ASHLAND CLIMATE WITHOUT THE AID OF MEDICINE WI1A CURE NINE CASE8 OUT OF TBN OF ASTHMA. MALARIA GERMS CANNOT UVB THREE MONTHS IN THE PURE OZONE AT ASHLAND. OUR PURE WATER HELPS. BtLAND DING NUMBER CO VOL.XLIII . A8HLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919 As "Passed Around the ; Bend in the Road" Tbe death of Rev. Harmon Jesse Van Fossen, district superintendent of tbe Klamath district, which oc curred suddenly at bis borne n North Main street Friday evening, August 22, 1919,' came as a great shock to the community and district as well as to tbe Oregon conference. On Sunday, August 17, he was pres ent at Ashland at the mornlag ser vice, and In tbe evening at Medford with Bishop Matt S. Hughes, who was visiting the Klamath district. Monday they went to Grants Pass and Tuesday on to Roseburg, Dr. Van Fossen returning home Tuesday night. Thursday night he took III end necessitated the services of two physicians, but Friday be was able to sit up and rested well during the day. In tbe evening at 8:20 be went Into another room and while there fell to the floor, death being Instan taneous. During the afternoon he said: "I think I will get better from this, but if not, all Is well be tween me and God." Tbe funeral was held on Monday afternoon from tbe Ashland Meth odist Episcopal church, Rev. Charles A. Edwards, the pastor, in charge. Bishop Matt S. Hughes came down and delivered tbe address. Minis ters of the district were upon the platform and took part in the or t Rev. H. i. Van Fosttf-a. vice. Tbe flowers were beaatifm and in profusion, and the service throughout was a fine tribute to one who bad spent his life in the service of God. Tender messages were read by the pastor from Drs. Ford of Sa lem, rV. W. Youngson of Portland, G. F. Billings, who was absent, and ethers. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two daughters, with other relatives in various parts of tbe country. Rev. H. J. Van Fossen came to Ashland in November, 1906, and was the pastor and leader of its Metho dist Episcopal church for five years. During that time he was the fore most spirit In the remodeling of the church building, which when com. pleted at a cost of eleven thonsand dollars, all of which had been paid r subscribed at the time of its ded ication. The completed church has been pronounced by competent judges, one of the most "workable" ones In the state, special provision having been made for Its adaptibll Ity to Sunday School work. The menibel-ship and church at tendance steadily Increased under his ministry. He was a remarkable preacher, doubtless the peer of any denomination on the coast in preach ing on the principal characters de scribed in the Old Testament. His work as district superintend ent was thoughtful, .helpful, sensible, In short Christ-like, and many a preacher and many a father and mother with their children will miss the welcome visits to their homes by this servant of the Most High. Peo ple of all denominations, and people who have as yet no definite belief In Christianity are saying: Well done, good and faithful servant, en ter thou into all tbe joys, which the Blessed conceived for His own." , i ,XX. Oregon state fair Salem, September 22-27, Splen did agricultural, livestock and In dustrial exhibits, high class amuse ments, a superb racing card, bigger and better than ever. Al H. LEA, . Secretary, Salem, Oregon. 88-Bt Fridays Beaver Realty Co. THE POPULAR REALTY CO. 211 E. Main St, Phone 68 "A man can borrow money on what he puts into a home. He can't on what he pays out for rent" "I want to eee every wage-worker wn bis own home." , W. B. Wilson, U. S. Bec'y of Labor. W have several choice homes as well as bargains in acreage. Some can be sold on small payments and pur terms. - y .. ... i (, 7 r.lany Planning to Attend Encampment Among the Ashland people who are planning on attending the an nual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held in Columbus, Ohio, next month are G. 0. Van Natta, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Howard, Mrs. McKibbon, E. K. Hall, Mrs. M. I. Mitchell and daughter Carol. Others are thinking of joining the party, which will start from here Sep tmeber 4. Death Summoned Ashland Resident John Morrison, a resident of Ash li:nd since last fall, died at Ms homo on Granite street Thursday morning a. S o'clock after an illness that had evtended over two years. Mr. Mor rison had had mercantile and min ing Interests In Boulder, Colo., and after coming to the Rogue River val ley had followed mining In the Sodi Springs district until his health fp.'ied, when he retired and .lived here' with his three daughters and a son. He rs survived "by three othr sons, one of whom. Captain William Morrison of the 88th V. S. Infant.-y. lias Just returned from overseas. Fu neral services win not be arranged until aftr the arrival of relative! from a distance. Quarterly Meeting In F. LI. Church The district quarterly meeting of the Free Methodist church of this city opened Thursday and will con tinue over Sunday. Friday after noon a Sunday school convention hss been arranged, and Saturday even ing a missionary meeting will be held. Social readings and special music will be feature, if of this meet ing. ' . - Services on Sunday will be as fol lows: Preaching by Rev.- Glaiier. district elder, 11 a. m. Praise and song service followed by preaching, 2:30 and 8 p. m. Lieut. Hart Back From Archangel . ' Word has been received In Med- ford of the arrival lh New York last Friday of Lieutenant John Hart who had spent the past year in the Arch angel district on duty on the big con verted yacht Tankton. This vessel came to New York by way of Nor way ana sweaen, ana Lieutenant Hart will await orders in New York for a time, but is expecting a fur lough when he may visit his family In Medford. He wns former county physician of Jackson county, and en listed at the beginning of war. He re-enlisted two years ago for four years service. Go 11,000 Miles on Tires; Still Good "Eleven thousand miles on a Good rich tire and the old hunk of rubber apparently still good for thousands more," Is the' tire comment made by J. R. Bymhold of Portland, when asked concerning his luck on an au tomobile trip to Southern Oregon, during his stay in the Lithia auto camp. Mr. Bymhold made this trip via the McKensie Pass, and Crater Lake, with' a brief excursion over into California from Klamath Falls before landing at the camp here where he rested up for a day or so. The 11,000 mile tire was the center of an interested group of tourists when the day's drive was over and camp pitched. Mr. Bymhold has made several trips through Oregon in the past two years, driving over rough mountain roads for the most part. TWO ROYM WANTED . WANTED TWO BOYS FULL OF PEP TO SELL THE DAILY TIDINGS AT THE DEPOT EVERY EVENING. BOYS CAN MAKE GOOD MONEY FOR TWO HOURS WORK AF- 4 TER SCHOOL IN THE EVEN- 4 ING. ENQUIRE AT TIDINGS $ OFFICE. A V STORES CLOSED "; MONDAY " LABOR DAY Dry Goods, Shoe, Clothing, Hardware, Furniture and Grocery Stores will te closed Monday, Labor Day. Drug Stores will observe Sunday, clos ing hours. ...... , Sugar Embargo in Local Groceries Ashland groceries have been no tified tbls week that a sugar short age Is threatened on the coast, and Tuesday they were ordered to onlypteside the usual display of pictures sell 1 worth at a time. This news I sent In all over the state by profes came expectedly to the coast retail-jslonals and amateurs which promises ers tbls week when it was learned (hat the only two sugar refineries on the Pacific coast had nsed up all the raw sugar allotted to them by the government, It is claimed, and consequently tbey had withdrawn from the market until January 14 when their new allotment would be come available. According to re ports the government has diverted 200,000 one hundred pound bags of beet sugar from the Pacific coast supply to help meet the shortage In the east and middle west. According to well ipformed men In the Jrado the price will not raise, as they claim that to take advantage of the short age and raise the price would be profiteering pure and simple, and would be risky business. Band Concert in ; ParkTMs Evening The weekly band concert will e held In Llthla park this, Friday, evening, at which the following pro gram will be rendered: March, "Aqna Pura." Medley. "Black Brigade." "Me-ow." , Walts, "Inspiration.' March, "The Thunderer. Serenade, "Pleasant Dreams." "Hindustan." "Star Spangled Bauner." Picnic with Auction Sale of Shorthorns The Jackson County Farm Bureau Is arranging for an all day picnic to be hold in tbe city park at Medford September 13. Arrangements for this picnic had been previously mnde to hold it in the Phoenix grove on September 6, but owing to changes In the program and plans it was le elded to postpone the affair for a week. Every member of the Farm Bureau is expected to attend ami use his influence towards getting all his neighbors out to this event. All the fruit growers and farmers of Jackson county are expected to also attend. One of the real great features of the day will be a big barbecue nt noon, and good boiling hot beef Is promised to every one. Each fam ily Is asked to bring a lunch basket filled with other good eats which will fit in with the roast beet and coffee served by the Farm Bureau. In the afternoon the Jackson County Livestock association co operating with the Farm Bureau will hold its second public auction sale of registered livestock including shorthorns, Herefords, and possibly some Jerseys, Berkshlres and some registered sheep. Owing to the fact that no county fair will be held this year, when tbe sale would naturally have taken place, the association have arranged to have It occur In conjunction with the Farm Bureau picnic and make this event a "re.l lotter day" for Jackson county. CITY WILL ERECT BRIDGE OX MECHANIC Tho city council will erect a con crete culvert In the place of the one that went down last week on Me chanic street. That street Is closed to .the public at present until the new bridge is built, . f" "" ' Oregon Scenery to Be Feature of Fair The art department of the state fair which opens at Salem September 22, Is adding a new feature this year, ltd be unusually large and attractive, there will be an exhibit of Oregon scenery. This will not be In competition with the other pictures. Oregon scenery will form a separate group, and consist of not only photograohlc enlargements in color or black aud white, but of any other suitable me dium. The exhibit will mnke a spo clalty of showing the grandeur and beauty of this state which is unsur passed In the world. These vlows of Oregon will naturally attract a great deal of attention at the fiir. It Is requested that all who have splendid pictures or hidden beauty spots of our great state write to Mrs. Welster, 653 East 15th, North, Port land, for further information. Labor Day Observed At Local Postbffice Labor Day Monday, September 1, will be observed by the Ashland postoffice as a partial holiday. Stamp, general delivery and parcel post- windows open from 9 to 10 a. m. No money order business transacted. No letters registered. One collection from street letter boxes according to holiday schedule. One delivery by city carriers. No delivery by rural carrier. Weed and Ashland In Labor Day Game With the stores of the city .closed and the holiday crowdB out looking for amusement, the bull game next Monday, Lubor Day, between Weed and Ashland should attract d roc-ord-breuklng crowd. Weed , has cleaned up everything in Northern California while Ashland has the edge over the Southern Oregon teams. The game will be for the championship of Northern California and Southern Oregon. Weed has taken their pick of the Northern Culifornln teams while Ashland has rounded up Jud Per noll and Frye of Gmnts Pass, HIP and Mclntlre of Medford to strength en the local team. Thus two teams will play a class of bnll which will be far above the standard usually maintained in cities this size. In tense feeling has developed between the teams and a fight from start to finish Is assured. The game will start at 2:30 p. m. at the Ashland high school grounds. Parking space is provided inside the grounds' for automobiles. After a season which bas so far been far from successful financially tbe Ash land management Is going to big ex pense to put on this game and needs the support of every lover of sport. POHTOKFICK MADK MAXY FOOD HALES The government sale of food sup plies at the local postoffice still con tinues, and orders have beon cominr In surprisingly well. Shortly after the sale opened the quotn of rice was exhausted, and a few days later the quota of No. 2 cans ot baked beans was sold out. It Is not known )'et when the sales will cease, as no In formation concerning It has com? to the postmaster, Will Spend Winter Here for Change Mrs. G. H. Way and sister, iMIss Dayton, have rented their residence on Laurel street and will occupy apartments on Main street during the coming winter. For two winters past Mrs. Way and Miss Dayton have gone 'to Long Beach, Calif., as their hill residence was too inaccessible to al low Miss Dayton to get out, but the change is made this year in order that tbe latter, who Is Jn delicate health, may enjoy tbe comforts of home this winter. Seven Airplanes Passed OAer City Seven airplanes passed over Ash land Thursday morning on their way south. These were the Curtiss planes that, had been engaged In fire patrol duty in the state and which had been replaced by tbe Dellavi- lands that arrived from the south lust week. The Curtiss planes were on their way to Redding where a forest fire patrol will be inaugurat ed. . Ashland Is beginning to recog nize the peculiar hum of flying planes that is becoming a well known sound now, as it Is not an unusual event to see numerous aircraft puls ing over. The group of seven planes made a beautiful appearance passing over the valley. Keystone State Tourists, Camp Here S. C. Stewart and wife, who have been motoring across the continent all summer from Marion Center, Pennsylvania, camped here for a codple of days last week while on their way to Southern California to spend the winter. The Stewarts have enjoyed an eventful trip through the northwest took in the Yellowstone and Glacier pufks'ami say they have driven over every kind of roads under the sun. While in Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Stewart hunt ed up Letter Carrier W. E. Moor. who also bails from tbe same town in Pennsylvania. Paid Respect to - Dead Clergyman The following ministers of Klam ath district of the Methodist church were in Ashland Monday attending tbe funeral of the late district su perlntendent, Dr. Van Fossen: Rev. C. C. Coop, Canyonvllle; Mellvllle Wire, Grants Pass; R. A. Hutchison, Sutberlin; C. G. Morris, Oakland; L F. Belnap, Central Point; C. R. Car los, Medford; M. B. Parounagian, Salem; Charles A. Edwards, Ash land; Bishop Matt S. Hughes of Portlund. Ministers of the district served as pallbearers. Grcup Gathering At Wagner Creek An nil-day meeting will be held on Wagner creek, about one and a half miles above the school house, next Sunday, August 31. Each year the Bellvlew and Wagner Creek Un ion Sunday schools bold a stliiiu gatherlng for tbe purpose of stimu lating more interest it their Sun day school Work, A good program has been ar ranged for, and tbls will be a splqn did opportunity for members of eth er Sunday schools and churches, to enjoy an "old-time" religious meet ing in "God's out-of-doors." Mr. F. W. Bross of Medford will speak in the afternoon service, and those who fail to hear him will miss a good gOBpel message. A cordial welcome to all. Bring your family and basket dinner. G. C. GRIFFIN, Missionary for American Sunday School Union. 4 $ Do you want a modern home, t 4 best looation in Ashland, on ! your own terms? Come and see what I have to offer. Also acre $ age, alfalfa and grain lands at a sacrifice. J. F. ROCHO, t 690 Roca St. t Railroad Service Again Resumed LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28. Cenw eral Manager J. H. Dyer of th Southern Pacific Railroad company announced at 8 o'clock this mora ing that his road had caned 355 strikers for duty In the ubuhI man ner since midnight and. that not 4 man had responded. Striking trainmen will be served with copies of orders, from their? chiefs directing, them to return to work, and will then be governed by; their Individual decisions as to obey ing, according to M. E. Montgomery, vice-president of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers. Mr. Moat gomery made this statement today af ter an all night session of leader! of tbe four brotherhoods here. i i Oakland Service Resumed SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 28. Jt strike of yard and switchmen at tke three big trans-continental lines ha1 ended at Oakland, Calif., and train were leaving on normal scliedale there, but the strike continued dmw although most ot the train war being dispatched out, offlcfals of th United States administration an nounced here today. Trains her were being made up by officfuls and office help, it was announced. Trains! were coming in from Sau Jos where strike 'conditions are said to prevail, but the schedule from that place was being malutafued by thm consolidation of trains. ' i Karramento Normal , 'I SACRAMENTO, Aug. 2S. RilIU road traffic conditions In Sacra mo to and vicinity, almost complete! tied up yesterday by strikers, wore practically normal today, J. B. Rren nnn, division superintendent of the Southern Pacific, announced. Freight was being moved In all directions except to the strike zone In South em California, Brennan sold. I Train Prom South Arrive ' " Passenger service has been wr .tailed aomawbat from the south dar ing the past three days. Trains Nosl 14 and 16 were the only ones that arrived Wednesday, while Thursday trains 16 and 64 were the only one to come in. Today, Friday, aTt trains from the south are marked up, due on time. The service from tbe north has not been Interrupted ANNUAL MEETING ' " The annual meeting of the stock holders ot the Southern Orego Chautauqua association will be held In Pioneer hall Tuesday tve, Sep tember 1, at 8 o'clock. Bp order of President, U JOHN H. FULLER, 1 F. J. S1IINN, Secy. " DAILY TIDINGS t Beginning Monday Beglnnlug Monday evening the Tidings will bo puhdshod daily (every evening) instead of Tuesday and Friday, as here tofore. The price of the Dally will be 16 cents the week, 60 cents the month, or $6.00 the yenr. The dally will carry the world, news by wire, together I with a condensed markot re port each day, and all the lo cal news. Practically all of the pres ent semi-weekly subscribers are paid In advance and will have a sum due them In snr vice. That amount will be computed and credited on tha r daily at the rate of 50 cents per month until consumed. In order to stimulate sub-' I scrlptions wo have decided tc make a Bargain Week beginning Monday, Septem ber 1st and ending Saturday. September 6th. All present subscribers who renew for the dally between the above imfeat will be given one year's sub scription to the Daily for $oo if cash accompanies the order. it- Fresh Meat and Lunch ' Goods Largest and Best Stock In AshlanA, WE ARB HERE FOR SEKVICX l East Side Market James Barrett, frop. Phoot IS!