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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
FACE 6CC ASHLAND HDIXGS Tuesday, Jufy 1, 1010 3fc!l ssT?y Us FfcsiP wtf pay you to make inquiry of us before purchasing elsewhere Builders Hardware, Shelf Hardware, Household Goods Tools, Etc. Simpson's Hdw, Store Inquiries To Pur chase Property The following Inquirlos for prop erty have beidti received by the Ore gon State Chamber of Commerce, at 702. Onegon Building, Portland, Ore. So that Tidings subscribers may get In touch with these prospects we arje printing a full list below. If any of them interest you write to the State Chamber of Commerce' and it will put you In touch with the prospect. These are published In the Tidings without coat to anvhodv',' i . ... ----- , , in order to help our subscribers. No. 3 In a letter received from a gentloman in Indiana he states he has 110,000 capital to Invest in any of the following lines: Gener al store, garage, small manufac turing plant or some attractive ntew business. No. 4 A sash and door factory; which also does turning and cabi net work, located In the State of Washington, wishes to move to a desirable location in Oregon. Ma chinery and stock, valued at $15,- 2?0- S(Jek8 a working capital of 110,000 but a lessor amount under favorable circumstances might be ucuuiJiuuie. ranch of from 700 to 1S00 acres. Would like a ranch that Is stocked . and prefers a cattle ranch to sheep ranch, but would look over both. Is Interested In Douglas, Lake and Malheur counties. No. 23 Party from Iowa, with $4.' 500 for investment, wants about 20 or 30 acres of cultivated land. with good commercial orchard of 5 or 6 acres. Prefors locating n(oar Grants Pass or In Valley, or towards the Coast along Borne good road. If ho finds desirable place, will move at once. So. 24 Father and son desire to dovelop a large blooded stock farm In this territory and with to pur ohane approximately 1000 aores of land, part of which might be regarded highly productive low land and a part good grazing land. 40 acres of timber, part sugar For name and address of any of: nine a eood investment at nrlce of the above, address Oregon State fered Chamber of Comrn'orce, 702 Oregon ' . Real Estate A tine 100 acre Valley farm on Pa cific Highway, lucludlng a good crop, 320 acre stock farm at a very low; price. Dulldlng, Portland, Oregon.. The Manufacturer And His Market Pure flilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. - vice to Any Part of Town TELEPH0NL 392-J Good Se'r- Dandruff killing air' A A . Jamlesouj Itl-acre famous Wil- -Roseburg and Sheridan canneries low Wood) fttook ranch, hare sells begin operations. Brad well Fruit for $75,Q. -V . .i Co. at Medford will enlargle plant. I ' J'r sft if "One of the vital factors confront lug th9 automobile accessory Jobber No. 5-A nnrtv i,n m nnft ln stocklnf a lIne of merchandise Is for Investment within a very short flle Illan'a' standing and common lima. Desires a farm of 160 clal reputation of the manufactur- acr?8 modern Improvements and ar," says Don E. Campbell, General ""t'"S. rreiers wil-i Manneer of h Wnnritlto 7 fard. acres in alfalfa near Boule- 10 acres near Ashland 5 room bungatlow and barn 8 acres in cul tivation. Fine proposition for small acreage and chickens, . Labora tories, manufacturer of Spoktlte, Toptlte and Kantmar Autowash, and one of the biggest advertisers KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOKOUT! Kidney troubles don't disappear of tbamsnlvcs. They (trow (lowly but steadily, ' undnrmlniiia; health with deadly certainty, until you fall a vlo llm to incuraMe (IIkmik. top your troubles while there Is time. Don't watt unM little pains become big; whet. Don't' trtllo with disease. To oid future suffering; tiesrin treatment with GOLD MKUAl, Haarlem Oil Cap aules now. Take three. or four every day until you are entirety free from rain. 1 . Tbla well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Hol land for eenturlea. In 1090 the govern, ment of the Netherlands granted a epeclal charter authorising IU prepara tion and sale. Tbe housewife of Holland would al moit at toon be without food ai with out hsr "Real Dutch Drops," as aha quaintly rails OOI,D MEDAL Haarlem OH Capsules. They restore strength and are responsible In a great measure for the sturdy, 'robust health of the Hollanders. , Do not delay. Go to' your druggist and InslHt on his supplying you with GOLD MK1ML Haarlem OH Capsules. Take them aa dlrectod, and If you are not satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the bos and accept no other. In sealed boxes. three a lies. lamette Valley or Dufur Valley. Prefers to make Initial payment of C,000 rather than $10,000. No. 6 An Inquiry has bbon receiv ed from a party in Wyoming de- on the Pacific Coast. i uuraiase iwo or turee "This," says Mr. Campbell, "is of ee. to be used In connection with I Th6 SMm vbo ,S al'ut t0 tine raising of shetep. . order any line of goods, should con- 'Mv head itrheH unbearably and mv hair was coming out by the handful. A few applications of Wililroot loosened snd removed quantities of dandruff the itching stopped. Today it is thicker and more beautiful than ever." THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For wait htn undtr s montyback guarantM POLEV'S DRUG STORE Wlldmnt Shampoo Snap, oaM In connect loa vllh will hiutten thMmattnent. No. 7 This office has had consider ate correspondence with a Colo- slder carefully whether or not firms available for that order the are nidation Society, with, hoadquar-! likely to I In existence flvo or iers in mo east. Thin Inquiry i cornea rrom a very substantial of-1 , , . " '"" uo ganlzation. This company re-sp powers of discernment, but quires largij tracts of land which! 8lmP'y a business-like stjrajtlnizlng must hold up under a most lhorOjOt tho producer's financial and com- SSto'!!?! 8tatuS- Th9 -tto. then Teioives Itself lnto one of two 'thing. Either the manufacturer gives every indication of living up to all sound business requirements or he does not. A decision as to business relations In such clrcum- Cverythinf M il HOTEL MANX li OUipow the Jl m realm' of child- l Jk ' .hood dreams jjj ml jr s a 'and jffl mfh (fy swsets- 1 llCJ Make some of V$C those drcams i 8r:'V?v reality by j 7 taking home 1 1 frequently. p -lW(jfr3 How about Ml Wm Jl y i SCALED TIGHT . Wg B hrf ttPT FICHT ytWM ml The Flavor Jm iB.y Lasts! 'jMrp PoweHSt, alCTarrctl San Franclscc In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby ,fineservice,and nomelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 op. c . 1 nomelike restaurant tim UU Uill nffrart an.. til ill i. uB.u tuua inn Maiageaeit W. B. Janes owners of the land, if the prelim! nary negotiations are mutually satisfactory. No. 9 Party from Wisconsin wishes to rent or lease a partly Improved place of about 40 acres or less. With eood orcharrl fnr famllv nan with privllego of buying later on,:Btance8 18 therefore not a difficult if same Is satisfactory. Prefers matter. The line of cleavage is too southwestern Oregon. Distance distinctly marked irora raiiroaa or town or no great importance. In 8 (acres bearing orchard cloao Low price; easy terms. BILLINGS AGENCY Real Estate and Insurance. Established 1S83 Phone 211 41 East Main St, No. 10 Wanted, a first class farm of 80 to 100 acres preferably in the vamey territory, which may be utilized as a breeding place for thorobred pigs. Ao. 12 North Dakota ncrtv has about $3,000 to invest in dairy or walnut farm within six miles of a to admit of any! If a woman is nervous or hat dixiy TlU'TH TU1USIPH3 for tha Ashlund Citizens Testify Public Kcnefit. A truthful Rtainmannf on - w& Kll BDH- iana citizen, given In his own wnrrio snouid convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If you suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney merllninA. An Ashland citizen tpllfl. nf rtnnn'a waney puis. .Could you demand lng proof of merit? Allen Davis. 137 First Sf Sometime ago I had a bad attack of kidney and bladder trouble. It came on so suddenly I thought I was done for. My back ached and the kldnev secretions were so painful In pas sage I could hardly stand the misery. I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills and they proved a godsend to mo. They corrected the , trouble anu restored me to my usual good neaun. ' Price 60c. at all dealers. . TWfc simpiy ask tor a kidney remedy-rget Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Davis had. Fostor-Mllburn Co.. wigrs., uurralo, N. y, 2,325,000 DE LAVAL SEPARATORS IX DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER Wherever grass grows and cows are milked, you will find the De La val the favorite cream separator. More De Lavals are In use than all other makes combined. The De Laval is time tested. It was the pioneer cream separator In is 1 8 anrj has led In popularity and sales for forty years. It's the world's standard cream separator. ASHLAND CREAMERY doubt. The coin of Integrity and spcU8' BUUer8 lrom 0wlui P"" " re8uUr stability must ring true or it is or 'ahT intervals she shouh turn to a counterfeit and unbankable." "Again," said the Woodtite Mana ger, "no Jobber can afford to stock an article and spend time in sales tonic made up of herbs, and without al cohol, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Druggists sell it in liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents to the 2:,' zTs? i?.rj3 " : - " "'".package. Then, for the liver and bowels manufacturer has gone out of busl-1 nnthZ j, , r,r P-- . good high sfcliool, preferably in Yamhill River Valley. Wants a place large enough to koop fifteen cows. No. 13 Two brothers in California, with $5,000 capital each, would like to rent or buy leither a stock, mixed or dairy farm in Oregon, partly Improved. Fruit not want ed. No. 14 Man from Minnesota, with $6,000 for Investment, wishes to engage In poultry and bee keeping and frut and borry raising near a city with good educational advan tages.' Small place preferred. No. 15 Michigan farmer, with $10,- 000 capital, writes ho is interest ed in purchasing a ranch in East ern Oregon. Wishos advice re- ness. Things have got to bo stand ard, and high standard at that. Only by absolute merit and established superiority does a product become standard. The others slmDlv do not count. The question of standard ap plies just as much to the Jobber as to the public. The public demands 'standard. The Jouler has got' to maet that demand, or he is going against the stream Instead of with it. Furthermore, the Jobber, by dealing onlji in standard products, is sure of a standard future, which means sol- 'Idlty, reliability, permanence qual- itlM and circumstances upon which the Jobber can only afford to build a connection for a product." ' "Still another phase," he con tlnued, "is the manufacturer's duty In, the matter of advertising, not only with regard to himself but to both the Jobb3r and the public. The quality of an article will largely take of Itself. No factory can af ford to spend thousands of dollars icontlnuously in advertising an infer ior article. It is also important to remember that advertising in me diums of probity and influence serve two excellent purposes. The first is that the attention of consumers is Aroused by the superior quality of an article; the second is that such a nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are little, augar-coateJ pills, composed of Mayapple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap things that Nature grows in the ground. Ofdm, Utah "Durinf espoctaaey I suffered nrera Dermis break -down. Becamt vcrjr weak.' waa nauaeated and sick all tha time. My motlwr adrised me to take Dr. Pierces Fare-rite Prescrip tion. After the fint few duat-a I could eat, some thing I had not dona (or soma time. I kept on taking it snd had practically no suffering snd a fine large baby, weighing eleven pounds. I would advise all prospective mothira to take 'Favorite. Prescription." They couU tako nothing better." Afra. John WuUm, 370 24 t gardlng farm valuos, prices of.lnedium warrants that all statements nvesiocK, sneep ana nogs, living m!,ri nr tn, . u .hnu 1 Hi W.hShell TheBarber i c i. 137 E. Main Stretch of road and Due completed. between Odell conditions, schools, etc. No. 17 Agent In Toronto, Canada, wlshies Information as to farms and farm lands for rent or for sale, particularly as hie may be able to interest others. Would also like to get in touch with shippers of fruit, potatoes and lumber, who desire to extend tholr business. No. 18 Gentleman in Western Ore gon would like to hear from any one who would consider half in terest in. a 33 acre cranberry bog. No. 19 Man in Montana would like be clearly recognized now-a-days that no reputable newspaper or periodi cal will stand for gross misrepre sentation 'in its ad spaces' Its repu tation in this Yespect Is a big asset, which It surely must protect;' oth erwise, its desired influence, is. threatened with destruction. "The Woodtite Laboratories at tribute their phenomenal success for Spoketlte, Toptlte and Kantmar Au- EYES TESTED Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Furnished Same Day Fitted Factory on Premise E. D. ELWOOD OPTOMETRIST - Medford,' Oregon 801 E. Main to trade 320 acres of good wheat ltowash t0 tlle fact that the'- Blnce land, partly improved, for land in the beginning, have been building Oregon. Prjefers Willamette or for the future, A superior article Rogue River Valleys and must get close to school. No. 20 A letter has been received from a man In Missouri with $ 'with a satisfied customor for all time, means far more than an add 'ed peroentage of profit for the pres- nnn fnr invcvatmpnt who wishes toi'ent purchase a farm in Oregon, pre ferably Eastern or Southern part Wants to engage in general farm ing or stock raising (no truck or eardenlng) and win consider oniy PROH1 LEGISLATION SPLIT IX 3 SECTIONS 'WASHINGTON, -June 26. The land wherle at least 20 acres are house Judiciary committee voted to suitable for alfalfa or clover and 'split prohibition - legislation into balance for small gram H mere three Darts, with the enforcement of war-time prohibition separate from constitutional prohibition and manu facture of industrial alcohol. Is a road to the place, he does not mind If It is 20 miles from the railroad. No. 22 Man In Montana wants I'M VERY ANXIOUS To make a quick turn of some real estate, so offer my cherry orchard of 5.72 aeries, with crop, subject to tenant's rights, at a decided bargain. 600 feet frontage on Pacific Highway, 3H miles north of Ashland P. O, About 175 Blng, Royal Anne and Lambert trees set out In 1908 and 1910, mostly true to name. Also vacant lots, a 5-acre block In Ash land and 200 aeries fine tim ber, Jackson Co. TermB. Bonds accepted at par. Write for price or wire best often. Don't delay I want action. It's YOUR chance use it! Hurry! N. J. UEASOVER, Iteming, New Mex. . 41-3t I 1