Auditor!,,. "" i- MALARIA GERMS CANNOT LIVE THREE;. MONTJIS " JN THE ; PURE OZONE AT ASHLAND. OUR PURE WATER HELPS. ' V . " ASHLAND .CLIMATE WITHOUT THE AID OB" MEDICINE WILL CURE NINE CASES OUT OF TEN OF ASTHMA. ,.-1 VOL. XLIII ASHLAND. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1919 NUMBER 50 Reciprocity Watchword In Southern Oregon If Ashland residents. want to know Just how they are regarded by tour- imits fyid visitors whp come Into this city, let them read the follow ing from thb Portland Telegram written by a member of the stair n usm "ere aim nave mo garags correspondence In a recent Issue: Jnian" look over the differential; 1 - "Heard about It, have you? Well.jthlnk there Is something loose In It. it' right out that road and you, can t miss It; there's a big bunch there ahead of you. Shoot right along and . stay as long as you want, You never wear out your welcome here. See you later, stranger." That's what the auto tourist Hears when he ar rives in Ashland and asks where the auto park is located. And it isn't taffy; it's the straight unvarnished ..... tnifh Th lawn wants him to Star, find enjoy himself in one of the "test sylvan auto perks an'd tourist camp ing' grounds in all the West. : Southern Oregon's Way , ' ' California has to look to its laur els,, for what Is true In Ashland is true, except for the supremacy of th) park in Medford, Grants Pass, Roaeburg, Eugene, Albany, and right on up the state. Dut especially Is it true In Southern Oregon, where a brand-new principle, has been work- lnl lne "me-irayeo purases ui war bonnet to the oldest resident, welcome that have expressed the kn0Ws where the park is, the near host's morfr ar less sincere greeting. ! egt road thtere from any given point, For the English language is only Bo!and anything else the tourist wants large and it has been used for ait0 know. Atfd thera thp vfcry long time welcoming the trav eler, who existed In this ,worfd be fore the English language had a meaning of its own. , . Southern Oregon Is going after the tourist. And tbe tourist Is be ginning to like the method that if being used, which Is reciprocity. . Without putting, It la so many words, or without hinting . at all' that it Is expected to be observed that tWe town has put Jtself to .con- siderable expense and trouble to teake him comfortable, the tourist , gathers that impression. What does he do? He reciprocates. Tourist Also Helps It may be his senrfs of fair play or it may be just that he is nice and comfortable up there In Ashland's Lithla park, where natural llthla water is flowing all around, where a brook spIasWed by his tent, where a sulphur grotto gives him another brand for the evening cocktail, where the walks are electrically lighted t i night, where gas plates are provided lor the wife to do the cooking on, where a dozen other things contrib ute to his enjoyment of a life that he Finds Rogue River Valley Pleasant "Ashland, Grants Pass and Med ford, Ashland especially, are cash ing, in on the tourist athe result of a defined policy of fair treat- meat," states a staff correspondent of the Portland Telegram on his re cent visit to this valley with., the National Editorial association.' "Cra ter Lake gives Ashland and Medford a big share of the routed tourist travel, altho many coming from the north, go to the lake via thb Gold Hill road out of Grants Pass. The up-and-down coast traffic is Equal ly distributed between the three, the auto camp at Ashland, by far the largbst and most convenient In the state, taking care of 40 parties Dightly., Those preferring hotels to auto camps drift on a ways further to Medfortl if north bound or stop over therti If south, bound. Grants "Pass and Ashland hotels, however, have nothing to complain of, as they have been consistently hanging up the sold out sign all the season.. "Ashland with Its wonderful llthia , springs and sulphur springs; its big Llthla park, as large as the town it self and as large as many cities ten . times its size can boast of, Its sul phur plunge and the auto camp with with gas rang.38 and other conven iences, including telephone booths, for use of tourists, is reaping a har vest of permanent residents. This season a half dozten of the auto par ties lingering for the week at the auto camp have decided the live wire community is good enough for them and now own homes in Ash land and boost Ashland as if they were always residents. intends to be care free and trouble less as long as he can make his va cation hold out. So he says to wife, says he: "Mln, oh, Min, we might as well . a i chii i uuu wim miucit, euner might have that fixed up. What d'ye say?" "Gee, this gas plate is some dif ferent tliatt (stewing over a wood fire. An' I like the plunge down at the sulphur baths; did you try them? I'll go downtown and get a oasKei or two oi gruu so we can M"' "t the week, and we can stock II rt na-aln am wa InAii "J " '".7. There you are; It's a little more help for the follow that helps you. Ami Ashland sew it and put In more real money and hard work making iC pleasant for the auto tourist than many a city a dozen times Its size has believed it profitable to Invest. Not only is the ltve wire bunch down at the Commercial club back ing the auto park forfait they can scrape together to sink Into it, but everyone In town from the youngster with his wooden sword and feathered welcome and the proud question: "Heard about it,, have ye." Ioe Not Forget Anhland ' Well, It's a matter of reversal of the usual tourist motto. Not so long ago the unprotected tourist ' was plucked like'a chicken in a cyclone, and if he limped home on four rims he. bad a good vacation and no kick coming. His motto then was "God helps them who help themselves." .Now his motto might wen be, "J ought' to" help that guy along; he's been mighty good to me" It's live and let live an'd some bf the towns, far down into the north ern interior of California, are find ing the fame of Ashland taking away their pet resources of revfenue. Th good news travels fast and the road camp news is reviewed at each camp, the name of Ashland standing bright ly forth in the reviewing. Out at the camp from six to eight autos of long-time campers are to be found evbry dixy. Some days there are as high as a dozen. The rest have drifted on for a run north to return later and stay a day or so more before hitting the homie trail. "One of the attractions Ashland offers is Its Chautauqua building In which Is the largest stagte west of the Mississippi." Ashland Elan Got Elks State Office Ashland Lodge, No. 944, B. P. O. E., will be represented among' the state officers who wlere newly elect ed for the coming year at the state convention heM In Klamath Falls last week.. This is George W. Owen, who received the election to the of- nee or third vice priesldent. The officers elected for the state asso ciation at the business meeting were as follows: President, Harry S. Al len of Portland; first vice president. R. Alexander of Ptendleton; second vice president, Thomas S. Harvey of Marshfleld; thirds vice president George W. Owen of Ashland; secre tary, James D. Olson of Oregon City; treasurer, C. A. Haydon of Klamath Falls.. The trustees electled were E. J. Stewart of Roseburg; Pat Mahaf foy of Bend, and Solln Eberhard of LaGrande. . Salem was chosen as the next con vention city for 1920, while March field was unanimously endorsed at the place for the 1921 convention. After a spetech by I. E. Vlnlng of Ashland the delegates, went on rec ord unanimously as favoring tele graphing Unified States Senators Mc- Nary and Clmmlrlaln In behalf of six hundred Americans held In mili tary prisons In the United States. Bend to have new $65,000 Catholi-: hospital, i Orchards Are Coming Into Their Own Claude C. Cate, plant pathologist of Jackson county, has mado the statement that It Is a good sign that the banner year for Rogue Rlvter or chard production falls on the high priced fruit yeai For this reason thousands of dollars will roll Into the pockets of the orchardlsts, which In turn will go into Improvements and will Insurte future production on a correspondingly large scale. According to Mr. Cate twenty thousand acres of bearing orchards In Jackson county this year will pro duce 1500 carloads of fruit The production In order of Importance is pears, apples, peaches, apricots, prunes, plums and berries. For sev eral years past a series of reverses have hurt the fruit production In this valley to such an extent that fruit raising had been given a bad eyte, but this year the valley has come into its own and the faith of those who developed the big orchard areas will be repaid In full with n single year's crop. . Orchard managers report that they can use more help, not only during the picking and pecking sea son now starting, but thruout the year. The young orchards coming Into bearing are gradually increas ing their yfeld annually, and will demand more attention yearly as this Increase grows. ' Women are needed In the orchards picking the fruit and In the packing houses, while men are being engaged to do the hieavler orchard work, such as handling the boxes . and haullnt them to the packers. For the next three months the orchards in the Rogue Rlvler valley will be a hum ming hive of Industry, v Ashland Han Lost Auto in Big Fire Benton Bowers, Sr.,- was among the 'unfortunate lks In Klamath Falls to lose his automobile by fire last Thursday night, when the gar age In which a large number of cars wtere housed during the Elks convention in session there, was burned. TWa building destroyed was a large two-story brick struc ture containing the Martin Broth ers' garage. The fire was caused by the explosion of the gasoline tanks in thje garage. Members of the fire department were assisted by several hundred Elks who rush ed Into the burning building and run out more than 50 cars which wterej stored in the garage. A Medford car waa also burned.'.. ' - Laundry Passes to Hew Management Beginning Monday the Ashland Laundry Co., succeeding the Fisher Laundry company, began Its reign with Fl. E. French, formerly of Kal spun. Montana, ine proprietor as manager. For the present, t. French will conduct the business on practically the same lines as Hhe former management, but later it is his intention to branch out largely in progressive lines as the business outlook presents intelf. Mn. French 1b a laundryman of nineteen years' experience, and Is much pleased with conditions In. Ashland and the surroundliig community, which ho regards as a particularly fine field for building up and maintaining a first-class laundry business. Asso ciating with him will be his son, Ralph Frtonch, also of Kallspell, who will arrive here with his wife In a few days.' Paving Being Laid On Pacific Highway Work on the Pacific highway is progressing in good shapte and with ordinary luck the actual paving will be rushed along. The latter part of the week saw the first "hot. stuff" laid on ,the Siskiyou section, and this wefek the machinery Is running along smoothly in operating the pav ing. It is expected that a good Btrlp will be completed before bad weath er stops progress this fall. . ,.- Marshfleld. E. A. Smith mill to be operated on three shifts. Ashland Houses Are Practically FUIed It Is practically impossible to find furnished houses and apartments In this cltyj according to the housing bureau that has recently betea estab lished by the Ashland Commercial club. Fall does not promise to bring aAiy alleviation of conditions, as many famlllen are coming to glve.4lat has occurred hore for several! tli'elr children the advantage of tho Ashland schools which open for the fall term September 8, In addition to temporary residents a market! Increase In the numbbr of newcomers who are here to stay has been noticed and, according to a real t statie man, five times as much property hus changed hands this summer a during any like period In the lat seven years. Four vis itors who Intended to stay only over night at tli) Litlila park auto camp the past i week have remained and are negotiating for property. California Concern 1 Buys Timber Tract Another sale of Northern Califor nia pine timber announced last week Is the transaction by which E. S. Collins, Portland lumber manufac turer, wno came tiiire a year a?o from Cowlitz county. Wash., will convey the title to 40,000 acres In Lasseu county. Cal, to the Califor nia Fruit Growersl Supply company of Los Angelca. Tho tract crulsea approximately 700,000,000 board feet of choice sugar pine and a rela tively small quantity of fir and ced Tn consideration to be pai! Mr. Collins declined to disclose. Hu left Friday for the South to com plete the deal, haxins been definite ly Informed by the purchasers that they are ready to close the transac tion, iflklch will provide for pay ments covering a period of 10 years. Mr, Collins' understanding Is that the puefialng4 company Intends to eomrnVncB .Immediately thh manu facture of lumber, part of which will be box shooks for use by Southern California fruitgrowers. Susanville, which Is Just east of the Collins tract, Is eager to be chosen as the manufacturing point.' The tract lies between Eagle Lake and the prop erty of thle Red River Lumber com pany. It is adjacent to a Southern Pacific branch line and the Western Pacific's branch line to Lakevlew Oregon. Bishop Preached At F.L E. Church Bishop Matt Hughes preached at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday last. The Bishop has lec tured twice at our Chautauqua, so our people knew something of his eloquence; but In sermonizing Is where his real power shows. He has a style resembling Bishop Mclntlre one of the greatest of the Meth odlst Bishops and la graceful and forceful. Ag an analylst he is con vlnclngi. His text was that superb epitome of human worthiness given by Paul in his letter to the Gala ilans, "But the fruit of the spirit Ib love, Joy, peace, longsuffljrlng, gentleness, goodness, faith, meek ness, temperance." . Thie Bishop said the fruit of the spirit Is the real mn-Mhe inward and the outward, the whole being In his relations to his fellows. If he does not show in his dally walks and acts the requisites laid down by Paul, then he is not what he should be for his own good and for the good of otherB. The auditors carried awaj a viv id picture of the true llfo an In delible Impression of the words of Paul, which should be the determi nation of every man and woman.. In loplc and oratory Bishop Hughies Is worthy to stand with tho great Mshops of the Methodist church. None . but great preachers or young mett Bhowlng tho sure sbeds of greatness are ever chosen for bishops in thlB exalted church one of the world's most potent In fluences. , WEATHKII PORKCAST rR COMING WEEK Forecast for the period August IS to August 23, 1929, inclusive. Pa cific coast state ' Generally fair; normal temperaUifr. Fire Destroyed Much Property Last Night Ashland was visited last night by removal of furniture and the soak one of the most disastrous fires Ing with water. t tin v . m it., mi .1 years. . The fiHa took the Planing mill on B street, a residence adja-l cent belonging to Mrs. Victoria tents of Mr. Smith's barn was also MIckelson and a barn belonging toj'liurned Wlth tho ; building. Mr E. F. Smith.' Besides tWese build-1 Young's loss Is about $1000. ilngs a large amount of lumber In the mill belonging to several citizens owned by George F. Damon, but had of the city was virtually destroyed, recently passud into the hands or while practically all this (residents! Ben U Delsman. Both Mr. Dob-mam in that vicinity suffered some losa'and Mr. Damon's loss Is consider from their buildings catching flro'able. The latter had about 13.0t)0 nd trees and gardens being scorched by the terrific Waat. The entire loss waa burned, together with other vai ls upwards of 110,000. liable property Other losses lnc' The fire was first discovered dent to the flrt were 25,000 feet of shortly before 10 o'clock and wai J lumber belonging to M. C. Llnlnger. burning fiercely In the mill. On ac-,1500 feet belonging to Carson & count of the extrteme dryness of the ( Fowler, and 15,000 feet bolongtu I umber and Inflammable stuff D. Perozzl. Th building carried the-structure It was no time until 'a small Insurancet the whole building was a mass of jl It Is not known how the fire start flames, and the fire department ed, as both Mr. Delsman and Mr. turned their energies toward savin? Damon had been working In the niilfl adjacent buildings. As It was the until lute, and there was no fire- o liomes of Mrs. MIckelson. E. F. I spark's about the plant whllo they Smith. W. Jw Dougherty and other! were there. The loss Is not only & along Oak street were on fire sev- great one to the people Interested oral times, and the Inmates carried but will We a blow to the eommuulty out their furniture In preparation as this Industry was engaged im for the worst. They were saved, turning out considerable box shook. however, with practically little loss,, save that that attends the hastily Grants Pass Loses: Weed Is Next Victim Grants Pass came again last Sun day.. In fact they cams several timet across the home plate ten in all. Ashlahd also did quite llttlo coming home In an uphill fight aud'at a preliminary rowing Thursday.. finally, demoralized the visitors to a tune of seventeen to ten. It was the kind of gam's the fans like; lots of hitting, lots of running and lots of baselmll of every brand. Anyone who didn't get his full mon ey's worth was looking for some thing that Isn't Included In or out of the baseball rule book. And the way the local lads came from behind, Grants Pass having I them seven to one In the third in nlng, but gradually losing the lead and finally going clear up In the air In the eighth. Ted Hill, who was lurted away from his pear orchard down by Con tral Point long enough to spend the afternoon with us, was the bright particular star of the day. He caught a wonderful game and got five hjta out of six 1 1 tries at bat which Is go ing some. Lilly, on the other hand, had the off est kind of an off day and struck out three times, getting only one measly hit. All of the rest of the boys got one or two, Pelouse got three and Mclntlre, the latest addition to the Ashland aggregation, heaped the horsohlde over Into tho Ifelf-alf for a homer in the eighth. Mclntlre played a speedy garni) end Is a welcome addition to the local forces!, Wilson was on his toes and played a better all around game than he has yet this season but couldn't seem to get the stuff on the ball that he had on the last "at. home" for Grants Pass. lib waa touchod for ten hits. The home guard got nineteen so ev erybody was satisfied except Berlss and Coleman who pitched for the visitors. Just why two teams who can play game like that 2-0 match two weeks ago, should buot loose with 1 mixture like Sunday's, is one of th ' mystortas of baseball. In fact it li Just this uncertainty which makes, baseball the greatest game In tho. world1. But the averago onlooker preferred the last' gamo so why should wo wondor? . Next Sunday Weed will come up to Ashland. Ed Anthony, probably the host bush twlrler in California, is pitching for the lumbor town team. He Weld' Vreka to a couple of scratch hits and struck out fourteen men last Sunday.1' The locals aro putting In some hard licks this week and will be ready for the Callforn iana. Orfe or two weak spots will Ire patched up and with Sunday's hit and error fost off their chests the home boys ougjit to do some real performing. ' ; ' uiLiirc, uucupicu UIU I1UUBU near- the mlli and he ,ogt ppactlcaIly everything h possessed. Tho con- everything ho possessed. The planing mill was formerly ; feet of fine lumbhr In the mill whtala product In great demand at tht time. Young Men Held For Starting Fires Charles Drexllsr, James Johusonp. and David Smith, three young meik of the Butte Falls district, were held-, to the grand Jury by Justice Taylor- on the charge of starting fires lit that district. The chargo waa brought by T. M. Talbott, federal, forestry service examiner, who In, his affidavit charges that on AugUBt 2 they deliberately ctarted severat, . fires near the Junction of .Buck, drdJk and the south fork, ot ,tho.. linen river on the timber, land ci.- R. TlnlbeP company.;. Th(j evl(onCfl agaBt them was pure ly circumstantial and they did not, . testify nor present ' any defense.. They furnished bonds of $500 each. " '- Co. Supt. Issues , Report of Schools Superintendent G. W. Ager of the Jackson county schools has Issued the financial statement of the schools, for the year ending June 16, 191V as compiled from the BChool clerks', annual report His report shows; that the pupils over four and under twenty years of age In the school number 5,733. Number of teacher, employed during the year, 27 males' 228 femalea Number of teachers, holding certificates based on gradu atlon from standard normal schools,, seven males, 51 females. Number of teachers hpMIng certificates baseil on graduation from ctandard col leges or universities, 11 males, 37 females. Number of teachers hold ing special certificates, 8. Number' of teachers holding temporary per mlts, 2 males, 24 females. Number; of certificates registered during the' year, 20 males; 120 females. There. are 112 school houses In the county, jand of these 103 were in operatloa during the past year. Stephen A. Mather Visits Ashland Nntlonnl Park Superintendent . Stephen A). Mather, together , with, . the hindecaper of Nutlontal parks, was In Ashland between, trains oil Monday and looked over the part with Mr. Greer. Mr. MatWer has been, and is very much interested in the Ashland development. He thinks Ashlund has a big future along tour 1 1st lines. He will likely stop on hi return from Crater Lake for a couple of days and take in some of. our side attractions with Mr. Gwert