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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1899)
THS ASTQR1AN TUESDAY MOKMNCL SEPTEMBER i, IBM. JOHN T. UtfHTCH. attit. T.epiore Mala C TERMS OF SCBSCRirnQS. TVAILT. tVnt by a, Pr ... tMl asa. pf Mtk Sent by earner. rr aaaata SUU.WSXXI.T. eat kr saaO. a mr, la ... .&. IVk4t free t atmc1!tm. Alt enwKulnilMit tnteode foe patka. mtioa should k IfecteJ t the dttor. Buabss iwa-aaotcouioeu of ail ldaja ard KBimnM asast mainaA I "Tn itocM Tat A:rja runuttM t It aire Users :h .amest dmtUtaoa t aa MnWMr imnstheat a lb CotBsniaa nr. Asvertlstn- rates ra M Ul tppa. eauia to u taa neaa saajuerer. ASTORIA AND PORTLAND. From Sunday' OctcociAn. Purilaad. Or, Sept. 1 vTo Um Edi tor.) Uaay Ajtonans hare reeling. dwbUa arising la some aoeeuure from the altitude at Us Astoria prrm. that lb froa ta of Aston aa Nwn tnty retarded e;r Um lailiieec) of her tic aister. PorUani. oa u WUiamette. To ooe hw lil-focsadrd ! tkis feeiins. a, have oaiy to lun at toe pM. Ta lata J-adr WllUaia Stroac. la 1$:, oeiivered an address at the anaua rcunioB f the Fkooeer Aaaoctetio, ta hk be ctescribes Aatarta io Auarast, liia, a kts tWt antral la Orejoa. AnJ laciAenULUj be amotion the hope aad expectatioos of the Astorlan la l.", at the time of the delivery of the address. The strenrth anal vifor of tbee hope are ahoara by the feelinc of today. It -rill be ravaged that ta August, l&i. there u practically bo toaa of Portland, and that Astoria had beea in existence for over a third of ceatury. How stranfe that the Inrtn eace of Portland upon Astoria should be so sinister ia the last few ye&rs. Says Judge Strong: "It was a bright and beautiful morn ing srhen ire entered the Colombia. The air was delightful, the aceaery j grand. The shores were corered srita a J?nse. rrwn foliage; the hills crorwd mith maxniflcent evergreens. "On our Thrift up the western coast of South America we had seen but lit tle except brown and haxy sunburnt mountains. Nothing irren a as vis able. Around ihe bay of Saa Francis co, eTerything at that season of the year looked dry and barren. The great contrast which the shores of the Columbia presented was cheering to the heart. The first impreasi ia of our new home was delightful. "When Astoria was pointed out. as we reached the point bekrv. I confess to a feeling of disappointment. Asto ria, the oldest and most famous towa la Oregon, we had expected to find a large oijee. We saw before us a straggling hamlet constating of a doxea ed along the river hank, shut In by the dense forests. We became reconciled, and. indeed, somewhat derated in our feelings when we visited the shore. and bv the entfTOrtalnc nronrietiirs were shown the beauties of the place. There were arnoes and strecta, squares and public parks, wharves and ! warehouses, eh arc his. scaools and th- I ater. aad an lmmen popuiaxloo-ail upon the map. Tboe proprietor, -ere men of large Ideas, large hopes. They J assured us that in a short time Asto ria was to become th commercial me tropolis of the Pacific coast. Some of thos proprietors have paased away and goo where they are beyond Ike reach .of hope or fear. Some remain; and, though their eyes sparkle aad brighten when they talk of the future grandeur of Astoria, they manifest a slight feeling of sadness and drop the subject with the remark, "This may not be In our day, but it will surely conte. Ton and I may not ace it but 1 our children will.' " 8. K. T. The Astorian republishes the above screed, not for the purpose of criticism, but to commend the absolute verity of the picture of Astoria there given. Whoever a K. T. to. he has sized up the trouble down here exactly. The same people who saw no occasion for the exertion of their own energies when Judge String visited Astoria, "because the city's natural advantages are sure to mak- her the metropolis of the Pa cific coast," still live here or are represented by their descendants of the second or third generation. These Astorians occupy the same relation to their city's prrres that 1s sustaln td by a certain element In Portland, but tur a different reason. The Port lander thinks bis own town already the cecter of the universe and nothing will persuade hlrn that the procession of commercial progress at this end of the century has pacsed or 1 passing bis door like a white chip on the road to other piaces. To all argument that be must utilize the matchless and God-given advantages of Astoria as the seaport outlet and Inlet for the Columbian biisln, or !se Orgon' com merce will permanently remain at Se attle and Tacotr.a, where it has gone within the part five years, ".hese old Portlands turn a deaf ear. He will not develop Astoria himself, nor will he permit others to do so If he can help It. Tfcaa, to the Astoria rroiKs stttat. the rreatast ta Amrlo la the It might do fur the whl North et and particalarty Portland, this class of Port landers stand aa a dog in the manger. Their fosslllferous brethren In Astoria do nothing tor th PVs of their own city because they think they donl hart to. Xt U only a Question of Mm, they say, when the transcontinental roads must seek ter mlnala at Astoria, and It la the sole aim of their existence to endure nt,ll that time cornea. Tney do nothing C selves for the city. advancementTaall withhold all aid and erea encourage ment frota the efforts other maka. Th railroad situaUM in the Northwest to now undergoing one ol Its periodical resettlements, which perhaps will last for the next tea years. Tet nothing is done to force a consideration of As toria's claims. The impression prevail that the object of the Northern Pa. cine la securing traffic right over th O. R. N. to to make Astoria It deep water terminal. There Is eo evidence that the Northern has any such pur pose, and yet the mere suspicion or nope that It may do as suffices to kill any movement to force the recognition of Astoria as a seaport tn the new deal. Instead of coming to Astoria, there ia reason u believe (he Northern Pncioc roaJ to farther from that In teatloa than ever. President Meflen stated tn aa interview some weeks ao that his road was negotiating for termi nals In Seattle. He Intimated that large sums of snoney had been already secretly invested for that purpose and that other purchase would he shortly made. If the Northern Pacific had any Idea of coming to Astoria It to not re sooable to betiere these Seattle Invest ments would be made. That Mr. Mel len meant what he said and that the Northern is preparing to make Seattle its real Pacific coast terminal to shown by the following news Item tn the Post- mtemgencer of last Saturday. It ought K tne mind of any doubting Aitcnan as to what the poUcy of the Northern under Its alliance wifa the O. R 4 N. towards Astoria will be: Another big purchase of Seattle wa ter front property was yesterday con summated by C. J. Smith, acting as agnt for the Northern Pacif.c. Title was acquired to the three lots lying immediately south of and abutting upon Trsler wharf, the purchase price being ms, cash. The property In truded In the deal closed yesterday Is known on the plat of Seattle tide lands as lots li 1J and 14. block As the Northern Pacific already owns Tesler wtarf the latest acquisition give them th- entire water front between Colum bia and Washington streets. Including Gaibraltn dock and the offices and warehouse of the La Conner Trading Company and Atkinson at Zerwekh. The property was bought from Dexter Horton ft Co.. Denny-Blaine Land Company and the Puget Sound Nation al bank. Commenting editorially on this an nouncement, the Post-Intelllgencer nTI . ... fc the No"hern Dto P" .rrange- Wlth t nioa T ' the tatter win gain entrance to Seattle over the tine of the former In ex change for simitar trackage favors granted the Northern Pacific down the Columbia river to Portland, to undoubt edly well founded, and the consolida tion of the Vnloo Pacific, Oregon Short Line and the Oregon Railroad ft Navi gation Company will, to that extent militate in favor of the Sound. - ' A does i ruder . , 'o hc wonu aot have be placed sa X-rav how to ail b 'holders that is suffer- from ill. 'th. 111. beal marka wsu-y t much WiWi i riiHv thaa It oe a r-js. -..arete in ner yf, t r- eye. bloom i-'Airr 1 ix health on her cheek, her vivacity of manner, her sprifrbtlineti of carriaire and tnakei her olant sod depondetit ill-health ia s woman is due to disorders or derangements of the delicate and important feminine organs which arc the cradle of the race. No woman who suf fers ia this way ran retain her good loolt or her attractiveness. The daily burden of torturing, dragging pains that he carries, will soon make her a pbyairal wreck, and eventually either kill ner or drive her to inaanitv. tain her health and atrenirth in a womanly way by the ne of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preacnption. It cares absolutely snd com pletely the weakness snd diseases peculiar to her sex. It does swsy with the neces sity for the obnoxious " examinations " and ' local treatment! " insisted upon by nearly all physicians, snd enables her to treat her self in the privacy of her home. It is the invention of Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty fears chief consulting physician to the nvalids' Hotel snd Surtical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Any woman may consult him by letter free of charge. All corres pondence sacredly confidential. I nl skilly for sixteen year v' t pralap Sa. weakness, disagreeable drain, pato in the mall at my back and axrtiTenesa." writes Mrs. u,n A.hfin. of Borronett. Barron Co.. Wis. .- vi- t hrvan takina- lr. Pierce I began taking lr. nerce s Favonie Prescription f coo Id no alt up. Alter takiot; It for one week 1 got J and did my housework. 1 have taken (our bottles of the Fsforite Prescrip- (ion ' one bottle of the ' Golden Medical Discor. err ''and three bottles of the ' pleaMnt Pellet.' rfjtt marines have cured me. I feel as well aa i ffcr aid. Srren of the test doctors in the Uod treated my case, but gTt me no relict" a -, ' nervmis. fet Geuerauv An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effecta of the well known remedy. rarr or Flua, maaufactared by the CauroRJitA Fn SrKtir Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and preaentln; them in the form most refreshing to th taste and acceptable to the avstem. It is th ooe perfect strnvthening laxa tive, cleanMDir the system effectually, dispelling colds, headache and fever gently yet promptly and enabling on to overcome habitual constipation per Buaewtlv. Its ported freedom from very objectionable quality and aub ttaosa, and it aotmg on the khlnevs, liver and bowels, without weakeninr or irritating then. Bali it the ideal laxative. Ia the process of manufacturing fig ar used, aa they ar pleasant to th taste, bat th medicinal qnauuea ox tn reatedw are obtained frwn senna and other aroma Us flaata. by a aaethod knowa to th Caufomiia Fw bTart Ox only. In order to get it beneficial effect and to avoid Imitations, pleas remember the full name of theCompany printed on th front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AST FBAJtCXSOQ, CAX. ummuA it. ' waw ToaaL at T. For salt by all Drnta.-Prke ic pet bottle Few persons would be In debt long if they kept conscientious account of each Um they borrowed money. The Cruel Knife! It I absolutely tsekt to expect lurgical operation to cure cancer, ot any other blood disease. The cruelty of toeh trsAtment is Illustrated In the iarming: number of deaths which re mit from it. The disease is in th blood, and henee ean not be eat oat. Nine times out-of ten the surgeon's gnue oaiy Hastens death. Vy soa had a bos maUawaat Osnear. lot which la dueloni said aa oparatioa ws tlx snjy nope. Taeoper SUoa vas a snare ooe, as tl was aoe auy ta eal dowa as Uwjawaoaassd scrap It. Bvfon a ctmi watle Um Caa tu reuuweid. and b tu lo grow rapidly. aura alas BUT remadus wtiaoalra uet, ssd easily , saoa she advise of a trwad, decldtd to 3 try fe. . ttwtrt't rtn-t f III aw ' Sweific). and 1 tbaSM svaoed bottl aa a.v,.S teaaa to Uapen. After twenty bottlas hai Usao IsAan. the Casaar diaaaaiats anUnlr Hiiwsscana. i ne ear was a permaaeai oaw. toe BaHsswwamanaayorsela.aadaas avrnr asa sitB ot um Omadlal diaaas t a tara. 1, f. Hi aitnca. X7aaoaVrmaa,Dailaa,TuaaV. Ahsoltrtry the only hope (or Ctaoei if fiwlftn Specine, i - - i- Th3 as it is the only remedy which goes to tae very bottom of the blood and foroe oat every trace ot the disease!. 6. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no DoUsh. mercury, ot other mineral. Books otj Cancer will b mailed tree to any address by the Biritt Speoifle Co., Atlanta, (j. It make bo digarsoc now aad tae wound If you us DeWitt's Witch HssM Salve; It wilt quickly heal aad leavt no car. Charles Roger. ' J. D. Bridge, Ml tor a as proprietor of th Democrat, Lancaster, M. R. says; "I would not b without On ktlaat Ceng Cure for my boy. when troubled with a oougb or oo id. It la the beat rsssedy for croup I ever used." Chant Roger. The moat sensible woman will at times be foolish about her footwear. Ejr allowing tu accumulation tn th bowels to remain, th snttra system Is poisoned. DeWitt's LKllt Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try tnem and you will slwsys use them. Chsrlea Rogers. Pneumonia, la grippe, eougns. eoMs, croup and whooping oougb readily yield ;o Ooe Minute Cough Cure, Use this remedy In time and save a doctor's bill or th undertaker's. Charles Rogers. The less a woman tries to be fascin ating the more fascinating she Is apt to be. 1100 REWARD, 1100. The rea-ders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there 1 at least one dreaded disease that science ha been able to cure In all It luge and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is the only positive cure now knowr to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, require a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up th constitution and assisting na ture In doing Its work. The proprie tors have so much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundredl Dollars for any case that it fall to cure. Bend for list of testimonial. Addrea, F. 3. CHENEY St CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75c, Hall' Family Pill are the best. m. Blood A WONDEKFCL CURB 01. DIARRHOEA A PROMINENT VIRGINIA KDITOR Had Almost Olven Vp, but Was Brought Hack to Perfect Health by Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. From the Time. Hillstill, Va. I ufTered with diarrhoea tor a long Mm and thought I was past being cur ed, I had spent much tlm and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to glv up all hope of recovery and await th result, but noticing th advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Plarrhoea Remedy and also om testimonials stating how some wonderful cure had been wrought by this remedy, I decid ed to try It. After taking a few dose I was entirely welt of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feet as well as I ever did In my life. O. R. Moor. Sold by Charles Roger. COAL, COKE AND TAR. Th Astoria Oaallght Company will, oa and after th 1st of September sell coke, coal and tar at th following price: Coka, la lea quan title thaa 1 ton..! 10 Coka, more then on ton I N Tar per barrel T O Tar, t barrel lot tW Coal. Walla End te errlv Oct.... .as Coal, t and 1 ton lou tW ASTORIA OASUOHT COM PANT. P. A. Trulllngvr, Secy. Tor many year acltnc haa studied liquor. Rsaalt th whol world use whiskey. It ha proven th beat stim ulant and dose not Injur nerve and tissue Ilk coca wine and other drug ged compound. And Harper Whiskey I the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard Stoke Co. Astoria Oregon. A man make all manner of objec tion to having a wedding procession, bat he willingly marches through the street decked out la a badge and a bouuet looking fifty time more foolish than h Imagine he doc in a church stole. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Th board of equalisation of Clatsop county. Oregon, will attend at th office of the county clerk of Clatsop county, Oregon. September ttth. and dally thereafter nntll and Including Septem ber SOth, to publicly examine th as sessment roll for th year ISM, and correct all errors In valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lot or other property, and It shall be th duty of all parties interested to appear at that Urn and place for th purpose of cor recting any errors that may appear In said assessment roll. C, W. CARNAHAN, Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. August II. 18M. UNIVER31TT Or OREOON. Tuition Free. First term begins Beptenber U, UM. Eionnt courses I boss rat aad modern languag. edances, maihiMnatic. ate Graduates from tit tenth grad and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. , 8tu&ta not fully prepared to truer, can take studies la which thsy ar de Octant, m the Eugene Sty high school. For cataKar-M aad further Information address the President, or Hon. J. j. wal. ton, Secrrtary, Eugene. Ore. Women In a bargain rush behave no worse than men at A railway meal sta tion. ' If yon bar piles, eur mem: No uss undergefug horrible operation tnat tlm. ply restive' th results f th disease without -disturbing nhe gitssss Itself. Pises ysur eonlldeoc In DaWltt't Witch Hasel Salr. It has-never failed to curs others; It will lot fall to - ear yoa. Charles Jlogera. Many a play not Intended to be a farce turns out (hat wy. If yuu suffer frsta tenetrasss or full ness ea th rtgM std. aasn aadsr tbt shoulder btad,' oaattpanoa, blllouaaraa sick headache and teal dull, heavy sna sleepy, your Urtr I torpid and eon. tested. DeWitt's Little Early Klstrt will cur yoa promptly, piaaaaatly and permanently by removing th eongestlon and eauslag th baa duets te opea aad flow naturally Tar ers good pills. Charles Rogers. atom of ths results or negtectsd dyt. peptic conditions of the stomach art can cer, consumption, nesrt aisesse ana ep. llepty. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur prevents all this by effecting a quick cure in an eases of dyspepsia. Chants nogtrs. WHITE COLLAR UNI OohimWa River and Pueet Bound Navi gation Company, Bailey Oatxert leaves Astoria daily, ex. cept Saturday, at T p. m. Loaves Portland dally except Sunday at 1 a. m. White Collar line tiekett Inttrctianee onPaiiay Oatxert, O. R. A N. steamers T. i. Potter and Hassalo for Astoria aad all way points, Plarel, Dwaoo, fieavlew, Lang Bai snd Nsrootta. U. B. SCOTT. Astoria A at. . President Telephone No. UL GBEAJritl TICKETS to all POINTS EAST Through paltce and tourist sleepers, dining snd library otrvstlon cara. BL.R3ANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. I Li-nlted leaves Portland at 1:10 p. m. No. t Limited arrives Portland at I: JO a. m. For rates, etc., can or address O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N-, Astoria. A B. C, DENNISTON. C. P. As T. A.Portlsnd. Ore ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. . "PORTLAND. "ArrlviT ll f a. m.fPortlarsl Union f'por!tl:ll oi. Ti av tvr A.tooa and Inters I wpra atedlata points. ASTORIA. ,T-a; FW IVflasd and In.'ll'Wsm. terri'.l t polo'- U.klP.M. t oo p. tn. MCAHTriC MV1SION p m 'a. m i t oxtl 'Lv t . tl ii kt v II is I.v ( W4 H Ar raJpsv ...itori., Art 1AH 4 !. I'M I Ar ( I It Lv; .u. is) . WsrreMon.,. SaaMs. SPECIAL SKAUrB SITNPAT TRAIN Leave A'orA at I a. m t arrive at Seaside l: a. ta. Paangrra mar relura n any trala snowa on sche-iu: oa sam data ALL TRAIN'S to d froM trai4 ma to ftsvei and Vtw Astoria va Wsirea tosv All trains rrsk close connsctloaa at Oobl wtth ." Vjrthern ParIRa irslns to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland rth all trains la ring Union depot At Astoria nr:!T. I. R. A N. Co.' boat and rail 11 rw U' and from l araco and Nona r-;-.-A. TIlROl'tili HC1CET8 oa St. at As- UKria for acn..-..nta, San Fraaciaco, atl Kastera and rarpeaa points. City ticket ..(Tea Astoria. 114 Com tlal street. J. C MATO. ilea l ret snd Pass Agent Just tell a woman that sht ha i tM-auttful ahap-d head and you won't hav any trouble about getting her to remove her hat In lb theatre. A WORD TO XI OTHERS. Mothers if children affected with croup or a sever cold need not heel tate to administer Chamberlain Cough Remedy. It contain no oplat nor namtU' lu any form and may be given as confidently to a babe a to an adult. The great success that has attended Its use In ths treatment of colds and croup has won for It th ap proval and prilse It has received throughout the Vnlted State and tn many foreign lands For salt by Cha. Rogers. Don't think ro'J ran cure mat ilghl attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or iat it will curt Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Car ill curt It; It "digattt what you tat,' a 'id rvator.s ths dlgestrt't organ I boslth. t'hariet Rogers. .... THE .... Eocyclcpsdia Britannica ... w txtatt irru tctav vattsaa The Torch of Knowledge bur n briterto-Jay thanrver before, an J ycttlicre are many people lov?f down in the scale ot lite than they ouht to be or want to be. Theprotv It-ms of pro gression can only be solv ed by think- ltnIs educated men nd wo I men. A need therefore ex ists fragreat educational power which is far reaching in its influence. Such a need is supplied by the world-renowned tncycloptdia Britannica. It represents con centrated thought from the be ginning of the world to the present hour. No subject in the realm of reason is left out. The information is easily found, and is clear, concise, authentic. The New Werner Edition, the latest, the most complete, and the best. Encyclopaedia Britannica for $1 Cash and the balance In small monthly payment. The entire T hirty ( jo) . Volumes with a GuiJe and in ele gant Oak Book Case will he deliv ered when the first payment is maJe. Th Complete Set (Thirty Large Otlav Volumes: . Na r. New Style Rurkram Clnth, Mtrbl.J Earss. Eitra Quality Hii-h Machine Fin ish book Paper, $4oo First payairui. One U.ll ($i oel an J Three Dollars)! i tn) per nonth thereafter. No. s. Hall M iriKCn. MirNeJ t-lfri. Eitra Quality High Machine Fmi.h Book Pspet, J4.. First aavaient. Two Df.lljri (Ii.oo) nj Four Dollars (f ..oc) per fnunth lliereafter. Na. Sheep, Tan C'jl'tr, Msrbleil Fires, Extra Qua!!! Hlch Machine Finish Book Paper, $15 or,. First psymfnt. Three Dollars l$ oo) ani Five DolLus l$ 00) permimlh thereafter. A raductl! rrf 10 per cent, is granted ,y paylnf cati wtttila y days after the receipt ol She work- 0)12 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallydlge'tsthefoodaniraioj Nature in itrenKtbenintr and recon structing the exhaiiHled digestive o ?an. ItlsthelaioHtdiscovereddlRest aDtand tonic. No other preparatlor ean approach It In edlclcncy. It In stantly relieves and permanpntly enre uTspepnia, joaiKeHiioo, iieartuurn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea. SlckIIeadache.Gastralifla.Crftmna.anfi all other reultf)flmt-rfe'tdlfe8Uoa rrsparsa oy t-utwitt a Co., Chicago. For Bats br CILARLE8 ROOXM. a Vfg. V, -LTiaX mi 1 TU SOUTH k J. LSAVs) POUTLAND AARIVs OVERLAND EX 1'HKHt. fur I.m. ., Iltoaatnirt;. Athland. IM jsaararnaalo, osMan. . Van rraaclsco, 4o- A.M. Evs, Lai Angalaa, I Paso. New ur ea aad tbt East t m a Mi Robrg attstnger Via Woodbura, for Mount Anl, Mil. vertna, NSaat tVM, HrowavlUt. aprtnst Asid aad riai(oa.. 4- P. M DaUy leapt Sunday Dally tiranil Ssnday H 5 k mil Corraltl passtngar ftt M A At ladapaaMlsio. aaar rt. A M Daily, tpailf atoant aunnay. Coaaaotlng at Baa Franetant with 0 daaitaj a ttriMtai. paeitto M4 aad Ut aa staamatup Una fur JAPAN, CHIN. ArmtAMA HAWAII AND THE PlltUPPlKKS. Habala (Irkala oa sale aUUy ftataaaa Portland, Vaentmanto, and aWa rraaats en. Net rataaj HI nraiUia, and 111 see ond-claaa, Inclistlng staaiMr. Hataa tad tk-kata to tsaiara points an r.uivi Mtma jipia, n ma, iionoiuiv aivl Australia, ran beotMaUtad front nexatnet from 1. n U. at. a r. A. K1HKIANH. Tickst A. K. l., iku f ien Maaaarwf. Tntauah tickets Vast far laaraat ralaa Pall m C. J Tranrharti local steal, jaaJ a rarju Cooanajaa' a srBe. Asttrta. Andrew Lake gllCOMMEHCIAI. T. ...Merchant Tailor... I'crfcct Pit Giiraatctd. Low I'rlccs. Rasjasirltaff aa4 Osaaalaa; N astir Doras. J. A. Fastnbend General Contractor and Bulkier House-moving Tool for Kent. L. LEBECK Crpcnlr and Ilullder a.rt.rnl Contractor HOUSE RALSlNU AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY Lljht plao your hous ot bujlnes and wtth Incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps 100-canJl powtr at a eot of lo for three hsurs. Miller & Biroafccrf. Arents 0S Bond 8tmt, AAtotia. , ' r s vs. im ev . i ' , KOPP'S BEST A Tb. North Psotflo Brewery, of vtblch MrJohn Kopp U proprietor, nakes beer for domeatie and raport trade. North Pacific Breuerq W. F. SCHEIBE, ::ass A tall llstt tf PI pas, Tat sat aaaers' Artlclaa. 1at Cores enarclal THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'Efl'ER, N0IJLE, HICKORY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS , Served. Day and Nights AUGUST KRAT2, oiol Mormon HfafiOpV Win Op Pl't ghtafch aH(f fsesaute,! Ip-tKra, i-K-vcr aJ M)(-aUuis, di poMncy, toqt P owr. Hlght-to4ii( ft Intmcti.t It nlr"B, f.mlnrii tLrhn bll tv. HAndnon UnMtnr to or con tpiflon, fttpnt Qu(cknou of pitv '('Ping ot rvprosla Ptnttirn. ......I Ke-, N-.l-T, 1 J,;, , MsMtatM tlHJ IWAit Ma4 Cainioikt I mrnntgmltm, with - . uruuan um, maarcBfif TTioa who hav. dtlaytd buytm. Hummer I'ootyonr ar (ortunat. Thtjr tan vt at least a third on th. usual cost of hi in trad, shot. W ar eloalnf out alt of our lummtr Un shoe at a treat rtauotion. W hav thtm for mtn, woman and fhll'lrun, which should brtttf avtryon. to th .tore, Tbty ar. nw (ood hlrh hav ovrtay4 thtlr tlm. Consider thee nurt. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of th puddlnf I Ml th and rh proof ot Kejuor IS IN SAMPLING That, aa arwetraant thai' etuatra-. dasa)Mllask Ours will stand th tesst. HUGHES & CO. pask ( mtTBsW PI UMa tim : n vtrxtr, fmm ruf,na AaiT Paal "all Use. Iienerr W . . Mail Worth. Omaha. Kan J. J tn. m saa fily. Ht lou la. 4 ' 9 Stwkana '" "laa4 ..,.,,. .1 !i Mlm.aaillt,kl'.ul, "'J '" ,,0-"l ( hlraasaiidltaut, ,tQ frvtn Asturla OCHAN aTUA.VMIP larl in e-ttaiie. r hut rraiMiara-Hal( kit. a a,n, V rik TTai' ti ia. 1 sasstsMo ('ilvmraa It I ear nlae t f m Tuea Hi pa mars )mTuet Tn forttaad aad jluur frit Way itaaina jl p ta net inur, rr duo. fWlllaaawtta ta YaiaW I 0 p as. Ts.m. Ik.. BlU Kletrs, I M.,Wed. aud'aaL iOfspt' t. imrtoo. n n. Wsf'Lasliillnts. Knurls lain dlri aaaks Rlett. HlHuiau UwlitoB. t.T UwUta lu a ia dally I set. 1 Krtim Iwiraiul WII.I.AMKTTX HiVrit a. an. 4 t. m Mod, WeitOrwon flit, Newher. tuae. Thur 'riJa j balam Wax-Und a. MaiuMar 1 1 O. W. fcOUMBEHRT, aVfsail aVseofi. W. H. BTJaUaBCItT. Otav laa vat rttiaiki, or. Delicious and Palatable Drink -r Abaolutely Pure Bottled bin for family aim, ot kef beer supplied kt ny lime, delivsry io th oily fro. turtr of Hollablt) "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scbelbe'a Opera Star SchelM'a Special And Other nrasnda Astor Street - - Mnnftcer t ja w It I . 1 T I .Lai Ifik JAULJl 1 a 1 luv lesjatn in . mrtsf 5t yir ttjr itt lrler. ul ih M'-rimSti turn mo w hi car iu did mnn yu' an-lrtf itnm eflecia tlj.rwttw.iiiif. cur Loit Mrinhood Im BDftrmatorrhOfta lnvomnlua 7aln suioB, im i"iwiis norvoiiB m- Mnrrv. on of fihi mi) nuTPtt. stops nr rrn. ; -"n iinme'inm. :Aifr ami tx.tencr. to tl at h .n.l. It. '.lutri am. ill. uiiilt-vflluiaed It. V A wrttieii ruttnloa, ) Prnnoltioo "ivihnn Rmdv Co., eM Frnnoitioo, Gal For BMt by CHARLEJ8 liOOHRa. LOUVRE