweatlrc callous and but. tired, aching feet. Try It today. Bold by all druggists ana" shoe stores. By man for 3Se In lamps. Trial package free. Address. Allen B. Olmsted. L Ray. N. Y. It doesn't cost much for us to dwell In other people't thought only an ef fort of memory. svra wiiiivilij III Couahond 1 tL J. Ml filial! lllllIlfltB This is beyond question the most successful Cough UeUI cine ever known to science: a lew duMS invariably cure the wort eases of ("ouh, Croup and Bronchitis, while Its won derful sucrrts in the cure of Consumption wit hoot a par allel in (hcsitry of medicine. Since its fubt dibcovery it has bea sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine cn stand. It you havo a Cough, we earnestly ask you ' toUjriL la Voitrd Mates and Canada e.; Wc. and f, ,n J In Kngland Is. feL, x. W. and r .1 , . SOLE PROPPItTORS 1 i S.CWELLS&CO. i LEROY, N.l. HAMILTON, CAN. fL Tot Sal by (CMaRLES ROGERS. BUSINESS POINTERS. Jr la th onjy" restaurant Whit cook. Beat C-oent meal Rlaina: bud rastan- rant, CI CommerohU atTMt. For that hungry feeHng try th ua to oat New Boston restaurant. Our Ice eram 1 warranted to be mid Of pur cream. The Parlor, Bzt to John Kahn's. Blfegeat and beat meal at Denver Klteh. a on Ninth street. U cants. Whit cook. Try it Beat California arm 30 cent Mr rat ion. Alex Gilbert, sol ageat for As toria. Telephone U, Cream Pur Rye. America's finest whiskey. Th only pur good, ruarsn. teed rloh and mellow. John L. Carlaoa, ol agwoX. Kelley'a tawnsf wagon deliver box wood to any part of th city on short hotlo. All order left at Zapfa furni ture store, (90 Commercial street, will re. celvd prompt attention. Telephone SIM. Oo to th Columbia Electrlo & Re pair Company for all klnda of new and repair work, from a cambric eedle to a bicycle, boiler or enalne. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Xoggtng machinery of all kinds specialty. 8hop opposite Rosa. His- gins & Co. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. 339 Astor street, Is the one and only popular resort of its kind in that vicinity. Mr. Wise la doing ome thtng new among concert halls. He is not only selling a class of pure liquor, but la giving hla place a management liloh Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to hla patrons. The good muslo and the crowd will be found at Charlie Wlse't place. Beware of CooawMrt should btwar of th cheap and Inferior washing powders said to bt jott aa food a Washing Povdor thtj ar not ther U nothing so good at 0M geaaina COLD DUST tot all cleaning about th house. Ask for COLD DUST ad insist oa getting it Made only bv TfflitLFimias?m, a-UaO U. Lasrfi KtwVtrk Btj P. fl. Sharpie Latest FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, custom hom Broker. . ASTORIA, .OREGON Insurance ani Shlptfn?. . uml w.r.rtticou. . PacificNavigationCompany STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison GARIBALDI BAY ' Conoecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. for an Francisco, Portland and all point east. For freight and passen ger ratea apply t, SarrtMel Elmore & Co. '-ral Agents, ASTOBIA, ORE. OOHX ACO Agenta, TILLAMOOK t re. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANYi Telephone lNo 3 J I Handles Only the 435 Cessascrcial St., NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Chairs Chas. . Heilborn & Son . Colombia 'EleetFie'iS Sep 'Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORICS lacksmltlis BoIIerMakers Machinists FouMrylneh ; Logging Bngineat Built (and Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power 'Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ...""Harrison Sectional Propellor Wheel... , Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. PORTLAND, OR. n, rf-k . - . - K?la,cana 11 ntol tM lSv S A . 5 a -... STRONG COUR3B8-W'ell equipped training- department. Normal oouim Slickest and bst way to Wat Crtlfleatav ' Expenses tor year from 1120 to (ISO; Board S2.50 to IS per wek; Tnltlrra, f i per term of ten week. Tall term be September Uth: Bummer term Jua to Septemoer L For oatalogu address p. L. CAMPBELL, Presort or f . JL WANN. Boa of Faculty. Imitations! iswj Z Cream Separators and Beat. General Supply House for Family Groceries. flardaiare.Ship Chandlery.Etc. ONLY DIRECT LINK ASTORIA, to TILLAMOOK CITY tlOBSONYILLB Orego iilroa Navigation Co., . PORTLAND, re. Choicest Meats aext Palace Restaarat,t. air Go t. I U''c-'. Kept la Stoci - J State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for Teachers. New Bulldlnai New Department. Ungraded Country 8cbool Work. Graduates Secure Gooil Pusitions. I J. I