Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 22, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, July 22, HUH
66Tw Us FSif
will pay you to make inquiry of us before purchasing
Builders Hardware, StieJ!
Hardware, Househ'ld Goods
Tools, Elc.
Simpson's Hdw. Store
" "'"11 ,1
Pure Hilk Pure Cream
Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy
Proprietor 392-J
J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. GoodSer
vice to Any Part ot Town ,
'ERE'S the quality bread. Only the
purest and most costly ingredients
enter into itfinest patent flour, rich
milk, sugar, pure shortening, best yeast. It
means the most nutrition, vvholesomeness
and flavor. Say FRANZ
' r
The Incomparable Loaf
Fresh shipment every day to Nininger & Robertson
"See here," says the Good Judg
I want to remind you
about that small chew
of this good tobacco.
It tastes better because
it's good tobacco. Its
quality saves you part of
your tobacco money.1
It goes further and lasts
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
- W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
sule ars the remedy you need. Talca
three or four every flay. The healing
oil boa 1(4 into the cells and llniim of
the kiiineya and drives out the poisons.
New life and health will surely follow.
When your normal vlRor has been re
tored continue treatment for a while
to keep yourself In condition and pre
vent a. return of the disease.
Ion't wait until you are Incapable of
flKhtln. Htjrt taltinpr GOUT) MlfiUAt
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Tour drug
gist will cheerfully refund your money
if you are not satisfied with results.
But be sure to iret the original Import
ed GOLD MDDAI-i and accept no sub
stitutes. In three elms. Sealed pack
axes. At all druir stores.-
Ttr 0 jrnari OOI.T) MEDAI, Haarlem
"Oil has enabled aufrnrliiK immunity to
withstand attacks oK kidney, liver,
tiladder and stomach troubles and all
Jiano connected with the urinary
organ and to build up and restore to
health organs weakened by disease.
These most Important organs must be
watched, because they filler and purify
the blood; unless they do their work
yon are doomed.
'Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, atomach trou
ble, pains In the loins and lower ab
lomen, gravel, difficulty when urinat
ing, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago
all warn you of trouble with your kid
m.yn. OOIiU M1SDAL, Haarlem Oil Cap-
Constitution of
American Legion
No national movement 1b ot great
er Importance In the United States
today than the organization of the
American Legion, the G. A. R. of
the world war. With the prospect
of four million active, loyal,, vigor
ous body welded into a comprehen
sive fraternity, the sanity, stability
and patriotism ot the government
of this country is assured.
Following Is the constitution of
the American Legion as adopted by
the St. Louis caucus, May 19, 1919.
For God and Country we associate
ourselves together for the following
To uphold and defend the Consti
tution of the United States of Amer
ica; to maintain law and order; to
foster and perpetuate a one hundred
per cent Americanism; to preserve
title memories and incidents of our
association in the Great War; to
Inculcate a sense ot individual obli
gation to the community, state and
nation; to combat the autocracy ot
both the classes and the masses; to
make right the master of might; to
promote ' peace and good will on
earth; to safeguard and transmit to
posterity the principles of Justice,
freedom and democracy; to conse
crate and sanctify our comradeship
by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
The name of this organization
All persons shall be eligible to
membership In this organization who
were in the military or naval service
of the United States during the per
iod between April 6, 1917, and No
vember 11, 1918, both dates inclu
sive, and all persons who served in
the military or naval cervloos of any
of the governments associated with
the United States during the World
Wir, provided that they were citi
zens ot the United States at the time
ot their enlistment and who are
again citizens at the time of appli
cation, except those persons separat
ed from the service under termB
amounting to dishonorable discharge
and except also those persons who
refused to perform their military
duties on the ground of conscienti
ous objection. ,
" "" , Nature ."I '"
While requiring that every mem
ber of the organization perform his
full duty as a citizen according to
his own conscience and understand
ing, the organization shall lie abso
lutely non-partisan and shal' not" be
useki for tUo dissemination of, par
tisan principles, or for the promo
tion of the candidacy of any person
seeking public office or preferment.
1. The Legislative Body of tho
organization shall' be a national con
vention to be held annually at n
place and time to be fixed by vote
of the preceding convention, or in
the event that the preceding conven
tion does not fix a time and place
shall be fixed by tins Executive Com
mittee, hereinafter provided for. .
2. The annual convention shall
be composed of delegates and alter
nates from each state, the District
of Columbia and each territory and
territorial possession f the United
States, each of which shall b en
titled to four delegates and four al-
: '
ternates and to one additional del
egate and alternate for each one
thousand memberships paid up thir
ty days prior to the date of the na
tional convention. The vote of each
state, the District of Columbia and
each territorial possession ot the
United States shall be equal to the
totaf number of delegates to which
that State, the District of Columbia
and each territorial possession is
3. Tho (delegates to the national
convention shall be chosen by each
state In tho manner hereinafter pre
scribed. The executive power shall be vest
ed In a National Executive Commit
tee to bo composed of two represen
tatives from each state, the District
of Columbia, territory and territori
al possessions of the United States
and such other ex-officlo members
as may be elected by the Caucus
Tho national Executive Commltteo
Bhall have authority to fill any va
cancles In Its number.
The state organization shall con
sist of that organization in each
state, territory or the District of
Columbia whose delegates have been
seated In the St. Louis Caucus. In
those states which are at present un
organized the state organization
shall consist of an Executive Com
mlttee to be chosen by a state con
vcntlon, and such other officers and
committees as said convention may
prescribe. The state convention in
the latter case shall be called by the
two members ot the National Execu
tive Committee In that state, terri
tory and the District of Columbia,
and shall choose the delegates to
the national convention, providing a
fair representation for all sections
of the state or territory. Each state
organization shall receive a charter
from the National Executive Com
clttee. ARTICLE VI.
The Local Unit
The local unit shall be termed the
Post, which shall have a minimum
membership of fifteen. No Post
shall be received Into this organisa
tion until It shall have received a
charter. A Post desiring a charter
shall apply 'to the State Organiza
tion and the charter shall be Issued
2,325,000 DE LAVAL
Wherever grass grows and cows
are milked, you will find the De La
val the favorite cream separator.
More De Lavals are In use than
all other makes combined.
The De Laval is time tested. It
was the pioneer cream separator in
1878 and has led in popularity and
sales for forty years.
It's the world's standard cream
by the National Executive Commit
tee whenever recommended by the
State Organ Qzat)lor4 The National
Executive Committee shall not Issu6
a charter in the name of any living
Each state organization shall pay
to the National Executive Commit
tee or such officers as said commit
tee may designate therefor, the sum
of twenty-five cents annually, or
each Individual member in that par
ticular state, District of Columbia,
territory or territorial possession.
A quorum shall exist at a national
convention when there are present
twenty-five or more states and ter
ritory partially or wholly represent
ed as hereinbefore provided.
The rules of procedure at the na
tional convention shall be those set
forth in Roberts' Rules of Order.
Amendment of Constitution
This constitution is to be in force
until the November Convention,
when It will be ratified or amended
by that Convention.
According to figures In a Wash
ington report recently Issued the
number of army men In Oregon to
enter the 'American Legion is more
than 30,000. The report shows that
Oregon furnished 5,165 enlistments
in the regular army, 2,395 men for
the enlisted reserve corps and na
tional army, 4,306 national guards
men and 18,20 draftees, a total of
30,116. In addition to these 30,000
possible members, the American Le
gion may draw upon the nacy and
marine corps for its personnel.
No reduction In the price of gaso
line can be looked for this year, ac
cording to three of the biggest crude
oil producers In the United States.
The men ane E. D. Kelly, an engi
neer who Is connected with a Chi
cago brokerage and oil developing
company, L. D. Welch and C. L.
Woods of Denver. In partnership
the three control 200,000 acres of
oil land In Texas, Wyoming and
"The country is now turning to
Texas and that state is suffering an
oil rush not unlike the old style
over-night gold strike," he said. "In
Wichita county alone 27 refineries
were erected in the last six months.
The smaller concerns are making a
greater success of It than was ever
dreamed of.
"Future gasoline prices are going
to depend entirely upon the number
of fields developed. When you re
alize that so many automobiles are
In U99 now that you can't buy a good
one today without ordering weeks
or months ahead, you will know
where the oil Is going to. There Is
a national shortage and, while it Is
not at present sferlous, we've got to
wntch out for It.
"A good sharo of our gasoline and
oils is being shipped to England and!
other countries. After war conditions
have been adjusted and the wells of
Australia and elsewhere are back on
their old basis, attention must be
turned to supplying this nation. We
have got plenty of use for every bit
of our own oil right In the United
States without sending iany lot It
Hotel Austin
Barber Shop
N. G. HATES, Prop.
First-class Service, and Equipment.
Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths.
Ashland, Oregon.
Koine People Wo Know, and We Will
Profit by Hcm'iiiK About Tlium.
This is a purely local event.
It took place In Ashland.
Not in some faraway placis.
You are asked to Investigate It.
Asked' to believe a citizon'3 word;
To confirm a citizen's statement.
Any article that Is endorsed at
Is more worthy of confidence
Than one you know nothing about,
Endorsed by unknown people.
Mrs. E. E. Heath, 855 U St., Ash
land, says: "When I have used
Doan'g Kidney Pills for a dull ache
across my kidneys, I have always
been relieved of the trouble. I am
glad to recommend Doan's to my
friends for I know they are very re
liable and can't be equaled for kld
eny trouble."
Price, COc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs.' Heath had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. T.
If you can afford to pay rent you
can afford to build your own home.
Why throw youtr money away n
rent? We will gladly offer sugges
tlons and quote prices without obli
gation to buy.
Ashland Lumber Co.
Phone 20
AU kinds of Untitling Material
Information For
Oregon Fisherman
Wahtum Lake. Good catches ot
eastern brook trout are being made
on the If ke from rafts. Reached by
Eagle Creek or Herman Creek trails
by way of Cascade Locks.
Eagle Crfeek. Good catches of
trout are made at points above
Punch Bowl and near the four-mild
post. Reached by Eaclo Creek Trail
via BonnevlUle. Fishermen uglng
worms are having good success.
Rom River, Good catches of
trout are being made along stream
from near Cottage Grove. Reached
by r.uto and railroad by way of Cot
tsgo Grove. Fish are taking splnnr
and royal coachman fly.
Sharps Creek. Good catches of
trout are reported at various points
on stream. Reached by auto and
railroad by way of Red Bridge and
Cottage Grove.
Layng Creek. Good catches of
trout ane being made at Rujada and
various points up stream above Ru
jada. Readied by auto and pack
trail by way of Cottage Grove,
Rogue River and tributaries
Good catches ot fork-tails and moun
tain trout are being made at various
points. Reached by auto by way of
Grants Pass. Fish are taking spin
ner and fly.
Reetfsport. -Local Jflsh cannery
will invest 110,000 in plant by
which all refuse from cannery will
be converted into fertilizer.
Summer and Albert lakes again
being "developed."
Oregon' City, 7 acres strawber
ries netted $1300 for H. L. Mor
sel!, t
Pendleton.-Mlatf-blood wool sold
tor 58 cent.
will improve
hair or we
pay you
Wildroot la a guaranteed preparation
which goes right at the hidden cause of
coming baldness-the scaly, itchy crust of
dandruff. Wildroot removes this crust
allows nature to produce the thick lust
rous hair normal to any healthy scalp.
For alt here under a
money-back suanmte
Wildroot 8timprK 8op, ntsd In ennsnctloa
wltil WtMniot, will htM th trfHtmi'nt.
Sour Milk
Isabelle Clark Swezy, cook
ing and baking expert has
prepared for us a cook book
devoted exclusively to sour
It contains fifty-seven spfendid reci
pes for utilizing tour milk that will
at once appeal to every economical
Fret Copies to Hou$ew!e
The edition li limited. Send
u your grocer's receipt show
ing that you have purchased
sack of FISHER'S
will mail you at once t copy
of this valuable cook book.
Addrt Horn Office-
Fisher Flouring Mills Co.
West Waterway, Harbor Island
We are exclusive Ash
land Agents for
Fischer's Blend.
Dealers in High Class
Quality, Price,
Money-back on Schil
ling Tea means: We know
you will like the tea.
Try each kind at our
expense until you find the
one you like best.. .
There's nothing gener
ous about this; it's busi
ness. So please do it
Your grocer pays you the
money back; we pay him.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-linedmoisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisco