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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1899)
riUS DAILY A8T0U1AN BA'jntliA MOttNlNO. BKI'TEMBEU 2, im lKU KRTATB TltANBFEnB. M X and J, M. OIIMte to P. C. ' Coritllmr. lot 4, block 13. Mlilvv y MK Viillfd Htatas in Ouurf Hurt, norttu-MHt qiinrtur, swlltm T. town, hip t, nurih, raima I wont! ..patent Stat of Orril lu Olio C. Wod wiirlh. auuihweat quarter of northwest qimrtrp and north weal half of iuthwet nurtf, and northwest quarter of louth taut imrtir, amnion It, township 4 north, rani T writ; I COAJ COKK AND TAIL Tit Astoria (UNllKht Company will, on anil after tin lat of Ifopieiiibpr ll cok, cool and tar at tin following pr loca: Cuka, In ! quantltl than I lon..$ M t'uke, iiiir than one tun too Tar p-r turrl 7.00 Tar, t l.arrrl Iota , I M Vim. Walla Knd to arrlv Oct., ...100 Coal, i ati.l 10 ton lota I W AHTOIIIA OAHI.KJIIT COMI'ANT, I'. A. Trullliiger, rU-cy. t BTKAMEP. rOTTBtt, Th following li tha schedule of tht ataamcr T. J. Potter from September lat until lh oIom of tha eaaild aoaaon. Loava Portland Saturday Beptember t t I p. m., returning laav Ilwaoo Ban day, fkptamber Ird at I p. m. and A lorla at p. m. Tuday Bptmber Itk War Portland at I a. m.. returning leav Ilwaoo Wadneaday morning Sep tember Ith at 10 JO a. m. and Aatorlt t U:0. Tuaaday Boptcmoar 7th lavt Portland at a. m., returning leava Il waoo Fiiilay, Baptambar Ith at 10:10 a. m. and Aatorla at U.JO. Saturday, September th Imiv Portland at 1 p m, returning iav Ilwaoo, Bunday, BrpUmlxr 10th at 1:10 p. m. and Aa torla at 7 p. m. LADIIC) CAN WRAIt IIOK. On ala smaller attar ualnf A.laf Koou KaM, a powdar to b ahakrn into in ahva. It make light cr new aho I: ay; ft la Inttant ralttf to em and bunk. Jl'a th gritt Cnirrt eta. envMT of tha Cure aarlln feat, fctletar and ealloua pota. Allan'a Foot Baa la a cartel eitre for Ingrowing nalla, twaatlng, hot, aofctng ft. At all anjnrUi and sbo aiora. enta. Trial pactum fr by malL Addraaa A' 10 V. Olnsiad. L Uuy. H. . ItoO rtKWAflD, 1100. eiBaa e Tha reader of this paper will b llad to Irarn that ther la at least ? Younrj r.Joihcra jr 'mi Jtl Gail COKDEKBRU ktn.K eaarai eooktn. ig. It Auta, 'laia no auuauiuia. - r P n. Sharpie's Cream Separators Ltitemt and lient. FISHER BROS. t Bailders' Hevy and Shetf pardaf are, Ship Chandlery, Etc. C. J. TRE1NCHARD Coinni?5$tQna. Brokcratre. Insuring ajid $h!pptni. . Agent RID SPECIAL SALE FINE: - Cudwig Barriitfiton The Finest Pianos Ever Brought to Astoria. on dreaded diaaas that aclanc hn I bn alii to our In all Ha stages and i that I Catarrh, llall'a Catarrh Cur I tha only poaltlv cur now knowr I to tl mmllcaj fraternity, Calarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional troAiincnt. Hall's Ca tarrh Curo la takmi Intarnally, acting fllreelly upon the blood and mucous surface of tha system, tharaby dtroy ln Ih foundation of tha dlaaaao, and IvIiir th patient atroiiRlh by building up lh ronalltutlon and aaalatlnir na tur In doing II work. The proprlw lorn hav ao mu. h faith In It curative pownra, that they offi-r On Hundred Dollar for any cut that It falla to cure. Bund for IUt of teattmurilala. Addrraa, F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Prugglata, 7&o. Ifall'i Family Pill ar the boat. IIID8 FOll TAINTINU. Hid will b reoi'lved by th clerk of arhool dtatrlrt No. 1, from data to I o'clock p. m., Monday, omlwr 4th, for th painting of th Adair uliool houaaj two coal, all material to l fiirnlahud by the dtatrlrt. Tha right to rrJnH "I' nil " bid rrMrved. Dy ordrr of th board, it D. FKItOCBON, Clerk. THE LADIES. Th pleaaant ittvrt and perfect aafe ty with which ladle may ua Byrup of Flgc, vndcr all condition, make II their favorlt remedy. To get th trua and genuln article, look for th nam of th California Fig Byrup Co., print ed near th bottom of th packag. For eat by all drugtata. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Th board of aquallaallon of Clatanp cous'y. Orrgon, will attend at th orrlr of th county clerk of Clataop county, Orrgon. September 15th, and dully thereaftnr until and Including Brptenv br loth, to publicly eiamln th aa acaainnt roll for th year l9t, and corract all error In raluatlon, dcacrlp tlon or quatltle of land, lota or other proporty, and It (hall b th duty of all partU' Intnreated to appear at that lime and plara for th purpna of cor reftlng any rnra that may appear In laid aaaament nil. C. W. CARNAHAN, Aaaeasor of Clataop County, Orcffon. Aatorla, Oregon, Auguet II, HM. L ahnuld lar tly tha naraa. V n r ot kavping oa kaad a upplyof a Borden I Eagle Brand! for nnralnr tabUa. aa wall aa fnr It baa etuod tha aat (r f "T 1 a Baa atwMl the taat lr l"r yn. T ttiNu roa. itoua oa "luao,- , (icnerul Supply House f r Family Groceries. Cuatom HOMe Uroker, ... ' , . ASTORIA, .OREGON W.r.aCo, and paclnt KiprtMCa't, i V 1l ii i if lir WffVWWMWrAWeVr ,,. 1 !,- .V mm rt; n M - : From the Well-known Wiley PORTLAND B46 Commercial St., Opposite Western Union Telegraph Office CUBA COMING TO THE FRONT Conditions In Havana and Plnar del Rio Making Progress. GENERAL LEE'S REPORT Uriel in Independent Ptputlk Under pAmerlcnPfotectort-Would Detain American Troops. CII1CAOO Sept. l.-A ipeclal to th Tliii--lvrMM froin Washington, aaya: tleneral Fltxhugh Le ha mad an elaborate report on prevailing condi tion In tli territory In Cuba undi-r bla Jurladlctlon and taken atrong gmu for an Independent government under an American protectorate. The war dvparfnvnt In March dl reeled the commander of department In Cuba to malt a report on th con dition In their ecveral aecllona, and to accompany It with recommendation aa to the treatment of tb native. General Lr I th only commander who haa ao far re ponded. Oeneral Lee begin hi report by dating condi tion In Havana and Plnar del Rio province are making rapid progrea toward a atat of peace, good order and proaperlty. It got Into thl in great detail, taking up th lubject town by town and allowing a general Improvement throughout the western end of the laland. Ill report In thl reaped I Very gratifying, Indicating a It docs, that there la not aa much suf frrlng from want of food a I often aa aerted In Uniftlclal reports. Turning to recommendations. Gener al Lc urgea the taking of aelf govern ment. General Lr thinks thai the net steps hould be the careful consid eration of th qui-stlon of suftemgra for the Cubans. He takes it for grant ed that ther will be election by the native and he point out the Import anee of wise action In determining ih qualifications of voter. He recommend an Independent re publican government with a president, Vlce-prealdent and congress. He would have this established soon and advises th holding of general elec tion for the selection of those officer, he says nothing about a constitution, leaving It to be Inferred that he either overlimkiil that step or would hav It left to the Cuban congress to provide after It Installation In office. General Le evllently foresees that While tha Tinted hUat might provide Cuba with a model ayattm of govern nient. the native would b likely to spoil It In the administration and ha ha submitted suggestion for kceptir the government machinery running al'ing line that commend themeelve to the Amirl.'an mind. Even after relieving the Cuban In part of American protection ha would hav United State troop maintained In th Island to protect Americana and other alien In the enjoyment of their personal and property rights. CRUISE WAS A SUCCESS. Continued from page on. seriously, and felt deeply chagrined to think he had so wantonly demolished one of the ahlp'a appliances. In this firing drill the Astoria boy also dis closed the excellent quality of their marksmanship. Park Vpshur, J. H. Duffington and . Rudolph - Basel are particularly deserving of mention, not only because of their quickness, but on account of th unerring accuracy OF III. . . & '5b .r ... & i hhi ... -; .U i . ; ' House, of... t B. Allen of th-rlr aim a well. Th alxth day snw the work of the nfth day roinplet d, and some valuable and Instructive training with signal. This was the thmlu of lli inan-uf war routine, "Intorap.Tacd with th work, and lie ginning, 1 might suy, with the very day we left port, the nen wre con stantly In training fur nivrg"ncli at sea. Wind to lo III cuse the vcaael inuat be almndoiiiMl was II r inly llxJ Into the mind of every mun aloard hlilp lr drill were of common occurence and the inuiilpulalloii and inclining of night Signals were fr;o,UHit fca.tup-s for the liicfU of the crew, it I not out of plate to say that after the second day the ship wa turned over to Lleutnn ant Commander Bherman, a elecutlve officer, and through him all order were promulgated to the divisional officer, namely, Lieutenant Carroll and myself. W, of course, passed them to the rap Ulna of the gun crewa, who, In thl In stance, were Lieutenant Alwrcromlile Knatgnt Zelgler, Montgomery and Ormandle, of th Second division, and Lleutensnta Bteven and Hart nn Knelgn Hloane and Trulllnger. of the First dlvlalon. Lieutenant Oommindi Hlierman wa on th bridge during the progrea of all the Important tactic. Covering the period of the heavy fir Ing, Commander Sherman acquitted himself with more than ordinary cred It. The noise at all time was deafen Ing. The order of the Lieutenant Commander were bugled to the first officers, and from them the men were d I reeled through signals, the latter duties falling to Quartermaster Caascl) and Gunner' Mate Jones. In the even lugs, the battalion officer were tutored In light signals, .scamenahlp and nant leal development In general. In ad' dltlon, the reserve officers were kept busy In drafting the sundry report, it being a part of the program to preserve the record of gun practice and the core of the men. The pay roll were also finished In order that the dlvlalons may not be delayed in obtaining their allowance." Lieut. Wilson tells a good story in which one of the Portland contingent Hgurr as the hero. The boys had been given stations and naturally were sup. poaed to know them, and f.nd them promptly when quarters were sounded. One day, in the usuul run of events, quarter were sounded, and the Tort lander, having forgotten entirely the location of his station, wandered hither and thither In a vain endeavor to find it. Suddenly be was accosted by an officer who addressed him sharply. "Where do you belong." he said. '-I belong 1 Portland, sir, he replied." The answer wa too farcical, and the blue-coated questioner turned his face seaward to conceal his evident wonder ment that the young man should have ever been called from the Willamette's peaceful banks. . The lieutenant say that the flret day or two nearly all of the boys spoke of going up and down "stair." One of the battalion officer frequently asked that the bell be "rung." It never occurred to Mm that It generally got "struck." Anoth er officer called Captain Miller' order ly and sent him below on an errand. Fortunately, the captain was asleep or the officer In question would no doubt have lost his commission. The boat race was a feature of the trip. The Astoria boys decided that they would like to row the Portland era, and crew were selected from the Flint division of the Portland, and the Second division of the Astoria reserves. The boat used were the Captain's gg and a whale boat, the Portland oars men -sing the latter. Each craft was fur.uaiied with a eoxwatn from the Rftdger' crew. The race took place on Monday afternoon, some distance be low the mouth of the river, and while the ocean was more than ordinarily rough. Lieutenant Commander Sher man offbUted as starter nnd the con test was made over a .nlle course. The men got away well. While the Astor luiu carried nn extra weight In the person of the lieutenant commander, thr!r boat was a trifle the lighter, Which It was conceded to fairly offset any differences that might be raised. The local men won as they pleased. One day, when all was quiet on the ship, the frightful alarm of "man over biwrd" was raised. Instantly the keen est ixcltement reigned. It was a sight, according to Lieutenant Wilson, to note the agility with which the naval militia responded to the call. They led the regular and were manning the boat when summoned from the task by the commanding officer. Char lie McEwan persisted In accompanying the rescuers, and while the chase was made for a discarded box, the young Astorlan was highly complimented for the seal and alertneBS that attended his action. The naval reserves as represented In the Astoria delegation are men of good standing and birth. Parke Upshur Is a grandson of Admiral Upshur, now retired, an old naval officer who served with distinction In the civil war. Up shur's fathsr Is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and Is a regularly commissioned of ficer. Ted Cherry, also one of the brightest mem'oers of the organisation, Is. a son of the British vice consul of this city. Jamie Taylor Is a son of Ex Collector of Customs Taylor of Astoria, uncla was Captain White, a well-known and highly respected of fleer of the reven-te marine rervlce, for many yours stationed on this coast Lieutenant Wilson, in command of the Astoria division of the reserves, is agent for the Pacific Coast Company at this point and was formerly a member of company I. O. N. G. Lieutenant Commander Sherman, in command of all divisions of the reserves, was for. merlv caDtain of company H, O, N, (I., ot this city. . Duncan McLaan la one of th private officer In th cus tom house at thl place. O. Zelgler I one of th deputy county clerk and has h.vl exceptional military training. Paul Trulllnger I a grandson of one of Astoria' oldest and most highly re spected cltisen, J. C. Trulllnger, who 1 now president of the Astoria Gas Light Electric Light Company. Charles Alwreomble belong to an old and highly esteemed family. Many others ar also worthy of special men tion If lime and space permitted. MOVEMENTS OF TKANHPORT8. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. l.-The suit ing of the transport Warren for Manila with 1.1 M recruit ha been post poned until tomorrow. The Bherman ard Grant are both to be repaired be fore returning to the Philippines. The Belgian King, lately chartered from the Sante Fe, arrived from Ban Diego last night. It Is not yet decided whether she will be fitted to carry troop or horse to Manila, but will probably be troop. Another new transport, the iteamshlp Tacoma, left Puget sound yesterday for San Fran cisco. SHARKEY AND JEFFRIES. NEW YORK. Sept l.-JIm Jeffrie, of California, and Tom Sharkey, of Dunkirk, Ireland, will fight for the haavy weight championship of the world at the Conel Island Club, Sep tember 13. The Coney Island Club offered It Z-i ot the the gate receipts with a guar antee of Stt.OOO. HUNDREDS OF LIVE3 LOST. YOKOHAMA. Sept. l.-nundreds of live have ben lost by the flooding of the copper mine at Ii?sht, Island of Shlkoku. SIGNAL CORPS LEAVE MANILA. WASHINGTON. Sept. l.-Genernl Greely, chlsf signal officer, received a cablegram from Manila today, saying the Nineteenth corps would sail on the City of Para yesterday and that the Eighteenth corn would sail on the Newport on September 5th. These are the last volunteer signal corp In the Philippines. A WooferM Medicine. For Biltaua and Nervn-jt Ditrdera, such aa Vtnd and Paia ia ihc Sion:b. Sick HeaJacaa, . Gi4iliari, Futnrtt mil S?i)ir( after mcaia, liuiaeB tad DroBiiKa.Cold Cfciila, Fluaa- I Inga of Heal, Loaa of Appetite, bhonoaas of b'ratn.ioanrmrB. P'otcricson im dam, uta urfcvd StrvD.rrtBVral l)rt!na.and all rJenwwa and Trtmbiias Sc::.aiKiaa.cic. Tbe.e ailmtflla ! all aria from a il'airdrred ar abuacd coodinoa ol iht atoaiacb and lirtr. Brecham a rilta will quickly reatore Femalea . tocoaapieaaaaalts. Ttf promptly rtmoi- inr obatrvcooa ar Irrcfularliy af tha ayatcm. Far a I Weak Stomach, Impaired fNiaattoa. Skk , neadacae, iMaonKrca Liter, etc., 'Iwr act Ilka mif: a ft doaca 1H vert area- Irra opoa tha Vital Ortaaa; Stfeafiatnlnt iba Muacalar Syafcai, rcatoring ibe long-toil Con- avacf aeawaina with Ihm Kammhud sat ' ftmmntt inm what pttymloml anaety t 9tthhmmmn aVanaaa. few throwing i rr imwmrm Mm J mrm mjmoiany - townmd. Thru art "facia" admitted by iixaaaada, la all ctaaaae el eoefcrf, and one I of tha beat auaraataea aa Iba Nrrnaa aad Ore.lMatcd la that Brecham'a Pills hav tha larcrat Sale at any pimi MedKiaa ia the jrii i ma Jiaa beta acbic4 W hhout th publlcatloa af taJtlaaetOaia. 1 Beecham'a' Fnia hive for aaaoy years acta . rha aapular family inedicia hr-rrw the EnaliatilatiiuaitlaapoUa.aadllwyae ataad i wtiaoui a nraL 10 etai aad 2S etata, at all drag stores. CRAY'S RACKET STORE. Special bargain In shoes for Satur day. 40c Infant Shoes only $ U Children J1.25 Shoes only .ii Children's School Shoes only S5 Ladles $1.60 Shoes only "5 Ladles $2 Kid Shoes only L49 Ladles W Calf Shoe 1-S Ladles Gone Grain Shoes MS Gents Heavy Milwaukee Grain.... 1.39 Gents Jl.M fine shoes only 95 Gents $2.50 Kangaroo shoes only.. 1.15 Gent English Calf $150 only .... 145 Gents Hand Sewed Patent Leath er shoes, Regular $5 only S.!S Gents Willow Calf Regular value $4.50 only IH Call an examine these shoes and see what good shoe little money will buy. 510 Commercial Street. The tug Astoria crossed out yester day for South Bend. Take Cuticura Resolvent Because it is so pure and wholesome that mothers can give It freely to children of all ages. It cools and cleanses the blood, and Is ot th greatest value In speedily curing disfiguring, burning, scaly humor, rashes, and irritations, when taken in cos section with hot baths ot Ctmcma. Soap, and gentle anointings with CtmcDKA, th great skin core and purest of emollients. a.ld Oiromionltha rami Ctro ito Csm lir,tia,lliMia.''UiitoCanJiaaaaak''ai jS Babies J3) , u . B Ufa j Jo WALTER U MAIN Fastilon Plate Show ol the World. Xi:i iAM'1 4 .'jVAVi ':'M Kit &0hCC0ca TaAt-PIWGS f( , A;Ho'r.ioHf,Vi "a" raujaw.Mrwsjlj)VMTlJIB j Of UlTtCTtt unMI( - - . 3 THREE-RING CIRCUS 3 MONSTER MENAGERIE BIG, NEW IDEA FREE STREET PARADE At 11 o'clock each morning. Don't fall to see this mighty Pageant and judge the performance by the parade. FREE EXHIBITION on Circus. f Ground after the Parade. Admission and Reserved Seat Tickets on sal at New Tork Novelty Store. Commences at I o'clock a. m. on Circus Day. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P. M. PERFORMANCES AT 1 AND I P. JC EXHIBIT AT ASTORIA ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER t PacificNavigationCompany STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison GARIBALDI BAY Connecting at A "tori witu the Oregon Railroad i Navigation Co. for . ?n Francisco, Portkud and all points east. For freight and passen ger rates sp: It SaitiMet Elmore & Ca VsJ Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. COnS ACO- AgenV Orego , alrwut Navigation Co., , T1LLAMOO ire. . . . POBTLAXB, Ore. "Russell" Automatic Engine Write for Catalogues of x A. H. AVERILL, . ...Manager.;. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. ....Hlgh-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attracthr location () miles fron Portland on tha Southern FactOo Sprlnrfleld branch). Complete and thorough preparatory, literary, aolenfle, olasslcal. normal, oommerot al course. SPECIAL COURSES In mathesiaittn, Bunreylnc, Drawing, OrU Service, French, Oermam. Spanish Italian, Shorthand, Trpewrrrln, Telegraphy, Muslo. Academto Decrees and 1a:hen' State Certificate and Diploma Conferred. Send for catalogue. ADDRB33 The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Gbairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Informal-ion and runijlik'L-. a m4 ' BEST : atf - .rfAULJ' " '1 ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOBSONVILLK Engine Boilers, Saw Mills." " RUSSELL &.. QO, . ... . .. Portland, Oregon. 35 Comuieicial Street ( A J- ----- r- '