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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
ASHLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, July 1, 1019 TACE EIGHT LTI . - . '' M - - Pictorial Review and Ladies home Journal patterns j KAYSER 6ILK HOSIERY KAYSER UNDERWEAR i - : I EIFFEL HOSE Iwid UNDERWEAR ft:- CENTEMERI KID GLOVER KAYSER SILK! GLOVES , ' KORRECT SKIRTS GOS8ARD FRONT LACE AND AME IUCAN LADY CORSETS The Fashions For. Summer Are Portrayed In AH Our New Garments There is seldom a day that something new does not show up for our-ready-to- wear stock. That is why you can al ways be assured oi finding the newest styles here and the least of the old. DAINTY WASH DRESS ES Are here Designed to make one happy on a hot day these prettily fashioned voile dresses are smartly styl ed and moderately priced. SMOCKS and MIDDIES Splendid Slew styles In linene smocks 3J5 to M-50. Navy middles and. other clever styles 1.50-.75 FLUSH COATEES For Immediate Use Nothing like them was ever seen before. There Is nothing newer nor more stylish than these pretty trimmed sport coats. MUSLIN AND SILK UNDER GARMENTS The dainty garments we are showing In muslin and silk are Just as pretty as can be found at the. prices. STYLISH BLOUSES COMING CONSTANTLY Almost weekly additions to our waist stock affords variety and assurance of lewest styles. Prices range 9.1.05 to 912.50. SUITS AND COATS There are still good suits and coats for .your selec tion. Some new advance fall styles In suits are In. ' New Things In Dry Goods Department: PRINTED GEORGETTES . NEW SILKS MORE NEW GINGHAMS Handsome patterns In NEW VOILES a new lot of Tolle-du- light and dark ground 1 CURTAIN SORIMS Nord ginghams Just open- prlnted georgeUMl Thl DRAPERIES ' They are fine are popular now and pe l' DRAPERIES ' i H . quality ajnd pretty pat- Ing out fast. ' WHITE GOODS terng MEN'S WEAR SERGES NECKWEAR SKINNERS SILKS This has been an Item PERCALES . , . . Too well known to need hard to secure In good RUFFLLVGS , quality. We have re- tel1 'ou that wo Ml1 ceived.from our mill two SHEETINGS them We have 404 g. good qualities. TOWELS in and Skinners Taffeta f ASHLAND WINS GAME . (Continued from page one) one fellow In the short ribs and a ouple of errors had filled the bases, Coleman could easily have lasted the game and gets credit for the win but the several auto loads of Ash land fans wanted to see Wilson in action ind' enjoye ,the Spectacle He Is about the sweetest looking pitcher that has mounted the mound In these parts for a long time and will make the Klamath Falls and Grants Pass lads break their backs reaching for them during the cele bration series. r- The Yreka folks gave the Ashland boys a cordial reception and It was commonly remarked thruout the grandstand that two cleaner, gen tlemanly aggregations of young men have never graced a ball parkk There was no "crabbing" and no rough stuff such as often mars a ball game. Both bunches were full of pep and fight but confined themselves to RIBBONS Are in wonderful demand again for sashes and frills. You win find plain or fancies in abundance here. VEJLINGS Pretty patterns in cap yells; black, brown, navy. Attractive new veilings In smartly decorative ef fects. 23c to 91.50. GLOVES Centemerl Kid Gloves are as good as the market af fords and we have a good stock of light summer . shades. PURSES New hand purses of bet ter quality at 93.00 to 90.00. Popular priced ones 91.35 to 9.75. Also the new moire silk and the velvet bags. HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Full fashioned silk hose in brown or dark grey. 92.00 pair Eiffel heavy jsllk hose; black, white, brown, grey 92.85 pair Seamless silk hose, 91.00 Heavy fibre, all colors, 91-25 Fine lisle hose in brown," grey and white, 65o Ladies' black hose, fine' quality, 35c to 85c SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR VACATION OUTFIT SMARTLY STYLED BATHING SUITS Many pretty models to salect from. The assort ment Is at its best now and includes the season's prettiest color combina tions in bathing wear. Prices 91.40 to 97.50 SIMMER SWEATERS FOR SPORTS WEAR For vacation trips, for evening wear, for sudden changes a Sweater Is a life saver. Here are the very latest in slip-overs end fancy fibre silks and new wool sweaters. KHAKI GARMENTS FOR OUTING WEAR An unusually good line of outing wear including riding breeches, Jackets,' pklrtsj middies', dresses, koveralls, etc. ' One good style in breecheB has leggins attached. On Savings Recounts Wo- Interest A Dollar Starts an Account. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY THE 1NTERURBAN TRUCK CO. THE INTERURBAN TRUCK CO., MedfortL Ore. Dnly; betwteen Ashland and Medfard. Medford Phone 124; Ashland Phone 149. Prompt and reliable service. FOR SALE Eighty white Leghorn pullets and sixty white Leghorn rooster)!, IVi' months old., 341 Almond. Phone 304-R. 43-4t FOR SALE Seven room house, four large lots fruit and good garden. Will sell for 11200.00 or will trado. for close in property. Mrs. Leav- itt. 440 . Cluestnift 'St. Phone 415L. 43tt FOR SALE Modern 6-room bunga low, well located, leaving town. Will sell chbap. Call 255J or 670 Blvd. 43-lt WANTED A brick setter. Job at Klamath Falls, tUree months' work. W.'R. Smith," 901 Pine street. Klamath Falls. 43-lt. FOR EXCHANGE RevjetsiUle disc sulky dIow for stock or chickens. Address B. B.' Whltmore, . Gold Hill. Oregon. 43-2t WANTED Care of children durins Roundup. Call 340 Granite ani make arrangements. 43-2t FOR SALE Khaki tent In good condition. Size 14 by 12. 4-foot wall. Inaulre Mrs. E. M. Stan- nard, phone 419-J. 43-2t. FOR CHILDREN We have a splendid black hose a new number in fine rib at 30c-35c-38c according to size. Western Cities Are Affected By Strike PORTLAND, Ore., Jun 30. Un ion operators employed by the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph com pany struck here today, In sympathy 'With those on strike in California. It was said the entire 800 opera tors employed by the company here would join In the strike. Four hun dred were out by 9 a. m. ' A few electricians Joined the strike and their, union officers said they Would decide on a course to follow as a 4dy at a meeting tonight : ' SEATTLE, Wash., June 30. tBoth sides In the prone strike here today claim control of the situation. The electrical workers were ex jiected to Join the operators In the strike today. &POKANE, . Wash'! June' 30. D, P. Reid, financial secretary of the electrical workers' union, said to day the electricians employed by the Pacific Telephone company would probably strike today. SPOKANE, Wash"., June 30. Two hundred employes of Armour & Car eens lacking tfldnt at ruck today, following the rejection of a demand for 60 cents a day Increase In wages. BYWAYS ATTRACTIVE BUT OFTEN DEM'DE William Sullivan, family and cat of Boise, Idaho, drove thru Eastern Oregon, arriving In Ashland last week. ' They expect to locate in the valley and are stopping In the auto camp ground until their house is vacated. Mr. Sullivan covered many roads thru Eastern Oregon on his way lvere and gave Secretary Mow at, of the Commercial Club, much information".' which he will be glad to pass along to any one dealing to take a trip thru that sec Uotf.' towards I(5jah,ov TJie general advice Mr. Sullivan gave is that any one going to Eastern Oregon Bhould keep to the main roads as much as possible. While scenic effects may be procured by taking the byways, these roads are also free from In habitants, and a breakdown might necessitate a walk of fifty miles or some such distance. Not the least important member of this family party is the cat, a beautiful Persian thorobred anlmnl fthat has accompanied them on their entire trip. Pussy Is domiciled In a retreat at the back of the car, and on being called pops up In a most attractive manner to make the ac quaintance of passereby. first of the present year. . This estimate Is on the basis that new registrations represent new au tomobiles and thjat the average amount paid for a new car Is $1,800. It is said at the secretary of state's office that new registrations in the great majority of Instances repre sent new cars. The state records do not show the valuation of cars, but automobile dealers place the aver age price at about $1800. The esti mate here given embraces "pleasure and commercial vehicles and ex cludes motorcycles. - 1019 A (KK)II YEAR ' ! FOR AUTO iKALKHS . Simple computation, after a pe rusal of the records in the atttomo- glle registration department of the secretary of state's officf, brings the astounding revelation that moro lhan $26,000,000 has been spent tdr new automobiles lnj;.pregon-sJiice . th.e Losses by fire in Deschutes coun ty during' year ending March 31, 1919, on which insurance was paid totaled' $11,974. 4i. Corvallis ' $69,987 engineering laboratory building to be built . at o. a. o. .''; Milton prune . growers smiling ovfer record offer of $127 a ton. ", Rotfcburg New theatre building here rears completion playing ball and made a booster of very spectator, by so doing. Ashland now has a real ball team, a clean ball team and one which every Ashlander should see In ac tion. The games listed for the cele bration are as follows: Yreka at 10 a. m. July 3; Klamath Falls at 10 a. mi July 5, and Grants Pass at 2:30 p. m. July 6. Because of the over-full program for the 4th the town team will play no game on that date. Come out folks and give them the backing that a'team like this de serves. Lilly suffered an Injured knee and was taken out in the 8th inning at Yreka. Immediate attention and every care that money can buy Is being given him in order po get him back Into the celebration series and the doctor in charge expects to get him Into shape to swing' his bat in the regular line-up ' when the reka boys get here the 3rd. Harper I mn Sil.Fi A modern bungalow. Inquire 655 Falrvlew St. 4 3-1 mo FOR SALE Ideal Stock Ranch, cou tains 2018 acres, Cuts 500 torn wild hay. Pastures 700 head of cattle and BO horses. Fine out side range. Nine miles of good fencing. Two thousand . dollars offered for pasture this season. Has 15,000,000 feet of saw tim ber. .Sportsman's paradise boat riding, abundance of bear, deer, water fowl, fish and fur bearing animals. Large reservoir site. Great power possibilities at small '. cost. Numerous large springs Of fine mountain water rising on premises. Large stream of water with a fall of 300 feet In a quarter mile. Located' on the shore of Buck Lake. In the heart of Cas cade mountains. Great summer resort. Three hours auto ride from Ashland, 35 miles away. Two hours auto ride from Klamath Falls, 26 miles distant. Abstract fnrnlBbed up to date. For price and terms address owner, J. J. Cambers, General delivery; resi dence 126 Scenic Drive, Ashland. Oregon. . 43-2t Reedhpjort Publishing Ck. Incor- of Dunsmulr and 'dossIM om or1 P1 vlth 25'00,) ttl"tl1 WUI two other first class men are being :in8ta" P PrtntI Plant negotiated for to complete the ros ter from which the line-ups will be picked. The score by innings follows: 123456789 T Ashland 033002111 11 Hits 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 2") Yreka 330000100 7 Hits 212100321 12 Yreka here, 10 a, m.,. July 3rd. Be there. St. Helens Dock t Terminal Co. organlKad, capital $200,000, to build ltt miles railroad. 2500 ft load ing dock on Sauvies Island planned. St Helens Standard OH Co. to build $20,000 oil distributing sta tion ere. Cottage Grove Apple growers In Loranoe valley estlmajte yield ' of 25,000 boxes this fall. Bargain In Paints We have left only SO gal. of the fa mous Acme Quality House Paints which we are offering until sold at Colors only. A good selection. Reg. price of these paints is $4.50 per gallon. Better get yours before our stock is gone. The low price of $3 per gallon will hold good only until 50 gallons are sold. Better get in on this bargain. Must be taken in Gallon Lots and up Swenson -4 McRae Economical House Furnishers