7 X 0 1IIK AHT0U1AN 6't'NUA . MUUN1NU. SKPI'EMBEI. 8, 1M TUB BUUHCnilTION CONTEHT. In tht Aitorlan'i itatetnenl of thf rulet governing (lit utwoiipilon own- tMt mi error wit mide In faying th rUm would I airdl un Oolobfr I. The corneal U deelgrtfil la litem! over Hi period of two rrmnlhi Hep- Imiilwr and October. Tli wr), therefore, cannot be made before No. Vf mber. On that day torn brlllint boy Or girl In Aitoria will rerelvf tht flu Itantliler blcyulf nd each of lh other luUiHi offered. Iml no child lx dlix-our- Had III Competing for thue flu gift ton lh theory that there I no ue try ing, InrtuH lomebody I iur to gel rruirt tuttecrlptioni than h or ihe. It ihould I remember! thit there ere three urliKf to be dlftrlbuied, and either of thorn I worth ftrlvlng for fcy any by or girl. Th conteil will Iom and the Ailorlan will certainly Orllvnr then iroihlit un November I. rrgarjlrea of whether II take on hun dred or only on ub(Kirli)llin to win lhm. Thor I tarrely by or girt In Anuria who tan not bring on or mar lulwrlDtlottf to the Aitortan during lh tint allotted. Let vry on mak an effort and perhipi It may be lurprlilng how fw It will lk (o win. CONDITIONS. rrii l.-Th. boy or girl under II year of ag ten ling In lh largt number of monthly or yearly ubcrlb. r to lh Pally A.torlan during th monihf of September and Ortober will te entitled to a rholee of th beat grad of W Itaitibler bicycle!. Thl jrlie If contributed by th Columbia Electrical A llepalr Company. PtIii I-Th boy or girt under II year of ag lending In th aeond larg. l number of monthly or yearly eub acrlben to th Pally Aitortin during September and October will b ntl lle-t ia a 110 lull, If a boy. or Id foulv. aleiit In raih. If a girl. Thlf prlie I given by Mr. Damlfer of th popular San Pranrlaco Stor. I'rti H-The boy or girl under 11 year of ag fending In th third tarixt number of monthly or yearly ubat-rloer to th Dally AitorUn dur Ing Nrptemher and October, will b entitled lo a beautiful iWrUr.g fllver watch. American movement, guaran tee for on year, value 17.(0. Ttili prlie I tendered by Mr. J. II. Seymour, th well-known Jeweler at M Com. merrlal it reel. THS nULES. r.ti-n boy or girt participating In th enitett muit bring th nam and ad dreni of each lubterttaer. legibly writ ten on a feparai pleca of paper, to th buslneaf office of th Aitorlan, be tween 1 and I p. m. of any day during th conleat, together with th amount of th lubttriptlon. at th rat of M cent a month, for th term of th tub terlpllon. In return, ach boy or girt will receive a printed card bearing th nam and addrett of th tinWrlber, with th dat and amount of th ul crtptlon. Thee card will bt retained by th recipient until th teaond day of October. Wtvi On that day th eardt received by th children mut b returned to a committee of clergy men, whoee nam will hereafter b announced, and thee gentlemen will eompar th card to returned with th record of th ofllo and mak th award of prliet thua ahown to b arned. An order wilt b given to th lucky boy or girl and th dealer will Immediately dellvr to thm th prite named. If th better half waa allowed to mak all th belt th other half would probably com out ahead of th gam. I SAINT Fl MARINE NT. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. Cnpitnl . . ; ' . , koscrvo for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Not Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTflENT. CHARLES CHRISTEN8BN, Manager. D. UOODW1N, Aailitant Kanager. 817 California St., S. F., Cul. . THE AST0RIAN... MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by thu Benedictine Futliers. ....HIgh-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and uttractlvi location (40 mllei frn Portland on thf Southern ru'Jlllo Sprlngneld branch). Comploti nnd thorough preparatory, literary, olen'Jflo, olmloal, normal, commerot at course. SPECIAL, COUItSES in mat'ietmiltl, Surveying, Drawing, Ovtl Service, French, Qerman, Spanlrt ItaMan, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegrpi,y, Muilo. Xoademta Degreei and To?!)' Slata CerUflc-atoi and Dlplomei Conferred. Send for oatalogul. ADDRB3S The President Mount Angel I'KltnONAL MENTION. John Lewla, th John Day farmer, waa In th city yeiUrday, Dean Iilinchard, th well-known Italnlnr capltallat, If In tht city. Dan Hunt, a prominent oltlten of Wdtport, I In th city on builneii. John J. Oorman, of 1'ortland, la In lh city reglalered at the Occident. A. D, Charlton, unlitant general agent of the Northern Pacific, al Port land, wa In the city yetterday. Captain A. K. Heard and family re turned yeilerday from Oneida, Waih- Ington, where they have been vlfltlng during th put teveral day. TUB LADIES, Th pleaiant jffect and perfect eafc ly with which ladlea may ue Syrup of Flge, under all condition, make It their favorite remedy. To get tht true, and genuine article, look fur the name of th California Fig Syrup Co., print ed near tht bottom of the package. For ale by all druglata. coa; cokb and tar. The Aetart) Oaallght Company wtll. on and after the Ut of September fell coke, coal and tar at tht following price: Coke, In lea quantities than 1 ton. .M M Coke, more then on Ion 1 00 Tar pr barrel TOO Tar, 0 barrel lot i to Coal, Wall Knd to arrive Oct.. ...too Coal, t and 10 Ion lot I N ABTQIUA OABUOIIT COMPANY, P. A. Trulllnger, Becy. A man sry car but llltl for toclal recognition, but bt drawt the line at being cut by a barber. WHEN TOU BIDS TOUR WhKJCL, Alveyi ehak Into your tnoee Alien r.o- hue. a pvtl- '.t the I't 1; iepc your feel cool, prevent iweelirc fit. and BMke your eMiran ln (old greitir. Over one -nil. It wheel people ire uelng Allen' root-Eiee. Thr ill pralee It. II glvee reet nd eomfort tu unartlng, hot, riH!n, lohlng feel and ii a certain cur fr Ingrowing nam. All lh druf tteti and ibo aioree, fto. Sample free by m:l. AilJreM, Atleo g. Oime ed, U Hoy. N. T. STBAMEfl POTTEIt. The following I lh achedul of th (earner T. J. Potter from September tit until th cloa of th eeaild leaaon. Leave Portland Saturday September I at 1 p. m., returning leave I'.waoo Bun- day, September trd at I p. m. and A loria at t p. m. Tueeday September Ith leave Portland at I a. m., returning leave Ilwaco Wednesday morning Bep- tember Ith at 10:S0 a. m, and Aitoria at ll:.' Tueaday September 7th leave Portland at I a. m.. returning leave Il waco Friday, September Ith at 10:30 m. and Aitoria at 11:30, Saturday, September Ith leav Portland at 1 p. ni., reluming leav Ilwaco, Sunday, September ltth at l:M p. m. and Ai toria at I p. m. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. . The board of equalltatlon of Clatiop county, Oregon, will attend at th office of the county clerk of Clatiop county, Orvgun, September 15th, and dally Ihireafier until and Including Septem ber 30th, to publicly examine the at caiment roll for the year ISM, and correct all error In valuation, detcrlp Hon or qualltlrt of land, toti or other property, and It thall be th duty of all partle Interested to appear at that lime ar.i place for the purpo of cor recting any error that may appear In aid aiwkiment Mill. C. W." CARNAHAN, Aaieiior of Clatiop County, Oregon. Aatorla, Oregon, Auguit II, IBM. PAUL tmt, 1899. $ 600,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,091.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMQBE & CO. Agents, Astoria, Oregon Delivered at your Office, Store, or Residence, Only 60 Cents a Month. Collef e, Mt. Angel, Oreg mm COMPANY TO DISQUALIFY HEGfO VOTERS One Hundred Thousand Barred In North Carolina. WHITE PEOPLE COMBINE DuttiStuffli Btlweea AafloSixos aJ Afclcios-Tiit Bctweta Fe patllcaniaalDtaocriti. ATLANTA. Ga., Sept t-Tbi Journ al, thla afternoon, publlihnd arnia- tlonal Itory frm Itf fpvlal corrn pundent. who haa recently been In North Carolina on a campaign com niencd then hjr tli white people, both democrat! and republican!, to (Unfran chise 100,000 negro voter In that ftat. The Journal aayi : "North Carolina hai Junt enlrred up on on of th moet eventful campaign! In her hlitory. It If a death itruggle between th Anglo-Saxon and the Afrl can and the American. The campaign ll waged on th proposed lUffrage amendment to tht constitution ub milted to the people by th but legisla ture. It wai designed for the flngal purpo of eliminating the negro aa a political factor, and It la a notable fart that the educational qualification enjoined on thf negro ia not expected of thf white man. It la not Intended that the) Anglo-Savon ihall be die quallflMl. 'Every penun of eligible agt who appllea for rrglitratlon, for Inxtance, muit be able to read and write any rcl Ion or KHtloni of the fedtral con t!tutln. "Under thll claune 100.00 Incompe tent negro votera In North Carolina will be forever barred from the poll. "Hut the Ignorant white vod-n-and (her an erhan thouundi of them can enter through another gate. "Section I provldri. that any llenral ileacondint of any voter In thli county. prior to Ml. ihall be entltlrd to vote whether he can and write, or not. It Ii a ronitltutlonnl decree that the Ang lo-Snxnn ihall govern In thla Kate. On thla platform the democracy itanda The republican! have challenged thll mendmetit for party protection. It la a crucial teil between louthern ! publlcanlim and todther democracy." riUPINO COMMISSIONER'S CRIME Charged With Levying Aucaiment on Ballon to Aid thf Imurgenli. MANILA. Sept. l-The ihlpplng commlaloner of Manila, a Filipino hith erto In high Handing, hai been arretted and charged with appropriating half of their Ant month'a ealary and levying monthly thereafter an ataeaiment from all thf natlvt aaltort ahlpped from thli port. It Ii repremntel that h held a com mlulon In thf Imurgent army and wai railing fundi for the Insurrection, but It Ii thought that hli operation! were merely private blackmail. Information reiultlng In thf arrett of tht ihlpplng com nil ml oner reached tht port captain and chief of police throught a tailor who It not In tympathy tht Insurrec tion. . Tht Ofllclal Oagettt, published at Tarlac, which hat been received here, contain! an order by Agulnaldo aa- lembllng tht Spanish civil prisoners and ilck totdlert at the port of 8an Fernando, Union and Dugapan for re patriation. The order ftlpulate that veuelf calling for them must fly the Spanish or red cross flags. Jamelcllla, the Spanish commissioner, Intends to ask Major Oeneral Oil! for permission to tend the ships. BIDS FOR FAINTINO. Btdt will b received by tht clerk of school district No. L from date to I o'clock p. m Monday, September 4th, for the painting of the Adair school house; two coats, all material to be furnished by the district. Tht right to reject" any and all bids reserved. By order of tht board, " 1 H. B; FERGUSON. Clerk. UfN ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1 1 1 -Established during tht reign or Queen , Anne. A. D. 1714. FIRE AND LIFE. Nuoiorioed Capital mmi.imj uo AlMU l.Jl,4W 00 Surplni to policy holders iMJS 00 Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed cap ital Capita, paid up AM(t . .1 7.(00.000 00 , MM.K0 00 , u.iM.Ha m Catton, Bell & Co. Oeni al A rents, San Francisco, Cat. Samuel Elmore 5c Co. Resident Agenti, Aitoria, Oroton. r -w ff w. 1 . it "y-s An Excellent Combination. The pleawint mtitlind and tx.-nrflclal ffoctf of the well known remedy, femur or tli, manufacture)! by the CauroiiHU F10 KVBur Co., illuhlratt the value of obtaloitif( the llijulii laxa tiv principle! of plauU known In bt medicinally laxative and nrenenting them In the form moot refreshing to the taxte and aeceptabla to the syatem. It Is tht one perfect ttn-nicthr'nliia; laxa tive, cleiosinir the system effectually, dispelling eulila, hradachel and fevers Ently yet promptly and enabling- one overcome habitual eonatipatton per manently. Its perfect freedom from grery oCiectlonablf quality and sub rUnoe.arld IU acting on the kulneys, bver and bowels, without weakroing or Irritating- them, make it the Ideal laxative. Ia the process of manufacturing- 6gt are naed, aa they are pleasant to the taate-but tht medicinal qualities of tht remedy art obtained from senna and other aromatic planta. by a method known to tba Cauroanu K10 Krmr Co. only. Id order to get IU beneficial effect! and to avoid imitation, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. taw raaaoiaoo. oau untriLLa nr. w tobx. w. t. Pur sale by all Draiiuts.-Prlc Sue. per boUla CRAY'S RACKET STORE. 40c Infant Shoes only I 24 Children 11.15 Shoes only Ii Children's School Shoes only ii Ladles 11.50 Shoes only TS Ladles 12 Kid Shoes only 119 Ladles $ Calf Bhoes LM Ladles Gone Grain Shoes 1.15 Oenti Heavy Milwaukee Grain.... 1.3 Genii tl.DO fine ihoei only U Genti :.30 Kangaroo shoes only.. I.7S Genti English Calf 13.50 only .... KS Oenta Hand Sewed Patent Leath er shoes. Regular 5 only S.!S Genti Willow Calf Regular value 14.50 only 1.24 Call an examine these shoe and see what good shoes little money will buy. 510 Commercial Street. About tht time a man's argument If exhausted he begins to lose interest In the subject. ticura REMEDIES THE SET 01.25 tohfistftTCUnCCU SOAP, danst Qt sku. cunaiA owBot, h bai tic &xut GJIKXKi HSOLYEXT, Si cool the blood. Is Ca affldtti it cut fte most tatmtir, 4b. Orirlat SaH, Jo!p o4 Mooa Imon, rata, btt!vs,ai irrtatkB,tt Ha T 1011.1401 ftc ka arjkijiialifflicto rcacdlafilL hMimjiSm MM,Tnfn.llJisrOmnu fun IM.1 Oimikrr, M. BMkTin(telt m. roma Dm Caw Cm. Srit met. Bnl, str M Can SfH sms, nw. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ara contemplating a tni ahether on business or pleasure, the) naturally want the best service ob tnlnablt so tir as steed, comfort site safety Ii concerned. Employee of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL L1NE1 art uald to serve the publlo and our train, art operated so as to makt eloat eoi neotlont .with diverging lines at al Juncvtlon polnta Pullman Palace Sleeping ind Chair Csr on through tratna Dining Car tervlce unexcelled. Mealr served a la carta Ia order to obtain thli fl.it clan lervtct ask ths ticket agent to sell you a tlckei over The Wisconsin Central Lines. end you will mam direct connections St. Piul tor Chicago, Milwaukee site all Doinla east. For any further information call on s, ticket agent or correspond with JA8. C. POND. Qen. Pisa Agent. or J AS A CIOCK. Milwaukee, wia. General Agent Hi 8 lark Bt.. rowand Ore. TEMTLB LODGE NO. T. A. P. A. M. Regular communication! held on the flrst and third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M. E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. ATTORNEYS. Q. A. BOWLBI, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office Bond Street. Astoria. Ore. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALU One every from I o clock to l:M ana 10 .w v- anhertntinii ralM 13 ser annum. Wast Cor. Eleventh and Duant Street BUSINESS POINTERS. Jeff's ll Whit! took!. "the onty" restiursnt. Ht lt-eafit meal. Rising Sua rnuvu. rant, IU OoauMM-ctel tercet For tht hungry feeling try tht up to deJt New Boetoa reetaurint. Our let cream la warranted te be made of pure cream. The Parlor, nut lo Joba llsbo'a BlcM and be Diaal at peaver Kitcb. en 00 Ninth street 1 oinU. WM11 cook. Try h. beet Cairornia wins K cents per gaL Icn. Alex Ollbert, sole feot for Af torta. Telephone tt Cream Pure Rye. Amerlca'i floeet whiskey. The only pure foods, guaraA. leed rich and mellow. John U Carlson, sole ageot Killey'i transfar wagons deliver box wood te any part of the city on thort i.otlce. All ordert left a ZapTi furnl lure store, ga) Commerelal mtri, wtll re. eelve prompt attemtoo. TeUpbont S14t Oo to tht Columbia Electric eV Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop oppoalt Ross, Big' glnt Co. Tht concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. S39 At tor itreet, U tht one and only popular retort of in kind in that vicinity. Mr. WUe la doing some thing new among concert halls. Ht is not only telling a data of pure liquor. but 1 giving- his place a management which Insure! gentlemanly attention and treatment to hit patrons. Tht good music and tht crowd will be found at Charlie Wise's place. tsisissesseessssswseessisnsisminssis1!, You Don't Change Cars If yon go east via Billing! and tht Burlington roue. Tht Burring ton route runt through tourist sleepers twice a . week, Seattle to Kansas Clty-Oet oa at any point along the main line of 'tht Northern Pacific In Waehtngton or Mootana get off at Kaneaa City. Standard sleepers, every day In tb week. Butte to St Louis via Lincoln, Omaha and St Joerpo. A. C SHELDON, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, encyclopedia britahmica Questions areconstantly comlngup every day inliterature,artandsdence which you wish you knew, but ,you don't. Make up your 1 mind that you are not going to be caught this wayveryoften. Whenever a tiew subject is brought to your a ttentiondig in to it and learn all you can O about it. The Encyclopaedia Brita .inica Is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and tht balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment is made. Tht Complete Set (Thirty Large Oetavo Volumes); No. 1. New Style Buckram Cloth, MarHtd Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Fin ish Book Paper. $5 oo. First payment, One Dollar ($i ooltnd Three Dollars($t.oo) per month thereafter. No. t. Hall Morocco, Marhled E.tgct, Extra Quality Hleh Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00. First payment. Two Dollars ($3.00) and Four Dollars ($4.00! per month thereafter. No. j. Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality tilth Machine Finish Book Papar, $75.00. First pavment, Three Dollars ($.oo) and l ive Dollars ($5.00) per month thereafter. A reduction "f 10 w cviiL Is gram?J by paying cash -within y days altar the receipt of the vork. iitilfi 7 7 J 7. P. fl. Sharpie's Latent Builders' Heavy and Shelf"' FISHER BROS. C. J. TRENCHARD Commission, Brokerage, insurance and Shipping, agent W. t. A Co, ud parifle fclpreal Ce"!, PacificNavigationCompany STEAMERS II. F. Elmore W. H. HarrlHon OARIBAtDI BAY CooDerting" it Artoria with the Oreyoo Bail road k Navigation Co. (or ' ao Francisco, Portlaml and all point! eaal. For freight ind paseem ger ratet appljr BarttMCl Elmore aft Co. nal Agents, ASTORIA, ORE OOHN 4CO Agent, TILLAMOOK t re. "Russell" Automatic Engine Write for Catalogues of A. II. AVERILL, Manager. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephene No. 33 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 43 Coaaaaarrlal St.. , NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Gbairs ..... .Chas, Heilborn &.Son-. Goiombia Eleetrie & .... . .... , . COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundryitieh Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propeller Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. J w rrDI l-alrXM 1k TVT aTl S a 1 a m -j m ai aw B PORTLAND. OR. The Only Flrat-Closs Hotel In Portland STRONG COURSES Well equipped julckeit and best way to State Certificate!. Eipenaea for year from 1Z0 to iw; per term of ten weekf. Fall term beg'ni to Soptembar 1. For catalogue addreee Cream Separator and lietst. General Supply House for n i Family drocer.es. flardmare, Ship Chandlery, Etc. CM-tom hou.. Broker. ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOBSONVILLB Orego jlroau Nieigation Co., PORTLAND, Or. i 1 ? 1 Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO, Portland, Oregon. tert Palace Beateawat.t. -em Repair Go Successor to . . .. ... .., -vz Loggers', ; Supjllss Kept In Stock Built and Repaired ' H m m m f 1 -.j ai i State Normal Schoo! MONMOUTH. OREGON Tralnlm 8ohool for TeavChen, New BulkUnci New Depaptroenti. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Pusitfons. training department!. Normal couree. Board K.W to W per ween; Tultloa. fra September lth; Bummer term June it P. 1 CAinEni. rrci:i.u. or W. A. WANN, Bee of Faculty. 4