Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rr. TWO
Friday. Attfust 20, 1911
iti9 Chima, Clock.'
One Kind of In
teres! Arouses
WE began paying Interest ou
SaringB Deposit! a few months ago
simply to get everyone1 interested
Id SAVIN'O. And the number of
new Savings Accounts Opened here
at (lie First National Bank is pretty
good evidence that a GREAT
Bring the youngsters in and lot us
start them on the Thrift road to fortune.
, II II II II ii
OCECON 'M E v Cat E R. Pees.
I The Social Realm
lllrthduy Dinner
. Friday was the tenth anniversary
t the birth of Miss Rosalind Wise
and in honor of the event Mrs. L
Fchwoln gave a dinner at her home
on Church street. It was also the
29th anniversary of A. C. Gunn's
birthday, so he was included iu the
ue8t list. One of the charming fea
lures of the dinner was a huge birth
day cake for both honor guests with
Jen candles around the outer ei
tiad 29 small ones in the center. Miss
JVise received a handsome bracelot
watch for her birthday gift. Walter
JVatson was also ono of the guests at
the dinner.
Macrab6fl I'Jcnic
( The Ladles of the . Maccabees and
their attendant Knights picnicked
In Llthla park last Tuesday after
noon, at which time was gathered
large company of the members
of Margaret Review and their fam
ilies. The afternoon was devotod to
various pastimes among the lad Ms
while the children enjoyed the at
tractions at the playground and hid
several contests, such as sack race,
potato races, eto. A sumptuous sup
per was served on the tables under
the trees at which the Knights of
the Maccabees were Invited. These
On Savings Accounts
A Dollar Starts an Account
in turn surprised the ladies by send
f ng up a lot of ice cream as their do
nation for the feast. This event is
an .annual one and 1b one that Is
looked forward to by the members
each year. Visitors of Margaret Ile
tlow lodge were Mr. and Miss Cris
ler of Klamath Falls and another
merabor from the Los Angeles Re
view. Contort In Htmdny HHiool
Much interest Is being taken n
the contest in the Baptist Sunday
school between the boys and ;irls
nnder 90 years of age who are at
tendants there. Nort Sunday the
girls will have charge of the service,
and the points in content will be on
the program, attendance, collection
and decoration. The boys' day will
tie the following Sunday, and the sidi'l
losing will have to treat the winners.
Mrs. Ferris, wife of the pastor of the
church, is helping the girls, and her
efficient support is going to mako
the boys bestir themselves to come
up to the standard required.
Birthday Tarty
Little Miss Mary ftitchcock cele
brated her sixth birthday on Thurs
day by giving a delightful party to
a number of little friends.
KlunilHr Party
A delightful entertainment was
given a party of the young girls of
this city in the shape of a slumber
party, at which Miss Josephine Bar
ber was hostess, at her home onj
Granite street. Much fun and little
sleep were the leading features of the
event. The guests were Flora Greer,
Irma Best, Virginia Whittle, Ruby
Powell, Alice Campbell, Edith Aeb
Isher, Elbert Greer and Margaret
Dougherty of Ashland, and Kathryn
Edmeadcs of Medfprd.
O. A. C. Picnic
The Medtord Sun states that a de
lightful evening was spent at the
Ashland park Friday when graduates
of O. A. C. in the city and vicinity
gave a picnic supper for the students
now attending the college. Miss Car
men Hittson, a graduate, and Miss
Ellxaboth Hill, a student, were in
charge of the entertainment and re
ceived many compliments on the suc
cess of their efforts. After suppe
everyone repaired to the Bungalow
where dancing was enjoyed. During
the evening Dean Millam of the do
mestic science department, 0. A. C.,
gave an interesting talk, while Otto
Cantrull spoke enthusiastically of the
Greater 0. A. C. Mr. Morris then
sang a song of his own composition
dedicated to O. A. C, which was thor
oughly enjoyed. The picnic was at-
ended by O. A. C. nlumni and stu
dents from Central Paint, Talent,
Phoenix, Ashlaud and Medtord.
Hoys Won Contest
Sunday the boys of the Talen
Mothodist church conducted the ser
vices in the morning according to the
contest put on there between the
boys and girls of that congregation.
Glasgow Stratton served as superin
tendent during the Sunday school
hour, and J. A. Blckerdike conduct
ed the morning service. Mr. Mitch
ell of Ashland was present at the
morning service and played the pi
ano, while Albert Williams, also of
Ashland, delivered a talk to the boys.
A sumptuous picnic dinner held at
the residence of I. C. Williams fol
lowed. This service followed one
hold by the Talent church on a pre
lous Sunday in the form of a con-
Friday WIMI2tJw Saturday!
1 Tut TtttAUK SUUflW. I
test between the boys and girls, tho
winners of which were to be treated
by the losers. In this event the con
test was a tie, but the better attend
ance of last Sunday was deemed suf
ficient to afford a treat to the boys.
This will consist of a picnic by th?
girls In the near future.
RoeejHlon to Puxtor's Wife
A reception was feiven at the home
of 0. C. McAllister last Friday night
in honor of Mrs. W. L. Melllnger, wife
of the pastor of the Christian church,
who will leave with ber family this
week for her new home in Ogden,
Utah. About flftypeople were pres
ent, members of the congregation and
close friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mellln
ger, and a pleasant evening was
spent, despite the note of sadness
that prevailed on account of the sep
aration that was due to come. Fine
refreshments of ice cream and cake
were served, and the ladies of the
congregation presented Mrs. Mellln
ger with a fine cut glass set. Much
regret is felt over the removal of
Mr. and Mrs. Melllnger, who have
been closely associated with Ashland
church and educational affairs for a
number of years, and their many
friends in their congregation and
elsewhere are much grieved to learn i
of their departure. The best wishes
of all attend the Melllnger family to
their new location. ,
Entertained Old-Tiine Friends
Two well known former residents
of Ashland, Mrs. F. Roper and Mrs.
George Landers of Los Angoles, who
have been visiting In 'Ashland the
past week, were entertained at a
picnic In tho park Tuesday afternoon.
About 40 of their old friends and
neighbors, some of them from Med
tord. joined together In making this
not only a swell picnic but also a
happy reunion with these two. old
friends. It being Mrs. Roper's birth
day the tables were arranged ac
cordingly, and in addition to all the
other good things were ornamented
with a huge birthday cake carrying
the proper number of candles. The
cake which proved to be most dell
clous and perfect In every way, was
made by Mrs. Marsh Wagner, who
thereby earned everlasting fame as
a cukerette, or whatever you call
'em, who make superior cakes.
The friends who came from Med
tord were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Al
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Miles. The
two guests of honor,, Mrs. Roper and
her daughter, Mrs. Landers, ex
pressed their great pleasure at this
informal gathering of their old
neighbors who are also personal
friends, and assured them that Ash
land and friends would always b-i
hold In warm remembrance. They
are returning home this week If the
trains are running.
If You Want a Car Very Soon Better Pick
Up One ol These New Cars Now on Hand
One Scripps-Booth Touring
One Scripps-Booth Roadster
. One Auburn Touring
Bargains in Used Cars Thai
Were Rebuilt
One 1918 Mitchell-Six
One 1912 BuickFour, good condition
. One 1919 Ford Limousine, like new
Just Received a new stock of pneumatic and solid
FIRESTONE TIRES. We are agents for the
Famous Jenkins Valve Lifter.
Mines & SmMer Auto Co.
$ '
137 E. Main
Has that BEST constantly in Stock, and is the secret of that success which has
marked its business career lo, these many years.
. " a
We invite prospective purchasers to call and examine our" goods and be
convinced of the truth of our statement. The same old stand, 37 N. Main, and
the same obliging and reliable service always on tap.
Don't procrastinate delays are oftentimes dangerous. Make NOW to take
the place of NEVER, and dilly-dally with no man.
Good Cues and Tips
Billiard players prefor this olace
because they know that they can get
GOOD cues; and modern equipment
makes a lot of difference In the pleas.
ure of the game.
You KNOW It.
Profanity, gambling and other un
desirable elements are absolutely
lAfluu nere. we invite GENTLE
MEN only.
This is a clean, congenial amuse-'
mlent hall for decent clean-cut fellows.
AInuifs Billiard Parlor
"Clean Sport for Regular Fellows"
"Boston Blackie's Little Pal"
Don't fail to see this wonderful picture
...... -IN...
"Desert Hero"
"Men, Women and Money"
Act upon that Impulse to
save and have funds
readily available for any
emergency,. An account
with The Citizens Bank
of Ashland is the very
thing needed.
if3 ' I
V1 if
I 1-1-111
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523 ft.-:'.-':: llA A ff 1
ft : '"j'v'T.
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n si"
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M .EI: . .
I I St.:V
I I - It -M
Two Recent StockS
if s 4370 nula in hwh earV
tn, tnctf UM mua per twa.
Tests That Show What
Owners Know
The fine aDDearance and comfort of the Overland Model
90 could not, alone, have won it tfie deep public appreciation
it enjoys. iNHK44fiiM''i nj
It is the character of this car that lies beneath all of its
popularity character as demonstrated by consistent, effi
cient performance. , i
V The pride of more than 150,000 Model 90 owners is built .
upon the daily service their cars render under all conditions.,
Let uc show you a Model 90.
OntUul Mod.! Nwtr Kn Pumr Tourist Car, $985 i.ak. Toledo
Completely Equipped Auto Repair Shop; Competent Mechanic
FtiH Line of Accessories and Tcs
Overjasd-Marey Company ,;
rovii deposits