Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 08, 1919, Image 1

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    . - ' " " Vt V
OF ASTHMA.-... '
WATER HELPS. ;i i y -"
. . .'. , .
Miami fwh Beeondn
Noted liFioiS the Land
The Biblical statemoiit that a! and now hundreds of tourists stoplers, most of whom Intended to stay
Pfophet Is not without honor, save1 there on their why nortth und soutl;.
in his own country, may be well ap
plied In a measure to the Ashland
park. It la true the residents appre
ciate It end accept It as a matter of
course, and while they would not
like to do without it, there are many
who let weeks at a stretch .pass by
without visiting it. It takes the
stranger coming In to fully-realize
the beauty of this really wonde-ful
ecenlo attraction. -
Ashland is fast becoming noted
for Its park which Is the finest for
its kind on tne coast and perhaps in
the whole United , States. This is
not such an exaggerated statement
as it perhaps sounds at first, for
where can one find so many attrac
tions gathered together in one boun
dary as may be seen here? Man
bag combined with nature in creat
ing the most attractive, convenient
and delightful spot in which to rest
and retrieve wornout nerves and
weary tissues, and fit them for the
battles of life confronting one each
day. '
This year more than ever has the
only one night, lengthened their stay
Here is the story. - into one, two daks and many for as
"Ash,!und's Llthla Park automo- long as two weeks. Ashland Is fast
bile Camp, the 'original' automobile becoming headquarters for scores of
campof the Pacific Coast, lias comiisido trips, such as .Mount .Aslilund,
Into its own this summer. The famulLake of the Woods, Marble Cav? of
of the spacious and comfortable
camp under the shady timber along
Ashland creek has been spread . by
every visitor until now the tourist
begins to( hear of Ashlund's camp
and park as soon as he reaches Cali
fornia or Oregon,' and often much
further away.
Keeks Suggestion
"To malnttaln the reputation of
the park, that of 'the best on the
Oregon, many fine fishing streams
and lakes, good hunting, and dozens
of valley and mountain drives with
in three hours' drive of the auto
"Crater Lake may be reached from
Ashland by any of three routes thru
Medford and up the Rogue river,
over the Ureenspring road to Klam
ath lake to Crater Lake, and over,
the new Dead Indian roadway past
Coast,' the park commission eagerly , Lake of the Woods, Pelican bay and
seeks suggestions from tourists an i' upper Klamath lake to Crater.
Is making Improvements constantly. I "The third route Is the shortest jCr property that has changed hands
is the house at 520 East Main street
rold by George Ogg to Mr. and Mr:
Sum I'oitc-r. The Potters have occu
pied this house for a number cf
years, but in order to be sine of a
home tliey felt afer to own It. Both
thesej deals 'were made thru the
Beaver Realty company.
Demand for Homes
f Groving in City
n demand for homes Is Increas
ing fn ARhland, especially In tin1
matter of furnished houses or apart
ment Two families arc known ?
bo in the city at the present time
Hooking for homes, but so far hiv
been unable to get located. Tho Coni--morclal
Club has received notice of
a family coming from Si-nttlo to
reside here, and perhaps another
will uUo come from hut city. Tho
question is fad becoming a serious
one of where Ashland will house her
IncreEFed population.
A number of people are solving
this question by buying a home out
ii,iut la oritr to assure themselves
of n J'lace to live. Among these lat
ter Is the bonne of Mies Blanche E.
I licks) on Morton street which was
this week sold to Mr. and Mrs. W
L. Bdker of Wf ed.. Mr. Baker is thu
yard foreman for the Southern Pa
cific company at Weed, but they an
nnxloi s to avail themselves of city
accommodations, so they have pur
chased their own home here Anoth
City Farii to Be Scene
difors' Dinner
When E.
E. Brodle, secretary of of a person who has traveled all day
Editorial' Association, by autouhru tho InvlKoruting air
was in Ashland laHt week conferring
with Secretary Mowat of the Com
mercial Club In regard to entertain
ing tho National editors when they
from Crater Lake. Tho Ashlaii.t
Mills has most generously offered to
contribute all flour to bo nse.l for
this dinner, and other business plac-
Wlthln the next two weeks' the from the Pacific hlehwav to Crater
camp will be considerably enlarged ' lake and is being put Into shape foi'
to prevent' crowding at the height I trip In August,
of the season, which Is expected. j "Ashland itself has ' held many
"An average of from 25 to 50 cars I tourists who find Irreslstable the
are now at the camp nightly. Dur- combination of park, threee kinds of
lng the Ashland Hlyu Hehe cele- mineral waters within 400 yards of
bratlon, 300 eutonioJjlle campers the auto camp, the sulphur baths and
were cared for in the park. the general beauty of the city. Sixty
Commercial club combined with tho
Park board to .make Ashland park
one of the mflst attractive' features
for tourists in the coast country, and
4hat they are succeeding Is shown
by the following press notice recent
ly published in the San Francisco
Chronicle: , -
California should have more places
for motorists to camp In or near the
cities. Many of the towns in the
- Sacramento and Sap Joaquin valleyj
do have accommodations for automo
Mia campers, (but there tare not
"The following description, taken
from a Portland newspaper, shows
what the progressive cities of Ore
, gon are doing," says B. A. Learock
of the Pacific States Motors, Ltd.,
Ceorge Campe, president,; distribut
ors of Daniels and Scripps-Booth
oars. , ,
. "Ashland, Oregon, established the
first of these camps in the West
"Among the features of the auto
camp park are: A gas kitchenette
with separate gas-plate and lockerj
for each camper (this is the ettly
feature of Ashland's parks which Is;
not free, a charge of 25 cents dally
being made to those who. use gas);
small shelters with sts of four gas
plates In distant parts of the
grounds; bountiful Illumination,
hundreds of lights concealed In the
daytime by the foliage, lighting tho
park at night; fine drinking water
from springs and the city system;
shade everywhere; Ashland creek a
sizable mountain stream which runs
rtrru the camp; a jitney service to
the sulphur baths and plunge pools;
the best sanitary arrangements, and
a road informatlton and hospitality
service maintained by . the Ashland
Commercial Club. ' .
Camp Attractions
"The auto camp Is so attractlvo
that fully two-thirds of the camp-
acres of municipality owned , parks
surround the auto camp. Last week
many parties stayed over for the an
nual Southern Oregon Chautauqua
. "Not only Is the auto camp filled
nightly but the hotels are doing a
booming business and a furnished
house is almost impossible to find
rraciicauy tne same story- was
published In the San Francisco Ex
aminer, while the Seattle Post-Intelligence
Is indebted to the B. F.
Goodrich company for a fino' word
picture of Ashland's famous'' park.
Ashland is fast becoming noted for
its charms as a resort town with its
health-giving breezes blowing from
the pine-clad mountains, its wonder
ful mineral waters, its beautiful
flowers, fruit and delightful all-the-
year-'round climate, and re fully liv
ing up to Its reputation.
pay Southern Oregon a visit nexties and citizens will give of theii
week, he was greatly elated at the best to make this occasion one Ion;c
tesponso the Ashland -women hail to bo remembered by tlie'guesrn, anl
Good Results Shown
. at Demonstration
A large company or interested 0 -chanj'sK
gathered at the home of
A. "Ci Joy Wednesday afternoon U
listen" to the talk on the benefit c'
nitrate of soda to fruit trees which
was given there by Prof. F. C. Relm
er and County Agriculturist Cat.
This fertilizer bad been demonstrat
ed on
ally his whole orchard being treat
ed w
Mr. Joy's peach trees, practio-
ninde when asked to furnish the din
ner to the guests on their arrival
hero from Crater Lake Tuesday eve
ning. "That is the true western spir
it or Hospitality,-' air. uroule re
marked, and 'he was wonderfully
pleased U find thai the women of
Southern Oregon are so ready to
do their part eien when It comes to
giving a dinner to 300 strangers
from all over the United Stutes. But
that Is Ashland's way when It come.)
to making the stranger welcome In
her midst.
. . IHiiimt in City Turk.
Thru the efforts of tho Commer-
Iclal Club permission has been grant
ed from the Tark Board to allow the
dinner to be spread In the front
park. Tables will be arranged on
the lawn, and the bulk of the hoavy
cooking will be done in the Chau
tauqua hall. Arrangements are be
ing made to Install an electric range
in the park donated for the occasion
from the Jordan Electric Storr from
the carload they have recently
donated for the occasion from the (
Jordan Ebcrlc Store from the'ear-i
lead of legant new ranges they hav
received. Mrs. Humphreys, demon
strator for the Oregon Products com
pany who is In Southern Oregon at
this time, will be present and assist
In preparing the dinner which will
consist solely of Oregon products.
According to arrangements plan
ned by the Civic Improvement Club.
the story which the visitors will lako
back to their homes and spread
broadcast over the lund will b on i
that will redound of the hospltalitr
ond good will that abounds fir U-
hearts and the homes of Southern
AutonmhlleH Wuhted.
The only fly In the ointment at lhr
present in the entertainment of th
national editors Is the lack of re
sponse to the cull for cars, to
convey the guests to Crater Laka aniC
return. Ashlund was asked (8- her
share to contribute twenty-flvdr
cars to this occasion, but it soem.
difficult to socure that niuny. Sec
retary Mowat and the Commercial
Club Is standing sponsor for tho hos pitality
and courtesy of AslUnnd'. t
these visitors from afar Not nearfy
enough have been promised, auif
only threo days Intervene bmwvtiu
now and the time when they will' be
required. Oil and gasoline. wiUf fin
furnished for tthe ttrlp, amf car own
ers are only asked to donate tlu
auto and a drlvca Wblln tula is;
asking considerable without dotiM,
It seems to be tho least Southenr
Oregon can do to make these iwitturir
go away proclaiming the kindness
nnd courtesy of a section tbul will'
sacrifice .time and expense for tlui'
entertainment of guests In 11:!.
mldst. Any one willing to ansUV Iiu
this entertainment by using their ca-t
for tho Crater Lako trip Is asked-d
th It. Some of the trees; were
Without the application of nl-
of. soda, and the difference '.'.
the condition of the trees 4oA qual
ity of the fruit is marked. The trees
with the use of nitrate of soda show
a much better growth, - while the
peaches are much larger.
Many of the orchardlsts at the
demonstration from down the valley
expressed much surprise at the im
provement in this orchard since It
has come under the management of
Mr. Joy. This orchard was literally
on its last legs 10 or 11 years ago
when Mn. Joy took possession of it.
During that time he has been work-1
ing at it along the lines laid out by
Messrs. Reimer and Cate, with the
object in view of proving that scien
tific management has the desired ef
fect when it comes to raising fruit,
and the results shown at the demon
stration Wednesday were most sat
who are at the. head of the dinner (leave word with Ceo. E. Mlliiicror-
servce, no. flowers will be, placed on
the tables on account of the bounti
ful display of bloom which will sur
round them Vi the park: Instead
the table decorations will tonsist of
Oregon fruit, which alone. will make
a display calculated to tempt the
most jaded appetite, let alone that
Secretary Mowat at the' Conlim rit
Club as soon as possible.
The entertaining of these-'editorst
will he casting bread upon tlfe water
It ".will return In advertising A'jihluirif
and Southern Oregon m- hundred- -fold
when the story in tol'di aU over -the
United States. " -
Children WiU Give
End Season Pageant
Kid LlcCoy Speaks
SundayAugust 24
. -.r
"Girls'! Day" in
Talent HE. Church
Sunday will be "Girls' Day" -In
the Talent Methodist church, when
the girls of that congregation will
have charge of the morning service.
They will conduct the Sunday school
Bd regular church service, at which
Mies Helen Carlton will give a talk.
This is In the nature of a contest, the
boys having charge of-the services
two weeks from Sunday.
Standard Oil Co. to
Have Station Here
'A resolution granting the Standard
Oil company permission o establish
' a,distrlct wholesale distributing ata
'S In Ashland passed its first read
' lng at the meeting of the city coun
J . oil last Tuesday evening;' ,! A' portion
of the A. Dickey property on' Laiire!
atfleet has 'been secured for a.' sits ion tu fnrnlturei.
lor the plant, which will 'consist of
storage tanks and warehouses,' and
will include an investment' of several
thousand dollars. Ashlaild will be
classed as a district with the' estab
llshing of this station and' Will prob
ably serve all the outtylng territory
Irom Talent south to the state line.
W. E. Pierson Home
Destroyed by Fire
The house of W. E. Pierson on the
Boulevard was totally destroyedby
fire Tuesday night shortly after
midnight, together with the' entire
contents. Mr. Pierson, who is living
alone at present while his wife and
daughter are voting In the east,
came home that night at a late hour
and built up a fire to cook him some
supper. After starting the fire he
went to the barn and on returning
saw that practically the entire in
terior of the building was ablaze. .
A call was sent In to the fire do
pdrtment, and on their arrival It
was found that the house was doom
ed, and they turned their attention
to the homo of Mr. Pierson's moth
er adjoining, which was saved : with
difficulty! Mr.. Pierson carried some
insurance on his property and some
Fruit Wanted for ; :
Editors' Dinner
N -v ...
Any one having a basket or. box
of pears, apples,-peaches, or. plums
that they will- donate to the. dinner
for the Editors will please leave it
at the Simpson hardware store eith
er Monday or Tuesday morning or
call Phone 492-J. This fruit will be
placed on the tables. .,
Twenty-three governors of, states
of the Union have definitely decided
to attend the annual governor's con
ference) to be. held in Salt Lake City
August 19, 20 and 2U Five of the
executives have answered Inquiries
mdeflnitelywhile the remainder, ap
parently will be unable to attend.'
The- representation of. western
governors seems assured.v while sev
er'al -eastern: and middle-western ex
eon t Ives will be present. 'Im: ,
1 Bartlett pear, picking for ' the can
neries will begin in the 'valley,' It Is
understood, about August 15. 'The
Ashland Fruit & Produce Associa
tion is shipping a car or two to Oak
land this year at the best price ever
received for canning stock. :
-Elks light flannel and serge trous
ers, just' right for the big. doings at
Klamath Falls, See them, at Ocres
tailor shop.
' Fair woolens are- now In at Orros
tailor shop.
Ashland people, are going to have
en opportunity of fiearlng Rev. Othio
Sackett. knows the world over
Young Kid McCoy,, a former light
weight prize .fighter, who is going to
speak In the Chautauqua building
Sunday evening, August 24. Mr.
Sackett is touring the coast country,
sneaking in the cauce of religion and
is coming here under te auspices of
the Ministerial Association of Ash
land. I
Mr, Sackett has an interesting
story to tell of his life from the
prize ring to the pulpit, which led
from his boyhood days on a farm,
thru employment at mills, In the
roped' arena, with the Sells-Floto
circus, tending bar, as a hobo, to his
conversion and subsequent attend
ance at the Moody Bible Institute in
Chicago, which resulted In his evau
gelistlc career.
For several years Kid McCoy stood
alone in the 122-pound class a
featherweight 'and only missod the
lightweight championship by a fluke
decision against him. H& has been
physical culture 'trainer for several
athletic club throughout the coun
tiy. He traveled for a year with the
Billy Sunday party, acting as phys
ical director' whose duties It was to
keep 'the noted evangelist In good
Just before school starts the chil
dren of Ashland are to stage a big
and beautiful pagaent on the Park
green. Every child Is to lie cos
tumed in the garb befitting his oi
lier part, and band muslCfWllI ac
company the play. Any girl or boy,
between the ages of 5 and 18 years
may come to the playground for a
part In the pagaent, the first meeting
being Saturday morning at 9:, 10, The
pagaent has been tried out by varied
Chicago school play Igroundfa, aJid
settlements, West Park No, 1, Oil.
cago Commons, Lincoln Centra,
Hamilton' Park, to, each time vfj!)
Fire Patrol Plas&j ;
Arrive in State
the success which warrants 'Jtsj
Ing placed in permanent form.'
Library Facilities
To Be Discussed
An informal luncheon will be
given by tho Medford library board
Thursday August 14, for the purposo
of discussing plans for extending the
book and magazine service to the
outlying districts of the county, in
accordance with a law passed by tho
Airplanes are getting as thick fur
the. sky over Ashland as blackbird...
This week It has been a common' oe-
currence for a citizen to look up li'n
tho sky and see n plane flying over
head. Tuesday about noon plants
wended Its way over the Siskiyou
arnd flew-off towards th . ncrtli
while Thursday six planes fi-osas f
the valley at Intervals during; thftr
lute afternoon. - . r"
These latter bolong to the armr"
airplane squadron-which will do for
est patrol duty , over the state, audi
had come up from Mather Flold, Sac
ramento, for the purpose. At one
time four of these planes arrived, at
the Ashjlandj ladhig field at Ithr
same time and made a brief stor
here, after which they they went out.
to Medford whore they were parked
for the night. One had procedei
them and one followed a short tlm
afterwards. . The eight plane IefC
Thursday forenoon for Salem. . .
The squadron Is under the com
mand of Major A. D. Smith of Rock-'
well field, San Diego, who will hnvjj
charge of them during the forest ffre
soason. vThe following other avfaf
lapt legislature. The new law makes j org manned the other five plane
. New Fall
Tailor shop.
goods, are in at Orres
it now possible for the county court
to provide for a library service that
will reach every resident of the
county, no matter how remote the
district In which he lives. ...While
the Medford and Ashland libraries
have granted library privilege to a!l
residents In; tho 'county who have
made application for cards, few have
availed themselves of thla opportun
ity,, and .it has been . necessary for
most of the people In the smaller
towns and In the country to depend
for their books, upon the- traveling
library service provided, by the. Ore
gon state library at 8alem. . .,
In time of bone dry, prepare, fow
a soaking wet time, ; Have your rain
cbat made to order. Soe Orres. , ,
wiucn arrivea rroni ban uiego:
tenants A. Goodrich, B. C. Batteir.i
C: H. Rldenour and J- C. Goldsbor-t
ough and Sergeant C. A. Lnjotte, ftir
pilots; and Sergeants A. B. Fisher:.!
C BInke, , Marquis B , Taylor, . Mi,
Tagner, John C, McClnn and Cor
poral E. J. Currier,- ; , , ;
Unless Major Smith .changes tilt;
plans , and .flying patrol' courses r'..
laid out . hy Lieutenant. Keil. the cltfe
of Salem and , Roseburg will be tht'
bases of the patrol planes, fanr bo--'.
lng stationed at each place and Sa-
lo.m being the. headquarters. ,r Tw ;
pl'Jnes'.wlll fly . alternately every v
other: day, and Medford will be vfs .
Ited. dally for supplies by one of thnr-t
planes patrollng (his section frorrw .
Roseburg, K
i.i In
t o. ii-
I 'lit
..- ti l
... i:i