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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1919)
Tuesday August, iTrtj IS p Wednesday Thursday 1 ji TMtArot KLuurr. '"aF 1 11c Romance 4 1mm STARRING AfinLAJTD TTDIXGS ', ''. iW I JS1 iS,1 -hi hi si Elmo Lincoln and Enid Markey Supported by over 700 native Africans, and a troupe of lions, tigers, leopards, anthrapoid apes, crocodiles and other beasts of the jungle, including Tantor, a gigantic elephant, who shares acting honors with Tarzan. Thrilling, Interesting, Exciling, Beautiful A Slory Thai Is Different "BILLY PARSON'S COMEDY ADMISSION' Adult 18c, war tax Sc.totul 20c. .Children Oc, war tax lc.Iolnl 10c. TUESDAY ONLY Enid Bennett in "The Haunted Bedroom" 1 1 Vftff Bonk wM the Chimm. Coci' One Kind of In terest Arouses Another WE began paying Interest ou Savings Deposits a tew months ago simply to get everyone interested . U 8AVINQ. And the number ot new Savings Accounts opened here at the First National Bank is pretty good evidence that a GREAT. MANY PEOPLE ARE INTERflST ED IN OUR INTEREST. Bring the youngsters in and let us start them on the Thrift road to for tune. A 1 I I ' A TkHrstNatiottaWank . TTTTiiilUUlw" l)invi.ui,viu( CLARK OUSftASST CASH IVftaf? Bending over a i?ange fs Hof lVeafier? Try a J Simplex Universal Combination Range You can use it for gas in the summer and when the weather gets cold use wood or coal for fuel .all in the 8a, me stove. There are no parts to change in turning from one fuel to the other. It is simple enough for a child. i Three Ranges in . One and Bui One to Buy A twist of the key in one direction elevates the gas burner flush with the bottom of the oven, opens the exit in the top, turns on the gas-all automatically. A turn of the key in the op posite direction and the gas is turned off, the burner lowered, the exit closed and the range ready for coal or wood. Come in and take a look at the Best Combination Range on earth. We will take pleasure in showing you Swenson & McRae Economical House Furnishers I'";1".' j r.jliiiti'lifrtiihi ttiLii' '" 1. 1. ' 'fa 'f i li M' i i III i II 'II 'iii' I ii' mm i ' era SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF Tor 200 yMrs GOT.P MEDAT, Ifanrlcm THI has rialiletl sufTertni; humanity to w.lhnUnd attarks of kidney, liver. tr-0m44r and stomach troubles and -all grtoMiiaa cunnwti'd with the urinary rr-4m and to bulk! up and restore to 'o' organs weakened by disease. "X' most Important oricans tnunt le -.cfcit, because thoy (liter and purify h t&Md; unless they do their work jroa are doomed.. WrarinnfUi, slreplrssness, nervounnens, -ijM.porxleiicy, tac-kmlie. stomnch trou ble, pains In thn loins and lower nb- dvnif.n, gravel, dllltculty when urinnt- tn?, rheunmttNni, fclnttca and limii;.'0 a!l warn you of li-ntiljln with your kill .aeys. GOL.U MIJDAL. Ifaurlom Oil Ca;i- sulos ara the remedy you neod. Taka threo or four every day. The healing nil soaks into the cells and lining of Uie kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and health will surely follow. When your normal vlsror has been re stored continue treatment for a whlla to keop yourself in condition and pre vent a return of the disease. Ion't wait until you are Incapable of nirlitln. Kr-rt taklna- GOIJ) MI2IMI. liaarlnm OllT.'apsulcs today. Tourdrun iflat will ihecrfully refund your money if you are not satlHd with reaulta Hut he sure to (ret the original Import ("1 OOLP Mi:DAI. and accept no tub titutcs. In three slum. Sealed pack ages. At all drug stores. Additional Locals ' Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Billings re turned Tuesday morning from a two weeks' sojourn at Newport. E. R. Hosley and family ot Cuba, N. Y., and Leason LaFever of Olean, N. V., stopped oft in Ashland over Saturday while en route to Whlttier, Calif., via Yellowstone Park and Se attle, Wash. Mr. Hosley was a cou sin ot the late Charles Hosley. The latter's wife and son, Roy Hosley, had a short but very pleasant visit with them during their stay here. F. LeBourveau, who has been transferred from the Salt Lake di vision to Ashland, is now located with his family at 43 Union street, and will continue in the employ ot the Southern Pacific. His very estima ble family will be an addition to th? soulal life of Ashland. Mrs. Roper of Los Angeles, a for mer well known resident of Ashland, and her daughter, Mrs. George Lan- '' ;':'.;';''-,.- :"i j, r;I..J jTfl , "- !..':, ' '"' '' ii r ' '.' ' v 'i..1. !v, '-Jv.,' ,, i!i,:-. ',!;!' ' . ' 1 S A- lkV .(.H!;,:.'1 -.:-f '' .' jl I At Cigarettes made to meet your taste! Camels are offered you as, a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual ity compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once it is so new and unusual. That's . what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight I As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any angle-they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camels quality! 18 cents a package Csmmfo arm aorf 9vrywhr in aeimntiUcMUy mJm pack 9im$ of 30 etgrnrmHrnm or ton pockaAo 200 dimrmttmm) in m gtsinopopor-covorod cotton. Wo otnmgly rooommond f Am osvfon ibr tho homo or o&co oupptyor whin you trs wot R. X REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. a Thermos v Bottles For Summer Pic Nics ' Keeps Food or Drink hot or cold when, where and as you like it. Provost Brothers HARDWARE ders of Bakersfield, Calif., are in Ashland and are guests at the Hotel Austin. A number of Mrs. Roper'a old-time friends will give a picnic for them in the park tonight. Miss Eleanor Moore is spending a couple of weeks in Portland visiting her brother Harry, who is In the em ploy ot the Northern Pacific Termi nal company in that city. Mrs. E. M. Wood of Laurel street has had as her guests the past two months, her two daughters, Mrs. Bes sie Burke and little son of California. and Mrs. M. A. Stratton, children and maid of Portland. Mr. Robert Shepard, a friend of the family, was also a guest from California. Mrs Burke and son have returned to their home but Mrs. Stratton will remain here until about September 1. r THE CITIZENS BANK O FASH LAN V Readily Available Act upon that impulse to save and have ' funds readily available for. any emergency,. An account with The Citizens Bank of Ashland is the, very thing needed. IT"" 1 SIDES' For quality . Shoes for style. Shoes at tho lowest prices. ' We have a complete stock of new up-to-date goods. Let us serve you. I . . Come in and rest, j.". n ttJscffl Cars C 2D A few exceptionally good buys Four good Used Chevrolet One E.M. F. 5 Passenger good tires, $500 One Stoddard Dayton 200 One Reo. Five Passenger 600 Ford Motor Truck, worm drive at tachment, bran new tires all a round motor just overhauled A-l condition. 630 One 1917 Maxwell, fine condition ' 685 All in good condition. Come and look them over. c 3 Pruiff-HitfsonAufoCo. Medford, Oregon YOU. TAKE CHANCES When You Equip Your Car With Cheap Tires iGiysfw Tires. Give You a Feeling ol Safety That Only Good Tires Can Give i The Crescent City Stage Co., of Grant's Pass, says: "That after using all makes of Tires we have found that Goodyear gives us the best service." Our Stock Is Complete FABRIC, CORD and SOLID' We Are Equipped With a 200-Ton fcress to Handle Solid Tires Geo. L Treichler Motor Company MEDFORD, OREGON 1U i MsamBiimMnlinailauU