The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 05, 1899, Image 1

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    Per -in,:; . " '
il t 'iaiua . -i- ' ' '
NO. 8i
it ,
1 r I 1 1 . 1
nil I 'Ai rfv
Our n.w Una, CrouM Brsndagea'a
make, haa been Mlot4 not only with
vl.w to the durability ot tb itylt
and pattern but alio on account of
uprlor Vwrlnf qualities.
...Hardware Co.
"iH if
Pacific Sheet
Salmon Sl A
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
Sin Francisco, Cal. . Astoria, Ore. Falrbiven, Wisn.
Writ Ua for Prlai
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
RALSTON HEALTH POODS la great variety
good things.
im Zealand Fife InsMee Go
Of New Zealand.
W. P Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco.
Subscribe! Capital ? 5,000,000
rnid-Up Capital 1,000,000
Assets ' 2,545,114
Assets in United States a 300,000
Surplus to Tolicy Holdors . . 1,718,792
Has been Underwriting on the Tncific Coast over Twenty-two year?,
Resident Agenta, Astoria, Oregon
Our Fait and Winter stocks of the
very beat makes and very latest style
hart ben received and for low prtoaa
and axoellent valuta eannot b equaled
Cora.i 12tb Streets.
All tl ratigw LcauM you unfortunattly
bought a cheap ono. Buy . . . . .
They nro rrarjUd in every particular, by a
firm C'J years in the liwiiiof
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
liox Daooratert Papr
... and ltnvetope--ioo. C
Metal Works
Fresh From the mills.
AKOMATIC SHCRS guaraatccd the finest.
rivalled. Together with a host of other
trouble IS
Troops Ordered to Be Ready to
March on Rennes. j
FonlfB Eltmeot Started Oat at Eat-
oiUs of tnt Country-AsatrUi .
flefuf e Dcaounct Drtyfoi.
nEN'NES. Sent. 4. Aa th and of th
Drryfu.trtttl cornea wltbln sight tha
French la beginning to fear thai tha v.rdlet may glv
rise to troubles, and order hava Just
been received by two regiment of In
fantry and ona cavalry regiment to ba
rr.dy within hall of Rennta to hold
thnnlm In rvadineM to march on
ih. town at tha flrat alvn nf dlaorder,
and to occupy all atratrflo polnta and
rrprv.i all manlfr.tatlona In their In-
Loral anti-Drvyfu.ard orianlullona,
by thlr antl-f.rrtini artlclca. bava
already alnalwl out furrlgnera aa an-
tnil- of tha country and thera la little
doubt that th f(vi(n journaJlata will
ba tha flmt vlcllma of vloWnca of a
mob, not at much An(lo-Biuixona aa
Auntrian, Orman and Ruaalan Jawa,
who form tha majority of tha prcaa
rrprracntatlon of their rpectlve eoun
trlca. Toilay'a acanlon opened rwthcr badly
for Droyfua. aa a aurprtae waa aprung
upon tha def.naa In tha advent of tha
Austrian poll 'leal refugee, Eugana Car
nuwhl. w ho eama out with Bat footed
denunciation of tha accuaed. which
even though It may eventually ba pror
an a pure fairy tale, la bound for tha
moment to txerclea a malignant In
fluence upon tha French paople.
It waa remarked that aa aoon aa ha
had delivered hla tcatlmony and U.
Laborl had aked to hava hlra put on
oath at tomorrow'a aeaalon behind
cloaed doora In orelr that he tnlrfht
be puttlahed If guilty of perjury, ba left
the court room and waa not even
again. Cernuchl'a tcatlmony waa In
the form of a letter to the prealdent of
tha eourtmartlnl. Colonel Jouanate,
and waa moat unequivocal. H claimed
that on threa different occaalona. twice
In France and once at Geneva, he waa
A splendid lot of tha celebrated i
Southern Oregon peachea Juat
Other Fruit,.
In abundance and of all varl
tlea. VegetaHes...
The moat complete aelecUon In
the city and all fre.h and crisp.
Prompt Ocllvcry to
till pnrtsof the city
and outsldo points.
Poard & Stokes Co.
Your Wife
Will like It; ao will tha cook.
Star Estate Range
Batl.fy all who use them.
If your batter half doea the cooklnn,
that Is an addttlensl reason why there
hould b. a Star Estate Range In your
kitchen. The u. of them prevents worry
sad disappointment.
W. J. SCUIiLT, Agwit,
SI Bond Street.
told by a high plaoed foreign officer
that Dreyfua haa communlcaUd'treaa
enable docuinenia to A foreign power.
In tha third Inatance ba aald an officer
showed him document, emanating from
Dreyfua and that thla officer left
Franca hurriedly two day prior to the
arrest of Captain Dreyfus. Tha al
luslon waa evidently to Colored Sch-
warkkoppen, military attache of the
German anibaasy In Pari In UM,
The Introduction of Cernuschl and the
other developments of the day. It la
generally predicted, Imply another fort
night's sitting at least.
! gays Dreyfua la Oullty Uut Dollevei
1 He Will He Acquitted.
NEW TOItK, Sept. .-A despatch to
the World from London, aaya:
Ksterbaxy, being asked by a reporter
of tha Hunday Bpaclal, aft.r reading
tha evidence given at Rmnee, If ha atlll
deema Dreyfua guilty, answered:
"Yea, guilty, moat decided ly ao, and
yet I am afraid (ha courtmartlal Is
going to acquit ulm. It looks Very
much Uka It Juat at present at any
The Interviewer asked what. In that
caaa would happen to Mercter. "Oh,"
replied Eaterhaay, "Mercler wUI cer
tainly ba condemned for tbla mlearable
traitor of a Jew and that will only ba
tha beginning of tha deluge. Mark
my word., the acquittal of Deryfua
will b only the beginning of trouble
Irt France." '
"Why. thon," he waa aaked, "don't
you, who know tha truth about every
thing, go over to Kennee and help to
aet thlnga right?"
"No," aald Esterhaiy. with a aneer,
"I am much better off over here."
Nearly a Whole Block Whlped Out
Before the Flamea are Subdued
Heavy Loeaes.
EMPIRE CITT, Ore.. Sept i Be
tween II and 1 o'clock thla morning a
lira waa discovered In tha old Bear
Trap aaloon building In thla city. An
alarm waa quickly apread. but before
anything could ba dona the (Ira had
entirely envelloprd tha north end ot the
building and the citlaena turned their
attention to saving tha adjoining prop
erty. The flames were not checked un
lit the entire west and aouth portion of
the block bad been consumed,
Tha losses were:
Bear Trap building, owned by John
Flanagan, 11.000. no Insurance.
Thomas Walker, machine ship and
Ki-n .: MA rift 14 AAA
do ineumnre.
It. Sengstacken, two story building
and atock of druga and general mer
chandise also containing the poat of
fii'c. $5,000, partly Insured.
Two story building owned by Arag
Lodge. I. O. O. F., upper portion ol
the lodge room, 13,000, no Insurance.
Flanagan's three story building, II,-
The eteamer Areata lying at the up
per dock dropped down to the dock
neareat to the fire and quickly had a
line of hoae playing water upon the
flamea. Owing to thla fact, the en
tire north end of tha town waa aaved.
Tha origin of the Ore la unknown but
la la auppoeed to be caused by a lamp
WASHINGTON, Sept. ..-Senator
Carter, of Montana, who haa Juat re
turned from a European trip, waa at
the White House today and after a
conference with the President, stated
that Mr. McKlnlny would be compelled
to give up his contemplated trip
through the west.
MANILA. Sept. 4, 11 A. M.-Flve
men of Colonel Bell'a regiment yester
day encountered a rebel outpoBt near
Porao and In the fighting which ensu
ed, one American waa killed and anoth
er wounded. The remainder drove the
rebels from their position and captured
a bull cart In which to remove the In- j
The Klcctric Doctor.
4th TALK.
There are no organs In the
human body more Important
than the kidneys. Thoy are the
filters of our system, for they
take from the blood all those
Impurities that poison the sys
tem. Thus one may readily see
the importance of keeping the
kidneys in good order.
Heart dlseaae, heart failure,
apoplexy and other serious dis
eases may be caused by an Im
perfect aotlon of the kidneys.
My electro Therapeutlo system
of home treatment used by
yourself at your own home with
out detention from business will
cure kidney trouble. Call today
and investigate for yourself.
Olllce open Sundays.
STYNF.R, the Mcctrlc Doctor,
Main Street House, 159 9th St.
Advice and Electrical Disease
Reading Free.
Hours: 10 to i and 7 to 8 dally.
Government Will Be Asked to
Recognize Filipinos.
Reported to LivBonfkotforTntt
PatTOsc-Seiator IgBsa't VUwa
oa Matlooal Uiuet.
MANILA. Sept 1 1:00 p. m.-RaXal
Dal Pan a, a Spaniard, born In tha Phil- I
Ipplnee and recently Identified with the
Philippine Junta at Madrid, haa gone
from Hongkong to Japan.
It la reported In Filipino circles bar
that Del Pana'a purpose is to request
the Japaneae government to recognise
tha Filipino Insurgents. It ts assert
ed that Del Pana waa recently working
In the Philippine Interest on the Chin
ese coast
Saya Republicans Have Nothing to
Fear on Ntalonal Iasuea.
LONDON, Sept 4. Rejuvenated by
a course of treatment at the Oerm&n
Bath, and a summer's visit to Europe).
United State Senator Hanna haa re
turned to London for a few days rest
previous to sailing for the United
States Saturday nest Senator Hanna.
la hurrying to Ohio to participate In
opening tba republican campaign at
From a conversation with Senator
Hanna, a correcpondent of the Associ
ated Press gathered that the seat with
which tha senator is looking forward
to conflict In Ohio, Is due to the fact
that he recognizes that the coming
campaign will not only furnish a reply
to the question of the country's en
dorsement of the national administra
tion, but that besides the candidacy of
John R. McLean for the governorship
of Ohio, there la an aspiration for sec
ond place on the democratic presiden
tial ticket with Bryan and falling of
election the future contest for the Unit
ed States senatorshlp from Ohio. In
such competition, Hanna la anxious to
participate, because It meana the open
ing of the national campaign of 1900.
"I do not concede," Mr. Hanna aald,
"that the congressional election In the
late representative Bland's district In
Missouri last week afforded any teat of
American sentiment In relation to na
tional Issues, for the election of a dem
ocrat waa a foregone conclusion, and
the tact that tha democrata ore calling
It a teat caaa gives ground for sus
picion that they made the majority to
ault themselves. In Ohio, the republi
can party nationally and locally, has
no cause to fear a combat on the U
euee aa now presented and It la evident
now that the democrata of Ohio, a
well as of the nation, ore ready to
make the laaue ontl-expansloa and free
silver the Issues, Just aa General Han
cock need the tariff Issue In 1898 that
Is, seek to make local Issues of them.
They will use each cock In whatever
pit they think It wilt fight the best-
free silver tn the southwest and anti
expansion In New England."
Would Deal With Philippine Question
On Basis of Dollar and Cents. .
WASHINGTON, Sept. - 4. Senator
Carter, of Montana, In an Interview
with a Post reporter today said that.
In his opinion the war in the Philip
pines would be ended by January 1.
Then, he said, would come the question
of the future disposition of the Isl
ands. The republican party, he be
lieved, would settle this question by
Insisting that the retention of the Phil
ippines waa a matter of business profit.
"This," added the aenator. "Is a
practical age. We, are going to deal
with this question on a basis of dollars
and cents."
Eteamshlp Lines Granted Large Mall
Subsidies In Europe Commission
er of Navigation Report.
NEW YORK, Sept. 4.-A Herald
special from Washington says:
Commissioner of Navigation Cham
berlain finds In the moll subsidies
granted to steamship lines by Euro
pean countries strong arguments In
favor of the like liberal treatment for
American shipping. . In a statement
which he has prepared on this -subject,
he says:
"The most Important contracts at
this time are tho9o of Great Britain,
Gcrmiiny, France, Italy and Austria-
Hungary for mull service to the East
ern coast of Asia, China, Japan, Co
chin China, etc. These five nations
spend annually 1,500, W0 for their mail
lines to tba east coast ot Asia. The
United Sutes, ;t may be added, for Us
Asiatic malls In '.597 paid f&OOO to
American steamships and 114.004 to
foreign steamshlpe.
' Ibis sum of H.'jOO.OOO la not expend
ed; lr those nations for the exclusive
purpose of sending the malls from
London, Berlin, Paris, Marseilles, Vien
na, Trl.aU and Brindlsl In the short
est poMlble time to Hongkong, Shang
hai and Yokohama. The time made
by the aubsidlzed foreign steamships
on this route Is not the shortest prac
ticable by an average of about Ave
days, and if the quickest delivery of
the malls were the main object sought
to be obtolied by these contributions
to steamships, the completion of the
various Pacific railroads of North
America, the use of triple expansion
engines and steel bulla ended -: the
need for the expenditure.
"The Brl'.lah peninsular and oriental
line agrees to carry the malls, under
Its latest contract from Brindlsl,
Italy, to Shanghai, China, In TSf
hours. The P. ind O. Brindlsl express
train with Ita channel connections
takes the moll from London to Brin
dlsl In 44 hours, making the mall time
from London to Shanghai 780 hour 15
days. The best that the company
does la to cover the distance in U or
1 days and Its lines are faster than
those of any other other route. Under
Its new contract the North German
Lloyd undertakes to carry the molls
from Berlin to Shanghai in Si days.
Malls are now brought across the At
lantic to New York In nine days from
Berlin and eight days from Parte.
Seven days Is not a low limit at the
present time for mail steamship from
Liverpool to New York. Any letter
ought to reach from Berlin or Paris
within UK days and letters doubtless
do cover that distance In sqorter time
The distance from 8an Francisco to
Shanghai by way of Yokohama Is I.
TM nautical miles.
'The establishment of fortnightly
American service from San Francisco
to Shanghai will bring Berlin and Paris
within 28 or 29 days of Shanghai, and
under favorable, but not extraordinary
conditions, within T7 days, while the
best British achievement and the best
German promise by subsidized routes
Is now 13 days, tha average la 13 or
11. If quick moils between the capital
of Western Europe and China and
Japan were all that was to be accom
plished by the expenditure of I4.SOO.000
annually in their steamship lines, their
money could be saved by the develop
ment of the American route.
"Whatever may have been the fact
In the recent post there Is very little
substance in the notion that the pres
ent large subsidies to foreign lines to
Asia are for the quickest transit for
the malls. There Is not much more In
the claim that they are necessary for
political purposes. In point ot fact the
Peninsular and Oriental, the North
German Llyod, the Mesagieres Mari
tlmes, the Ioceta Navigazlone Italia,
and the IJoyd Austraco Company are
now backed up liberally by their re
spective governments as a means of
promoting trade and especially the ex
port trade In manufactured goods of
Great Britian, Germany, France, Italy
and Austria-Hungary with China and
Japan. There la no effort at concealing
this fact In the reports of the compan
ies every year, and there Is nothing
discreditable about it to conceal It
will not be discreditable for the United
States to adopt the some policy.
Whether it be printable or not depends
on a balance of the value to the coun
try of the trade to be acquired.
"To the government which makes
these foreign contracts, they mean car
riage ot the malls and the Increase of
national prestlage to the manufactur
ers and labor of the country, they mean
Increased opportunities for commerce;
to the shipowners they are a comfort
able addition to receipts and an oppor
tunity for the employment of capital,
and to shipbuilders they afford a better
chance to build ships. '
"To the United States these foreign
contracts must seem a very advanta
geous means of obtaining national
wealth and Influence from which we
shut ourselves out"
WALLACE, Ida., Sept. 4.-The dis
trict court met this afternoon but did
nothing except go through the calendar
and set cases.
Acting County Attorney Forney an
nounced that alt the prisoners charged
with complicity in the Wardner riot
who had been arraigned had escaped
from custody, and asked a continuance
of these cases at present, which was
granted. He was unable to state when
heTould take action against the others
under Indictment now In custody. Tha
Jury Is excused until Wednesday after
"v v a t i i
7 1 I
Makes the food more
Ova.1 iUKfM
Conclusively Settled That Colon
tla Is a Superior Boat.
WIM'Defeiij America's Cap Afalast
Ut Sbiarock Eifllss Boat
NEWPORT, R. t. Sept t In today's
race the second and last of the official
trial races for the settlement of the de
fender for the America, cup, the Co
lumbla again demonstrated that she
is the superior of the Defender by de
feating her 10 minutes and seven sec
onds over a triangular course of about
U mile In az 8-knot breeze and smooth '
sea. The contest was a procession
throughout the Columbia leading at
the start by 13 seconds and gaining
on every leg of the course. There will
be) no more official races, that of today
fettling conclusively In the minds of
the committee, which of the two boats
Is the better fitted to meet the Sham
rock. What all yachtsmen wonld like to
see Is a contest between the boats
when they could carry only their lower
Sails over the Regular Cup Course
NEW YORK. Sept -4. The Sham
rock spread her white wings for her
first practice tn American waters today
and every one who saw her move said
she was very fast.
Sir. Thomas Llpton sod Mr. Fife, the
designer of the Shamrock, were aboard
while she sailed over the regular cup
course. There will be another trial to
morrow with the Shamrock carrying
the same spars but another "set of sails.
Views of Professor Schurman Will be'
r . i i n . .v. i . .
ijatu Dvre uie juemoers.
NEW YORK. Sept. 4.-A special to
the Herald from Washington, says:
President McKinley has notified
members -of the cabinet In Washing
ton that there will be a cabinet met
ing In the White House tomorrow)
morning to discuss current business.
The session will be Important because
of the subjects to be considered. It
win be atenaed Dy Secretary of State
Hay, Secretary of the Interior Hitch
cock, Secretary of the Treasury Gage.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson anq
possibly by Attorney General Griggs.
If Secretary Root Is here he will also
take part. " ' i
It Is understood that President Mc
Kinley will lay before the cabinet the
vlewe of Professor Schumann, presi
dent of the Philippine commission and
those of his colleagues, regarding the
situation In the Islands, the steps to
be taken to crash the Insurrection and
the character of the civil government
to be established after the revolt has
been quelled.
The president wilt leave Washington
tomorrow for Philadelphia, but It is
understood that Profeessor Schurmann
will remain here several days review
ing Fhlllppine affairs with the secretary
Tho AwrptArv nf ntAtA n.'itl ha va Ha
velopments In the Alaska boundary
controversy to submit to Mr. McKin
ley and the cabinet tomorrow. There
will also probably be discussed the
question ot relieving the destitution tn
Porto Rico, especially by letting down
the tariff bars In Cuba to Porto Rlcan
An Important feature of the' cabinet
mettlng will doubtless be the reading
of the president's speech to be made
at the G. A. R. meeting in Phila
delphia. '
PHILADELPHIA, Sept 4. President
McKinley arrived here tonight and to
morrow will review the parade of the
national encampment of the G. A. R,
WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. -General
Otis has cabled an additional list
of the dead, among them being Robert
A. Crystall, of the Washington regi
ment delicious and wholesome