T.6Mtey, July as. 9 ASnLAND TIDINGS PAGE 6EVIT TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. PROFESSIONAL. ml J. EMMEN8 -Physician end surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst tor 8. P. , P R. Offices, M. F. and II. Bldg., onnosite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Pbone 667. IWf pit. ERNEST A- WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to &. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf Ei p. liMGGS, Attorney-at-Law, 'pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUR The regular meetings oi hub ciuu le held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p m., at the Auxiliary Hall. I IANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, M,ifnrrt Ore.. Tlano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to particular musical people, Endorsed by the 1 leading musical peopia oi douuictu l.puvfl orders at Hose urcKuu- Z.i r,!.f ,",n SCHEUXR. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 50 V4 Main St, over twuir store. Phone 147. it tiv nDnointment. Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty CONTIUCTIXQ WANTED WANTED A man to drive a team on tlie highway for the summer Address E. G., care Tidings. 45 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMPA'T of th Inferior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, .Tiinn 94 1Q1Q NOTICE Is hereby given that Eu gene u. ualley, or Asniana, Ore gon, who, on June 15, 1914, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 08541, for the N',4 of 8KA and 8V4 of SUM of Section 28, Towiisliln 28 ILhipa 9.R WHlnm. etto Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three ytar Proof, to establish claim to tlin land ftlmva dosnrlhRd. bfifore Channcey Florey, Clerk of County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, nt Jaclsonvllle, Oregon, on the 28th (lav of Julv. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses. J. N. McCuno. of Ashland, uregon; A. C. Nlslnger, of Ashland, Ore con: Ronton Bowers. Jr.. of Ash land, Oregon; Lyman A. Dalley, of Ashland, Oregon,. W. JI. CANNON, Register 42-3 Ot COOS BAY ROAD GRANT NOW BEING CLASSIFIED Approximately 18,210 acres in Douglas and, 74,125 acres la Coos county are Included in the Coos Bay Military Wagon Road grant, a strip ot country about 12 mllos In width running west from Roseburg to the coast. The lands are now being clas sified and will be opened at a future date, according to a report Just is sued by the department of the in terior Following is a part of a cir cular letter sent out by the govern ment explaining the situation of the land: "Lands found to have less than 300,000 feet of timber to the 40 acres aro classified as agricultural. When opened to entry these so-called agricultural lands muot bo entered under the general provisions of the homestead laws, as modified by the special act revesting the lands, and In addition entryman must pay at tlm rata of J2.50 ber acre 50 cents per acre at the time of entry, and $2.00 per acre at the time of proof. Lnnila which are found to have 300,000 feet or more of timber to the 40 acres are classified as timber lands. Such lands will not be open ed to entry until the tlraebr thereon IRRIGATION DISTRICTS HAVE, BRIGHT FUTURE Irrigation prospects in Oregon were never as bright as at the pres ent time, according to State Engi neer Cupper, who has returned after a tour of Incpectlon covering sever al days Engineer Cupper first visited the Grants Pass project. Water for this district Is being pumped temporar ily and the commission w ill be asked to certify to bondn In the sum of $30,000 or $100,000 within the near future. At the Gold Hill project water already has been turned into the canals and certification of $25,- 000 additional In bonds will be asked. The I.nngel valley projfet, In Kla math county, contains 30,000 acres and will purchase its water from the United, Stati rwflumM.lon service. Mr. Cupper also visited the Silver lake project, containing 8000 acres, for which the Btate will be asked to certify bonds in the sum of $300,000. While on his trip Mr. Cupper com pleted the task of adjudicating the waters of Thomas creek, Drew s creek, Cottonwood creek and the tributaries of Goose lake. FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and repair work Cement wot specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 Granite St. Zltt WELDING AND BRAZING EXPERT WELDING AND BRAZING. We tlx all kinds of broken metal nieces. Eastern auppiy wv" Ashland, Oregon. 27tf PLUMBING TOR PLUMBING and general re pairing call Geo. L. Carey, 462 Allison St. Phone 314J. My work and prices wlU please you. 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1100 BUY8 an interest In new JNe vada oil field. Write for geolo gist's rteport and all particulars Fallon Oil fc Gas Co., Box 847 Tonopah, Nevada. 4a-lmo. TAXI SERVICE EVANS TAXI SERVICE Five pas- -n..ior oavan Passenger Iludson. Trips anywhere. Reliable . .... .....I.. Stand drivers ana quica. o"'" "17,7 At Rose Bros. Day Phone zis. Night, 101- THE 1NTERURBAN TRUCK CO. ..nrcinnnnlN TRUCK CO i. . r rvillv hetwfeen Ashland and Medford. Medford Phone 124; Ashland Phone 149. Prompt and rename servi. FOR RENT FOR RENT Four rombunBa!.0tw furnished. Phone 359 R. 35tf FOR RENT The Bungalow -tot the season from May 1 to Oct. ltn. Has tables, chairs, show cases hot water beater and gas plate. At tne - trance to Llthla Park. Best con session location in town. Apply to B. R. Greer at Tidings office, tr FOR SALE FOR SALE A good team at a bar gain. 1 set of harness for $25.00. . Addrees E. G., care Tidings. 42tf FOB, SALE A team of mules at a argain. s Address E. Q, care of .Tidings.. "v" FOR SALE-rBest and most profit able, modern, ana irw .15 acre home In Ashland. R. v. Sanford, Lower Helman St. 4-z FOR SALE New Farquar sawmlll , outfit,, capacity 1000 ft, an hour. .Write B caw Tidings for prices mi details. , PART-TIME SCHOOIA PROVIDED BY LAW Plans are now being formulated by State iSupdilnliendent Churchill to put Into effect thruout Oregon the law passed at the last session of the state legislature requiring per sons between the ages of 16 and 18 years who are employed and have not received an eighth-grade educa tion to attend what will be known as nart-tlme schools. Superintendent Churchill says this department of education was ais cussed aulte thoroly at the recent meeting of the National Education association held at Milwaukee an; It was the general consensus of opln Ion among educators that It will be a success. Probably the most Important fac tor entering Into the successful ope rttlon of the part-time schools, ac cordine to Mr, Churchill, will be the pp.tlon of teachers. Because of the fart that iiereons affected by the law will not have to attend school more than an hour each day, It will be necessary to obtain Instructors who are able to get into close touch with their pupils and decide what studies are best adapted to their train! ne. Mr. Churchill says ' Americanism will bb one of the chief fundament alii unon which the school .will be 'conducted and a determined effort will be made to give persons with limited education such training as will fit them for Uetter positions.. The law. which had the special sunnort of labor, provides that in all districts where there are 15 persons eligible for this training the school boards must furnish the prope equipment and "employ teachers to rjm-v on the work. The act provides also that pupils attending this school will do so on their employers time It is Mr. Churchill's opinion that practically every first-class district in Oregon will be arfected by tne law. As soon as convenient the state superintendent will urge upon county sunerintendenta the necessity of sur veying their respective Jurisdictions with a view of determining whether they come under the provisions ot the new law. In districts where the required number of pupils are found making the part-time schools neces sarr. aft effort will be made to have them in operation concurrent with the opening of the fall term of tin publio educational institution. . .-rrr hag been sold by tne government and Iremovedj by the purchaser. Sucu lands will then be opened to entry under the homestead laws. We have no map showing the lo cation of these lands by counties, but can furnish township plats at the rate of $1.00 per plat. Such plats will show the location of all grant lands In the township, as well as all lands subject to entry at the date ot mailing,. Orders for pats should be accompanied by postofflco money order payable to R. R. Turner, re ceiver, and should clearly Btate tne correct number of the township and range desired." AUTO TENT. FOR SALE Has floor , a wpetened wmaowB. i Edition. Call Reynolds at Tld- ' tngs office, , . r T,V.f, USED CARS FOR SALE Good Ford can Rose Bros. Phone 213. 89H -"FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SfflKIYOU COUNTY REAL ESTATE AND MINES. pecim $8500. The Oak Bar Store with6 acres larm iu "-. m ' Highway Bonds carried. Wor will ! own commence completing inga- 1 . . -,i.lMi mirvGV COeS way i cuwi. vi-b.1 thru this property. Barton , G. O. P. TO KILL ' TAX ON SODA WATER Reoeal of the soda water tax was decided on Thursday by Republican in.dmn of the house. The decision will b referred to the ways and means committee, which will draft a repeal measure. Some leaders nredlcted the tax which levies an imnoRt of 10 ner cent on soft drinks and ice-cream would be repealed within a months FOR SALE Improved acre: fije iroom. cottage; barn; chicken house; city water; on Lincoln l St. Price reasonaoie. uubj flfte Beaver Realty Co. . mrm catx- 7-rnnm' house! 4 large lots; fruit and good garden. Dan- lei Baron, No. 4 Avery o , iana. mod urn oirn K nAxtorn lllinWllOW. Inquire 555 Fair view St. 4 3-1 mo Pnrf of Astoria lets contract to widen Btate highway to Miles cross- 4ncr RnHnlnr. Warren Construction Co. laying 900 feet Wtiunuc aauy. CiHCIIESTER SPILLS -l "''!) DIAMONO BRAND firm1 .v UM for CFII CHHR-TER S DIAMONO 1IKAND PILLS in RKD indyO Gold metallic bozo, lealed with BlueVU Ribbon.' TlUW) OTDBR. IlflJjwW DIAMOND BUAND PILIS, for IwrntT-fiTf year regarded Bnt,8afctt, Aliraya Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FISHER LAUNDRY 00. General Laundry Business Phone 103 also FRENCH DRY CLEANING and Dye Works Phone 106 i PORTLAND SOLDIERS AGAINST PROHI LAW Results to date of a straw vote of returned soldiers, being taken at the woi rmv recru tine onica show that national prohibition Is in disfavor with the veterans here, woman suffrage is favored, unversal military training finds strong sup port and American girls are prefer red to French girls by almost five to one. Of those casting ballots, about 75 per cent have been wounded veterans of the war. Total returns since the voting started are: For national prohibi tion 35, against 55; for universal military service 63, against 26; for the league of nations 77; against 36. The disposition of the kaiser and his councillors now stands. For death 35; exife 22; for liberation 5; neutral 10 and not voting 8. The American girls Is preferred to the French by 46' votes to 10; three have refused to vote, 12 are doubtful and 19 ore neutral. SKI LL OF INFANT IS INEARTHED IN MOUND What la said to be the skull of an Infant was unearthed in the Blevlns mound near Albany by members of the party of summer school students of O. A. C, faculty, and townspeo ple who took the excursion to the mounds Saturday nnder the direc tion, of J. B. Horner, professor of history at the college. Permission to dig for relics was gi anted by the owner of the mounds and great excitement was caused when a few bones were dug up near ly three feet below the surface of the ground. To the disappointment of the crowd they proved to be the bones of a large fowl but later In another mound the skull was found. The narty visited the museums of Dr. h L. Hill and J. G. Crawford In Albanv where relics taken from the Skulls, mortars, pestles, and various ntenails and weapons nsed by the ancient people were exhibited. Mr. frawford is said to have one of the best exhibitions of prehistoric relics in the northwest. He has what he calls the Adam and Eve skulls of Oregon. Jj.il.-l. X , !...t".. If O j Hv (I i 1 - - . I. What? Bending over a Range this Hot Weather? ' Try a Simplex Universal Combination Range You can use it for gas in the summer and when the weather gets cold use wood or coal for fuel all in the same stove. There are no parts to change in turning from one fuel to the other. It is simple enough for a child. Three Ranges in One and But One to Buy A twist of the key in one direction elevates the gas burner flush with the bottom of the oven, opens the exit in the ton. turns ou the gas-all automatically. A turn of the key in the op posite direction and the gas is turned off, the burner lowered, the exit closed and the range ready for coal or wood. Come in and take a look at the Best Combination Range on earth. We will take pleasure in showing you Swenson & McRac Economical House Furnishers t t I t ONE-THIRD OF HIGHWAY WORK IS IN DOUGLAS Slate Highway Engineer Herbert Nunn of Salem, and Highway Com missioner R. A. Booth, of Eugene, arrived here from the north ou a tour of x inspection of the Pacific highway. Traveling with the state officials is John Keller, a represen tative ot the Pdrtland Oregonlan who is to chronicle the trip. In sneaking ot the Pacific high way in Douglas county, Mr. Kelly stated that there was now $1,300,000 under contract rt this conntyv "There are only 300 miles of tho- Pacltlo highway in the state, sal Mr. Kelly, "and one-third of that i In Douulaa county, which mean that an enormous amount of moner will be, spent hero." Roseburrj: News. ' 'who Is to chronicle the trip. I News. i gSi , - - - Ma m . a an f M mtmmirM ran ran ran 'lta'- ASHLAND TIDINGS FOR BOOK I HAVE SOME FINE NEW ZEALAND RED RARRITS and hutches, I will sell reasonable. Clyde costello ; Enquire at Barber Shop, 175 Main We are prepared to supply all kinds oi SALES BOOKS Good Cues and Tips Billiard players prefer' this place i.onuo. tiipv: know that they can get GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of dirrerence in we pleas ure of the game." You KNOW it. ' . Profanity. Eambling and other un desirable elements are absolutely TABOO here. We invite uuisixi MEN onlv. This is a clean, congenial arause- rotent hall for decent ciean-cui ici lows. - 1 ! Alnutt's Billiard Parlor 'Clcaa Sport for Regular Fellows WAShell TheBarber NON-DUPLICATE DUPLICATE. TRIPLICATE AND QUMUtxurruiM i Either wHId carbon leal or carbon on the back . We Meet AH Competition Give us a chance at your sales book business TELEPHONE 39 AND SALESMAN WILL CALL MISCELLANEOUS OAK ROLL9 for all purposes. 11 iihu Mill and Manufactory. OaK 137 . Afan IS ffi EVERYWHcnt ESiJfi I 'ion nrron. 46-lmo j uiu - - u