tilt .i.vUA AM0K1AN. SirVitDA MOltMNO. SskHfeMBKIt 2. im TO HAItR.-TTe "Dally AatoHea MUlu lIM M mark raadla- Matter M tax? tWaraM'' la Artarla. It la tfca aal j paper that pnmtt IU reeaeie with a dally Ulrcraphl report. TO ADVEBTIUSKS.-T1I "Dally A Wrlaa" fcat eaure laaa twice eataaay reea ere as say atkar papar paUa4 t Aila rta. It la tkarafora mere Uaa twice a ewlaable aa aa rtrlUI nafllaai. TODArS WBATHKR. fair yeathtr. Crabs at tht National Cat. ' Gentlemen-Keep your ers on "B. U" Street cream In any amount at the Pkrior. rrrsh torn cod and herring At the Pat Market The pilot schooner Joseph Pulluer put to M yesterday. Wanted Girl for general housework Apply at l Eleventh street. The Oriental liner Monmouthshire put to tea yesterday morning. Cold lunch, pickled plga feet, oysters, aheepa tongue, etc, at the National Cafe. Do you know Snodgrass makes EUunp Photos? Call and see them they are all the go. A large Invoice of Lowney! famous chocolates just received at The Spa Candy Factory. Concert every afternoon and evening at the "Fashion,' IN Astor street Sund A Nylund, proprietor. The British ship Kilmory, wheat lad en for Queenstown, for orders, will be towed to sea this morning. The most dainty and delicious con fectionery and the best ice cream In the city at The Spa Sandy Factory. For rent furnished, a large front room with bay window, centrally lo cated. 414 Exchange street, next Ninth. For Rent A partly furnished house. centrally located. Reasonable rates to ; responsible party. Apply at Astorlan office. The Ladles Guild of Grace Church will give a tea at the residence of Mrs. H. W. Christens n, Tuesday afternoon, September 7. When you get our Ice cream and confectionery, you know you have the best. There Is none better. The Spa Candy Factory. Reduction In passenger rates between Portland and Astoria 11-20 cne way and SLM round trip over the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. After the first day of September, the Astoria Wo 3 yard Company, will sell Knappton mills slabwood, two-cut, di rect from scow, at J2.2S a cord; fir cord wood. fA75. Miss Kate Lampman, test medium, will holl her last circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, August 29 and Sep tember 1st Life readings dally. Main Street house. PALMIST Miss Maud Lampman, the celebrated palmist, will give life readings. Can be consulted at the Main Street House from 10 a. m. to S p. m. for a few days only. The train due to leave Astoria at - 5:00 p. m. for Seaside and Intermedi ate points, will be held on the day of the circus, September 2nd, until 5:50 p. m. in order to accommodate parties attending the afternoon performance. The drawing for the two fine "Stearns" bicycles given by Herman Wise to his coustomers, will take place Monday evening, at 8 o'clock p. m., at Fisher's hall; all ticket holders are in vited to be present The funeral of Hans Bandvlck, who was found drowned a few days ago near Clifton, will be held at 31:30 this MARVELOUS VALUES L September 15th OurLarge.N ew Store Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to Moving Time Our Entire Stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods 1 Remaining on Hand at the Old Store will be Sold Sale commencs Monday, Aug. 2S, continuing until ALBERT DUNBAR'S 1 morning from Fohl's undertaking parlors. The remains will be Interred In Greenwood cemetery. Pianos! Pianos! While you are wait ing tor the cirrus parade rail Into the Wiley B. Allen Company's music store. 54fl commercial street and see their elegant line of pianos. The ateamer Mayflower In change of Captain Plckernell, Is now open for Justness, except on Saturday and Tues- "liyt, hen she will be engaged on hef regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. The Norwegian EvAngellcal Luthero Church: English Sunday school 1:10 a. m.i English Services at 10: iS a. m. subject, "Ingratitude." No evening service. No service following Sunday. Communion services at 10 a. m. in Swedish, Sunday school at 11:1s, Eng lish services at 7:45 p. m. Topic: "Man's Need of a Refuge. Come and hear God's word and do not think that you know everything. All evening services at the Baptist Church, until othrwise ordered, will be gin one half hour earlier than hereto fore. The subject of Sunday's sermons will be "The Outside of the Platter and "The Touch of Faith. Divine service at Grace Church to morrow aa follows: Holy communion and sermon at 11 a. in. Evening prayer with address to Junior auxil iary at t o'clock. Subject "Work In Mexico. Evening prayer and sermon at Holy Innocents chapel, Vppertown, at 7:30. The boy chair resumes Its regular rehearsals Tuesday of next week at 7:S0 o'clock. At the Presbyterian Church there, will be a change in the time of the evening services tomorrow. All even ing sen'lcea begin one half hour earlle . from this time through the winter. T. P. S. C. E. at .J0; evening preaching service at 7:30. The morning service as usual at 11. Theme tomorrow morning "Personality;" evening theme, "Friendship." A most cordial invitation extended to all. The work of removing the old Chi nese mess house standing on the prop erty recently purchased by the Star. ard Oil Company, In front of the Kl ney cannery, commenced yesterday. E. A. Hamilton has the contract fr raising the old buildings. As soon as the work is completed a large build in will be erected on the site. Con tractor Whiting of Portland has the contract for erecting the building and work on it will be commenced the first of next week. George Landers, who has been en gaged the past season by Schmidt Bros, on their receiving station at Sand Isl and, was In the city yesterday making preparations to take charge of a sta tion for his employers on the ml J. lie river. This station will be the only one the Schmidt Bros, will have during the fall season. The Sand Island sta tion during the season received over 100 tons of salmon. The freezing plant has been completed In the Schmidt Bra's cold storage house and the place Is now fully equipped to handfe and cure unlimited quantities of fish. Walter L. Main's circus, popularly termed by the press everywhere to be the "Fashion Plate Show of the World,' now on its 15th annual tour. Is said to be enlarged to twice its former size. Everything Is bran new this season, and a perfect host of startling novel ties will be Introduced for the first time. Perhaps one of the most Inter esting of the many features will be a detachment of the famous Roosevelt Rough Riders, also Rough Riders from the regular U. S. cavalry, many of whom took an active part In the now historical battle of San Juan Hill. A large number of traps will be driv en in the river this year for fall lishlng. Every available place on both the Ore gon and Washington sides of the river has been occupied and seiners along the river find It difficult to keep trap- men from encroaching on their grounds. Contractor Lebeck dispatch Our Great... Removal Sale ed Ms pile driver up the river yesterday to drive piling for about a doaen'trapa. Most f them are going In on the Washington side of the river, as more favorable locations can be secured there than on the Oregon side. X number of new traps have already been nut In on the river and will be ready for operation when the fall sea son commences on September 10. Con tractor Lebeck says It will take him about two weeks to tiaish his con tacts for trap pile driving along the river. Th members of the AstoH Rowing Club held a meeting at the olllce of Justice Hughes last evening. There was little business transacted. A mo tion was made that the matter of con structing a boat house be deterred until the first of April next, which was carried. In the meantime, the or ganization will remain Intact, and a committee, consisting of J. Toung, W. A. Sherman. F. WoodBeld, Parke Cp shur and Paul Trulllnger was named, whose duties It will be to arrange a series of winter entertainments, the profits of which are to be devoted to augmenting the building fund. The committee Is subject to call bv the chairman at any time. A decision was also reached that the money now on hand shall be turned over to the treasurer for deposit In one of the city banks. """"" C P. Looney, who deals In and sella the large majority of sewing machines in Clatsop county, dug up an Interest Ing relic In the way of a Singer Inatru raent at 8t. Helens yesterday. The Singer machines now being sold are numbered in advance of the sixteen mil loin mark.. The Instrument found by Mr. Looney numbers 23J.391. In speaking of this mechanism of the olden day, Mr. Looney said: "Strange as It may seem, this contrivance works as smoothly as a top and sews well, although surely It must be one of Isaac Merrltt Slngers's output sometime antedating the rebellion. Mr. 8lngers first Instrument was placed on the market In 1SJ1. He devoted himself with Immense energy to pushing what' was then an Infant Industry In this direction. The foundation of the sew ing machine, however, was laid by the Invention ot a double-pointed needle, with tho era in the center, patented by Chas. F. Welsenthal in 175. The St. Helens sewing machine was the property of R. H. Mitchell, editor and proprietor of the St Helens News. It is a novelty and will no doubt be re tained by Mr. Looney as a souvenir of his business. Several wagers were laid on the time in which some of the vessels carrying the salmon pack from frlatol bay, Alaska, could reach their desti nation. The Harry Morse, which left the Nuahagak river loaded with the pack ot the Alask Packing Company got away on August 11. Superintend ent Carlson bet that the Morse would not reach Astoria before August SL The Morse was out 21 days yesterday and Mr. Carlson wins his bet The Gardiner City, which left the same place on August 2L made a quick trip, as she arrived at San Francisco Thurs day last. She is loaded with a cargo o' .slt salmon. The schooner Bartlett, belonging to the Pacific. Coast Steam Whaling Company, loaded with the season's pack, also made a quick trip. She left Nushagak river on the 7th and reached San Francisco Wednesday last Mr. Carlson made a bet with Purser Hall of the Bartlett that that ship would not reach her destination inside of 20 days. The bet was won by Mr. Carlson with several days to spare. The Morse may be expected off the riv er any day. On her arrival here Sup erintendent Carlson will be wheeled In a wheelbarrow by Ole B. Oleson, the loser of the bet, from his residence on Duane street to the Iatter's residence In East Astoria. "They're coming! they're coming!" shouted a small boy late yesterday af ternoon, as he ran fleetly from the Telephone dock towards Commercial street Seemingly, every one knew What was coming, for the landings were soon thronged with people to greet both, the training ship Adams at Or Near Actual Cost. our removal Sept. . and the auxiliary cruiser Badger as they approached from :ht west steam ing slowly and majestically on the placid sweeps of the vast stretching river. The Adams preceded the Bad ger, and presented a pretty picture with her decks white with sailors and Iter rattlnv alive with nimble tars who scampered to the fore and main sky sails as It displaying their power for the pleasure of the many onlookers. It was soon seen that Astoria was not the present destination of the training snip, for while sh lowered her ladder In courtesy to a panting tittle launch which clung to port amldahlp, her speed was slackened. 'uut little, and soon she rounded the bend and dlsap pea red towards the bar snrouu to San Francisco. On th contrary, the Bad ger looking a colossus In the wake of the Adams, first rested opposite ths O. It A N. dock and 'then moved to the wharfage adjoining the Elmore can nery where she fastened and quickly discharged the naval reserves who havt furnished the bulk of her marine complement during the period cf hcT voyage the past several days. John J. McDertnott Brat assistant engineer ot the steamer Harrison, and a man named Hunter, who serves aa a fireman on the same vessel, engaged In an altercation In front ot Foster's Exchange on Commercial street yester day, which resulted In Hunter getting his Jaw cracked and his face pummel led until he yelled lustily for help. The fight attracted the usual crowd who Jeered the combatants until friends came to the rescue. Later In the day, McDertnott stood on the dock In prox imity to the Harrison when he alleges that his superior officer In the person of Chief Engineer Furchen, approached and without warning, struck Mm an ugly blow which caused him to reel and then fall sensless on the landing. McDormott called at the Astorlan office last nldht and narrated the circum stances from his own point ot view. "This man Hunter," said McDertnott, "Is my subordinate and ordinarily a good fellow. I Instructed him yester day to reitialn on the boat and at tend to his duties. He refused, but to palliate the mutiny. Invited me down to have a drink. This Is something an old salt never refuses, and naturally I accompanied him. We began anew our discussion of differences over tho beverage, and the termination was a broil. But why the chief engineer should Jump on to me Is a conundrum. I can only account for It through his having formerly roomed at Hunter's house. I am now In search of a lawyer and propose to give both of them trouble. Moreover, I am going to have the Harrison stopped before she clears the bar. She baa aboard all of my clothes even to my coat and will be ab sent fully three weeks and maybe long er. However, It Isn't the clothes that prompt me to stop the vessel. Its the fact that she has started out minus a first engineer and this Is In violation ot the navigation laws." THE PRIZE CONTEST. The children of the city are all agog over the beautiful prizes which the j Astorlan has In view for the bustling ' little boy and girls who obtain for j it the most subscriber during the i months of September and October. Any ! of the splendid trophies are well worthy the struggle. While a largo number of little folk are already In the field, It is expected that Monday will see a ver- liable army of busy Juveniles darting hither and yon In pursuit ot the tardy people who haven't as yet learned what a blessing It Is to have a daily paper served with the breakfast. Here are the prizes. ' CONDITIONS. Prize 1. The boy or girl under II years of age sen ling In the largest number of monthly or yearly subscrib ers to the Dally Astorlan during the months of September and October will be entitled to a choice of the best grade of 140 Rambler bicycles. This prl.se 1 contributed by the Columbia Electrical A Repair Company. Prize 2. The boy or girl under II years of age sending In the second larg est number of monthly or yearly sub scrllters to the Dally Astorlan during September and October will be enti tled to a 110 suit, If a boy, or It equiv alent In cash, If a girl. This prize U given by Mr. Danzlger of the popular San Francisco Store. Prize S. The boy or girl under II years of age sending In the third largest number of monthly or yearly subscriber to the Dally Astorlan dur ing September and October, will be entitled to a beautiful sterling silver watch, American movement, guaran teed for one year, value $7.50. This prize Is tendered by Mr. J. H. Seymour, the well-known Jeweler at 461 Com mercial street THB RULES. Bach boy or girl participating In the contest must bring the name and ad dre of each subscriber, legibly writ ten on a separate piece of paper, to the business office of the Astorlan, be tween 1 and I p. m. of. any day during the contest, together with the amount of the subscription, at the rate of W cents a month, for the term of the sub scription. In return, each boy or girl will receive a printed card bearing the name and address of the subscriber, with the date and amount of the sub sorlptlon. Th cards will be retnlned by the rerlpnt until the second day of October. 1te. On that day the cards pwlved bv the children must be rettirneil to a committee of clergy men, whn name will hereafter be announced. an1 lhse gent'emcn will compare the carl so returned with o Arm lil 4VWVVVWWVVVrrr ..SHAN AH AN 'S.. TWO STORES THE.... LAST WEEK a- t the records of the office and make the award of prises thus shown to be earned. An order will be given to the lucky boys or girls and the dealers will Immediately deliver to them the prises named. PERSONAL MENTION. Charles Whltnlng, a prominent con tractor of Portland, arrived In the city on last night's train. Andrew Johnson, the well-known sal mon buyer of Catblamet was In the city yesterday on business. Thomas Irving, a prominent farmer and lugger of Cathlamet, was In the city yesterday on business. The Misses McMurren of Baker Clly, who have been visiting In this city for the past few weeks, leave on this morn ing's train for their Eastern Oregon bom. Miss Fisher of Woodland, Cal., who has been visiting Mrs. and Miss Mc Connell at The Cole for the past ten days, leaves on the morning train foV Portland on her way south, i The great 'success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sals by Charles Rogers. Good Coffee More You Drink More You Want At &eat Amerteaa Ifflponbi Tea-Cn. Big: Presents Free 171 Commercial ftU., Astoria. We have now on sale the most elegant line of Millinery ever shown la Astoria. Everything In the latest creation ot Styles and Colors. We cive a cordial Invitation to the ladies of Astoria and snrrosndine country to call and examine onr line. ' fnw Saturday, September 2d Will be the last day for the sale of the remainder of the very finest Boots and Shoes TJ STILL reeiar arrlfle will he nartr for r n.v.r carry any sltuet j sy. They mint be lt, llantt-tntwr era manufacturer and aril ilum ohmper Unit any rt uilvr ran buy Ui.m, m yoa had belter rome now and il tlicm. Mrn'i Kr.nch ClfHW. Mvo'i Fine Call Hliora. Boys' School Bltera.... ....... Clillilten's School Hhixe. Udlc f ranch Kid Button nltoei LadUs riit Kid Shot.... UiIIm' rrmrh Kid Tin UImm' Hcliuul Hhuea BOSTON. 4.15 Commercial St., nctt to Astorlao. RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Barley Food Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats 1 A. V. ALLEN'S THE OC Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcgler & Wrleht, Props. TiLe PALACE A W. W. Whipple.ProprletO r. Finest Restaurant North of SanlFrancisco ATTENTIVE BERVICB.... FIRSTVCLA88 CUISWa.. PRIVATE ROOMS FOB LADIE. 538 Commercial St. II M,orlltH 10 .. I ittwurtli ( to 76 wnrlh ,1.60 , Otrortti . I jo wnrlh i 00 .. luiworlh tai .. m worth I M . n worth lib) SHOE CO. Office, Astoria, Or. t Select Bran Yeast, Cocoa . CIDER! T Astoria, .Oregon