The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 03, 1899, Image 1

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    Autf 'uoiiui.iorl irwm:'. ..ejqn
m ujo'jj uaipi oq 01 io-j ojj
NO. 84
Our new Una, Ci-oum Ilrandg's
iak. bu been alot4 not only with
vUw to th desirability of tho stylo
and pa turn but also on aooount of
Superior wearing qualities.
JLF yryT-i..-r "yrr -"ai-"'.-?. 'r,r-"l'-f-V" .i " 1
AH alwl
. Hardware Co.
Pacific Sheet
Lithographing on
ua Francisco, Cil.
- Astorii,Ore.
Writ Ua for PrUss
Here Is
1 0t some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
fresh from the mills.
. y , AROMATIC SHCES guaranteed the finest.;
I...IIJ T.-.iL.. . .Ul . . ll...
( . iiiainu, luycincr wua a uuav vi uiun
good things.
;leui Zealand fife InsiiFanee Go
ij Of New Zealand.
W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco.
Subscribed Capital . . $5,000,000
Tftitl-Up Capital . . 1,000,000
ABsota .... . . 2,545,114
Asauts in United States . . 300,000
Surplus to Policy Holders . 1,718,792
Has boon Underwriting on the Pacific Const over Twenty-two year?.
Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon
Our Fall and Winter otookj o( tho
vory boot modi on 6 vry latt styles
hav boon rooolvo4 and (or low prtooo
and axo.ll.iit values cannot bo equaled,
Com-lt 12tb Stmts.
ranges b".u you unfortunately
bought a cheap one. Buy a ..... .
They are warranted in ovory particular, by a
firm 02 years in the business. ......
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
liox rcorat)! Hoi per
and Bnvlopi-ioc
Metal Works
Tin a Specialty.
FairbSYeo, Wish.
a List
HEALTH POODS in great varlctv
Dreyfus rds Claim PrteonerCan
cot BeConJtmocd.
Yesterday's Seuloi, It Is Claimed,
las Put tbe Verdict Ost
of Doubt.
BENNES. Bcpt. l-"FUUon" Is tbo
only word tbat expresses Ibo fooling of
th Dryfusards after today's proceed,
tngs. Th lido bas turned at last, they
oay. and Dryfu cannot b condemned
after th vl Irnc given this morning.
Th spirit of tb Dreyfuaarda are
quit nirrvurlal. Every day since th ,
opening of th trial naa aeon them '
rl to fall. They bv been falling
hravlly. th cloae of the morning ses-
slona generally finding ihrm in anxious
conversation, ax'omtanlrd by omlnou
shaking of their head. Today's buy-,
ancy, therefore, i all the more nolo-:
worthy. Ye.lerdny wo a fairly good.
day but lodiiy's sei(m, they claim, put !
the ver'11'1 out of doubt and th Judgva :
mum ajult Dreyfus.
Discovery of Arm Being Smuggled to
Aauna Cause Great Excllment
I'slate Windows Smashed.
NEW YORK. Kept. -A dispatch to i
tbe Herald from Banto Domingo, says:
.raiHnrai.mmNC.ur.vl...1,1 , , ,, tn4t
mer prestieni nguereo, nave oeen no-
lected stowing a M of arms and amu-,
nlilon on board schooners which they
intenaea tending to aius, inis ais
covery caused great excitement in tb
city and led to serious demonstrations.
These rlotuons demonstrations con
tinued until midnight, when th
frightened and helplewi ministers an
nounced that they would turn over
their power to men to be selected by
the cltllens.
Large crowds quickly formed In the
streets, a majority being young, hoi
headed men who marched up and down
the thoroughfares In disorderly mobs,
shouting "Viva Jlmenes," and "Viva
A splendid lot ol u cieoratea ;
Oregon peaches just i
Other Fruit.-.
In abundance and ot all vari- I
Th most complete selection In
the city and all fresh and crisp.
Prompt delivery to
all parts uf the city
and ouNldc points.
Foard & Stokes Co.!
, ;
Your Wife
Will Ilk It; so will th cook.
Star Estate Range
Satlify all who us them.
If your better half doea tb cooking,
that la an adUltl.nal reason wh there
should b. a Star Estate Range in your
kitchen. Th. ue of them prevents worry
and disappointment.
J. HCULLY. Agent,
in Bond fltre.t.
revoluclon," ot tho tup of their voices.
A great tbrvoc Ouolly . gathered
around lb governor's palate, angrily
demanding that ibo ministers should
t one rulluquisb oil Uur powers.
'lus mul ilieu broke lulu Ibo paiac and
ustroyuu a palming ui In tout rieoc
Uulll rtvuieaua, UUglllg Ul KM M w
ruui tha paiat. Uio uiod luarclitd
to (bo rvaiucnc of the several memoer
of lliv caumet and began huritng
aloiiva through lh winuuw alter
: smashing lb shutters. Tbe governor
anarvd powerless ana made no oilurt
tu curl' th disonir.
' Four tilUvn wer promptly cboao
by tb mob It let w i cuinniliuo of
aafoty and It was agreed tbat lb If
committee ohould act la concert with
Governor Mvjlo until th members of
tit provisional government arrlv to
take control of tho affairs.
JliiMrnes cabled tbat bio emlaoarloo
would soon arrlv bro and tbat b
would fullow them. Jlm.nes la popular
In tbla city but th masses aro Bckl
and will desert him on tho slightest
provocation. Tbo popular Idol Just
now la Caceraa, who baa assumed tbe
' "'N' ot minlsior of war." Ho Is ipoct
od to reach Banto Domingo on Sunday.
. "ben tho mob dispersed after firing
many ahota, but without Injuring any
person. ,
Pron, Incut rievldents of the laland In
Favor of It Opposed to Contract
Labor Law.
Call tirlnts a tares numhvr nt Inter.
view a with prominent residents of the
Hawaiian Islands upon the form of
government preferred by them, the la
bor question and other matters of In
terest. The views expressed are sum
marised as follows:
Ninety per cent of those Interviewed
believe territorial form of eovernment
for on)y
i three favnr the colonial plan, while one
tbe mon-
ihoulJ ntlontL
The apK,lntrncltt by the prrslirni
of ,h, !nUed gutM o( mtmbfn
i " . . i.. .1 ii ... i . unu l
j Ther 1 but little opposition to th
retention In office of the present
iuillrlarv i
The concensus oninlon as rerards the
cfllcers fr the proposed territory to
bo appointed by th president Is that,
they should be selected from among
the results of the Islands. Is a division of onlnlon a.
whether the other officer for that)
territory should be appointed by the
governor or elected by the people.
A large majority emphatically de
clare In favir of the repeal of the
penal contract labor laws.
Numerous suggestions are offered re
garding the solution of the vexatious
i,oor DPOh.m
Tne of ,e franchlM t0 M
native born and .t.rllH rltl.en.
I native born and naturalised cltllens
I of the territory la favored by most of.
' th Hawaiian-, Borne think the fran-1
' chlse should be restricted by education
I al or property qualifications.
.Shoots His Boy and Girl and Then
! Kills Himself.
j SALT LAKE. Sept. t This after
: noon a carpenter named Van Guilder,
gave his two children, a girl and a
, boy, a heavy doses ' of morphine and
I then shot tho girl through the head,
j killing ber Instantly.- He afterwards
I shot the boy through tho head, prob
I ably fatally, and then killed himself.
I It Is blleved the man was tcmporar-1
i lly insane.
Jacksonville, fuv. sept. ..-The
state board ot health here was advised
today of the five new cases of yellow
fever and one death in Key West, mak
ing a total of 16 cases now in Island
City, Key West.
'1 he Electric Doctor.
4th TALK.
There are no organs In the
human body more Important
than the kidneys. They are tha
filters of our system, for they
take from the blood all those
Impurities that poison the sys
tem. Thus one may readily see
the Importance of keeping the
kidneys In good' order.
Heart disease, heart failure,
apoplexy and other aerlous dis
eases may be caused by an Im
perfect action of the kidneys.
My electro Therapeutic system
of home treatment used by
yourself at your own home with
out detention from business will
cure kidney trouble. Coll today
and Investigate for yourself.
Otlice open Sundays.
STYNKK, the Electric Doctor,
Main Street House, 159 9th St.
Advice and Electrical Disease
Reading Free.
Hours: 10 to 4 and 7 to S dally.
Conference Socsted to Meet
Stioaf lope of a Peaceful SettScaeat
-PrefereoceforABcrlcaa Ma-Sllaerjr-Loadoi
(Copyrighted JUH by Associated Press)
LO.NDON. SeoL 1-Judin f.
surface indication, an altogether new
phase seems to bav com over the
Traoiavaal crisis. Tbe tables have beea
turned and now It Is Joseph Chamber- cele uneasiness her and tho an
lain, secretary of stale for tb colonies, thorit'os have taken a few regulation
who proposses further conferences. In PpcuUons at tb porta. But tb bulk
this and other respects, official negoti-' of tn EngUah aro far too satisfied
allon present a more pact no aspect wltn Uwlr nltrT security to seri
than lust week. But, with th bar ex- ou"l)r consider tb possibility of an out
ceptlon of these negotiations, every bpek ta country,
other circumstance points to war. Mny stories are current about tb
Whether, as baa been suggested In Prin of Whales' recent visit to Mar
thse dispatches, higher powers than "bad, where be was most democrat
Chamberlain, have interfered in the In- tc- u u that a Polish Jew alt
terests of peace, or whether the secre- 0n' UDon Prk bench next to the
tary bu taken a leaf out of tbe book
of pldent Kruger of the Transvaal,
meaning "procrastination," can scarce.
ly be determined at this stage. It Is
also possible, though hardly urohable,
Unit the unexpected opposition and
! dlsfaction of tbe Dutch and the de-!
cendant of the Dutch of British South rounds about the new gun made at
Africa, so acutely evinced this week, Woolwich, which la said to be so power
may have stayed "the mailed hand." I that no range Is long enough tr
The simplest solution, however, of th
sreateat developments which pussied'
none more than Mr. Chamberlalr
out and out supporters, Is that thr '
treme amiability and long suffer ng
I rr. .1 A kl. , . nj. t. I
r.'.ni iu Kuim uu i cniBn DrnDosai. is
merely a peace offer which preceeds a
. Bcrill- 8uh steps as these make
" " more r,h1". SJd ths English
"" mougn usuaiy resulting in ag-
randixemant, must first bo righteous to
be popular, especially with the non-
' 1 TOn5t'en:e ana element, ana
' I h.mruirlaln In nnt 1 J ... .kl.
...... v. .v.m w v urauim uiib
i ,a" ,or nome K,W, Tne
.''" "u Propitiated.
FRIENDr v rppr ivrt Boeviit
PRETORIA. Sept 1 The reply of of tho ritualists, has Issued a manifesto
the Transvaal government to the Im- counselling grulgtng compliance with
perlai government' last dispatch has the archbishop's decision. If It Is In
been received by Conyngham Green, slated by the diocesan bishop and de-
' tbe British agent here. '
u is unaerstoxl that tbe government
Is wUng to meet the other side in con-!
ferenc t Cape Town as suggested and '
to explain the working of the new
franchise law. The Transvaal govern
ment Is also willing to receive the
friendly suggestion of the Imperial I
government. A more hopeful feeling
prevails here.
(Copyrighted 189 by Associated Press)
LONDON, Sept t-Wlth ao material
signs of the increase of h. 4mi 1
leaven in English life. It la smalt n.
der that th press and people are pay-
ing special, and in some Inatances, bys-1 1 inspecting me ves-
terlcal attention to this menace to tn-''ela of the 1uailron- Th Boston
sular habits and traditiona The'0 0Ut of commls,,lon September 10,
height of this feeling la perhaps, best'"' dlscharK,n 187 lme men.
Illustrated by tbe remark of an English I who """ Wlth at Mtull,a- The
jockey, who aeelng losi Tuesday n'" on the Philadelphia at Mare
the derby, the American Jockeys secur-1 lsland are. completed and she
Ing all throe places In one race, mut- n take her P'ace ,n the S,Uad"
terert: "ntholl1. .,,..,1 ' , .. 1 ron.
v w,vu)f.uwi is gone.
On the same order la tho Globe's com
ment upon the purchasing from Pitts
burg of Gondola cars for the Soudan
railroad. It says:
"No imperative question of time can
be urged here, as In th f iik...
and It Is hoped that a full inquiry will 1
I be made as to the facts."
In reply to an evening paper's query
as to why the government has not
promised to hold the farmers by secur-
'"a the best American Instead of Eng
lish machinery, an Anglo-Australian
j writes:
"Nobody In Australia would think of
using anything nut American machln
! ery. It Is all American from reapers
I and binders to lawn mowers and gard
en trowi. Many or the Implements are
unknown to the English farmer. John
will stick to the old groove."
Another sign of the times is tha an
nouncement by ons of the largest firms
of brewers In the United Kingdom that
they are going to make lager beer,
which has caused articles to appear be
wailing the threatened popularity of
the ancient nation drink.
Drawing attention to tha inoreased
use of ice, the Standard says:
"Tho recent hot weather inclined
Englishmen to sympathise with tha Ir
ritability usually displayed by Ameri
can visitors at the difficulty of secur
ing It."
Excepting the small Incursion of so
ciety folk Thursday to see Mrs. Lang
try's first night In "Tho Degenerates,"
London remains In th social d old rams.
fairidg aOuoUiig commeuced frl
oay, luring to the country in Urn
wbo still remain la tbe lueuupvlls. Tb
birds ate rrporie-i tu tw pleniliui.
There Is such a deartb uf loatura of
luiervni tout even tbe recent special
eiectluo In to igbu UiMourl dis
trict fur a sucuesaur to CongreMinan
Itlcbard K iilntul tuu been utilised as
the topic of tbe day, lengthy editorials
foreshadowing ail kinds of possible po
litical upheavals In tb United Bute.
Tbe arrival of rain during tb week
and tbe Consequent banishment i.t th.
Uul -lordeJUitense rettet Tb
recent heated spell wast apparently
responlsbl for a considerablo Increase
in lb t'nl led Kingdom death rate s-
lclally among children.
A weekly paper again brings up tbe
Mayorlck case, saying tb Injustice
done to Dreyfua U nothing when com
pared to tbat don to Mrs. Florence
Max brick, tb American undergoing
penal servitude for life after having
B ,conicwd of poisoning bar hus-
DnJ' t,,n lu remark, on tb old
lbeoTJ 0141 sbo ought to cave been
naDea 0T lr'
The P1 of tb pUgu abroad
Princ. not knowing bis identity, began
! 10 l"Uon Mm sbout what h paid for
J n's rooms, doctors, etc. ending with
digging his royal highness In the ribs
n4 telling him he looked too healthy
,0 Def4 tne water cure.
An astonishing report is going the
V It. so a new range Is to be built,
s seriously stated that the first shot
nt out of sight and that It was Im-
bosrlble to get the exact range. But
the range was conservatively estimated
. Jt II a. -V . I - J . .
ni uiirvn num. a. i nc vjiieiiueu iri-
Ins; grounds will not be ready for some
tUne. It Is said the gun is being short
' ened so It can be tested Immediately.
niDiic interest in notn tne ureyiuy
courtmartlal and the Transvaal crisis
rather flagged during the week and Is
not yet keen on tne yacnt races tnougn
. k. - n t . , - . v.
liir iiaiTia ki.q vuiiia ul hie
foreign Shamrock's doings. Sandwiched In be
tween these Is the church question.
j Utters from the cleigy and others are
.constantly appearing In the press. Lord
Halifax, the most prominent lay leader
daring the ritualists will fight to the
bitter end to secure a repeal of the de
Will Leave San Francisco- for Santa
' Barbara for Review and Target
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. i-Th war
h,p" "Posing the Pacific squadron
V for Santa. Barbara about
ctober lBt- tot rev,ew n4 ,rget
practlce- September wl11 devoted by
The Marbtehead, which Is at San
Diego, and the Detroit, now off South
American coast are due hero soon. At
tho Union Iron Works work on the
battleship Wisconsin has been delayed
on account of the nonarrival of the
armor and connln tower- Ai "oon a
these are put In place the Wisconsin
will be ready for her trial trip. The
machinery is all finished but some of
the armor may not arrive for six
The frame of the new battleship Ohio
Is up and stem and stern posts are In
place. The construction of the three
torpedo destroyers Is progressing rap
PITTSBURG, Sept. 1 The Pittsburg
coal combine took charge of the rail
road mines in this district yesterday
and today advanced prices from 10 to
25 per cent.
La r
M-kwS tis food triors dcljciotss end vhc !cscrr?o
America's Cop Defender Scores
Another Decisive Victory.
Tie Kim Wm Over 15-Mfle Wln-
wirt tid LewarJ Courses
. at Newport.
NEWPORT, R. t. Sept. t-Th first
of th format races between the Colum
bia and Defender today, for tb purpos
of selecting a yacht to sail against the
Shamrock in defense of tb America's
cup, resulted In so decisive a victory
for the new boat that were It not for
tbo fact tbat It It la desirable to have
her raced as much as possible, other
contests would seem almost useless.
The yacht tailed one of the regulation
15-mlle windward and leeward courses
In an eight knot breexe, tbat Increased
on the beach and flattened out at ths
finish, and It took tbe Columbia Just
alx minutes and 49 seconds less tim
to cover the distance than it did ths
Nearly every one seemed fully satis
fied with the result of the race, es
pecially the owners of the new boat,
for the steel mast which was carried
throught the race for the first tlraa
certainly Improved her wonderfully.
enabling her to stsnd straighter thaa
tbe Defender and therefore to outpoint
her. In fact, the Columbia sailed all
around the old boat and but for ths
softening of the wind as she neared the
line and the subsequent freshening In
which her rival came up to the finish,
the difference between the two boats
would have beea at least two. If not
trhee minutes greater.
Planning an Immigration to th Argen
tine Republic Where Land Grants
May tie oecurea. '
- . j
CHICAGO, Sept. t The Bohemians
living In the United States are plan
ning to emigrate to South America.
Jose Faber, of Buenos Ayres,' is in this
city on his way to confer with Dr. Mar
tin Garcia Mercu, minister of the Ar
gentine republic at Washington, rela
tive to tbe Inducements offered to ths
Bohemians to leave this country and
tako up thta abode In the southern
parts ot the Argentine republic, .
Julian Freer, tha Argentine minister
of agriculture, has nrovided Mr. Faber-
with credentials to Dr. Merou. Mr...
Faber has chosen three Bohemian-,
newspaper men and a priest, who will
explore the promised land at the ex. of the Argentina republic, wlthi
a view to Inducing their countrymen to
leave the United States If better op
portunities are offered. The members,
of this commission are Joan ftbeAck?,
publisher of Pokrok Zapadu In Omaha,
Neb.: P. V. Rovnlanek, publisher of
mv 1 1 1 i nun via. wiuv viafttriie ill x 1 L
tsburg, P.: Agust Geringer, publisher
of the Chicago Svornost, and the Rev.
Bousek, of Tyndall, S. D.
If the reports of this committee aro
favor of immigration, the Argentine
government according to the statement
of Mr. Faber, will offer each settler
500 acres In the state of Chubut for a
small consl leratlon. with the under
standing, however, that this tract shall
be converted Into farming land.
United States transport Warren sailed
tonight with 1021 recruits and eight of
ficers. The Leellnaw, with a cargo of horses
for the Philippines, also sailed.
WASHINGTON, Sept. t-The pres.
Ident and Mrs. McKlnley returned to
day from Canton, Ohio.
The only difference between specula
tion and peculation Is a little crooked,
ness. The fact that there t a little
crookedness about the letter "s" ex
plains this.
l A t ,
! JniTzr
PO1f CO. , fc"W VOffK.