.',"''.-'. ' tfoettUjr.'July 1.1, 1919 u If ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the word each time. Twenty worda one. month one dollar. MICKIE SAYS NO,SR micUAEL O'BRIEN NOW CAH'1 00 DOVtIN 0 iME f RAIN -10 GMHER NEWS tcms for The paper, fOR IVOURE OOVNQ' 10 CHURCH WITH ME, I SHOUID1WNK VOU'O GST SNOO&H OF tHkT PBINflNCr OFFICE DURING- iTME WEEK WttHOOf WAV ON NOOR NUNO U. OAN SONOfcN N&1 ISED cms FOR SALE Good Ford car, Rose Bros. Phone 213. 39tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. KM.ME.VS Physician and urgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf DR. ERXEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburc Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf E. D. BRIGG8, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of this club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to particular musical people. Endorsed by the 'leading musical people of Southern Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 62-tf FINE FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE Two acres heavy hearing mixed fruits. Peaches, pears, apples. .1,'a.J... TJ . I ...... 1 I - . lloo to 11500 cro; on"1 the!11 ta" M block trees now. All fine shape. Must hu,(1 ,,v Jame8 Couzens, millionaire FORD & SON TAKE OVER MAJORITY OF STOCK Reorganization of the Ford Motor company Is being completed, whereby Edscl B, Ford, 25 years old, presi dent of the company, becomes with the exception of one other stockhold er, the sole partner with his father, Henry Ford, in the corporation. This announcement was made by Frank LKHngensmlth, vice president and general manager of the company. Mr. Klingensmith announced that purchuse had been arranged of all be seen to be appreciated, right and terms to suit. look It over. Gunter, 264 Grant street. 45-4t Price , mayor of Detroit and former vice Comrt; president of the company. Mr. Klingensmith and other offic ials of the company refused to di vulge the amount Involved In the purchase. It was estimated In finan cial circles, however, that it would SISKIYOU COUNTY REAL ESTATU AND MINES. Special bargain, $8500. The Oak Bar Store with 43 acrn-s farm land and water rlchts. Highway Bonds carried. Work wlll.tal close to $100,000,000. soon commence completing high Up to the present Henry Ford has way to coast, which survey goes haId 58 Vt p(!r cent of the Ford Motor thru this property. Barton, Yre- . . ... . , , , . ka, Calif. 45-lmo'Slock- Tlle n,lnorlty s10 bought ' - : . til Included 4 lint of John F. and FOR SALE One acre, with four; Horace E. Dodge, heads of the Dodge room cottage, on the Ashland; creek, just across the creek fromiMotor CWV- camn tround in nark. Lota of mo announcement comes as a fruit Ideal location for home or. complete surprise In motor and fi sanitarium. Will sell cheap for cash. V. II. A. Smith, 356 Gran Ito St. 44-St FOR SALE Improved acre: five room cottage; barn; chicken house; city water; on Lincoln St. Prlco reasonable. Easy terms. Bee Beaver Realty Co. 40tf large nanclal circles, as It had been ru mored for some weeks that another large automobile concern was seel. Ing the minority holdings. It Is stated on authority that Henry Ford has decided to Increase the minimum wage of Ford Motor company employes to $7 a day. It lots; fruit and good garden. Dan-;'8 'Sieved the new minimum will be lei Baron, No. 234 Avery St., Ash- Put In effect soon, probably by Aui; land. 41-lmo list 1 or thereabouts. FOIt SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE A modern bungalow. ' : Inquire 555 Falrvlew St. 4 3-1 mo ( WOMEN ELIGIBLE TO JOIN AMERICAN LEGION Prni'lnfnna frit- olmlt4lnw FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE! The ., . , " "6 . , chance of your lire. Four fine-oraen t0 membership In the Amerl young mares and one fine young can Legion have been announced by horse, for sale or will exchange for J thq national executive committee, 5-passenger car; Ford preferred ; and those In charge of the move If you have anything besides a car! ., or , n to trade write me. Will trade for;n'ent are urlnS gon women to house, balance cash or would buyj ""filiate with the organization. The car on right terms, If Interested, j plans are being made for the first write C. L. Barnura. Weed, Calif.. -convention to be held In Minneapolis V. S ! 5 !,TJre Inrivem..r 11. the anniversary of the " www.v- .-.-. ""T"-- ... ....... . .. 4 l'-Ct i 6 ""6 1110 oruiiHiice, ana me ex ecutive committee has recommended that all state bodies observe the day with appropriate celebrations. at once. MISCELLANEOUS OAK ROLLS for all purposes. II- .-lit liVLilik; w tui vui-tr j . Ilhee Mill and Manufactory. Oak land. Oregon. 46-lmo1 Corvallis. Steel bridge uiamette has been paved. across DR. SCHELLER. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 50 Main St., over Polev'g Drug Store. Phone 147 Hours by appointment. Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty. CONTRACTING FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and repair work. Cement work BDeelaltv. Tel. 430-J. 227 Granite St. 21tf WELDING AND BRAZINQ EXPERT WELDING AND BRAZING. We fix all kinds of broken metal Hnntnrn SnnnlV ComcanV, Anhland. Oreeon. 27tf PLUMBING re- PLUMBING and general pairing call Geo. L. Carey, 462 Allison St. Phone 314J. My work . .. and prices will please you 45tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1100 BUYS an Interest In new Ne vada oil field. Write for geolo . gist's deport and all particulars. Fallon Oil & Gas Co., Box 847, Tonopah, Nevada, 46-lmo. WANTED WANTED Young woman to assist with baby and housework. In quire 446 Allison St. ,46-21 WANTED Current plokers. 440 Chestnut St., or phone 415-L. 45tf WANTED A man to drive a team on the highway for the summer Address E. G., care Tidings. 45 LOST! LOST Time Book, for return of same, $5.00 reward A. L, Lamb. 46-2t A distillery Is being built at Har risburg to pool the 1919 crop of mint of Linn, Lane and Bend counties. LOST On July 4th, lady's gold watch and pin. Finder please leave at First National Bank and receive rpward. 45tf. LEGAL NOTICES TAXI SERVICE EVANS TAXI SERVICE Five pas- eenger Chalmers, Seven Passenger Hudson. Trips anywhere. Reliable I'i.drivers and quick service. Stand ,. ''at Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; Night, 10L' f THE INTERURBAN TRUCK CO. THE INTERURBAN TRUCK CO., ; '(.MedfordL Ore. Daily betwteen ,i-Ashland and Medford. Medford ... Phnnn 19- Ashland Phone 149. v-Prompt and reliable service. NOTICE VOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 24. 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Eu eene O. Bailey, of Ashland, Ore gon, who, on June 15, 1914, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 09541, for the Ntt of SE4 and SW of SE of Section 28, Township- 38, Range 2E, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three )iear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chauncey Florey. Clerk of County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, t Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 28th day of July, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses. J. N. McCune, of Ashland, Oregon; A. C. Nlslnger, of Ashland, Ore eon: Benton Bowers, Jr., of Ash land, Oregon; Lyman A. Dailey, of Ashland, Oregon - W. H. CANNON, Register. , 42-10t Fresh Meat.and Lunch Goods Largest and Best Stock In Ashland WE ARE HERE FOR SERVICE East Side Market James Barrett, Prop. Phone 18S THIRTV BILLIONS WAS COST OK WAR TO U. S.j The war cost to the United States' w $30,177,000,000 up to June 30, 1919. 1 ' Secretary Glass made this estimate In submitting to the congressional appropriation committee the state ments of the treasury on the condi tion of the nation's finances. He ar rived at the estimate by subtracting ' the average peace-time expenses for the same length of time, at the rate of $1,000,000,000 annually, from the total expenditures, $32,427,000, 000 during the war. Taxes and other revenues than borrowed money took care of $9,- 384,0011,000, or about 29 per cent of! the war cost. The remainder came; from Liberty bonds and Victory note! Issues and pavings stamps. Further issues of bonds, Mr. Glass said, will not be necessary "before j the maturity or redemption cf the Victory notes, "which have four( years to run. While It Is Imposslblo, to estimate the expenses to be In- j curred during the present fiscal year, the secretary Is confident that the treasury certificate supplemented i by the short-term notes will pro-i vide the necessary funds to pay the j government's debts.". j HOW ABOUT THAT SUMMER VACATION Have you ever looked over our stock of Hand Bags and Trunks We have the bags in full leathered the CENTRAL WEST ItOAIW WIN IN SAFETY TEST ' The Central Western region, com prising the territory from Chicago to the coast and south of Ashland,! Ore., won over all the other regions in the country in the recent "No Ac cident Week" conducted by the United States railroad,' administra tion. Federal Manager W. R. Scott of the Southern. Pacific and Western Pacific lines, the Tidewater Souths orn and Deerp Creek railroads has re ceived telegrams of congratulation from Regional Director Hale Holden and H. A. Adams. 'reclonal sunervls- or of safety, testifying to the fact that the western roads have again showed their supremacy in the realm of safety Forty-eight out of sixty roads showed a clear record and the others reduced mishaps 79 per Cent over the tame week in 1918. very last word in convenience and quality, as well as the less expensive kind. In Trunks we can please you. Our stock also includes a number of, suit cases from the full leather to the cheaper ones. We think our offerings in these lines are just a little better for the money than you will find in other stores. Come in and Look Them Over Swenson & McRae Economical House Furnishers New Oregon hops bringing 50 cts., record price In 37 years. Pureflilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N.NORTON,. TELEPHONt Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town Linnton payrolls to be Increased by more Industrial plants. Portland shipyards met a 5-day Mooney strike with a 10-day vacation. Wallowa Marble & Granite Ct. have installed power drill at quurr a few miles south of Lostlne. j 1 Salenu, State Highway Commis sion lets 100 miles new contract. ASHLAND TIDINGS DISCHAIMJKD MEN ARE GENERALLY HEALTHY i More than 93 per cent of the 2, 000100 officers and men tof the army who have been demobilized since the Bigning of the armistice, were discharged with a clean bill o neaitn, according to an announce ment from the office of the Burgeon- general of the army. Negro troops showed a slightly better physical condition than the white, but a higher percentage were held for communicable diseases. FOR RENT KR RENT Four room bungalow, 'i furnished. Phone 359 R. son FOR RENT The Bungalow for the season from May 1 to Oct. -16th. Has tables, chairs, show cases, hot vater heater and gas plate. At tne entrance to LUhia Park. Best con . ; session location in town. Apply w : B. R. Greer at Tidings office; tf FOR SALE FOR SALE A good team at a bar .': gain. 1 set of harness for $25.00. Address E. G., care Tidings. 42tf TOR RAT.TC A team of mules at a .bargain. 1 Address E. Q., care of; i -Tidings. 40" FOR SALE CHEAP If taken at once. Lumber at New Garage, i, near First Nat. Bank. A. L. Lamb. 46-2t FOR SALE Good spring wagon and surry. Inquire 737 Boulevard. 1 4C-3t GOVERNMENT HAS TWO ISLANDS FOR RENT VENTURA, Calif. The govern ment has announced that two of the Channel Islands, about 60 miles off shore, are for rent, and their descrip tions are on file in the Ventura coun ty courthouse here. The islands are Santa Barbara, an San Nicholas The lutter Is at present under lease to J. G. Howland of Los Angeles. San Nicholas, 44 miles west from San Clemente, Is seven and a half miles long and has a general width; of two and a half miles. The highest point Is 890 feet. Two thirds or the island is practically Ware sand and the balance Is covered with coarse grass and a few patchee of scrub oak. There Is a good flock of sheep on the island. , v Santa Burlmra Is a mile and a half long and a mile wide. There Is no water and' no grass, but plenty of prickly-pear shrub. This Island rises to a helghth of 547 feet. Landing Is at all times difficult. I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVE THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound ot flesh" I leave the roots to continue thslr growth. "You are next." uucKiiorn isarDer snop uiyae iwsioio ' Good Cues and Tips Billiard players prefer this place because they know that they can get GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference in the pleas ure of the game. You KNOW lt.- Profanlty, gambling and other un desirable elements are absolutely TABOO here. We Invite GENTLE MEN only. : This Is a clean, congenial amuse ment hall for decent clean-cut fel lows. Alnutt's Billiard Parlor "Clean Sport for Regular Fellows" W.A.Shell The Barber 137 . Main m I ill -FOR- SALES' IIIK We are prepared to supply all kinds of SALES BOOKS NON-DUPLICATE, DUPLICATE. TRIPLICATE . AND QUADRUPLICATE Either wiSb carbon leal or carbon on (he back 1 We Meet AH Competition UK aiui Give us a chance at your sales book business TELEPHONE 39 AND SALESMAN WILL CALL