Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 22, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tuesday, July 22, 101
Quality First
Modern Portrailure
Picture Training
Framed Pictures
Studio Ashland
On the
Cliff Payne makes Ironing Board3.
J. M. Spencer, who lias been In
Franco with the 318th Engineers,
lias roturnod home.
New work gloves, new belts.
Miss May Skeon of Montagu Is a
vuent at the home of her sister, Mrs.
V. U Spencer In this city.
See Ilawy'i Ideal auto bed ad lu
this paper. 49-tf
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Smith arrived
in Ashland last week from Oakland
and will spend their vacation here.
Rig dance at the Natatorlum Sat
urday night. Lanspaugh's 5-piece or
chestra. 49-2t
County Superintendent and Mrs.
t!. W,"Ager were among the people
from the county scat who attended
(,'hautauqua Sunday.
Ashland Trading Co. under new
management 32tf
Mrt William Million, who had
l'?cn making a week's visit with the
DcCarlow family at Plnchurst, has
returned homo.
Vacation Sato at the Rexall
Store all this week, 25c jar cold
cream given lawajr (tee vflfjlth any
othlifr two 25c articles purchased.
BCuart Saun4ir4? (laughter Miss
Jotseplilnie, and Miss Doris Bagley
are spondlng a vacation outing at
the Lake of the Woods this week.
Mrs. B. C. Wallsten of the clerical
force In McGoe's stoiV, Is spending
hop summer. r&caUon In Lost An-
Good well made khaki
I'nlon overalls. ' Mitchells. -
Mrs,, J. W. MoCoy and daughters,
Margaret and Fra noes', have been
taking an outing In the Applegate
district during the past 'week.
Miss Pearl Wilslilre, clerk in the
Uiens Bank, who has be?n taking
vacation in Ixis Angeles, has re
turned home and resumed her du
ties. Everybody gwa to the Natatorlum
lnnce on Saturday night High class
Teppy music and a clean, large
crowd. 49-2t
Mrs. E. M. Wright, Miss Esther
Wright and Mrs. Susan Wright of
Chicago came to Ashland today to
visit at the homo of W. N. Wright.
The guests are mother, sister and
aunt of Mr. Wright.
The best work shirt made at u
Treasonable price. Mitchells.
Mrs. Mary B. Freeman left last
-week for Dnver, Colo, to visit her
von Charles, who Is ill In an army
Hospital. She was accompanied by
lier son Edmund.
Ashland Trading Company for
fruits and regotables. S2tf
With a pu-eliane of any two nr
tlrles at Uw Rexail Store Vacation
Sale this we)?k, you" will be given n
third article froo, either cold cream,
Tooth paste, talcum powder. 49-21
Yours Truly Conqueror huts as
pood aa the best. Mitchells.
Mr. M. C. PJ-ed has returned
from Gladstone where she spent sev
eral days with her husband, who
wes superintending a Chautauqua
there last week,
Mrs. G. M. Robisou nnd Mm. J.
II. Withrow of Talent left Wednl.'s
lay for San . Francisco where they
will spend a wevk or ten days vis
iting. Rexall Tooth Paste, 25c a tube,
you glH it free with the purchase of
any two other 2Cc articles at the
Kexall Store all this week. 49-2t
Mrs. Walter WaUr.on and her
mother, Mrs Woodcock, have gone
to Worcester, Mass., where they
were called, by the serious Illness of
the former's grandmother.
Members of tliJ Provost faml'y
-who are visiting Jiere at presont aro
Mrs. Clara Park hill and Mies Laura
Provost of Denver, Colo., and Mrs.
-T.ngellne Miner of Bend.
Th'9 Saturday night dances at the
Natatorlum aro growing In Interest
and numliers, on account of the fine
tnuBlc and clean management. The
usual dance will occur Saturday
wight. . . 49-2t
Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Richards of
Salem are la this city attending the
Oiautauqua and visiting at the home
f the latter's brother,, G. F. Millner.
Mr. Richards U connected with the
V.'lllamette uuiverUty in Salem,
Kodak Finishing
Kodak Films
Photo Supplies
The Camera Exchange
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert and
l I niorninj? (for Condon, Ore,, where
1 they, will spend a couple of weeks
v.l til friends.
Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Eastman arid
children, with the party of friends
who are their .guests, have ?one to
Cruter Lake and will spend several
days at that resort.
.Air. and Mrs. II P. Holmes start-
!ed a few days ego on an automobile
trip mai win iiiciuu? a visit to ineir
daughter In Bend and points in the
north and west to the coast.
25c articles, buy any two, get one
frelj. at the Rexall Store all this
week. 49-2t
Mrs. C. E. Abbott lias boon enter
taining during the past week her
brother-in-law and (sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Carpenter and family ot
Dunsmulr, who stopped here while
on their way home from Crater
' VACATION SALE, 3 for the price
of 2, at the. Rexall Store all this
week. 49-2t
' Lieut. Chanlng W. Watson, eon of
Judge C B. Watson, who hae been
serving with the engineers at Camp
Sheridan, Ala,, has received bis
discharge from the . army and re
turned to his home in Montague. .
Ashland Trading Co. will be pleas
td to quote you prices on seasonable
groceries. 32tf
A new resident In Ashland is C.
Lichens of Siskiyou county, Calif.,
who came over two wdeks ago to
look up a location, -and who pur
chased the Dora B. Cress property
on Liberty street. He took posses
sion Monday.
60c articles, buy any two, get one
free, at the Rexall Store all this
weok. p ', 49-2t
, .Marjorle Edson of Gazelle, Calif.,
was a guest of the M. E. Harris fam
ily on the Boulevard last wieek while
on her way home from Crater Lake
where she had been with a party of
Harold Simpson, who has been in
the employ ot the Southern Pacific
company at Weod for several months
has resigned and come horn. He
will help his father in the hardware
store this summer prior to entering
college In the fall.
Herlftrt Maxey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Maxey, Is cpendlng a 15-
day furlough with his parents here
Mr. Maxey is still In the service in
San Francisco and will not be tils
charged for two months.
A contract was given out at the
meeting of the city council last
Tuesday night to S. W. Clute for
constructing a curb and gutter on
Allison street. This contract was
awarded on a basis of 55 cents per
running foot,.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Storm of Mc
Cloud,, Calif,, were recent guests of
the latter's sister, Mrs. P. S. Pro
vost. They started last week on an
auto trip thru California ond may
extend it as far south as San Diego
They were accompanied by Mrs
to It life safety of
an InvesHmjent or loan,
come In and consult free
,ly with the iof fleers of
Thr Citizens Bank of
Pleased to be of service
to vou In financial mat-
!f ters.
y BANK Noj
When S 1
in I
Doubt i
in k
High Priced
We have Quality station
er'. Just the kind to use
for vacation letter writing.
Highland Linen, and
Eaton, Crane &Pike
See Our Window
Poley's Drug Store
Poley & Elhart, Druggists
Job Tozer and Crant Helman left
for Petaluma, Calif., Sunday morn
lug, going by way of Lake county,
thence Into Nevada. The trip is
being made in Mr. Helman's auto
mobile. Guy Good of Dunsmulr was a re
cent visitor with friends in Ashland.
He made the trip over the mountains
In company with relatives and
friends by auto.
Elmer Ketch urn, who went to San
Francisco a short time ago, write3
home to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Ketcrum, that he has secured
an excellent position in Oakland and
will remain in that city.
Contractor A. L. Lamb bas com
menced reconstructing the house on
Scenic Drive belonging to W. C.
Wells of Michigan which was par
tially destroyed by fire two weeks
ago. As soon as finished Willard
Vale, the occupant at the time of
the fire, will move In.
Cascade Llnlen Pound Paper and
Envelopes, 50c per pound or FREE
with any other two 50c articles, at
the Rexall Store all this week. 49-2t
Mr. and Mrs. Delsman, who have
Jwen living in Vancouver, Wash.,
for some time where Mr. Delsman
has bebn engaged In the ship yards,
have returned and will make Ash
land their home. They will reside
in tlift W. G. Sander homo on Nevada
street which is being made over in
to a modern bungalow.
Fresh new goods arriving dally at
Ashland Trading Co. 32tf
A. H. Nau and family ot Cott in-
wood, Idaho, passed thru here the
first of this week and camped In the
auto-park over Monday night. Mr.
Nau is a friend of H. W. Shfctt,
formerly employed in the mechani
cal department of the Tidings. He
called at the Tidings office this
morning and regretted to learn thnt
Mr. Shutt had left. Mr, Nau and
family had been In San Dlega and
were on their way home. i-
Bottles For Summer
Pic Nics
Keeps Food or Drink hot or
cold when, where and as
you like it.
Provost. Brothers
Chautauqua Dome
Can Represent Sky
"The men w ho planned this Chau
tauqua auditorium must have had a
great vision," remarked Dr,. A. D.
Carpenter, the renowned astronom
1st who w as the speaker at the Chuu
tauqua assembly Saturday ' after
noon. "What an opportunity to
study the heavens this great dome
would afford," he further remarked.
"I can plan it out. A design of,
the firmament with the varnous I
constellations, the northrn cross, J
the big dipper, the more prominent
stars depicted, It would be a won-J
derful opportunity for the yiuth to j
study astronomy." ; t
Dr. Carpenter sketched a plan
whereby the dome could be divided !
in sections, representing the heav-1
ens In the four seasons of the year, j
with electrical arrangements show-.
Ing the rising and setting of the!
moon. This Is the most wonderfu".
building of the kind Dr. Carpenter
haB ever seen, and his line of re
search immediately peopled the vast
expanse or ceiling with the heaven
ly a vision of the reproduction of
the heavenly visitants.
State harvesting 500 acre
crop w ith convicts at Salem.
f" - "'" " " " H
mST' few
For quality
Shoes for style.
Shoes at the lowest prices.
We have a complete stock of
new up-to-date goods.
Let us serve you.
Como in and rest.
We shall be open each morn
ing of the celebration.
M. C. Reed Will
Go To Australia
M. C. Reed of this city who is
connected with the Ellison-White
company and has been recently su
perintending a Chautauqua In Glad
stone, Oregon, will leave in the in
terests of this company for New
Zealand and Australia, where he will
lecture in the Chautauqua courses
tor bIx months. Mr. Reed will sail
on the Niagara from Victoria, and
will be accompanied by the Zedeler
Symphony Quintette, who are among
the performers here last year.
"A man can borrow mosey on
what be puts Into a home. He can't
on what he pays out for rent"
. "I want to see every wage-worker
own his own home."
W. B. Wilson, U. S. Sec'y of Labor.
We have several choice homes as
well as bargains In acreage. Some
can be sold on small payments and
easy terms.
Beaver Realty Co.
211 E. Main St., Phone 68
Cools the stomach, washes out the
bowels, drives out Impurities, helps
the liver It's Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea. Take It once-a-week
during hot weather and see
how happy and contented you'll be.
33c. Tea or Tablets.
July 18-24
Mult in Equity to Declare a IK-od n;
Mti tino und, to J'dKMlose thp
State of Oregon for the County I
of Jackson. 'I
Elizabeth A. Smith, Plaintiff, .
vs. '
Howard P. Wilcox and Besslo Wil
cox, Hun!and and Wife,
To Howard P. Wilcox and Bessie
Wilcox, fli3 above named Defend
Oreiron. von and nnrh nf vnn irn
hereby required to appear and unlform of t,,e u- s army or navX
answer the Coniplalui of the and should notify Lynn Mowat at
Plaintiff on file with the Clark of.tho Commercial Club. Civilian
said Court at his officD In Jack- cIothes 1)e pr0vlded by any of
sonvllle, Jnckson county, Oregon, I , ... . ' .
within six weeks from the date of 8everal organizations In Oregon and
the first publication of this Sum- t,ic government is backing the Le
mons, and if you fall to appear anrf glon In their efforts to put a stop
answer In said cause within the to imposters nnd soldiers who for
sald time the Plaintiff will apply' .... , , ,
to the Court for thj relief de-; gct tl,elr manll0Ol n P'" "Pon
manded in said Complaint, to- wap sentiment to make money. Sev
wlt: leral Imposters have been discovered
For the foreclosure of that cer-!'ately In the state. Solicitors for
tain deed, made and executed byi h , -warM-M- organization an
you unto the Plaintiff herein,! ucl' cllar"a,"e organizations as
dated December 20th. 1913, and1"6 Salvation Army of other organ
conveying Lots 14, 15, and IS ot ized welfare bodies, will bear ere
Highland Park Addition to th dentlals from the local post of the
city of Ashjand. Oregon; sald,A , ,
deed lielng of record in Volumo
Qtt Pom IOC n I) nn ' 1
ords of said Jackson County; said
deed being given as security for
a loan of Jl'oOO.OO and interest,
and for a more particular de
scrlptlon of the relief demanded,'
the Plaintiff refers to the said
By virtue of an order made and
dated by the Hon. F. M. Calkins,
Judge of said Court on July 21st,
1919,' this Summons is served up
on you by the publication thereof
for six consecutive weeks In the
Ashland Tidings, a weekly news
paper ot general circulation print
ed and published at Ashland,
Jackson County, Oregon, and by
said order you roust answer the
same within six weeks from the
date of its first publication.
Date of first ' publication, July
22d. 1919.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Ashland. Oregon.
49-6tuesdays .
- " "
Tillamook. U miles logging
road to Ire built to Idavllle.
Railroad projected from Mt. An-1
gel to Bend vlft Three Sisters.
The Haney Auto Bed Is strong,
light weight, compact and easily
ptaoed In position in one or two
minutes. Made to fit any car. Great
for Chautauqua and Crater Lake
camping. Price $12.50.
B. E. HAXEY, Medford, Oregon.
iyie wish to announce to the public in
Ashland and vicinity that our large
and beautiful line of
Fall Blankets
are in stock
and await your early inspection.
This beautiful line consists of plaids in
all colors and plains in grey, white and
Now is the time to buy your needs
while the line is complete.
Prices range from $3.00 each and
Qualify Store
Beware Impostors
In SoldierClothes
The local post of the Amerlcaa
legion. In conformity with the nol-
Icy adopted by the National and
State organlzatlonc, has taken a de-
elded stand against commercializing
the uniform. All Ashland' people
should refuse to buy or subscribe to
anything offered by a solicitor In
For work cn the Pacific High
way two miles south from Siskiyou
station steady work. Minimum
wage $4.00 per day, 8 hrs. Board
$1 05. For further particulars ap
Office 2nd floor City Hall, Ashland.
Jrrlgatlpn project probable
Christmas Lake Valley.
Pendjeton. Oregon Lumber Co.
will erect Collins mill building.
Newberg. Big sale of Jersey
ccttle totals $37,000.
Classified Advertisements
FOR SALE Jersey Cow, 5 years
old. See J. M. Easterllng, 400
Beach St. 49-2t
FOR SALE Six room house on 6tli
and B streets, cheap and on easy
terms. Two blocks from depot
and business houses. Also for
trade, 20 a'cres of coal land with
7-ft. vein. 1 mile from Coquelle
City trade for Ashland property.
S. A. Hawks, 128 Factory street,
Ashland, Oregon. 49tf
FOR SALE Good second hand
Ford cheap. . Inquire 744 Iowa
St,. 49-2t
FOR SALE: Dining chairs, dining
table, lV?d. mattress, garden tools,
wash tubs. 115 Church St.,
mornings between 10 and 12
o'clock. 49-2t
FOR SALE Ten milch cows fresh
and coming fresh. J. P. Carson,
two miles south of Talent, Ore.,
on Highway at railroad crossing.
July 18-24