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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
PAGE 8EVE.1 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Auto Mechanics Must Be Efficient One cent the word each time. .Twenty words one month one dollar. MICXIE SAYSV: r tme at&. 9 fcm rout f on a.t u rt if urn' 'ovf paul jones' NIY CHCKtM COOP JMA. F& HO OV)f f 'BOVJt MtTS POtAP&ftik4M4 POP, i urn oiwm 1fc1S UKt 1hM , WllCH ) ( 1fc1S UKt 1hM , VYtlCH J A raiwf . do we ftn7 PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMJ1EXS Physician and anrgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg.. opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore, Phone 567. . 21-tf DK. EBSKST A. WOODPractlce limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf R D. BRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Slock, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of thla club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS. Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to particular musical people. Endorsed by the leading musical people of Southern Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 52-tf CONTRACTING FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and repair work. Cement work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 Granite St. 21tf . WELDING AND BRAZING C.' B. Lane at Transfer office, Oak Btreet. 42-4t I'SED CARS . FOR SALE Good Ford car, Bros. Phone 213. Roee 89tf FOR SALE OR TRADE That the motorist may be pro tected from the Inefficiency of un trained automobile mechanics and repair men, and that craftsmen may be protected from Inefficient com' petition, the state board of auto me chanics examiners, created by the ART loflalatDM la H alMhntlnv a.i- chance of your life. Four fine P1108"0'1 blanks looking to the early young mares and one fine young , examination and' licensing of every norsi?, ror sale or win exchange for auto mechanic In the state. 5-passenger car; Ford preferred. The examining board, E. E. Bog- If vmt navA nnvfh n Ks I ,1 a aa to rade wne : "Vffl Ed. tor Fancher, vice house, balance cash or would buy pre6laent- &na Mk wanning, sec car on right terms, If Interested, retary-treasurer, will have Us head- write C. L. Barmam, Weed, Cal., quarters dn Portland, where appli A .1 J - u-m m ' "'I cation blanks may be obtained by o r VL 1 1 lav MAAra niA-a A nana " at once. 41-6t WANTED WANTED Woman to wait on tabla In lodging camp. Address Weed Lumber Co., Weed, Calif. 40-4t addressing box 761, altho applicants for examination may secure blanks from their county clerks, or from lo cal garagv. Examinations will be held later In 15 centrally located cities In the state and will cover various specialized activities of auto trades as well as the usual lines of GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK. Out of town. Best wages. Nice place to work. No washing. Fareimotor repair work reiunaea. Auaress ai, care oi Ashland Tidings and state wages wanted. 41-4t WANTED Good live hustlers to sell fruit and soft drinks at the round ii n sTounda July 3. 4. 6. See W. E. Pelrson. 42-2tjor all subjects for which he Is, ,.,.v. ..... 7.ln oPnn. quaunea. upon nj.ic,L L(ive rusuers to maae big money selling at Round-up. E. Plorson. 42- WAXTED A girl or woman for housework during the month of July. .No washing or Ironing Phone 398R. 42tf WANTED Nice BIng cherries for Rounduo. W. E. Pierson. 42-2t Pacific Fleet Comes' West This Month The recently created Pacific fleet now "being organized from vessels heretofore forming a part of the At lantic forces, will sail from Hamp ton Roads for the west coast between July 15 and 20, Secretary Daniels has announced. Mr. Daniels prob ably will be a passenger on one of the warships. ' The superdreadnaught New Mexico will fly Admiral Hugh Rodman's flag as flagship of the Pacific fleet and the Pennsylvania will remain th flagship of the Atlantic fleet. The composition of the two fleets! Secretary Daniels announced, will be made public In a few days. The Pacific fleet upon reaching the western coast will visit San Di ego, Los Angeles, S&n 'Francisco I nnrf nrnliflhlv wilt malrA ihk aai pieces. Eastern Supply Company." camels lr auie 10 make me trip, will ABhland, Oregon. 27tf visit the Pacific coast naval yards lend establishments with a view to TAXI SERVICE EVANS TAXI SERVICE Five pas senger Chalmers, Seven Passenger Hudson. Trips anywhere. Reliable drivers and quick service. Stand at Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; Night. 10L FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room bungalow, furnished. Phone 359 R. 35tf FOR RENT The Bungalow for the season from May 1 to Oct. 15th. Has tables, chairs, show cases, hot water heater and gas plate. At the entrance to Llthla Park. BeBt con session location In town. Apply to B. R. Greer at Tidings office, tf FOR SALE FOR SALE A good team at a bar gain, l set of harness for 125.00 Address a G., care Tidings. 42tf FOR SALE Milk fed fryers. Phone ZU6-J. , making recommendations to congress next December for necessary chang ee. . In announcing the date of depar ture of the Pacific fleet from Hamp ton Roads, which is about a month earlier than previously contemplat ed, Secretary Daniels said he had planned on visiting the Pacific coast In August and that he.tberefore, would make every effort to go with tha flqfet ltt order to study the scope of contemplated improvements of the naval facilities at the Pana ma canal. It was learned at the navy ' de partment that extensive changes would be necessary in the naval es- stabllshment at the canal zone, es pecially on the Pacific sidle, to take care of the greatly augmented Pa cific fleet APRICOTS Extra fine this season. Order now and be sure of yours. we will pay cash for currants, When It was first decided to make the Atlantic and Pacific fleets of equal size and strength, the plan 41-4tjwas to send all of the oll-burnlng ships to the west coast and to keep the coal-burning vessels In the At lantic, due to the geographical dis- raspberries, blackberries and early apples. Call 9F2, Albert C. Joy. 41-4t TOR SALE Big team mares, team yearling colts, harness and wagon: also Velio- valve separator. Call at 156 7th 8t. 35-lmo position of the nation's fuel resourc es. This plan has been abandoned, It was announced recently. The board will examine with writ ten, oral and manual tests, pre pared, President Boggess declares, in an understandable manner, and the applicant may be examined In any la com pletion of the tests the applicant will be rated according to his ability In at feast three classes. Deeming a purely theoretical ex amination unfair to many excellent mechanics, who have no theoretical training, such tests be omitted. The classification of mechanics will serve the dual purpose of giving credit where credit Is due and to act as an incentive to others to Increase their knowledge and efficiency In their crafts. Mechanics who fall to take the examination will be subject to a pen alty of $100. The examination fee will be $5. FISHER LAUNDRY GO. General Laundry Business Phone 105 also FRENCH DRY CLEANING and Dye Works Phone 196 CALIFORNIA TO VOTE ON ROAD BOND ISSI E California is starting a good roads campaign that Involves the bond is sue of $40,000,000 to come before the voters of the state today, and of FOR SALE A team of mules at a 'bargain. Address E. Q , care of Tidings. 40tl FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE Imnroved acre: five wui couage; uarn; cnicneu house; city water; on Lincoln St. Price reasonable. Easy Kerms. Write owner, Fred L. Ulen, Lew iston, Idaho. 40tf TOR SALE 7-room house; 4 large ota; fruit and good garden. Dan iel Baron, No. 234 Avery St., Ash land. 41-lmo TOR SALE 3 good milch, cows. In- luire H. Hash, 937 Oak, or phone 292J. 42-2t TOR SALE OR RENT 3 good used sewing machines, Inquire of Mrs NORTHWEST TO WORK FOR RECLAMATION Oregon will co-operate with eight other western states in a convention that may be called in the northwest at an early date for the purpose of bringing pressure to bear on con gress to pass the Lane bill appro priating 1500,000,000 for reclama tion In' the west. A letter to the gov ernor from S. E. Brady, president of the Idaho Reclamation - Association reached State Engineer Percy A Cupper, who has replied that dele gates will be sent from this state and co-operation given in any other helpful way. Co-operaiton also Is asked from the states of New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, California, Montana and Utah. Pendleton Cherry growers ceiving $300 a ton for BIngs, re- which will establish a system eight main east and west highways an connect the north and south systems. The "beginnings of and the whys" of the proposed bond is sue are set out by L. A. Nares, the chairman , of the California good roads campaign committee' as fol lows: : ' ; "This year a well balance4 plan of additional road building was laid out by the people of California, act ing thru a committee of twenty-one, and presented, to a Joint meeting of the senate and assembly, at which representatives of every county In the state were present "This plan, with additional roads to meet the requirements of somo sections, was subsequently, adopted by the legislature, and a constitu (tional amendment, Not C7. to be voted on by the people on July 1, will enable our highway commission to Immediately put this plan In ope ration, as well as complete 1. Our original plan of main highways. "2. The several county seat lat als, and "3. The ceven cross laterals, for which three million dollars was vof ed by the people In November, 1918. Every fair claim from any see Hop of . the state was well debated land settled by the committee bf twenty-one and the .final plan was passed by both houses of the legls Jature .unanimously, and pledges to vote for the bond issue were" made ny representatives , or. almost . every county in the state at this ' joint meeting. in Sacramento of the high way committee. "The California good roads cam paign committee has1 Issued a map 'showing the several roads In which Una $40,000,000 la to be invested, and no one will deny but that when this, proposed highway . system , is completed California will have one second to none la this country. . Besides the two main arteries running from north to south, one along the coast and the other thru our two interior valleys, with con nections from the Oregon line to the Arizona western boundary, there will 1 IB Ii vii r am mi in mi mil muni nn inmii i ii.i j n' j u- r i I w mm I i If I AY your smoketaste JLi flush up against listening post and voull get the Prince Albert call, all right! YouH hunt a jimmy pipo so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every puff youH wish you had been born twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com pletely. That's because it has the quality t And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra grance is Prince' Albert's freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tell you to smoke your fill at any clipjimmy pipe or makin's cigarette without a comeback I Toppy rtd bog; tidy rid tin$, handwom poamf nJ half pound tin humidor and that cUvtr, practical pound cryttal gla$$ humidor with wponga moiittntt . top that kitpi thi tobacco in tuck parid condition. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C be eight main east and west high ways distant about 75 to 100 miles apart from north to south, provld Hng mocuminrder Ing communication with Nevada on three of the main roads of that state at northern, central and southern California. Arizona will also have three separato gateways, while Ore gon will secure two. "Connection of all county seats with the trunk lines will now be as sured, as well as the Improvement of several state mountain roads." I GET TUB DEARD DVT LEAVD THE ROOTS v ' I'm not after the "pound of nesh" I leave the roots to continue their; growth. . i "You are next." , Buckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Oostolo 17 ASH LAN b TIDINGS FOR- M(K ii I u 31 We are prepared to supply all kinds of SALES BOOKS 9: NON-DUPUCA7E, DUPLICATE, TRIPLICATE AND QUADRUPLICATE Either with carbon leal or carbon on Ibe back Wc Meet All Coiiipciiiion Give us a chance at your sales book business TELEPHONE 39 AND SALESMAN WILL CALL